Equipping Zepp@Bigbox Singapore
103/06/2017 Singapore: MICA MICA (P) (P) 020/05/2017 020/05/2017 Singapore: PPS 1604/05/2013(022953) 1604/05/2013(022953) PPS
Singapore: Singapore: Singapore:MICA MICA MICA(P) (P) (P)103/06/2017 103/06/2017 103/06/2017 PPS PPS PPS1604/05/2013(022953) 1604/05/2013(022953) 1604/05/2013(022953)
Volume Volume16 16Issue IssueSix Six November–December November–December2017 2017
NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWSAllAllsystems systemsgogofor forBose BoseIndia, India,B&C B&Ctakes takescontrol controlatatEighteen EighteenSound Sound
SPECIAL SPECIALREPORT REPORTJim JimSides Sideshas hasAsia Asiaininhis hissights sightswith withEklektric Eklektric
38 38
SPECIAL SPECIALREPORT REPORTBehind Behindthe thescenes scenesatatAudioNetworking@TheStar AudioNetworking@TheStar
40 40
EDUCATION EDUCATIONK-array K-arrayininMalaysia Malaysiaand andSingapore, Singapore,Avid’s Avid’sIndian Indiantraining training
42 42
DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTIONNew Newpartners partnersfor forSGM, SGM,Ecler, Ecler,Merging Mergingand andAdamson Adamson
46 46
APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTSChanges ChangesatatOhm, Ohm,Lynx LynxTechnik Technikand andCoda CodaAudio Audio
50 50
NEW NEWPRODUCTS PRODUCTSThe Theindustry’s industry’smost mostcomprehensive comprehensiveproduct productnews news
55 55
FEATURES FEATURES BUILDING BUILDINGBRICS BRICSSeamless Seamlesstranslation translationatatthe theXiamen XiamenBRICS BRICSSummit Summit
92 92
CURTAIN CURTAINCALL CALLThe Thenew newperforming performingarts artscentre centreatatMelbourne’s Melbourne’sPLC PLC
94 94
STARTING STARTINGOVER OVERFunktion FunktionOne Onepowers powersthe thenew newKilo KiloLounge Lounge
98 98
LET LETTHE THEGAMES GAMESCOMMENCE COMMENCERegenerating RegeneratingKL’s KL’sNational NationalStadium Stadium
100 100
102 102
WORKING WORKINGCLASS CLASSInstalling InstallingSydney’s Sydney’sRevesby RevesbyWorkers’ Workers’Club Club
106 106
COMMUNITY COMMUNITYSERVICE SERVICEInside Insidethe therenovated renovatedKalidas KalidasAuditorium Auditorium
108 108
TUNED TUNEDTO TOPERFECTION PERFECTIONDesigning DesigningRaghav RaghavSachar’s Sachar’snew newstudio studio
110 110
THE THEONLY ONLYWAY WAYISISUP UPCharting Chartingthe theprogress progressofofSNL SNLPro Pro
112 112
BUSINESS BUSINESS LETTER LETTERFROM FROMAMERICA AMERICADan DanDaley Daleyon onthe therise riseofofrehearsal rehearsalstudios studios
114 114
LETTER LETTERFROM FROMEUROPE EUROPEPhil PhilWard Warddiscusses discussesan anaudio audiooption optionfor forBig BigBen Ben
114 114
SHOW SHOWREVIEW REVIEWWhat Whatwas wason ondisplay displayatatBIRTV? BIRTV?
116 116
SHOW SHOWREVIEW REVIEWInfoComm InfoCommIndia Indiafocuses focuseson onnetworked networkedcommunications communications
118 118
SHOW SHOWREVIEW REVIEWExploring ExploringAV/IT AV/ITconvergence convergenceDown DownUnder UnderatatIntegrate Integrate
120 120
SHOW SHOWREVIEW REVIEWCelebrating Celebratinghalf halfaacentury centuryofofdisruption disruptionatatIBC IBC
122 122
SHOW SHOWREVIEW REVIEWBattling Battlingthe theweather weatheratatPL+S PL+SShanghai Shanghai
126 126
R&D R&DCreating CreatingAudac’s Audac’sNoba Noba88compact compactsubwoofer subwoofer
128 128
TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGYDennis DennisBaxter Baxteron onaugmented augmentedaudio audio
130 130
TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGYBill BillNardi Nardiexplains explainsthe theconcept conceptofofnetwork networkblending blending
132 132
ANALYSIS ANALYSISHow Howwill willAES@NAMM AES@NAMMbenefit benefitme? me?
134 134
LEADER LEADER While Whilewe wepride prideourselves ourselveson onthe theprinted printedpublications publicationswe weproduce producehere here atatBlank BlankCanvas, Canvas,we’re we’renot notones onestotorest reston onour ourlaurels. laurels.AsAsbusiness businessand and communications communicationsmethods methodschange changeatatan anever-increasing ever-increasingrate, rate,we’ve we’vebeen been implementing implementingways waysininwhich whichwe wecan cankeep keeppace pacewith withdevelopments. developments. You’re You’reno nodoubt doubtaware awarethat thatsome someofofour ourfeatures featuresare arenot notonly onlyappearing appearinginin the printed word, they’re now also being brought to life in video footage the printed word, they’re now also being brought to life in video footageshot shot while whilewe wevisit visitground-breaking ground-breakinginstallations installationsacross acrossthe theregion. region.These Thesefilms filmshave haverecently recentlybeen beenjoined joinedbyby our ourIndustry IndustryDrivers Driversseries seriesofofinterviews interviewswith withheads headsofofthe theindustry, industry,which whichcan canbe beviewed viewedon onour ourwebsite, website, Facebook page and YouTube channel (details below). Facebook page and YouTube channel (details below). October Octobermarked markedanother anotherfirst firstfor forPro ProAVL AVLAsia: Asia:our ourfirst firstforay forayinto intothe theworld worldofofseminars seminarsand andtraining training events. events.We Wejoined joinedforces forceswith withco-sponsors co-sponsorsClear-Com, Clear-Com,Audinate Audinateand andAudio-Technica Audio-Technicatotolaunch launchthe the inaugural inauguralevent, event,AudioNetworking@TheStar, AudioNetworking@TheStar,atatThe TheStar StarPerforming PerformingArts ArtsCentre CentreininSingapore. Singapore.AAgreat great cross-section cross-sectionofofthe theindustry industryattended, attended,allallofofwhom whomwelcomed welcomedthe thecross crosspollination pollinationthat thatbringing bringingdifferent different manufacturers manufacturerstogether togetherafforded. afforded.InInthese theseincreasingly increasinglyintegrated integratedtimes, times,we webelieve believethat thatproviding providing aaplatform platformfor fordiscussion discussionisisofofgreat greatvalue valuetotothe theindustry. industry.You Youcan canread readthe thefull fullreport reportasaswell wellasassee see photos photosofofthe theevent eventon onpage page40. 40. OfOfcourse, course,asaswell wellasasthe theworlds worldsofofdigital digitaland andlive liveevents, events,the theprinted printedword wordisisstill stillproving provingtotobe beaa strong medium for us at Blank Canvas. This issue is full of informative editorial including a look strong medium for us at Blank Canvas. This issue is full of informative editorial including a lookatatKuala Kuala Lumpur’s Lumpur’srevamped revampedNational NationalStadium Stadium(page (page100), 100),aareport reporton onconferencing conferencingatatthis thisyear’s year’sBRICS BRICSSummit Summit ininChina China(page (page92) 92)and andSingapore’s Singapore’slatest latestcommunity communityand andlifestyle lifestylespace, space,Our OurTampines TampinesHub Hub(page (page102), 102), plus show reports from BIRTV (page 116), InfoComm India (page 118), Integrate (page 120), IBC plus show reports from BIRTV (page 116), InfoComm India (page 118), Integrate (page 120), IBC (page (page122) 122)and andProlight Prolight++Sound SoundShanghai Shanghai(page (page126). 126). We Wehope hopeyou youenjoy enjoyour ourcontent, content,however howeveryou youchoose choose totoconsume T:T:+44 +441892 1892676280 676280 F:F:+44 +441892 1892676282 676282
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@ProAVLAsiaMagazine @ProAVLAsiaMagazine November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 33
Adam Hall Asia hosts All systems go for Bose in India first distributor summit
INDIA: In November 2016, Bose Professional announced the integration of its SEAK sales operations with Australia/New SINGAPORE: Adam Hall Asia Zealand and the relocation of its recently first distributor regional held salesits management to summit at its showroom in its Singapore. Having gleaned positive Singapore offices.this Theinvestment, event served results following as a platform for demonstrating Bose Professional has further the manufacturer’s latestoperation products to 33 integrated the Indian attendees Adam Hall’s within this representing under the leadership of distributors in China, Dubai, India, Christian Liebenberg. The added Indonesia, restructureMalaysia, has been Philippines, implemented Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. to allow Bose to achieve better Adamimproved Hall COOmarketing Markus Jahnel sales, and began by welcoming guests after sales through improved before making way for Adam Hall communication channels. Asia director Chandan ‘Wemanaging are pleased to announce that Mahtani and technical support Vibhor Khanna has taken on the executive Kumar, who led leadershipVinod role as country manager an introduction andengineering the product – SAARC for sales, demonstrations. Also in and account services forattendance the India was Bodo Falkenried, Adam sub-continent, including India, Hall’s head ofPakistan, global business Bangladesh, the Maldives development, had beenMr and Sri Lanka,’who commented instrumental Liebenberg. in setting up the Asia office.with providing channel Charged The systems demonstrated marketing support throughout included the Stinger G3ASEAN series,and India in addition to the the Curv Installation series, the Maui 28 G2 and Maui 11 G2. Also highlighted was the Maui P900
The Bose India team ANZ regions, Vishal Srivastav is actively working with two full-time educators to provide a dedicated Bodo Falkenried, Chandan Mahtani and Markus Jahnel column PA system that was recently unveiled at Pro Light + Sound and developed in collaboration with the Porsche Design Studio. ‘We see a lot of potential for this speaker to spread our brand name further and away our traditional markets,’ Bosefrom training said Mr Jahnel while discussing the Maui P900. ‘The P900 allows us to reach out to the consumer market
as well, as there will be audiophiles who will be happy to have this as a showpiece in their homes.’ Following the P900 demonstration, Gravity microphone stands, Cameo V60 battery operated lights and the Maui 5 Go ultra-compact, battery-powered column PA were all highlighted. After lunch, the summit changed direction with Mr Jahnel discussing Adam Hall’s history and where the company is heading. Those in attendance then had the opportunity to share their own experiences of using Adam Hall systems and the summit concluded with a speech from motivational
B&C takes the wheel at Eighteen Sound
Representatives from across Asia attended the summit
API and Budee open technical service centre
WORLD: B&C Speakers SpA has formalised a binding offer to wholly acquire Eighteen Sound from Landi Renzo Group for a total of €7.4 million before 30 November 2017. For the year ending 2016, the CHINA: andand Budee recently EighteenAPI Sound Ciare brands staged reporteda aseminar turnovertoofhighlight around the manufacturer’s products at €12.6 million with a gross margin the distributor’s of €0.9 million. headquarters in Beijing. During of the60event, With a history years,both the companies announced an acquisition will allow B&Cthat Speakers official API technical service centre to consolidate its position in the has been settransducer up to serve the users professional market. of manufacturer’s ‘Wethe have always greatlysolutions respected across China. both theGreater products and the team
at Eighteen Sound and we are sure that this integration will lead to extremely consistent results,’ commented CEO of B&C Speakers, Lorenzo Coppini. ‘The brands of B&C Speakers, Eighteen Sound ‘We’ve theare local and, not established to forget Ciare, really technical centreIninthe order to term complementary. short respond we will bequickly able toand offerincrease the audiothe level of aservice provided in the market complete and structured region,’ Dan Zimbleman, range of said speakers, from the core API’s VP of sales, whosectors business of global pro audio to new flew the entertainment, event. ‘Customers suchinasfor home Hi-Fi will to confident wait for that and no carlonger audio. need We are replacement spare to be we can maintain andparts improve the shipped from America.’ group heritage of innovation and
Lorenzo Coppini
Bose certified training platform. ‘Bose will be rolling out an intense education programme throughout India from our four showroom facilities,’ said Mr Srivastav. ‘Bose will be flying in certified trainers for all our upcoming events, who will be conducting workshops and programmes for systems integrators at starter, intermediary and advanced levels. By promoting improved collaborations with the marketplace, Bose is confident that it can establish new and better partnerships in India. Our recent participation at the InfoComm India exhibition where we demonstrated the innovative EdgeMax in-ceiling loudspeakers and MB210 compact subwoofers in our demo cube exposed us to many A demonstration of new the contacts Gravity despite being an invitation-only stands audience. We’re naturally looking speaker Drworking Michaelwith Loh.this mix of forward to ‘The experience hasand been great,’ systems integrators dealers and said Eric Haslim of Indonesian seeing them attend our programmes distributor PT Citra Intirama. ‘We in due course.’ get really good support from the team here in Singapore as well as at Adam Hall HQ.’
Italian quality manufacturing that are essential characteristics of our group.’ Eighteen Sound was created in the wake of the 1998 sale of RCF to Mackie Designs (Loud Technologies) when AEB directors Ivan Paterlini and Vincenzo Baroni decided to diversify their electronic automotive control systems business by branching out into the professional loudspeaker market. Today, its facility consists of two highly automated manufacturing lines for cone drivers together with one for high-frequency compression drivers.
Under its current owner, Landi BudeeEighteen general Sound manager of East Renzo, relocated China Cao Mingsong noted that to larger premises in Cavriago in ‘product success oftenfellow lies in the 2013 before acquiring Italian technical and after-sales transducersupport manufacturer Ciare in service provided’. 2015. ‘This is another step in the ‘The API technical service centre implementation of the new strategic is notsuch only as thethe keydisposal to building the plan, of nonAPI image locally,Eighteen but also a corebrand activities including straightforward andtoefficient way Sound, allowing us better focus to API and customers,’ said on support automotive gas distribution Liu Zilin, chief engineer at Renzo segments,’ explained Landi Budee. CEO Cristiano Musi.
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Harman tackles counterfeiters THAILAND: Harman has confirmed that Thai authorities have conducted a series of successful raids on retail outlets and warehouses selling counterfeit products under the JBL and dbx brands. The manufacturer stated the importance of tackling a rise in international counterfeiting, citing studies that show it damages a company’s brand while also posing a risk to consumers who purchase products with inferior materials and construction. Similar raids also took place in Brazil. The raids followed more than one year of surveillance by a specialised IP law firm hired by Harman to combat counterfeiting worldwide. In Thailand, authorities confiscated
were offered for sale through a website as well as a physical storefront. In two additional raids in Phuket, authorities confiscated approximately 130 counterfeit JBL Professional speakers from 10 shops. ‘Harman is committed to protecting the integrity and image of its brands, and will not hesitate to vigorously defend against the unauthorised use of its name, designs and trademarks,’ said Jaakko Alajoki, legal IP specialist at Harman. ‘As demand for our products continues to increase, we will continue to partner and cooperate with investigators and law enforcement agencies around the world to
safeguard our intellectual property, and ensure that consumers are protected from counterfeit products.’ The Samsung-owned company urges customers to remain vigilant when purchasing its products and to go to authorised resellers. It states that counterfeit products are not only detrimental to the ability of manufacturers, authorised distributors and retailers to build successful businesses and generate jobs, but often indirectly support factories that engage in abusive labour practices and are sometimes used to directly fund organised crime groups and terrorist organisations.
at InfoComm India, QSC was able to connect with even more customers in the region and demonstrate the power of Q-Sys as a software-based platform, built on an IT-friendly ecosystem, primed for India’s blossoming corporate A/V market.’
product demos will also be offered and sales managers will be able to
deliver sales and technical support. ‘With the rapid growth of the SAARC region, we have put dedicated resources to help support our customers with local operations, local stock and handson training,’ said Mandy Spencer, senior director of sales operations and services at QSC. ‘By exhibiting
frequency clash was afterwards. We run a Cat-5 cable to a Mac at FOH where we can observe RF performance, survey parameters such as frequency availabilities in the air, and the battery status of the 12 transmitters and receivers on the Wireless System Manager software.’ SRT also acquired a new digital mixing system in the form of an Allen
& Heath dLive S5000 and DM48 MixRack. ‘We use about 40 inputs commonly for a show, but we require a lot more outputs so the S5000 provides us with enough capacity. Every input can be assigned to any bank and layer, named and colour coded, and there are 26 assignable SoftKeys available. The intuitive twin touchscreens are a benefit, while
the illumination control is greatly appreciated in the theatre’s low light conditions, including backlit keys, RGB coloured encoders and an LED light strip. The price-performance features are best of class.’
Counterfeit Harman goods more than 250 counterfeit JBL Professional products and 175 counterfeit dbx products from
a retail outlet and two related warehouses and assembling places in Udon Thani. The fake products
QSC India formed to serve SAARC INDIA: QSC has opened a regional office in Bangalore in an effort to expand its presence throughout the SAARC region. The manufacturer also exhibited at InfoComm India for the first time, showcasing Q-Sys. QSC India will provide local support in the form of customer care, logistics and regional stock for
the manufacturer’s more popular products. On-site training and
The show must go on at SRT SINGAPORE: With Singapore’s shrinking bandwidth, Singapore Repertory Theatre’s (SRT) Sennheiser 5000 Series wireless microphone system was recently made redundant. A digital conversion to the latest Digital 9000 Series was recently agreed allowing SRT’s performers to operate within the new bandwidth as specified by the InfoComm Media Development Authority. Providing intermodulation safety, the EM 9046 receiver can accurately and efficiently switch its frequency within the 470MHz to 798MHz bandwidth. ‘It’s continuously and automatically scanning available frequencies within an 88MHz switching bandwidth allowing me to see where there’s interference,’ explained SRT technical manager, Sagaya David. ‘In addition to
providing us with increased bandwidth, the Digital 9000 also offers more clarity and handling noise isn’t evident.’ As the handheld transmits digitally, it does not use a compander and is therefore exempt from the associated noise, ensuring pure sound. Transmitting uncompressed audio, each digital wireless system comes with an EM 9046 receiver, SKM 9000 handheld mic, SK 9000 bodypack transmitters and accessories. ‘It’s an easier setup as it syncs automatically without me having to locate an available frequency. We can use it in HD mode and it’s not a problem. There’s no need to mute and no run-off as you can hot swap batteries during a performance. You can review the show afterwards and see where a
iKO Media Group targets Asia ASIA: In an effort to expand the reach of its DTH (Direct To Home) satellite television services, iKO Media Group has acquired a Harmonic media processing and delivery solution. This has reportedly optimised the company’s available satellite bandwidth, improving video quality while also making it easier
to penetrate new markets, including Asia specifically. According to a report from Media Partners Asia, the number of DTH
6 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
subscribers in Asia is on track to double between 2013 and 2018. iKO Media Group hopes to capitalise on this by using Harmonic’s DTH solution, which comprises the Electra X2 software-based media processor, ProStream 9100 with ACE high-density stream processor and transcoder, ProView 7100 integrated
receiver-decoder and NMX digital service manager. ‘Thanks to Harmonic, we can deliver more channels in more
countries cost effectively,’ explained Yaniv Maman, CTO at iKO Media Group. ‘Harmonic was the clear winner in terms of delivering bandwidth efficiency, exceptional video quality and deployment expertise.’
Running the R3lay at Mediapolis
R3lay VRX4 Virtual Radio Mixer software SINGAPORE: Lawo’s R3lay mixing software has been installed on 50 newsroom production workstations at Mediacorp’s Mediapolis@ One-North facility. The German manufacturer’s local partner,
Broadcast Communications International, supplied the solutions. The media centre hosts 12 radio and eight TV stations while also producing content for several online streaming channels. At the facility’s core is the 2,800m2 central newsroom that promotes an open workspace with shared production workstations for reporters, producers and talent. These PC workstations have been installed with R3lay VRX4 Virtual Radio Mixer software that is designed to serve as a virtual broadcast studio. Each of the PCs is connected to an AoIP network, which provides access to devices such as playout computers, codecs and VoIP servers, as well as audio from local sources around the facility.
‘Broadcasters today are all buzzing about “Virtual Radio”,’ said Boon Siong Tan, Lawo’s South East Asia sales director. ‘Lawo has been pioneering virtualisation for nearly a decade, so it’s no surprise that Mediacorp chose our virtual radio mixer solution for their new facility. Thanks to R3lay, each workstation’s workflow can be identical to all the others, and is easier to manage. This enhances operational efficiency greatly, since any producer or presenter can now build content – interviews, news pieces or editorials – at a moment’s notice, using any available workstation.’
8 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
WORLD: Private equity firm Transom Capital Group has acquired all of Loud Technologies’ brands, including Ampeg, EAW, Mackie and Martin Audio. The transaction results in the
focus and product innovation, and we are looking forward to working together to make our brands even more valuable to our partners and customers.’
establishment of a new company, Loud Audio LLC, which will be led by the existing Loud Technologies team to ensure continuity across the business. The acquisition will reportedly allow Loud to expand into new markets and invest further in product development. ‘This transaction is the first step in a broader strategic plan to enable and grow each of our iconic brands,’ revealed Mark Graham, CEO at Loud. ‘Our brand and product strategies are greatly enhanced going forward as each will be working from a vastly improved financial structure and with access to growth capital. Transom is an exciting partner as they have experience in our industry and a great track record of building brands. They share a commitment to our core values of customer
‘This transaction presents a great opportunity to work with the Loud team to achieve the next stage of growth for these iconic brands,’ said Ty Schultz, managing partner of Transom Capital. ‘These brands are positioned well with major retailers, installers and production companies and bring with them an outstanding legacy of innovation and categorydefining product introductions. We have been working closely with Loud’s leadership to ensure continuity of the supply chain, channel relationships and Loud’s employee base. We look forward to realising the compelling growth opportunities for these brands both in the retail and professional audio spaces.’
BXB opens Taipei office and showroom
• Weather Protected • Rotomolded Single Piece Cabinet • Coaxial Compression Driver Arrangement
Transom Capital acquires Loud brands
BXB’s new office and showroom TAIWAN: BXB has established a new office and showroom at Taipei World Trade Center. This provides the manufacturer with a presence in Northern Taiwan, away from its headquarters in Kaohsiung City. The new facility was inaugurated with two days of product presentations and celebrations attended by government officials and the manufacturer’s customers. ‘By establishing BXB’s Taipei office and showroom, we hope to get closer to customers and offer better service,’ said Jerry Hung, vice president of BXB. ‘Experiential marketing can easily inform more
people of the possibilities and applications of BXB’s products.’ The showroom offers live demonstrations of the ICP-5000 IP-based A/V PA system and the Q.con video conferencing solution. Customers are also able to use the space for product training and technical seminars. In other news, BXB has received a Golden Peak Award from the Outstanding Enterprise Manager Association (OEMA). The prize is awarded for innovation, R&D, business operation, corporate image and management concepts.
B R A N D N E W Q U AT T R O C A N A L I S E R I E S 4-Channel Amplifier Platform, 4 small to medium applications.
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Designed and manufactured in Italy
70/100 V
400 W
300 W
300 W
300 W
800 W
600 W
600 W
600 W
1500 W
1200 W
1200 W
1200 W
JPJ Audio supports Ariana Grande in Sydney AUSTRALIA: JPJ Audio provided the sound setup for Ariana Grande’s concert at the ICC Sydney Theatre. The show was part of the pop star’s Dangerous Woman Tour and saw a Clair Cohesion PA system employed, which FOH engineer Simon Thomas managed from behind a DiGiCo SD7 console. The Clair rig comprised main left and right hangs of 16 cohesion CO12 loudspeakers, supplemented by a further 12 per side in the side hangs and three CP-218 self-powered sub bass loudspeakers flown each side in cardioid configuration. Another six CP-218s were ground stacked in cardioid, while CO-8 cabinets served as in-fills. Mr Thomas has been touring as Ariana Grande’s FOH engineer
since May. ‘It’s very compact and lightweight compared to other line arrays in its class and it’s got lots of headroom,’ he said of the PA system. ‘It has a really good high/ mid which is very smooth. With
this kind of music there’s a lot of odd sub content that goes down really low with which the CP-218s do a really good job. The CP-218 sub is particularly good, it’s very powerful.’
FOH engineer Simon Thomas
The ICC Sydney Theatre
The layout of the steep, fan-shaped venue is rather unique; Mr Thomas described it as ‘interesting’. ‘No one had flown subs in there like we did and I believe that made a lot of difference because if there’s too much down on the floor, it’s pointless,’ he said. ‘Once you get some sub higher up, it works really well. I had heard horror stories about the venue but it was fine and quite decent sounding.’ In regards to FOH, Mr Thomas made use of the SD7’s subgroups to route out through Lake Processors that converted digital signals to analogue.
compressor and for Ariana’s vocal a Rupert Neve Shelford Channel,’ he explained. ‘The various compressors are on the A Channel side of the Portico summing mixer, which are then all fed to the B side of the summing mixer to create a master mix that has a Portico II Master Buss compressor across it. That would then output and come back into the Master Buss return insert point of the SD7 with yet another Lake, converting to AES. Basically it’s a like one big insert chain.’ TC Electronics M5000 digital audio mainframes were used for drum and
The flown rig
1/2 PAGE Island With a complete line of systems, from small to large, One Systems Hybrid Series models provide true stadium, amusement park, cruise ship, and most indoor entertainment venues. Contact an authorized One Systems integrator, a One Systems sales rep, or One Systems directly to arrange for a demonstration.
10 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Jerrell Evans and Simon Thomas ‘I have a Neve Portico 5059 Satellite 16x2+2 Summing Mixer and within that I’ve inserted various types of compression – Smart C2 for the drums, Crane Song STC-8 for the music, for backing vocals a TubeTech SMC 2B multiband optical
vocal reverbs. A Telefunken M82 kick drum mic was deployed with M81s for the snare drums. Capturing Ariana Grande’s vocals was a Sennheiser MD 5235 dynamic microphone capsule with Lake added to her channel. This allowed her EQing to be done via the Lake and not the console. Vish Wadi was the monitor engineer for the gig. He also used a DiGiCo SD7 and set performers up with Sennheiser 2050 IEMs in addition to flown side-fills, CM-22 stage monitors on the floor for the dancers and CP-118s providing lows for the band. ‘The Australian tour was good fun and we really enjoyed it,’ concluded Mr Thomas. ‘It was quite easy partly due to my system tech Jerrell Evans and the JPJ crew of Tim Seconi and Alex McComark.’
SCB reinvests in Merlaud and Fohhn file a successful tax return Mahajak relationship
SINGAPORE: Responsible for THAILAND: Siam from Commercial Bankand collecting taxes its citizens (SCB) recently the updated the Revenue A/V businesses, Internal equipment at its training (IRAS) centre is in Authority of Singapore Tawanron. Mahajak was enlisted also prone to receiving the odd toinvoice. design and install theSystems solutionsPte Control Logic required, having worked withappointed the Ltd (CLSPL) was recently bank on fivea previous occasions. to install paging and evacuation ‘The customer us to system into thecontacted multi-storey discuss the problems Revenues House by and CPGlimitations Facilities ofManagement their system,’Pte recalled Supachai Ltd and IRAS. Sakulchoo, project sales engineer Located opposite Newton Station, at Mahajak. ‘This project was to replace old equipment that was damaged or obsolete and to supply new supplementary systems. They needed wireless microphone systems
the digital upgrade has created a spacious Fire Command with clear sound for eventsCentre that can onmoved account of 12 be easily forequipment use in otherracks being reduced to five. rooms.’ Making use of began the pre-existing The installation on the cabling infrastructure, 3,330room fourth floor in a large meeting Merlaud ceiling speakers in in a that accommodates 60 people addition tosetting. smaller of box classroom In quantities here, Mahajak speakersa and horns are powered deployed Soundcraft Signature12 by 72 AMN250 ¼-rack compact analogue mixer size with Class-D a amplifiers. Another 22 AMN250s dbx DriveRack PA2 loudspeaker have been added forand redundancy. management system a Crown XLS 1502 amplifier. These serve a pair of JBL Control28-1 speakers. In the building’s main conference room, Mahajak installed another two JBL Control28-1s with a dbx
One of the JBL Control28-1 speakers DriveRack PA2. While SCB was already covered in regards to amplification and mixing in the conference room, retaining existing
solutions, Mahajak also provided a Panasonic PT-LX321 projector for visual reinforcement. Meanwhile, the amphitheatre was equipped with a Panasonic PT-LB412A projector. Mahajak also installed sound solutions in three of the four meeting rooms and microphone solutions across the entire site. Each room has been outfitted with a Shure wireless microphone system including ULXD4D wireless receivers, ULXD2/SM58 handheld wireless
URSA Mini Pro proves flexible and reliable on set
SINGAPORE: Daniel Yam shot his latest short film, Time, using Blackmagic Design’s URSA Mini Pro and completed colour correction using DaVinci Resolve. The Singaporean film director chose the portable camera as it could be used as a handheld, on a dolly and with tripods to speed up message the production An LNM18 digital player and a DMH gooseneck microphone facilitate process. announcements
Speaker management control has been applied in the form of MANX88 processors connected to a network switch, whose parameters can be accessed via the Merlaud software on an HP touchscreen. Programmed announcements can be played over the 72-zone network courtesy of the LNM18 digital message player, while a DMH
‘The URSA Mini Pro has spectacular dynamic range, natural colours and a high frame rate’. said Mr Yam. ‘It did not overheat or give any issues when we were shooting in the sun, so we could focus on getting great shots.’ Time was commissioned as part of Viddsee’s partnership with the Singapore Film Commission and Fohhnthe LF-220 column speakers marks former’s first original
gooseneck microphone with built-in preamplifier, digital chime, LCD and zone selectors allows a human A Crown XLSCD/Tuner/USB/SD 1502 amplifier drives touch. A Tach the systems in the fourth-floor card player provides zoned music meeting room should it be desired. mic bodypack The transmitters, main foyer’s ULXD1 20m ceiling transmitters MX150B/Oheight led to aand ceiling speaker TQG wireless solution beingomnidirectional abandoned in favour lavaliers. ofsubminiature two Fohhn LF-220 column ‘Their existing speakers. A thirdequipment model haswas been kept where concluded placed in thepossible,’ rear foyer. The self-Mr Sakulchoo. ‘We hope to models continueare our powered, free-standing business relationship SCB for networked in the samewith manner as many years.’100V line speakers. the Merlaud Placed on specially designed Fohhn stands, the unobtrusive 2.25m high aluminium cabinets comprise 16 4-inch speakers and 16 Class-D amplifiers programmed to adapt to digitally steer their short film. The the film lobby’s follows aunique young beams within mother struggling to balance her architectural characteristics. son andaccrued work anda relies on colour Having tax return, CLSPL and tones to reinforce narrative. has also ensured the the taxpayers The URSARevenues Mini Pro captured 4.6K entering House are raw footage and DaVinci Resolve spared audio reverb from the softwarefloors, was then used achieve marble walls andtoglazing. the desired visual mood.
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Kling & Freitag GmbH |
July–August 2017 PRO AUDIO 25 November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 11
Glocal scales up with TW in Worli INDIA: Glocal Junction has become a familiar name since emerging in the Indian entertainment market last year. With successful sites already doing steady business in Mumbai and Delhi, the management decided to open another, bigger venue this year in the plush Mumbai district of Worli, capable of also accommodating bands and live music. Having worked with the client on projects in the past, the management tasked Sound Redefined with designing the layout and installing a powerful sound system that ultimately came in the form of a TW Audio point source setup. ‘This building used to be a fine dining restaurant and the ceiling height was much lower,’ explained Sound Redefined owner, Dipankar Grover. ‘They pulled all of that down and turned it into this big open space. This should be terrible for the acoustics but we have treated the space well.’ Above the outlet there is a 30,000m2 banquet room owned by the same client and used for weddings and private functions. Although there is a very thick concrete slab separating the two spaces, it required the A/V integrator to install 6-inch-thick
wood/wool acoustic boards to limit the spill between them. ‘It’s kind of a big hall, so the sound is more like a grungy warehouse,’ continued Mr Grover. ‘There are gaps in the ceiling that act like diffusors and help a lot but the TW boxes are also inherently sweet sounding cabinets.’ The aforementioned TW Audio boxes include the T24N, which Mr Grover describes as ‘the new flagship from TW Audio for point source’. A pair of T24Ns hung from the ceiling are supported by four B30 15-inch subwoofers. There are a further four M10s dotted around the outlet for delays and two M6s covering the area at the back of the outlet.
‘Initially, they had a terrible location for the speakers and the console,’ Mr Dipanker recalled. ‘I convinced them that the big open space behind the bar is a naturally great location for live music: everyone can see it and we have a big space to project visuals onto. ‘They also wanted a similar setup as the other Glocal venues, but this
one is twice the size,’ the integrator added. ‘We had to convince them that it was a good idea to invest in a more powerful system because of the greater emphasis on live music.’ Despite the simple setup, installation was not without its challenges. ‘The ceiling is very
every seat in the house was already booked. Clearly the venue is ticking the right boxes for Mumbai’s thirsty entertainment scene. ‘The client is definitely happy they opted to spend more money on a bigger system,’ concluded Mr Grover. ‘When we gave them the
high and at a slant. Hanging the speakers at this height was quite a task,’ stated Mr Grover. ‘We ended up using airplane wires instead of proper mounting hardware but the result looks more in keeping with aesthetics. When the lights are down, it looks like they are floating in mid-air; it’s pretty cool.’ When Pro AVL Asia visited Glocal Worli early on a Wednesday evening,
first demo, the speakers absolutely blew their minds. Although the system can go very loud, it also maintains great balance at lower levels, with no loss in bass that many outlets suffer. To me, that’s the difference between a system that sounds professional and a system that sounds cheap.’
Mahajak equips ‘The world’s first levitating theatre’ box and a Blu-BOB break-out box. A Shure SM58 microphone was also supplied for vocal capture and a Soundcraft Si Performer 3 is installed in the control room. The control room also houses an Apple Mac Pro, Samsung S22D300HY monitor, Cisco SG30052P 52-port Gigabit PoE-managed switch, a TASCAM USB recorder/ player and four TASCAM HS-20 2-channel Solid-State recorder/ players. A variety of Avid Pro Tools solutions were also delivered, as was spare equipment including a pair of Shure SLX24E/SM58-R13 wireless mic systems and UA8-
Singha D’Luck Cinematic Theatre THAILAND: Mahajak was enlisted to design and install the audio and lighting systems, including intercom solutions, at the Singha D’Luck Cinematic Theatre in Pattaya. The theatre’s owners, Panjaluck Pasuk, had the venue designed by Dr Narongwit Areemit of Architects 49 Limited under the theme of ‘The world’s first levitating theatre’. With its ultramodern architecture, Singa D’Luck plays host to the Kaan Show, a hybrid performance comprising live action and cinematic elements that brings
together stage performances and world-class technology. In the auditorium, Mahajak turned to several of Harman’s brands, including JBL AM7315 speakers, 9320 cinema surround speakers and SCS12 surrounds, as well as ASH6118, ASB7118 and ASB6118 subwoofers. JBL LSR308 cabinets provide monitoring. These systems are powered by way of Crown DCI 4/600/N, DCI 4/1250/N and DCI 2/1250/N amplifiers, while processing is handled by BSS Blu160 processors, a Blu-BIB break-in
12 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
The control room
774-865 antennas. Completing the setup are JBL Control 12C/T ceiling speakers and a CSMA 2120 mixer amplifier in the dressing rooms. For lighting, Mahajak stuck with Harman, designing a rig that comprises a wide range from Martin Professional’s catalogue. This includes Viper Profile, Performance and Wash fixtures, as well as Atomic 3000 DMX strobes and Aura XB luminaires. Martin 6 Channel DMX Switch Packs were supplied, with a Martin M1 lighting controller and accessories such as Ethernet2DM, M-Sync, RDM 5.5 Splitter, JEM AFI Mkii and JEM Hazer Pro.
The intercom system draws from Riedel’s product portfolio. It includes 35 C3 digital beltpacks and 18 WB-2 wireless beltpack/ headset stations, in addition to six CA-6 antennas, four C31 split boxes and four C31/PSU power supplies. Single units of the C44Plus master station, CR4 1U digital 4-channel intercom panel, Mic-30 electret microphone and CC-8 controller round out the intercom setup along with two spare WB-2 units. ‘We selected Riedel to be the product to make an up-to-date communication system with high efficiency during the performance,’ confirmed Apisit Kruachaem, Mahajak sales project manger. Installation of the solutions was not without its challenges. ‘There were electrical power cuts during the audio installation because there was not enough power,’ recalled Mr Kruachaem. ‘It was also difficult as the planned opening date of the theatre was close. However, these problems were solved and it was worth the effort to see everyone who participated work well together and to their highest potential.’
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APG moves in with Active Audio WORLD: APG has relocated its production and R&D departments to the French city of Nantes, occupying the same building as Active Audio. APG and Active Audio formed a strategic alliance last year. A new dedicated production line has already started assembling
Penn Elcom sets up Chinese distribution centre
APG speakers on the site. Meanwhile, APG’s sales and marketing teams, as well as its administration department, have been moved to a new office close to Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport, North East of Paris.
Penn Elcom’s new Chinese facility CHINA: Penn Elcom has announced the impending launch of a distribution centre near Beijing, which will operate in conjunction with its Guangdong manufacturing site. The new 2,000m2 facility will hold large amounts of the flight case hardware and 19-inch racking manufacturer’s products ready for immediate dispatch across
Mainland China and throughout Asia. The distribution centre will be managed by a Penn Elcom veteran of 15 years, Huang Xue Lin, known to her colleagues as Linda. She most recently led the company’s facility in Malaysia. ‘Around 50% – and rising – of Penn’s overall Asian business is currently due to activity in China itself, and
this move helps stay ahead of an ever-growing demand,’ she explained. ‘Keeping ahead of the trends, Penn has already been manufacturing flight case elements in China for several years, becoming well-established in Asian markets and a go-to reference brand for reliable and innovative premium flight case hardware. More recently, sales of Penn’s 19-inch racking products have started to rise. The first full UK-manufactured range of these has been launched in China, and has been extremely well received.’ ‘We needed to invest to fuel further growth and to capitalise on those flight case users in all sectors who are requesting that their case makers – our clients – utilise Penn hardware by default,’ said Roger Willems, founder and chairman of Penn Elcom. ‘China is a principal market with massive growth potential and a super exciting place to be.’
Audiocenter goes wide for Golden Rooster CHINA: Audiocenter was enlisted to provide sound systems and technical support throughout this year’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival in Hohhot. This included the closing ceremony that featured the 31st Golden Rooster Awards. Audiocenter was chosen for the project for its past experience in handling such large-scale events. The ceremony took place at the Inner Mongolia Minority Ethnic Group Mass Culture and Sports Center and boasted a large ovular stage
Wu Tianjun at FOH
measuring 98m wide x 30m deep. The size of the stage had implications on the sound setup due to the distance between the line arrays. Therefore, the Audiocenter team had to ensure that each loudspeaker was deployed following precise measurements to deliver sufficient coverage for thousands of spectators. Wu Tianjun served as the sound system engineer for the event, using a DiGiCo SD5 at FOH. The line array solution serving as the main PA comprised Audiocenter’s
V-HLA15+ MKII cabinets, flown 10 per side. Four groups of four V-HLA15+MKIIs were used as sidefills. Another four were set up on the stage apron along with a pair of IS+ loudspeakers, while an additional six IS+ cabinets delivered stage monitoring.
EXBOX.MD - Dante / AES67 MONTONE.42 - RAVENNA / AES67 SG.MADI - SoundGrid
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14 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Varyscan P7 CMY arrives in SEA for college SINGAPORE: Md Shafei Seri, senior technical manager for the arts department at Yale-NUS College, was recently tasked with seeking energy-efficient, LED-based moving spots and wash lights to add to the institution’s inventory. He turned to JB Lighting, purchasing 25 Varyscan P7 CMY LED moving spots and 30 A8 LED moving washes from the German manufacturer’s distributor, Total Solution Marketing (TSM). ‘Our campus is committed to the Go-Green initiatives to improve energy efficiency and this translates to our choice of lighting equipment, which traditionally are very high energy-consuming products,’ explained Mr Shafei Seri. ‘We needed a high-performance, LED-based product that does not sacrifice the quality of light output crucial for our shows. We also needed low-noise products that suit the environment in our Performance Hall. We needed fixtures that are lightweight and compact in size. The JB Varyscan P7 CMY weighs only 16kg. It has a good zoom and runs quietly. It has a good output at 270W power consumption. The output matches that of a traditional 800W lamp-based moving light spot and the CMY colour mixing gives us all the colours we need. ‘I find the A8 fits our needs well,’ he added. ‘The college wanted a
Indra Hardi Jemadi, Lutfi Salleh, Md Shafei Seri, Muhammad Farhan Abu Bakar, Muhammad Amir Salim, Khairul Kasmat
that we can always depend on timely and reliable technical support from the guys at TSM.’ ‘Yale-NUS College is the first client in South East Asia to invest in the award-winning JB Lighting Varyscan P7 CMY spots,’ revealed Glenn Wong, managing director of TSM. ‘We are thrilled that Yale-NUS College has chosen to invest in JB Lighting.’
Midas extends warranty
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WORLD: Midas has extended the duration of its manufacturer’s warranty to 10 years, according to a letter sent out to its customers. The letter
states that ‘products purchased since the 1 September 2014 will be covered by this warranty timing extension’. The note concludes by clarifying ‘no other changes have been made to the terms and conditions’. For more information, users are encouraged to visit
bright, compact-sized wash with good colour mixing. They have a great zoom range to cover the stage area and it is virtually silent.’ The fixtures were chosen following an evaluation process that included demonstrations from a range of suppliers. ‘We studied our options and strongly considered the level of after-sales service available for all our product purchases,’ Mr Shafei Seri shared. ‘Many of the existing lighting and rigging equipment in our venues are brands distributed by TSM. We knew from past experience
SYVA COLINEAR SOURCE Syva is a new breed of speaker, blending our groundbreaking line-source heritage with plug-and-play simplicity and an elegant design. 142 dB. 35 meters of throw. 140° horizontal coverage. Down to 35 Hz. Syva gives you peerless power and performance. Learn more about Syva at and experience our immersive sound solutions at
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 15
Broadcasting tech at the SEA Games 2017
Grass Valley and TSL Products collaborate WORLD: Grass Valley’s LDX IP and SDI cameras are now compatible with the TallyMan platform from TSL Products. This is the result of a partnership between the two manufacturers and facilitates tallies and control over IP for the Belden brand’s cameras. ‘The transition to IP is opening up very exciting possibilities, like genuinely remote production,’ said Dan Bailey, TallyMan product manager at TSL Products. ‘But we see operational continuity as being absolutely critical, now and into the future. Staff want to know that, on an operational level, things will continue to work just as they did – things like tallies to track source and destination information
throughout a workflow. Grass Valley turned to TallyMan to achieve just that. With over 1,000 TallyMan installations already deployed worldwide, this partnership has obvious benefits to customers transitioning to a hybrid or all IP production system.’ TallyMan delivers tallies to LDX IP and SDI cameras over an IP network. TSL Products is an independent vendor and, as such, the tallies can be maintained over devices from ‘all the major equipment vendors’.
TallyMan also works in mixed SDI and IP environments. ‘TallyMan provides the perfect complement to our cameras, giving us an IP tally solution that is fully integrated and will be a critical element as we change the landscape of live production,’ concluded Paul De Bresser, product manager, professional broadcast cameras at Grass Valley.
MALAYSIA: Hosted in Malaysia, the 29th South East Asian (SEA) Games, or KL Games 2017 as this year’s edition was also known, saw Brio consoles from British manufacturer Calrec Audio deployed and used by two major Malaysian Broadcasters at the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) venue at the Mitec Convention Center. One of these broadcasters, Media Prima Berhad, also employed a number of Sonifex Commentary Systems provided by the British manufacturer’s Malaysian distributor, Stagetec Asia. Having recently purchased a Brio, Media Prima received its new inventory two weeks before the games commenced, opting to deploy it to handle its live broadcasting.
broadcast desk; it made creating our mix such an easy task at this event,’ commented Astro Arena sound engineer, Abdul Rahim Md Nor. ‘We only needed a short learning period and were able to start using it without any problems. It’s a great compact digital audio mixer.
The Media Prima OB truck
Calrec’s Brio with the Astro Arena and Media Prima teams
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16 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
The Sonifex commentary positions
Similarly, Astro Arena chose to use its Brio console to handle its own live broadcast coverage of the games. ‘Since our Studio B is not ready for the installation, and with our Brio mixer arriving just two weeks before the SEA Games, the decision to use it for the event was easy,’ explained Mohd Zaidi Mohamed Taib, head of sound at Media Prima. ‘Calrec’s Brio mixer works perfectly well. It is such a versatile and powerful compact broadcast audio mixing desk.’ ‘Calrec’s Brio mixer has a small footprint and is a complete
Thanks to JAA.S for the great support.’ Media Prima established a pair of fully featured commentator positions using portable Sonifex units along with a third guest position that could also serve as a line-level input. Each position was equipped with its own individual output, with two additional outputs providing a mix of active commentary channels. Two talkback output channels were also facilitated with a built-in limiter and headphones. Media Prima also utilised its HD OB truck, featuring a 32-fader Stage Tec Crescendo mixer, during the football matches that took place at Stadium Selayang as part of the SEA Games. ‘The OB truck, which is also equipped with a Stage Tec Nexus System, provides Media Prima Berhad with the flexibility to generate audio outputs either in Dante, analogue, digital or MADI,’ said Advon Tan, director at Stagetec Asia. ‘The OB truck’s mobile stage rack allowed fibre optic feeds to travel up to 500m to the stadium instead of using conventional copper cable that only extends up to 100m.’
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Neve that bigger better Meyerteaches Sound ‘parts ways’iswith Meyer Sound Australia QSC collaborates with Logitech AUSTRALIA: The relationship AUSTRALIA: The Australian between Meyer Sound and its local National University (ANU) Schoolhas of partner, Meyer Sound Australia, Music’s newly refurbished recording ended. The distributor is now listed studio has as been equipped with on Google ‘permanently closed’, awhile NeveitsGenesys to enable website G96 currently redirects to students to producehome analogue, the manufacturer’s page. digital and hybrid recordings. The In a letter sent to its customers 48-channel console is reportedly from Australia and New Zealand, the largest of its kind in Australia. the manufacturer states that: ‘The The studio refurbishment wasMeyer relationship Meyer Sound and made anenjoyed AUS$250,000 Soundpossible Australiaby has over grant equipment thatundergone the many for years has recently university received from Wired for changes. We decided to part ways. Sound. The Sound projectAustralia” was managed The “Meyer by associate professor Samantha Bennett, who sought to assist in the delivery of ANU’s music technology degree and facilitate research outcomes for Cinemas the School AUSTRALIA: Showbiz of Music’s staff, also providing has equipped allwhile six auditoria at aitsworld-class facilitywith to hire out to Ballarat theatre Christie musicians bands. worked CP2208-LPand 3DLP laserShe phosphor with acoustician John cinema projectors. TheSayers, complex audio consultants Sound Advice becomes the first in Australia to be and buildling company Cobul fitted with the 11,000 native-lumen, Construction. 3D capable projectors, which are Withtothe ability to handle a full of able beam movies to screens orchestral recording and lines up to 10m in size. With a 10m walllinking to the in nearby Hall to-wall itscreen Hall 1Llewellyn at Showbiz concert the the newCP2208-LP recording is Cinemasvenue, Ballarat, facility been installed with used tohas its also full potential. Pro ToolsaHDX, Ampex and MCI ‘Being regional cinema, it analogue tapefor recorders, a Dynaudio is important us to choose a
name will go away, and we will focus our energies on improving communications with our customers in this important part of the world.’ The letter, signed by Helen Meyer,
goes on to say: ‘We are taking this opportunity to take a fresh look at our distribution model in Australia and New Zealand with the intent of improving customer service and
Indie cinemas opt for CP2208-LP
technical support. We expect to announce the sales and distribution plan by the end of the year. In the WORLD: QSCknow has joined thedealer interim, please that our Logitech Collaboration Programme network will ensure a seamless (LCP) as an integration partner in transition.’ the American programme’s Complementary The manufacturer is Technology Provider track. The of planning to send its vice president first result of this is an integration sales, customer engagement, Antonio betweenand QSC’s and vice Zacarias, JohnQ-Sys McMahon, Logitech’s SmartDock forstrategy, Skype president of solutions and System. toRoom the country in the final quarter of
‘John and I want to personally assure you that your business is important to us and that we will solution and provides users withaa do our absolute best to ensure robust meeting room experience.’ smooth transition in our technical ‘We believe thatservices our inclusion support, design and sales in asthe we Logitech prepare Collaboration to introduce a new Programme will encourage the customer service and distribution integration ofWe ourgreatly two platforms to programme. appreciate achieve the best user experience your business and look forward to possible,’ added hearing from youMartin directlyBarbour, as to how product manager for Australia installed and we can better serve
2017 to visit its Australian customers. The letter concludes with an assurance from Mrs Meyer that:
New Zealand.’
The Neve Genesys G96 is described as the ‘crown jewel’ of ANU’s new studio surround sound monitoring system and compressors preamps, in system that wouldand have no need addition the Genesys G96. for lampto replacements, and reduce ‘Wecosts haveand builttime this associated world-class the studio to the very highest acoustic with maintenance, consumables and standards,’ and technological downtime of lamp-based Professor Bennett declared. projectors,’ explained Chris‘The Jones, creative research and educational director of Showbiz Cinemas. ‘With value is huge. Recording the added bonus of reduced power opportunities will underpin all of our usage that the CP2208-LP has over majors, especially in the delivery other digital cinema projectors, of our undergraduate our new systems integrator Composition MGS Group for Film and Game Major, as pointed us inVideo Christie’s well as being invaluable resource direction andan helped us see for students thepostgraduate clear advantages thatand the researchers. Our Neve Genesys CP2208-LP would have in a is the
jewel in our studio’s crown.’ Professor Kenneth Lampl, head regional environment.’ ofFollowing ANU’s School Music, believes suit, of independent that the new willhas serve as been cinema, Sun studio Theatre, also a breeding ground for Australian equipped with a pair of CP2208artists and researchers. ‘This newby LP cinema projectors, installed recording studio provides students MGS Group. ‘We’re delighted that with a unique 21st-century musical independent exhibitors such as experience by creating a vibrant Showbiz Cinemas Ballarat and Sun intersection Theatre havebetween placed performance, their trust in composition andcinema technology, our CP2208-LP projector,’ nurturing theMichael values ofBosworth, creativity, commented excellence and entrepreneurship,’ Christie Australia GM. he said.
‘Adding QSC to our LCP offers systems at QSC. ‘QSC takes end users another reliable an IT-centric approach to video option to enhance their video conferencing by utilising standard conferencing experience,’ said network technology for audio, Sudeep Trivedi, head of business video and control transport and development and partnerships distribution. It also leverages for Logitech Video Collaboration. driverless USB connectivity to any ‘Logitech SmartDock allows users in-room solution offering softwareto easily start video calls with one based video conferencing like the touch and streamline the overall Logitech SmartDock for Skype collaboration experience. Adding Room Systems.’ additional enterprise meeting room capabilities provided by the Q-Sys Platform further enhances our Showbiz Cinemas Ballarat is the first in Australia to install Christie’s CP2208-LP
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XILICA ASIA (Asia Office)
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20 ASIA July–August 2017 2017 18 PRO PRO AUDIO AVL ASIA November–December
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3455 Bethesda Road Tel:(905)770-0055 Stouffville, Ontario Fax:(647)436-7077 Canada. L4A 7X5
Gearhouse kicks off Axient Digital platform AUSTRALIA: Gearhouse Broadcast’s Event Communications Division has put the world’s first Shure Axient Digital Radio Microphone Platform to use. The system has been utilised by the Australian Football League (AFL) at all of its games across the country. ‘Shure and their Australian dealer Jands approached us to discuss how they could further assist our already rapid growth in Australia,’ recalled Jason Owen, manager of event communications at Gearhouse Broadcast. ‘It began with us signing an exclusive R&D partnership that gives us direct access to their product road map and input on future feature sets and product design. At that point, having seen the success of our SportsCom custom intercom solution in the market, they also
offered Gearhouse Event Comms the opportunity to become the world’s first user of their Axient Digital Radio Microphone Platform.’
The Axient Digital system includes AD series and ADX series transmitters that are compatible with the same Axient Digital receiver. Shure’s Axient Digital It was built to offer RF stability and flexibility in response to increased RF demand. ‘Axient digital is perfect for sporting bodies, large venues and production companies so we immediately approached the AFL and suggested they use the system at all AFL and AFLW games,’ Mr Owen continued. ‘They were so impressed with the system they agreed. The reason the AFL wanted our Axient Digital solution is that it is a smarter RF management solution for radio microphones and
Jason Owen
significantly improves the RF and audio performance in comparison to the ULXD system. Axient Digital also works efficiently and reliably at much lower RF levels than any other system I have ever seen. This means more reliable coverage for the product and its true diversity, quadveristy and high-density mode means more channels can operate in one space.’
Focusrite launches pro division WORLD: Focusrite Pro was formally introduced at AES New York. The new division was ‘formed to serve the specific
of modern-day audio production in broadcast, postproduction, music production, live and installed sound.’
Simply AweSome! The SF-Monitor by D.A.S. AuDio
needs of audio professionals worldwide’ and will take ownership of the manufacturer’s Red multiformat audio interfaces, RedNet modular audio-over-IP solutions, and ISA microphone preamplifiers and analogue signal processors. ‘The sole focus of Focusrite Pro is to enable audio professionals with best-in-class audio solutions for modern-day workflows,’ explained Focusrite CEO, Tim Carroll. ‘Audio professionals now have a dedicated team of professional audio product designers and sales and support staff. This new team will help them build and deploy solutions that address the needs
Focusrite Audio Engineering is now formed of four brands. In addition to Focusrite and Focusrite Pro are Novation and Ampify. ‘Having this tighter integration between our sales, marketing and product management functions will enable us to greatly improve the client focus of our organisation – continuing to develop innovative products and ensure that we address the needs of our clients,’ noted Will Hoult, product manager for Focusrite Pro. Richard Nevens, VP global sales, is leading the pro division. ‘Focusrite Pro seeks to engage with professional audio clients, both pre- and post-sale, as they transition their workflows and facilities to an audio-over-IP infrastructure,’ he said. ‘Dante technology provides capabilities and a level of flexibility previously unavailable, and Focusrite is the leading provider of this technology throughout this significant industry transition.’
One word describes the Sound Force Monitor (SF-M). Awesome! Imagine, twin mid-high cabinets for extreme high definition reproduction with the clarity to cut through stage noise. At the bottom of the stack is the SF-1521A ACTV-Hydrid SubTM bass which combines the hard-hitting and defined performance of a 15″ loudspeaker with the deep, air-moving power of a 21″.
All systems are powered with the latest in cutting edge amplifier technology, DASnetTM remote control and monitoring and true plug-and-play capability thanks to system presets located on the SF-20A and SF-1521A which align the two units without the need of an external DSP.
