How to Write a Captivating Feature Article | Blake McCoy | Chicago, IL

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How to Write a Captivating Feature Article There are various kinds of feature article writing. Journalists involved in feature writing are known to go beyond the usual facts to uncover the hidden stories beneath the surface. If you’re a new writer or a freelance journalist looking to improve your skills, these tips can help you get started.

Take Time to Research

Create a Powerful Headline

Besides the usual facts, a good

Unlike hard news stories,

feature story also needs evidence. Aside from interviews and quotes,

feature articles don’t try to hide

other sources such as family

the truth but rather provide an

members, eyewitnesses, and

in-depth analysis of a particular

anecdotes can help develop a

subject or location. A good

compelling and unique story. Having

feature story should attract

the opportunity to hear their stories can help create a more balanced and

readers’ attention long enough to create a lasting impression.

exciting story.

Hook the Audience The opening paragraph should be the main focus of the feature story, as it should introduce the reader to the story and provide them with a reason to keep reading. In addition to giving the reader a compelling and unique story, the first paragraph should also introduce tension and give readers a reason to keep looking for more information.


Make It Effective

Feature writing is structured

If you’re planning on creating a tense

similarly to how you would write a

setup for your feature story, the reader

short story. However, don’t be

should feel like there are many points

afraid to try making the format your

to it. Your main body should contain all

own. As long as the information

the necessary information and the

flows seamlessly into your story

payoffs the reader has anticipated.

and the emotional arc is connected,

Even if the story doesn’t end as you

you will likely create a compelling

want it to, the conclusion should still

feature article.

feel satisfying to the readers.

Conclusion A feature story is a type of news story that goes beyond the usual facts to create a compelling and unique narrative. Unlike hard news stories, feature articles don’t try to hide the truth but rather provide an in-depth analysis of a particular subject or location. A good feature story will attract readers’ attention long enough to create a lasting impression.

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