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 19
Focused sound for Assassins AUSTRALIA: Spectra Audio Solutions owner Nick Walker was approached to work as sound and system designer on the musical production of Sondheim’s Assassins at Sydney’s Hayes Theatre by musical director Andrew Worboys. Mr Walker and Mr Worboys have worked together on several productions previously. ‘Assassins was tricky to pull off as the venue was quite small and intimate,’ recalled Mr Walker. ‘With only 120 seats, I had to really focus on the sound sources as you can’t fake it as much as you can in a larger venue.’ A Yamaha CL5 was employed at FOH with a Rio 1608 digital stagebox for the radio mics, while a Rio 3224 was located in the band pit. ‘The speaker system was a full Meyer Sound setup,’ Mr Walker revealed. ‘The L-C-R configuration consisted of a single UPM-1P per side and a single UPM-1P for the centre. To fill in the low end I used two PSW2s. These worked a treat for extra oomph on the gun shot effects throughout the show. I also
Hayes Theatre
Hayes Theatre only houses 120 seats
Nick Walker served as sound and system designer on Assassins (Photo by Andrew Worboys)
added four MM-4s for front-fill and delays and made use of two more MM-4s as surround speakers at the back of the room and an MM-4 as a near-field delay for the FOH operator. We also ran two small speakers upstage rear for effects.’ With the exception of the surrounds, the PA setup was run through a Galileo 616 loudspeaker management system. Countryman E6 headsets and Sennheiser radio systems were deployed amongst the performers and Qlab 4 running on a Mac Mini handled the sound effects. The band, meanwhile, comprised five members: keys, electric, acoustic and bass guitars, drums and a DX7 synthesiser. ‘A tight bump in schedule meant that myMix was perfect for the band,’ said Mr Walker. ‘We used an IEX16L input expander with 16 analogue inputs from the CL5. Some were direct outs and some were sub mixes. We were able to take a stereo feed from the Keys and Synths DIs throughputs and plug them directly in to the corresponding local myMix units. From there we sent the signal
myMix systems were used for the band to the myMix network for the rest of the band to pick up on their units.’ The Spectra owner programmed the myMix system before even reaching the venue using the myMix RX-2 interface with a PC. ‘We had a few deputy musicians on this show which can make life hard as they find their rhythm with the rest of the band,’ Mr Walker added. ‘The record feature on myMix allows the dep to insert an SD card and do a multitrack recording of the show with all the inputs on the musician’s specific myMix. They then go home to rehearse the show without the other musicians.’
Sound Services works out an FBT solution NEW ZEALAND: The Les Mills Extreme chain of gyms recently upgraded the sound system at its flagship Wellington branch, having turned to Stu Clark from Sound Services to design and install a solution. That solution came in the form of an FBT loudspeaker setup. The gym has a low ceiling and narrow sight lines, as well as a projector that hangs from the ceiling causing an obstruction. To combat this, Mr Clark designed
a ‘distributed line array system’ comprising seven FBT Muse 210LA
SubLine 18SA subwoofers mounted beneath the stage
self-powered speakers spread throughout the room in clusters of one or two. Bass extension is courtesy of four SubLine 18SA subwoofers that are mounted beneath the stage and configured in cardioid mode. The Italian manufacturer’s DLM26 speaker processor offers control over the setup, which is completed by a pair of StageMaxX12 MA coaxial wedge monitors that serve the class instructors. EASE simulation
software was used during the design phase to ensure even coverage. Following installation, the client is reportedly impressed with the coverage and clarity provided. As the gym is open 24/7, the system has been put through its paces and is said to be proving reliable.
Harman restructures workforce, serves notice to 650 employees WORLD: Harman Professional is undergoing a ‘workforce consolidation’ resulting in the loss of 650 jobs across Europe and the USA, as well as a number of site closures. Notice has reportedly been given to the employees affected. Harman, which was acquired by Samsung last year, will be closing its Harman Signal Processing facility in Utah, as well as operations in Indiana and smaller sites throughout Europe. Harman took many of these sites on as part of various company acquisitions during the past 10 years. ‘To be clear, the changes we
announced are the culmination of a transformation that the Professional Solutions Division has been undergoing for the past two years to better serve our customers, increase our competitiveness and accelerate new product innovations,’ explained David Glaubke, director of public relations, global professional solutions at Harman International. ‘We have given our employees advance notification of the changes we will make over the next year to assist with the transition and will do our best to mitigate the impact to our employees and their families. Importantly, we also will ensure that
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the process is completely seamless for our customers.’ Samsung’s acquisition of Harman was driven by its presence in the automotive and consumer sectors, the automotive sector accounting for approximately 65% of Harman’s US$7 billion of reported sales at the time. Samsung stated its intentions
upon completion of the purchase to retain the Harman workforce, headquarters and facilities, as well as all of its consumer and professional audio brands. The restructuring will also see Harman Professional add investment in areas such as IT infrastructure and the supply chain.
It will also open three ‘Centers of Competency’: one in Northridge, California for acoustics; another in Richardson, Texas for electronics, DSP, video and control; and one in Denmark for lighting. ‘I want to emphasise that decisions like this, while necessary, are not easy to make,’ furthered Mr Glaubke. ‘We are very excited about the future of Harman Professional Solutions and believe that, with these changes, we are now aligned and structured to serve our customers better and to return to stronger profitable growth.’
Riedel on a Mission to the Moon SPACE: Riedel has partnered with PTScientists to supply the communications and signal infrastructure as the Berlin-based commercial space company aims to become the first private company to land on the Moon. The project, dubbed Mission to the Moon, is due to launch in 2018 and has seen PTScientists working with key technology partners Audi and Vodafone as it attempts to land a spacecraft on the lunar surface, dispatch a pair of remote controlled Audi lunar quattro moon rovers and broadcast live HD video back to Earth. Serving as a technology partner, Riedel will facilitate communications for mission control and the live telecast via its Artist digital matrix and Bolero wireless intercom systems. The manufacturer’s
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2.1 ms Total Latency TG 1000 features a total latency of only 2.1 ms, which is state of the art for digital wireless systems.
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22 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
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MediorNet solutions will be used for all signal distribution and processing, including the video captured by the Moon rovers. ‘At Riedel, we’re no strangers to performing under pressure, as demonstrated by our work supporting Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking free-fall jump from the stratosphere,’ noted Jacqueline Voß, manager, corporate development at Riedel Communications. ‘After the massive success of the Stratos project, I wondered what would be next. Being a technology partner for the Mission to the Moon is not just a huge testament to the reliability of our
Artist and MediorNet solutions, but it also speaks volumes about our engineering teams that work behind the scenes. All of us at Riedel are thrilled to be a part of this project.’ Mission to the Moon will land in the Taurus-Littrow valley, which was the landing site for the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The PTScientists team will examine how the objects left behind by Apollo 17 have survived over 45 years on the Moon. A SpaceX rocket will be used to help reach the Earth’s orbit, after which PTScientists’ Alina spacecraft will continue on until it reaches lunar orbit, where it will then serve as an LTE base-station enabling data connectivity between the two rovers and the lander. Once the mission concludes, it is thought that Alina could act as a communications base-station for future missions. ‘Landing on the Moon is very complex, and it is vital that each person on the mission is working with the latest mission data and has the ability to communicate with the rest of the team without delay,’ said Robert Böhme, CEO and founder of PTScientists. ‘We’re pleased to be working with a company that has a long track record of providing services in high-pressure, live broadcast environments. The Riedel team already understands what we mean when we describe things as “mission critical”.’
GDS sets up in South Korea KOREA: British lighting manufacturer GDS (Global Design Solutions) has established GDS Korea, a manufacturing and design facility in South Korea. GDS also announced the appointment of lighting supply and integration company Hansam System as its exclusive distribution partner in the country. ‘I very much look forward to improving the technical quality of theatre spaces in South Korea,
and driving standards higher, as GDS has a long-standing reputation for doing,’ said GDS founder Richard Cuthbert. ‘I am extremely pleased to be working with Hansam System and the team in South Korea. With unparalleled systems integration knowledge, it is the right choice for GDS theatre and lighting products.’
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Extensive CDD install ensures Paddington Inn advances to Go
WORLD: Aten has expanded its membership status with the HDBaseT Alliance, becoming a contributor member. A long-term member of the alliance, Aten will now benefit from added privileges such as a dedicated company page on the alliance’s Installer Zone website. The HDBaseT Alliance works to promote, advance and standardise technology and is made up of more than 170 members.
‘Since joining the HDBaseT Alliance in 2013, Aten has frequently held the HDBaseT Installer Expert Programme around the world. We are very excited to become a contributor member, and we are confident the cooperation between Aten and the Alliance can realise the integration of A/V and IT,’ said Kevin Chen, president of Aten International.
BIAMP JOINS LOGITECH COLLABORATION PROGRAMME WORLD: Biamp has joined the Logitech Collaboration Programme (LCP) as an integration partner in the programme’s Complementary Technology Provider track. The partnership will result in integrated and complementary products. ‘Through Logitech’s Collaboration Programme, integrated solutions leveraging our innovative products – like Devio and TesiraForté – and Logitech’s visual and unified communications technology, provide our customers with a comprehensive experience further increasing meeting productivity,’ said Jody Thomas, director of business development at Biamp Systems. ‘We are pleased that Biamp has joined our programme,’ commented Jason Moss, global head of business development for Logitech’s video collaboration group. ‘By closely collaborating with Biamp we are able to offer a better user experience to our joint customers.’
with more amplified tones created by in-house DJs who can operate their decks and mixers from a number of floating points added to the venue’s infrastructure. As such, the audio system hasn’t been
AUSTRALIA: Synonymous for several decades as an area of downmarket bars and clubs, Sydney’s Oxford Street is enjoying a renaissance in its fortunes with an influx of stores, galleries, cafés and restaurants. The Paddington Inn exemplifies this resurgence following an extensive refurbishment to reveal a ground-floor bar, Matt Moran grill/restaurant and an exclusive upstairs rooftop bar. The venue maximises its appeal by serving coffees and breakfasts to
patrons in the morning right through to cocktails in the midnight hours. The interior design bears all the hallmarks of renowned entertainment property developer Merivale’s signature – stripped walls, partitions and screens promoting intimacy, art deco fixtures and low lighting create a unique ambiance. The venue’s music combines a mixture of sourced playlists inspired by Picnic and Kylie Minogue together
spared with a high density of Martin Audio Coaxial Differential Dispersion (CDD) cabinets mounted to the walls on omnidirectional mounting brackets by A/V systems integrator, Bump Productions. Powered by QSC CMX800Va amplifiers and supported by AQ210 floor-standing subwoofers, no fewer than 60 CDD5, CDD6 and
CDD8 coaxial cabinets provide zoned audio throughout Paddington Inn. A BSS London Blu Soundweb signal processor interfaces with the AMX control system to provide simplified audio management via an iPad touchscreen. The CDD speakers deliver more consistent audience coverage when compared to systems with set coverage patterns, according to Anthony Russo, managing director of Martin Audio’s Australian distributor, Technical Audio Group (TAG). ‘They project relatively more output to the rear of the audience, while having wide horizontal coverage close up,’ Mr Russo commented. ‘The CDD driver achieves point source summation of the LF and HF sections, eliminating off-axis variations in frequency response. Neither do they suffer from highfrequency beaming as the drivers feature a static waveguide that merges with the unique cone shape to maintain a dispersion pattern out to very high frequencies.’
Ronald Goh wins second APEA APAC: Electronics & Engineering (E&E)’s managing director, Ronald Goh, has once again been recognised by Enterprise Asia, winning the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award for the second time. He has been awarded the honour for his business foresight and exemplary leadership, as well as his efforts in corporate social responsibility and innovation. ‘I am deeply humbled,’ said Mr
Goh. ‘Winning this award twice within a five-year period is an affirmation of E&E’s unending commitment to continuous growth and business excellence. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to our clients, partners and my team for their continued trust and support.’
Ronald Goh (middle) at the APEA 2017 awards
Brolga Theatre future proofs with LED AUSTRALIA: At 17 years of age, the Brolga Theatre in Queensland was initially installed with lighting systems just before the LED revolution. The changes in technology that have taken place in the venue’s short history have already meant that replacement lamps are no longer available for its wash lights. In looking for a replacement that would also include an element of future proofing, the theatre’s staff chose Elation Lighting’s Platinum Seven RGBWACUV LED wash lights. ‘We knew we had to move to LED and intelligent fixtures,’ said Robert Haigh, operations technician at the 900-seat proscenium arch theatre. ‘We could afford to replace our washes, but not our profiles, so it was an easy decision to go to a
24 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
moving fixture that could provide a wash, and in the case of Elation’s Platinum Seven, work as a profile in many senses.’ The Elation fixtures were demonstrated to the Brolga team by Graeme Hicks, owner of Entertainment Production Supplies, accompanied by staff from the manufacturer’s Australian distributor, Lexair. ‘Lexair and EPS have been great,’ said Mr Haigh. ‘We have had great technical support from both of them, though we haven’t needed much because the products have been so intuitive and reliable.’ Those products are in the form of 12 Elation Platinum Sevens that replace 48 Fresnels. ‘Since we’ve installed the Platinum Sevens, we haven’t had to focus a profile,’
Robert Haigh Mr Haigh reported. ‘We can focus the Platinum Sevens down to an 800mm circle on the floor from our wash position, so we can quite happily use them as a drum or lead singer profile. For a rock band, for example, we get all of the benefits of movers from the bling point of view, but when we turn off the wash, we can refocus as a profile. The
market talks about RGB or CYM but the Platinum Seven is a mix of both. The UV is also one of the big selling points. We finally have a good UV wash onstage, and we’ve also been using it to make our colours “pop” a bit more.’
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Broadcasting across campus
SINGAPORE: In addition to teaching English proficiency programmes, accountancy, finance and business courses, PSB Academy’s new city campus in Marina Square also incorporates a glass-housed radio and television studio. GBS Alliance was called upon to install the simulation radio station, which broadcasts to the campus via a ceiling speaker system. The AoIP DSP mixing engine
consists of an eight-fader Axia iQ console connected to a QOR.32 engine via a single Cat-5 cable. Similarly connected via Ethernet, a VSet6 six-line phone controller and Telos Hx6 Livewire unit provides a simulated six-line digital talkshow system. Featuring two digital hybrids, EQ, noise gate, caller ducking and AEC, the system provides on-air phone call display information such as line and caller
status, while enabling talent to go through queued calls. Monitoring comes in the form of a pair of wall mounted Dynaudio LYD 7 speakers and four sets of Audio-Technica M50X headphones. Audio-Technica also supplied four BP40 large diaphragm condenser microphones to the purpose-built facility fixed onto four Yellowtec Mika arms. Brandon Yap, business development manager of GBS Alliance, commented: ‘If our clients don’t have a preference, we will recommend the BP40 for such setups, as it’s currently the industry standard for excelling at speech
Brandon Yap of GBS Alliance with the Audio-Technica team
Resident at the world‘s best clubs.
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CS218 subwoofers have been disguised as tables local dealer Guangzhou EGG Technologies Company, who recommended the services of DMT. DMT serves as the Chinese distributor for Clair Brothers and worked with the dealer to design and install a solution comprising
13.09.2017 14:37:03
Clair Brothers shows its TrueColors CHINA: The flagship TrueColor nightclub in Guangzhou was recently subject to an audio upgrade following an interior refurbishment. The club chain’s owners, Alliance Art Group, consulted with Mr Tan of
Download the new catalog here:
intelligibility. The BP40 offers good off-axis rejection, while the humbucking voice coil prevents electromagnetic rejection should anyone bring a phone near it.’ Although this is not a 24/7 on-air radio studio and is only used for educational purposes, the studio is built on the theme of making learning an adventure, one that would certainly encourage students’ curiosity and exploration as part of their educational journey at PSB Academy.
the American manufacturer’s systems. The result is the largest Clair Brothers install in China. The main system flanks a large feature video wall. It comprises three Cat215 curved line array cabinets per side with CS218
double 18-inch subwoofers installed beneath the stage and around the club, many disguised as cocktail tables. A pair of kiTCurve12s provide centre-fill, while four kiT12s and two FF2HXs serve as delays. Cat115, kiTCurve12, CS18-M, FF2-HX and kiT12 cabinets fill the bar area. Lab.gruppen FP Series amplifiers power the systems, which are managed by Lake Controller software. ‘The Clair Brothers system has exceeded all our expectations,’ enthused a TrueColor spokesperson. ‘Customers are staying longer and business is much better than before.’ Following the success of the project, Alliance Art Group has requested Clair Brothers for its larger TrueColor club in Beijing.
Nexo reproduces orchestra for Catholic anniversary Vera10s cover Dilli Haat Janakpuri INDIA: A TW Audio system of six Vera10 line arrays and two S30 subwoofers per side has been installed at the newly opened Dilli Haat Janakpuri (DHJP) auditorium in New Delhi. The solution was installed by IND-AGIV Commerce Limited, having won the work via a government tender issued by the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC). ‘It was IND-AGIV’s first time using TW Audio,’ said Krishna Singh, general manager of TW Audio India. ‘Narinder Singh, IND-AGIV’s regional sales and technical head for North India, had attended a few demos and experienced the brand at a few venues prior to this.’ The installed Vera10 system and S30 subs are powered by four Powersoft K3DSP amplifiers and
provide sufficient coverage for the entire 800-seat venue. ‘The auditorium was completed before the tender for the sound system was awarded,’ recalled Manmohan Kakkar, IND-AGIV’s project engineer for Dilli Haat Janakpuri. ‘This made the cabling a slight challenge. Everything else went smoothly once that was sorted out. TW Audio’s rigging frame and accessories made it easy to mount the speakers.’ The client is pleased with IND-AGIV’s work, with a DTTDC representative commenting: ‘We are quite happy with the TW Audio system installed at Dilli Haat Janakpuri auditorium.’
INDONESIA: The Catholic Church in Indonesia has celebrated its 50th anniversary. As part of the festivities, the Catholic community in Central Java came together for an orchestral concert at the Crowne Hotel Ballroom in Semarang to mark the golden jubilee. The concert featured performances from the Paulus Surya Orchestra with guest vocalists Delon Thamrin, Putri Ayu, Angela July, Cicho Jericho and Surya Vokalia. ASIIS Indonesia was hired to supply a high-quality sound reinforcement
system for the event. In addition to serving as a rental company, ASIIS is also a distributor for several sound and lighting brands in Indonesia including Nexo, for which it is the exclusive partner. The company’s CEO, Andy Mulya Sutikno, wore the dual hats of system engineer and FOH engineer for the concert, choosing the French manufacturer’s Geo S12 line array cabinets for the main PA. The left and right hangs each comprised six S1210 loudspeakers
flown below two LS18 subwoofers. RS18 Raysubs were ground stacked and ran in cardioid mode to deliver bass extension and Geo S1230 speakers were deployed as front-fills to cover the VIP area at the front of the venue. ‘Thanks to the cardioid subs and the dispersion of the Geo S12 line array, we had very even coverage throughout the venue,’ recalled Mr Sutikno. ‘The audience, the church committee and even the venue owner were very appreciative, and all the performers said they were very happy with the sound quality of the system.’
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 27
d3 maps the Gate of Light
CHINA: More than 2,000 visitors flocked to the inaugural Gate of Light festival in Shanghai to view eight pieces of projection mapped artwork. The real-time tracking projection mapping across each installation was driven by a d3 Technologies 4x4pro with a BlackTrax – Real Time Tracking system. The festival was jointly organised by SKGMedia, authorised Chinese d3 reseller Redline and d3 rental partner Huelead. Serving as projection surfaces for the festival were four buildings, including the Bolshoi Theatre, which provided the canvas for Parallel Universes by Maxin10sity, as well as a car, an umbrella, a cube and a robot that interacted with a performer. d3’s 3D Visualisation solution was used to design the
A car was also subject to projection mapping projection setup, while Timeline was used to program cues, synchronise media and control layers. The d3 Show Intergration feature facilitated the real-time tracking of the robot with 3D projection mapping courtesy of BlackTrax. In total, five Appotronics AL-FU 10K and a pair of Barco F90-W3 13,000 projectors were deployed.
The Bolshoi Theatre provided the canvas for Parallel Universes by Maxin10sity
One solution for Unilever’s training facility
SINGAPORE: Unilever has built a new training facility in Singapore to serve its staff across the entire Asia Pacific region. It tasked systems integrator, Principle One, with providing an A/V system that would be easy to use and could deliver multiple sources to a total of 49 endpoints without audio lag. To meet this requirement, Principle One turned to ClearOne and its View network streaming system based on Streamnet. ‘With a training facility of this size and complexity, it was an absolute necessity to implement a simple, consistently superior audio/video solution,’ said David Wang, ClearOne senior sales
director for Asia Pacific and the Middle East. ‘Using our View products, Principle One was able to provide Unilever with a robust audio and video streaming and distribution system, and ensure there would be no sync issues or audio delay from room to room.’ The installation is split between 24 separate zones, including the training halls, syndicate rooms, amphitheatre, gymnasium, dining facilities, leisure centre and meeting rooms. The View system comprises 26 ClearOne MLAV9500 IP-based digital video encoders, 24 VL9300 IP-based digital video decoders, 25 SL251 IP-based controller/
amplifiers, an Anthology audio media server and four 48-port Gigabit switches. An iPad offers simplified control, while 10 rooms have been installed with ClearOne wall-mount keypads that allow for source selection and volume control. Norman Law of Principle One explained that the service provided by ClearOne is one of the main reasons his company uses the manufacturer. ‘We valued their support throughout the project process. There is always a knowledgeable person at the end of the phone who is not only able to answer any questions we might have, but is aware of our specific project, and that is invaluable to us when we are dealing with clients of this nature and size.’
Artel acquires ARG IPs WORLD: Artel Video Systems has acquired selected intellectual property from ARG ElectroDesign. The deal includes core IP switch technology from the Quarra 1G and 10G IP Switch ranges, as well as the Automatic Repeat Query (ARQ) product line. Artel will now manufacture and distribute both Quarra and ARQ products. ‘As we continue to expand our IP portfolio with organic developments, we also look for key technology partners to support the additional areas of our short- and mid-term
product roadmap,’ said Mike Rizzo, president and CEO of Artel. ‘Our broadcast, government and service
provider customers are asking us to bring new and innovative products to market to support the IP transition
28 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
within their workflows. These products will enable us to further enhance our position by providing four new IP-centric products to market immediately.’ In addition, former ARG chief technology officer Richard Bell has joined Artel in an engineering leadership capacity. Artel has also established a strategic board of advisors, with Brian Cabeceiras and Eric Pfaff serving as the inaugural members.
Universiade International Broadcasting Center with Apantac Mi-16 Multiviewers
Apantac offers a multiview of the Universiade Games TAIWAN: The XXIX Summer Universiade Games, also referred to as the Taipei 2017 Universiade, recently took place throughout Taiwan, with venues located in New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City, as well as Taipei and other counties. To ensure that all 22 sports and 270 gold medal events, in which athletes from more than 150 countries took part over 12 days, were monitored at the games’ International Broadcasting Center (IBC), Apantac’s Mi16 series of multiviewers was employed for master playout. The IBC’s technical team installed 12 Mi-16 video multiviewers to monitor the camera feeds from 79 venues around the country. ‘Apantac Mi-16 multiviewers are a core part of the infrastructure for the master playout centre at the Universiade IBC,’ said chief technology consultant for Summer Universiade, RY Chen. ‘We have worked with Apantac technology
for a number of years and we know that their multiviewers are resilient, flexible and can withstand the intensity of these types of events. Apantac also has a strong regional presence and local support team, which is important to the success of our project.’ The Mi-16 system was also chosen due to its 3G passive loop-outs that ensure a source is not lost, even if the multiviewer goes down or is switched off. In addition, it was noted that its source duplicating function and internal routing meant that no external routers were required and therefore saved on costs. ‘Our mi-6 multiviewers ensure that the technology team can monitor all feeds from the event anywhere and at any time,’ concluded Thomas Tang, president of Apantac. ‘We are extremely excited to have been a part of the Summer Universiade Games.’
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NEWS SOUNDBITES EAW ACCOMMODATES EASE AND Q-SYS WORLD: EASE GLL files and Q-Sys processing plug-ins have been made available for several Eastern Acoustic Works, (EAW) products. EASE GLLs are initially downloadable for the Radius loudspeaker line, with plans in place to add GLL files for Adaptive and KF line arrays. Q-Sys plug-ins, meanwhile, are available for QX, MK and VFR loudspeakers. ‘We spoke with many top systems integrators in the business to see if there was anything EAW could provide that would make incorporating our products into their designs easier,’ explained Adam Shulman, director of marketing and applications engineering at EAW. ‘Many of them were interested in EASE GLLs and Q-Sys plug-ins, which help to simplify system design workflow. It was an easy request to accommodate.’
Recording a nostalgic Dream of Red Mansions CHINA: A concert was recently performed at the People’s Great Hall in Beijing by the Chinese Film Orchestra to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the television series Dream of Red Mansions. The show is remembered for its soundtrack as much as its narrative, and in addition to gathering as many of the original actors, singers and technical crew as possible, chief recording engineer Weishen Xu was asked to serve as the director for the live sound and the concert recording. Mr Xu now lives in Canada, but flew in for the event and made use of several Merging Technologies solutions. A 40-track DXD system featuring Pyramix MassCore with Horus
The Dream Formula team converters was employed for the live sound and simultaneous recording. Meanwhile, a back-up Pyramix Native system recorded 112 tracks of PCM from the live sound console,
Nils de Montgrand and Stan Miller sign the paperwork DMG Lumière’s workforce and technologies will help to further develop Rosco’s LED lighting catalogue, while Rosco’s global sales, marketing, distribution and customer service teams will provide access to the DMG product portfolio. The DMG team joining the Rosco ranks includes an LED lighting developer, a gaffer and a renowned cinematographer. ‘DMG Lumière is the perfect partner as we look to grow our business, and we’re delighted to welcome them into the Rosco family,’ enthused Rosco CEO Mark Engel.
connected via MADI and able to utilise additional microphones. Assisting Mr Xu were the audio team from Merging Asia’s main Chinese dealer, Dream Formula.
IPTV links classrooms at Ridge View
WORLD: Rosco has acquired DMG Lumière. The French manufacturer has grown rapidly since it was founded in 2014 by the de Montgrand brothers – Mathieu, Nils and Jean – along with their partner, Nicolas Goerg. It specialises in LED systems for film, television and broadcast applications.
‘I was the original chief recording engineer for the TV series 30 years ago and most people know me because of my work on the series and its 12 songs,’ commented Mr Xu. ‘They stand the test of time well and the original recordings have recently been transferred to DSD and still sound great. This was obviously a hugely nostalgic event that needed to be delivered in the best possible quality. In China, just as elsewhere, there was never any doubt that this had to be Pyramix.’
SINGAPORE: A pair of classrooms at the National University of Singapore’s Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) has been installed with IPTV technology from Visionary Solutions. The manufacturer’s local partner and regional systems integrator, Pave, installed the systems having been charged with delivering flexible and collaborative IP-based learning, facilitating an HDMI workflow. ‘The rooms are intended not for traditional tutoring, but as more of a collaborative space where students can work closely and share ideas,’ said Wang Heng Thean, sales director at Pave. ‘Clear communication between them is very important. Both rooms can accommodate up to 24 students, who are divided into four groups, each with its own display. Within these groups, students are encouraged to discuss concepts amongst themselves, collaborate with one another, and exchange ideas using the displays and their own laptop – it’s a bring your own device environment. If a student has an idea the tutor wishes to share with all of the students to encourage broader discussion,
then the content in question can be sent to all of the displays, for all to see.’ The Pave team installed seven Visionary Solutions IPTV sources in total: the students’ devices feed four of the manufacturer’s encoders, while another receives content from the teacher’s laptop. The remaining two connect to an Epson camera and a touchscreen. A Cisco switch manages the feed at the other end of the signal chain where Visionary Solutions, decoders feed 65-inch Samsung
displays, a confidence monitor, an Epson ultra-short throw projector and the room’s AMX control system. ‘We decided to experiment with the concept of future-proofing the system by using video-over-IP to replace a conventional matrix video switcher,’ recalled Mr Heng Thean. ‘Students are able to share anything from their own laptop – a video file, photographs or a Word document; whatever assists the broader discussion. As soon as the decision was made to implement an IPTV solution, it became clear that we had to move quickly to install the technology, with just two weeks for Visionary Solutions to deliver all of the equipment. I’m glad to say that Visionary Solutions were excellent in supporting us to ensure that this goal was met. The use of IPTV provides the school with remarkable configuration flexibility and ongoing savings in terms of maintenance.’
Standardised camera setups at Mediacorp
SINGAPORE: The infrastructure at Mediacorp’s new facility at Mediapolis@one-north was designed with a seamless end-to-end, file-based workflow to simplify operations. To maintain simplicity in its camera fleet, the media company worked with Sony to standardise its cameras across seven of its 14 television studios.
An HDC-2400 in the production studio Three production studios have been equipped with Sony HDC-2400 system cameras reportedly chosen for image quality, 3G capability and 1080/50P, 59.94P format. Meanwhile, HDC-1700, dual-format HD system cameras have been installed in three of the news studios, which can be upgraded to 4K resolution content creation. ‘We had this rare opportunity of migrating to a brand new facility, and it made sense to evaluate our integration options,’ said Rajesh Sharma, AVP, campus technology development at Mediacorp. ‘By standardising all our studio cameras, we can easily network all our studios to improve resource management and be able to control cameras from any control room.’
The rooms are linked via IPTV
30 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Less is More VHD2.0 Large Format Point Source System
Sound Engineer Angus Davidson has been involved in large scale sound reinforcement for the last thirty years mixing for famous acts like Supertramp and Crowded House. For him sound quality is the number one priority and this is what has drawn him to KV2 and VHD. “The capabilities of the VHD2.0 in sound quality and coverage have astounded me but the cost savings in transport, crew, rigging, power requirements and set up times make this system a real winner. VHD delivers real bang for the buck on all fronts." Angus Davidson Sound Engineer
SK Telecom takes flight with AJA KOREA: Following three years of R&D, SK Telecom has launched a drone-based disaster monitoring and rescue system. The finished system relies on four AJA ROI-DP and seven Hi5-Plus Mini-Converters for converting DisplayPort signals to SDI, and 3G-SDI to HDMI. The emergency drone system is designed to alert the public
about hazards such as forest fires, car accidents and storms, and is reportedly the world’s smallest mobile news gathering (MNG) device, capable of delivering high-quality video with almost zero latency. It is built around T live caster – a proprietary live encoder that supports HEVC. Its transmitter encodes video from an HDMI input
in real-time, integrating with the system’s receiver, dubbed T live studio, which is located inside a Drone Mobile Station (DMS). Footage from the drones is sent to the DMS via the AJA ROI-DP and Hi5-Plus Mini-Converters. ROI-DP
converts 1080p 60 HD signals from T live studio to HD-SDI signals, while Hi5-Plus delivers 3G-SDI signals from the system’s switchers to HDMI monitors. ‘We initially chose ROI-DP and Hi5-Plus because we knew they
could handle the vibrations, heat, dust and other harsh circumstances that go along with placement in a 5-ton DMS truck, and they have,’ said Damon Shin, senior manager at SK Telecom. ‘The converters were also so intuitive to use that they accelerated our R&D testing. ROI-DP and Hi5-Plus have been a consistent and reliable part of our workflow, and essential to fixing several issues we’ve encountered. Our team has been especially impressed by their ability to stably transform full HD 60p video signals with efficient and reliable performance.’ T live studio communicates with T live caster via a custom protocol optimised for LTE, facilitating the live stream to multiple monitors or video routers. Surveillance is controlled using a smartphone app.
SAM collaborates with Cisco WORLD: Snell Advanced Media (SAM) has formed a strategic partnership with Cisco that will see the latter’s IP Fabric for Media solution integrated into the former’s existing IP networking solutions. The aim is to offer a ‘truly integrated IP networking solution’ to allow for a seamless transition to IP. As part of the collaboration, SAM will resell Cisco solutions, including Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches and the Data Centre Network
offering the speed and agility they need to launch new services.’ ‘By working with Cisco, we offer customers more choice and we also simplify the process for them, providing a single supplier approach, reducing risk as well as making deploying IP easier,’ commented Robert Szabó-Rowe, EVP and GM, live production and infrastructure at SAM.
Manager (DCNM) software-defined networking solution, as part of its IP services. ‘Pairing SAM’s IP portfolio with Cisco’s offers us the ability to drive greater IP industry adoption,’ explained Bryan Bedford, global business development, strategy and channel lead at Cisco. ‘Our collaboration continues to help joint customers further the transitions from legacy architectures to IP and cloud,
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A powerful new technology at the heart of DPA miniature microphones. We’ve minimized distortion and expanded dynamic range significantly. From a whisper to a scream, DPA mics have got you covered. Clear, consistent and robust mics are important tools that can make or break your show. Don’t settle. Choose CORE.
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32 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017 Made in Denmark
09/10/17 15.36
Community takes to the ice
Clear-Com expands R&D site
KOREA: Gangneung Ice Arena has been built especially for the figure skating and short-track speed skating events during the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympics. The venue will then remain as a permanent legacy facility for local recreational use and is equipped with a Community R Series sound system designed and delivered by Inter-M Corporation.
WORLD: Clear-Com has opened the doors to its new, expanded R&D facility in Montreal. The Canadian site is home to ClearCom Research, which was established in 2008 following Clear-Com’s acquisition of TalkDynamics.
Edge DSP, while power is courtesy of Lab.gruppen C Series 28:4 amplifiers. Less power was required for the training rink; however, a similar system was adopted for consistency. Control and power are once again via a Midas Pro2-CC-IP console with Symetrix Edge DSP and Lab.gruppen C Series 28:4 amplifiers, respectively, while the loudspeaker setup comprises 14 R.25-94Z and eight R.5-94Z cabinets.
The arena features a 60m x 30m ice rink for competition and another for training, and seats up to 12,000 spectators. Inter-M calculated a design for the PA solution to meet the required level of intelligibility and coverage throughout the venue. Installation assistance was provided by Desco. The main competition rink is covered by 40 R2-694Z 3-way loudspeakers, supplemented by four R2SUBDF subwoofers. This system is managed using a Midas Pro2-CC-IP console with Symetrix
‘The business is growing in all areas of our technology portfolio, and the Montreal office is key to our success’ ‘This marks an exciting moment in the Clear-Com business,’ said CEO, Mitzi Dominguez. ‘Moving into a larger office space was necessary to provide a more collaborative and creative environment for our research and development team. The business is growing in all areas of our technology portfolio, and the Montreal office is key to our success.’
The offices will be formally opened with an open house ceremony. This will include a celebratory reception for the Montreal team and Clear-Com’s senior management, as well as local customers and channel partners.
‘The new research and development office underscores our technology leadership and ingenuity,’ stated Clear-Com president, Bob Boster. ‘We are very proud of the impact we are making in the industry and to our customer users specifically.’ In other news, Clear-Com’s Eclipse HX digital intercom system can now be integrated with Salzbrenner’s Inspiration stage management consoles. This provides users of the Salzbrenner consoles with remote access to stage management functions and information, including cue light control, paging from intercom panels and video routing control via Eclipse HX key panels and beltpacks.
40 R2-694Z speakers cover the main rink
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 33
New wireless around campus SINGAPORE: Founded in 1998, Singapore Management University (SMU) may be a relatively new kid on the block, but its vision to establish itself on 4.5 hectares
of prime CDB real estate was a masterstroke. Designed, integrated and constructed into the very heart of the cityscape in 2005, the unique SMU campus blends in with
surrounding museums, theatres, art galleries, cafés, restaurants and retail outlets. Similarly, it has married A/V and IT technologies that intertwine with one another in the classrooms. Interfaced to the Crestron AV3 control system that operates throughout the campus over a Cat-6 cabling infrastructure, Apple iPad touchscreens enable the selection and configuration of the individual audio and video sources. Designed to enhance collaboration, 106 of the u-shaped lecture theatres have been further installed with Sennheiser SpeechLine Digital Wireless (SL-DW) microphone systems to reinforce speech. ‘With the shrinking bandwidth imposed by the government, we could no longer operate our Evolution Wireless G3 Sennheiser SL-DW systems have been deployed PRISMLALALANDProAVLAsiaNovDec17FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 11/10/2017 15:35 Page 1 Series within the 600MHz to 900MHz
Worth making a Song and Dance Over
Prism Sound LLyra user Justin Hurwitz.
range,’ revealed SMU’s senior assistant director, Jan Setyawan. ‘We looked at a number of wireless systems before opting for the SL-DW,’ furthered Mr Setyawan. ‘The SL-DW models operate at the 1.9MHz frequency without any interference and were affordable for our needs.’ The long classroom hours from 8am to 10.30pm meant their options were further limited
to only those wireless microphones that could provide 15+ hours of battery life. ‘Each Speechline transmitter can operate between 15 and 17 hours per charge. Once the lectures have finished for the day, they can either be placed in the twin-bay docking stations that have been integrated into each lectern or charged via USB.’ The campus-wide wireless network also provides Mr Setyawan with another added bonus. ‘All the SL-DW systems can be monitored centrally via the Sennheiser Control Cockpit software that comes with it. From a PC or iPad, the GUI provides all relevant status information on the dashboard allowing setting adjustments for one or multiple devices at the same time. The devices page provides a comprehensive overview of all devices and their location, device type and other information such as battery life.’
Celestion on Authestion
WORLD: Having announced that it is digitally authoring its impulse response files to better protect against unauthorised sharing, British manufacturer Celestion has unveiled more details on how this is being achieved following requests from its users. The company has Authestion Marked the full range of Celestion Impulse Responses available at Celestion Plus.
customers who have paid to download authentic Celestion IRs.’ The Authestion Marked technology is a development of Celesion’s and works by adding ‘inaudible sound’ to the file that is traceable. It describes the process as follows: ‘When a customer places an order for a particular Celestion IR download, Authestion works by adding a unique Identifier within the waveform of the file,
‘Celestion has invested a great deal in developing and perfecting our genuine Impulse Responses, using the finest state-of-the art gear, award-winning engineers and world-class recording facilities,’ stated Nigel Wood, Celestion CEO. ‘Having our authentic IR downloads Authestion Marked is not only important to us, given the expertise and efforts we’ve put into such a high-quality product, but also fair to our valued
making it unique and therefore traceable. The Identifier does not capture any personal data of the customer, nor affect the way the IRs work or are installed by the licensed user. This simply allows Celestion to determine when and who purchased the IR file and track the use of the downloads should unauthorised, widespread sharing be encountered.’
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When Academy Aw A ard winning film composer Justin Hurwitz went looking for a new interface that exuded both quality and class in its construction and sound quality he looked no further than the Prism Sound LLyra. The crystal-clear transparency of even the smallest details in the mix made it the perfect choice.
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34 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
New DiGiCo SD 32-Bit Mic Pre-Amp
John Stadius The Scientist The future of transparency. ...with the ultimate ‘Stadius’ Mic Pre-Amp Twenty years ago, converters changed from 16 or 18-bit resolution to 24-bit and this additional 8 bits of converter resolution was instantly audible and created an instant demand for 24-bit quality. Now DiGiCo re-defines the future with the launch of the NEWLY DESIGNED SD 32-bit ‘John Stadius’ Mic Pre-Amp. An all-new Pre-Amp with audio qualities and sonic performance that’s simply astounding.
Main Features
Fully differential audio path from input to converter
Twin 32-bit ADC conversion per channel
Lightening quick conversion time; 73uS
Dynamic punch and increased audio depth; Dynamic range of 123dBA
Incredibly low noise; 128dB EIN
Transparency and clarity of audio; 20-22kHz <0.002% THD+N
Class leading frequency response; 20-44.5kHz ±0.1dB
Open and clear audio reproduction; 12dB harmonic weighting improvement
8 channels of temporal perfection; 0deg phase shift 20-22kHz Mr John Stadius. The Scientist.
DiGiCo UK Ltd. Unit 10 Silverglade Business Park, Leatherhead Road Chessington, Surrey KT9 2QL. Tel: +44 (0) 1372 845600
Symetrix distribution across YG Republique THAILAND: YG Entertainment’s latest venture, YG Republique, is a multi-floor, multi-venue space in Bangkok that includes a restaurant, lounge, bar and nightclub. A/V integrator Fuzion Far East was engaged to handle the site’s audio requirements, implementing a Symetrix Prism 16x16 DSP system to manage the processing and distribution across the various zones. ‘It was imperative that music from any venue can be sent to any other venue,’ explained Benjamin Walters, Fuzion Far East’s product specialist and project manager. ‘This applies not just to background music, but also to the DJ and live band sets taking place in YG Republique’s club and pub areas.’
The system designed by Mr Walters and his team utilises a single Symetrix Prism 16x16 processor connected to the Dantebased audio network installed. Additional output capability has been provided by Symetrix’ xOut 12 Dante expander, while five Attero Tech unDX2IO Dante interface wall boxes handle the inputs and
outputs throughout the complex with Symetrix Arc controllers offering control for the end user. The sound system is formed from Quest Engineering loudspeakers and amplifiers. ‘The audio is of the highest quality and is flexibly processed and managed throughout,’ Mr Walters reported. ‘The Prism is fundamental to achieving that. The Prism 16x16 and the xOut 12 Dante expander provide the quality and the number of outputs we required. With Symetrix Arc controllers installed on each floor, there is also a great flexibility of control over volume and other key settings.’
Immersive artwork KOREA: An exhibition collecting works from the Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain in Paris, named Highlights, was recently held at Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). As part of the exhibition, Korean artists produced exclusively commissioned works, including brothers Park Chan-wook and Park Chan-kyong, collectively known as Parking Chance, who produced a short 3D film with 3D audio dubbed Decades Apart that utilised Barco’s Iosono immersive audio technology. The film was shot at an abandoned 12-year old movie set
Throwing sound in Glass House INDIA: Dev Electronics has designed and installed a sound solution comprising QSC’s E-Series systems at Glass House. A newly opened dining and party venue in Mumbai’s Malad district, Glass House offers a wide variety of music, from classical to electronic lounge and chill-out. The E-Series setup includes six E15 loudspeakers and five E18S subwoofers deployed throughout the venue at regular intervals to ensure uniform coverage. Power comes from three Crown XTi 6002
Studiomaster B 400 cabinets serve as monitors. ‘The entire team at Dev Electronics have done a fabulous job with the audio setup,’ said a senior member of the Glass House management team. ‘The crowds are loving the music, and we know for a fact that the system is so versatile that we can host parties with high-energy DJ music playing without even having to think if it would be able to handle it.’ amplifiers. The eclectic music mix is programmed by the resident DJ, Vicky Surve. Her setup in the DJ
DHDI grants access to online reference library
WORLD: Delta H Design (DHDI) has made access to its online reference library public. The organisation aims to aggregate topics of interest regarding acoustics, thermal dynamics, classical mechanics, wave behaviour and quantum physics. The library covers subjects such as the history of acoustics and cuttingedge research. The subject matter and information is all selected by DHDI staff members who consider suggestions from industry professionals.
‘As more and more trusted, vetted sources of information become available, the knowledge of a great many researchers, scientists, artists and creators, who are willing to share their experiences, makes the possibilities of accelerated technological innovation more possible than ever,’ commented Hanson Hsu, principal designer and CEO of DHDI.
36 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
booth includes a pair of Pioneer CDJ-2000NXS pro-grade digital DJ decks and a DJM-850 mixer. Two
Bass Empire’s studio setup
Eve joins Bass Empire AUSTRALIA: Bass Empire, a Melbourne-based studio that offers mastering, mixing, production and tuition services, has been installed with a variety of Eve Audio monitoring solutions. The studio is owned and operated by Mike Mammone, who also performs under the alias DJ eM. The Bass Empire Eve Audio setup comprises a pair of SC307 3-way, 7-inch monitors and four of the SC207 2-way, 7-inch variety, as well as a TS110 subwoofer. ‘The stereo imaging is amazing, but also retains all the mono information in the mix,’ Mr Mammone explained. ‘The Eves
produce such a beautifully balanced sound. Whilst the ribbon tweeters are incredibly detailed, they aren’t fatiguing to the ears, which is very important to me.’
to offer a contrast with images shot at the site in 2005. The 3D sound elements were added to immerse the audience in the experience. ‘The old set has become a decrepit sight,’ explained Parking Chance. ‘Through the use of 3D cinematography and the montage of the soundtrack, we wander around this ghost house that feels like both a reality or a dream, somewhere in between the present and the past.’
Little Red Ants paints the way for Uber SINGAPORE: Singapore-based production house, Little Red Ants Creative Studio, was recently contracted to produce a new television commercial for Uber’s operations in Vietnam. Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve was used for colour correction.
‘Uber wanted to show that their service spanned all types of scenarios and situations, hence, we had to juggle with day, night, magic hour scenes, indoors, outdoors and even inside the vehicles,’ said Darren Tan, owner of Little Red Ants Studio. ‘So it was a mishmash of lighting conditions and trying to make the piece coherent. Utilising masks and the extremely powerful tracker in DaVinci Resolve, along with the robust colour tools, allowed us to selectively alter and tweak shots so that they matched from scene to scene.’
The new KH 80 DSP – Small. Clever. Neutral.
The Eklektric view
No stranger to the world of live sound, entrepreneur Jim Sides is back and open for business with Eklektric LLC. And he has Asia in his sights, discovers Simon Luckhurst credentials in building businesses, both in the United States and internationally, that I feel can help people.’ The target for Eklektric is the market Mr Sides knows best: start-up companies and small businesses that lack experience
FROM MEYER SOUND TO NEXO USA, and Apogee Sound to Vue, the enviable credentials of Jim Sides can be claimed by few in the audio industry. When last year he called an end to his full-time involvement with Vue Audiotechnik, the loudspeaker company he cofounded with EAW’s Ken Berger back in 2012, many assumed that he had done his time in the industry and would now be off to enjoy the finer things in life. But for Mr Sides, it seems the entrepreneurial spirit never dies. ‘I was considering what I wanted to do,’ he recalls. ‘Did I want to just ride off into the sunset or did I want to do something new and utilise some of the skills I’ve learnt
‘Apogee Sound was one of the pioneers for many technologies that are being used today in loudspeaker systems and designs. We had a terrific impact on the industry’
CEO of Eklektric Jim Sides
over the years? I co-founded Vue Audiotechnik having just come out of Meyer Sound. At the time, I wanted to do something unique and different, and also introduce some new technologies to the marketplace. It’s up and running now and it’s doing very well, but at the end of the day that’s not where I wanted to wind up my career. ‘At the same time, I wanted to start expanding my horizons, and have the flexibility to not travel so much,’ he continues. ‘I’ve worked it out so that I’m leaving Vue in a good fashion. I’m still a shareholder but that’s now where it ends for me.’ This departure from Vue has given Mr Sides the opportunity to explore these new horizons, and, like any good entrepreneur, spot the niche in the market. He’s since started a new business called Eklektric that draws on a skilled network of experts to provide businesses with advice and consultation on a wide range of matters. ‘Looking at the way consultants in our industry work, generally speaking, they’re very focused on one discipline,’ says Mr Sides. ‘One usually hires a consultant for
businesses that are small and these companies really drive this industry. If you take that kind of entrepreneurial spirit and drive – which the Asians have innately just in the way their cultures are geared towards achieving success – I really tap into that.’
a specific task, which is all well and good, because you need experts when you’re building or expanding a business. I felt that one of the things that was missing in our industry was a person or a consultancy that could cover a wide swath of things, from sales – meaning distribution, setting up sales policies and procedures, as well as how to sell products cleverly; marketing – what’s your message and how to expand that message globally; business development – how to set up a business, how to operate a business, what are your challenges and what are your opportunities in setting up a business; and also just being a person that the CEO or company executives can talk to on a oneto-one basis, who can really be empathetic to what they’re going through. ‘Often, especially in entrepreneurial situations, it’s lonely at the top and the person running that company can feel pretty isolated. All of these kinds of things crop up running a business, and what Eklektric really offers is help in a broad sense and across many disciplines. That comes from being an entrepreneur myself – I’ve successfully launched two start-ups that have turned international, and both have done extremely well over the years.’
38 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
In addition to his own unique skill set, Mr Sides feels his reputation in the industry also offers him an advantage that can benefit others trying to fill his shoes. ‘Apogee Sound was one of the pioneers for many technologies that are being used today in loudspeaker systems and designs. We had a terrific impact on the industry. Subsequently, I helped to bring a French company into the United States with Nexo when I launched Nexo USA. And, of course, my foray with Meyer. I’d never really worked for anyone before and then I took up working with Meyer for almost 10 years. That saw me travel all over the planet, even living in Germany for almost six years. So it’s with my experience and my
but possess the drive and flexibility necessary for making constructive changes. ‘I’m really specialising in working with smaller companies,’ he states. ‘Smaller really means anything from US$10 million turnover to US$50 to 60 million a year. That’s who I really feel most comfortable with because there’s a lot more freedom. There are a lot of production companies and
Drumming at ET Live 2005
On stage at the finale of Et Live 2005, where Mr Sides was also the MC
From its base in California, Eklektric has its sights firmly set on the other side of the world, in part because of Mr Sides’ own appreciation for the many challenges and opportunities present. ‘I’m already really busy just off the back of my reputation, which is brilliant,’ he says. ‘But I definitely want to expand on that and I’m very keen to do more business in Asia. I’ve done a lot of work there over the years and it’s a market I really like a lot. There are so many possibilities and so many opportunities. It really gives people the ability to reinvent themselves. I guess a comparable time would be back in the 1800s when the gold rush happened here in California. It’s similar to what has happened in Asia over the past 30 years. It’s definitely a place of opportunities if you know how to take them and move with them.’ For many westerners, the stark contrast between different Asian cultures can be a stumbling block to success, but Mr Sides considers it a strength of his. ‘It’s what I enjoy,’ he explains. ‘I enjoy all the various different cultures, I love people and I love the differences between them. Over the years, the change in China, for instance, has just been remarkable. There are such interesting markets and a terrific amount of growth potential.’ Mr Sides undoubtedly possesses an informed and unrivalled view of the industry that keeps calling him back. In an industry experiencing immense and rapid change, it can be useful to have someone on board that can take an eclectic view.
Star treatment from Pro AVL Asia
Clear-Com, Audinate, Audio-Technica and Pro AVL Asia got the conversation started with a day of education and networking at The Star Performing Arts Centre. Caroline Moss reports PRO AVL ASIA PARTNERED WITH co-sponsors Clear-Com, Audinate and Audio-Technica to present a day of educational seminars, training and networking at The Star Performing Arts Centre in Buona Vista on 17 October. The first of a new series of events planned by Blank Canvas Publishing, AudioNetworking@TheStar kicked off
Ben Wong from Audinate
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Clear-Com’s Hans Chia and The Star’s Reuben Ong
Pro AVL Asia editor Caroline Moss
40 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
with an overview of Dante technology by Audinate’s director of APAC sales, Ben Wong. This was immediately followed by Intercom Over Networks by Hans Chia, Clear-Com’s regional sales manager, South East Asia, who presented possible deployment and sample applications of intercom over various networking options. After lunch, which provided good business networking opportunities for delegates, The Star’s technical supervisor for audio, Reuben Ong, took to the podium with an interesting keynote speech, Audio and Intercom Networking for Performing Arts Centres. Describing the technical setup at The Star in detail, Mr Ong went on to recount several real-life situations in the venue’s five-year history, which invited a lively Q&A session afterwards. Equally engrossing was the Discover Dante Microphones session presented by Audio-Technica’s sales and technical support engineer,
Jarvis Song from MediaCorp
NEWS: SPECIAL REPORT Adwin Lin. This session looked at the basics of microphone networking and the relative simplicity and costsaving of networking microphones over Dante as opposed to previous methods. Closing the day’s proceedings, Audinate’s Mr Wong once again took to the stage to present a one-hour Dante Level 1 training session. The event drew a good crosssection from Singapore’s pro audio industry, including delegates from churches, theatres, broadcasters, postproduction facilities, resorts and educational institutes as well as audio consultants, systems integrators, sound engineers, manufacturers, dealers and distributors. Jarvis Song, technical producer at Mediacorp, is responsible for dealing with connectivity between the facility’s broadcast studios and the outside
Audio-Technica’s Adwin Lin
proceeded to a networking event at a nearby bar to carry on the discussions and make new contacts. ‘It was a worthwhile event for us, and I met people I hadn’t met before; for example guests who were invited by Audio-Technica, Audinate and Pro AVL Asia,’ summed up Clear-Com’s Mr Chia, emphasising the benefit of joining forces with other manufacturers to pursue a common goal. ‘I feel we can take this concept forward with different brands and manufacturers participating together. We all talk the same language, so why not? I foresee a lot of enquiries and followups from today.’
Reuben Ong discussing The Star’s audio system world, among his other tasks. He commented: ‘I have come here with a colleague to continue evaluating audio-over-IP networking, and it’s been good to have the chance to explore Dante in more depth.’ Added Azharudin Bin Hussein, estate management officer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic: ‘We are looking to upgrade our all-analogue facility sometime soon and are considering providing full digital networking between the different locations. We’ve found the day very interesting.’
Hewshott associate David Menzies Lee, who’s just arrived to work in Singapore said: ‘I learned quite a bit about Dante, and I found the day was very productive.’ Audio consultant Wong Wing Thim also felt his grasp on Dante had improved by the end of the day. ‘I’m on a mission to learn about Dante, and this has really improved my knowledge of the technology,’ he said. Afterwards, participating companies and delegates
The event provided the opportunity for networking among pro audio peers
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 41
Broadcast Innovation Day Bangkok, Thailand Broadcast Solutions, together with industry partners Riedel and IHSE, will highlight the latest technology innovations during Broadcast Innovation Day.
DPA Microphones’ Get Closer masterclass Melbourne, Australia DPA’s 25th Anniversary Get Closer World Tour of masterclasses is stopping Sydney and Melbourne. The session will be led by sound engineer Donal Hodgson, who has worked with the likes of Sting, Tina Turner and Duran Duran throughout his career. world-tour
d&basics workshop Yokohama, Japan During this session, participants are introduced to the basics of acoustics, loudspeaker characteristics and design. d&b’s E-Series, T-Series, Y-Series and Monitor systems will be used to demonstrate theory and for hands-on listening sessions.
Biamp Tesira training Singapore This covers Tesira configurable servers. Please note that you must complete the TesiraForté course prior to registering for Tesira training.
K-academy and K-days in Malaysia and Singapore MALAYSIA/SINGAPORE: The first week of September saw Italian loudspeaker manufacturer K-array performing a string of training and demo events in Malaysia and Singapore. Beginning in Kuala Lumpur and hosted by its distributor, Nextrend, a two-day K-academy was attended by distribution partners from neighbouring Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and a select few of their clients. ‘This being the first training seminar under the new K-academy title, we are committed to educating our clients, existing and potential,’ said presenter Daniele Mochi, K-array’s project consultant, ‘and we will continue doing so on a global scale’. Joined on site by K-array’s president of sales, Marc Vincent, and customer service manager Daniel Strassera, Mr Mochi’s detailed explanations of K-array’s Pure Array Technology (PAT), Electronic Beam Steering (EBS) and Slim Array Technology (SAT), paired with in-depth examples of system design and setup, including the manufacturer’s dedicated software solutions, as well as EASE Focus, provided plenty of tips and tricks for both portable and installed applications. ‘Learning about K-array’s specific FIR filter optimisation and beam steering capabilities will prove to
be very useful for future projects,’ confirmed Tran Quang Huy, technical sales and A/V project consultant of Bac Dau Group in Vietnam. A stage and a wide variety of K-array products set up by Nextrend let attendees experience the systems ‘hands on’ and, of course, listen to them. ‘It’s absolutely worth the effort,’ stated Shawn Teoh, Nextrend’s general manager. ‘For us
Daniel Strassera, Daniele Mochi and Colin Quek demoing Anakonda
CMI to deliver an extraordinary education
AUSTRALIA: Australian distributor, CMI Music & Audio, is preparing to host multiple educational seminars covering two of the brands it represents: Adamson and Fohhn. The first is a two-day Adamson Applied Certification course taking place on 6 to 7 November at Scene Change in Sydney’s Artarmon suburb. Following this is a pair of Extraordinary Audio Days held on 9 and 10 November at CMI’s Victoria headquarters, covering both Adamson and Fohhn systems. The Adamson Applied Certification course teaches how to properly design, deploy and control the Canadian manufacturer’s loudspeaker systems with a focus
42 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
The outdoor demo of Pythons and Dragons in Singapore
as a solutions provider to high-quality projects, K-array’s unique designs and sound quality are ideal.’ The third day in KL was K-day, attended by more than 70 people from the local industry, enjoying product demos with recorded material, as well as a live band on stage, again moderated by Mr Mochi and colleagues. The K-array trio then travelled on to Singapore, where its distributor, Loud Technologies Asia (LTA), had set up for a K-day. Approximately 60 local consultants, SIs, rental houses and venue personnel participated in technology presentations and demos of K-array Lizards, Vypers, Anakondas, Pythons, Dragons and more. ‘We’re very happy with the turnout,’ said LTA’s Colin Quek about attendance. ‘We look forward to equipping more venues with K-array, which proves to be perfect for our market here.’ ‘The achievements of this week are clearly showing that, with Nextrend and LTA, we have the right partners,’ concluded Mr Vincent. ‘We are ultimately thankful for their support and engagement towards their clients and K-array.’
on the Adamson Blueprint AV software, S-Series and E-Series speakers. The course costs AUS$180 to attend and spaces are limited. To register for a place, email The Extraordinary Audio Days will serve as technical introductions to Fohhn and Adamson solutions. The session on 9 November is aimed at consultants, while systems integrators are the target audience for 10 November. The days will be hosted by Christian Bollinger from Fohhn and Mario Ahrburg of Adamson. To book a place on either day or for more information, email
Martin Audio launches monthly webinars WORLD: Martin Audio launched a series of free monthly webinars on 28 September, with three one-hour sessions taking place that day providing an overview of Wavefront Precision, including an understanding of scalable resolution, system configuration and deployment. The second set of webinars covered Display 2.3 on 17 October. ‘The sessions started with our new Wavefront Precision optimised line array, followed up
with sessions on Display software, CDD and O-Line as well as topics like noise pollution management,’ explained James King. ‘Our brand has started to become pervasive around the world and it follows that we need to accelerate our education offering to reach these new end users and to maximise learning for systems integrators and rental companies of our products and software platforms.’
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Don’t get left behind. Discover the new SQ.
Americans deliver training in Vietnam VIETNAM: Training opportunities are few and far between for sound and lighting technicians in Vietnam. Courses and specialist schools are limited in numbers and are often expensive. In an effort to provide Vietnamese technicians with soft skills, including equipment operation and how to conduct business with international clients,
the US Consulate General recently launched the Sound & Light Program. QV Sound supplied its services and equipment, including beyerdynamic microphones, for the first sessions. The programme takes the form of a four-day course combining theory and hands-on practice with some of the latest sound and lighting
QV Sound’s Quoc Nguyen with sound designer Sharath Patel equipment, with the goal being to create opportunities for future collaborations between Vietnamese and American professionals within the entertainment sector. Three Americans lead the course: lighting designer Stephanie Mulligan, sound designer Sharath Patel and Chris Vu, also known as DJ Verseatile. The first two editions of the Sound
& Light Program were held in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang. The four days during each edition comprised a three-day workshop followed by a public performance staged with the assistance of the three American tutors. Topics covered included principles of sound, an understanding of live performance equipment and specification, lighting design fundamentals and understanding luminaires. The US Consulate General partnered with QV Sound to supply the equipment required for the course and to help with the technical setup. In addition to offering system design and integration services, QV Sound also serves as the Vietnamese distributor for beyerdynamic, and as such, provided the manufacturer’s microphones for use during the training programme.
Robert Scovill amongst the trainees world-renowned artists including Tom Petty, Alice Cooper, Rush and Prince throughout his career. The three events totalled more than 120 attendees and each concluded with a Q&A.
‘If I contrast this visit to my last visit just a few years ago, the amount of growth in both knowledge and of modern audio concepts and techniques is striking,’ said Mr Scovill. ‘There
is a real and sincere hunger for insights in how the rest of the world works and they are putting that knowledge to use here.’ He also serves as senior market specialist for live sound at Avid and praised the work of Ansata and the adoption rate of Venue systems in the Indian market. ‘Leslie Lean has enlisted and groomed a very well-rounded staff at Ansata and they are positioned perfectly to positively impact the landscape of pro audio through intense dedication to education of users at every level of competency here in India,’ he said.
The AES@NAMM programme features day-long studio and live console training conducted by manufacturers as well as half-day line array sessions. ‘There will also be entertainment wireless and system optimisation educational themes including classroom training of hardwareand software-based products from these fields,’ stated Mark Frink, director, programming and content. ‘Renowned author and engineer Bobby Owsinski will host a special studio and recording technology session series, while John Murray will oversee science and technology sessions, including measurement and system optimisation.’
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WORLD: Details of the Audio Engineering Society’s (AES) presence at The 2018 NAMM Show have been released. This will see the debut of the AES@NAMM Pro Sound Symposium: Live & Studio, a training and education programme conducted by AES. NAMM 2018 takes place at the Anaheim Convention Center from 25 to 28 January.
Robert Scovill delivers live mixing masterclasses
INDIA: Award-winning sound engineer, Robert Scovill, recently presented a trio of Avid Live Mixing Masterclass events in Mumbai and Bengaluru. The sessions were organised by Avid and its Indian distributor, Ansata, and were designed to help users get the most out of mixing with the Avid Venue S6L system. Two sessions took place in Mumbai at Hotel Sea Princess – Regal, while the Bangalore seminar was held the following day at The Chancery Pavilion hotel. Mr Scovill provided an overview of the S6L system and went through the workflow that he personally follows while mixing live on the console. He has worked with
NAMM and AES reveal Pro Sound Symposium
Harman HarmanIndia Indiaimparts imparts touring touringaudio audioknowledge knowledge
INDIA: INDIA:Harman HarmanIndia Indiarecently recentlygathered gathered forforJustin JustinBieber’s Bieber’sPurpose PurposeWorld WorldTour! Tour! audio audioprofessionals professionalsofofvarying varyingexperience experience concert concertininMumbai. Mumbai.MrMrKaranjikar Karanjikar forforThe TheTouring TouringAudio AudioSeminar. Seminar.The The wrapped wrappedupuphishissessions sessionswith witha apractical practical seminar seminarincluded includedproduct productoverviews overviews session, session,granting grantingattendees attendeeshands-on hands-on ininaddition additiontotoa amasterclass masterclasswith witha a experience experienceusing usingLine LineArray ArrayCalculator Calculator Performance PerformanceManager Managercase casestudy studyfrom from totomeasure measurethe thevenue venuewhile whileshowcasing showcasing Justin JustinBieber’s Bieber’srecent recentMumbai Mumbaigig, gig,and and JBL JBLVTX VTXseries seriescabinets, cabinets,the theV20 V20and and the theG28, G28,asaswell wellasasthe theM22 M22and andM20 M20 attracted attractedFOH FOHand andstudio studioengineers, engineers, stagewedges. wedges. consultants consultantsand andrental rentalcompany companyowners. owners. stage Attendees Attendeeswere werethen thentreated treatedtotoa a Ashish AshishBarje, Barje,Harman HarmanIndia’s India’snational national rare rarepresentation presentationfrom fromVijay VijayDayal, Dayal, sales salesmanager, manager,broadcast broadcastand andlighting, lighting, chief chiefrecordist recordistatatYash YashRaj RajStudios. Studios.HeHe kicked kickedoffoffthe theevent eventwith witha aproduct product discussed discussedhishisrecent recentrecording recordingwork workforfor overview overviewcovering coveringSoundcraft’s Soundcraft’sVi1, Vi1, upcoming upcomingfilms filmsamid amidcareer careeranecdotes anecdotes Vi2000, Vi2000,Vi3000, Vi3000,Vi5000 Vi5000and andVi7000 Vi7000 before beforelaunching launchinginto intoa adebate debateconcerning concerning mixers. mixers.His Hispresentation presentationtackled tackled analogue analogueand anddigital digitalconsoles. consoles.MrMrDayal Dayal topics topicssuch suchasascompatibility compatibilitymodes, modes, concluded concludedbybyplaying playinglayered layeredand andununtroubleshooting troubleshootingissues, issues,I/O I/Ooptions optionsand and layered layeredsamples samplesofofmixes mixesproduced producedusing using interfacing. interfacing. unconventional unconventionalrecording recordingmethods methodstoto Senior Seniorapplication applicationmanager managerSunil Sunil capture capturethe thefeel feelofofthe theperformance performancespace. space. Karanjikar Karanjikarthen thentook tooktotothe thestage stagetoto The Theseminar seminarended endedwith witha aQ&A Q&Asession, session, discuss discusssystem systemconfigurations configurationsand and during duringwhich whichthe theparticipants participantswere wereable able best bestpractices practicesinina areal-world real-worldscenario. scenario. tototake takea acloser closerlook lookatatthe theequipment equipment HeHehighlighted highlightedthe thebenefits benefitsofofJBL’s JBL’s ononshow. show. Performance PerformanceManager Managerand andLine LineArray Array Calculator Calculatorsoftware, software,and andshowcased showcasedthe the Performance PerformanceManager Managerfilefilehehehad hadcreated created
Goa Goamasters mastersdigital digitalwireless wireless
1/2 1/2 PAGE PAGE vert vert
INDIA: INDIA:Sun SunInfonet Infonetrecently recentlypartnered partnered Workbench Workbenchsoftware. software. Indiaour ourindustry industryisisdeveloping developing with withJust JustAudio Audiototohost hostWireless WirelessMastered Mastered ‘In‘InIndia atatthe thespeed speedofoflight, light,and andasasa a Digital, Digital,a aone-day one-daywireless wirelessmicrophone microphone manufacturer,weweare arecommitted committedtoto seminar, seminar,inincollaboration collaborationwith withShure. Shure.The The manufacturer, supportthis thisgrowth,’ growth,’commented commentedMrMr training trainingwas washeld heldininGoa Goaand andconducted conducted support Granata. Granata.‘It’s ‘It’sgreat greattotosee seesosomuch much bybyShure Shuretechnical technicalsupport supportengineer engineer interest interestand andparticipation participationforforour our Andrea AndreaGranata. Granata. educational educationalprogramme programmeand andwewelook look The Theseminar seminarwas wasattended attendedbybysound sound forward forwardtotomany manymore moresuccessful successful engineers, engineers,A/V A/Vtechnicians techniciansand and events eventswith withSun SunInfonet Infonetininthe theregion.’ region.’ production productionprofessionals professionalsthroughout throughout the theregion. region.It Itcovered coveredrecent recentspectrum spectrum allocation allocationchanges changesininaddition additiontototools tools such suchasasthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sWireless Wireless
The TheWireless WirelessMastered MasteredDigital Digitalevent eventininGoa Goa
November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 45 45
DISTRIBUTION NEWS SGM and Showtec celebrate in Singapore SINGAPORE: Close to 100 local lighting designers, SIs and venue personnel recently followed an invitation by SGM Light and Showtec Communication to the Kallang Theatre rooftop in Singapore.
in the entertainment market and focusing now on the architectural side; both of which Showtec are strong in.’ ‘Typically we are known as a rental and production company, yet we have been increasingly active as a systems integrator, also outside of Singapore with representation across the region,’ Henry Ang, Showtec’s managing director, confirmed. ‘Our clients and projects will greatly benefit from SGM’s technologies resulting, for example, in unique weather-resistant products, even for permanent outdoor installation.’ Henrik Esborg, SGM’s sales director for APAC, who had just recently moved to Singapore to head the region’s office, added: ‘With Showtec we have a strong partner in an important market, and I look forward to supporting them and exploring the possibilities together.’
SGM’s CEO, Peter Johansen, gave a presentation of the brand’s products and benefits, including the patented dehumidification technology, a unique key feature together with IP65 rating enabling
SGM’s Henrik Esborg with Showtec’s Henry Ang and Marc Brandon Hor and guests
Peter Johansen handing distributor certificate to Henry Ang
all recent SGM lighting fixtures to be weather-resistant, ready for outdoor installation and, according to SGM, ‘practically maintenance-free’. Literally a highlight of the event, the SGM P-10 luminaire was introduced for the first time in the region. An extremely powerful and bright 1,250W LED device, it is capable of
working as wash, strobe, flood, pixel light and blinder. Mr Johansen’s presentation ended with the announcement of Showtec Communication as SGM’s exclusive distributor for Singapore and Malaysia. ‘The reason why we chose Showtec is simple: we only play with the best,’ he concluded. ‘We are long
Ecler announces new distribution partner in China CHINA: Having only recently joined Ecler as Asia Pacific area sales manager, Alex Schloesser has wasted no time in appointing a new distributor for the Spanish manufacturer in the shape of Guangzhou-based Muse Audio. Ecler will join a stable of products at Muse, which includes Allen & Heath, LA Audio and One Systems. Speaking at the recent PL+S Shanghai show, Mr Schloesser introduced Muse as the new exclusive distributor for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, and explained how he believed it would
Alex Schloesser from Ecler with LJ from Muse Audio
be the perfect partner for Ecler. ‘There is great potential here in China for the kind of products that Ecler produces,’ he said. ‘I’ve known LJ, the general manager of Muse, for a number of years and have watched them as they continue to grow.’ Muse marketing manager Ms Violet added: ‘Alex introduced us to the brand and we could quickly see how Ecler provides an A–Z solution for the installation market which is our focus and where we see the potential.’ Meanwhile, in Singapore, Ecler is now under the management of IMS Mahajak, a move designed to
provide end users with an increased level of support. ‘Ecler is very well established in the retail, F&B and hospitality sectors, but we now wish to increase our penetration into other verticals such as educational facilities and transportation,’ senior project sales manager Daniel Tan confirmed. ‘Now Ecler is under the stewardship of IMS Mahajak, we will have more resources to help us achieve these goals.’
INDEPENDENT & COLLABORATIVE Stands alone and plays nicely with others
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MA40 MINI AMPLIFIERS A range of mini amplifiers and accessories designed with commercial applications in mind. Suitable for digital signage, huddle-spaces and micro-zones. 228x112.indd 1
46 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Range includes 100V, Ethernet, RS-232, Active Facility Port & Bluetooth Interoperability.
11/08/2017 07:27
Adamson appoints Sonos Libra as Thai distributor THAILAND: Sonos Libra has been named as the new Thai distributor for Adamson Systems Engineering. The distributor was founded by managing partners Alfonso Martin and Vanessa Chompoo who both possessed previous experience in helping to establish pro audio brands across the South East Asian market in prior roles. ‘When we founded our own company, we thought very carefully about which brands to represent and found a very special partner in Adamson,’ said Mr Martin. ‘In addition to being technology-driven, we’ve found the team at Adamson to be very passionate, transparent and trustworthy. They recognise the importance of support and education with all of their partners and users, and we know we can confidently
service our market and customers with Adamson in our corner.’ Having signed the paperwork, Sonos Libra has already secured a contract to equip one of Thailand’s premier ballrooms with an Adamson system. ‘We’re very happy to have Sonos Libra join the Adamson Network as our new distributor for Thailand,’ declared James Ritter, APAC sales manager at Adamson. ‘Vanessa and Alfonso are highly respected in the pro audio community in South East Asia and we look forward to supporting them and their customers as we continue to develop this important and growing market.’
Merging partners with David Chan again
Claude Cellier with David Chan at IBC SOUTH EAST ASIA: JAA Systems has been named as the distributor for Merging Technologies across the entire South East Asia region. The agreement covers Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Merging has history with JAA.S founder and general manager David Chan, who represented them at his previous employer.
‘I have been dealing with Merging since 2013,’ said Mr Chan. ‘When I left my previous company and established JAA Systems, I missed some of the manufacturers that I’d brought in, one of which was Merging. It is an honour to work with and represent them again. It feels good and we appreciate Merging Technologies for their support towards us.’ The feeling is mutual. ‘We are glad to work with David again,’ said Claude Cellier, CEO of Merging Technologies. ‘He worked very well with the Merging team and we have confidence in him leading the brand under JAA Systems.’
Alfonso Martin with Adamson’s E219 subwoofers
Van Damme rises in China
1/2 PAGE Island The Phoenix Audio team with VDC’s Dug Guthrie and Niall Holden (front, centre) CHINA: Van Damme has appointed Phoenix Audio as its exclusive Chinese distributor. The distributor will leverage its network of dealers, contractors and consultants across Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to offer Van Damme cabling to touring and installation end users. Phoenix Audio has offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Shenzhen with a team
possessing vast experience in sales, support and logistics. The cable manufacturer’s products join the likes of the Funktion One catalogue and Cadac’s CDC4M in Phoenix Audio’s distribution portfolio. It also holds key dealership status with Avid and Clear-Com.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 47
Atlas IED maps out a new sales course down under
AUSTRALIA: US manufacturer Atlas IED has appointed Production AV Technologies to distribute its products in Australia and New Zealand. Atlas IED international sales and business development manager, Dean Standing, recently attended the Integrate exhibition to support the new distributor. ‘I’ve known Graeme Stevenson for many years and have long admired how they do business in Australia with brands such as Audix, EAW and Symetrix,’ he commented. ‘I’m really looking forward to working with the entire team including brand manager David Di Muzio. This is our first appointment in the Asia Pacific region, but we will be announcing more in due course.’ In response, Mr Stevenson explained the rationale on taking on this latest brand into the sizeable Production AV Technologies portfolio. ‘There is a growing demand for
Graeme Stevenson welcomes Dean Standing and Atlas IED to the Production AV Technologies’ stable security announcement products for which Globalcom fits the bill perfectly. Their integrated controllers such as the 5400ACS are supported by Dante and are compliant with EN-54 safety standards, so we will be looking forward to promoting these to applicable A/V consultants.
We’ve never had a dedicated paging brand before in our portfolio and as Atlas products can sit on the Cisco platform, they can be easily appropriated into IT infrastructures.’
KOREA: d3 Technologies recently selected Basictech as its new sales partner in Korea. Basictech also has a presence in Seoul, as well as
more than 20 years of experience in offering video and display solutions including d3 systems, for major events and live productions
SINGAPORE: RF Venue has partnered with Loud Technologies Asia (LTAPL) to exclusively distribute its products, including the Diversity Fin, CP Beam and Spotlight antennas in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. LTAPL is a subsidiary of Trektech and represents several high-profile brands across South East Asia, including Chauvet, Cloud and K-array. ‘Antennas, RF signal management and spectrum analysis can sometimes take a backseat to other audio gear despite the fact that they can mean the difference between success and failure of a show,’ said
LTAPL’s managing director, Colin Quek. ‘With RF Venue’s suite of easy-to-use spectrum analysers, unique antennas and signal distributors/combiners, users can easily start planning their RF usage and dramatically improve reception of wireless systems.’ ‘We’re excited to be working with the team at Loud Technologies in SEA,’ commented Chris Regan, CEO of RF Venue. ‘Having a local partner with their expertise and depth is key for us as RF Venue’s business continues to expand globally.’
Basictech becomes d3 sales partner
Basictech leading d3 training following the distribution announcement
RF Venue partners with Loud Technologies Asia
including the Blue Dragon Film Awards and the LG V30 launch event. Now, as a sales partner, the Korean company will provide support and training for the region’s d3 customers in addition to product rental. ‘Basictech is well known for its technical and creative expertise in Korea,’ said Stephen Tsui, APAC regional sales manager at d3 Technologies. ‘Our strategic partnership brings together the capabilities of providing the best solutions and visual experience for the customers.’
Stanton returns to Jands
AUSTRALIA: Jands has been appointed as the Australian distributor for Gibson Pro Audio brands: KRK, Stanton, CerwinVega, Cakewalk and Neat. The distributor previously represented Stanton in the early 2000s. ‘It is great to be back representing Stanton,’ exclaimed
Jands’ managing director, Paul Mulholland. ‘Couple Gibson’s product development with Jands’ strong commitment to the local market, with inventory, training and product support, and we are more than confident that together we can deliver our customers a great experience.’ Gibson Pro Audio’s general manager, Ingrid Calvo, said: ‘Jands are a long-standing, highly professional distributor and we believe they are a great fit for our brands and products.’
Kinesys finds Total Solution in Singapore SINGAPORE: Kinesys has named Total Solution as its new distributor for Singapore. The automation and motion control solutions manufacturer stated that ‘the move underlines the increased trend for motion control and movement systems becoming a visual element of live shows, events and spectaculars’. Total Solution specialises in the distribution of lighting, rigging and special effects products across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, representing brands such as MA Lighting, Ayrton, Globl Truss and Chainmaster, as well as Christie’s Pandora’s Box. ‘There’s been a surge of interest in Kinesys in Asia generally in the
The Total Solution team – Myron Foo, Qin XiaoDa, Sky Paw, Mohd Darus and MD Glenn Wong last two to three years, and the timing of this deal is perfect for us to capitalise on this and increase
48 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
our brand exposure and market share,’ said Kinesys managing director, Dave Weatherhead. ‘Total
Solution is a strong company that is well-established and respected, and we’re looking forward to a very positive working relationship.’ Total Solution was founded by Glenn Wong in 1998 and he has been aware of Kinesys for some time. Since the deal was signed, Kinesys’ director of support and training, Martin Honeywill, provided training for the Total Solution team. ‘The interest in Kinesys in particular has grown in the last three years and we’ve had inquiries from numerous customers and potential clients as more productions are using more complex movement systems to create “wow” factors for their shows,’ he explained. ‘Dave,
Dave Weatherhead of Kinesys with Tevin Heng, Glenn Wong and Terence Yee from Total Solution Martin and everyone I have met and spoken to who is involved with Kinesys are nice, straight talking and highly intelligent. They are great people with which to do business.’
Impressively small, incredibly powerful. Ultra-mini line array element.
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APPOINTMENTS There’s no place like Ohm for Sushil John APAC: Pro audio industry veteran Sushil John has joined Ohm as its executive director – Asia Pacific. His experience includes six years as country head of Harman India and his most recent role as business director – SAARC at QSC for seven years. Mr John has also worked with Ohm in the past, as well as ElectroVoice and Martin Audio. ‘Sushil brings a record of exceptional leadership, growing companies and deep experience in the Asia Pacific regions,’ declared Krishna Hegde, CEO at Ohm. ‘We
look forward to working with Sushil as we execute the near-term growth strategy to become a leading brand in APAC’s pro audio markets.’ ‘His industry knowledge and priority to customer experience, relationship management will be well complimented by Ohm’s Asia Pacific expansion plans,’ confirmed Gareth Coleman, director – international sales. ‘He has indeed contributed significantly to the pro audio industry within the region, building a strong reputation for himself.’ Mr John discussed his past with the
company and the reasoning behind his return: ‘I started with Ohm in 1994 and, 23 years later, life comes full circle. It is an iconic British brand, which has been at the forefront of audio innovation. I look forward to leading Ohm in the next phase of its growth as a leading brand in the APAC region. It has formed a great team of professionals and has a solid pipeline of new product innovations along with some amazing projects with which to grow.’
NanoLumens makes a strategic hire
Sushil John
David Webster moves to Coda
David ‘Webby’ Webster WORLD: David Webster, known to his peers as ‘Webby’, has joined Coda Audio as its director of global marketing. Mr Webster is a well-known figure in the pro audio industry, having co-founded DiGiCo following career stints at Klark Teknik and Midas.
‘I’ve spent many years in the audio industry and been closely involved in some very exciting and groundbreaking developments,’ said Mr Webster. ‘This is most definitely another. Coda is undoubtedly defining a whole new generation of systems that not
only sound incredible but have advantages that translate into tangible benefits for everyone involved in using them. The quality is unbelievable – but what is just as captivating is that the sound is being produced by systems so light and compact that, by virtue of these qualities, they open new doors for say, lighting, video and stage show designers, as much as they do for audio engineers and road crew. It’s the same on the installation side, where reduced size and weight are crucial issues in, for example, heritage buildings or HOWs.’ Coda’s director of global business development, Paul Ward, commented on the appointment: ‘There is no question that securing Webby’s services is a great coup for Coda. He is a proven top-level operator whose success and longevity in the industry speaks for itself. Combining impeccable marketing credentials with a strong
technical grounding, Webby also possesses a genuine empathy with every stakeholder in the audio chain, from the stage to the front of house and with installers and production teams alike. He has a thorough understanding of what is required to be successful in our industry and employing his considerable talents is sure to be of immense benefit.’ ‘Paul Ward is someone I know well and have a huge respect for, so I’m very much looking forward to working with him and sharing ideas,’ Mr Webster added. ‘The company already has an enviable infrastructure and is very much in control of its destiny. With those things in place, I see my role as working within an exceptional team to take Coda Audio forward and entrench the brand as a major global force in the audio world.’
CTIO and COO appointments at Lynx Technik WORLD: Lynx Technik has expanded its executive management team and board of directors with the additions of Sebastian Schaffrath as chief technology innovation officer (CTIO) and Holger Schostak as chief operating officer (COO). The appointments form part of the modular interface manufacturer’s current drive to increase its IP technology portfolio. Mr Schaffrath joins from BFE Studio und Medien Systeme where he most recently served as head of the broadcast controller systems division. In his new role as CTIO at Lynx Technik, he will lead all technology functions, including product development and the
implementation of technology strategies. ‘We are moving forward to develop solutions that will enthuse operators and planning engineers worldwide,’ Mr Schaffrath stated. ‘We have made it our goal to answer the pressing questions arising with IP technology with real solutions instead of buzzwords. Therefore, we are leading a creative dialogue with our customers using “design thinking” methods, working closely and efficiently in our agile R&D environment.’ Having originally joined Lynx Technik in 2005 as a production manager, Mr Schostak has served as operations manager since
Sebastian Schaffrath (CTIO) and Holger Schostak (COO) 2016. In his new role as COO, he will utilise his knowledge of the business to direct the day-to-day operations and ensure growth. ‘We have an exceptionally motivated team, and we are excited to secure and shape the future of
this company,’ he commented. ‘The upcoming months will see important adaptions of business processes to further strengthen our operations.’
WORLD: NanoLumens has appointed Tony Barton as director of strategic partnerships. Mr Barton joins the digital LED display manufacturer from Christie, where he served as senior director of sales for 15 years.
Tony Barton ‘Tony has the experience and industry contacts we need to help take our strategic partnership initiatives to the next level of success,’ said NanoLumens, EVP Karen Robinson. ‘He brings more than 35 years of accomplishments in the fields of digital signage, broadcast and commercial A/V to his new position at NanoLumens, experience that we believe will have an immediate impact.’ With a degree in business administration and management, Mr Barton’s career also includes a stint at Panasonic Broadcast Systems where he was director of sales, overseeing a number of sales channels. ‘I’m thrilled to be joning NanoLumens at this very exciting inflection point in the company’s history,’ he said. ‘I look forward to working with the entire NanoLumens team in developing the kind of strategic partner relationships that will drive LED technology in the global marketplace.’
50 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
ChamSys targets new regions with MQ500 WORLD: ChamSys has hired Aziz Adilkhodjaev as international business development manager where he will oversee distribution in the APAC and MEA regions, as well as Russia. Mr Adilkhodjaev most recently served as EMEA manager at Avolites. ‘We are very pleased to welcome Aziz to the growing ChamSys family,’ said Tony Cameron, sales
director at the British manufacturer. ‘His appointment comes at the perfect time with our new and exciting MQ500 Stadium range and our continued expansion of our distribution network.’ Mr Adilkhodjaev is particularly excited about joining ChamSys at this particular time following the recent product launch. ‘I’m sure we’ll see even more ChamSys
consoles in the front of houses and venues around the world,’ he said. ‘I am really looking forward to playing a major role in the MQ500’s evolution.’ The manufacturer’s managing director Chris Kennedy also commented: ‘With his detailed knowledge in the field of lighting control, Aziz will assist in taking the MagicQ MQ500 and MagicQ software to a new level, and his expertise in international distribution will also help ChamSys to expand into new markets.’ Aziz Adilkhodjaev
Alex Schloesser takes on Ecler APAC: Ecler has appointed Alex Schloesser as its Asia Pacific area sales manager as it continues to enjoy regional growth. Mr Schloesser is well known in the APAC pro audio industry, having represented several major brands.
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PRECISION Alex Schloesser from Ecler ‘Ecler is a wonderful opportunity for me,’ commented Mr Schloesser. ‘I have known the brand for a quarter century already and with me starting my own business in Singapore this year, this opportunity is just perfect in its timing. I look forward to supporting the brand and its presence in my territory in the future.’ In other news, Mr Schloesser now serves as the sales representative for PureLink in the APAC region. This forms part of PureLink’s strategy to develop a stronger market presence in Asia, Australia and Oceania.
System designers love the focussed dispersion of NEXO speakers. It gives them the tools they need to achieve perfect coverage in any space. The new ID24 achieves smooth, full-frequency sound and high output from a cabinet measuring just 309mm wide, with a unique, user-rotatable horn providing unprecedented control over HF directivity. With an ‘a la carte’ selection of colours, grilles, directivity and connectivity, and compatibility with a wide range of mobile and fixed-installation hardware, ID Series delivers precision sound, right where it’s needed.
Thinking. Inside the box. #42124 - Duped ID Series Dispersion ad - PAA.indd 1
24/11/2015 10:42
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 51
New CEO at Digigram WORLD: Digigram has named Jérémie Weber as its new CEO. Mr Weber has 15 years of pro audio industry experience, starting his career as a development engineer at Digigram itself. He went on to co-found a spin-off company in AuviTran, which developed EtherSound technology-based products. He possesses a master’s degrees in electrical engineering and business administration.
Returning to Digigram, Mr Weber will utilise his entrepreneurial skills to implement a new strategy that focuses on client care by enhancing customer service. ‘Digigram has the team, the talent and the technology,’ he explained. ‘I believe we can leverage these strengths to transform this highly reputable, well-established technology company into a blooming gem that rocks with real
Microtech Gefell’s new contact WORLD: Torsten Turinsky is the new contact person for microphone applications across broadcast, recording, live sound and installation at Microtech
audio division throughout his tenure, Mr Turinsky has spent the past 22 years working in microphone sales. Due to his long standing with the German
Elisabeth Kühnast, Torsten Turinsky and Udo Wagner Gefell. A company veteran of more than 25 years, he is now working alongside sales and marketing director Udo Wagner and sales engineer Elisabeth Kühnast. Having worked in the company’s
manufacturer, he was deemed ‘an ideal contact person’ when it came to handling customer queries.
Jérémie Weber
Ms Thomas possesses more than 30 years of experience in brand strategy, marketing initiatives, product development, analysis, customer engagement and communications across a range of industries.
WORLD: d&b audiotechnik has hired Jan Biermann to fill the head of R&D position that has been vacated by Frank Bothe, who steps into the role of chief technology office(CTO). The reshuffle forms part of the German manufacturer’s R&D expansion plans. ‘The role that Frank’s knowledge and vision has played in d&b’s development to this point is immeasurable and we are thrilled to find in Jan the experience and expertise to build on that work,’ declared Markus Strohmeier, managing director at d&b. ‘I am delighted to welcome Jan aboard. We searched extensively for someone who could further strengthen our already incredibly talented research and development team as we look to create the technologies that will shape the future.’ Mr Biermann joins from Atmel Automotive, where he served as senior director of R&D. He has held similar positions at NewLogic Technologies and Bosch Automotive
experience and skills to address the different facets of today’s worldwide pro audio market,’ said Axiom business unit manager, Daniele Massaccesi. ‘I feel that a proper interpretation of different market needs requires a good cultural and linguistic background combined with
52 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Diane Thomas
Frank Bothe and Jan Biermann Electronics, and possesses degrees in electrical engineering and business administration. ‘It’s already clear to me that the driving forces at d&b are curiosity and a passion for sound,’ said Mr Biermann. ‘I’m looking forward to working with the team to design and deliver the audio technology solutions that will shape shared experiences in the future.’ Mr Bothe has been with d&b since 1990. ‘My priority now is to
intensify our research into new fields and identify key technology trends,’ he said. ‘With Jan, we will be fully equipped to meet every challenge and opportunity that we face in an audio industry that is becoming more and more digital. We’re in uncharted territory and Jan’s leadership will inject a new momentum to take our expertise to the next level.’
‘We are excited to have Diane lead our marketing efforts,’ said Richard Lough, COO of Williams Sound. ‘She brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of marketing experience. Diane will help us continue the strong marketing momentum we have achieved and further strengthen our leadership position in the industry.’ Ms Thomas is looking forward to starting her new role. ‘For more
than 40 years, the Williams Sound brand has been synonymous with high-quality products and exceptional customer service,’ she said. ‘I plan to leverage my proven track record of building winning marketing and branding strategies to drive the spirit of innovation that has become the mantra of this great organisation.’
Axiom appoints multi-lingual international sales manager WORLD: Proel has awarded Elio Caia the role of international sales manager for the Axiom professional loudspeaker brand. He takes responsibility for the export of Axiom products across the EMEA, APAC and North American markets. ‘Elio has a fine balance of
he reasoned. ‘He understands the company and its technology, and he has the insight to reinforce Digigram’s strengths and to disrupt those practices due for change. ‘His passion, knowledge and leadership will put Digigram in a strong position in today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving industry,’ he concluded
R&D expansion at d&b
Williams Sound hires director of marketing WORLD: Williams Sound has hired Diane Thomas as its new director of marketing. She joins the wireless communications technology manufacturer from Audio Research Corporation, where she served in the same role.
customer care and a client issuesoriented spirit. I look forward to directing my experience and energy – and that of the entire company – toward our customers’ service and benefit.’ Digigram co-founder Philippe Girard-Buttoz commented on the appointment: ‘Jérémie has a unique ability to translate vision and strategy into practice, uniting and inspiring teams to drive success,’
a suitable technical and commercial knowledge, and these are talents that we have found in abundance with Elio.’ Mr Caia’s linguistic fluency spans Spanish, French, English and Chinese. He also possesses strong experience in managing distributors,
developing markets, and providing specialised technical support. ‘I have a deep respect for the people and technologies behind Axiom’s growing popularity, driven, I believe, by excellent engineering and quality of performance,’ said Mr Caia. ‘I welcome the challenge of bringing these values to the export markets that I know well.’ Elio Caia
Jeremy JeremyRees Rees
Jeremy Rees takes the reins at TSL Systems WORLD: WORLD:Broadcast Broadcastindustry industryveteran, veteran, Jeremy JeremyRees, Rees,has hasjoined joinedTSL TSLSystems Systems as asits itsnew newmanaging managingdirector. director.He He will willbe bestepping steppinginto intothe theshoes shoesof of Roger RogerHenderson, Henderson,who whoisisstanding standing down downfrom fromthe therole roleof ofCEO CEObut butwill will remain remainwith withthe thecompany companyas asexecutive executive director directoruntil untilthe theend endof ofthe theyear. year. Mr MrRees Reeswill willoversee overseeTSL TSLSystems’ Systems’ global globalservices. services. ‘The ‘Thebroadcast broadcastindustry industrynever never stands standsstill stilland andI Iam amvery verymuch much looking lookingforward forwardto tohelping helpingTSL’s TSL’s business businessportfolio portfolioto toadapt adaptand andgrow grow to tomeet meetthe thechallenges challengesof ofthe thefuture,’ future,’ commented commentedMr MrRees. Rees.‘I‘Iam amdelighted delighted to tobe bejoining joiningthe thecompany companyand andworking working
withthe theteam teaminincontinuing continuingto toprovide provide with outstandingsolutions solutionsto toexisting existingand and outstanding newcustomers.’ customers.’ new TSLSystems Systemshopes hopesthat thatthe the TSL appointmentof ofMr MrRees Reeswill willbolster bolster appointment itsboard boardof ofdirectors directorsduring duringwhat what its periodof ofstrong stronggrowth growthfor forthe the isisaaperiod companythat thathas hasseen seenan anincrease increaseinin company high-profileprojects projectsover overthe thelast last18 18 high-profile months.Mr MrRees Reesjoins joinsthe thecompany company months. fromCisco Ciscowhere wherehe heserved servedas assenior senior from director,delivery. delivery.He Hehas hasalso alsoworked worked director, forNDS NDSas asvice vicepresident presidentand andheld held for positionsat atthe theBBC BBCand andthe theNew NewYork York positions bureau. bureau.
Megahertz targets APAC APAC: APAC:Paul PaulJones Jonesisisthe thelatest latestaddition addition to tothe theexecutive executiveteam teamat atMegahertz, Megahertz, joining joiningthe thebroadcast broadcastsystems systemsintegrator integrator as asVP VPof ofsales salesfor forAsia AsiaPacific. Pacific.Megahertz Megahertz hopes hopesto todraw drawupon uponMr MrJones’ Jones’25 25years years of ofindustry industryexperience experienceininthe theregion regionto to expand expandits itsAPAC APACpresence. presence.
Flay,managing managingdirector, director,Megahertz. Megahertz. Flay, ‘Paul’sindustry industryknowledge knowledgeand and ‘Paul’s extensivenetwork networkininthis thissector sectorwill willbe be extensive instrumentalto tofurthering furtheringour ourmarket market instrumental positionas asaaformidable formidableSI SIininthe theregion.’ region.’ position MrJones Jonesexpressed expresseddelight delightat atjoining joining Mr theMegahertz Megahertzteam. team.‘They ‘Theyhave have the
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Paul PaulJones Jones Mr MrJones’ Jones’most mostrecent recentrole rolewas wasas as aasales salesdirector directorfor forOracle’s Oracle’sAsian Asian operation. operation.Prior Priorto tothat, that,he hewas wasFront Front Porch PorchDigital’s Digital’sfirst firstAPAC APACemployee, employee, working workingwith withbrands brandssuch suchas asDisney Disneyand and Sony, Sony,as aswell wellas asbroadcasters broadcastersincluding including RTM, RTM,Media MediaPrima, Prima,Astro, Astro,MediaCorp MediaCorp and andSeven SevenNetwork. Network.Mr MrJones Joneshas hasalso also been beenchair chairof ofthe theIABM IABMregional regionalcouncil council for forAPAC. APAC. ‘We’ve ‘We’vebrought broughtPaul Paulon onboard boardto to spearhead spearheadour oursales salesstrategy strategyand and consolidate consolidateMegahertz’ Megahertz’recent recentbusiness business activities activitiesininthe theterritory,’ territory,’explained explainedJon Jon
anexcellent excellentglobal globalreputation reputationfor for an implementingsystems systemsthat thatare arenot notonly only implementing technicallysound, sound,but butgeared gearedtowards towards technically improvingtheir theircustomers’ customers’return return improving oninvestment,’ investment,’he hesaid. said.‘There ‘Therehas has on beenaageneral generaldecline declineininbroadcast broadcast been advertisingrevenue revenueininthe theSouth SouthEast East advertising Asianmarket, market,ininparticular, particular,due dueto tothe the Asian surgeinincompetition competitionfrom fromglobal globalOTT/ OTT/ surge VODplatforms. platforms.We’re We’rekeen keento tohelp helpthem them VOD enhancetheir theirworkflow workflowto tokeep keepahead aheadof of enhance thatcurve.’ curve.’ that
November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 53 53
Lime with Lawo’s flagship mc2296 console
Lawo adds a splash of Lime The German manufacturer unveils a new solution for mixing and monitoring 3D immersive productions LAWO IS targeting immersive audio mixing and monitoring applications with Lime, the Lawo Immersive Mixing Engine. Developed in cooperation with New Audio Technology, the solution has been specifically designed for 2 the manufacturer’s mc2 series consoles. According to the manufacturer, Lime is capable of producing all relevant 3D/ immersive audio mixes used by formats like Dolby Atmos (7.1.2 and 5.1.4 bed), MPEG-H, Auro-3D, DTS:X, NHK 22.2, IMAX 6.0 and 12.0 and Sennheiser Ambeo 3D Audio for loudspeaker systems. Furthermore, it is reportedly ready for MPEG-H’s TV Audio System, included in ATSC 3.0, designed for personal audio and broadcast applications. In addition to this, the system includes a headphone monitoring solution for 3D and surround productions. This draws on New Audio Technology’s binaural speaker virtualisation Headphone Surround 3D. Away from Lime, the manufacturer has put a focus on IP with a range of 2 releases. Headlining these is the mc2 96 grand production console that offers the manufacturer’s IP-Share Network Gain Compensation, as well as native support for SMPTE 2110, AES67, Ravenna and Dante. In addition to this, the console provides
integrated loudness metering with full loudness control in accordance with ITU 1770 (EBU/R128 or ATSC/A85) and has LiveView real-time video thumbnails at the fader’s mini TFTs for channel identification. Touching a fader changes the LiveView thumbnail to full-screen mode, providing a view of that channel’s video source. The flagship console also offers a number of mix-assist systems. In addition to Lawo’s Audio-follow-Video functionality, the desk’s automated mixing capabilities include an Automix function that automatically adjusts the Ievels of active and inactive microphones, while maintaining a constant ambient Ievel. The console also features the Ambit Upmix function, for the conversion of stereo signals and supports Kick 2.0, Lawo’s automated close-ball mixing solution. The mc²96 console is available in frame sizes with 24 to 200 faders and supports 44.1kHz to 96kHz operation, routing of up to 8,192 x 8,192 crosspoints and processing of up to 888 DSP channels, plus 144 summing busses and up to 128 aux busses. It features 21.5-inch full HD touchscreens, as well as multiple mini colour TFTs in channel strips and touchsensitive colour-coded encoders.
Staying with IP-based production environments, vsmSOUL (Seamless Orchestration and Unification Layer) manages the generation and routing of audio and video streams in any multi-vendor IP setup. Through standardised and vendorspecific APIs, vsmSOUL accesses switches and network components to directly control the generation, registration and routing of streams. It is described as a single point of control for any network size and topology, and reportedly provides central stream routing and resource management across single-switch, spine-leaf or mesh network infrastructures. Finally, the manufacturer has added multiviewer functionality into its V__matrix ecosystem with the vm_mv24-4 and vm_ mv16-4 virtual modules. Supporting both IP and SDI sources, these virtual modules monitor uncompressed 4K/UHD, 3G, HD and SD video, as well as embedded and discrete audio. Both can generate up to four output heads, and scale and display any source on any output head. The same source can be displayed on multiple output heads at different resolutions.
ADJ ADJ Lighting Lighting Elements Elements series series Antelope Antelope Audio Audio Orion Orion Studio Studio HD/Vintage HD/Vintage FGPA FGPA additions additions Apogee Apogee Ensemble Ensemble Thunderbolt Thunderbolt and and Element Element Series Series ARX Network DI Dante digital-to-analogue breakout ARX Network DI Dante digital-to-analogue breakout box box Aten Aten VE8950 VE8950 Atlona Atlona AT-HDR-M2C/AT-HDR-H2H-44M AT-HDR-M2C/AT-HDR-H2H-44M Audio-Technica Audio-Technica ATDM-0604 ATDM-0604 Avolites Avolites Titan Titan v10.1 v10.1 Baldwin Baldwin Boxall Boxall BVRDTSM BVRDTSM touchscreen touchscreen microphone microphone Barco Barco CSE-800 CSE-800 upgrade upgrade Bosch Bosch Paviro Paviro Broadcast Broadcast Pix Pix robotic robotic camera camera control control BroaMan BroaMan Mux22/Repeat8-Nano Mux22/Repeat8-Nano CAST CAST Software Software Wysiwyg Wysiwyg Software Software Release Release 39 39 Chiayo Chiayo Apex Apex Pro Pro Chroma-Q Chroma-Q Inspire Inspire XT XT Clear-Com Clear-Com LQ LQ Series/Dynam-EC Series/Dynam-EC Community Community TT-1020 TT-1020 DiGiCo DiGiCo DMI-MIC DMI-MIC Pre-Amp Pre-Amp Card Card for for S-Series S-Series DirectOut ExBox.MD DirectOut ExBox.MD EAW RSX218 EAW RSX218 Ecler Ecler eMotus5PB/eMotus5P/eMotus5OD/ePinBlu eMotus5PB/eMotus5P/eMotus5OD/ePinBlu Elation Elation Professional Professional Proteus Proteus Hybrid Hybrid Electro-Voice Electro-Voice ELX200/Evolve ELX200/Evolve 50/Evid-S 50/Evid-S ETC ETC Eos Eos v2.6 v2.6 upgrades upgrades Fulcrum Fulcrum CCX1295 CCX1295 Genelec Genelec GLM GLM 3 3 software/7380 software/7380 SAM SAM GLP JDC1/impression GLP JDC1/impression S350 S350 Grass Valley LDX Series Grass Valley LDX Series HEDD HEDD B1-Dante B1-Dante input-cards/Lineariser input-cards/Lineariser VST VST plug-in plug-in Jünger/Tecom Jünger/Tecom LA LA Playout Playout and and LA LA Production Production 2 Lawo 96/vsmSOUL/vm_mv24-4/vm_mv16-4 Lawo Lime/mc Lime/mc296/vsmSOUL/vm_mv24-4/vm_mv16-4 LD LD Systems Systems U500 U500 Wireless Wireless conferencing conferencing solution solution Mackie Mackie Thump12BST/Thump15BST/Thump15A Thump12BST/Thump15BST/Thump15A Marshall Marshall CV612HT-4K CV612HT-4K Merging Merging Technologies Technologies Pyramix Pyramix 11.1 11.1 Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic T5 T5 Series Series Conference Conference Tables Tables Neets Neets 7-inch 7-inch Touch Touch Panel/Sound Panel/Sound Bar Bar –– SB1 SB1 NEXT-proaudio NEXT-proaudio LAs418G LAs418G NUGEN NUGEN Audio Audio Halo Halo 3D 3D Immersive Immersive Extension Extension Orban Orban iMix iMix Mono2Stereo Mono2Stereo synthesiser synthesiser Out Out Board Board RCX RCX Smart Smart Remote Remote Peavey Peavey PVXp PVXp enclosures enclosures Philips VL1100 LED Philips VL1100 LED PR PR Lighting Lighting Butterfly Butterfly PreSonus PreSonus StudioLive StudioLive 16.0.2 16.0.2 USB USB ProAudio ProAudio Technology Technology VT16 VT16 vertical vertical line line array array loudspeaker loudspeaker QSC QSC TSC-47W-G2 TSC-47W-G2 Radial Radial DAN-TX/DiNET DAN-TX/DiNET DAN-RX DAN-RX RCF RCF TTS TTS 15-A 15-A and and TTS TTS 18-A 18-A Riedel Riedel MediorNet MediorNet MicroN MicroN IP IP App/MediorNet App/MediorNet KVM KVM Robe MegaPointe Robe MegaPointe Røde Videomic Pro+ Røde Videomic Pro+ Rohde Rohde & & Schwarz Schwarz FSW-B5000 FSW-B5000 Rosco Rosco ImageSpot ImageSpot RTS RTS LH-Series LH-Series RTW RTW TM7/TM9 TM7/TM9 firmware firmware update update Samson Samson Go Go Mic Mic Mobile Mobile Sennheiser Sennheiser FocusMic FocusMic Digital/MMD Digital/MMD 42-1/Neumann 42-1/Neumann U U 87 87 Shure Shure ANIUSB-Matrix/ANI22 ANIUSB-Matrix/ANI22 Sonifex AVN-PXH12 Sonifex AVN-PXH12 Sony Sony FWD-65BZ40E/FWD-55BZ40E/FWD-65BZ35E FWD-65BZ40E/FWD-55BZ40E/FWD-65BZ35E SSL SSL System System T T S300 S300 Stage Stage Tec Tec RIF67 RIF67 Studer Studer CoreLink CoreLink Card Card Studio Studio Technologies Technologies Model Model 5401 5401 Dante Dante Master Master Clock Clock Switchcraft Switchcraft AudioFix AudioFix 303 303 Inline Inline XLR XLR connector connector TASCAM US-1x2 TASCAM US-1x2 Tasker Tasker PH120 PH120 Telemetrics Telemetrics RCCP-1A/RCCP-M RCCP-1A/RCCP-M Telos Telos Alliance Alliance OmniaSST/Infinity OmniaSST/Infinity IP IP Intercom Intercom TSL TSL Products Products MPA1 MPA1 Solo Solo SDI/TallyMan SDI/TallyMan software software update update Universal Universal Audio Audio Korg Korg SDD-3000 SDD-3000 Vue Vue Audiotechnik Audiotechnik e-352 e-352 nano nano Waves Waves Sonnox Sonnox for for SoundGrid SoundGrid Wisycom MAT244 / LBN2/LNN2 Wisycom MAT244 / LBN2/LNN2 UHF UHF / / LBP/LNP LBP/LNP WyreStorm WyreStorm H2C/H2X H2C/H2X Yamaha Yamaha MMP1 MMP1 Studio Studio Monitor Monitor Management Management System System Zsound Zsound LA110P LA110P
89 89 68 68 71 71 78 78 82 82 84 84 66 66 90 90 66 66 87 87 72 72 86 86 78 78 87 87 66 66 91 91 68 68 56 56 64 64 76 76 59 59 62 62 88 88 58 58 91 91 58 58 56 56 88 88 82 82 56 56 74 74 55 55 72 72 56 56 84 84 70 70 80 80 80 80 60 60 70 70 76 76 80 80 59 59 82 82 90 90 64 64 60 60 63 63 78 78 60 60 68 68 90 90 66 66 75 75 89 89 68 68 72 72 64 64 65 65 66 66 78 78 82 82 64 64 76 76 76 76 72 72 81 81 71 71 81 81 86 86 75 75 74 74 72 72 62 62 71 71 65 65 84 84 63 63 64 64
Harris J
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“After working with some of the best brands for the past 20 years, now I have to admit wholeheartedly that Roger’s Quested Speakers stand tall among them.”
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 55
7380 SAM sub offers easy integration GENELEC HAS unveiled a new
While the 7380 was primarily
flagship SAM (Smart Active
designed to sit within a family
Monitoring) subwoofer for music,
of monitors and subwoofers
postproduction, film and broadcast
from Genelec’s SAM-enabled
in the 7380. Delivering both a high
range, it also fits into a non-SAM
SPL and an extended, low-distortion
environment. DIP switches on the
LF response, the compact cabinet
front panel enable standalone
is designed to integrate into any
mode, which includes advanced
monitoring system, including stereo,
calibration for hybrid systems.
multichannel and large-scale
The crossover frequency is fixed
immersive 3D setups, seamlessly
at 85Hz in standalone mode.
and with ease.
Meanwhile, 7.1 channel XLR GLM 3, which is available as a free
anytime. New personalisation features
offered when the cabinet is used
download from the Genelec website for
and improvements such as the ability to
with multichannel audio and, with
GLM users. New additions include a
adjust the sensitivity of the ISS power-
analogue inputs and outputs are
The 7380 SAM subwoofer is built with a newly designed 800W Class-D
Genelec’s 7380 SAM subwoofer
amplifier that drives a custom 15-inch
GLM 3 has been released
long-throw woofer. It produces a
GLM software for PC and Mac,
the addition of the optional 9301
Reference Level feature that lets users
saving function, a microphone level
maximum SPL of 119dB (123dB peak)
which allows up to 40 SAM monitors
digital interface, an AES/EBU digital
calibrate listening levels to ATSC A/85
checker and an indicator for used audio
with a low frequency response down to
and subwoofers to be networked,
connection can be used for either
and EBU R128 loudness standards.
type have also been added, along with
16Hz. The unit itself stands at 685mm
and provides features including an
operation or for full 7.1 digital.
Local and beta Cloud options have
dialogue boxes and bug fixes.
high, is 718mm wide and 492mm deep.
adjustable crossover frequency and 20
In regards to the GLM software, the
also been included with access to GLM
It is compatible with the manufacturer’s
parametric notch filters.
Finnish manufacturer has launched
Cloud services provided anywhere and
HEDD gets its story straight
Thump gets Boosted
HEDD’S LINEARISER VST (virtual studio technology) plug-in has been developed to align the phase and frequency response of the
MACKIE’S THUMP Series has expanded with the addition of new Boosted models. The 12inch Thump12BST and 15-inch Thump15BST are designed to offer more versatility and configuration options than other cabinets in the series, and come equipped with advanced 3-channel digital mixers, wireless control, streaming and linking functionality.
of up to 192kHz, 32-bit of the host computer’s CPU power to ‘perfect’ the phase and frequency response without the need for additional AD/
HEDD’s Lineariser plug-in manufacturer’s studio monitors. It was built in answer to the challenge posed by many modernday monitors using DSP without allocating processing power for phase optimisation. The HEDD Lineariser makes use
DA conversion. The result will be a linearised loudspeaker. ‘When activating the Lineariser, transients are reproduced in perfect accuracy and the spatial qualities are being increased,’ explained HEDD CEO, Klaus Heinz.
It is designed for mixing, mastering and recording sessions within a DAW or as a standalone application for streaming audio from services such as Spotify and YouTube. Phase settings include Linear Full Range, Linear above 500Hz and Minimum Phase, while options are offered for frequency-related curves: HEDD Alignment or Anechoic flat. Available in VST, AAX and AU formats, Lineariser can be downloaded for free from the HEDD website for macOS 10.8 or newer and Windows 7 or later. HEDD also continues to build on its Bridge system with the launch of the B1-Dante input-card. The 2-channel solution is designed to slot into the back of any HEDD monitor and offers Audio-over-IP integration via Dante.
Rear panel of the Thump12BST
Community heads into the tunnel DESIGNED TO provide consistent and intelligible emergency notification, Community’s new TT1020 tunnel horn loudspeaker is the first of its kind to be launched by the American manufacturer and claims to offer excellent performance in enclosed linear spaces and highly reverberant environments as a result of its precise pattern control. The speaker matches optimised horn geometry with a special version of the manufacturer’s M200 highpower, voice-band driver which it says provides the necessary high intelligibility at the elevated sound pressure levels required to overcome the challenging acoustics of road tunnels. The speakers also
Community’s TT-1020 tunnel horn have an IEC 60529 IP66 rating and IEC 60695-11-10:2013 V-0 classification, and are resistant to ‘potentially caustic environments’ due to the driver inert materials, the horn’s fire-resistant fibreglass
56 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
construction and its 316 stainless steel external hardware. The system can be configured for 50W or 100W operation.
The Thump12BST and Thump15BST also feature advanced DSP, while their built-in, 3-channel digital mixers include a pair of digitally controlled Vita+ preamps with Wide-Z technology, 3-band EQ per channel with variable high-pass filters on Vita+ inputs and six speaker modes. A high-resolution colour display shows channel metering, levels and EQ on the rear of each cabinet alongside a back panel control. They are Bluetooth
enabled and offer wireless control via the Thump Connect app for iOS and Android. Mackie has also redesigned its 12- and 15-inch Thump loudspeakers to deliver more power and reliability, as well as new features such as built-in, 2-channel mixers equipped with Vita preamps and four application-specific speaker modes. The result is the Thump12A and Thump15A 1,300W powered loudspeakers that include Wide-Z technology for handling mics, instruments and line level signals without the need for further equipment. In other news, the American manufacturer has redeveloped its MR Series of powered studio monitors with the release of the 5-inch MR524, 6.5-inch MR624 and 8-inch MR824, in addition to the 10-inch MRS10 companion subwoofer. Designed for use in home studios, the MR monitors feature Acoustic Space Control and HF filters.
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SEMINAR DIARY Bose unveils ShowMatch inreturns New Delhi Audac The evolution takesShure the of wraps EVDIS training offdBTechnologies Nobaprovided Apart Audio KRK updates V-Series to the Opera and ControlCenter clicks into place
During IBC 2016 JAA.S announced it had entered into an coverage of the Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) annual singing agreement to distribute Calrec. Having promoted German competition. Staged at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala console and networking broadcast technology for over 10 years, Lumpur and broadcast to millions, the signal was levelled and the decision to represent a UK audio mixing broadcast console converted to the Dolby E format using a Jünger Audio system ELX200 family 11-12 JANUARY training and educational initiatives KRK SYSTEMS updated its Indian an optional protective grille. AUDAC’S ELECTRO-VOICE LATEST HAS subwoofer focused is on INDIA: systems simultaneously. Thestreamed app in mind includes manufacturer brokehas that trend. Furthermore, theShure’s sales territory before being liveintegrators via a satellite link toand a cinema hall studios, sound designdistributor, and The Noba sub in side profile DBTECHNOLOGIES’ CLASSIC and a double horizontal Completing the feature as this is the theatre, best way8-inch todispersion. capture V-Series of studio with the Sun Infonet, recently partnered with aportable subwoofer live with sound amonitors twist. solutions Named facilitates dial-in settings inOnce real-time 4-inch, 5.25-inch and 2-way was expanded beyond Malaysia towith Indonesia and Singapore with in Malacca. the signal reached the audio audio production facilities. Audio Programming BOSE PROFESSIONAL’S Opera series of loudspeakers has Additionally, all three models DUBBING setfront of the V4,decoded V6revolutionary, and and processed market needs, resolve challenges V-Series 4, 6 andof8,the model MEAas towell. conduct a training Noba, arecent pair aesthetically ofaddition additions to iteach looks itsPhilippines catalogue. more andShure from in ofTHEM the system. models with matching dual 10-inch the Thailand was courtesy of another Jünger Audio All three models feature 49 132 & representing 232 ShowMatch array been completely reengineered feature two input channels, two Apart Audio has released a new system’s the manufacturer’s V8 is acoustic and desk and identify opportunities,’ furthered like The aELX200 full-range is acabinet family than of portable sub, The ELX200 family comprises and single 12-inch subwoofers. ‘I number decided toDeltaQ attend the that Brio36 launch atseminar NAB lastcovering year system, and played back over the venue’s surround sound selectable equaliser settings, loudspeakers aim tothe better with theV-Series latest evolution, selectable output channels Link line of and four mixing 10-inch, amplifiers woofer size. According to the conference discussion loading condition correction director ofthat thanks solutions, to its while curved shape Evolve and 50 iswith a itsDIS passive One of Hiranandani, the major highlights of and couldn’t help to be impressed attractive priceand speaker setup. ‘The SummaChicco is one of the simplest mixers– enabling users to cater for Singapore The new monitorspromises powered match the total array coverage the Italian manufacturer. CHfamily 1head or Mix CH 1+2Mohd – and eight designed intuitive and low frequency EQs, mid and high highly sales and at Shure MEA. manufacturer, the column nearfield studio for of systems very portable compact powered dimensions, system. 12-inch andto 15-inch 2-way models ismarketing new wall-mount performance features,’ recallsboth Mr Chan. ‘Isolutions spoke toroom Iana range I be have ever used,’ explainsthe MPB ofits sound Zaidi specific acoustics, any EAW’s Radius family gains atoaudio ofBSS audience areas bycompany allowing forto Comprised housed of threewithin variants, the preset equalisations tailored easy-to-operate via simplified frequency EQs, an input ‘Sun Infonet has enabled us meet monitors have been designed consultants and of Starting which permit with Evolve the enclosure 50, is a andintegrators, as well as 12-inch andalevel 18-inch Using this solution, Staddon from sister DiGiCo he asked if audio Ianomalies wanted Mohamed Taib. ‘It is a truesystem. broadcast mixer, for which the placement and personal amplification a front is offering two days of this stage monitor in the RSX12M changes inon directivity orAudio ‘Q’ forheeach Operabass series speakers include 10- attenuation to different environments. The training itsfor HiQnet set of front panel controls. ‘specifically audio production end clients.However, The two-day workshop switch and agreat Neutrik our market objectives be column wall-mounted. format loudspeaker enclosure and subwoofers. As with Evolve installers candevelopment attach the wallto distribute Calrec. IThe thought was joking initially. quality isthe and50, integration is straightforward.’ preferences during setup. The ported reflex enclosure design. Architect platform. module indiscussions the array. The American inch, and 15-inch cabinets feature alook the ELX200 offers the Together withfamily the new amplifiers, applications where accurate took place inDave New custom Delhi and covered The (XLR and connector. in the (using pastthemselves sixStagetec and welevel) is subwoofer constructed system from that 4mm-thick offersAnthony a itsmonths built-inAsia spirit following with both Harrison and ‘ITRS) learnt during my time atmount Salzbrenner that you monitors include designed new12-inch V-Series models alsomodels, combo Opera series manufacturer has also recently anduniversal each offer 1,200Wmounting peak power dBTechnologies’ full grille, with and Bluetooth the BelgianQuickSmartMobile manufacturer haslarge format forward totogether working withtop them on reproduction is critical’ and are hardware and software aircraft maximum grade sound aluminium pressure and level and terminate the alone cables inside, Letson, it became apparent that we wereboth on the same cannot survive on console sales and that’s Kevlar tweeters, woven Kevlar have threaded developed ControlCenter series while integrating processing side handles and poletomount cups app. Thisthe allows wireless unveiled MaskC install future engagements.’ aimed atthe recording and broadcast solutions as part of the Class-D Shure Audio packs of 126dB an 8-inch weighs woofer inwith at 35kg. 300W to promote apply the paint cover protect wavelength. Itand was never my intention format why wethe started to add higher volume, lower margin products wooferslarger and bi-amped bracket points,seminar EVA DSP foam padwell andattended The two-day was zone controllers, seteight remote with FIR filters and a Class-D 600W aloudspeaker forThe stacking with large portion ofcontrol the original configuration, series, which Institute educational event’s success was echoed power The column output. TheaBrio integrated 3.5-inch the wall-mount untilMr construction consoles again,features but isofreally a small-medium-sized board and networking providing usand with more consistent sales,’configurations adds Chan. ‘We’reby controls foramp usedrivers with itsmatched FreeSpace amplifier. models’ success to, beenfor the monitoring of collecting up tohas sixalso ELX200 differs from the original Mask platform. ‘The best way for a brand those ‘This training Class-D neodymium also 150W toof isdBTechnologies’ completed cover can and Calrec retains a makes good brand value. not brands sake in of attendance. it as(when wesubs. arethe dedicated key representatives from the brand and PowerShare amplifiers and The series’ asymmetrical redesigned to obtain systems simultaneously and series primarily in itsboth cabinet is we excellent and provides in-depth to progress further is better horn, power awas 12-inch available subwoofer for each and its theconnectivity top be removed) andRTM thenfor slide the ‘I19-22 initially impressed byof the options together and committed to those that represent. example and to help Sun Infonet gainan a first JANUARY ControlSpace processors. which dBTechnologies attributes asymmetrical vertical EASTERN ACOUSTIC WORKS (EAW) facilitates dial-in settings construction and mounting knowledge about technology understanding their customers speaker Class-D amplifier inputs. upof Brio. Furthermore, it can pre-wired with adjustable with the large capacity features has been using Klotz Digital for morespeaker than 15latest years and this hand understanding ofdispersion the needs TEC Tracks atprovides The ShowMatch hasOur expanded itswhile Radius line with in real-time inendorsement front options. and delivering solutions that make and its best providing to‘When 1,000W. the ideaDeltaQ developing the applications, which until onto the use wall-mount and lock easily be adopted byfor live broadcasting is afrom great us. customers alsoalso happen to and expectations of end users. And forarm The NAMM loudspeakers have a horizontal design suited HEDD (Heinz in-depth mixing sessions, high-end unit, named the Hedd Bridge, which their a wouldn’t dedicated monitor: and 4-inch midrange woofers with of the system. Additional The mixing series their work and operations easier aaddition platform for finding answers to Noba Evolve arose 50Electrodynamic over has adomain three years ago, into place.ofwe now have been theShow ofDesigns) analogue boards and live sound be friends, and support befloor here. But with the kind ofamp turn out thatwithout we’ve toAnaheim, both permanent installation and has started production of its flagship recording, provides the options for connecting the Radius RSX12M. Theneed series diaphragms made honeycombfeatures include SST (Signal comprises of four models. Theon goodcurrent and efficient,’ saidfrom Neeraj Chandra, challenges,’ enthused we coverage didn’t want ofowing 120° just another 40° active Afriendships further benefit from the digital mixers toand the price limitations of a truebroadcast broadcastapplications, you cannot survive alonecomes – you to now received, we’re absolutely positive USA portable applications, with fieldproduct, the Type 30 midfield studio video television viaMA120 USB wireless and includes units to serve sandwich material, asand well as Mr Synchronised Transducers) andAES3, MA240 offer 120W Harish Sharma fromcredentials. Perfect Audio director ofC.T.O Sun Infonet. ‘Therefore, bass asymmetrical cabinet tovertical be hidden coverage. in theregional In mastering series’ weatherproof digital audio mixer. Malaysian and broadcasters couldand consistently deliver products and designed support; you have to place by and an internal magnet. that our 2.0, initiative has worked outthe right as multiple presets options Dolby Laboratories Craig Todd presents David Chan withbass a token partnership at Mediagrounp Academy changeable waveguides inreasoned compact and benefits from energy monitor. Although postproduction. Itwith houses AES67/Dante AoIP. XLA and RCA asmodels mains, fillspaintable and subwoofers, in Heinz’ Hedd Air Motion Transformer waveguide design, and the and 240W RMS output power Systems. Sun Infonet, in association with room’s terms of darkest its physical corner,’ make-up, the board are and IP54 not easily afford athe fullmanufacturer broadcast and go extra mile.’ acoustic configuration by 7-inch loading Inbefore, terms of control, an angled fabulously well –the both for the brand AllVisual forofalso signal routing andaan inputs. It TEC Tracks comprises over 70 digital enclosures allowing for either 70or star rating thanks to its green is relatively new, itformats was by connections feature. additionfor to monitors. tweeter design, and four of the aforementioned QuickSmartDSP. respectively, while Shure MEA, organised this seminar product arrayanalogue is manager enclosed Stijn inestablished durable Vandebosch. ABS weather resistance. current and live sound digital mixers, they In addition tofeatures distributingcertified products that are right for the market their audio settings inputpreferred panel gives users access as well as foralso the endeach users.’ also features Bluetooth streaming sessions and seminars, all taking Apart’s Mask6C loudspeaker 100-degree horizontal coverage. The and credentials. Klaus Heinz, founder and former head With 38mm thick frontplates, Featuring onboard per latest ICEpower 300W Finally, andbalanced away from liveengaging twoand mono with ageneration view to bring working plastic, The new while cabinet the ported Audac’s subwoofer An IP65 version were presented with auses lack of capacity broadcast-centric based onmic/line customer feedback, JAA.Sweatherproof has started500W to become through the and onboard USB port. from above to make adjustments ‘We continue to focus on andhosted Artemis platforms to broadcasters RTM, Astro Awani of background music or at musical place during NAMM. Topics will Sun Infonet Shure MEA cover recording, live sound enclosures allow for the formation Each black or white of R&D at ADAM and his the cabinet’s construction makes channel bi-amplified electronics amplifiers. sound, manufacturer has inputs, four music inputs professionals directly in touch WaveDynamics is enclosed inAudio wood. technology, Assembly which available for thein5.25-inch features. Brio changes this asand itson, comes with 36Noba faders incan a small involved with its(stereo own research andavailable development. A recent The be with Prima in and connections, and includes with thethe market through various Media Kuala Lumpur. ‘We happened to be in the right accompaniment directly from with Shure DIS sub training in paired New Delhi and will include afitrange MARTIN R&D team has looking oflighting, DeltaQ, constant-curvature, or compactAudac’s and usablehas inside orand out,the the mastering engineer Frederik Knop, forline, 530mm x 280mm high x including the manufacturer’s Meanwhile, the Awani, frequency response also unveiled its Evid-S family ofMedia monowide summed), a mono allows is via footprint ausers symmetrical to that set up aluminium the optimal loudspeaker cabinet 10- MMS physical can into applications. only interface. collaboration with Lab Alliance given birth to the Ateo2Not full-range speakers EV’s QuickSmartDSP place at the right time at AUDIO’S Astro as they were to any mobile device. The Bluetooth ofsubwoofer keynote reinvented thenews Blackline series J-shape line-array cabinets are from ABS both of whom bring anumber wealth 338mm dimensions and an a from listening Focusing andconstructed DynO algorithms isQuickSmartMobile between 32Hz andapp 50kHz and installation enclosures. Available balanced paging mic resulted input, pole with integrated inch subwoofer models. does it offer aaddresses. largeconfigurations. of studio channels with lots of I/Os and Lite. ‘This to what our customers wanted This allows navigation of upgrade system one of their 24-hour control rooms existingdeep allows the as the with the30 BlacklineX suite of with passive Each full-range speaker incorporates and make use Apart’scone, monitoring the table. weight housed inside a 12-inch vented the Type isyears also equipped in blackofor23.3kg. white, the series has emergency input and left-to-right wiring. Atexpertise each end of the pole, design the allows sufficient DSP, but itstonetworkable broadcasters to display for their daily practises. Theplastic SMS Comms acts as aofmonitor for parameters via an LCD console was more than 10 old.’ wireless configuration, control and loudspeakers. According to the four extended-HF EMB2S Ancable-free analogue three-way theinto patented Universal Clickmount the RSX12M packs a 2.5-inch voice amonitoring modular input system via been designed with ease use for can priority audio routing onofthe rear connection is locked expand the platform withsystem, more I/Os whenBose needed.’ the audio signal, which detect a fault to trigger an alert. It with ShowMatch single-knob control, well has earned JAA.S the trust its and is called upon of of upcard toclients six Evolve 50 DeltaQas array loudspeakers represents ‘a six hours compression drivers together ASIA: Broadcast Solutions’ ongoing Type 30 Mr is designed during bracket, that allows the cabinets coil to drive the low anmanufacturer slotrequired. onthis the back the Inempty Jakarta and Hanoi theof panel. andstep MA60, So far, Chan andfor hisuse team have demonstrated the Brio36 is the first in having a complete network offrequencies, control for TV to deliver the goods when ‘We had just of The MA30 reinvention forold themixer modern era’. two 8-inch neodymium woofers. series of Broadcast Innovation Daysto switch ‘clicked’ place. while aalso 1- x 1-inch exitinto 1.77-inch companies teamed up to which offer and 30Wradio and broadcasters, 60W of butto it be cansimply be adopted in industrial downtime from our to the Brio console,’ whereas CC-2staged and CC-3 offer ring Designed formade installations Modules available with 10-, AS PARTare of its promise to 5-, introduce IC6 and saw events in Jakarta andRizalcompany four models also include voice coil compression driver handles demonstrate aboth wideits variety of power respectively, have as been settings such offshore oilAll and gas rigs. So with this product explains Ali, seniorhas assistant vice president, technical FEBRUARY volume A/B with source selection andEssentials portable applications, thethe help of simplified 20-degree vertical coverage, aor6-9 raft of new products during 2017, Ecler spherical pendant Hanoi plus recently support from overload protection that It’s the products and solutions even further. front I’ve come fullThe circle back to 3-step my highs. R&D engineering background. operation-management at Astro Awani.under ‘With JAA.S, volumecompanies plus A/B/C/D source series comprises four two-way whilst integrated Ecler has loudspeaker available in–into aTheour facilitypanel Riedel, reduces the excited power toasstage protect EAW that the Think Big, Start Small a prominent rotary a straightforward product, but I’m states really it willmonitor allow us weIHSE, were able totitle integrate the new console and features CTS atannounced ISEriggingtheis rated for orpartner selection respectively. Available in systems and three direct-radiating upWHEATSTONE to 24-box arrays. compatible IS Aclaiming its outboard explained IW103 in-ceiling/innew black finish. The also party Media and Jünger Audio. aZenon station’s coverage. The proofthe transducer, tilting is able to impact offer ‘adownward uniform coverage Power to Scale. Both sessions provides the diversity volume control, while inputs tomonitors,’ test the market and if it makes an we can add more bring it onlineprocessor very quickly.’ Amsterdam, black orspeaker white, three subwoofers. matching-width, single 18-inch AirAura X3 is the first processor Jeffinclude Keith, Wheatstone senior DESCRIBED AS being particularly either Thethat described wall loudspeaker for manufacturer claims The two events werethese the first time system. The is the first of-concept FM processor embeds allow forishigher Passive Technology, pattern ofCCX1295 105 x 105-degrees’ and focused on topics including options andCardioid most FM processors can oneproducts balanced mic/linethis.’ drivers alongside JAA.S is nowdelay promoting new solutions using a that combination models areofequipped an X8effect ultra-compact, X10 subwoofer with aoff-air complete line of Netherlands to accomplish monitoring, product engineer. effective for residential systems where particularly effective corporate and the IC6 ‘the perfect thatdiversity Innovation Days had been member the CCX12 family, the delay, aswith well as itsand mounting and a latency rotatable first introduced into the thatas the system is logo. asinlow on streamlining theisbroadcast accept delay corrections from third-broadcasting input,development two music inputs and an As JAA.S is distributing several brands throughout South East of technologies toThe good outside traditional intuitive and can fit into and a compact, X12 and X15 highrigging accessories provides measurement and real-time ‘However, when the targeted pattern control isLF systems targeted buildings, sports and option forbroadcasters 70/100V andcustomers organised jointly with partners is sooninterface to be joined by additional measurement and correction, The 70W Mask4C and Mask4CT company’s FL283 line array as 2.6ms to where provide ‘transparency workflow and can emergency input. Alloff-air four Asia beyond itsmodels native Mr Chan is enjoying developing applications. ‘It’s true that wehow are finding more in liveAudio’s Martin BlacklineX SeriesMalaysia, Attendees to HD the ISE will 1-gang electrical box. The additional powered models are eight-inch, extension, including theShow ShowMatch correction of diversity delay monitoring, delay measurement required, Fulcrum’s new CCX1295 pattern control is desirable, leisure centres, and low impedance sound solution’, were designed lectures with anapplications,’ 12-inch models said to offer aA/V full within the audio as processor. feature amonth 4.25-inch module, while the coaxial in vocal monitoring applications’. implement future-proof solutions, have standby mode new markets. ‘I am flying tomodels Indonesia every and coated have and explains Mr Chan. ’One such example isan automatic The event gave the participants an opportunity to network and discuss have the opportunity to get CTS units allsays. include a user-rotatable ControlCenter CV41 fourplus to the one 10-inch, and enclosure is to18 SM5 rigging which can be without requiring external gear. andBlacklineX correction functions are all months,’ is amodule 12-inch subcardioid coaxial and is said to offer a unique meeting and conference asdemo itofmounts a at 6-inch woofer and additional exhibition, handsrange of horn patterns. This means that diversity paper woofer and a 1-inch silk transducer and 90° x15-inch 45° As with the other members of one the12-inch main concerns of the that powers down been forthe theamp past he ‘It’s difficult market, Dolby Preview room Astro’s headquarters inEach Kuala certified. training involves horn allowing for horizontal orand converter can support up toLumpur. fourand This loudspeakers The and as such made from and finished adjusted forThe longer as well as and Satcom antennas The manufacturer describes embedded within processor loudspeaker thatthrow. is stated to shape compact size to is rooms. The speaker houses 1-inch tweeter inrespectively. a discreet design. on sessions on the products The core speaker specs include a involved delay is reportedly always dome tweeter, while 200W horn can be rotated in 45° the Radius family, thethe RSX12M attendees. of multichannel recording and slow 0.5W afterplywood 10 minutes without a from which isthe quite different Malaysia, but we’re really enjoying collaboration with Dolby CTS prep and the study sessions vertical and a variety ControlCenter CC-1 zone controllers line-up comprises the with a textured black coating the new ControlCenter Robycam stabilised rail and flying’ maintaining precise diversity delay itself, outboard gear is no longer provide 9dB of low frequency complement any architectural a Meanwhile, 3-inch transducer and includes The eUC106 spherical pendant solutions presented. The German frequency response from 71Hzcreated to kept in perfect alignment, Mask6C and Mask6CT feature aof increments. The enclosure’s compatible with the EAWMosaic Visitors could also learn about motion servers video judging signal. theand challenges. Itthat takes time, but if orientation you offer consistently good we’ve asubwoofer 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos listening environment. This followed byforthe exam. mounting options. with aremoves PS602 or PS604 PowerShare X115 15-inch model, thewe X118 reportedly provides while of zone controllers camera systems. as critical minimising listener attenuation in the rear comprises hemisphere style. aseries high impedance transformer unit a 6.5-inch 0.5-inch systems integrator reported 20kHz, 400W power handling at led tohouses and the need for 6.25-inch woofer. 40° vertically trapezoidal system prediction, Broadcast Solutions’ pre-configured alongside Moving on the durability, speakers, the products support with the right behind you, thecontrol marketand gradually hasanow another project inwoofer, which are creatingsolutions arequired.’ 40- from 18-inch the X210 white andseries custom RALyou.’ colours three distinct models and aoutput converter amplifier. tune outs when thepower HD while still providing thesignal with 15W and 30W selections tweeter and 70/100V transformer. ‘huge’ the135dB. local 8Ω andinterest ahardware. peak from SPL of The designed outboard shape allows toand be fitted close monitoring app for iPad. Streamline OBit van family. Also on homesoftware-based solutions such are as MaskC similary comprises accepts seat theatre toversion simulate cinema for the user.’ AirAura X3 is reportedly the first slimline double 10-inch cabinet. also available to order. seven forblends simplifying wiring. ControlCenter to analogue at the fringes of Ecler’s capability of a normal 2-way at 100V line level. broadcast community. product incorporates ‘In many stations, theFulcrum’s FM Most recently, to ceilings. display was complete portfolio broadcast Ultrasoft andThe Serenity, four models. Media Prima Berhad (MPB) used a Calrec CCX1295 subwoofer IW103 in-wall processor forthe off-air monitoring install speaker CC-1 solely provides volumeand control, In other news, theHarrison Spanish Calrec’s Anthony JAA.S’ David Chan at IBC 2016 Summa console to handle the 5.1 surround mix during its live
Monitoring the Radius
Hedd debuts the Type 30
Blackline gains X-factor
Broadcast Innovation Days see success in Asia Ecler finishes things off Wheatstone corrects diversity delay Fulcrum starts a family
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50 November–December 2016 46 January–February 66 ASIA March–April 2017 2017 68 May–June 2017 58 PRO PRO AUDIO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
July–August 2017 PRO AUDIO ASIA 113
Peavey takes power up a level THE PVXP DSP powered enclosures from Peavey Electronics offer ADSP (Advanced Digital Signal Processing) technology and an asymmetrical horn said to keep the sound focused towards the audience using the company’s Quadratic Throat Waveguide technology, reportedly covering a 100° x 50° radius (15° upwards and 35° downwards). The series is stated to provide 128dB SPL and the cabinets house a 1.4kg magnet paired with 2 ⅜-inch voice coils in 12-inch and 15-inch variants. These are
teamed with Peavey’s high-frequency RX 14 driver housing a 1.4-inch titanium diaphragm. An Adjustable EQ comes in the form of the ADSP – EQ presets include Music, EDM, Rock/Country/ Hip-Hop, Acoustic, Voice, Church and Monitor, and offer adjustable treble and bass to tailor the sound to the environment. Additional features include an XLR and ¼-inch TRS combo jack, a built-in mic preamp and a ground lift. Thru Output via male XLR and a separate ¼-inch TRS phone jack are also featured.
The PVXp 12 DSP measures 622.3mm x 409mm x 381mm and weighs 19.5kg, while the PVXp 15 DSP measures 717.6mm x 480mm x 475.2mm and weighs 23.13kg. Both the PVXp 12 DSP and PVXp 15 DSP have injection-molded plastic trapezoidal enclosures with flying point inserts on the top, bottom and right side. In addition, the PVX eyebolt kit or Peavey Versamount VM 70 mounting systems are said to offer the versatility of ceiling or wall mounting. A perforated steel grille with powdered finish protects the speakers. PVXp 15 DSP
Dual 18-inch sub option joins Radius DESIGNED FOR both portable and installed applications, EAW has added the RSX218 subwoofer to its Radius series. The product is a dual 18-inch subwoofer that the manufacturer describes as having a ‘tremendous’ lowfrequency output while retaining the family’s signature features.
... still could enjoy different ambience music in various parts of the restaurant.
RSX218 Coated with EAW’s Roadcoat finish, the wooden enclosure houses two high-power, 3-inch voice coil, 18-inch woofers powered by 1,400W of onboard amplification. It combines optimised acoustic, electroacoustic (transducer) and electronic (DSP) solutions to maximise efficiency, reportedly allowing smaller AC services to be used without sacrificing on power. Like the other models in the Radius series, the RSX218 features a large navigation screen that provides on-box access to all functions. Dual locking etherCON connectors permit daisy-chaining via Dante connectivity for single cable audio and communications. XLR audio input and thru connections provide an analogue input option and automatic fail-over redundancy from Dante, while power is delivered via powerCON connections.
3/4 PAGE A-9500D2
Digital Mixing Amplifier TOA’s A-9500D2 designed to be used in conjunction with optional modules and can be configured up to 8 inputs and 8 ouputs. Combining both the 9000 series modules and existing 900 series input modules, the most appropriate modules can be selected depending on every individual applications. The A-9500D2 comes with two 500W channels allowing it to perform multi origin broadcasting. It is equipped with signal processing and control functions necessary for sound reinforcement, permitting all parameters to be set at the mixer. Setting data can be stored inside the unit and called up simply by using the keys on the front panel. ** Model number may vary across different regions.
We supply sound, not equipment.
TOAasiapacific TOAeurope
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 59
RCF extends its highs and lows DESIGNED BY RCF to be used in combination with its TT+ 2-way touring systems, the TTS 15-A subwoofer is a compact, highoutput module offering high power, portability and ease of handling. Incorporating a 15-inch woofer powered by a 1,100W RMS SMPS Class-D amplifier with full DSP and RDNet network capabilities, the weatherproof cabinet is equipped with a double M20 threaded pole mount for vertical or horizontal mounting together with two presets on the rear-enabling deployment in cardioid mode. The RCF TTS 18-A II is an 18-inch version powered by a 1,400W RMS SMPS Class-D amplifier and comprises a lightweight neodymium magnet, inside–outside copper voice coil, silicon double spiders and a waterresistant treated cone. The Italian manufacturer has added three 2-way models to its TT+ range in the form of the TT 10-A, TT 20-CXA wedge monitor and upgraded TT 08-A (TT 08-A II). Powered by internal LF 600W and MF/HF 300W amplifier modules that also provide full DSP and FiRPHASE processing functionality, the rear back panel of each model provides individual signal I/O, RDNet monitoring control connection and one EQ preset control. The TT 08-A II and TT 10-A speakers are 8- and 10-inch models, respectively, whilst the TT 20-CXA is a full-range symmetrical monitor housing dual 8-inch drivers with a 2.5-inch exit HF compression driver. Offering a flat frequency
TTS 15-A response together with a 90° x 60° coverage pattern, the versatility of the monitor is extended by virtue of a steel pole mount promoting its use as a full-range FOH system. The compact, low-profile cabinets are all housed in Baltic birch plywood that is finished with a textured polyurea coating.
TTS 18-A II Following market feedback, the NX Series of modular active loudspeakers consisting of a line array module, 2-way monitors and high-power subwoofers has been further extended with the NX 32-A and NX45 A 2-way enclosures. Housed in birch plywood, the polemountable cabinets are protected with a 2mm grille in front and equipped with fly points for fast rigging. The larger-format RCF NX 45-A is a high-output, 2-way module designed for use in combination with the 8000 Series subwoofers. The NX 45-A woofer features a lightweight, 15-inch neodymium woofer and a horn-loaded, 4-inch exit HF titanium compression driver, both of which are powered by an internal 1,400W RMS SMPS Class-D amplification section with full DSP. The crossover point is set at 700Hz, providing clarity and intelligibility in the vocal range. Utilising the same amplification
within aluminium housing to aid heat dissipation, the NX 32-A offers full DSP capabilities including FiRPHASE filters to provide coherent audio distribution without phase distortion.
equalisers, compressors, gates, limiters, delays, duckers, priorities and two independent auto-mixer algorithms. An Automatic Level Control facility is also available; a probe connected to input 8 automatically adjusts the volume level according to the measured environmental noise. The device also accommodates 10 logic inputs (GPI) and six logic outputs (GPO), configurable. Two of these outputs are operated by a relay. A serial port can also be set to control the unit from a third-party system and it is possible to link two MZ 8060s in a master-slave configuration to create a 16-input, 12-output total access matrix. Finally, RCF has also released a new Class-D power amplifier for installed systems named DPS 604X. It has four inputs and four
DPS 604X Away from speakers, RCF has recently launched the MZ 8060 digital audio matrix for installed and commercial applications. The product is described as the central management unit for the system integrator and the complex systems developer, and reportedly boasts simple installation and set up. It features an 8x6 matrix – eight universal mic/line inputs and six outputs. DSP includes parametric
outputs that could be combined in different configurations via a DIP switch on the rear panel allowing the selection of eight operational modes. It also has two hi-pass filters (on channels A and B) and a low-pass filter for subwoofers, with cut-off frequencies ranging from 50Hz to 250Hz. The audio wiring uses Euroblock terminals.
ProAudio Technology downsizes
The VT16 vertical line array PROAUDIO TECHNOLOGY’S VT16 vertical line array loudspeaker incorporates two 8-inch highexcursion, low-mid drivers arranged symmetrically around the hornloaded, 1.4-inch HF driver, said to
provide a distinctive sound below 50Hz. In the mid-range, all three drivers work in parallel, reportedly to provide essential headroom with a compact music programme. The horizontal dispersion is 90°, the
60 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
weight 21kg and the width 58cm. According to the company, the linear acoustic phase above 80Hz ensures a perfect broadband coupling among the individual speakers within the array and allows the whole system to be equalised with a small number of filters. The impedance of 1x12Ω is said to allow an economical drive with up to six elements per channel of a 10.4DSP or 20.4-DSP system amplifier. For example, a 2x6 VT16 and 2x4 SW18 system can therefore be driven by only one 4-channel amplifier on a single 230V/16A Schuko outlet and needs only two cables per side. The lightweight flying (10kg) allows users to hang up to 11 VT16s on a 250kg motor. The fully integrated 3-point flying equipment of highgrade steel allows vertical angles between 0° and 8° in consistent 1° steps and arrays of 16 VT16 loudspeakers in vertical arrays.
LFs down to the ground THE LAs418G is a ground stack version of Next-proaudio’s LAs418 subwoofer, which by taking away the capability of arraying the sub, becomes ‘significantly lighter’ while retaining the same design and performance of its predecessor. At 87kg, the LAs418G includes eight handles, four on each side. Measuring 516mm x 920mm x 1030mm (HxDxW), the new version incorporates two long-excursion and high-power 18-inch drivers said to provide ultra-low frequencies at a high SPL. Forming the matched
subwoofer for the LA family, the LAs418G delivers its 9,000W output down to 24Hz (–10dB). Available as either 2x8Ω or 2x4Ω, the speaker is housed in a multilaminate birch plywood enclosure and is finished in a textured black, semi-matte coating. The LAs418G is available in either a standard or cardioid configuration using the parallel wired Neutrik NL4 connector on the front of the subwoofer.
Hello. We are the world’s most compact three-way studio monitors, and the first coaxials without sonic compromises. With uncoloured, detailed imaging and incredible on- and off-axis responses, we allow you to monitor with total confidence, hour after hour. And thanks to the ever evolving Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM™) application, we can adapt to even the most challenging of environments. We’re simply Ultimate Point Source monitors, so please excuse us from not keeping a low Finnish profile. We are THE ONES.
Ecler everywhere
eMotus5PB includes IR remote control ECLER’S NEW eMotus Series comprises a pair of stereo loudspeaker kits and an outdoor speaker, and has been developed to cover a wide range of commercial installation applications. The eMotus5P and eMotus5PB kits are aimed at classrooms, leisure facilities and sports centres, meeting and conference rooms, auditoria, museums, retail outlets and for sound reinforcement in clubs and bars. The eMotus5OD is
an outdoor speaker designed for use in theme parks and outdoor spaces such as gardens and nature parks, as well as accompanying its family members in sport centres and museums. The eMotus5P and eMotus5PB are identical except for the Bluetooth connection, IR remote control functionality and a 0-10VDC remote port for volume control offered exclusively by the eMotus5PB model. Both kits supply
active and passive compact, 2-way surface mount speakers. The cabinets are available in black or white and house a 5-inch woofer with a 1-inch tweeter. They have the ability to switch between mono and stereo operation and offer bass and treble tone control. With the ability to be installed outside, the eMotus5OD is also available in black or white, and is a 2-way cabinet that encases a 5-inch woofer and 1-inch tweeter. On the rear, users will find a 100V power selector with options for 3.75, 7.5, 15 and 30W operation. The eMotus Series is designed for ease of use due to the vast number of applications the systems are intended for. The same can be said of Ecler’s ePinBlu wireless audio receiver. It connects over Bluetooth and includes a mini-jack connection with stereo audio output. A USB charging cable comes in the box to provide the ePinBlu with enough power for up to seven hours of operation. A mini-jack to mini-jack connector is also included, along with a mini-jack to RCA stereo cable.
The e-352 Nano
Vue gives big output to new Nano VUE AUDIOTECHNIK is claiming to have ‘reset the SPL-to-size benchmark’ with its new e-Class range of loudspeakers. Debuting with the e-352 Nano, the series claims to offer Hi-Fi quality sound at professional output levels reaching 120dB SPL. The e-352 Nano houses a 25mm Truextent beryllium dome tweeter with a neodymium magnet assembly that is claimed to offer extremely low distortion and an extended frequency response of 130Hz to 27kHz. This is flanked by a pair of 3.5-inch custom-designed cone transducers that combine a neodymium magnet structure with high-temperature voice coils optimised for heat dissipation.
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On the front, an aluminium baffle features an integrated highfrequency waveguide, while a pair of V-shaped wire bumpers provide protection for the tweeter while eliminating the diffractions. All three drivers are housed in a compact die-cast aluminium enclosure. The aluminium is corrosion and moisture resistant, allowing the speakers’ use outdoors and in harsh weather applications. The onboard passive crossover network is mated to DSP inside the VueDrive V2.5 Systems, which provides power and transducer protection for up to eight e-352s.
Q-Sys control goes small format QSC HAS designed its TSC47W-G2 touchscreen dialer/ controller to give integrators more installation flexibility. This is accomplished due to the Q-Sys controller’s 4.7-inch screen that can be set to either portrait or
landscape mode. The screen features LCD touch technology with a 960x540 display and PoE offers simplified installation using a single cable. TSC-47W-G2 is bundled with mounting accessories for standard wall and junction
boxes, and allows users to create custom graphical user control interfaces. Up above on the ceiling, the same integrators might install QSC’s AD-C4T and AD-C6T ceilingmount loudspeakers from its
TSC-47W-G2 can be set for vertical use and horizontal
AcousticDesign Series. These are now EN 54-24 type A compliant, meaning they meet European standards for audio and voice alarming.
Next-gen studio monitor control YAMAHA IS targeting ‘nextgeneration studios’ with its MMP1 Studio Monitor Management System, built as an answer to the complexity of monitor and communication presented in the wake of immersive audio formats. In addition to monitor controller functionality, the MMP1 also offers support for in-the-box mixing workflows. A 40x36 matrix, comprising 32 inputs and eight DSP channel inputs with 32 outputs and stereo downmix outputs, as well as stereo headphone outputs at 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz, and 20x20 channels at 176.4kHz and 192kHz, facilitates monitor source mixing for a range of formats, including stereo and immersive audio such as Dolby Atmos. Flexible
The MMP1 Studio Monitor Management System talkback and eight stereo cues facilitate communication between multiple users. Following the monitor matrix is a 32x32 speaker management matrix at 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz or 16x16 channels at 176.4kHz and 192kHz that features crossover filters for bass management over all channels. Precision FIR bass management filters are included,
as well as IIR types to maintain flat phase characteristics between channels. Time alignment delay and EQ are also included, along with eight analogue and 16 AES/EBU I/Os. Built-in Dante audio networking enables I/O expansion and system scalability. A range of response shaping options and vintage analogue effects that have been modelled at the
component level using Yamaha’s VCM technology are supplied by channel strips, each with four selectable EQ types: Precise, Aggressive, Smooth and Legacy. Cough functionality allows external controllers connected via a GPI interface to mute microphones. Current Status monitoring is also available using the MMP1 Controller iPad app, designed to provide control of the main parameters. In other news, continuing its recent march into the conferencing world, Yamaha has developed the YVC1000MS Unified Communications Speakphone as a solution intended to bring ‘natural and clear’ audio to Skye for Business meetings, as well as enhance the user experience.
Described as a scalable and flexible solution, the YVC-1000MS has been designed for large meeting rooms, rooms with special table configurations, and remote education classes taking place within the Skype for Business application. The device features separate microphone and speaker units, and integrates adaptive echo cancellation and other processing technologies developed by the manufacturer over the years. Connection is assured to be fast thanks to a user-friendly design, said to provide an ‘intuitive’ connection to a call on a smartphone by Bluetooth and the ability to bridge to a Skype for Business call via USB.
Introducing tomorrow’s Control Room, today!
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Fireface UFX+ and ARC USB More I/O – featuring 188 channels of future proof I/O, including Thunderbolt technology™, USB3 and MADI, and with free routing of everything to everywhere, you have all the connectivity you’ll ever need. More gain – an all new preamplifier design gives incredible amounts of usable gain. More functionality – connect the optional ARC USB and benefit from unlimited routing and mixing control at your fingertips. Improved DURec recording from the front panel now timestamps your audio files. Less latency – together, RME’s famous low latency hardware and innovative drivers deliver maximum performance without limits, for your Mac, PC and iOS devices.
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Thunderbolt is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. iOS and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 63
Zsound adds passive sub to LA110 THE LA110P from ZSound is a self-powered reflex subwoofer comprising dual 15-inch cone drivers and a built-in 3-channel amplifier module offering a maximum output of 4,700W. It can be used in conjunction with the manufacturer’s LA110 line array or other full range loudspeakers and is suitable for a variety of applications, from touring sound to fixed
installations. The cabinet is reportedly capable of a peak SPL of 133dB with a frequency response of 38Hz to 100Hz (±3dB). The enclosure itself is constructed from 25mm and 18mm plywood and is finished in grey textured waterproof paint. Four recessed handle cups are mounted on both sides of
OB-over-IP the enclosure for transport and a rear panel connector plate carries two Neutrik Speakon NL4MP connectors for loop-in and loop-out connections to additional enclosures. The sub can also be used directly with the LA110 array and it uses the same rigging hardware. The LA110P
SOLID STATE Logic is aiming to take its System T IP-based, live-to-air broadcast audio production system into smaller spaces, such as OB vans, with the S300. The fixed layout compact control surface can be incorporated as part of a larger System T installation or as a standalone product for smaller facilities.
USB alternative to StudioLive 16.0.2 PRESONUS HAS followed up on the success of its StudioLive 16.0.2 digital mixer by releasing a more compact USB version. Designed for studio recording and live sound, StudioLive 16.0.2 USB is a portable alternative that retains the 16 channels of its bigger brother and provides the option for rack mounting. StudioLive 16.0.2 USB boasts the same 32-bit, floating-point processing, XMAX Class-A mic preamps and 24-bit, 48kHz BurrBrown digital converters with 118dB dynamic range as the regular 16.0.2 desk. Where the USB unit differs is with its 18x16 USB 2.0 interface that replaces the FireWire 400 recording and control interface of the larger model. This allows it to work with any Mac or Windows audio software supporting Core Audio or ASIO. The USB desk also includes
StudioLive 16.0.2 USB four aux sends, while adjacent channels and aux busses can be stereo linked. The main bus takes the form of a stereo, 31-band graphic EQ. A Fat Channel processing section handles the compressor, limiter,
downward expander and 3-band, semi-parametric EQ available on each channel, all aux busses and a pair of onboard effects outputs. The latest PreSonus software suite is also installed.
Sticking with the USB theme is the AudioBox USB 96, an audio/ MIDI interface that records up to 24-bit, 96kHz. It provides a pair of mic/instrument inputs on the front panel and is also available as part of the AudioBox 96 Studio recording kit that includes the Studio One Artist software, Studio Magic plugin suite, monitoring headphones and large diaphragm condenser microphone. Also new is Quantum, a 26x32channel Thunderbolt 2 interface for use in recording. It has a directto-DAW signal path for low latency with 24-bit, 192kHz converters with 120dB of dynamic range and PreSonus’ recallable XMAX microphone preamps. Up to four Quantums can be stacked to add up to a 96x96 system if needed.
DiGiCo general manager, Austin Freshwater, ‘so contact your local dealer for full details of the programme and get connected soon.’
The S300 comes in two versions: 16+1 faders and 32+1 faders. The console can connect to either a Tempest T25 (256 paths at 48kHz) or a T80 (800 paths at 48kHz) Processor Engine and runs the same software as the larger S500 surface and TCR (Tempest Control Rack). It includes a fully integrated Dante control API that provides arbitrated audio control resource sharing between the company’s Network I/O range and its Tempest platform-based consoles. There are up to eight Dialogue auto mixers and two Dynamics sections per path, including compressors, oversampled true peak limiters, gates, expanders and de-essers. An additional effects rack provides multiple reverbs, dynamic EQ, noise reduction, signal generators, summing tools, upmixers, downmixers and the company’s bus compressor as standard. Showfile compatibility between all System T consoles and controllers means production can move between control rooms within a facility, or an S300 can be used as a backup surface to a larger S500. Where processing engines are of different sizes, SSL’s compatibility mode reportedly allows the pre-selection of channel, busses and effects resources that will be inactive on the smaller processing engine. According to the manufacturer, settings from the larger device are never lost and resources can be reassigned at any point during the show, even with audio passing.
Go, Go Mic Mobile SAMSON’S GO Mic Mobile is reportedly ‘the first professional wireless microphone system that connects directly to smartphones without the need for cumbersome adaptors or interfaces’. Designed for filmmaking, podcasting, vlogging and live streaming applications, it captures HD audio when recording with a smartphone or DSLR camera. Available as a handheld or
lavalier with belt pack, Go Mic Mobile’s dual-channel receiver mounts onto the phone or camera, transmitting and mixing digital audio on two separate channels. It plugs directly into iOS and Android devices using the respective Lightning and micro USB-C cables bundled. A shoe mount adapter facilitates DSLR camera or professional camcorder connection. The system’s
rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides up to 13 hours of wireless transmission. With a frequency response between 10Hz and 22kHz, and a bitrate of 48kHz, Go Mic Mobile is built to transmit uncompressed, low-latency audio and operates at up to 30m via the 2.4GHz frequency band. It also includes a
switchable headphone/line output with volume control for monitoring or connecting to an analogue input using the 3.5mm cable that comes in the box.
S-Series gets better connected
DMI-MIC Pre-Amp Card
CONSOLES IN DiGiCo’s S-Series range have gained new connectivity options with the DMI-MIC Pre-Amp Card, which adds an extra eight mic inputs via a 25-way D-sub connection. This allows for up to
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40 mics directly on the same console, using the same preamps already in the console. ‘To take advantage of this and our other DMI card options, we are running a Get Connected programme,’ commented
SSL’s System T S300
Sennheiser focuses on mobile videography
consoles, and everyone knows how to operate a CL5, which off thefor production he says with obvious pride. a‘I like the used FOH and line,’ monitors, with a QL1 providing main FOH insulation company, and I designed some acoustic treatment we’ve installed here at FOH. We wanted to open the doors vintage sound, butthe I also provide moreiscontemporary system feed, and entire system connected byequipment Dante via myself to create a dead area for the studio. I was used to that to everyone, while at the same time, providing a very good so that I andSWP1-16MMF my clients can choose we want to use for each Yamaha networkwhat interfaces. kind of recording environment, so I installed some special carpet six sound quality. And that’s why we chose to use Yamaha individual The Nexoproject.’ cabinets are complete with touring dollies so the and wall coverings.’ SENNHEISER’S Digital Sennheiser’s wirelessZena gain can be adjusted Also invia themobile rack are Chandler Curve Bender, limiter and consoles and NexoFOCUSMIC speakers for our first overseas venture.’ system can easily beaderigged and redeployed inmicrophone a different The acoustic design also incorporates a floating ceiling mini-shotgun microphone built series, the AVX, apps, includingvenue Apogee’s Maestro Mini Rack Mixer, two vintage Urei including 1176LN limiting amplifers According to Lawrence Tan,isassistant general manager of when required. An adjacent hall separated byD1, movingplus designed not to trap frequencies. ‘The ceiling is fairly high and for capturing SpeechLine and MetaRecorder applications. a Universal 1176AE, and Manley andshows. mic Yamaha Music high-quality, (Asia) which focused is also the local Nexo distributor, can join forces with thecompressor/limiters mainDigital spaceWireless, for bigger accommodates pipes for services such as air conditioning, water partitions audio from the choice direction which evolution wireless, 2000, 6000 and ‘I apps also‘One enable setting ofweainstalled preamps. is also Crane Song Avocet monitor controller. STM is the ideal forin the venue, which is a large box that of theThere reasons STM was for its scalability,’ and power, plus the beams holding up the ceiling, so I The covered 2 it isa pointed when content 9000 systems, is designed DSP filters the likes of rumble . ‘The STM is a very directional these up which created a ceiling of differing heights,’ he has total floor areafilming of 3,500m MraTan. ‘If the hall ever needs aand bigger system, to we says. ‘If withcontinues on an iPhone. plugs directly into minimise and filter,create a hiss reducer anditan overload system, and veryItwell controlled,’ he says. ‘It’s not dispersing can build up. If there’s the need towind open uppop the noise. second hall, the ceiling was the same height all over the room it would an iPhone Lightningsurfaces, port and so is it’s targeting the audience.’ Finally,stack, the Neumann brand is STM protection function. onto lots of different they can rent in a delay speaker as additional Nexo unwanted frequency responses. designed with adesign Sennheiser camera celebrating 50th anniversary In other news, the German Careful system was carried out to reduce any systems are readily available to rent inthe Singapore. For smaller The good studio acoustics have been enhanced by the itsof renowned U 87and professional microphoneacoustic capsuleissues and Apogee manufacturershows has released problematic and to focus the audio where we can the reduce the of size the system, there’s the installation of a pair of ADAM Audio S5X-V main monitors, with the limited preamp and A/Dconfiguration and simulation MMD 42-1 dynamic microphone it PureDigital needed to be. Nexo’s NS-1 possibility to deploy a partstudio of it inmicrophone a different area, so we could supplied by Japanese distributor, Continental Far East. Emiru release converter. accessory. software was used to work out solutionsFocusMic to tackle Digital tricky run two systems if we needed to. of the U 87 Rhodium has been a fan of ADAM Audio since buying a pair of head S2Xs as for an individual Edition. Only units will beof FocusMic Digital to a omni-directional capsule room acoustics. Theattaches team, including systems integrator Mr Honda is now involved with the day500 to day running his previous studio, and it was a natural progression The for him to sold worldwide, individually varietyVista, of iPhone models, including grip Poitrenaud, is constructed to withstand handles is equipped thestill grip. on Sennheiser’s Atelier worked closely with Nexo’s and Nicolas Zepp@Bigbox, working closely with concerteach promoters to fill install the larger models. The S2Xsonare in The use as previously nearfield featured numbered certified. thetravelled SE, X andto8 Singapore plus, via a metal life on the A ¼-inch thread for mic is powered by the smartphone MD 42 reporter’s microphone who to help with system setroad. up and the venue. ‘For the time being, we’reand looking at one show per monitors. grip that allows 270° mic rotation. attaching to camera accessories and aat foam included. as a part week,’ of the AVX Combo alignment. he says. ‘In Japan we run at 80% capacity, with a show ‘The firstconsoles monitors I ever used wereisYamaha NS10s and because Yamaha FOHwindshield The all-metal microphone casing such as tripods, table stands such as sensitivity Set.them,’ It is compatible many almostwith every day, of there are so many domestic artists theyand were the Parameters standard, and other engineersand were using The system,‘When designed highly efficient and energetic who want to play at our venues. In Singapore, where the local he explains. I got to mybe own room and started to become as befits a rock music venue, consists perpair sideofSTM market isn’t currently as strong, we’re hoping to contribute more serious about mixing, I wanted to of findnine a new signals around antennas M46 main modules and ninesoSTM B112 hung to two to building up the local music industry, as20dB. well asThe attracting monitors, I went to abass storeunits, in Shibuya work within the 435MHz to deep. Two STM M28 omni purpose modules suspended overseas talent.’ compare the speakers and are discovered the Continental Far East’s Yucan Morooka 800MHz frequency range and are from each cluster ADAM to provide down-fill, and 28 STMI S118 Japanese band The Radwimps kicked off proceedings at Audio A7 active monitors. fell in love WISYCOM IS aiming to increase described as providing operates on a bandwidth from needed an external controller Pro Tools, theapproximately Avocet subwoofers have been arrayed front of the stage to the venue’s grand opening infor June, with aand lineup of acts really from with them andalong havethe been using ADAM Audio wireless reach for projects of all gainin with afirst typical beam 150MHz to 840MHz and can be an even coverage affects the sound in6dB a positive way,’ says. verywidth ensure at low frequencies. Another five STM across regionquality scheduled toofplay thehe few‘I’m months. ever since.’ sizes with the development of a in the managed remotely via Ethernet. 90°. The amplifier iscompared powered Metamorphose came into being happymusical with thepolicy soundwill of be theof room now, especially M28 front-fill boxesEmiru are stacked on the S118s. The equipment system is ‘Our very democratic,’ declares Mr to is a self-confessed vintage compact matrix combiner andover a through the coaxial attached Running on a redundant power middle ofRF 2016, when Emiru took my previous studio.we It’swill a big improvement.’ driven by Nexo NXAMP4Xs fitted with Dante audio Honda. ‘Of course put on bands from cable Sony Music, butto devotee. Much of hisNXDT104 equipment is sourced pair of wideband systems. itshas input connector at and 12V). supportscards. the premises and antenna set to work on installingsupply (AC/DC), each input network However, someone spent his entire musical we will alsofortake anyonewho who it feels right to (200mA have here.’ from the vintage and second hand market, Wisycom’s MAT244 Based on the company’s it the is with connectors where programmable attenuators, while acoustic treatment, cablinglarger and equipment. pushing boundaries, newthe studio has already On stage, eight PS15 R2 speakers anda eight ‘This career has really created aAgain new benchmark for Singapore,’ and although he has severe45N12 editingline array studio MAT288, Programmable thefordifference can be found. The LBP boosters on antennas within 420MHz type. The LBN2 comes with a BNC By Augustthe he MAT244 was ready to start operatingantenna the studio, whichcan is be supplied opened more possibilities Emiru. ‘Just having the new wedges takeitcare of monitoring, along two side-fill adds Mrup Tan. And if Zepp Hall Network’s expansion plans policy when comes to work equipment, the with studio is Alpha very well RF Combiner aims to deliver is provided with ahe type input to 1,300MHz frequency range andmic connector, thehas LNN2 has benchmarks an up my located in a basement with athe hairdressingevery salon andindependently. apartments cabinets, place already fired imagination,’ says. ‘I already all driven by six Nexo NXAMP4Xs fitted withpreamps, NXDT104 while continue, similar are waiting toBNC-female be created stocked. Current favourites include Rupert Neve connector. manufacturer’s RF distribution connector, while the comes with Moving on to the antennawith systems, are said to enhance reception bya grand on the floors above. want a bigger with place to put things like LNP a grand piano…’ Dante audio network cards, gives total of across South room, East Asia. compressors and summing mixerswhich and the new RupertN Neve Meanwhile, Wisycom’s technology in a condensed an N-female type connector. the as company’s UHF providing a gain of approximately aamplifiers. transformer gain mic preamp, inductor EQ Watch this LBP/LNP space. ‘Proper soundproofing waspackage. very important, the ownerLBN2/LNN2 of 96 channel power Two Yamaha SPX2000 multi Shelford Channel, wideband antennas feature a Designed to was combine RF from four antennas featureand a Log 6dBcompressor. withYamaha a beam‘This width of 140°. Thethat’s diode bridge is the only come the building very sensitive about anywideband noise disturbing effects units and two MY8-LAKE DSPunit cards take care LPDA amplifier designed to boost RF separate locations, the RF Array (LPDA). differ number in their connector STM S118 subshe along the front of the stage Dipole into Japanprocessing. so antennas far, and Yamaha is serial six, so it’s one of linear the first the neighbours,’ says. ‘Icombiner worked with aPeriodic professional sound of The signal CL5 digital mixers have been
Wisycom widens wireless reach
Reach the Summit MA-808 Portable Wireless PA System Versatile Sound Amplification
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The MA 808 innovatively integrates wireless microphones, speakers, CD / USB player and a Bluetooth interface for wireless music streaming into a sturdy, compact case that offers an entirely portable sound system anywhere it is needed. MIPRO supplies UHF and 2.4 GHz receiver modules options and matching handheld or bodypack transmitters, as well as the exclusive miniature transmitters for musical instruments, such as violin, saxophones, erhu, guitar, cajon, and so on, thus the instrument players could experience convenient wireless amplification via the MA-808 portable wireless PA system.
The Ultimate in Convenience Lightweight with built-in pull-up handle and sturdy wheels for easy transport, the economical rechargeable battery system enables operations indoors or outdoors without AC power and cumbersome cables. Even handheld & bodypack transmitters can be stored within the sleek cabinet.
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Shure connects up conference rooms Røde offers new ‘affordable’ features
ANIUSB-Matrix SHURE HAS begun shipping the two audio network interfaces it first announced back at ISE 2017. The ANIUSB-Matrix and the ANI22 enable the manufacturer’s Microflex Advance and Microflex Wireless systems to integrate into
existing AV/IT infrastructures. The ANIUSB-Matrix connects four Microflex Advance or Microflex Wireless microphone channels via Dante to a room’s audio/ video conferencing system or a PC-based soft codec through USB
or analogue, while the ANI22 – offered in XLR and Block variants – can bring up to two line/mic signals into or out of a Dante network for simple audio routing and browser-based remote control. The ANI22 features a compact form factor for straightforward mounting not requiring an equipment rack, and can be powered directly via Power-overEthernet (PoE). Away from the conference room, limited editions of Shure’s Super 55 – the 2009 recreation of the iconic Model 55 Unidyne microphone – has been released with a pitch-black finish and aptly named the Super 55-BLK Deluxe Vocal Microphone Pitch Black Edition.
Audio-Technica gets smart AUDIO-TECHNICA’S ATDM-0604 Digital SmartMixer 6-channel automatic mixer has been designed for applications utilising multiple microphones or media inputs. Channels can be mixed automatically in gate or gain sharing mode, which reportedly ensures output consistency across all inputs. Users are able to adjust I/O and gain levels, set and recall presets, change IP configuration and are provided with the ability to turn phantom power, the low-cut filter, automatic mixing and acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) on or off from the ATDM-0604’s front panel controls. Control and monitoring tools are accessible via the front panel or a web remote interface using a PC, Mac, iOS or Android device. The mixer includes four balanced microphone inputs, two balanced mic/line inputs and an unbalanced stereo input, plus two balanced
ATDM-0604 Digital SmartMixer and two unbalanced outputs. A network port on the rear panel serves Cat-5 or above connectivity, while a USB port also features. A/B Audio-Technica Link ports enable users to connect six ATDM-0604 mixers via Cat-5e for simultaneous use within an expanded setup. In other news, Audio-Technica has also released a new shock mount for use with microphones from its 40 Series. Available in either black (AT8449a) or silver (AT8449a/ SV), the solution is built with an improved rubber band architecture and a robust cradle design. While available for individual purchase, the AT8449a comes included with
the AT4033a, AT4040, AT4050 and AT4050ST. The AT8449a/SV comes bundled with the AT4047/ SV, AT4047MP and AT4080. Meanwhile, Audio-Technica has collaborated with Audient to produce the AT2035Studio ‘Essential Studio Kit’, a microphone/interface/headphone bundle aimed at producers and musicians. The kit combines Audio-Technica’s AT2035 large diaphragm cardioid condenser mix and ATH-M40x studio monitor headphones with Audient’s iD4 Black USB audio interface.
Baldwin Boxall’s BVRDTSM gains EN54 certification BALDWIN BOXALL’S BVRDTSM touchscreen microphone has received its EN54 certification. The manufacturer describes the unit as ‘a fully functioning emergency, voice alarm system microphone’ that has been designed to work with the company’s Vigil2 and Vigil3 voice alarm products. When placed into ‘emergency mode’, the microphone is reportedly given the highest priority
on the system – automatically overriding any other broadcasts. In terms of functionality, the BVRDTSM allows users to connect a third-party music source and route the output to selected zones, as well as record non-critical messages for broadcast to any zone. The unit incorporates a message broadcast scheduler for regular and routine announcements and
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has configurable function buttons for automatic multiple message playback as well as an activity log. The dual output facility allows users to route broadcasts via a different rack on the system. According to the company, this feature is useful on sites where separate ‘A circuit’ and ‘B circuit’ racks are required.
RØDE MICROPHONES has made a range of features available to videographers and filmmakers at an ‘affordable price point’ with the launch of the Videomic Pro+. These include an automatic power function that automatically switches
‘ensure ultimate capture of the audio at the source’. The options are a 2-stage, high-pass filter, a 3-stage gain control, a high frequency boost and a safety channel that prevents clipping during unexpected spikes.
Videomic Pro+ the microphone off when it’s disconnected from the camera, a built-in battery door to simplify the process of changing batteries and three different power options: LB-1 rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AA batteries or Micro USB. In addition, Videomic Pro+ offers new digital switching options to
‘The VideoMic Pro+ is a new benchmark in on-camera microphones,’ said Damien Wilson, Røde and Freedman Group CEO. ‘We have listened to our customers and are delivering the microphone they’ve asked for.’
Chiayo reaches the Apex APEX PRO is the latest addition to Chiayo’s extensive catalogue of portable wireless speakers. The multi-functional design incorporates a 2-way speaker comprising a 10-inch woofer and 1-inch HF compression driver powered by dual 240W Class-D amplifiers. It offers a frequency range of 50Hz to 20kHz (±3dB) and maximum sensitivity of 110dB. In terms of audio inputs, two XLR combo jack microphone connectors in addition to 6.3mm, 3.5mm and RCA connectors are integrated into the rear panel. There is also an active XLR out for multi-unit linking and a 6.3mm jack out for an external 8Ω passive speaker with volume control. Wireless microphone operation for up to four diversity receivers promoting 100 selectable frequencies is possible, for which a scan and sync button facilitates channel setup. The enclosure includes a storage compartment for accommodating a combination of handheld microphones and belt packs. The built-in Bluetooth receiver allows for music streaming, while music files can also be played directly from a computer via a USB cable.
Apex Pro In terms of control, it offers 3-band EQ on all audio inputs, while the digital limiter reportedly prevents output distortion. The switchable Voice Priority function automatically reduces music levels during speech, while it also has switchable reverb, bypass and volume control for wired and wireless mics. Apex Pro measures in at 550mm x 360mm x 340mm (H x W x D). When equipped with a lithium battery, the 16kg unit can provide eight to 12 hours of operation from an eight-hour charge.
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Riedel builds an IP bridge RIEDEL’S MICRON IP App has been developed to extend the capabilities of the MediorNet MicroN 80G media distribution network device by providing a ‘seamless bridge between MediorNet and IP networks’. It is designed as a universal tool for all IP-interfacing requirements. Supporting SMPTE ST 2110/ AES67-compliant video and audio, in addition to baseband video (SDI) and audio (MADI), the MicroN IP App’s feature list includes audio embedding/de-embedding, frame sync, sample rate conversion, audio/video delay, signal routing and an on-screen display. It can be fully networked with all existing MediorNet products and can be used as a standalone SDI-to-IP
converter to a fully networked system with multiple IP gateways, baseband inputs and outputs. Up to four MediorNet high-speed links can be supported, as can four SMPTE 2110-20 I/Os, four baseband 3G-SDI signals and eight 3G-SDI outputs, four of which monitor the SMPTE ST 2110-20 streams. 128 channels of AES67 audio, two optical MADI ports and sync I/O can also be managed. MicroN IP is also compliant with NMOS device discovery/registration and connection management, but gives the option for manual configuration when used with nonNMOS devices. ‘With several I/O options and complete flexibility in placement, MicroN IP can create IP endpoints
Riedel’s KVM-Link anywhere in an installation to create a truly hybrid signaltransport and processing environment,’ explained Dr Lars Höhmann, product manager at Riedel Communications. In other MediorNet news,
Riedel has revealed MediorNet KVM (keyboard, video, mouse), a solution that comprises two plug-and-play boxes that facilitate lossless transmission of DVI video signals up to 1080p with transparent USB 2.0 and stereo
analogue audio. The host-side box includes a DVI-I input, loop DVI-I output, USB-B input and 3.5mm jacks for audio I/O. The remoteside box possesses a DVI-I output, four USB-A outputs and analogue audio I/O. The KVM extenders utilise MediorNet Ethernet tunnel functionality to access the system via Ethernet ports on the MediorNet frames. ‘Over the years, we have had many requests for the ability to easily access remote KVM data through the MediorNet,’ said Dr Höhmann. ‘MediorNet KVM provides a low-cost solution and a critical value-add for clients looking to include PCs in their MediorNet systems.’
LQ Series update gets everyone talking
CLEAR-COM’S LQ Series of IP interfaces has received an update to enable what the manufacturer describes as ‘a complete communication solution of analogue, digital and IP intercom systems, fully integrated and connected over IP networks’. The update adds SIP capability for
telephony, connects traditional intercom systems with Agent-IC mobile applications and increases I/O channel density for HelixNet digital partyline. Starting with the mobile side, the addition of Agent-IC to the LQ series means that users on traditional intercom systems can
communicate in full-duplex with mobile app users on smart devices. All setups and configurations are managed within Core Configuration Manager (CCM). The update also offers a six-fold increase in I/O ports to HelixNet. By connecting LQ devices to the HelixNet Mainstation via an Ethernet module, LQ will provide up to 24 audio ports assigned to any of the 12/24 intercom channels in HelixNet to supplement the ports for interfacing with 2-wire and/or
4-wire intercom or audio devices. Signals from remote devices are routed over IP to the assigned HelixNet end points. HelixNet is also now able to directly connect into the Eclipse HX digital matrix intercom network with the LQ device. The SIP telephony interfacing capability means users on any Clear-Com or third-party intercom systems can make direct calls over SIP-based phone systems over LQ. Meanwhile, the manufacturer has debuted Dynam-EC (Dynamic Eclipse Configurator), an add-on
module for Eclipse EHX. Said to improve control room workflow, the module incorporates a multi-user interface and allows the user to manage IFBs, conferences and lines both locally and across intelligently linked matrices. Features include a macro record/ playback facility for repeat command sequences; real-time management of SIP/VoIP lines; and monitoring facilities, including assignable monitors, spot and multi-channel meters.
RTS gets comfortable
Orion Studio goes HD
THE LH-SERIES, comprising the single-sided LH-300 and dual-sided LH-302 intercom headsets, has been developed as the successor to RTS’ PH-Series models. With a lightweight design, they are built to handle day-to-day critical communications applications while offering long-term wearing comfort. The LH-300 and LH-302 feature a new microphone boom design for stronger rotation stops. The headband-to-glider joint, meanwhile, has reportedly been made more robust and the rotator pins have been reworked with heavy-duty stainless steel. A precoiled overhead cord is said to reduce strain, preventing it from catching on objects or distracting by touching the skin. A yoke has been added to allow ear cup movement in all directions for increased comfort, along with a soft headband pad. Both models come bundled with replaceable
GALLOPING INTO Antelope Audio’s interface catalogue is the Orion Studio HD. With many of the same features as the Orion32 HD and Goliath HD, including full Pro Tools HD and Native DAW compatibility, Orion Studio HD offers HDX and USB 3.0 connectivity with zero-latency streaming and 24-bit/192kHz audio processing. The HDX and USB 3.0 pro audio interface features a library of classic studio hardware including EQs, compressors and AuraVerb, as well as guitar amps and cabinets in addition to more than 40 real-time FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)
RTS’ LH-300 and LH-302
leatherette ear cushions, an acoustic limiter and a speaker protection cloth. RTS has ensured seamless operation with all of its existing systems. The LH-Series headsets
68 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
also provide several connector options, such as XLR, 4-/5-pin, male/female and 3.5mm audio jack.
Orion Studio HD
hardware-based audio effects. Simultaneous streaming of audio is possible via HDX or USB 3.0 and MADI (to Dante Bridge), ADAT, S/PDIF and DB25. A total of 12 Class-A mic, line and Hi-Z preamps are included with individual phantom power. Control of the system is offered by the manufacturer’s desktop and mobile apps. With regards to its FPGA audio effects, Antelope has announced the addition of six new vintage compressors: VCA160, TUBE176, X903, Gyraf GYRATEC X, STAYLEVIN and ALT-436C.
The Spirit of Classic Mics. Preamplified Discretely. The Discrete Microphone Preamp Interface line brings a new level of sound quality and power to home studios and mobile recordists. They come with console grade 6-transistor discrete preamps, 121 db dynamic range conversion and rock solid clocking. Discrete feature all of the Antelope Audio premier real-time FPGA FX, including authentic models of iconic gear from BAE, Lang, Gyraf Audio and many more. The Antelope AFX platform is based on a rapidly expanding hardware modeling engine. The Discrete line includes Accusonic microphone and preamp models, guitar amps, transformer and tube FX, and a huge selection of classic vintage gear, which are now accessible in the DAW via the new AFX2DAW Plugin.
Edge and Verge are modeling microphones by Antelope Audio, suited for the manufacturer’s real-time mic preamp modeling. Combined with the already highly acclaimed Antelope Audio FPGA Vintage Compressors & EQ’s, these new modeling microphones will comprise a true cutting edge front end that will usher in a new era for modern recording. Inside the FPGA Accusonic 3D modeling engine you can transform both Edge and Verge into vintage replicas giving you complete control over proximity effect, off-axis response and even allow you to change polar patterns during or after recording. Choose from a collection of classic and expensive microphones and track the results as you monitor live, bringing out a musician’s best possible performance.
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Immersive upgrades
NUGEN AUDIO has unveiled its Halo 3D Immersive Extension, said to add further options beyond its existing Dolby Atmos bed track
applications. With 3D Immersive Extension, users can upmix, repurpose or convert channel-based audio for an Ambisonic workflow. The upgrade also supports Avid’s Pro Tools version 12.8, with native 7.1.2 stems for Dolby Atmos mixing. The combination of Pro Tools 12.8 and Halo 3D Immersive Extension is said to provide ‘a more fluid workflow’ for audio post professionals handling multichannel and object-based audio formats. The 3D Immersive Extension replaces the Halo 9.1 Extension but owners of the existing Halo 9.1 Extension can upgrade to the 3D Immersive Extension for no additional cost. In addition to new Upmix capabilities, Nugen had unveiled the AMB Dolby Module as the last option for its AMB Audio Management
capability. The upgrade provides an Ambisonic-compatible output as an alternative to channel-based output for VR, gaming and other immersive
Bath processor. The new module is intended to improve workflow efficiency by allowing users to batch process Dolby E, Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus files for loudness measurement and correction, dynamics processing and upmixing. The AMB Dolby Module also provides support for Dolby Metadata and Dolby E Program configurations. Finally, the British developer has also released a new 1.4
version of MasterCheck Pro, adding support for the FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) and Opus formats. MasterCheck Pro is a mix-optimisation software suite for producers to test how their mixes will sound on popular playout platforms that use loudness matching techniques, such as Apple Music and Spotify.
The Ambisonics Extension
The MasterCheck Pro interface
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Full OBA workflow comes to Pyramix MERGING TECHNOLOGIES claims it has completed its immersive audio tool set for broadcasters with the development of the Audio Definition Module (ADM
quality experience,’ he explained. ‘To achieve OBA Master files, the Audio Definition Model metadata inserted within Broadcast Wave Files constitutes a flexible and
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Pyramix 11 ITU-R BS.2076) and MPEG-H (by Fraunhofer IIS) export. The result is Pyramix 11, which is reportedly the first DAW to feature a complete workflow to generate master files with Object-Based Audio (OBA) metadata according to ADM or MPEG-H 3D audio. Matthieu Parmentier, coordinator of R&D projects at France TV and the chairman of the EBU Audio Systems Group, provided feedback during the ADM development process. ‘OBA is the future of sound for broadcasters, to address multiple platforms with the highest
free solution to address the next generation of encoders.’ While the Orpheus project’s Ircam ADMix renderer tool verified ADM export interoperability, Fraunhofer IIS verified the MPEG-H metadata export using its own authoring tool. The Fraunhofer team worked closely with Merging Technologies to ensure that a comprehensive MPEG-H workflow was made available by exporting Pyramix 11 OBA projects directly into the MPEG-H Authoring Tool.
FEATURES:LIVE BROADCAST FEATURES: FEATURES: LIVE SOUND SOUND PRODUCTS PRODUCTS control control data data are are bundled bundled in in aa single single data data stream stream with with selection selection control control on on the the consumer’s consumer’s remote remote control control device. device. An An extremely extremely useful useful feature feature of of MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D 3D is is the the ability ability to to rebalance rebalance the the The TheUS-1x2 US-1x2 programme. programme. This This feature feature permits permits the the volume volume of of the the programme programme track track and and the the volume volume of of the the commentator commentator track track to to be be independently independently adjusted. adjusted. Everyone Everyone has has watched watched aa programme programme with with difficultdifficultto-undersand to-undersand dialogue dialogue –– either either from from THE THEUS-1X2 US-1X2 isisthe the latest latestmember member Stereo Stereoline-level line-leveloutputs outputsare areprovided provided listening listening in in aa noisy noisy environment environment or or of ofTASCAM’s TASCAM’s series series of ofUSB USB 2.0 2.0 on onRCA RCAconnectors, connectors,and andthe theline lineoutputs outputs the the results results of of aUS aUS bad bad mixing mixing process. process. and recording recording interfaces. interfaces. and¼-inch ¼-inchstereo stereoheadphone headphoneoutput output By By simply simply turning turning the the voice voice track track up, up, Described Described as asideal idealcan for forsinger/ singer/ have haveindependent independentoutput outputlevel levelcontrols. controls. speech speech intelligibility intelligibility can be be significantly significantly songwriters, songwriters, podcasters podcasters and andsmall small The Theheadphone headphoneout outincorporates incorporatesan an improved. improved. Additionally, Additionally, individual individual voice voice home homecan studios, studios, the theportable portable interface interface 18mW/channel 18mW/channelamplifier. amplifier.Front-panel Front-panel tracks tracks can be be optimised optimised for for the the specific specific LEDs provides provides 24-bit, 24-bit, 96kHz 96kHzdesktop desktop LEDsshow showsignal signalpresent, present,peak/clip, peak/clip, listener listener with with equalisation equalisation ifif necessary. necessary. recording recordingand and can can be USB USBbus-powered bus-powered phantom phantompower poweractive activeand andUSB USBactive. active. Interactivity Interactivity can can go gobe beyond beyond the the ability ability for use usewith aaMac Macor or Windows Windows laptop. laptop. The Thenew newinterface interfaceisishoused housedininaablack black to tofor select select awith a different different language. language. As As aa The TheXLR XLRmicrophone microphone input input powder-coatedmetal metalchassis chassiswith withthe the sound sound producer producer II may may want want to to use use audio audio powder-coated Jünger Jünger and and Fraunhofer Fraunhofer have haveside partnered partnered company’s detachable Bio-Cell incorporates incorporates the thecompany’s company’s Ultra-HDDA Ultra-HDDA company’s detachable Bio-Cell side from from the the athletes athletes and and coaches, coaches, but but in in for for an an MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D 3D authoring authoring box box mic micpreamp, preamp, which features featuresabecause abecause –125dBu –125dBu panels. panels. reality reality this this can canwhich be be dangerous dangerous EIN rating ratingand and aatransmitting 101dB 101dBsignal-to-noise signal-to-noise Zero-latency Zero-latencydirect directmonitoring monitoringcan canbe be of ofEIN concerns concerns over over transmitting offensive offensive ratio. ratio.The TheWith preamp preamp provides provides aa57dB 57dB enabled enabled with withaarear-panel rear-panel switch switch or orinin by by implementing implementing THX, THX, which which certified certified language. language. With interactive interactive channels, channels, gain gain range, range,audio while whilethe theinterface interface offers the the included includedstandards Settings SettingsPanel Panel software softwarefor for compliance compliance standards and and performance performance the the coach’s coach’s audio can can be be put put on onoffers aa switchable switchable +48V +48Vin phantom phantom power. power. Mac Mac and and Windows. Windows. The ThePerhaps US-1x2 US-1x2isis class class statistics statistics for for speakers. speakers. Perhaps someone someone separate separate channel channel that that the the user user can can(Photo Aladdin Aladdin on on stage stage in the the West West End End (PhotoDeen Deen Van Van Meer) Meer) Input Inputto 2 2can can be switched between betweenthese compliant for formacOS macOS and and isiscompatible compatible should should consider consider some some meaningful meaningful choose choose to hear hearbe or orswitched not. not. Additionally, Additionally, these compliant frontfront-and andchannels rear-panel rear-panelcan jacks. jacks. Onthe thefront front with with Windows Windowsevaluation PCs PCsusing usingan an ASIO ASIOdriver. driver. performance performance evaluation of of soundbars soundbars interactive interactive channels can be beOn monetised monetised Using an Apple Connection Kit, panel panel isissponsorships aaswitchable, switchable, ¼-inch ¼-inch line/ Using an AppleCamera Camera Connection Kit, seats seats on on the the ground groundfloor. floor. Four Fourline/ additional additional so so that that producers, producers, using using MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D 3D through through sponsorships or or fees. fees. users can back with iOS instrument instrument input for forrecording recording arear mono mono users canrecord recordand and play back with iOS sub sub bass bass cabinets cabinets are are placed placed at atarear with with ambisonics, ambisonics, can canplay benefit benefit from from an an Any Any or or all all of ofinput MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D’s 3D’s interactive interactive line-level line-level signal signal without without the the for foraa devices. devices. Steinberg’s Steinberg’s Cubase Cubase LE LEthe DAW DAWisis stalls stalls and andcan rear rear balcony balcony locations locations behind intelligent intelligent interface interface that that reads reads the features features can be be deployed deployed by byneed aneed a behind direct direct box. box.On On the therear rear panel panelisisaapair pair also included included ininadjusts the thepackage. package. the the audience. audience. Detailed Detailed calculations calculations were were also metadata metadata and and adjusts to to the the rendering rendering broadcaster broadcaster or or content content producer, producer, of ofRCA RCAline line inputs inputs admit admit signals signals from from provided provided for for speaker speaker tuning tuning in inorder order to to of of the the audio audio to to the the particular particular soundbar soundbar allowing allowing them them to to control control the the stereo stereo consumer consumer audio audio devices. devices. give give optimum optimum sound sound quality quality in inrespond any anyseat. characteristics. characteristics. implementation implementation process process and and respond to ‘There ‘There are arethree three TiMax TiMax SoundHub-S64 SoundHub-S64 The The implementation implementation of of MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D 3D the the interests interests of of their their customers. customers. units, units, each each with with64 643D inputs inputs and and 64 level isis well well underway underway but but broadcasters, broadcasters, Clearly, Clearly, MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D brings brings aa 64 new new level outputs,’ outputs,’ explains explains Dave Daveoptions: Haydon, Haydon,most director director equipment equipment manufacturers manufacturers and and of of content content production production options: most of of TiMax TiMaxenough manufacturer manufacturer Outboard Outboard practitioners practitioners are are still still working working things things out. out. notably notably enough discrete discrete channels channels to to Electronics. Electronics. ‘One ‘Oneof ofthese these feeds feeds directly directly The The manufacturers manufacturers have have fulfilled fulfilled the the create create and and support support aa range range of of immersive immersive to tod&b d&bD80 D80amps ampsvia via96kHz 96kHzAES AESfor formain main basics basics with with encoders encoders and and decoders decoders to to APOGEE STATES STATES the the delays option optioncauses causes the thebut PA PAAPOGEE and andfills, fills,subs, subs, balcony balcony delaysand and get get the the implementation implementation started, started, but still still Direct Direct Monitoring Monitoring option option SoundHub monitoring signal signal to to isis rear rear surrounds. surrounds. The Thesecond second SoundHub have have work work to to monitoring do. do. One One of of the the problems problems from from Apple’s Apple’s Logic LogicPro Pro comedirectly directly from fromconsole feeds feeds d&b d&b D80 D80amps amps via via96kHz 96kHzAES AES demand demand and andcome market market size. size. Mixing Mixing console Xwall will willside enable enable users usersof of the the hardware hardware input, input,for for forXwall side surrounds surrounds and andfoldback foldback manufacturers manufacturers have have been been looking looking for its itsElement Element Series Series reportedly reportedly bypassing bypassing systems. systems. The Thethird third isisaand aand hot hotspare sparecarrying carrying guidance guidance from from the the big big content content producers producers Ensemble Ensemble Thunderbolt Thunderbolt any any I/O I/Obuffer bufferor or plug-in plug-in TiMax TiMax show showfiles files to tomatch matchthe theother othertwo two and and big big content content consumers, consumers, while while the the audio audiointerfaces interfacesto to induced induced latency. latency. SoundHubs. SoundHubs. needs needs of of more more advanced advanced broadcasters, broadcasters, eliminate eliminate recording recording According to toApogee, Apogee, ‘Inputs ‘Inputs to tothe the TiMax TiMaxSoundHubs SoundHubsgo go such such as as those those According in in South South Korea, Korea, have have not not latency. latency. The The functionality functionality the the simplified user user of from from the theSSL SSL Live Live consoles consolesvia via96kHz 96kHz been been fully fully met met for forsimplified aa major major roll-out roll-out of the the requires requires Logic Logicstems Pro ProXXof experience experiencewill willallow allow AES, AES, comprising comprising stems offour fourlead leadradio radio format. format. version version 10.3.2 10.3.2 and and mic customers customers working working with with mic mic groups, groups, L-R L-Rchorus chorus mic groups, groups, vocal vocal AA significant significant problem problem isisDave competing competing sound sound formats, formats, several several of of which which have have Outboard Outboard Electronics’ Electronics’ Dave Haydon Haydon Apogee Apogee Control Control Software Software its itshardware hardware and andLogic Logic special special effects effects feed, feed, stereo stereoreverbs reverbs and and coding coding technologies technologies and and formats. formats. The The different different and and not not particularly particularly compatible compatible update update version version 2.0. Pro Pro XXto to focus focus on on aasingle single spokesperson. spokesperson. ‘The ‘The most most important important thing thing chorus chorus effects, effects, six six2.0. QLab QLabsound sound effects effects codec codec wars wars are are not not over, over, but but II have have speaker speaker configurations. configurations. MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D 3D The Thenewly newly session window window3D when when is is to tooffer offer the thesession best best conditions conditions and and the channels, channels, orchestra orchestra submixes submixesand andfor always always believed believed that that MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D isisthe aa is is capable capable of of audio audio reproduction reproduction for Logic’s Logic’sdirect direct implemented implemented Direct recording recording with complete complete best best performance performance possible. possible. As we wecarry carry foldbacks. foldbacks. TiMax TiMaxDirect divides dividesthe thestage stage and and technology technology purposed purposed for forwith the theAs broadcasting broadcasting various various speaker speaker configurations configurations including including monitoring monitoring function function button buttonisisinto found found inin 3D visibility and and control control out out long runs, runs,visibility we we cannot cannot have have any any issues auditorium auditorium into multiple multiple localisation and and and andlong broadband broadband industries industries and and not not a aissues soundbars. soundbars. MPEG-H MPEG-H 3Dlocalisation is is also also capable capable Logic’s channel channel strip strip input input parameters, parameters, with with mechanical mechanical failures failures or ordesigned system systemfaults. faults. surround surround zones, zones, using using level/delay level/delay matrix repurposing repurposing of ofoftechnology technology designed for for of ofLogic’s reproducing reproducing audio audio elements elements (or (ormatrix audio audioknown device device controls, controls, where whereApogee Apogee as as well well as as flexibility flexibility and andcontrol control over over Even Even ififthere there isisaaproblem, problem, the theaudience audience objects objects known as as Image ImageDefinitions. Definitions. The The the the film film industry. industry. objects) objects) plus plus ambisonics. ambisonics. hardware hardware input input parameters, parameters, including recording recording latency. latency. should should not not notice notice ititbecause becausedevelopment, we wehave haveaa TiMax TiMax software software allows allows MIDI-triggered MIDI-triggered Beyond Beyond all all this this technology technology development, There There isis little little doubt doubt that that audio audioincluding mic mic pre gain gain and andcrossfade input input type type selection, selection, prepared prepared backup backupand system system in inplace. place. cues cues to topre seamlessly seamlessly crossfade mic mic implementation implementation and integration integration are are the the production production will will advance advance beyond beyond stereo stereo are are currently currently found. found. Selecting Selecting this this ‘We ‘Weall allproducers need needto toensure ensure that that every every sources sources between between the the stage zone zone objects objects content content producers who who are are developing developing and and 5.1 5.1 surround, surround, but butstage home home reproduction reproduction performance performance is isfresh, fresh, to tofeatures provide provideof new new as as actors actorsmove move around around the the stage. stage.ItItalso also strategies strategies to to utilise utilise the the features of isis getting getting started. started. For For the the audiophile audiophile and and audiences audiences with with aaunique uniqueexperience. experience. dynamically dynamically morphs morphs MIDI-triggered MIDI-triggered QLab QLab MPEG-H MPEG-H 3D. 3D. Interactivity Interactivity isis an an obvious obvious home home theatre theatre enthusiast, enthusiast, the the addition addition We We are are now using using even evenall bigger bigger systems systems sound sound effects effects across across multiple multiple TiMax place place to tonow start start because because all interactive interactive of of speakers speakers above above the the listener listenerTiMax isis doable doable for for everything, everything, not notjust justreside for forsound sound surround surround pan panobjects objects to create create immersive immersive features features and and controls controls reside in in the the set set and and probable. probable. But But for forto the the average average home home reinforcement. We We feel feelwe wehave have reached reached 3D 3D moving movingspatial spatial effects.’ effects.’ top top box box or or smart smart television. television. Consumers Consumers consumer, consumer, soundbars soundbars are are going going to to be be the the reinforcement. aalready aalready certain certain level levelan in inappetite providing providing services services for for All Allsystem system design, installation installation and and have have an appetite for for immersive immersive only only option, option,design, and and immersive immersive soundbars soundbars huge huge performances. performances. To do our job jobwithout without tuning tuning was was handled handledby byShiki Shikiaudio audio sound, sound, as as evidenced evidencedTo by bydo the theour number number of of are are still still expensive. expensive. THREE THREE SONNOX SONNOX plug-ins plug-ins – –Kanamori, Oxford OxfordEQ, EQ, any any issues issues for forcoming more morethan than 10 years years isisvery very engineering engineering staff staff Masakazu Masakazu Kanamori, feature feature films films coming out. out.10 South South Korea Korea Ambisonics Ambisonics offers offers some some interesting interesting Oxford Oxford Dynamics Dynamics and and Oxford OxfordReverb Reverb critical critical work.’ work.’ Tsuneo Tsuneo Yoshida Yoshida and and Kaname Kaname Morishita. Morishita. has has large large audiences audiences for for baseball baseball and and playback playback possibilities possibilities because because itit isis –Currently, –capable are arenow now compatible compatible with with Waves Waves The TheWith extended extended runs runsthat that the theShiki Shiki Currently, Ryota Ryota Honda Honda isthe isthe operating operating golf. golf. With the the Winter Winter Olympics Olympics in in February February capable of of rendering rendering to to particular particular SoundGrid SoundGrid platforms, platforms, enabling enabling their their use Theatre Theatre Company specialises specialises in inwould would the the vocal vocalconfiguration, mix mix for forthe theshow, show, while Eri Erito 2018, 2018, ItItCompany seems seems possible possible that that the the 2018 2018 speaker speaker configuration, from fromwhile stereo stereo touse for for live livesound sound via viaWaves Waves Multirack or or the the suggest suggest this thiscritical critical work is isbeing being carried carried Suzumura Suzumura isis handling handling the orchestra orchestra mix. mix. Winter Winter Olympics Olympics and andwork the the new new MPEG-H MPEG-H immersive immersive formats formats up upthe to toMultirack 22.2 22.2 and and more. more. eMotion eMotion LV1 live live mixer, mixer, or orininthe the studio studio out out very verywill effectively. effectively. Shiki Shiki isisLV1 dedicated dedicated to toproviding providing format format will herald herald aa new new and and exceptional exceptional This This capability capability has has interesting interesting possibilities possibilities via via SoundGrid SoundGrid Studio and and the the Waves Waves audiences audiences with with the thebest best possible possible system system entertainment entertainment experience. experience. when when trying trying to toStudio optimise optimise the the sound sound for for aa SutdioRack. SutdioRack. for for its itsvariety musical musical productions. ‘Musicals ‘Musicalsare are wide wide variety of ofproductions. soundbar soundbar manufacturers. manufacturers. performed performed around aroundthe the world world every everyday, day, to to The The audio audio industry industry tried tried to to maintain maintain high high different different audiences,’ audiences,’ says says the thetheatre’s theatre’s standards standards for for speaker speaker manufacturers manufacturers Sonnox SonnoxOxford OxfordEQ EQ
Mobile recording from TASCAM
Apogee goes direct
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New Sonnox plug-ins for SoundGrid
July–August July–August2017 2017 PRO PRO AUDIO AUDIO ASIA ASIA 121 93 93 September–October September–October 2017 2017 PRO PRO AVL AVL ASIA 121 November–December November–December 2017 2017 PRO PRO AVL AVLASIA 71 71
LD goes wireless for conferencing
Universal Audio adds iconic digital delay
The Korg SDD-3000 plug-in THE HIGHLIGHT of Universal Audio’s UAD Software v9.3 release is a UA-developed Korg SDD-3000 Digital Delay plug-in. The manufacturer describes the plug-in as ‘an exacting emulation of the legendary 1980’s delay/modulation rack unit’.
In crafting the plug-in, Universal Audio modelled a vintage ‘golden unit’ to capture its analogue preamp and output section. This means owners of the manufacturer’s Apollo interface can use the plug-in to track in real
time with the analogue preamp of a Korg SDD-3000 Digital Delay. In addition to this, the plug-in also features Universal Audio’s Unison technology, giving users the impedance, gain staging and circuit behaviours. A further feature of the plug-in is a Waveform and Modulation section for phaser, flanger, chorusing and doubling effects. Exclusive plug-in-only features include tempo sync, multiple stereo modes and rhythmic subdivisions.
Studio Technologies Model 5401
Dual Gigabit Ethernet interfaces allow for switched, redundant and split Dante operations allow for switched, redundant and split Dante operations. An integral web server allows for monitoring and configuration of the unit’s clock, audio tone and general Dante performance. Front-panel indicators, LCD display and push-button switches provide direct access to key operating parameters. The Model 5401 can be powered by AC mains or 12V DC. When both are connected, redundant power operation is supported. ‘While an inherent strength of Dante networking is its carefully implemented use of IEEE 1588 to ensure that all connected
With a selectable 130Hz highpass filter, the mic units feature a gooseneck condenser microphone with hypercardioid pick-up pattern and an illuminated status ring. The base offers an OLED display to show the configuration. Meanwhile, the OLED display on the receiver provides an overview of audio and radio signal strength and priority, as well as the battery status of the
U505 CS 4 conferencing solution
Dante clocks on STUDIO TECHNOLOGIES is offering a clocking solution for Dante networks with its Model 5401 Dante Master Clock. The basis of the unit is what the manufacturer describes as a highperformance IEEE 1588 precision time protocol (PTP) server, compatible with the requirements of Dante and is reportedly capable of simultaneously supporting the timing needs of hundreds of Dante-compatible devices. The Model 5401 provides the PTP v1 compatibility required by Dante, as well as supporting PTP v2 for AES67 applications. The 1U unit generates up to eight sine-wave audio tones on Dante transmit (output) channels, each configurable in level and frequency, and a clock input connection allows it to synchronise with a variety of timing reference signals. The unit features a temperaturecontrolled internal oscillator, while its dual Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
LD SYSTEMS has differentiated the three variants in its U500 series of 4-channel wireless conferencing systems by the frequency range they have been created for. The U505 CS 4 functions at 554MHz to 586MHz, the U506 CS 4 works in the 662MHz to 694MHz band, while the U508 CS 4 operates in the 823MHz to 832MHz and 863MHz to 865MHz ranges.
devices maintain a common timing reference, the actual performance can vary widely depending on the specific Dante devices in use and the overall number of devices on a network,’ stated Gordon Kapes, president of Studio Technologies. ‘There are many Dante-compatible devices that can provide adequate basic performance as a master clock, but, with the Model 5401, networked audio systems get the benefits of a high-performance “grandmaster” PTP server, along with additional unique capabilities.’
While the frequency ranges differ, the rest of the specifications are identical across the series. Each variant offers automatic channel search, automatic frequency search, infra-red frequency synchronisation of receiver and microphone unit, pilot tone and priority switching. In addition, the sets offer security locks and RS232 interfaces for integration into external control systems, as well as an audio transmission range from 60Hz to 16kHz.
terminals. The receiver can also be used to configure the simultaneously live microphones, while it also offers selectable automatic or manual gate setting and pilot tone. The system can be expanded to include up to five cascaded U500 receivers, operated in master-slave mode. As such, a maximum of 20 terminals can be used, depending on the availability of frequency ranges.
RTW updates TM7/9 THE TOUCHMONITOR TM7/9 firmware update from RTW enables simultaneous monitoring of transmission streams with the ability to see up to four parallel instances of the stereo vectorscope at once. The company has added a 12th octave filter bank, reportedly offering a more refined graduated frequency distribution. A new password option is said to protect the user against unauthorised adjustment changes, while the update also
supports 4-channel operation of a TouchMonitor, even without a multichannel licence. The firmware is available for installation on RTW’s TM7, TM9 and TMR7 series instruments. TM7 and TM9 ‘TC Electronic’ devices can also be updated. To access all new features and functions, these devices must be upgraded with the SW20021 TC Conversion Kit.
Paviro scales up with Dante A NEW Dante interface from Bosch has made its Paviro public address and voice evacuation system suitable for larger installations. Paviro is an IP-based public address system that allows installers to use existing networks to build infrastructure as well as connect over IP with other devices such as PCs and laptops. By connecting the OM-1 Dante network interface to Paviro, it is now possible to create
a 16-channel Dante network between the individual controllers, with IP networking architecture allowing users to create multicontroller network topologies for larger areas from up to four decentralised controllers. At the maximum configuration level, Paviro is now able to address up to 984 zones with a total of 164,000W of amplifying power in one system. It also caters to existing
72 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
installations whenever the infrastructure of a building changes and additional rooms have to be addressed. In addition, the network configuration provides redundant channels for safety purposes – in case of an emergency, these channels will always work for evacuation signals, even if a controller loses network communication.
A 10" driver with extraordinary mid-band clarity Even before we finished building it Right from the start, it was clear that the CF1025C was going to be something special. Using laser interferometry early in the development phase, Celestion’s engineers built an accurate picture of the cone’s movement across the frequency spectrum, providing the essential data needed to achieve extraordinary mid-band clarity.
From a range of small-diameter, high performance Celestion professional drivers
MANUFACTURERS Contact Celestion to request a sample
TSL helps to bridge the gap
Mipro wins second consecutive Red Dot
we are doing. We decided to go with ADAM Audio because we Shinagawa, where content is recorded. As for the new facilities, did a listening comparison of several brands in our previous with the exception of the larger Studio One, is being TSL Products haswhich also updated studio, and these were the ones that best suited our purpose. used for previously recorded new TV theprogramming, core software the of TallyMan They are good for musical reproduction, but it wasn’t just down Tokyo headquarters is being almost for live withused version 1.9 exclusively delivering the to sound quality, it was also about size and cost.’ broadcasting. The A Sub control room specialises in receiving Ember+ standard. Ember+ brings Ms Nishiyama agrees with this. ‘We tested a lot of speakers sporting and other programmes are recorded outside furtherwhich control functionality into the and we chose ADAM Audio as it is a very good monitor,’ she SDI, AES and and broadcast from the new studio, and is the reason why ADDITIONS AND enhancements automated workflow. Jünger Audio It offers traditional 2 56 digital broadcast audio console has been WORLD: For the second year in a wireless PA, adopted the otherthe forstandard its ST-24 708 portableawireless system, says. Dynaudio for some of the connectivity. other Lawo mcPA have‘We’ve been also madechosen to several has recently analogue chosen for this environment. ‘Weits wanted to install at least one row, Mipro has received Red Dot wireless saxophone set. while this year the Taiwanese studios where we needed tohelp connect a surround system.’ products in TSL’s range to across catalogue, meaning that In terms of enhancements, these desks as it’s one TallyMan ofRed theDot global standards fortoaudio Awards. In 2016, the honour was Awards are given for manufacturerofhas been presented All of the audio studios are situated within a larger users bridge the gap from will have access thethe TSL’s MPA1control Dante now supports broadcast,’ explains MsofNishiyama. ‘When earned for the design of its MAdesign products onany byof a with two: onemixing for thefor MA-808 room which also housestothe ‘We’ve managed to its use in traditional broadcast IP video facilities. parameters of all of voted its devices. AES67 audio, enabling our broadcasters travel abroad and rent an outside broadcast panel of 39 experts gathered from secure a bigger space for these the audio theDante studioand thanAES67 in infrastructures. Joining is part of The update also brings the latest both networks. TSL’s TallyMan Control Panel truck, it is often equippedversion with a Lawo. We decided toentries install around thevirtual world to judge our premises, makes it easier for our engineers theprevious MPA1 Solo SDI, a which 1U, 100mmof panel design Owners of MPA1 confidence one herewith so that all of oursoftware, engineers can be familiar over the course ofusers several daysit.’ todeep work,’device says Mr Nagakubo. to working in this kindcan also now allowing users‘We’re to viewused monitoring allowing to with create products any third-party control system. providing compatibility AES67. innovations TVcontrol Tokyo has ensured its brand inthis, Essen, Germany. The on MA-808 ofall setup, and we didn’t think about separating the two studios 16 embedded audio channels surfaces physical take advantage of SNMP support Finally, the PAM-IP range of audio Users looking toWith operate SMPTE such ascustom new 2110 facilitynetworks is world class panels and ready to meet the demands of integrates wireless microphones, inin the because of the annew SDIbuilding stream and monitor anyease of or touchscreen computers. ascommunication a free of charge upgrade monitoring devices now have 2022-6 or SMPTE into the future. speakers, a CD/USB player this way of working Plus, pair the space–constraints of our individual channeloffers. or channel enabling more intelligent dedicated ports for connecting to can make usebroadcasting of two dedicated and a Bluetooth interface for studios makes sense for it feature. to be set up like this.’ using its ‘scroll to listen’ integration with TSL’s TallyMan or existing Dante networks whilst also 10Gig/E network ports on the device. wireless music streaming into a Overall though, the new studios represent a technological single compact form factor. The upgrade for TV Tokyo. ‘There hasn’t been one big innovative ST-24, meanwhile, integrates leap into all-new technology, but our previous newsroom a microphone with a wireless environment was not so polished,’ continues Mr Nagakubo. HONG KONG: hasdesigns updated our facility, we had no hesitation transmitter, allowing saxophonists ‘We based our TVB studio on the knowledge we’ve its audio mixing setup, replacing inwe choosing Artemis. The Artemis to move freely around the stage. accumulated over the years; for example, did some Kohei Oyamada from Continental Far East legacy Calrec desks with bring powerful new flexibility ‘Red Dot winners have renovations toAlpha our previous studios, andconsoles those changes have AUDIO PROCESSOR manufacturer, loudness values are logged and the measurement data is delivered three Artemis digital audio consoles totransferred our studio operations, with recognised that good design been implemented Then we have introduced some system has been which to have provided a Jünger Audio, andhere. broadcast to a new light version overupgraded, the network and seems does not from thesuch British manufacturer. for the and latestLogger. standards and economic success go hand things, as the interchangeability Studios Three good improvement in any sound quality. hardware. Secondly, there is also software developer, Tecom Group, of support of J*AM Loudness LA and require additional Each Artemis serves ato target capabilities for today’s audio in hand,’ said Red Dot Award Four, which isconsole something we didn’t have built-in before.’ improvementMeanwhile, in the individual studios. is I really have formed a partnership Playout receives data fromanJ*AM, LA Production an like working different production studio at thevisit, TV requirements, as multiformat CEO and founder Dr Peter Zec. Atloudness the time of Pro Audio Asia’s Tokyo had only been with the ADAMapplication Audio monitors; they sound great. We’re using control and normalisation. relates it to asuch broadcast schedule for file-based loudness broadcaster’s facility and allpremises three isfor two audio and loudness management.’ ‘The award by the Red Dot jury broadcasting from new weeks. ‘Itout wasa acomparative them in all themeasurement studios right across the board, for our news, The first result ofits this partnership and carries and normalisation. were sold, tested by andhad to Anthony Harrison, international documentsA their high designvideo difficult transition asand the stations keep broadcasting,’ economics, current talk shows, kids’ programmes, necessary. frame-accurate a pair ofinstalled solutions –allLA Playout analysis of the loudness level for It usesaffairs, the original adaptive so the audio is compliant with a Calrec distributor Jolly Pro Audio. at Calrec, described qualityand andaudio is indicative their says Nagakubo. However, even at thissales earlymanager stage the anime and musical programming.’ player channel of mapping LAMr Production. programme blocks, advertisements Level Magic algorithm that allows selected standard but free of any ‘Calrec is a the vital and trusted partner sale as ‘thestudios latest example our hasn’t successful design.’ verdict from audio team was unanimous: the new TV in Tokyo abandoned previous however. option are also part of the solution. LA Playout sees the integration of the and announcements that allows broadcasters toits comply withbuilding, all unwanted artefacts. While the in our operation,’ explained Mrthe programmes growing momentum Hong were impacting quality of being madeofamong still houses two TV studios, one ofloudness which will be used for offers a manual mode, in Jünger’s Levelthe Magic processors for the detection on-air Itloudness current international system Law, studio production broadcasters’. and broadcast from thedepartment building in a veryKong positive way. ‘I solution carries general and the second of normalises which is currently with Tecom’s Loudness Analyzer deviations. The outrecording, standards. The system auto mode files from a watch folder assistant manager at TVB. ‘Therefore, think there are twoend main for this,’the says Mr Nagakubo. being refurbished to make it suitable for recording live news Mipro has won two new Red Dot Awards software. At the of reasons processing, analysis in near real-time and all files with a multi-stage design are analysed and normalised if Studio Four’s vocal booth when it the came time audio to modernise ‘Firstly, overall is better as master broadcasting programmes. There is also a further studio in Tennozu,
TVB follows Hong Kong’s Calrec trend Jünger partners with Tecom
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March–April 2017 PRO AUDIO ASIA 109
Yamaha and Revolabs huddle together
An AnR&S R&SFSW85 FSW85equipped equippedwith withthe theFSW-B5000 FSW-B5000option option connected connectedto toan anRTO2064 RTO2064digital digitaloscilloscope oscilloscope
Remote management by IT personnel from one location is made possible with the CS-700’s integrated network management system. Staying on the subject of conferencing, with the Version 3 release of MTX/MRX Series signal processors Yamaha has included
5GHz signal analysis arrives The CS-700 collaboration solution
SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED for huddle rooms, Yamaha has created the CS-700 as an all-inROHDE ROHDE &&SCHWARZ SCHWARZ isisclaiming claiming bandwidth. bandwidth. one collaboration solution. The to to be bethe thewall-mounted ‘first ‘firstto tooffer offer5GHz 5GHzsignal signal The TheFSW-B5000 FSW-B5000supports supportscentre centre CS-700 system analysis analysis bandwidth bandwidth withguaranteed guaranteed frequencies frequenciesfrom from9.5GHz 9.5GHzto to90GHz. 90GHz.To To incorporates audio, with video specifications’ specifications’ by bylaunching launching the the achieve achievefrequencies frequenciesabove above85GHz, 85GHz,the the and collaboration capabilities FSW-B5000 FSW-B5000 option optionfor forits itsFSW85 FSW85 FSW85 FSW85must mustbe beequipped equippedwith withthe theFSWFSWincluding Revolabs’ microphone signal signal and andspectrum spectrum analyser, analyser,using using B90G B90Goption optionthat thatextends extendsthe thefrequency frequency technology. The beam-forming ititmicrophone inincombination combination with the theRTO2064 RTO2064 range rangeup upto to90GHz. 90GHz.InInaddition, addition,the the arraywith ensures audio digital digital oscilloscope as asdelivered an anexternal external FSW-B5000 FSW-B5000 option option facilitates facilitates the the can beoscilloscope captured and to Version 3 of MTX/MRX includes Dugan automixer functionality digitiser. digitiser. This, This, the themanufacturer manufacturer capture captureof ofIEEE IEEE802.11ay 802.11aywideband wideband the far end, whilst four speaker states, states, addresses addresses the the‘fast-growing ‘fast-growing signals for forvisuals, post-processing post-processing andthe the Dugan automixer functionality, elements provide audio coverage Insignals terms of the unit isand demands demands forcharacterising characterising wideband ability abilityto to perform perform measurements measurements for all thefor participants in thewideband room. equipped with a special widewhich is designed to automatically components components andsystems’. systems’. on onwaveform waveform candidates candidates for the the5G 5G raise the gain on any microphone Through the and integrated USB port, angle video camera, whilst afor high Amplitude Amplitude andphase phase measurement measurement standard. standard. resolution ensures the CS-700and can be connected to ‘pixel-per-face’ receiving input and to lower it accuracy accuracy are arereportedly reportedly ensured ensured the organisation’s chosen unified that participants can recognise when there is no signal received throughout throughout the themeasurement measurement communications platform such as nuanced facial expressions vital to during conferences. This creates Microsoft Skype for Business, Cisco effective meetings. The plug-anda constant mixer gain by adjusting Spark, GoToConference, Google play design with its USB connection each input sound. Chromebox for Meetings, Vidyo, to a laptop or tablet allows users Yamaha has worked alongside WebEx, Zoom and BlueJeans. to seamlessly join a meeting. Dugan automixer manufacturer Dan
To Infinity and beyond THE THETELOS TELOSAlliance’s Alliance’sTV TVSolutions SolutionsGroup, Group, formed formedof ofstaff stafffrom fromboth bothLinear LinearAcoustic Acoustic and andMinnetonka MinnetonkaAudio, Audio,has hasintroduced introduced the theTelos TelosInfinity InfinityIPIPIntercom, Intercom,the thefirst first ininwhat whatwill willbe beaaseries seriesof ofTelos TelosInfinity Infinity solutions. solutions.The Themanufacturer manufacturerclaims claimsitit will willoffer offer‘a‘aquantum quantumleap leapininscalability, scalability, ease easeof ofintegration, integration,efficiency efficiencyand andtotal total cost costof ofownership’ ownership’as asthe theInfinity InfinityIPIP Intercom Intercom‘converges ‘convergesvoice voice communication communicationand and
dual-channelpartyline partylinebelt beltpacks packsand and dual-channel dashboardsoftware, software,and andintegrates integrates dashboard withexisting existinganalogue, analogue,AES, AES,SDI SDIand and with MADIsystems systemsvia viaTelos TelosAlliance AlliancexNode xNode MADI baseband-to-IPinterfaces, interfaces,as aswell wellas asthirdthirdbaseband-to-IP partyAES67 AES67devices. devices. party ‘Youcan canaccess accessany anynetworked networkedaudio audio ‘You endpointthrough throughour ourTelos TelosInfinity Infinity endpoint Dashboardsoftware softwareand andmake makeititavailable available Dashboard whereveryou youneed needitit––internally internallyor oron-air,’ on-air,’ wherever confirmedMartin MartinDyster, Dyster,VP VPof ofbusiness business confirmed developmentat atthe theTV TVSolutions SolutionsGroup. Group. development InInother othernews, news,Telos TelosAlliance’s Alliance’s OmniaSST OmniaSSTbroadcast broadcastaudio audiosoftware softwarehas has been beendeveloped developedto toturn turnWindows WindowsPCs PCs into intoOmnia Omniaaudio audioprocessors. processors.Based Basedon onaa processing processingengine enginedesigned designedby byHans Hansvan van Zutphen, Zutphen,ititisisalso alsothe thefirst firstprocessor processorto to support supportthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sµMPX µMPXcodec. codec. The Themanufacturer manufacturerhighlights highlightsthe the declipper, declipper,delossifer delossiferand anddehummer dehummer as assome someof ofthe thekey keyfeatures featuresoffered offeredby by OmniaSST. OmniaSST.With Withdeclipper, declipper,the thesoftware software repairs repairsincoming incomingaudio, audio,optimising optimising ititbefore beforeitithits hitscompression, compression,limiting limiting and andfinal finalprocessing processingstages. stages.Delossifer Delossifer repairs repairsthe thesound soundof oflossy lossycompressed compressed audio audiosuch suchas asMPEG2/MP3 MPEG2/MP3material. material. Dehummer Dehummerremoves removesunwanted unwantedsounds sounds such suchas as50/60Hz 50/60Hzhum humfrom frombad badcables. cables. The Thesoftware softwarealso alsoincludes includespurpose-built purpose-built Omnia Omniapresets, presets,FM FMpre-emphasis, pre-emphasis,stereo stereo and andRDS RDSencoding. encoding.ItItalso alsoshares sharesthe the same sameFM FMreception-improving reception-improvingcomposite composite final finalclipper clipperas asfound foundon onthe theOmnia.9SG. Omnia.9SG. InInterms termsof ofthe theµMPX µMPXcodec, codec,this thishas has been beenpurpose-built purpose-builtfor forFM FMradio radioand andthe the manufacturer manufacturerstates statesititisisable ableto totransport transport high-quality high-qualitymultiplexed multiplexedFM FMsignals signalsover overaa 320kbps 320kbpsdata datapipe. pipe.
Dugan Sound Design specifically to feature the functionality in its systems. The addition of this functionality removes the need for fader operations during applications in which multiple microphones are in use. It also reportedly maintains an equal level for the howling margin. Also delivered by MTX/MRX Version 3 are such functions as support for switching between sources, configuring the microphone priority using the Dugan override allocation remotely using a wireless DCP device, including iPads and Android systems. Other features include the DCP series digital control panel and group mute allocation. In other Yamaha news, the Japanese company has expanded its commercial installation catalogue with the inclusion of the VXS1ML full-range speaker and VXS3S subwoofer. The manufacturer describes these as its ‘most compact speakers to date’ and ‘ideal for environments where relaxing, natural-sounding BGM reproduction is the goal’. The VXS1ML includes a 1.5-inch full-range driver unit and is built to
The compact VXS1ML offer 170° horizontal and vertical dispersion. On the other hand, the VXS3S makes use of Yamaha’s SR-Bass technology, designed to ‘achieve powerful yet natural bass reproduction in a compact enclosure’, and supports both lowand high-impedance connections. It features satellite connectors allowing it to be connected directly to the VXS1ML and a range of other cabinets, and to minimise the required amount of amplifier channels. When the satellite connectors are used, a built-in crossover is automatically applied. Both the VXS1ML and VXS3S offer myriad mounting hardware options, including the ability to be flush mounted in a ceiling or mounted on lighting rails, and come in black or white finish.
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contribution contributionaudio audioon onaasingle singleITIT backbone backboneemploying employingthe thelatest lateststandardsstandardsbased basedVoIP VoIPand andLivewire+ Livewire+AES67 AES67AoIP AoIP transport transporttotoprovide providededicated dedicatedfeatures features and andfunctionality’. functionality’. Designed Designedtotoreplace replaceoutmoded outmodedmatrix matrix technology, technology,the theInfinity InfinityIPIPIntercom Intercom isisaadistributed distributedIPIPnetwork networksolution solution that thatenables enablesplug-and-play plug-and-playnetworked networked hardware hardwareand andsoftware softwaredevices devicestotobe be added addedtotothe thesystem systemon onan anad-hoc ad-hoc basis. basis.ItItcomprises comprisesintercom intercommaster master panels, panels,rack-mounted rack-mountedmaster masterexpansion expansion panels, panels,master masterdesktop desktopstations, stations,wired wired
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November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 75 75
Orban iMix Mono2Stereo
Orban goes from Mono2Stereo
ORBAN’S iMIX Mono2Stereo synthesiser has been developed with live sports broadcasts in mind. The 1U system provides the ability to synthesise up to four channels of spectrally balanced stereo from mono content. ‘We designed this solution with the remote sports mixer in mind,’ confirmed Orban’s VP of global sales, Peter Lee. ‘Not only does it deliver on quality of sound and performance, but the 4-channel feature gives sound engineers more control of their monogenerated content by providing a better stereo image and 5.1 mix overall.’ The iMix Mono2Stereo makes use of a DSX Technologies algorithm that is designed to
ExBox.MD Orban iMix 257 create an artefact-free, wide soundstage with natural, spectrally balanced stereo from original mono content. With four discrete AES channels, unbalanced mono inputs and stereo outputs on 75Ω BNC connectors, the system also possesses an optional balanced analogue I/O capable of delivering sound with its 24-bit over-sampling analogue-to-digital and digital-toanalogue converters. This provides 105dB SNR and 0.0015% THD+N.
Also new for the iMix range is the iMix 257 surround audio decoder that can be used as a standalone system for decoding stereo LtRt in or to upmix stereo content. It uses a patented DSX Surround algorithm that enables the upmixing of stereo audio to 5.1 and 7.1 surround. iMix 257 is compatible with matrixencoded stereo signals, such as Dolby ProLogic and SRS Circle Surround.
Studer establishes a CoreLink to COTS servers STUDER HAS unveiled ‘the world’s first broadcast audio mixing core to run on commercial-offthe-shelf (COTS) servers in the form of the CoreLink Card. It is designed to negate the need for custom hardware by leveraging the processing power in hardware already present in many broadcast studios and OB vehicles. The Studer CoreLink Card is compatible with Vista, Vista
Infinity consoles, Virtual Vista and the Vista Compact Remote. It allows users to select COTS servers independently, facilitating infrastructure consistency and saving time during setup and maintenance. Scalability options are also provided, as broadcasters can replace a COTS server without the need to purchase an entire system. Additionally, the CoreLink Card is available with a flexible
76 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
and is capable of synchronising to Grandmasters running the SMPTE ST2059-2 PTP profile. With four MADI and two gigabit network ports, the bridge links broadcast, live sound and studio applications. The company has also added to the GUI support for Merging Technologies’ Aneman Audio Network Manager. The Aneman software is said to bring centralised stream configuration and device management across an entire network, mainly, but not exclusively, supporting Ravenna/
Montone.42 has received an update mode. Additional ExBox.MD units and other Dante devices can be connected to increase the number of channels. With a small form-factor, rugged design and redundant power supplies, the manufacturer states the ExBox.MD is well suited to ‘touring live shows and OB vans, as well as studio applications’. Meanwhile, DirectOut has revised the user interface of its Montone.42 MADI/AoIP bridge. Now based on HTML5 and javascript, the GUI also includes a new menu structure described as providing easy access to system and streaming information, while in the Advanced Settings area, users can reportedly make detailed adjustments to parameters such as QoS and PTP. Based on Ravenna, the device supports SMPTE ST2110-30
channels, with support for up to 128 streams in each direction. The module provides a capacity of 256 channels in the router and can manage up to four physically separate IP networks per board. Redundant audio transmission according to SMPTE 2022-7 is also reportedly planned for the future. Users can configure RIF67 using a web interface, with status monitoring via Nexus. The module is plug-and-play, meaning that networks detect and configure it automatically. The RIF67 is also backwards compatible and can be used in legacy Nexus systems.
DIRECTOUT HAS revealed its first Dante-enabled device in the form of the ExBox.MD, a Danteto-MADI converter that joins the manufacturer’s ExBox Series. The box enables the ‘straight and simple’ 64-channel conversion of any MADI format, including coaxial BNC, optical SC and SFP, to Dante, and vice-versa. ExBox.MD can be powered by PoE or up to two external power supplies. It features four network ports that are connected to an internal switch and facilitates the use of Dante’s redundancy
licensing plan should customers only wish to pay for the number of channels they use. Further flexibility is offered in the ability to choose the size of the housing server; the CoreLink Card can be placed in compact servers, providing ‘massive processing power in a small form factor’ should space be at a premium.
Stage Tec makes good on its AES67 promise WITH STAGE TEC and Direct Out having announced a partnership earlier in the year to bring AES67 compatibility to the entire Stage Tec product range, the first product to advance this goal has been released in the form of the Router Interface AES67 (RIF67) – an AES67 expansion board for the Nexus Star. The Direct Out AES67.IO module is described as having full AES67 implementation and support for non-proprietary audio and control networking, enabling audio networks to be created via an audio-over-IP connection. The RIF67 can send and receive up to 1,024 AES67 audio
DirectOut makes Dante debut
The RIF67 interface
AES67 devices. A typical routing matrix configuration allows crosspoints to be set between different networked audio devices. According to the company, complex connections and system infrastructures can be organised in groups, saved and restored at any time. ‘We have been seeing increasing demand for a simple and centralised way to organise Ravenna devices and streams,’ explained Claudio Becker-Foss, specialist for networked audio at DirectOut. ‘Aneman is a perfect tool to configure a Ravenna setup with just a few mouse clicks, and we are more than happy to support Merging Technologies’ initiative to significantly improve the handling of Ravenna setups.’
An AoIP monitor mix solution SONIFEX HAS collaborated with a UK broadcaster to create the AVN-PXH12 in response to the broadcaster’s need to monitor ‘hundreds’ of audio sources available on an AoIP network. A 2x12-channel mix monitor and ‘AoIP Portal’, it is a 1U system with the ability to monitor and mix up to 24 AES67 AoIP sources simultaneously to a speaker/ headphone combination.
discrete stereo analogue audio inputs (a front panel 3.5mm jack socket, two rear panel 3.5mm jack sockets and a rear panel stereo XLR input pair), any Ravenna or AES67-enabled Dante AoIP connected streams can also be selected. Stereo signals are routed to 12 control channels accessible on the front panel, each possessing Normal and Alternate input options.
3.5mm jacks with individual attenuation settings, and a monomix speaker output. There are also discrete volume controls for headphones and the speaker, the latter of which has a mute button. The rear panel’s three line-level XLR-3 audio outputs can be assigned as mono mix, left and right channel outputs, or as any physical or AoIP input sources.
Buttons are provided for input selection, mute and left, right or stereo output selection. Front panel LEDs display the statuses of the AoIP network, synchronisation and power. Also found on the front panel are outputs for paralleled stereo headphones on 6.35mm and
The AVN-PXH12 can also serve as a PTP masterclock or slave clock. Other features include IEC mains and secondary DC power inputs, two Ethernet RJ-45 connections and an Ethernet SFP module, a GPIO connector and built-in web server.
The AVN-PXH12 The AVN-PXH12 allows any AES67 audio channels on the network to be assigned to input channels and mixed down to analogue outputs and a headphone output, as well as a built-in speaker. It is capable of monitoring up to 12 stereo audio sources at the same time. In addition to AES67 sources, four
single Ethernet output, for an easy interface with devices such as a CD/DVD player, smartphone, tablet, instrument or professional audio source, according to the company. When used with mono instruments, the DAN-TX works as a thru connection for a stage amp,
BROAMAN HAS developed a new, smaller version of its Repeat48 that it claims is the first of its kind on the market capable of transporting a pure 12G fibre signal across a single channel for 4K distribution. It can also split that up into the more traditional quad-link 3G for 12G transport over four channels. The compact boxes provide electrical-to-optical and opticalto-electrical conversion in a plugand-play package for simple 4K transmission. Repeat8-Nano 4IN features four SDI inputs and four fibre
consumption and Reclocker for ‘superior’ jitter performance. It’s also compliant with standards including SMPTE-424M, SMPTE310M, SMPTE305M, SMPTE297M, SMPTE-295M, SMPTE292M, DVBASI and MADI. In other news, the manufacturer has added the Mux22 BNC Intercom version to its Mux22 series, which allows the connection of up to eight intercom panels or matrix ports using coax cable in the AES3id standard – a 75Ω BNC electrical variant of AES3. There are eight bidirectional AES BNC ports, each
Dante solutions from Radial BUILT WITH a 14-gauge steel construction, DAN-TX and DAN-RX from Radial Engineering use 24-bit/96kHz converters to send and receive two channels of analogue audio over a digital, Dante-enabled network. The DAN-TX includes ¼-inch, RCA and 3.5mm inputs with a
BroaMan goes Nano
while the trim control reportedly provides ±10dB of gain. The box includes an optional pass filter and a –20dB pad. The DAN-RX is a 2-channel Dante receiver with dual XLR outputs that can connect to a mixing console, amplifier or powered speakers to route audio from FOH to the stage. A 3.5mm headphone output with level control is also provided. The DAN-RX connects to the network via a single Ethernet cable. Power for each device can be supplied with a 15V adaptor (included) or via PoE, and both power sources can be used simultaneously for redundancy.
Repeat8-Nano 4IN and 4OUT
Mux22 BNC Intercom version SFP outputs, while Repeat8Nano 4OUT features four SDI outputs and four fibre SFP inputs. Both devices can be connected with a quad or duplex fibre, creating 4-channel, point-to-point transport. Each box can also be connected to the larger Repeat48 or the Route66 for greater distances. Extending 4-channel 3G-SDI signals up to 80km over fibre, the converter also boasts low power
of which can handle 2-in and 2-out. In total, the device features eight 3G-SDI channels for video, 16-in/16-out for audio, four GPIO or RS-485; Sync I/O; two LAN; two SANE/LAN; two Optocore links; and fibre tunnel for generic protocol. It can all be transported over a single duplex fibre to another Mux22 (point-to-point) or Route66 (network) device.
ARX breaks networked audio out ARX SYSTEMS announced that it had licensed Dante digital-media networking technology for use in future products at the start of 2017. Now, the Australian manufacturer has revealed its first system to make use of the licence: the Network DI analogue breakout box. It uses the Dante protocol to extract audio from a network, converting it to Transformer isolated analogue audio. Network DI can convert any audio available on a network into analogue and route it to devices
such as amplifiers, powered speakers, mixing consoles and DSPs. Network DI is built to receive audio channels from Dante and deliver studio-quality, low-latency audio via balanced XLR output connectors. The box, which features a heavyduty, all-steel chassis design, matt textured polyurethane finish and rubber base pad, includes a Mono switch on the front that delivers left and right analogue summation where needed. It comes bundled with an optional bracket kit for
78 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
under-table mounting. Similarly, the ARX Dante is a digital-to-analogue distribution splitter that can receive audio channels from a Dante network. In Dante mode, the splitter will extract two channels of digital audio from the network via an RJ-45 Ethernet input and split them into two channels of 1:4 splitter. In analogue mode, it will take two channels of analogue audio and split them into two channels of 1:4 splitter. The front and rear of Network DI
Audio-Technica (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd
1 Ubi View, Focus One, #01-14, Singapore 408555 Tel: +65 6749 5686 | Fax: +65 6749 5689 | |
Powersoft gives David Claringbold management T5 conference tablejoins d&b’s Keeping it Neets in team the boardroom
that the energy needed to be more focused,’ says Mr Wei. Eight of EQ, optimised graphics, automatic RF VT312 dual 12-inch line array cabinets were flown per side as frequency-reordered filters and an the main system, with a supplementary system consisting of 24 expanded preset library featuring VT218Bs. Eight RF VK208 curve array speakers were stacked Together, Claringbold and WORLD: Having joined the advisory presets for theMrBose SM Series, he’s not only been familiar with the in front of the stage lip as front-fill, while 16 RF M15s served THE NEETS Sound Bar – SB1 d&b haveAero already established board of d&b audiotechnik last Audio Series, custom d&b international pro audio industry but Das as stage monitors. Here, developed FOH and monitor both has been to offerconsoles clear were ARMONÍA PRO Audio has Suite v2.10 the Sound Futures programme, year, David Claringbold been Max12 and Max15 systems, and which enables imported orBehringer shared X32s. also with d&b systems. He has a audio reinforcement in meeting offers a new interactive tuning plug- location traces, such as smart, appointed to the manufacturer’s which Mr Harman describes as ‘a custom Nexo GeoT setups. The clear vision of how markets around More than 10and bands from universities across Guangdong conference rooms. The Danish in that aims to improve the management team, taking onprocess the strategic platform for our 1204, future of the Quattrocanali txt, csv or xml files to be read in took part the world will change and how new update province in a battle has of the bands competition on the manufacturer designed it to of measuring and aligning a Mr sound development, which will strengthen role of chief marketing officer. and 4804 and Duecanali real-time. demands Spring Breeze aesthetically stage, where complement four of LAX’ new 10-inch and opportunities for pro 2404 theAT210 dual Neets Sound Bar – SB1 system, while removing noise d&b and pave the way forand new Claringbold, whoalso once served as 1604 systems adds control The Smaart v8 technologyline provides audio solutions emerge.’ array speakers and two LAX LS218B subs were stacked per décor of contemporary meeting from the environment. director ofsurrounding theatre and events at the sound experiences and audio monitoring support to the standard myriad functionality, including ‘Mysound relationship d&b sideoffline as the main system, with two LAX M2115s for monitoring. has released a white version of spaces. The bar canwith be directly Powersoft hasHouse, also integrated Sydney Opera has relocated non-DSP manipulation with EQ, gain, polarity, needed for quiet,manager offline Also is 1990s the ability goes backwith to late The smallerisSugar and Liusheng Stagetuning both used LAXconnected Livenew itstechnologies’. 7-inchversions. Neets Touch Panel in Neets product Michael to the av2.10 display or sound Armonía with to Rational Acoustic In othertonews, d&b audiotechnik from Australia Germany to begin delay, sum, average and merge. A before a virtual simulation integrate and throughout thatGreyboxes, time I’ve One active column systems consisting ofistwo Live Onetosource, full range response customer demand. Rumph described it as ‘a sound andwith its EAW wake-on-signal Smaart v8 as part of the update, has appointed Stephan Greiner his new position. single set of starting measurements theimpressed visualisation been continuously speakers pluscompleted. two that Live One B subsan peraesthetically side, with two enhancements Live One4 ‘To satisfy customer requests, a as bar combines functionality istowhat enables by Taking over the CMO role from its new chiefofsales officer.Touch In his of the productsThe and monitors per stage. ‘Thedesign nearbywith buildings can create sound white version the Neets pleasing high-quality itthe to quality work ‘out-of-the-box’. Sabina Berloffa, Mr Claringbold new role, Mr Greiner also report engineering,’ Mr Claringbold. reflections, so audio we chose models with good directivity in also said Panel will now also be will available, andspeaker works out-of-the-box. option is included for it to be directly to company CEO Amnon will report directly to CEO Amnon ‘At d&b thetofocus is only ever on order to have better control,’ explains Mr Wei. and so will an optional white table When combined with a control connected a control system via Bonbon stage was dedicated to electronic dance music Relacart wireless mic systems were put to Claringbold use David Stephan Greiner Harman, servingMrasRumph. a member Harman. The position includes one thing: developing solutions Performers’ microphones were mainly from Chinesean wireless stand,’ declared The of system, presenters can choose RS-232 port. The vinyl-covered April, butmarketing it rained communications, on seven out of 10 of management. the set up days. We microphone manufacturer, Relacart. stage wasa equipped leading the managing board. achievement at the highest level of that go beyond expectation. I’m Neets TouchEach Panel offers single between “Presentation”, “Unified cabinet and fabric-covered grill had to relations, work really fast management, all day and through‘David the night thewith an with a and Relacart HR-31S system, a total 16equipment handheld public brand is a once leader the arts, technology and business,’ absolutely thrilled, honoured, point ofwith control forofA/V Communication” and “Music” are all finished in black and house SOVICO CORPORATION is now rain stopped.’ andteam.’ four five stages.rooms, Shure learning and Sennheiser market intelligence and product exceptional track record of stated MrIts Harman. ‘For decades be joining the DNLamplifier SERIES conference modes.’ applications include atoSAC built-in andheadset two setsmics forinall shipping six models of Class-D digital All five stages at the festival were rigged with speaker systems mics were also used. spaces and classrooms. listening to audio tracks and of 4-inch woofers and 1-inch THE SAand Series of amplifiers amplifiers integrating by LAX its sister brand, RF. In the centre of the park, a 15m ‘There were many stages on site and it was very crowded,’ sound from video, ason-board well as tweeters. from Renkus-Heinz has made its Tower, also equipped with DSP, LEDs and Neutrik connectors. high LED structure named Bonbon says marketing manager, Liang Zaixing. ‘Smartphones reinforcing conference call audio. In other news, theRelacart manufacturer T5 Series Conference Table first as partprovided of the festival-goers with interactive Grouped under the SAC umbrella, LAXappearance for public address, and tablets overloaded the radio frequency and had a bad manufacturer’s TA Series the X4D, S4DE and S4D versions games andheart live CA camera feeds to the tower’s LED large screen. The rooms, but effect on the wireless mic system. We used our Relacart AT THE of and Middle Atlantic’s of many meeting point loudspeakers. TheyisBreeze, they’re have been engineered for DSP and stages – Bingo, Bonbon,Tables Spring Sugar and RWW1.1 wireless frequency management software to scan the T5 source Series Conference not Liusheng always conducive to WORLD: DiGiCo has hired Austin ‘The role of general manager are designed to provide unified matrix applications, whilst the X2D, – the were arranged around the tower, together with a food area, frequency environment and find a clean operation frequency Tech Kit, a patent-pending, the kind of systems that need to SOUTH EASTwithout ASIA: Heina Karina TMD, she tests, servedweatwere the Multimedia Freshwater, who fillscan the role ofdemonstrations. isX4 also a wider remit forhave me,’been he connectivity and control platforms to be installed in the room or with and S8 amplifiers outdoor camping and luxury car any interference. After many confident swing-out rack that be fixed Abdul Wahid has joined TMD’s APAC Development Corporation in general Mr Freshwater continued. a Renkus-Heinz loudspeakers, which specifically‘Although designedthere’s for the still touring The Bingo stage largest performance area, that’s needed of the system’s stability. in tomain themanager. pedestal. Thewas kit the is said built-in connectivity team in the company’s in brings aboard more than 10 years lotand forinstallation me to learnsectors. on the All technical will ultimately allow allof Renkus-Heinz six atto 50m wide and 20m high. The stage hosted some of the ‘This wasoffice the second time Malaysia. we cooperated with the festival provide flexibility up to 3RU in today’s BYOD environment,’ Kuala Lumpur. Ms Wahid serve ‘Heina is an business of sideways salesmain experience at side of things, thedeveloped restpower has fallen loudspeaker models togained be freely employ switch-mode supplies festival’s headline acts including Sammi Cheng,Knedler, Ashin, director of organiser; wewill were happy to have such anexperienced opportunity and it also OUT BOARD has the of rackmounting, small said Megan as a regional proved specialist, analyst and systems support Canon,Wang where heas most recently into place quite quickly.’ combined, as well clean sound for Smart international use Joanna and Hanjin, and was equipped withmanagement, a main systemfurniture the delivering reliability of our wireless products.’ RCX Remote forand usepower with its device mounting or a combination product Asia.Dinghu Her Musicengineer,’ TMD aAPAC regional served as sales signals. director for 12-inch the UK line In his new role, Mr Freshwater for complex audio factor correction efficiencies together support for South ofof 16the LAX Operation T12 dual flown per side, TheEast two-day festival hassaid become big attraction LV-Series and DV-Series chain-hoist two. forarray Middle Atlantic. ‘The T5 appointment during is reportedly manager, T Vimalanathan. and will work closely with DiGiCo There are SAT12s Series models with all the required protections with a Ireland. further eight as side-fill. This speaker hasTables brings China’s Labour Day public holiday, and Ruifeng Culture motor controllers. Available inVP 16-, Each T5three solution alsoflown includes a Series Conference ‘Shethe willgovernment provide in-depth ‘During time Canon sales, Staddon. ‘It’s greatand over- the result of continuous initially available: thewith SA-625 against peaks, overheating been jointly developed together with renowned Sunnan. in rack has signed a strategic agreement with of 32andIan 64-channel iterations table top my and support pedestals, togethersinger, our expertise projects that the mediacity to facilitate its economic local for the I developed sales into the + dual 8-inch tovoltage. have Austin on-board as he amplifier, which outputs 500W With the exception of the Additionally, eight LAX line array speakers Zhaoqing andassistance cultural development (RCX16, RCX32 and RCX64, and features three ofOP3228L the infrastructure, device mounting, asset management growing user basetoinbuild professional broadcast sector brings different and 125W; the SA-1250, delivers 2-channel X2D and the 8-channel were mounted along which thetool-free stage lip to provide front-fill and low power by promoting music and tourism. Ruifeng is also aiming respectively), theexpertise remotes can abe company’s patented thermal management, systems provider the region. addition working with theand likes NEP, new perspective to the team,’ 1,000W + 250W; theofto SA2000, S5 models, the 4-channel amplifiers frequencies were handled by 24 LAX OPL-218B dual 18-inch up itshas music festival business. Other festivals the Her company has retrofitted to existing LV6, LV8, LV12 Lever Lock plates said save and connectivity into one providingwith remote management controller) elements secured notable toprocessing the teamLight means we the stacked BBC Sky as well as isA delay system Mr Staddon said. am sure he which produces 2,000W. Each vary in power between 500W subs cardioid mode. consistingfurniture of four solution.’ worked on include the Guangzhou International Festival and DV8 models or‘I selected asand an space in and theinfurniture system. comprehensive RCX Smart range and formats. Native and control, Matrix re:definedInternational provide flexible, scalable audio clients in thethe region. now have ainstrong local the and A/V market via their range will be anextra asset to the business equipped with connections 1,500W per channel in power. OnT12s two output LAX OP-218Bs was suspended from the tower and the Hancheng Light Festival Shaaxi Province. optional with newly purchased The pedestal incorporates Theoptical tables are available inDSP, including equalisation, audio management systems The Matrix-C controller Ms Wahid technical presence in of projectors,’ Mr Freshwater and provide an additional of tobehind power external drivers and offers board DSPacross functionality oflevel the three the FOH position, where a Yamaha digital Next stop will beare Festival in Du Jiangyan, Fisolutions. wireless. Each remote has the controllers the ranges, the order thatholds they’re plugged inthe theWest Music Wiremold InteGreat HDMI cable thePM5D-RH same delay, finishes and styles multichannel limiting andC5 noise-reduction within the Province, commercial combines 8-balanced inputs with acategorised degree in IT the region can explained. ‘This me aRhaon valuable support to both myself the full networking matrixthe versions include crossover console was and oncapabilities, mixing duties, while 16 LAX AT15M 15-inch Sichuan which isstorage also in its second If recallable itthat matches capacity foryear. eight barring LV4 and DV4and versions. rack. In terms of connection, options retractors agave Table Box, as Middle Atlantic’s Series also included, as are catalogue. The A (PC/Mac software), 8-outputs, which can be controlled from Universiti only enhance our insight into some of DiGiCo’s sales team.’ IIstage control, monitoring functionality, andRCX parametric EQ filters, limitingfor are monitors and an Avid Venue Profilefeatures providedare monitoring. the success of Bonbonland, it will be well on itsisway. sets of settings and capable of The controllers are designed included for daisy-chaining providing two HDMI connections Credenzas. available preset memories. C (DSP audio controller), M (remote from anload iPadcell touchscreen via Teknologi support operation.’ markets before I joined and a choice ofoutlets. analogue, AES/ and alignment delays. The second-largest stage,the Bonbon, wasnine dedicated to electronic integral monitoring. portable, digital multichannel rigging using Ethercon or Cat-5, the RS-485 and two AC microphone station) andand W (wall EtherNet. Multiple units can be Malaysia. company. EBU andmusic Dante single or redundant Outfitted with RS-485 ports that dance with DJs and performances, and here the with auto-sensing functionality protocol to 100m, digital wired ‘The conference table iscatwalk a fixture Beforeorjoining network input in copper RF brand wasconnections used. ‘The reason we chose RF for this stage is Mr Wei withassigns a Live controllers One system to switch banks in E-Stop industrial-grade
Armonía a tune up connectivity
SA Series to unify Renkus-Heinz
A SAC of digital goodies from Korea
DiGiCo appoints Austin Freshwater as GM TMD strengthens South
East Asian presence
Out Board’s Smart chain-hoist control
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52 PRO PROAVL AUDIO ASIA May–June 2017 2017 80 ASIA September–October 80 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
what others miss.
July–August 2017 PRO AUDIO ASIA 95
Tasker’s fire safety solution TASKER IS offering a solution to integrators dealing with the EN50575 – CPR regulations
Controlled connection
The PH120 compliant range
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for fire safety. While it has more than 70 different audio, video and data cables certified to this standard, another option is its range of EN50200 – PH120 compliant cables that do not need to follow the CPR rules. The Italian manufacturer states that these cables can be installed into any kind of facility and are also resistant to direct flame for up to two hours at a temperature of 850°C. In the unshielded category, the 1mm2 TSK201, 1.5mm2 TSK202 and 2.5mm2 TSK203 are identified by their purple sheaths and are recommended for voice evacuation and PA systems. For shielded cables, the red sheathed 1mm2 TSK301, 1.5mm2 TSK302 and 2.5mm2 TSK303 have been designed for fire detection systems. Finally, the C729 Cat-6a cable is double shielded and wrapped with glass fibre that the manufacturer states makes the product suitable for many operative applications and able to transmit controls, data, digital audio or video, even during a fire. All of these cables are made with red copper stranded formation, silicone rubber cores and sheath in LSZH polymer, M1 quality.
The unit has been designed with sound reinforcement, music studios, broadcast applications and recording in mind. Essentially, it is a male three-pin to female three-pin XLR connector. The Audiofix 303 connector is housed in a nickel-plated zinc alloy chassis and is fully passive, with a latching mechanism on both ends.
SWITCHCRAFT’S AUDIOFIX 303 Inline XLR audio controlled connector has been designed to offer three points of switchable control. This control comes in the form of a switchable ground lift function, –20dB attenuation circuit and a pins 2 and 3 180° phase inverse switch. Each of these switches is accessible on the female side of the connector.
• Up to 10 beltpacks per antenna • 100 antenna, 100 beltpack system capacity • Best-in-class voice clarity • “Touch&Go” beltpack registration • 6-channel beltpack plus dedicated REPLY button • Built-in microphone and speaker for Walkie-Talkie mode • Smartphone integration via Bluetooth • Ergonomic, robust beltpack design • Sunlight-readable display with Gorilla Glass™ • Decentralized AES67 IP networked antennas • Seamless integration into RIEDEL‘S ARTIST intercom matrix
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 81
Aten goes further ATEN’S VE8950 4K HDMI-over-IP extender supports the video matrix function through the AP router/ DHCP protocol with a reportedly unlimited transmission distance. Whilst supporting HDMI audio and individual stereo, point-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint, the VE8950 includes 3D and 4K/2K at 30Hz transmission via a proprietary A/V codec. A support receiver daisychain, web GUI control and USB 2.0 connectivity are also included.
VE8950 4K HDMI-over-IP extender In other news, the Taiwanese manufacturer has also developed the VS1912 12-Port DP Video Wall
Media Player for digital signage, videowalls, projection screens and digital board applications. The
PC-based media player supports videowall configurations with up to 12 displays in various asymmetric layouts. Custom widget tools add banners, video playback, flash media, images and real-time clock displays. The advanced videowall feature allows the resizing, layering, spanning across multiple screens, and rotating of pictures and videos at 90° intervals.
An LED upgrade for VL1100 PHILIPS ENTERTAINMENT Lighting’s latest LED fixture has been designed to offer a highquality yet low-power tungsten alternative to lighting designers working to illuminate stage and screen. Designed to directly replace the VL1100 ellipsoidal reflector spotlight, the VL1100 LED is a moving head spotlight and the newest addition to the Vari-Lite family.
The VL1100 LED is built with a 3,200K LED light engine under the hood. It delivers flexibility in terms of power consumption by allowing users to manage the balance between light output and fan level remotely. As the fan noise level is adjusted, the total power output of the VL1100 automatically aligns with the required noise level. A hybrid system of liquid cooling and forced
air keeps noise levels down. The fixture matches the original VL1100’s colour reproduction and uses the same colour mechanism with a colour system tuned to the LED light engine. Philips has also included standard and classic operating modes, enabling the direct replacement of a VL1100. Philips VL1100 LED
to include text, graphics and video with live web feeds and IPTV content. They also come with Sony’s Meeting Room App installed as an information-sharing solution. For those looking for a new desktop projector, Sony has just replaced its existing D-series projectors with four new models: the VPL-DX221, VPL-DX241, VPLDX271 and VPL-DW241. These reportedly offer higher brightness, better contrast ratio and longer lamp life than their predecessors,
and include BrightEra technology for brighter visuals, Vivid Mode for higher contrast images and Auto Start for when an HDMI or VGA signal is detected. As well as the 4K displays and projectors, Sony has also launched a new collaboration solution in the form of Vision Exchange, aiming it at teaching and meeting spaces. Supporting Bring Your Own Device, the solution simulates lectures and presentations by connecting participant devices with the main collaboration system unit – PEQ-C1002 or PEQ-C1303. Up to six devices can be connected depending on the network connectivity strength. The PEQ-C1002 houses two HDMI inputs and the PEQ-C1303 four HDMI inputs. Additional licences can also be purchased that enable streaming output, remote communication and active learning functionality.
Grass Valley takes the hassle out of tracking GLASS VALLEY is claiming to have launched the world’s first broadcast camera with integrated camera tracking capabilities. The product is the result of a partnership between the Belden brand and AR and VR technology manufacturer Mo-Sys Engineering. The solution pairs Grass Valley’s LDX Series Cameras with Mo-Sys’ StarTracker tracking technology to produce a ‘fully-optimised’ setup that reduces the complexity of setting up by removing the need for bolt-ons and additional cables. As an all-in-one solution, the manufacturers also claim
Sony moves FWD
The FWD-49BZ30E SONY’S NEW 4K LED displays are designed to offer uniformity for customers seeking an ultra-highdefinition signage management solution. The FWD-65BZ40E, FWD55BZ40E, FWD-65BZ35E, FWD55BZ35E, FWD-55BZ30E and FWD-49BZ30E are all described as simple to use and cost-effective for those on a budget. Supporting 4K HDR, the new FWD displays are equipped with the manufacturer’s 4K HDR Processor X1 that facilitates object-based HDR remastering and Super Bit Mapping 4K HDR. Sony states that they offer a wider palette of mapping colours due to the included Triluminos display, while X-tended Dynamic Range Pro
The VPL-DX241 technology is designed to make darker areas on screen darker and brighter scenes brighter. The UI is designed for easy navigation and allows for the creation, scheduling, monitoring, control and management of content remotely via an online server. The displays also support HTML5 which allows users
82 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Sony’s Vision Exchange collaboration solution
the product weighs less, making it applicable for SteadyCam and handheld applications. The StarTracker system works by identifying retroreflective stickers (stars) that are randomly applied to studio ceilings or lighting grids, providing freedom of movement while ensuring accurate realtime position, rotation and lens data. Grass Valley’s LDX 82/86/86N Series cameras have been adapted to include the StarTracker system. The cameras, combined with Grass Valley’s XF Transmission, provide power and synchronization internally to the StarTracker system. The camera tracking data goes directly into the XCU in the control room via the camera’s hybrid fibre cable. From there, it can be interfaced over IP to a virtual studio system.
1200W RMS
•OLED • OLED DSP Interface • On-board 5 channel mixer •On-board • Bluetooth® built-in audio receiver •Bluetooth® • Digital steering presets •Digital • 3 input channel modes (mic/instr/line) •3
•Waterproof • Waterproof cover for the sub •Bag • Bag for the two tops •D35mm • D35mm pole • 2.5m Speakon cable for mono use •2.5m •2x7m • 2x7m Speakon cable for stereo use
WyreStorm gets modular with HDBaseT and 4K WYRESTORM’S LATEST HDBaseT solution, the H2C Series, has been designed for A/V projects requiring multi-source and multi-zone distribution of the latest HDCP 2.2 4K UHD with HDR, as well as multi-source audio matrix switching. Integrators can choose from a 6-way (MX-0606-HDBT-H2C) or 8-way (MX-0808-HDBT-H2C) PoH-ready matrix chassis built by WyreStorm to a customer’s specification with a selection of PoH transmission cards to meet the needs of a project. Each card offers distinct video, audio and transmission capabilities including HDBaseT Class A transmission with mirrored HDMI output, HDBaseT Class A
MX-0808-HDBT-H2C transmission with S/PDIF ARC output, HDBaseT Class A transmission with line-level audio breakout and HDBaseT Class B transmission without Ethernet. Additional features in the H2C
Series include SmartEDID to remove conflicts when mixing 1080p and 4K screens by dynamically reacting to source changes and outputting the highest resolution compatible with connected displays. H2C models
also include an embedded WebUI for setup and configuration and control via IR, RS-232 and IP Telnet with support for third-party control systems. Similar to the H2C series, Wyrestorm has also launched the H2X series for larger installs, available in 10x10 and 16x16 formats. The H2X combines management of the latest 4K UHD with HDR and legacy video formats, including SmartTV functions and audio-on-demand products, while the integrated audio matrix with DSP routes up to 30 (MX-1010-HDBTH2X) and 48 (MX-1616-HDBT-H2X) separate audio signals, including ARC, HDMI de-embed from video
and separate line-level audio only sources. Transmission card options include the TX-H2X-HDBT to add an HDBT input for remote source connection, while the TX-H2X-VDZ and TX-H2XADZ cards enable video and audio zone expansion respectively to allow a dealer to skew the number of A/V inputs and outputs to suit the project. A more commercially focused TX-H2X-SDI card features an SDI input for sources, HDBT output with mirrored HDMI out and includes balanced audio for sending support for balanced audio sources to audio zones.
Atlona targets HDR applications ATLONA IS focusing on commercial integrations that require High Dynamic Range (HDR) content with a pair of releases. The AT-HDR-M2C converts multichannel audio from 4K and HDR sources to digital and analogue stereo outputs, while the HDRH2H-44M 4x4 HDMI matrix switcher offers support for 4K/ UHD and HDR distribution between sources and destinations. Starting with the audio converter, the AT-HDR-M2C delivers stereo downmixed audio over HDMI, analogue unbalanced audio and Toslink digital audio outputs. It also simultaneously passes through the HDMI input with no downmixing. The unit is compatible with HDMI signals up to 4K/UHD at 60Hz with 4:4:4 chroma sampling and supports HDR10 plus other HDR formats. The audio converter is
compatible with HDMI data rates up to 18Gbps and is HDCP 2.2 compliant. According to Atlona, the AT-HDRM2C is compatible with current and emerging 4K/UHD and HDR sources and displays. Added to this, it supports all video resolutions, audio formats – including all Dolby and DTS formats – and colour spaces encompassed in the HDMI 2.0a specification. The converter can also pass metadata for HDR content. The device can reportedly serve both surround sound and 2-channel audio systems from a multi channel audio source and can de-embed HDMI audio with or without being connected to a display or another HDMI destination. Integrated EDID management features and audio volume, bass and treble adjustments can be
controlled through the device’s graphical web interface, thirdparty control systems or the Atlona Management System (AMS) network software platform. AMS enables systems integrators and users to set up, manage and monitor multiple Atlona solutions over a LAN, WAN or VPN. Moving on, the HDR-H2H-44M is a 1U, 4x4 HDMI matrix switcher for HDR formats that has been designed as a routing solution between HDR-capable A/V sources and destinations. Like the audio converter, it is HDCP 2.2 compliant
Atlona’s AT-HDR-M2C audio converter and supports 4K/UHD video at 60Hz with 4:4:4 chroma sampling, as well as HDMI data rates up to 18Gbps. It supports all video resolutions, audio formats and colour space formats encompassed
AT-HDR-H2H-44M 4x4 HDMI matrix switcher
in the HDMI 2.0b specification. The HDR-H2H-44M includes EDID and HDCP management features and can send CEC control independently to each output for controlling individual displays. A Toslink digital audio output is paired with each HDMI output for sending PCM or surround sound audio to an A/V receiver. It can be controlled via Ethernet, RS-232 and IR.
Marshall embraces HDBaseT MARSHALL ELECTRONICS is backing up its membership of the HDBaseT Alliance with three new products that call on the video transport protocol. HDBaseT is a global standard for one cable transmission of uncompressed video up to 4K60, high-definition audio, control and Power over Ethernet up to 100W over a single Cat-7/6a cable at lengths of up to 100m. The CV612HT-4K PTZ camera is based on a 9MP sensor and is housed in a PTZ chassis that offers simultaneous four-axis control of Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Focus. It supports up to 4K (UHD) 3840x2160p, as well as standard HD 1080p/1080i/720p video.
The CV612HT-4K PTZ camera Adjustment settings include white balance, dynamic range, exposure, iris control, gamma, red/blue gain and black level.
84 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
According to the manufacturer, the VAC-HT48-POE-R receiver enables any current system to integrate new devices with HDBaseT into the installation. Over a Cat-7/6a cable, connected HDBaseT devices are supplied with 48V PoE and RS-232/RS-485 control with incoming audio/video converted to HDMI 1.4 output. The product will receive uncompressed 4K60 (4:2:0 8-bit), 4K30 (4:4:4 8-bit) and Full-HD up to 1080p video from up to 100m. The final HDBaseT release is the VAC-HT12-KIT HDMI over HDBaseT extender kit. This will reportedly convert any HDMI device into a single cable solution. Consisting of two main components, the VAC-
HT12-R Receiver and VAC-HT12-T Transmitter, the VAC-HT12-KIT will supply any HDMI device with 48V PoE and RS-485/232 control, and will transmit uncompressed audio/ video from over 100m away. Away from HDBaseT, the American manufacturer has also unveiled an IP67 lipstick camera. The CV225 calls on a ⅟₃-inch, high-speed 2.5MP sensor to deliver 2,476,296 pixels of video through a single, fullsized 3G/HD-SDI (BNC) output in 1920x1080i, 1920x1080p and 1280x720p resolutions at 60/59.94/50/30/29.97/25fps. New proprietary pixel technology enables the CV225 to produce what the manufacturer describes
as ‘the lowest noise ratio on the market today’. The IP67-rated weatherproof design can withstand dust, sand or full submersion up to 1m for 30 minutes. The 3m breakout cable allows for remote control and adjustment via Sony Visca over an RS-485 twisted-pair wire, and is compatible with the Marshall CV-RCP-100 Touchscreen RCP Unit using a 3-pin XLR cable. The CV225 is offered in two models, depending on region of use. The CV225-M supports 50/60/25/30fps, while the CV225-MB supports 59.94/29.97fps for use in the US.
30 HDL 30-A
• 2200W Peak Power • 137 dB Max SPL • 100° x 15° Coverage • 1.4” Titanium Compression Driver, 4.0” v.c. • 2 x 10” Neodymium Woofers, 2.5” v.c. • Exclusive FiRPHASE technology • RDNet remote Control and Management • Only 25 kg (51.12 lbs) The HDL 30-A is the first line array in a composite cabinet with zero-degree phase and ultra-linear amplitude response. A compact biamped two-way active touring system for medium to large events embedding RDNet for real-time remote control and monitoring of all the components. It features a symmetrical design, with state of the art transducers: two 10-inch woofers and an impressive 4-inch voice coil titanium compression driver on a 4 PATH waveguide, for a consistent coverage throughout the space.
ZEEL looks up Broadcast Pix expands production switchers Avid’s customer community to the cloud steers the course AS A result of the release of JVC’s KY-PZ100 PTZ network video production cameras, Broadcast Pix has expanded the robotic camera WORLD: has unveiled the control in Avid its integrated production findings from the inaugural switchers through serial andAvid IP Customer Association (ACA)can Vote. connections. Each system More than control 6,500 members of the reportedly pan, tilt, zoom, ACA from 4,000 focus, iris,approximately gain and preset recall for organisations spanning 109 up to 12 cameras. countries partmanufacturer, in the voting Accordingtook to the process to inform Avid’s future the cameras can be controlled plans the in regards technology using joysticktoon any Broadcast trends suchpanel. as cloud computing/ Pix control PixButtons, the virtualisation, IP networking company’s patented control buttons with LED displays, provide access to up to 100 preset positions to set the speed and range of PTZ camera movements. The cameras can also be controlled via touchscreen using
was the most popular response at 36.6%, with new high-bandwidth productions such as UHD (28.8%) and format-agnostic workflows (16.3%) also proving popular. The popularity of high-resolution formats was also proven, with 64.4% claiming that they expect their organisation to adopt 4K/ UHD within the next two years. As for delivery of 4K/UHD content,
one might consider the mediums to still be a work in progress. This is because in spite of 58.4% claiming that VR/AR is important to their strategic growth plan, 82.3% answered that they were unsure of which model to follow and 63% stated that they have no current plans to implement VR/AR in the next three years. The most appealing applications
the BPview adjustable multi-view and the Commander browser-based interface on a computer or mobile device. Using PoE technology, a
single cable powers the KY-PZ100 and delivers IP video and control to a Flint, Roadie or the company’s BPswitch system.
More advanced camera control and content delivery, 4K/ 50.7% view OTT/internet delivery as UHD in mainstream broadcast, the most prevalent, with terrestrial multiplatform content delivery, and broadcast only accounting for HAVING ENJOYED success RCCP-1A includes alltheatrical/ of the virtual/augmented reality. with 9.9%, lagging behind its RCCP-1 camera features of its older sibling, allowing The ACAremote is four years oldcontrol with venue viewing (21.6%) and satellite panel, built upon users access to menu controls for moreTelemetrics than 17,000has members or cable delivery (13.6%). Storage the system’s the broadcast without the globally anddesign run bywith a dedicated capacity iscameras viewed as the largest RCCP-1A, more ‘advanced’ need for dedicated control group ofoffering renowned media obstacle to adoptingcamera 4K (31.6%), features. hasvote been developed units or external paint leaders.ItThe revealed that followed closely by theboxes. cost ofIn with larger broadcast studios and addition, provides more camera 71.1% of media professionals upgradingit (30.5%). production facilities in mind. storage and dynamic camera are considering transitioning Most revealed that they create part of their infrastructure or content for multiple platforms workflow to the cloud within the (73.3%), while only 32.3% said next two years and that 4.8% are that they use a single online video thinking of moving their entire platform for social media content infrastructure and workflow to it. distribution. The driving factors While demonstrating the desire of behind investing in multiplatform many for hybrid cloud deployment content production were the ability models, the vote also highlighted to reach new audiences and that hybrid approaches are maximising audience engagement preferred for the transition to IP, as at a very tight 37.8% and 37.7%, 50.9% are considering hybrid SDI/ respectively. The majority of IP connectivity for new investments professionals (67.7%) stated that and 26.6% are looking into IP-only they used social media online video connectivity. When asked about the platforms. reasons for considering a move to Interpreting the results for IP video/audio, dynamic scalability augmented and virtual reality, The RCCP-1A offers more advanced features
of VR/AR are considered to be entertainment (23.1%), live events (21.2%), gaming (20%) and film moves, as as length unifiedfor remote (19.4%). Thewell ideal VR/AR control of camera and programming is 15 robotics to 30 minutes camera shading and a boost in (29.4%). power for Vote the playback of acomplex ‘The ACA represents new key framed moves.participation Interactive timing phase of customer in control also direction, offers variable speed Avid’s future building on playback of key framed moves. The the deep community partnership manufacturer has also included its with our customers and users,’ advanced auto-sensing technology said Avid president, Jeff Rosica. to keep talent centrally framed ‘The results of the ACA Vote will by automatically tracking them. directly influence innovations theMediaCentral entry-level end of the forAtthe Platform, spectrum thethe RCCP-M camera and ensureisthat ongoing control unit. of This been development ourhas comprehensive designed for non-technical tools and workflow solutions staff and budget-conscious productions, for media creation, distribution such as at a house of worship. and optimisation continue to With a 10.4-inch touchscreen, support what is most important is built with pan, and zoom toit our customers andtilt their speed control knobs, in addition to creative, technical and business a large focus knob. RCCP-M also requirements.’ possesses advanced auto-sensing technology and provides the option for upgrading to more advanced control later on.
Meanwhile, Broadcast Pix has added NewBlueNTX to its BPswitch family of integrated production switchers. As a built-in, multilayer 3D motion graphics engine, NewBlueNTX produces resolution independent 3D text and graphics, as well as motion graphics animations. According to the company, NewBlueNTX includes hundreds of title styles and templates for lowerthirds, scoreboards, main titles, crawls, rolls and bugs, as well as built-in motion graphic animation presets to create and update complex effects. Graphics can be selected and edited through BPswitch, and the file name appears on the PixButtons control panel. Graphics can be shared Amitabh Kumar, head of broadcasting for Zee Network
INDIA: Imagine Communications has delivered a compact, cloudnative disaster recovery (DR) solution to ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL), a media and entertainment company based in Mumbai. Rather than building and maintaining duplicate facilities, ZEEL has turned to Imagine Communications to The RCCP-M provide improved protection of Telemetrics has also added to its line of robotic servo-controlled pan/ tilt camera support systems with the PT-HP-S5 servo pan/tilt head. Joining the PT-LP-S5 in the S5 camera control catalogue, the PT-HP-S5 Imagine Communications’ Versio is aimed at smaller productions with limited budgets that require its operations against natural different POP shots. It can reportedly disasters. accommodate any box-style camera ZEEL willupuse Imagine and lens to 18kg and is fully 4K Communications’ Versio playout ready with embedded fibre-optic solution and the company’s connections. Also newautomation is the Televator EP7 Series D-Series solution to elevating pedestal, in three supports its 15 ZEEavailable channels modelsaofvirtual differing sizes: the across platform thatEP7-
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across live or postproduction platforms through the BPnet cloudmirrors the company’s main site. based video workflow service, Any changes to thethrough main system which is accessible are immediately transferred to the BPswitch. DR system in also the cloud. NewBlueNTX works with the ‘ImaginePix Communications’ Broadcast Rapid CG option, cloud-native business continuity which automatically updates onsolution helps to ensure that our screen graphics from databases, live channelssocial nevermedia go offand the RSS scoreboards, air, noNew matter theCG unforeseen feeds. Rapid features for circumstances we may face during BPswitch and NewBlueNTX include the day-to-day runningfor ofeach our multi-layered playback facility’, as said Amitabh channel, well as the Kumar, ability tohead of broadcasting for playback Zee Network, trigger multi-layered using the parent company of ZEEL. ‘The Action Buttons, plus Adobe After virtualised nature of the solution Effects project import, multi-lingual has already to realise support and aallowed secondZEEL licence for savings on rack space and power the software. consumption. In addition, the installation’s remote management capabilities help us to reduce resources at the DR site, keeping our opex low.’ ‘ZEEL enjoys a long history with Imagine Communications’, added Brick Eksten, chief product officer, Imagine Communications. ‘It is no surprise that ZEEL is one of the first media companies operating in the Indian subcontinent to recognise the cost and efficiency benefits of cloud-native solutions.’
600, EP7-700 and EP7-1000. With minimum heights of 680mm, 780mm and 1,080mm, they extend to heights of 1,462.22mm, 1,760.95mm and 2,660.95mm, respectively. The final new offering from the American manufacturer is the TeleGlide T4 camera track system that accommodates curve tracking. It is servo-controlled, can be preset with repeatable motion functionality, and can be purchased with custom length track and cable management systems. Imagine Communications Versio interface
Users drive Wysiwyg enhancements CAST SOFTWARE is crediting direct user feedback and its beta testing programme for the round of improvements that form the backbone of Wysiwyg Lighting Design Software Release 39. The manufacturer describes the release as providing ‘improved security’ and ‘a rich new feature set for every Wysiwyg mode’. The manufacturer lists six key features as particular highlights of the release. Panorama 360° image export means users can now export 360° spherical images of their design. With the help of VR goggles, users can then step inside their virtual design and experience it first-hand. Alpha beam shadows is the manufacturer’s attempt to get closer to reality. This feature considers the colour and Alpha percentage in the textures and alters the beam’s colour and intensity as it passes through the surface. Library’s insertion points has been created to allow users to select from different insertion points when adding a Library item into a drawing. The manufacturer believes that this will help place an object correctly and avoid having to re-position it. Staying in the Library, the manufacturer has greatly increased its contents with R39. The release
A return to the blackboard with ClickShare NEW V1.2 firmware for Barco’s CSE-800 base units has added blackboarding and annotation capability. This means that users can now discuss presented content while making annotations and notes.
offers 220 new fixtures as well as new accessories, gels, gobos and many old fixture corrections and updates. The company has also translated its user interface into new languages to help more users get to grips with the package in their native tongue. Finally, Cast has made AutoCAD importing improvements. This has been designed to resolve any issues experienced when importing very large DWG/DXF files. Alpha beam shadows aims to add more realism
No turning back. Time to ride high on the successful synchrony of sight and sound. Lucky for you, that's what we do — enhance the user experience with cuttingunrivaled audio innovation. Our cutting edge communication technology leaves no
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doubt, headlining exceptional sound,
rock-solid reliability and ease of integration in an array of live-event applications.
With real-time audio via Wi-Fi, digital, FM, infrared and induction loop, we spin a seamless, more inclusive listening experience for all. So, run, jump, head
bang and knee slide. Cuz no matter where the music takes you, every fan will be right there with you. CSE-800
BOOTH 2102 | Inter BEE 2017
Additional improvements include extended desktop functionality for Windows 7, 8 and 10, improved security, automatic update functionality and auto-discovery with the Collaboration Management Suite.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 87
GLP offers the best of the old and the new GLP HAS designed its new JDC1 lighting fixture to offer complete versatility as it combines a traditional single tube element that delivers clear, bright white output with a full face of 1,440 RGB LEDs. Independent control of the single tube and LED elements is provided, meaning that fixtures can be operated individually or work together to create a wide range of effects. The tube and full face sections are both reportedly able to run continuously to deliver high output blinder and wash light effects without reducing output or suffering thermal cut-outs. The manufacturer states that the combined solution can also operate as a ‘powerful strobe light’. Also new from GLP is the impression S350. Targeting the mid-range market, the fixture
The JDC1 combines a traditional single tube element with LEDs
Elation goes indoors and out ELATION PROFESSIONAL’S Proteus line has gained a new addition in the form of the Proteus Hybrid. As the name implies, the unit is capable of 3-in-1 operation as either a spot, beam or wash, and can also be deployed outdoors as a result of its IP65 certification. It also makes use of Philips’ new 21R 470W lamp and can zoom from 3.0° to 40° in spot mode, 2.0° to 30° in beam mode, and 8.0° to 55° in wash mode. The beam can be manipulated via 8-facet and 6-way linear rotating prisms. Colour design features include full CMY mixing plus CTO mixing for
has been developed for near silent operation and with a ‘highly efficient optical system’. With a white LED engine as its foundation, impression S350 is described as ‘producing bright clarity in the projected beam’ and as facilitating smooth dimming and even field distribution, while its output is claimed to be ‘brighter than typical 700W discharge lamp sources’.
Fuze Par Z175
greater temperature control. A 14-slot dichroic colour wheel further extends colour choice, while eight rotating replaceable gobos and 14 static-fixed gobos provide for a range of graphic effects. A year after the initial launch of the American manufacturer’s Fuze series, Elation has added a new wash and a new PAR fixture. The Fuze Wash 575, that the manufacturer says has been optimised for the exhibit market, houses use a high-output 350W Cool White/Daylight COB LED engine with a colour temperature of 6,800K and a high CRI of 95. It reportedly excels at maintaining an even distribution and an even colour temperature across a surface, with a smooth, soft wash and consistent light quality. Additional features include 11° to 40° beam control and 16-bit pan and tilt. The Fuze PAR Z175, on the other hand, is described as a full-colour LED PAR light designed for use in all types of stage applications. It houses a 175W RGBW COB LED engine with single-source colour
Proteus Hybrid mixing for fully premixed looks. It reportedly achieves 15,026 LUX at 2m when used full on an 8° beam angle, while max power consumption is just 200W. Elation also claims that the fixture is ‘remarkably quiet in operation’.
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19/10/2017 16:41
The TheElements Elementsfamily family
Uplighting in its Element ADJ’S ADJ’SELEMENT ELEMENTseries seriesof ofbatterybatterypowered, powered,wireless, wireless,DMX-enabled DMX-enabledPAR PAR fixtures fixtureshas hasbeen beenspecifically specificallydesigned designed for foruplighting. uplighting.The Thekey keydifferences differences ininthe thefour-member four-memberfamily familyrevolve revolve around aroundthe thetype typeof oflight lightsource sourcethe the unit unitoffers offersand andits itsweather weatherresistance. resistance. Starting Startingwith withthe thesimilarities, similarities,all allfour four members membersof ofthe thefamily familyhave havebeen been fitted fittedwith withwireless wirelessDMX DMXreceivers receivers that thatuse usethe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sWiFLY WiFLY EXR EXRtechnology. technology.This Thismeans meansthat thatthey they are arecapable capableof ofreceiving receivingaawireless wireless control controlsignal signalfrom fromaacompatible compatible controller controlleror ortransceiver transceiverfrom fromup up to to700m. 700m.InInaddition additionto toDMX, DMX,the the units unitscan canbe becontrolled controlledwirelessly wirelessly via viainfrared infraredusing usingeither eitherADJ’s ADJ’sUC-IR UC-IR remote remoteor oran anAirstream AirstreamIR IRiPad/ iPad/ iPhone iPhonecontrol controlsystem. system.They Theycan canalso also run runininstandalone standalonemode, mode,with withaa4-digit 4-digit LED LEDdisplay displayproviding providingaamenu-driven menu-driven interface interfacegiving givingaccess accessto topreset preset colour colourmacros, macros,automatic automaticcolour colour change changeand andfade fadepatterns, patterns,as aswell wellas as full fullcolour colourmixing. mixing. Every Everyfixture fixtureininthe therange rangealso also boasts boastsaalithium lithiumion ionbattery batterythat that reportedly reportedlyallows allows11 11hours hoursof of continuous continuousillumination illuminationof ofaasingle single colour colourbetween betweenthe the4.5-hour 4.5-hourcharges. charges.
Powerinput inputand andoutput outputsockets sockets––inin Power theform formof ofIEC IECconnections connections––are are the locatedon onthe thebase baseof ofthe theunit unitand and located canbe beused usedto toconnect connecttogether together can multiplefixtures fixturesfor forcharging, charging,or orfor for multiple mains-poweredoperation. operation.XLR XLRinput input mains-powered andoutput outputsockets socketsare arealso alsoincluded included and toallow allowthe thefixtures fixturesto tobe beused usedas as to partof ofaatraditional traditionalcabled cabledDMX DMX part system. system. TheElement ElementQA QAincorporates incorporatessix six5W 5W The four-in-oneRGBA RGBA(Red, (Red,Green, Green,Blue Blue four-in-one andAmber) Amber)LEDs LEDsand andoffers offersaabeam beam and angleof of14°. 14°.The TheElement ElementQAIP QAIPcalls calls angle onthe thesame samelight lightsource sourceas asthe theQA, QA, on butadds addsan anIP54-rated IP54-ratedweatherproof weatherproof but casing.Changing Changingthe thelight lightsource, source, casing. theElement ElementHEX HEXfeatures featuresfour four10W 10W the RGBAW+UV(Red, (Red,Green, Green,Blue, Blue,Amber, Amber, RGBAW+UV White++UV) UV)LEDs LEDsand andoffers offersaawider wider White 20°beam beamangle. angle.Again, Again,the theElement Element 20° HEXIPadds addsan anIP54-rated IP54-ratedenclosure enclosure HEXIP foroutdoor outdooruse. use. for The2.9kg, 2.9kg,140mm 140mmxx140mm 140mmxx The 190.5mm(LxWxH) (LxWxH)lights lightsfeature featurean an 190.5mm integralcarry carryhandle handleand andin-built in-builtfeet, feet, integral aswell wellas asaabuilt-in built-inkickstand kickstandthat that as allowsthe thebeam beamto tobe beangled angledtowards towards allows wallififrequired. required. aawall
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Rosco projects from afar
The TheRosco RoscoImage ImageSpot Spot ROSCO ROSCOIS ISdipping dippingits itstoe toeinto intothe the world worldof ofLED LEDgobo goboprojectors projectorswith with the thedebut debutof ofthe theImage ImageSpot, Spot,the thefirst first release releaseof ofits itsnew newprojection projectionproduct product line. line.The Thefixture fixtureisisstated statedto tobe becapable capable of ofprojecting projectingimages imageswith withgreat greatenergy energy efficiency efficiencyover overwhat whatthe themanufacturer manufacturer
callsaa‘throw ‘throwthat thatisisnothing nothingshort short calls ofsuperior’. superior’.The Theunit unititself itselfhouses housesaa of 40WLED LEDarray arraywith withthe theoption optionof of19°, 19°, 40W 25°and and30° 30°beam beamoptics optics––making making 25° suitablefor foruse useininretail retailoutlets, outlets, ititsuitable museums,theme themeparks parksand and museums, otherhospitality hospitalityvenues. venues.Both Both other indoorIP40 IP40and andoutdoor outdoor indoor IP65variants variantsare areavailable. available. IP65 Theunit unitisisalso alsocapable capable The ofsilent silentoperation operationdue dueto to of itspassive passivefan-free fan-freecooling cooling its system,while whileaavariety varietyof of system, accessoriesare areavailable available accessories foradditional additionalbeam beamshaping shapingand and for colourcontrol. control.The Thefixture fixturehouses houses colour on-boarddimming dimmingcontrols controlsas aswell wellas as on-board DMX512compatibility compatibilityfor forboth boththe the DMX512 indoor-and andoutdoor-rated outdoor-ratedmodels. models. indoor-
It’s that easy: 1. Rig the electronically steerable line array straight – safely and quickly. 2. Adjust its vertical beam dispersion using just one piece of software – intuitively, in real time, in precise 0.1° steps – and enjoy extremely even sound distribution. 3. If necessary: Adjust the beam for changing sound reinforcement situations. Experience Focus Venue live - the Beam Steering system for large halls, stadia, and open-air events! Just register for a no-obligation Autumn product demonstration: +49 7022 93323-0 or
November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 89 89 Adaption schnell.indd 1
25.10.17 10:32
Avolites feels the beat
Robe MegaPointe
Robe goes Mega ROBE HAS significantly boosted the output and CRI in the latest addition to its Pointe series, aptly naming the fixture the MegaPointe. It’s described by the Czech manufacturer as a multi-functional moving head that uses a 470W short-arc light source said to produce ‘phenomenally bright parallel beams, incredible spot gobo projections, super-quick movement and smooth CMY colour mixing’. The fixture weighs 22kg, has a lumen output of 20.375 and a CRI of over 80, while offering zoom ranges from 1.8° to 21° in Beam mode and 3° to 42° in Spot mode. Additionally, the effects engine has been pre-loaded with 12 rotatable and indexable beam and flower effects that can be enhanced using the beam shaper to create framing shutter effects and rectangular shapes. The ‘light’ and ‘medium’ frost filters can also be combined with colours from the CMY mixing system to produce wash-style coverage. A static 14-slot plus open gobo wheel with glass gobos has been fitted for surface projections and in-air effects, while a second wheel contains nine rotating, indexable and replaceable gobos. These can be combined with a variable speed, bi-directional animation wheel that can be used in conjunction with any of the gobos or on their own. The fixture incorporates a remote adjustable hot-spot control that can influence the appearance of the light source, as well as pre-programmable ‘random’ strobe and pulse effects.
MATCHING THE tempo is a key component at the heart of two software updates for Avolites. The British manufacturer’s Ai v10 and Titan v10.1 offer BPM Sync and BPM Master, respectively. Alongside BPM Sync, which is targeted at users who perform to music, the Ai v10 upgrade includes a real-time effects generator, Notch, and video sharing feature, Spout. A further addition is projection mapping tool, MeshWarp, which is a combination of Projective Keystone and Grid Warp. The feature reportedly enables users to warp their content to match projection surfaces and joins the likes of auto map and auto blend as part of the manufacturer’s mapping toolkit. A final addition to the software is Timeline. According to Avolites, this provides precise control of video in a timecode environment, whilst still allowing live control simultaneously. Moving on to Titan v10.1, the manufacturer promises ‘significant new functionality as well as many fixes and improvements’. The
Titan v10.1 is available as a free download aforementioned BPM Master reportedly ensures all chases and effects attached to them remain not only at the same tempo, but also in synchronisation with the beat and each other. Effects, including key frame shapes, can now be assigned a number of beats per cycle. In addition, effects can now also be linked
to the group used to make them. In this way, when the number of fixtures in a rig changes, the original group can be updated and the effect will then run with all the fixtures in that group. A further feature of the Titan v10.1 release, Scene Master mode introduces what is described as ‘a new and more
refined way to use the console live’ and expands the capability of the manufacturer’s live palette time feature. The mode allows multiple palettes, playbacks and time information to be executed together, with either a fader or a chosen fade time.
Butterfly soars twice PR LIGHTING released its Butterfly moving head earlier this year to much acclaim. Not content to rest on its laurels though, the Chinese manufacturer has already built upon its original design by adding five individual RGBW beams with tilt control to create a flapping butterfly effect. The result is Butterfly II. The fixture houses 11 LED engines that can be controlled individually or in groups. Meanwhile, five white LED clusters,
Butterfly II
90 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
which can also be controlled together or independently, produce a white blinder strobe or random strobing effect. The unit offers 540° pan and 270° tilt with the ability to spin its head a full 360°. The outer LEDs are also able to tilt 180°. An LCD touchscreen and WDMX control make up the user interface. In total, Butterfly II features six 40W Osram LEDs and 15 1W LEDs that are reportedly capable of running for 50,000 hours. Its colour temperature is between 2,700K and 10,000K, while power consumption is 600W and it weighs in at 23kg. The XR 330 Beam and XR 250 Beam also have sequels in the form of the XR 330 Beam II, equipped with the Osram Sirius HRI 330W lamp, and the XR 250 Beam II, which includes a Philips MSD Platinum 11R 250W lamp that emits a laserlike parallel beam. Each features head movement of 540° (pan) and 270° (tilt), as well
25fps, 100% linearly adjustable dimmer, RGBW colour mixing with Macro, pan movement of 720°, 360° or endless rotation, 270° or endless tilt rotation and a beam angle of 7° with a field angle of 13°. Also featured is pixel control, touch keys, an LCD display, adjustable brightness and contrast, and a lamp and projector usage time display. Wireless control can be optionally added.
XR 330 Beam II as auto position correction and a 3° light angle. Other features include a colour wheel with 13 colours, a fixed gobo wheel with 16 gobos, a rotating gobo wheel with 12 gobos, electronic strobe (0.3 to 20fps), dimmer (0% to 100%, linearly adjustable) and motorised linear focus and zoom functionality. Also new is the XLED 4007 Beam, which is formed from seven 40W RGBW 4-in-1 LEDs that offer independent colour control. The fixture provides myriad options, including electronic strobe of 0 to
XLED 4007 Beam
ETC unlocks its full potential ETC HAS supposedly unlocked the full potential of its console hardware with the latest Eos software by ending the practice of incremental upgrades. Rather than purchasing a base-level model and choosing from a range of output upgrades, the desk will now be available in two formats: base level or unlocked. If a user wishes to increase a baselevel console’s potential, it’s now a one-time only upgrade to unlock everything. For existing users that have already purchased output upgrades, the manufacturer states
Inspire XT
A big inspiration CHROMA-Q HAS gone and doubled the brightness of its popular Inspire architectural lighting fixture with the release of Inspire XT. Now capable of outputting 9,500 lumens, the Inspire XT also offers other Inspire range features, such as a fully homogenised beam, theatrical grade DMX dimming and convection cooling. The fixture is reportedly capable of reproducing whites, soft pastels and bold saturates via its RGBW colour mixing that also provides a CRI of up to 90. DMX-512 control also enables individual fixture control and pixel mapping to create colour effects and warm amber looks. Furthermore, the fixture is described as being low maintenance and capable of delivering more than 50,000 hours of operation. Flicker-free operation also means that HD cameras can be used without issue. All versions of Chroma-Q’s Inspire fixtures are available with a range of optional accessories for mounting and beam control.
that upon installation of v2.6, any upgraded desk will be expanded to its full potential, even if they had only been partially upgraded beforehand. In terms of new features, the software allows advanced Element users to take advantage of multiuser control, partitioned control, virtual media server functions, full display controls, new timing options, filters, presets, highlight functions and more. Furthermore, a show programmed on an Ion or larger desk can now be ‘more
seamlessly’ transferred to a venue with an Element desk. The software update also adds new display and playback features for all Eos family consoles. Users working in the live table view can now bring up part structures, output level, playback sources or the DMX map via a single button press. Manual timing masters aid live playback options, while the ability to assign Macros to playback buttons adds playback flexibility. Eos v2.6 is here
Turning Up the Quality of Audience Listening Experiences See the full range of Audio technology and solutions at ISE 2018
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 91
The sound team for the evening gala
Building BRICS
Taiden provided translation for the various meetings
Cadac consoles were used in different conference rooms
Taiden HCS-5100Rs covered the opening ceremony of BRICS Business Forum
The Chinese city of Xiamen hosted this year’s BRICS Summit, with Taiden conference systems ensuring seamless content transmission. Sue Su reports THE NINTH BRICS SUMMIT WAS HELD IN EARLY SEPTEMBER 2017 in Xiamen. The three-day summit was attended by leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa across its two venues: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center and the adjacent Xiamen International Conference Center. Xiamen International Conference Center includes two main conference halls: the State Banquet Hall and Strait Hall, where press conferences were held, as well as other smaller halls. The venue was newly renovated and upgraded for the summit. In order to deliver the content for such an international conference and realise seamless communication between different languages, a conference system with interpretation functionality played a key role. Thanks to prior experience at many important conferences, including Beijing APEC in 2014 and Hangzhou G20 in 2016, Shenzhen Taiden again took responsibility for delivering a solution. This consisted of more than 4,000 Taiden HCS-5100R digital infrared receivers and more than 400 HCS-4100 main conference units, together with 136 HCS-8385 64-channel simultaneous interpreter units. The first day began with an opening ceremony for the BRICS Business Forum at the Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center. A total of 1,400 Taiden HCS-5100R receivers served 1,200 attendees, and interpreters used the HCS-8385 units to deliver the conference content in four languanges. The following morning, a plenary session of BRICS Xiamen Summit was held in the Xiamen International Conference Center, featuring the BRICS Leaders’ Xiamen Declaration, which called upon all nations to adopt a comprehensive approach in combatting terrorism. Many other conferences and meetings were held on this day and HCS-4100 conference interpretation units played a key role in facilitating communication. Twenty-two temporary rooms installed with HCS-8385 interpretation units were set up for this purpose. Taiden took comprehensive measures to ensure zero errors throughout the event. ‘Such high-end conferences have very high requirements for backup and no problems are allowed to happen,’ says Tan Lin, product manager at Taiden. ‘We put triple or even quadruple backup systems in place. And because the console in the State Banquet Hall was far from the sub-
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Taiden HCS-8385s at the summit control room, we needed to use fibre to make the transmission. We developed a dual fibre transmission connection specifically for this project. Even if there was a failure, attendees wouldn’t notice it as the system had already handled it internally.’ In the State Banquet Hall, a total of 18 Kling & Freitag Sequenza 10 line arrays were flown on the left and right sides of the stage as the main sound system. Additionally, 24 K&F Gravis 12+ W were hung on the ceiling as fills for the stage and the audience. All speakers were powered by K&F D80:4s. Strait Hall is a multi-functional hall configured as a theatre. Here, a total of 37 Sequenza 10 line array speakers were hidden in the room décor to form an L-C-R system that was also driven by D80:4 amplifiers. The other halls used different speaker brands including K&F, Meyer Sound and Renkus-Heinz. All the halls have sub-control rooms, but because conferences were not all held in the same hall, all the audio signals were required to be sent to the venue’s central control room, from where they were distributed to the halls. A Cadac CDC six was used in the central control room as a tool for audio conversion, forming an audio networking connection by being linked to all other consoles. To facilitate signal distribution, QSC Q-Sys was used to collect signals from all the halls to the central control room, from there transferring signals back to the halls. On the second evening of the summit, the Sail to the Future gala was held in the 1,500-capacity Banlam Grand Theatre, which has a 31.1m wide and 23.4m deep stage. The show, which welcomed delegates to the summit, used advanced
stage mechanisms, complicated metal backdrops and a large number of lighting fixtures. There was a 400m2 Glux LED display on the stage and behind that was another stage for the chorus. All this equipment was capable of causing strong interference to the wireless system. This was a sizable concern. Due to the large amount of performers, nearly 300 channels of wireless radio mics were used for the production, 200 of which were via beyerdynamic TG 1000 dual receivers. ‘We used beyerdynamic’s own software to run a frequency sweep after we arrived and found the frequencies were chaos,’ explains Zhuang Wenjia, technical support engineer at beyerdynamic distributor Guangzhou EAD. ‘However, as beyerdynamic has a wide frequency bandwidth, this allowed us to select clean frequencies. We tested and adjusted continuously during the process, as the situation changed every day. New staff and equipment were arriving as the show date drew closer, so we needed to maintain very good communication with other departments.’ The TG 1000 setup consisted of eight WA-ATDA active directional antennas on each side of the stage, with 200 TG 1000 bodypack transmitters worn by orchestra members and another 40 mounted on orchestral instruments with TG L58 clip-on microphones, eight WA-AMP2 signal amplifiers and six WA-ZPAD signal concentrators. The signal ultimately reached 24 TG1000 digital receivers via five WA-AS6 antenna splitters. Wireless systems also included Shure and Sennheiser solutions. DiGiCo’s SD7 was used as the main console and reinforcement was via L-Acoustics and Turbosound systems. The 2017 BRICS Summit achieved a series of agreements and commitments to build on for the next ‘Golden Ten Years’, which seeks to benefit all countries in attendance, and ultimately the entire world. This couldn’t have been accomplished without the crucial partnership of technology and staff behind the scenes, which together helped to deliver the message to the world.
W O R L D ’ S F I R S T O P T I M I S E D L I N E A R R AY S W I T H S C A L A B L E R E S O L U T I O N
A scalable approach to the optimisation of audience coverage and control that delivers better results than standard line array, without the premium. Discover more at
Unite Your Audience The Martin Audio Experience
A bird’s eye view of the auditorium
Curtain call
The left-hand Martin Audio O-Line array
An Australian college for ladies features a new performing arts centre on its Melbourne campus. Richard Lawn visits PLC LOCATED IN THE MELBOURNE SUBURB OF BURWOOD, the Presbyterian Ladies’ College (PLC) recently opened the doors of its newly built performing arts centre. Behind an architecturally stunning facade, the college provides a diverse curriculum to stimulate opportunities for girls up to Year 12, enabling them to participate in theatre and music – both on and off the stage. PLC leaves it to the individual whether they wish to stand in the spotlight or provide make-up and hairstyle expertise or technical support backstage. But with 950 of its 1,250 students enrolled in music or drama, there’s little doubt that the world-class facilities will nurture world-class talent in the coming years.
Mark Hanson outside the PLC performing arts centre
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At the heart of the three-storey building is a 500-seat, multipurpose venue fitted out with Tasmanian oak and Victorian ash wood. An extra 50 seats can be added to the front three rows should the orchestra pit lift be raised to the seating level. Acoustic consultancy Acoustic Studio recommended the services of Hanson Associates to design and implement a bespoke A/V solution that would specifically address the acoustical challenges posed by the multi-purpose music auditorium. The company was appointed in February 2015, with the venue officially completed and opened in May 2017. ‘The school approached us and a traditional consultation process began by which we were engaged to provide a customised A/V solution,’ explains Hanson Associates’ project manager, Mark Thompson. ‘At the outset, we understood that the acoustic performance of the auditorium was unlikely to support a regular point source speaker solution in each of its multi-purpose operating modes. By working closely with Acoustic Studio, the team was able to optimise the performance of the auditorium for music recital. It also employs a combination of variable acoustics and a highly engineered sound system to address the differing acoustic requirements for speech when the auditorium is used for drama performance, assemblies and
A view from the rear of the fixed-frame projection screen
A Panasonic PTZ camera relays SDI video signals for streaming to the network everyday educational activities. Crucially, the school required the changeover between each of the multi-purpose modes to be simple and quick.’ The auditorium is equipped with acoustically absorptive drapes that are deployed behind timber slat feature walls when the reverberation time needs to be decreased for speech-based activities. ‘Versatility was key as the venue would have to support long reverberation notes for music, yet deliver clear, intelligible speech for assemblies, presentations, recitals and dramas,’ continues Mr Thompson. ‘So it needed something quite special.’ Flexibility and ease of use were critical client requirements that were integrated into the video and control systems design. One of those key requirements was venue transformation from a presentation space into a performance venue through full automation. Parameters such as the acoustic drapes, lighting, projectors, video switching, audio and BGM would also need to be configured via a GUI. Cat-6a STP cabling infrastructure was installed to facilitate flexible patching of A/V signals between the auditorium and other classrooms, which can also function as green rooms and overflow spaces. The venue camera and performance relay feeds have been encoded as an IPTV stream and made available for anyone connected to the PLC LAN for remote viewing of performances. Live streaming from the theatre is distributed to latecomer monitors positioned outside the auditorium. Performances captured on a Panasonic PTZ camera and relay
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FEATURES: INSTALLATION microphones are sent to the stage manager and selectively streamed to the back-of-house rooms and overflow spaces. Furthermore, a parallel SDI coaxial feed ensures there is no latency when the system is used as a conductor camera for remote musicians and performers. Located at stage left, a stage manager’s desk is equipped with a Clear-Com MS-702 base station providing communications with operators and back-of-house staff via their headsets. It is also equipped with a paging system allowing announcements to be made over the distributed column and ceiling loudspeakers in the dressing rooms and back-of-house areas. An Extron XTP CrossPoint 1600 matrix switcher provides analogue and digital video distribution and switching throughout the venue, accepting up to 16 inputs and 16 HDMI outputs via standard four twisted-pair Cat cabling. One of the outputs is a lectern confidence monitor. ‘Most modern control systems can provide solutions for what you require. We confidently selected Extron products not just for their technical performance, but also for the excellent support and service that Extron provides in Australia,’ says Mr Thompson. ‘In addition to being cost effective, you have to determine what they can provide to a client over the long term. Having specified their control systems in the past, I had confidence in their product, knowing the client would benefit from a competitive solution that utilises a standards-based programming language, together with the same quality of hardware that Extron is renowned for.’ A Barco DLP projector has been recessed into the rear wall, slightly elevated above the FOH sound and lighting consoles. ‘The recess is designed for side ventilated projector models enabling the depth to be kept to a minimum,’ explains Mr Thompson. ‘Its location above the control position facilitates easy maintenance from a safe working height.’ A fixed-frame projection screen is deployed in front of the proscenium, allowing presenters to host images from their PCs at the lectern via one of the six floor panels that host VGA, audio and HDMI connections.
Hanson Associates’ Mark Hanson and Mark Thompson An orchestra pit can be unveiled in 40 minutes by removing the first three rows of seating once the forestage lift has been remotely lowered. Both the orchestra pit and stage are outfitted with multiple connection points that allow patching into the A/V system. In addition, the Dynalite control system that operates the house lights can also be controlled from the Extron control system. Lighting fixtures mounted onto four lighting bars above the stage are controlled by an ETC Element lighting console located at the FOH position. As well as being optimised for speech, the sound reinforcement system also needed to support amplified bands and theatrical performances. ‘In terms of price performance, the Martin Audio O-Line speaker system is hard to beat for a number of reasons,’ says Mr Thompson. ‘Firstly, it ticks the architect’s box with its aesthetically pleasing compact footprint. Secondly, when actively processed, it provides superior performance over all other similar products in the marketplace. It can achieve exceptionally consistent frequency response across the entire nominated audience area.’ The initial stage of the line array modelling process involved optimising the required array length and the curve of the array using Martin Audio’s Display 2.2 software. ‘We eventually settled on a stereo pair of O-Line line arrays, each comprising 16 actively processed elements,’ explains Mr Thompson. The modelling stage acted as a precursor to the beam shaping optimisation process. ‘Having confirmed the splay angles for each array element, we proceeded to optimise the line array
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The loudspeaker systems are powered by QSC CXD networked amplifiers response for the venue. Martin Audio has surpassed most other actively processed line arrays in the market as the optimisation process allows a designer to also consider surfaces within the venue that you wish to avoid. ‘As electro acoustic consultants, we have a deep understanding of the constraints of products and modelling systems that attempt to predict results. Using this model, we optimised audio coverage of the audience areas while rejecting sound spill onto the stage, ceiling reflector panels and rear wall of the venue. Correlation of the predicted result was validated in an EASE model of the venue. Using this two-step process, we are able to achieve exceptional sound reinforcement in acoustically harsh environments.’ Traditional line array solutions typically create a beam that narrows at higher frequencies. However, the O-Line system provides a broadband contour of the sound radiation from the array when processed, which resulted in 16 unique 1,024-tap FIR filters for the array elements being output. ‘The audio DSP needed to be capable of supporting the heavy processing load imposed by the FIR processing and include the required signal processing for the complete electro acoustic processing,’ adds Mr Thompson. ‘The Q-Sys DSP platform provides all the required processing power in addition to excellent signal processing algorithms and audio routing capabilities.’ Thirty-two channels of loudspeaker feeds were sent to the amplifiers digitally via QSC’s CXD4.2 networked amplifiers, which communicate over the Q-LAN digital audio bus. ‘We succeeded in achieving greater than 12dB of attenuation of audio onto the stage compared with the front row of audience with our actively processed O-Line solution,’ continues Mr Thompson. ‘This meant that we could provide users with a very reliable and stable voice reinforcement system with sufficient headroom. It also avoids any unwanted regenerative acoustic feedback regardless of microphone position.’ As the O-Line arrays control frequencies down to 110Hz, the lower frequency crossover was set in this region. However, subwoofers were required to support music playback, which meant the low frequency spill on stage had to be controlled with cardioid-shaped directivity. For designing and optimising the beam shaping algorithms of the cardioid subwoofers, David Gilfillan at Soundwork provided additional support. Two AQ210 dual 10-inch subwoofers suspended directly behind both the left and right O-Line arrays have been optimised in terms of processing and delays to create the desired customised broadband cardioid response. ‘We undertook a rigorous, yet structured, measurement and optimisation process when designing the processing for the cardioid pattern,’ explains Mr Thompson. ‘Basic theory typically suggests a simple method for creating a cardioid pattern, but this only ever considers one frequency. Our process allowed us to measure the broadband response of our cardioid processing and modify it until we achieved our preferred pattern. We achieved a controlled cardioid pattern for low frequencies right up to our 110Hz crossover with the O-Line system. The results were again fantastic. We achieved excellent low-frequency rejection on the stage and were able to maintain consistent lowfrequency coverage across most listener positions.’ To support audio coverage of the first two rows of seats
regardless of the orchestra pit and forestage lift configuration, groups of eight QSC AD-S8 speakers were recessed into both the lip of the stage and the lip of the forestage lift. Racked in an elevated control room at the rear of the venue, eight QSC CXD4.2Q four-channel amplifiers provide dedicated channels to the 32 O-Line modules. In addition, a CXD4.5Q powers the four AQ210 subwoofers, with two more CXD4.2Qs serving the front-fill speakers. Finally, a CXD4.3Q has been racked for all the paging requirements throughout the building. Completing the rack, a Listen LT800 FM transmitter provides assistive listening for up to 20 headsets. In addition to storing all the audio processing settings and presets of the O-Line loudspeaker system, a QSC Q-Sys Core 500i processor provides audio distribution and venue paging throughout PLC. The reception counter is equipped with a Q-Sys paging station including a push-to-talk gooseneck microphone connected to the Q-LAN network. Audio is distributed according to the function being staged. Channel expansion has been provided throughout PLC with the addition of several Q-Sys I/O Frames located close to their local sources. Each one is connected to the Core 500i processor via the Q-LAN digital audio network over the Gigabit Ethernet network.
The Soundcraft Si Performer console at FOH Analogue audio patches at either side of the stage are collected by the Q-Sys network and distributed to a stage box and Soundcraft Si Performer digital console. A 32-input Soundcraft stage box sends its microphone inputs to the digital console at FOH and upstairs to the production studio via a splitter. ‘There is an analogue infrastructure at each end in addition to digital in the middle for connection to the drama studios, tie lines and rehearsal rooms,’ says senior A/V theatre technician, Benjamin Daly. ‘The lecterns can be moved around as desired on stage and to date none of the Sennheiser wireless or Audio-Technica U857 gooseneck microphones have suffered from feedback. The lecturers can plug their devices in anywhere on stage and be confident that a technician doesn’t need to change the gain or level.’ Mr Thompson adds a further benefit that the control system brings. ‘Lecturer confidence in using the A/V system has minimised the changeover times between lessons, so the investment has been justified.’ The extensive back-of-house area includes a black box drama studio, two rehearsal rooms and dressing rooms. These are catered for by standalone QSC AD-S12 loudspeakers, powered by CMX800Va amplifiers and managed by BSS London Blu-50 processors. With the addition of Extron IN1608 8-input presentation switchers, further video options can be applied. ‘Naturally, there was a budget in place, but the client had a high appreciation for high audio quality and control in a music educational-focused environment,’ concludes Mr Thompson. ‘We are happy that we could work so closely with PLC to develop a solution that will be the envy of similar venues and institutions.’
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Starting over Joshua Adjodha
Clubland is developing an edge in the island state. Caroline Moss visits Kilo Lounge to check out its credentials, which include a Funktion One system THE OPENING OF KILO LOUNGE IN 2014 USHERED IN A new era for Singaporean clubbers. The new arrival was the brainchild of Joshua Adjodha and Javier Perez, who ran the popular Kilo Kallang restaurant in a warehouse in the Kallang Basin, and decided to open a club in the same building. Two years later, however, new zoning regulations meant its licence wasn’t renewed, and the club was reluctantly mothballed. ‘We were closed for about a year,’ says Mr Adjodha, a native New Yorker whose other ventures include the aforementioned Kilo Kallang, Camp Kilo Charcoal Club barbecue in the park below, Kilo Bali and various pop-up events. But Kilo Lounge had been his first foray into the nightclub world, and he was determined not to give up on it. ‘It was a different experience getting to the previous club,’ he reminisces. ‘It was down a hidden street; there was a park and a river, but we were the only building, so there was this whole experience of “are we at the right place?” Then we had an old-school cargo lift with a metal concertina gate that you could see through, and a lift operator, and you’d go up eight floors and see the graffitied walls through the gate as you went up. So when we found this place, almost a year after we closed that club, we wanted to recreate the experience.’ This could have been tricky, as the new club on Tanjong Pagar Road is on the ground floor, but Mr Adjodha devised an inventive solution. Rather than enter the club through the front of the building, clients come around the back and walk along ‘memory lane’ – a deserted alley whose walls are covered in graffiti and posters of the previous club’s events. Once inside, a small interior garden leads into an industrial cement corridor which snakes around as the music can be heard building up, before finally emerging into the club itself. ‘In the old place people could hear the music as they were coming up in the lift, and it built the excitement, and we were trying to replicate that,’ he continues. ‘So now you have memory lane, then the garden and then you walk through this
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Funktion One F1201 in the bar area dark concrete tunnel, getting closer and closer to the sound.’ The building itself had already seen a steady procession of clubs come and go before Kilo Lounge arrived. ‘We ripped everything out and took it right back to the brickwork, so it was an empty shell,’ says Mr Adjodha. ‘We even removed the bathrooms and put them back in. It’s an old building with
an industrial feel, and we wanted to build on that.’ Work on the interior décor included cracking and breaking the finish on the walls and deliberately rusting the metal gates that surround the dance floor – a throwback to the goods lift at the original club – with liberal applications of saltwater. Although unequivocal about the ambience and style of the new club, Mr Adjodha is keen to stress that he was no expert when it came to selecting a new sound system. ‘I just know what I like, and as is the case with a lot of what I do, it’s based on emotion,’ he says. ‘Funktion One stood out for me when I was still doing pop-up events before I had clubs, and whenever I went to a venue that had a system. After the last place closed, and when we were opening a bigger club with a higher budget, I knew that I wanted to go with Funktion One, so I invited the experts to come in and advise me on what I needed. And I’m very happy with it.’ The ‘experts’ were local Funktion One distributor Team 108. The company’s director of engineering, Mark Tan, worked closely with engineers at Funktion One UK and Mr Adjodha to deliver an optimum system for Kilo Lounge, which is divided into four different zones. A Funktion One Evo 6E 3-way speaker has been flown in each of the four corners of the dance floor. ‘We had a very low ceiling to work with, but it’s turned out great and sounds really good,’ says Mr Tan. ‘Because the Evos were quite far apart, we’ve also put in two Resolution 1.5 2-way enclosures, which are wider, and give better coverage at either side of the dance floor.’ The system is supplemented by six BR221 dual 21-inch subs ranged along the far wall. A pair of F1201 enclosures have been installed to cover the bar area, where the floor is at a slightly different height to the dancefloor to create a feeling of separation. The VIP area has a system comprising two F1201s and a BR218 sub. For live performances, which Mr Adjodha is pioneering in the club, the VIP seating area can be reconfigured, replacing the seat cushions with a wooden platform to form a stage. A separate lounge area has also been
FEATURES: INSTALLATION installed with two F1201s and a BR218. ‘Joshua had brilliant vision when it came to the club, and he knew exactly what he wanted,’ says Mr Tan. ‘One of his innovations was to install a concrete DJ table facing the bar, as well as the dedicated DJ booth in one corner of the dancefloor, so that during happy hour, DJs can focus directly on the bar area.’ Another innovation that Mr Adjodha instigated was to invert the DJ monitors – a pair of PSM318s – and suspend them above the DJ booth. ‘There was a space constraint, and Joshua insisted that we try it this way,’ continues Mr Tan. ‘They are normally floor mounted. It’s a very unique setup, and the DJs love it.’ The flying of equipment didn’t end here, however, as Mr
Adjodha also decided he’d like to suspend the customised equipment rack, which contains all the electronics for the Funktion One systems, including F Series amplifiers and four XO4 audio management systems. ‘I knew that the rack would get hot, and I thought we might have to punch a hole in the wall to ventilate it, then we came up with the idea of flying it,’ he says.
Team 108’s Mark Tan in the VIP area
Funktion One BR221 subs on the dance floor Mr Tan prudently added auto sequencers to power up the equipment via remote key switch, removing the need to climb up to the rack each time. Kilo Lounge is now providing Singapore with a cool cocktail bar and DJs each weeknight, morphing into full-blown club mode after 10pm on Thursdays and at weekends, with a Funktion One system to help along the journey.
Suspended Funktion One DJ monitors and rack
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 99
Let the games commence
L-Acoustics and Sennheiser Electronic Asia played a large part in the regeneration of Kuala Lumpur’s National Stadium. Caroline Moss reports THE BUKIT JALIL NATIONAL STADIUM IN KUALA LUMPUR was constructed for the 1998 Commonwealth Games. Today, it remains one of the largest stadio in the world with a capacity of 87,411. Azman Fahmi Osman was appointed CEO of the stadium in 2015 to oversee a whole new era for the venue. ‘The Ministry of Youth and Sports wanted to transform the management of the stadium, and I was taken on to oversee this work,’ he explains. The renovation is being carried out in two phases, which together will create a new hub called KL Sports City. ‘The first phase, which we refer to as “rejuvenation”, will refurbish the whole stadium,’ continues Mr Azman. ‘The structure remains the same, but we have updated the public facilities such as seating, access and toilets, as well as the stadium façade. Then for the events themselves, we have upgraded the sound system, surveillance system and scoreboard. We have uplifted the look and feel of the entire stadium so it’s comparable to a world-class facility, as this is the biggest stadium in Malaysia.’ The second phase, not yet started, will provide additional infrastructure such as a retractable roof and seating in the stadium, hotel, shopping mall, convention centre and outdoor facilities aimed at a healthy lifestyle, including a skateboard park, jogging track, outdoor gym and basketball court. During phase one, four more venues in KL Sports City were also upgraded as well as the National Stadium: the Axiata Arena, the National Aquatic Centre, National Hockey Centre 1 and National Hockey Centre 2. The venues were all ready in time for the 29th SEA Games, which were held in August 2017. All five venues have been installed with two separate systems, one for sound reinforcement and one for public address.
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Azman Fahmi Osman
The stadium and other sports facilities had not been refurbished since the Commonwealth Games, although they have been used for other events across the years. ‘The facilities were the latest available back when it was built, but they had become very outdated,’ says Mr Azman. ‘Now we are using all the latest technology. The stadium is an icon for the country and the structure is very solid. We want to commercialise it more and more.’ This will involve the use of the stadium and indoor arena for events such as music concerts, as well as sports. Vanguardia was appointed as acoustic consultant for the design and build of the project early in 2016, and, following the tendering process, AFS Engineering (Malaysia) was contracted to supply and install all audio systems. One of the biggest decisions taken was to install L-Acoustics sound reinforcement systems in the main stadium and indoor arena. ‘We conducted some surveys among concert promoters and event organisers on the sort of systems they wanted to have in the stadium,’ says Mr Azman. ‘We also wanted to install something that would be well supported in Malaysia, and that was when we decided on using L-Acoustics and Sennheiser, having visited some other stadia to hear the sound. We are planning to have rock concerts and we knew if the system was good, people would come here. We wanted a system that could handle big concerts and give audiences a really good experience by providing great sound and making people feel good.’ Renovation work began in early 2016, allowing just 18 months to complete the entire project in time for the games. This included giving the venue a total facelift, which created a challenging environment for the management team and outside contractors to work in.
FEATURES: INSTALLATION ‘The good thing is we had really strong partners for this project,’ says Mr Azman. ‘The team of Sennheiser, L-Acoustics and AFS was great; they were all very professional, and we met at least once a week to discuss any issues. The stadium architect, Populous, has worked on a lot of stadia in Europe, the US and the Emirates. But we had to factor in things like our weather here in Malaysia, as well as our culture and spending power, to make it suitable for the local market. It’s a mix and match of Asian and European styles. Now we’ve done it properly, we hope the stadium will last for another 20 years.’ AFS Engineering put together project teams to work on various aspects of the installation. ‘There were a lot of challenges because the completion period was about four months from the awarded date, and there were so many contractors involved to make this happen,’ says AFS Engineering’s sales director, Daniel Tan. ‘We have people that specialise in different areas, such as installing the hardware,
programming the systems and integrating everything together; mostly this was done by our own staff. We brought in the cable contractors, but we’ve worked closely with them on many of our projects so they are like partners. We had around 300 to 400 people working day and night across all five venues, so a strong project management team was crucial in order to achieve the timeline given. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime project for us.’ Another big part of the team was Sennheiser Electronic Asia, which is also the regional L-Acoustics distributor. ‘We chose to partner with AFS to bid for this project as they are our partners for Sennheiser mics and have a strong installation team,’ says Norhisham Mohamad, sales and business development manager at Sennheiser Electronic Asia. ‘However, this is the first time we’ve worked with them on an L-Acoustics installation.’ System design for the stadium was handled by L-Acoustics application engineer, Julien Laval, who worked remotely from
L-Acoustics Kiva II array covering the top level of the stadium
Norhisham Mohamad
France with Mr Mohamad, travelling to Kuala Lumpur in June to tune the system. ‘We couldn’t hang a long line array because of weight restrictions in the roof, so it’s a distributed system that is lighter for the roof and gives even coverage throughout the seats,’ continues Mr Mohamad. ‘It can be reinforced with subs for lower frequencies, and additional speakers can be rented in from L-Acoustics rental network agents in Malaysia and Singapore if needed for larger events.’ Adds Mr Laval, ‘There is a direct communication channel between Sennheiser Asia and L-Acoustics, so it was easy to keep up with the many project modifications. This could not have been reached without clear communication and an extremely accurate room model used in our simulation.’ The main system for the inner ring of the stadium, covering the first and second seating areas, consists of 18 arrays of six Kara compact line source elements, giving a total of 108 cabinets. A further four arrays of four Kara cabinets make up the field of play system, which has been rigged under the catwalk. The main system for the outer ring, covering the third and uppermost seating area, consists of a total of 256 Kiva II ultracompact, weather-resistant line source speakers – 32 arrays
The National Aquatic Centre of eight speakers rigged on the outer ring catwalks. To deal with shadow zones caused by the balcony, an in-fill system of 136 L-Acoustics 5XT ultra compact coaxials has been evenly distributed underneath the first and second balconies. The entire system is driven by a total of 77 L-Acoustics LA4X amplified controllers and run on a Dante MediaMatrix network. ‘We needed a Dante infrastructure because it’s a huge stadium, and we had to consider the cable runs and attendant loss of sound quality,’ says Mr Tan. ‘We needed to put the amps as close as possible to the speakers. We’ve used fibre optics to run the signal crossover, and only after we reach the inputs do we run the speaker cables to the speakers.’ ‘One of the most interesting technical aspects is the location of the amplifiers,’ explains Mr Mohamad. ‘The amp racks for the level one balcony are in the main control room. Then on level three there’s another area that houses the amps for the speakers in the Q1 and Q2 zones of the stadium, then two more racks on the catwalks for Q3 and Q4. That proved a challenge.’ The main control room is also equipped with a Yamaha TouchFlow TF5 digital mixer for FOH, as well as Denon CD players and USB recorders and a computer that gives control of DSP and remote speaker management. All of the other four venues have also been equipped with Yamaha TF5 consoles and are Dante-connected via Peavey MediaMatrix networks. The L-Acoustics system in the indoor Axiata Arena consists of 36 Kara speakers, six Kiva II speakers, 32 Arcs Focus and 22 Arcs Wide constant curvature line source speakers and 12 SB18 subwoofers, powered by 32 LA4X amplified controllers. RCF systems provide sound reinforcement for the three remaining venues. The aquatic centre has been installed with 32 RCF P5228-L, six RCF P6215 and 16 RCF P3115-T weatherproof speakers powered by Inter-M D-6000 amplifiers. The main hockey stadium has 96 RCF P5228-Ls, again powered by Inter-M D-6000s, while the second hockey stadium has a smaller system of 11 RCF P4228s and 13 MQ80Ps. All five venues have been equipped with separate publicaddress systems that feature a mixture of RCF and TOA speaker units powered by Crown amplification with QSC signal processing. Sennheiser 2000 Series, as well as ew 100 G3 and ew 300 G3 Series wireless mic systems, have also been installed across the entire venue. ‘We have provided four receivers and antennas with transmitters, bodypacks, headworn and dynamic mics for the stadium, and the same for the other venues as well,’ says Mr Mohamad. ‘Sennheiser worked closely with L-Acoustics to come up with a suitable design for the stadium where it can be used for sports and also music events. Altogether we’ve provided about 20 channels across the entire venue, with four channels in the main stadium, and the same in the other four venues.’ Following a successful 2017 SEA Games, the baton was handed to the Philippines – hosts of the 30th edition in 2019 – in a vibrant closing ceremony in the National Stadium. For the upgraded Malaysian venue, however, a new era is just beginning.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 101
Home Hub
Our Tampines Hub is Singapore’s first community and lifestyle hub incorporating sports facilities, shops, swimming pools and much much more. Richard Lawn takes a tour A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE OR SIMPLY AN EFFICIENT use of land created by a consortium of 12 stakeholders with a vision, Our Tampines Hub became Singapore’s first-ever integrated lifestyle hub in August 2017. The ambitious project led by the People’s Association was conceptualised in 2011 to create a comprehensive range of services and facilities for its community. Some 15,000 local residents all played a part in its creation, and their feedback has already made a distinct visual and social impact within eastern Singapore. Located on the site of the former Tampines Stadium and Sports Hall, the six-level facility occupies a site measuring seven football fields and includes an 800-seat hawker centre, 20 badminton courts, a one-stop centre to access government agency services and a community kitchen. Additionally, there’s a gym, karaoke and bowling facilities, a five-storey library, eco-community garden, a sports and recreation park, and a swimming complex with six pools including a 10-lane, 50m competition pool. Designed to bring Esplanade Theatre concepts to the heartlands, a 400-seat Festive Arts Theatre serves as a dedicated performance arts space for hosting live music, drama, theatre and cinema. Incorporating a water fountain at its heart, Festive Plaza is an outdoor performance space that regularly hosts live music and streamed cinema on a large LED screen. This hub allows news agencies such as Mediacorp to report live courtesy of I/O floor and wall panels integrated into the architecture. The broad pedestrian alleys on levels one and two are occupied by more than 100 retail outlets, where a cooling breeze created by the architecturally designed air-flow and overhead fans combine to reduce the air temperature by a further three degrees. Having demolished the previous 3,000-seat capacity football stadium, Tampines Rovers can now accommodate 5,800 fans to watch their Stags S.League home games in the covered Town Square stadium. The two-star FIFA football pitch is
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Festive Plaza
also used for numerous other sports events and communitycentric programmes, including mass exercises, recreational events and national celebrations. Green issues are a foundation for the Hub, which practices sustainable lifestyle habits such as aiming to generate zero waste. Using an advanced food-waste recycling system, 700 tonnes of daily food waste is currently being converted to fertiliser, liquid nutrients and non-potable water. General contractor Hexacon Construction worked with a large roll-call of sub-contractors to create the bold vision, including mechanical and engineering specialist Shinryo Corporation and Mingcon, which in turn drafted in voice evacuation and A/V systems integrator Willowglen Services and Electronics & Engineering (E&E) respectively. Acoustic consultant Acviron also played a leading role in designing the audio-visual aspects of the Hub. Willowglen Services was called upon to install the emergency voice evacuation and public-address paging system into Our Tampines Hub. Working closely under the guidance of mechanical and electrical engineering contractor, Shinryo Corporation, and general contractor, Hexacon Construction, a TOA SX-2000 matrix was selected on account of its proven reliability and ease of operation that allows it to facilitate individual evacuation zones. Two SX-2000SM system managers operating in slave and master mode assign 48 input channels fed by four SX-2100AI audio input matrices to four SX-2000AO 8-channel audio output busses. Each are receiving feeds from an EV-700 digital announcer, CD and AM/FM tuner sources. In addition to controlling the audio signal routing and priorities, it also allows the input and output controls to be managed on a PC, where a log of all the recorded events and failures can be viewed. An EVC-DR-320 digital recorder is capable of playing back the evidence. TOA engineers assembled the equipment racks off site before terminating the cabling. ‘The Hub’s somewhat sophisticated building structure and variable ceiling heights made EASE measurements very challenging,’ says TOA project engineer, Tom Ho. ‘Some of the speaker locations were in excess of 1,000m from the ELV racks, so we had to
FEATURES: INSTALLATION run 4mm cables that would avoid significant loss of signal, such as those used in the library. The system was racked up and tested in our workshop before delivery to site, where we conducted a series of tests to ensure the system was working properly and audio could be clearly heard throughout the entire site.’ The library is outfitted with a standalone VX-2000 system manager that serves as an input matrix unit providing paging in addition to BGM. Interfaced to the SX-2000SM system, 20 LS-2010 surveillance panels serve as the output matrix section, assigning audio signals to 195 individual zones, including two basement levels for parking of up to 1,400 vehicles. A further 20 SS-2010 AS source selectors allow technicians to switch between BGM and paging announcements in any of the zones at the touch of a button. However, an RM-200SF fireman’s microphone located in the main fire command centre takes priority status should an emergency evacuation announcement need to be made. Further USB microphones located in the information kiosk, office and service centre can perform basic paging.
Festive Arts Theatre The Festive Arts Theatre primarily serves as a dedicated live performance, music and drama venue. Capable of seating up to 400 guests in its lower stalls and upper balcony areas, the venue’s cinema credentials have been enabled with the addition of Barco 4K projection and JBL surroundsound systems. Owing to the complexity of its design and the multipurpose nature of this room, E&E prioritised ease of use by integrating a Crestron AV3 control system at its heart, allowing one-touch room operation. From an 8.9-inch Crestron panel or Apple iPad, audio settings stored in the Symetrix Jupiter 8 audio processor, lighting scenes created in the ETC Ion-1000 consoles and HDMI devices connected to an Extron DTP CrossPoint 84 switcher can be configured according to the desired mode.
builder to create two recesses for the follow spots on either side of the control room,’ explains project manager, Tay Seng Chuah. ‘However, there wasn’t enough room in which to properly manoeuvre the apparatus during a performance, so our workshop was used to create bespoke reinforced metal mounting brackets, allowing them to swing out when required.’
‘When you’re working as part of a team on a large site such as this, product training and good coordination is vital’ The retail and F&B outlets located throughout the six-level complex, in addition to the gymnasium and library, are served with an extensive ceiling-mounted solution consisting of 2,979 TOA PC-658R 6-inch speakers. A further 291 SC-615M horn speakers have been wall-mounted in the outdoor area running tracks and back-of-house areas such the car park, while a further 572 BS-633A box speakers adorn the fire escape staircases. Integrated with a resin panel and speaker frame, the PC-658R ceiling speaker features a spring clamp mechanism, which can be easily mounted to the ceiling, and input impedance can be switched by changing the tap position on the transformer. The 800-seat hawker centre, sports hall, indoor running track and rooftop gardens are installed with 263 waterproof TZ206BWP column speakers. The entire speaker system is powered by 12 DA-500FH multichannel amplifiers. Amperes AX3800 auto-fault and changeover units monitor and detect amplifier channel malfunctions, automatically assigning redundant amplifiers. In case of a power cut, four VX-2000DS power supplies ensure the audio system operates for a further two hours or until the power returns to normal. Having clustered its services together in a purposeful manner for the benefit of the community, the A/V systems within OTH are purely standalone and localised. This was a benefit to E&E, which was initially called to site in March 2016 to lay the various cabling infrastructures as rooms became available following construction. Following the feeding of cabling conduits during each of the three project phases, equipment was installed and terminations carried out. Having placed orders well in advance of the works, all of E&E’s suppliers delivered prior to the installation dates. Although the scale of the OTH project for E&E can be summarised in a 78-page bill of quantity, the company’s thoroughly documented plans simplified the installation process on site. The multiple function and meeting rooms, together with the six-level library, wellness centres and other areas, bear the same A/V hallmarks as the more iconic rooms. Crestron control is the common element that ties the Extron and Kramer video paths with the Symetrix audio DSP for playback on Remaco screens and EAW speaker systems. ‘When you’re working as part of a team on a large site such as this, product training and good coordination is vital,’ explains Mr Tay. ‘We maintained good communications with all the other contractors on site so that our team members fully understood the tasks ahead.’
Robert Juliat 2,500W HMI follow spots in the Festive Arts Theatre
The Festive Arts Theatre Audio presentations and lectures are reinforced through the EAW CIS400 ceiling speaker system, whereas live music and theatrical performances are mixed on a Yamaha CL3 digital console and output through EAW QX596i L-C-R speakers fitted above the stage. The control room situated at the rear of the theatre features custom furniture specifically created to hide the immense cabling infrastructure connecting the audio, video and lighting inputs to the outputs via control surfaces. On stage, performers can utilise Shure QLX-D wireless handheld, lapel and headworn microphones together with Mackie 300z monitor speakers. The Symetrix Edge audio DSP receives eight channels of AES digital audio from the Yamaha CL3 for live music and theatrical audio, which are routed to the L-C-R, sub-bass, front-fill and supplementary outputs via the respective amplifiers of the particular zone. When configured to live music and theatrical (non-cinema) mode, audio channelling to the other zones such as the theatrical surround-sound system or BOH areas are routed to the Symetrix Radius 12x8 audio DSP via a Dante digital audio network. The Dolby CP750 cinema processor receives its audio input from a Barco DP4K-19B Alchemy projector. A Symetrix 12x8 audio DSP processor is fed with eight channels of AES digital audio, which are then decoded, converted to analogue and output to the respective amplifiers and loudspeakers. Finally, the main L-C-R channels are routed to the Symetrix Edge processor via the Dante digital audio network. The Dante network promotes the low-latency audio transmission from the Yamaha RIO stage boxes to the CL3 48-channel console, Powersoft amplifiers and Symetrix processors. With the addition of Pro Tools recording software and a Dante Virtual Soundcard installed in the control room PC, 64-track audio recordings can also be performed via the Dante network. Like the room it’s installed in, the Barco DP4K-19B Alchemy projector has a diverse job description that is not exclusive to cinema screenings but also for presentations on the Remaco screens and for orchestral performances. The HDMI and VGA input signals from the Blu-Ray player, Panasonic PTZ cameras and PC are converted before being sourced through an Extron DTP CrossPoint 84 switcher and output to one of two Remaco motorised screens. E&E’s specialist skills were called upon when confronted with the addition of two Robert Juliat follow spots. ‘We had to ask the
Remaco Pro-2415C 2.4m x 1.5m and Pro-1811C 1.8m x 1.125m motorised screens Extron DTP CrossPoint 84 multi-format switcher with HDMI 4K 230TX transmitters and RX receivers Crestron AV3 centralised control system linked to TST-902DS 8.9-inch wireless touch panel Yamaha CL3 48-channel mixing console with Rio1608-D and Rio3224-D stage boxes Symetrix Jupiter 8 DSP processor with Edge frame, Dante network card and Radius 12x8 EX expander Dolby CP750 digital surround processor EAW QX596i 12-inch speakers powered by a Powersoft K6 amplifier EAW QX118 18-inch subwoofers powered by a Powersoft K10 amplifier EAW JF10 speakers powered by an Ashly nXe4002 2-channel amplifier JBL 8350 and 8340A 10-inch surround-sound speakers powered by Ashly nXe1 and nXe8002 2-channel amplifiers Mackie 300z monitors powered by Ashly KLR-2000 amplifiers EAW CIS400 6.5-inch ceiling speakers powered by Ashly KLR-3200 amplifiers Bosch LBC 1420 volume controller Shure QLXD2 wireless system with Beta 58 mics, QLXD4A receivers and QLXD1 transmitters Shure UA844 distribution antennas and UA221 UHF passive antenna splitters Furman CN-3600 SE power conditioner/sequencers Listen Technologies LT-82-02 infrared modulators, LA-140 emitters and LR-5200-IR receivers Stewart Luxus CB358 WSLV5DB 4m x 8m ElectriScreen Barco BME DP4K-19B Alchemy with 2K lens Kramer TP-580R receiver, FC-46xl HDMI audio de-embedder and VS-88DT 8 HDBaseT matrix switcher Panasonic AW-UE70 colour camera motorised zoom lenses and AW-RP50E remote controller Kramer VP-427A HDBaseT to HDMI and audio receiver Blackmagic CONVMBSH SDI-HDMI mini converter Datavideo HDR-70 HD-SD digital video recorder Clear-Com MS-702 remote station and HB-702 flush headsets with WP-2 Encore Channel wall plates ETC Sensor3 CE network processor ETC ED15 3KW 30MA dimmer modules ETC Ion-1000 48-channel lighting control console ETC 2x20 fader wing Lite Puter DP-81 1-in/8-out DMX booster ETC Source Four 10-, 19-, 26- and 50° profile spotlight ETC Source Four FRES7 7-inch fresnels ETC Source Four 15/30 ellipsoidal zoom spotlights ETC 400RS drop-in iris Robert Juliat 2,500W HMI follow spots Martin Rush MH 1 Profile Plus moving heads
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 103
FEATURES: INSTALLATION Stadium More than just a home for the Tampines Rovers, the increased stadium capacity in the Town Square stand is adorned with a powerful audio system for paging announcements and BGM. Six pairs of EAW MK5394i 15-inch speakers are mounted onto brackets fixed below the canopy, with each speaker in each cluster directed to the upper and lower seating tiers. A scissor lift was used to install the speakers in place and hoist them into position on fixed motorised winches under the 14m-height canopy. The speaker cabling for each cluster is routed to a L4 control
room and terminated into the Powersoft K3 amplifiers. A Symetrix Radius 12x8 EX processor and xOut 12 expander handles all loudspeaker management, while a Shure MX412 can be used for mixing live acts and presentations when required. EAW MK5394i 15-inch speakers powered by Powersoft K3 2 x 1400W amplifiers Symetrix Radius 12x8 EX processor and Symetrix xOut 12 expander
The EAW MK5394i system in Town Square Stadium Mackie 2404VLZ4 24-channel console Shure MX412 gooseneck condenser microphone Shure SLX4 wireless mics with SLX2 handhelds, UA844 UHF antenna and UA874 UHF active antenna TASCAM CD-200iL CD player with iPod dock Sansi Leyard CV16S 10mm pitch outdoor LED screen Kramer VP-460 presentation switcher/scaler
Town Square Stadium
First-level Community Dance Studio
Competition pool
The dance studio required a higher SPL audio system than other community rooms to ensure effective workouts. Simplicity of use was an overriding criteria and is provided courtesy of a Crestron MPC-M20, a 15-button control panel and 5.7-inch touch screen. From either of these
The 10-lane competition pool
HD screens and EAW CIS400 speakers in the Community Dance Studio interfaces, the gym instructor can select from TV and Blu-ray inputs that feed their HDMI signals to the 55-inch HD screens through an Extron DTP CrossPoint 84 switcher. Audio playback from the video signals, CD player and Shure SLX wireless systems are output to the EAW CIS400 ceiling speakers powered by Ashly KLR-3200 amplifiers via a Symetrix Jupiter 12 DSP audio unit.
104 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Of the six rooftop pools, the 50m long, 10-lane competition pool required a controlled SPL loudspeaker system for spectators. The 50m long gallery that spans one length of the pool has been installed with three Clearvoice Evo-pbs 2000 columns speakers for commentary and paging announcements. Erected onto vertical poles at equal distances apart on the opposite length of the pool, the 2m-high, self-powered models incorporate eight 4.25-inch woofers and 32 1.1-inch tweeters. Operating within a frequency range of 80Hz to 20kHz (–6dB) and providing up to 120° horizontal coverage, three columns proved to be sufficient. ‘Not only do they provide ample SPLs across the entire audience area, but their IP54 rating promoted their use in this hot and humid outdoor environment,’ explains project engineer Sakthi. Symetrix Radius 12x8 EX audio DSP and Symetrix xIn 4 expander Symetrix ARC-EX4e adaptive and ARC-K1e modular remote controllers
A Clearvoice CVS-EVO PBS2000 column speaker at the competition pool Mackie 1604VLZ4 16-channel console Shure MX412 cardioid gooseneck microphone TASCAM CD-200iL CD player with iPod dock Shure SLX4 wireless mics with SLX2 handhelds, UA844 UHF antenna and UA221 UHF passive splitter EAW CIS400 6.5-inch ceiling speakers powered by Ashly KLR-3200 amplifiers Clearvoice Evo-pbs 2000 column speakers Kramer VP-460 presentation switcher/scaler
Cinnafilm acquires Digital education heads SDVoE Alliance expands Sports andaudio badminton halls Audient unveils RadiantGrid from Wohler to Stagetec’s Media Academy
Tutorial Hub
Symetrix Radius 12x8 EX audio DSP and Symetrix xOut 12 Mackie 2404VLZ4 24-channel console EAW CIS400 6.5-inch ceiling speakers product,’ enthused Gerry Raffaut, expander Shure MX412 gooseneck condenser microphone Community D8 ceiling speakers CEO of ImagSystems. ‘We’re seeing Symetrix ARC-EX4e adaptive and ARC-K1e modular TASCAM CD-200iL CD television player withenvironment. iPod dock EAW CIS300 4-inch ceilinginterest speakers MALAYSIA: Stagetec Asia is the digital WORLD: Video optimisation explained Lance Maurer, president from dozens of projects in remote controllers micsforwith SLX2 handhelds, UA844 UHFAudient EAWhas MK5394i 15-inch speakers WEB: gathered something new to learn, hosting two training seminars at It’s suitable broadcasters, solutions manufacturer Cinnafilm and CEO at Cinnafilm. ‘The Shure integralSLX4 wireless many sectors.’ antenna andlocal UA874 UHF active antenna Ashly professional nX 4004 and KLR-3200 amplifiers together videos, especially the likes of the Stagetec in production houses and has acquired Media WohlerAcademy Technologies’ use of Tachyon technology within Panduit is from a contributing tutorials and user tips onto top music producers Cenzo Kuala Lumpur in October. The first audio engineers. Topics include RadiantGrid intelligent media the RadiantGrid platform made member of the alliance. ‘Panduit one easy-access platform that and Wild, or workshop, taking place onThe an overview of the Dolby E/D transformation platform. it an obvious decision to acquire isTownshend excited to be theUlrich first cabling 10 October,results is a one-day on is calling the TutorialAlliance Hub. pro connectivity musicians Ash Soan and format and technical parameters, agreement in thesession integration RadiantGrid and market it as and manufacturer byit adherence to SDVoE theRadiantGrid’s topic of AoIP and next-generation our own.’ Audient Dolby E encoding and decoding, of intellectual toCody join Stewart,’ the SDVoEsaid Alliance as performance specifications.’ audio. This will be followed by a manager, Andy Allen. metadata management WORLD: overview, Guangzhou MediaComm property, products and support amarketing contributing member,’ noted Australian lighting manufacturer three-day workshop from 11 to 13 ‘If you’re looking to brush up on and transportation, maintaining lip Technology (MediaComm), Panduit contracts with Cinnafilm’s own Dennis Renaud, vice president of ImagSystems has also become an While held providing a full view of the Town Square stadium October in partnership with your mixing skills, get to know sync, managing audio levels and and ImagSystems have all joined technology development. Panduit’s enterprise business. adopting member of the alliance withLaboratories its ceiling-to-floor window, Showcase dazzles residents Dolby on demystifying what your iD4 can do, learn more loudness, immersive and the SDVoE Alliance. audio Founded and has released an advanced from andigital adjacent wall courtesy of a Christie MicroTiles advanced audio. about tracking guitars or if you audio metering forthe HDTV audio. earlier this year, alliance is encoder/decoder built on SDVoE display. D100 units are bracketed onto a 16x6 ‘With the The vast96 array of forefront simply want an insight into other ‘We are of delighted to be workingand technology, Lightning. ‘The time formed technology providers building block to display marketing and technology available nowadays, professionals’ recording process, closely with Stagetec Media SDVoE withpromotional in-depth explanations on manufacturers to promote is absolutely right for SDVoE material. both digital light processing (DLP) concepts, one needs toIncorporating be alert in coping it’s all there – completely free – Academy talent different networking solutionstotocultivate systemsmedia integrators, technology and our Lightning and technologies to create substantially with theLED technology evolution,’ on the Tutorial Hub.’ indesigners the regionand andconsultants. share Dolby’s different layers and QOS (Quality Of Wohler brighter will continue to provide images with a wider range than conventional flat commented Advon Tan,colour managing The hub, however, isn’t broadcast technology expertise,’ Service). include IP network support toTopics Cinnafilm during an initial MediaComm joins as an adopting panel of LCD displays, each the 408mm x 306mm units is director Stagetec Asia andofthe exclusively for Audient customers, said Pankaj Kedia, technology, AoIP fundamentals, transition period. member and plansmanaging to introduce front-accessible, allowing an easy andadvantages speedy replacement Stagetec Media Academy. ‘Hence confirmed Mr Allen. ‘Anyone director, emerging markets, and ‘The transfer of disadvantages the RadiantGrid SDVoE-compliant AV-over-IPDolby without having tothe turnindustry off tiles. we are here to feed can benefit – even if you aren’t Laboratories. surround to sound of AoIP, different AoIP concepts, technology to Cinnafilm will allow Cinnafilm currently uses theany of the other transmitters ‘The and receivers the with the current trendsplatform in media (yet) an Audient customer. With training programme is part of how to to maintain short on latency, Wohler concentrate building RadiantGrid software as domestic Chinese market. ‘This technology andframework broadcasting. At the regular updates planned and a Dolby’s continued commitment synchronisation,hardware digital clock next-generation and the processing for its will provide our customers with the Symetrix Jupitersystem. 4 DSP processor and ARC-2etools remote same time, programmes like this handy search facility to browse topristine share technical knowledge distribution and Dante, software within theRavenna signal Tachyon Wormhole Wohler video experience andand low controller Accessible via the Audient give manufacturers and distributors by category and/or product, we innovations with the broadcast and and, while Cinnafilm has served as the master distributor monitoring latency required in command EAW CIS400 6.5-inch ceiling powered bythree-day an Ashly website, the goal is to provide a golden opportunity to listen to speakers suggest you grab a cup of tea, industry South East Asia.’ The second, workshop focuses on providing customer of Tachyon Wormhole since 2014 control in environments and other amplifier free learning on recording, theKLR-3200 key feedback and their head over to the Audient website For more information and to book on designing and distributing support and product development of and hadplayers’ acquired RadiantGrid demanding A/V applications,’ said 96 Christieitself units fixed to said mixing, mastering and technology requirements inMicroTiles theback field.’ and have a look around.’ aAlan placeWang, at either workshop, email multichannel audioWohler aims to president Technologies inD100 2012.display RadiantGrid,’ general manager at MicroTiles brackets and screen for all of its users. The first session on audio-over-IP provide understanding of and CEOan Mike Kelly. ‘Cinnafilm has been partnering MediaComm. ‘Our customers will LG 55-inch LED content from a and integration ‘No matter what your will20 provide an understanding ofreceivingDolby workflows closely with Wohler for screens many years also appreciate the interoperability Quad-Channel HDMI, theDigibird principles of AoIPof and bymatrix examining the specification TheofOTH Showcase incorporates 96 Christie MicroTiles units there is always as amain worldwide distributor the and with other pro A/V products offered media-academy ACIP (Audio Contribution over IP), all the components carried within Tachyon Wormhole appliance,’
Arrayable Point Source
1/2 PAGE ONE for ALL The most flexible solution for medium size applications The new Coda Audio APS combines the userfriendliness of a point source with the perfect arrayability of a line array creating a unique category in sound reinforcement.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL July–August 2017 PRO AUDIO ASIA 105 41 September–October 2017 PRO AVLASIA 53
Electro-Voice mics are used for most performances
Eighties acts still headlining in Revesby
The Workers’ Club entrance
Working class
A social club in Sydney continues to provide entertainment for its members with a steady programme of updates. Richard Lawn reports from Revesby
infrastructure, so we have provided new loudspeakers, Cat-7 and power cabling throughout the existing and new conduits. We’ve installed a system with plenty of bandwidth, which should be sufficient for the next 10 years unless there is a quantum shift in IT developments.’ With government-enforced changes to the wireless frequency spectrum, the venue naturally entrusted EV to supply a distributed wireless REL system. ‘This is a very large facility, so ensuring coverage throughout was no easy task,’ explains Mr Masters. Simultaneously, Evid surface mount and ceiling speakers were rolled out across the club, including the president’s lounge and sports’ club adjacent to the main club. ‘The design of the surface mount models is legendary as they’re architecturally unique, yet provide great coverage.’ With the exception of some Lab.gruppen models, amplifiers are exclusively EV. ‘When we’ve needed to install a 4-channel amplifier, we have stuck with the EV CPS amplifiers for years,’ furthers Mr Masters. ‘Once again, in terms of price performance features they’re excellent, but above all they’re reliable and have so far proven indestructible. For our twochannel needs, the Dynacord models are our main preference on account of their value and reliability.’
Royal treatment
THE REVESBY WORKERS’ CLUB IN SYDNEY REMAINS A central part of community life, providing entertainment and relaxation for its members. Established some 50 years ago by a group of local men who simply wanted to socialise with their wives, Revesby Workers’ Club is unique in Australian licensed club history. Located in the south-western suburbs of Sydney, the not-for-profit establishment is a multi-storey colossus that hosts a variety of entertainment for its members. As a stronghold for a handful of audio brands over several decades, the continued loyalty and faith placed in them demonstrates that proven products and services ensure continued business. From the various points of arrival to multiple venues deep within its labyrinth, the building is dominated by Bosch and HIGH-RISE CONSTRUCTIONS, AND THE ATTENDANT TOWER Electro-Voice. The car park adorned with LBC3430/03 cranes building them, are aisfamiliar sight onBosch the Mumbai skyline 12W sound projectors chosen their voice evacuation and as open spaces are eaten up byforoffices and apartment blocks, paging yetdown also providing bidirectional BGM and oldcharacteristics, buildings are torn to make way for the new. from IP55 aluminium extrusions. ‘They’re stylish, good However, in south Mumbai, a quiet revolution is provide being staged. coverage and are quite economical large-scale project Private investment is restoring someforofathe city’s heritage such as this,’ project Masters from buildings, andexplains one of the mostmanager stunningScott examples is the newly systems Saltec Group. reopenedintegrator, Royal Opera House. Once inside, the reception area corridors welcome Inaugurated by King George V inand 1911, the building has members with full rangeIndia’s music only provided Electro-Voice C8.1 the distinction of being operabyhouse. In a design ceiling speakers. The extensive Infinity, Crystal andfrom Sports Bars conceived by Maurice Bandmann, an entertainer combine C10.1 and C8.2 speakers, as does the European Function Calcutta,EV and industrialist Jehangir Framji Karaka, Centre with styles a combination of rooms that can be divided or and Indian joined forces in baroque splendor, executed combined to suitmarble. any occasion or event.allowed ‘We’ve specified in white Italian A long frontage carriages to thousands ceiling while speakers over26the years on account drive up to of theEvid entrance, inside, rows of boxes behind
A sensitive restoration project has given Mumbai’s historic Royal Opera House a new lease of life while adding discrete sound reinforcement. Caroline Moss takes a tour
The club is served by a network of Evid ceiling speakers of their amazing audio quality, ease of installation features and overall price performance benefits,’ continues Mr Masters. The entire venue including the car parks is divided into 15 audio zones managed by a MediaMatrix Nion processor and Crestron control via TSW-750 touchscreens. Working directly with its client, Saltec Group has continually designed and installed its turnkey solutions into the club. ‘Revesby Workers’ Club is a long-term client and, as the club has grown organically, it’s proven more challenging to get from A to B in of audio Understandably, club now R terms L Divakar and distribution. Naren Kapoor, Royal Opera the House; demands someAvid sortLearning of future-proofing in terms Asad Lalljee, and Essar Groupof its cabling
The New S-Series. A Snap To Use. Stunning Value. DiGiCo Sound. The DiGiCo S-Series. Starting from $6,999. 106 2017 102 PRO PRO AVL AVL ASIA ASIA November–December September–October 2017
the stalls gave the best view of the stage, and the gilded ceiling was designed to relay onstage sound up through the three levels of the auditorium. The venue was used strictly for opera at first, attracting the European elite then living in the city, together with members of the local Parsi community who also enjoyed the genre. However, as the century progressed, falling demand for opera coincided with the rise of cinema in India. In 1935, the Royal Opera House was modified to accommodate movie screenings and fashion shows, but, by the 1980s, singletheatre cinemas had taken a downturn and the opera house closed its doors in 1993. The fate of the opera house took a happy turn in 2010, when the royal family of Gondal, who have owned it since A1952, High commissioned End Hog4 lighting control surface at guidance FOH its restoration under the of
Now with
48 Flexi Input Channels
1/4 PAGE S21 S31 Exclusive US distribution: Group One Ltd. Toll Free 877 292 1623
FEATURES: INSTALLATION In his prime, Tom Jones played the Silver Spade in Sydney. However, as attendances declined over the 1970s, suburban social clubs such as Revesby, whose ageing audiences demanded nostalgia, welcomed such artists. If you ever wondered where icons such as Belinda Carlisle, Bonnie Tyler and Sheena Easton have disappeared to, Revesby has hosted them recently. The Whitlam Theatre is the jewel in the venue’s crown and can cater for audiences ranging from 860 for table shows to 1,400 in theatre-style seats for a sell-out concert. Crucially, the house PA needed to be rider-friendly. ‘The club doesn’t want to hire in equipment and deal with load-ins and load-outs,’ explains Mr Masters. ‘Therefore, we provided a loudspeaker system that could handle high SPLs and could perform well for a multitude of requirements, from live rock and roll to comedy to announcements during weddings, corporate
when mounted onto the lip of the stage. Audio distribution from the theatre to other zones is provided over an Iris-Net network via the Cat-7 cabling infrastructure. Like the mature artists on stage, many aspects of Revesby’s setup continue to show no signs of ageing. Receiving its microphone inputs from a Midas DL251 stage box backstage, a Midas Pro2 console serves as the FOH and monitor console from the central balcony production area as it has done since 2012. EV REV wireless channels complete with a wide selection of ND and RE models including the RE 510 ‘Swiss army knife’ have served the artists for many years. On stage, up to 10 EV T221 speakers have been employed as stage monitors since 2002, relying on Klark Teknik DN360 graphic equalisers to provide clarity for artists. The gymnasiums were given their own workout recently, with EV ZX1 cabinets now providing a greater punch with the higher SPLs demanded for rigorous physical exercise. ‘In five years, we have received just one service call,’ says Mr Masters. ‘The gym instructors generally push them as far as they will go, but they’re rock steady.’
A Midas Pro2 console has been in operation since 2012 events and such like. The EV Xlc line array was by far the best all-rounder. With the EV Xlc127DVX 3-way system, the Revesby Workers’ Club can continue to attract high-calibre performers with its top theatre spec.’ An L-R system consisting of six 90° horizontal dispersion cabinets and two 120° wide dispersion models at the base are augmented by four X-Subs, and the entire system is powered by 11 Dynacord H5000 2-channel amplifiers. Dynacord Variline 262 speakers powered by H2500 amplifiers serve as front-fills
The gymnasiums are outfitted with ZX1 cabinets The continued development of such establishments ensures consistent, steady business for systems integrators who fully understand the concept of the long-term business plan. With a little help from its friends at Bosch and EV, the Saltec Group can tune its clients’ A/V requirements and budgets into a realworld solution. ‘Revesby represents continued business for us as we know the venue inside and out and fully appreciate our clients’ needs,’ Mr Masters concludes. ‘With the EV products that we’ve continued to install over the years, Saltec has provided peace of mind, continued flexibility, longevity and ease of use within budgets.’
The Whitlam Theatre was upgraded with an EV Xlc127DVX system
The Infinity, Crystal and Sports Bars combine EV C10.1 and C8.2 speakers
1/4 PAGE 64x64 premium audio interface for Pro Tools | HD™ and Thunderbolt™ workflows, featuring 16x16 analogue I/O and 32x32 Dante™ audio-over-IP connectivity.
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 107
Community service
North Mumbai has a newly refurbished auditorium that will be kept busy with a wide variety of programming. Caroline Moss drops by THE KALIDAS AUDITORIUM IN MULUND, INAUGURATED IN 1990, has served the local community tirelessly ever since it opened, delivering a programme of Western-style drama, comedy and classical music combined with regional drama and folk music. More than 25 years later, however, it was in need of a facelift. This was to be far-reaching, encompassing everything from sound and lighting through to seating and interior décor, and acoustic consultant Milind Raorane was drafted in to work alongside a team of specialists to create a venue capable of handling modern and traditional productions alike. In the past, Mr Raorane had worked on another auditorium under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), which takes care of such venues across the city. ‘Kalidas is one of its major ones,’ explains Mr Raorane. ‘Since we’d worked on a smaller auditorium for MCGM, we were recommended to the construction agency that had won the bid for the entire refurbishment. As is the way with government projects, the contactor puts together the entire team, and in this case that also included lighting and staging consultants, an A/C firm and an architect.’
Hand-painted wall decoration
108 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
All audio equipment was supplied by Harman India, an approved vendor to MCGM, having also worked with the organisation in the past. The auditorium was in need of some sensitive reconstruction work. ‘This has been a major refurbishment,’ comments Lalit Patil, project engineer at Kinjal Constructions, which handled the project. ‘We didn’t change any structural elements, though we have raked the seating areas more steeply, both downstairs and up in the balcony, to improve sightlines for the audience.’ This took into account the new stage layout, which has been enlarged to handle bigger productions and is now 18m wide x 17m deep. Although reconfiguring the seats meant losing some capacity, additional space has been created by taking out two ‘cry rooms’ in each of the corners furthest from the stage. Some more seats were sacrificed to create a proper FOH position in the centre of the stalls, moving it from its previous location in a control room against the rear wall. The auditorium can now seat just over 1,300: 712 in the stalls and 601 on the balcony. Remarkably, this large, fan-shaped area is covered by an L-R system, each consisting of a cluster of four JBL AM7315
Milind Raorane and Lalit Patel full-range 3-way speakers. These cover the whole auditorium, with no infill or delay system. ‘As the rake of the seats is now quite steep, there was no need for a rear fill system,’ explains Mr Raorane. ‘The back wall is only 24m from the stage. The auditorium is fan-shaped, not a regular rectangular or shoe-box design. This means there is a very wide angle requirement, with the widest seat being about 160° from the centre of the stage. So the loudspeaker system needed to give a considerably tight frequency response, from the centre to the middle to the far extremes. I needed to control any variations across the frequency response, and that is only possible with a cluster. With line arrays, whatever the claim, the high-frequency portion starts focusing on a very tight spot, and getting off-axis energy can be difficult in such areas. The main factor for me was to use the minimum number of speakers to cover the entire auditorium.’ Mr Raorane and the Harman team put together a technical presentation explaining why some of the seats needed to be lost, and the importance of having the FOH engineer in the centre of the auditorium. He also drew up a report documenting the team’s entire design process. ‘This covered our train of thought, as well as the prevalent practices in the market,’ he says. ‘I made a lot of notes about line arrays in auditoria, beam steering in auditoria and the cluster format, which I proposed to
cover the entire auditorium. I had to give them an explanation as to why a cluster and not a line array or beam steering system would be the best solution. We also needed to justify the acoustical material we wanted to use.’ Mr Raorane drew on the help of Harman’s applications engineers Narendra Nair, Balwant Singh and Sudhagar Padmanabhan, in preparing an EASE plot for the entire space.
‘I created a CAD drawing of my design, which went to Harman for further EASE analysis,’ he says. ‘They included the acoustic parameters of all the surfaces in the auditorium, taking the coefficients of absorption on every panel. This was very detailed, and created a more realistic simulation.’ The JBL AM7315 clusters are augmented by one JBL ASH6118 horn-loaded subwoofer mounted at either side of the stage. Front of house is being handled by a 32-channel Soundcraft Si Expression 3 digital mixer. Signal processing is via a BSS Blu100 digital audio buss and Blu-Bob1 breakout box, and there is a good selection of AKG microphones. The JBL theme continues elsewhere, with PRX712M powered monitors onstage and Control24CT ceiling speakers for backstage green room areas. Mr Raorane also acoustically treated the auditorium. ‘The challenge here was that we had to again follow the list of items that were approved for use by MCGM,’ he says. ‘Thankfully, the acoustic tiles we’ve used for the walls and ceiling had been already used in the auditorium we worked on before, so we could have them here as well. And they were a good solution for this project too.’ As the venue will have a wide range of uses, it was crucial that the décor wouldn’t be difficult or expensive to maintain. ‘We had to make sure we used things that could be replaced easily due to wear and tear,’ he continues. ‘We couldn’t use expensive fabrics that would be costly to repair or replace. Private or corporate venues have more control over what they host, but this is for the community, and will be well-used. The tiles are constructed from acoustic gypsum, so they will be very easy to replace if there’s some kind of damage or a change is required.’ They also proved to be a good canvas for some hand-painted dancing figures that the architect commissioned around the walls, which have been spot-lit from above. Another feature that not only provides acoustic treatment but also looks good is a lotus petal design in the ceiling just in front of the stage, which acts as a sound diffuser. This was incorporated by the architect and taken from a design submitted by Mr Raorane.
The refurbished Kalidas auditorium is a comfortable, spacious venue with well-thought-out technical designs, both at front and back of house. The large backstage area has been equipped with green rooms, dressing areas and a spacious loading bay. These will accommodate the large productions to be held, including one of the opening events in early October, the Marathi drama Code Mantra, which featured six lead and 30 supporting actors. A trust has been set up to handle the running of the venue, and two formal training sessions with Harman engineers
Soundcraft Si Expression 3 at FOH have been held to educate in-house technicians. ‘We also plan to support them in the future if they need freelance engineers for shows, but most frontline productions coming here will usually bring a mix engineer of their own now anyway,’ says Mr Raorane. ‘Once they really get rolling, there will probably be an event here every day.’ The community of Mulund has cause to celebrate.
It’s all online at
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 109
Tuned to perfection Vignyan Beera from Munro Acoustics with Autotune owner Raghav Sachar and assistant Tushar Maithani
Transitioning from home to a commercial studio space saw Munro Acoustics and Raghav Sachar join forces again. Simon Luckhurst visits EMBARKING ON HIS NEWEST STUDIO ADVENTURE, Raghav Sachar was in a familiar situation. His latest creation, Autotune, is the fourth recording studio he has built entirely from the ground up. What made this latest adventure different was that Mr Sachar would no longer witness his creation take place in the comfort of his living room. It was time to move out. Having been heavily involved in music from very early on, Mr Sachar’s age belies his vast musical experience. ‘I started playing instruments at the age of four, largely self-taught for about seven or eight years. That’s my forte,’ he says proudly. ‘I play about 34 instruments in total.’ Having moved to Australia to embark on further education with a bachelor’s degree in Music in Jazz and Performance from Monashi University, he returned to India in 2003 and has been active as a producer of both Bollywood and independent music ever since. ‘Production-wise, I’ve done a lot of films, a lot of background scores and a lot of ads,’ he recalls. ‘I also have a music label of my own and a production house that creates music videos and other things, even events. That is called Out of Sachar Productions, and Autotune Studios is the latest to join the mix.’ Located in the northern suburbs of Mumbai, Autotune is like a home away from home. ‘I started in 2003 with a small home setup, with no soundproofing other than some carpets to try and dampen things,’ Mr Sachar tells Pro AVL Asia as we are sat around Autotune’s uniquely shaped control room. ‘At the next place I moved to, I also had a home studio that was soundproofed, but was probably only a quarter of the size of this room at Autotune. Then I had one other home studio that was acoustically treated by Kapil Thirwani from Munro Acoustics and about half the size of here. Finally I decided to get a fully-fledged commercial space. ‘I was very happy with my last home studio, but everyone had to be on headphones whenever we were recording, and we couldn’t have too many people there, which is tricky, especially when doing ad work,’ he continues. ‘The biggest disadvantage
110 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
The view into the control room from the recording booth to being at home was that I had just had a child, so privacy and balancing the line between home and work life became trickier. The pluses of a dedicated studio are that you’re more disciplined – you go to work in the morning, and it’s a workplace.’ Having formed a successful relationship during his last build as well as being impressed with Munro’s work on studio installs nearby, Mr Sachar again worked with Mr Thirwani from the outset on designing and fully isolating Autotune. ‘The biggest requirement that I had was the need for a large control room, because sometimes 20 people will walk in and you need the space for them to breathe. Also I needed a proper booth so that the entire headphones issue wasn’t a problem any more, and a booth that could actually hold a drum kit. These guidelines were given to Kapil far in advance.’ Guests entering Autotune are greeted by a chill-out area before progressing through to the main attraction. ‘The upper level has a lounge – that’s a personal space for me – and a pantry,’ explains Mr Sachar. ‘The downstairs area also has a nice, spacious bathroom. I’ve made it in such a manner that if you
FEATURES: FEATURES: RECORDING RECORDING don’t don’twant wantto togo gohome, home,you youhave haveaaplace place to tostay. stay.It’s It’sworked workedout outwell welland andthat thatisis largely largelydue dueto tothe thedesign design––Kapil Kapilhas has done doneaagreat greatjob jobwith withthe thedesign.’ design.’ While Whilethe theacoustics acousticsinside insideare areobviously obviously the themain mainconcern, concern,isolating isolatingthe thespace space from fromthe theneighbours neighbourswas wasaabig bigpriority. priority. ‘There ‘Thereare arebusinesses businessesbelow belowand andto tothe the side,’ side,’says saysMr MrSachar. Sachar.‘It‘Itgets getspretty prettyloud loud here herebut butwe’re we’reon onfloating floatingfloors floorsand andit’s it’s very verywell wellisolated isolatedand andcontained. contained.The Theair air gaps gapshave havebeen beenreally reallywell wellmade madeand andyou you will willhardly hardlyhear hearanything anythingoutside.’ outside.’ The Thecontrol controlroom roomitself itselfisisan anunusual unusual shape shapeintended intendedto tomaximise maximisespace spacefor for Mr MrSachar’s Sachar’sneeds, needs,with withthe thedividing dividing wall wallbetween betweenititand andthe therecording recordingbooth booth slicing slicingthrough throughthe thespace spaceat ataasharp sharp angle. angle.Even Eventhough thoughthere thereisiseasily easilyenough enough room, room,Mr MrSachar Sacharprefers prefersaaDAW-based DAW-based setup setuprather ratherthan thanaabulky bulkyanalogue analogue console, console,which whichhe hecontrols controlsfrom fromaapair pair of ofAvid AvidArtist ArtistControls. Controls.The Theacoustics acousticsare are While Whiletight, tight,the therecording recordingbooth boothcan can house houseaafull fullband bandincluding includingaadrum drumkit kit enhanced enhancedby byaapair pairof ofGenelec Genelec1238 1238
...and a real team player! Thechill-out chill-outarea area The main mainmonitors. monitors.‘Now ‘NowI’ve I’vegot gotused usedto to the theresult, result,I Ipretty prettymuch muchonly onlymix mixon onthe the Genelecs. Genelecs.I Itend tendto touse usemy myEve EveSC407s SC407s for forrehearsals rehearsalsand andwhenever wheneverwe weare are tracking. tracking.The TheGenelecs Genelecsare aretranslating translating very verywell welloutside, outside,and, and,although althoughI Imight might not notlike likethem themas asmuch muchhere, here,when whenI’m I’m listening listeningback backoutside outsideof ofthe themaster, master,I’m I’m really reallyenjoying enjoyingwhat whatI’m I’mhearing.’ hearing.’ Additional Additionalfrequently frequentlyused usedtools toolsininthe the producer’s producer’sarmoury armouryinclude includean anAntelope Antelope Orion32+ Orion32+serving servingas asthe themain mainsound sound card, card,as aswell wellas asaaDangerous Dangerous2-Bus+ 2-Bus+ and andDangerous DangerousCompressor Compressorthat thatadd add‘a‘a really reallyedgy edgyharmonic harmonicvibe. vibe.The The2-Bus+, 2-Bus+, which whichisisaa16-channel 16-channelbus busand andalso alsohas hasaa limiter, limiter,gives givesyou youaalittle littlebit bitof ofthe the2-inch 2-inch tape tapekind kindof ofvibe vibeand andjust justaareally reallybrilliant brilliant stereo stereospread,’ spread,’he heexplains. explains.‘That ‘Thatininturn turn feeds feedsinto intothe theDangerous Dangerouscompressor, compressor, which whichI Ithink thinkisisone oneof ofthe thebest bestthat thatI’ve I’ve used. used.This Thisisisthe thetool toolthat’s that’screating creating the themagic magicfor forme. me.Simultaneously, Simultaneously,I Iuse use Universal UniversalAudio’s Audio’sUAD UADfor forthe themultiple multiple plug-ins plug-insthat thatI Ihave haveon Iuse usethe theUAD UAD for forpretty prettymuch muchall allof ofthe theprocessing processinginin pre, pre,and andthen thenall allof ofthe thehardware hardwarefor forpost. post. I’m I’mgetting gettingvery verywell-rounded well-roundedand andhugehugesounding soundingtracks. tracks. ‘But ‘Butmy myall-time all-timefavourite favouritemachine machineisis the theAvalon Avalon737,’ 737,’he headds. adds.‘It‘Ithas hasaareally really great-sounding great-soundingpreamp preampand andI Itend tendto touse use that thatwith withaaNeumann Neumann149 149solid solidstate statemic. mic. When Whenyou youfeed feedthat thatinto intothe thetube, tube,ititgives gives you youaagreat, great,warm warmsound. sound.Anything Anythingthat thatI I record recordsolo soloI Ido dothrough throughthe theAvalon.’ Avalon.’ The Thepremises premisesalso alsoboast boastsome someother other novel novelfeatures featuresintended intendedto tokeep keepthe the
emphasison onwork workand andaway awayfrom from emphasis distractions.‘One ‘Oneof ofthe thecoolest coolestfeatures features distractions. hereisisthat thateverything everythingisisautomated, automated, here eventhe theair airconditioning. conditioning.So SoI Ihave have even madepresets presetsto tochange changethe thefeel feelof ofthe the made room,dimming dimminglights lightsduring duringrecordings recordings room, forinstance, instance,and andthese thesecan canbe bevoice voice for triggeredusing usingAmazon’s Amazon’sAlexa Alexavirtual virtual triggered assistant.Even Eventhe themain maindoor dooroutside outside assistant. canbe beunlocked unlockedremotely remotelyfrom frominside inside can thecontrol controlroom, room,so soI Idon’t don’tneed needto to the stopaasession sessioneven evenififsomeone someonearrives arrives stop unexpectedly.’ unexpectedly.’ That’snot notto tosay saythat thateverything everythingfound found That’s itsplace placewithout withouthassle. hassle.‘Designing ‘Designing its andbuilding buildingthe thestudio studiodesk deskalmost almost and killedus. us.ItItlooks lookssymmetrical symmetricalto tothe the killed eyebecause becauseof ofthe theway waythe thegear gearisis eye integrated,but butititactually actuallyisn’t. isn’t.It’s It’s integrated, alsomuch muchbigger biggernow nowthan thanoriginally originally also planned.But Butititisiswhere whereall allof ofthe theaction action planned. takesplace placeand andeverything everythingneeds needsto tobe be takes syncand andto tohand.’ hand.’ ininsync Clearlythe themonths monthsof ofhard hardwork workare are Clearly alreadystarting startingto topay payoff offfor forMr MrSachar. Sachar. already ‘I’mreally reallyenjoying enjoyingit,’ it,’he heconfesses. confesses. ‘I’m ‘Infact, fact,my mymixing mixingand andmastering mastering ‘In capabilitieshave haveshot shotup. up.Both Bothare aresuch such capabilities funand andthe theresults resultsare arejust justgreat. great. fun ‘Thereare aredefinitely definitelythings thingsI Imiss missabout about ‘There nothaving havingaastudio studioat athome, home,but butnow now not thehouse houseisisaahouse houseand andnothing nothingto todo do the withwork,’ work,’he heconcludes. concludes.‘And ‘Andit’s it’sonly only with about3.5km 3.5kmaway, away,so soI Ican canstill stillpop popover over about quitequickly quicklyififI Ireally reallywant wantto.’ to.’ quite
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Stage Tec mixing consoles are real workhorses when it comes to OB vehikels. Reliable, fast and with redundancy. Take the AURUS platinum for example, which is just perfect for broadcasting rock concerts, sports and other out-door events while ensuring the highest audio quality. Rapid set up, with perfect ergonomics as impressive as its technical features: More than 800 input channels (at 48 kHz), 128 Buses at both 48 kHz and 96 kHz, with fully integrated Stage Tec auto mixer, loudness metering directly in the console sum channels and group channels, freely configurable, extensive dynamics, scene automation... Basically, just a real team player you can count on!
November–December November–December2017 2017PRO PROAVL AVLASIA ASIA 111 111
The only way is up Mumbai rental company Sound & Light Professional handles an average of three gigs per day. Caroline Moss charts the company’s stratospheric growth
Manish Mavani with a small part of SNL Pro’s L-Acoustics inventory FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF SOUND & LIGHT PROFESSIONAL (SNL Pro) Manish Mavani started in the rental business in the mid-nineties, hiring out a pair of turntables to supplement his DJ career. One thing led to another, and soon Mr Mavani began installing sound systems into nightclubs, starting with a club at the Meridian hotel in Pune in 2000. ‘That gave me some revenue to buy more equipment and I’ve never looked back,’ he says. Using profits from rentals to fund more equipment remains his business model, though he also credits the help of the banks, the guidance of some clever people and a lot of luck. Early installs featured brands such as JBL, Crest, Denon, Rane and Behringer, plus some custom-built cabinets, depending on budget and requirements. In 2004, SNL Pro graduated to Ohm, which was distributed in India by Harness Overseas under the guidance of Lalit Chopra. ‘We grew immensely with that brand, and did lots of club installations,’ he remembers. ‘Ohm allowed us to become an integration company.’ A turning point for SNL Pro came when 70 Event Management started hiring the company for events such as Smirnoff Experience and Bacardi Blast parties, large-scale DJ gigs with international acts that ‘changed the momentum of the company and brought us into the pro league’. The company purchased an Ohm Cred/TRS 218 rig for the larger events, which attracted up to 7,000 people. The next major purchase was a DAS Audio system of Aero 48, Aero 28 and Aero 50 cabinets, SNL Pro’s first large-format line array system, acquired from Indian distributor GM Audio in Chennai. International acts followed, the first being David Guetta, at that time one of the leading DJs in the world, on his 2012 Eristoff Invasion tour. ‘That put us on the radar of international artists,’ says Mr Mavani. The venues in Delhi, Pune and Bangalore were large open spaces, including a construction site in Pune. More international acts followed, including Norah Jones, Diana Ross, Chakka Khan, Swedish House Mafia and Enrique Iglesias, as well as the festivals that were starting to spring up. ‘We’ve worked with all the large festival promoters on NH7, Sula, Electric Daisy Carnival, Sunburn, Supersonic and EVC,’ he continues. ‘The amount of festivals we’ve worked on has grown the company immensely.’
112 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
SNL Pro team with Manish Mavani (seated)
Electric Daisy Carnival In 2012, an L-Acoustics system became the next big purchase. ‘My initial intention was to go for a V-Dosc system because it was still appearing on the riders,’ he says. ‘I went to the L-Acoustics factory and met Christian Heil who convinced me to go for the K1 instead of a V-Dosc, so I agreed.’ Mr Mavani had done his homework prior to the purchase, attending large concerts in Europe to hear different
sound systems in action. ‘I didn’t inform the manufacturers concerned; it was my intention to go and hear the quality of audio,’ he says. ‘I realised it was the K1 that was making a difference. In India, we really have loud gigs. Indian bands expect high SPLs, but as we don’t have too many arenas or venues designed for events, we have rigging limitations. Everything has to be hung from structures that are built from the floor. I didn’t feel any power would be lacking by groundstacking the K1. It’s pretty powerful, and the sonic quality is pleasing.’ The initial system consisted of 24 K1 cabinets with subwoofers, monitors and amplification. More units were acquired every six months, then Kara was added, and today SNL Pro has 40 K1 and 80 Kara boxes that are almost permanently in use. The company also still owns a substantial DAS Audio rig powered by Lab.gruppen PLM Series amplifiers, as well as a large inventory of mixing consoles. ‘We started way back with Allen & Heath ML3000s and ML5000s, then our first digital console was the Soundcraft Vi6,’ says Mr Mavani. ‘After that we invested in Yamaha, Avid, DiGiCo and Allen & Heath. Doing different kinds of work, from rock gigs, large symphonies and religious ceremonies through to sports and corporate events, we have consoles for all applications. Aside from our own house engineers, we also work with lots of freelancers who come with the artist or the production house, and all of them have their preferred brands.’ Staff levels have also increased in tandem with SNL Pro’s inventory, with 65 people now on the payroll. ‘We are now working all over the country, mostly shipping our gear by road, so given how busy the company is, logistics are very important,’ says Mr Mavani. ‘Sometimes we get six or eight gigs per day and then we have to start saying no. We sub-hire gear from other companies, and have good relationships with most of them; we help each other out. ‘We have been growing at 20% for the past five years in terms of revenue and profit margin. I keep changing my strategies as I feel there’s a lot of scope to do new things, whether it’s style of management, type of customers we work with or what we do for our crew. Broadcast is exciting for me; I’ve been focusing on it for the last year, and we’ve broken into a market that’s been
FEATURES: COMPANY PROFILE dominated by major players. We’ve been working on reality TV shows and big musical broadcast events. Theatre is also new in India and we worked on Disney’s Beauty and the Beast musical last year in Mumbai and Delhi. That got us into the world of theatre and musicals, and we’ve just finished an Indian production called Mughal-e-Azam, which has broken all records by selling out weeks in advance for every single show.’ SNL Pro was also one of several companies providing equipment for India’s first Global Citizen festival last November, featuring Coldplay and A R Rahman. Aside from growing the business, Mr Mavani is also proactive in establishing standards and practices for India’s fledgling industry. ‘I’m still learning, but it’s about consistency,’ he says. ‘That’s what I’ve been focusing on, and I still feel there’s lots more to do.’ This includes educating the Indian Government in matters of audio. ‘We’re trying to figure out with the government if laws that are non-friendly can be changed,’ he says. An example of this is the controversial ruling that event sound must be kept to unfeasibly low levels. ‘The problem is that they don’t know where to measure the sound from – it’s a lack of knowledge.’ Mr Mavani was instrumental in forming the Pro Audio Lighting Association in conjunction with industry veteran Roger Drego and other rental companies to
(Right): Crowd at Global Citizen
Beauty and the Beast represent the industry in this and other matters. ‘There is a growing collaboration between rental companies as the market matures,’ he says. ‘It needs to get better, but people have started talking and we’re not getting taken for a ride by the customers. We are showing solidarity with each other.’ Other initiatives include issues such as crew safety and insurance. The importance of the latter was underlined in 2016 by a devastating fire during a Make in India government cultural event, which destroyed SNL Pro’s L-Acoustics K1 rig and other equipment. ‘After that we took our equipment insurance seriously as we didn’t get any help from the event producers or the government,’ he reflects. ‘L-Acoustics was the biggest help; they gave me a substantial discount on a new rig and time to pay. It’s taken me to the next level, and pushed me and the entire team so hard that we did more business than the previous year after losing so much in the fire.’ This cautionary tale illustrates the company’s resilience and ability to learn from such a catastrophe. Having survived an event of this magnitude proves there’s only one direction in which SNL Pro is heading.
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 113
A letter from America Dan Daley discovers some of the new mega rehearsal studios popping up across the US
LET ME START BY SAYING THAT, WHATEVER Donald Trump did since we last spoke, no matter how idiotic, clueless or tasteless it was, Letter From America apologises. Rest assured, we are working diligently on a solution. Now then, on to business. While recording studios have been the focus of music production for the better part of the last century, there has been an ongoing and massive shift in recent years. Capital expenditures are now being poured into rehearsal facilities instead. In Nashville, already the home of some of the country’s largest and best-equipped rehearsal studios, most notably the national chain SIR and Soundcheck’s huge hangars on the Cumberland River, the Chicago-based Fort Knox Studios has opened an iteration of itself in a cavernous former warehouse near the airport with a US$7.2 million price tag on the real estate alone. Along with a few other large facilities – one of which is owned by one of Dolly Parton’s companies – Nashville is shrewdly shedding its reputation as the rehearsal studio capital of the country for the role of ground zero for most of the major tours that will criss-cross North America each year.
Even bigger is the seemingly remote Rock Lititz, a US$21.8 million project in rural Pennsylvania, whose main production/ rehearsal space is over 9,000m2, including a 30m-tall ceiling to accommodate the largest trusses, with another 15,800m2 allocated to related production activities, including a 975m2 room used for back-up band or dance rehearsals. A planned second phase will have a 76,200m2 adjunct that will house more offices and facilities for nearly two dozen support companies. A hotel is also in the planning stages, accommodating the extended families of the dozens of artists, musicians, technicians, programmers and other specialties needed to put on the kind of touring spectacles that have become the new revenue generator for a music industry whose recordings no longer make enough money to live on. The shift in the music industry’s fortunes has favoured live performances decidedly over record sales – the industry lost nearly 40% of its revenues over the past 15 years, as per the IFPI, while the Top 100 Tours of North America in 2016 grossed a record US$3.34 billion, according to Pollstar. That’s up 7% over last
A letter from Europe
year’s US$3.12 billion. In addition, the average ticket price also hit record levels at US$76.55 each, up 3%, or US$2.30, over 2015. What’s more, most of that money likely finds its way back to the touring artists and their support, which is a vast improvement over the 15% or so that standard recording contracts have historically allocated as the artists’ share. Not surprisingly then, rehearsal studios, which were once largely reviled by musicians and touring techs alike for their dinginess and dodginess, are rapidly becoming more like the palaces of music recording’s heydays. When you are hosting rehearsals for tours of artists including Taylor Swift, Usher, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj, as Rock Lititz reportedly did over the last year or so, you have to empty the ashtrays regularly, to say the least. The largest of the new mega rehearsal facilities are also recreating the mothership model of some of the biggest recording studios of an earlier era, with the rehearsal facility acting as a magnet and hub for ancillary support businesses. For instance, Tour Supply, which will rent everything from gaffer tape to synchronised backing track playback systems,
has outposts in both Soundcheck and Rock Lititz, while Sound Marketing, a national pro audio rep firm whose anchor client is Harman Professional, pays rent in Swing House in LA. At the same time, the leading rehearsal studios are also becoming showcases for the latest in PA systems and live sound consoles, where touring artists and FOH engineers can check them out as they make their touring technology decisions. These new palaces of sound reflect the tectonic shift from recorded to live music as the main revenue source for the music industry. However, the legendary excesses of an earlier era will be hard to find. Instead, these facilities will have to be ‘part of a coming wave of efficiency in the music business’, as Fort Knox MD, Kent Nielsen, outlined it to me. Musicians will be self-contained artistic and commercial entities, looking to these new rehearsal agoras to provide a menu of services they can choose from as they pick their way through a landscape no longer paved by the machinery of major record labels. It will be – pun very much intended – quite a show to watch.
stem bloody rebellion. On New Year’s Eve 1999, everything was doubled up: the crucial Focusrite 7 preamps; Sonifex’s Redbox RB-DA6 distribution amplifiers; Systembase C400xr codecs; even the UPS units. An ISDN connection was backed up by a British Telecom microwave link that dodged all the regional switching points between Westminster, BT Tower, the BBC and a VIP party at the newly built Millennium Dome. It all went off just fine. The 2017 interruption is not the first time the bells have stopped, obviously. During previous renovations, the last of which was in 1976, radio broadcasting has resorted to a number of alternatives, including similar chimes from St Paul’s Cathedral and the electronic time signal generated by the Royal Greenwich Observatory, still used by the BBC – six short 1kHz oscillatory bursts, known as ‘the pips’, counting down to the hour. So even if London
can’t bong it can still pip, which is reassuring. There is another option, nowadays. And it makes perfect sense, when you think about it. Dominic Harter, MD of UK loudspeaker manufacturer Martin Audio, has written to The Speaker of the House of Commons, Rt Hon John Bercow MP, offering to install four hangs or stacks of the company’s Multicellular Line Array (MLA) elements at the top of the tower in order to replicate the bells with computer-controlled playback of their prerecorded chimes; the key point being that the much-touted rear rejection of the enclosures would protect the workforce behind them while projecting adequately out front. Whether broadcasters would transmit this artifice or just stick to the original recording remains unclear. As I write, there has been no reply from Parliament. This would make Big Ben the largest BWAV file – yes, it’s the bell. Welcome to Britain.
As Big Ben falls silent for four years, Phil Ward looks at alternatives QUIZ TIME: IMAGINE YOU’RE STUCK AT Dover, trying to enter the UK. The first question on the UK Government Citizen Test is ‘Who is considered the most significant Queen in British history?’ – to which the answer is not, no matter how much you’d like it to be, Elton John. The next question is multiple-choice: ‘Big Ben’ is (a) the clock tower at the northern end of the Palace of Westminster, (b) the clock in that tower or (c) the largest bell of the five that regularly chime therein? While you’re thinking about that, consider the consternation that would grip the UK if the bells at the top of that famous tower stopped ringing. Like the ravens at the Tower of London, the absence of these totems must surely harbinger the end of civilisation, or at least the grave threat of Tottenham Hotspur not qualifying for Europe. But wait … it’s actually happening. The bells are being silenced to allow a workforce to carry out
maintenance on them and on the tower itself, and with good reason. Close proximity to a 13,760Kg bronze clanger being thumped by a 204Kg hammer is considered something of a health and safety issue. So the broadcasters who routinely use these sonorous signposts to preface key news bulletins must, gasp, use recordings of the chimes to fulfil the brief. You might think they do anyway, but no; since 1923, the BBC has had a microphone (or two) in place at the top of the clock tower permanently connected to its studios to transmit the chimes live, often referred to, in a spirited burst of onomatopoeia, as ‘the bongs’. On special occasions, such as New Year’s Eve or the announcement that a royal baby has successfully completed potty training, the connection is reinforced by codecs, preamps and other paraphernalia to ensure no interruption of the signal – and, therefore, to
114 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
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BIRTV 2017
This year’s edition of BIRTV showcased developments in the broadcasting and film industries in China. Pro AVL Asia discovers what was on display
The Stage Tec China team
RacPro’s Calrec technical support manager Wang Yi and RacPro MD Kenneth Liu
The RME team
116 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
THE BEIJING INTERNATIONAL RADIO, TV & FILM EQUIPMENT Exhibition (BIRTV 2017) opened its doors at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing on 23 August with an exhibition space of more than 50,000m2 and 519 exhibitors. With the theme of ‘Media Convergence, Smart Broadcasting’, the event was dedicated to the latest technologies and equipment in the broadcasting and film industries. A wander around the show floor revealed that Stage Tec China had taken note of the show theme by opting to build a converged system including audio, video, networking, sound reinforcement and intercom. General manager Zeng Dong said: ‘This system has been built from Stage Tec’s Aurus Platinum digital console, a Riedel intercom system, Mobile Viewpoint’s 4G audio video transfer system, a WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) system, ENCO’s visualisation radio broadcasting and audio instant playback solutions, and an ME monitor system – four sets of flightcases in total. The whole system is scalable to meet the production demands of different applications, which shows the audio/video convergence of all the stage boxes, the convergence of communication signals and audio systems, as well as the convergence of system networks.’ After two years of absence at BIRTV, Sennheiser was back with a stand divided up into three zones. Wu Chengbin said: ‘We are showing our EK6042, MKH 8060/8070, K6 set, MKE2, Clipmic, AVX and MKE440 products specifically for the simultaneous recording market.’ In the stand’s VR experience zone, the company highlighted its Ambeo VR microphones, Neumann KH80 DSP monitor speakers and MK 4 digital microphones with Apogee. Sennheiser also showed its 2000/5000 microphone series and its Digital 6000 wireless system for the broadcasting and PA markets. RacPro (Rightway)’s Calrec brand technical director Wang Yi said: ‘Shanghai Municipal Culture Technical Center has just purchased two Calrec Artemis systems from us, one for an OB van, the other for EFP (Electronic Field Production). The Artemis 5.1.4 Atmos system we built here at BIRTV is the same as the one for EFP.’ Other Calrec products on display included Summa, for medium-sized broadcasting studios, and Brio for news broadcasting. In addition, RacPro also showcased L-Acoustics’ Syva segment source speakers, DiGiCo’s SD5 and SD12 desks, and Roland’s M5000 digital console. RME is an long-time exhibitor at BIRTV. This year, the company displayed its Digiface USB audio interface, Fireface UFX II flagship interface and its Ferrofish A16 MK II and A32
converters. Sales director Leo Liu said: ‘We built an ADI-2 Pro experience zone on the stand so users can experience the power of ADI-2. It is an ultra-high-fidelity audio interface with DSD recording and playback, up to 768kHz sample rate and can calibrate with headphones and speakers.’ Yamaha attended BIRTV for the first time this year. Chen Hao commented: ‘Many broadcasting projects demand live consoles, so we built a system based on our Rivage PM10 main console, CL3 OB van console and CL5 monitor console. We hope it will attract more users so they can experience Yamaha’s technical highlights and the stability of the system.’ Meanwhile, over in Hall 2, Shure’s Axient Digital proved a popular attraction. Marketing manager Lucy Huang said: ‘The Axient digital wireless system is our flagship product this year, and our distributors, ACE and SWS, are also showing Axient on their own stands.’
SWS Beijing office manager Judy Chen with the Shure Axient Digital system
2017 Dates:
23 – 26 August
2018 Dates:
CIEC, Beijing, China
Total exhibitors:
BUSINESS: SHOW REVIEW Lawo’s stand, always located in Hall 8, highlighted the mc236, mc256, mc296 consoles and VSM video control, and showed visitors how to connect the control system with IP and AES67 standards. Running alongside the exhibition, Genelec held the launch for its ‘The Ones’ coaxial monitors at the famous 798 art zone in Beijing. Genelec’s general manager Siamäk Naghian, said: ‘The Ones speakers include years of effort and innovation, and are set to lead the monitor speaker market in the future.’ ACE showed the Studer DIOS input/output central management system. Yee Tat Nam, technical sales manager at Harman, said: ‘The Studer DIOS is a new generation of broadcasting studio audio solutions. It simplifies the complicated routing matrix in the broadcasting workflow, and can meet different needs of live sound reinforcement.’ Ruifeng highlighted its KS and LAX cinema series at BIRTV. PCI-China
Harman China’s Yee Tat Nam and ACE’s technical director Jason Zhang
Yinqiao Technology’s Chen Xueping with the AKG C12 VR
Genelec’s Feng Hanying, Howard Jones, Lars-Olof Janflod and Ole Jensen
used QSC’s latest cinema processor DPM100/100H and Q-Sys platform to present its smart-cinema solution. Budee showed Wheatstone’s Dimension Three TV on-air console,
while Merging Technologies’ exclusive Chinese distributor, Dreamula, built an experience centre for visitors to see the power and convenience of its Ovation system.
The Soundking stand highlighted the company’s cinema products. DMT did not attend the show this year, choosing instead to hold a Solid State Logic System T
product launch at Beijing’s Workers’ Stadium. DMT’s technical director, Johnathan Wang, said: ‘System T is a fully digital networking production console that uses Dante AoIP technologies to combine control connectors, a processing core and I/O devices, and create system configurations that could not be realised before.’ Over the past 30 years, BIRTV has become a brand name in the industry and has facilitated the merging of the Chinese broadcasting industry with the leading technologies from around the world. The show will continue to bring hope and strength to the industry in the future.
Moderated meetings have a new home. Visit our relaunched website:
3/4 PAGE Sennheiser’s Wu Chengbin and Crystal Wu
Riedel’s APAC director, Cameron O’Neill
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 117
InfoComm India 2017 The integration show was back in Mumbai after a name change by the parent company to reflect the developing industry
THE FIFTH EDITION OF INFOCOMM INDIA OPENED ITS doors at the Bombay Exhibition Centre; the first tradeshow to be held since InfoComm International changed its name to Avixa (Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association) to reflect its growing mission outside the boundaries of traditional commercial A/V. However, the InfoComm moniker is being retained for the company’s tradeshows. This year’s Indian outing was held under the banner of ‘See the Future of Networked Communications’, and, judging by the integrated product displays on stands, which seemed to have reached new levels of sophistication again this year, exhibitors appeared to have warmed to the theme. David Labuskes, executive director and CEO of Avixa, opened proceedings by flagging up India’s projected 7% annual growth for the A/V products and services market. ‘It’s a sure sign that professionals here are committed not just to the latest technology, but also to applying technology in new and creative ways to build integrated experiences,’ he said. The front of the hall was dominated by InfoComm India’s Platinum Partners: Delta, Epson, Harman, Kramer and Panasonic, which were all showing their latest connected solutions for leading-edge A/V applications. ‘The show has been pretty good, and, compared to last year, the footfall has improved,’ said Kramer application engineer, Srijan Mitra. ‘There’s been a lot of interest in our in-wall transducer speakers, which can convert any surface into a speaker.’ Harman’s neighbouring stand was busy as ever, with a wide range of technology on display from the company’s brands, including Acendo conference room solutions and Incite presentation switchers from AMX, Harman Connected PA
EV’s Santosh Kumar and Tushar Srivastava
Thumbs up from BXB
integrated audio products and the Martin Professional Exterior Projection 1000 tool for permanent outdoor lighting installations. The joint stand of Electro-Voice and Dynacord, celebrating 90 and 70 years in business respectively this year, also had a strong presence on the show floor. ‘In previous years, we’ve been here as Bosch,’ explained deputy general manager, Tushar Srivastava, who was proudly displaying the just-launched Electro-Voice Evolve 50 column system with inbuilt processing under the company’s Loud and Clear theme, and also promoting Dynacord in India. ‘We’re launching Dynacord here as an independent brand that works alongside EV and other makes of speakers,’ he continued. ‘We’ve taken a much bigger stand this year, and we’re very happy with quality of footfall.’ Also participating in its own right for the first time was Wyrestorm. ‘Last year we were with our distributor, but we thought it was well worth doing the show alone this year,’ said regional sales manager, India and SAARC, Rohan Tadke. ‘The show is maturing and there are a good amount of end users visiting, showing they are taking it more seriously.’ Dean Standing, returning in his role as international sales manager with Atlas IED, was also noticing a difference after a three-year absence. ‘The show seems to have grown quite a bit; traffic is up and the quality of the stands has improved greatly,’ he said from the stand of distributor, Rivera International. ‘The quality of the people has been very good, and I think the show’s drawing from further afield in India now. There are definitely more people here from the south.’
‘We come here to show that we can provide a total solution for projects,’ said Rajan Gupta, managing director of Hi-Tech Audio Systems, which handles an increasing number of government and corporate integration work. ‘InfoComm is all about solutions and delivery, and this is what we can provide with the range of products we represent, such as Christie, Crestron, Key Digital, Klotz and Bose.’ Making a mark in India is Taiwanese manufacturer BXB, whose presence at the show grows year-on-year. This year, the company was exhibiting opposite its Indian distributor, Univeso. ‘It’s been a good show for us,’ said sales manager, Selena Huang. ‘We’re demonstrating the new ICP-5000 classroom solution called Clax for the first time in India. We are doing well here now; Univeso is supporting us well and InfoComm has helped establish us in India as the market becomes familiar with our products.’ Ohm’s stand was consistently busy throughout the three days, and this may have had something to do with the arrival of industry veteran, Sushil John, who has joined as executive director, APAC. ‘I started my audio career with the Ohm brand, and now it’s become an Indian-owned company,’ said Mr John. ‘There’s been heavy investment in R&D and there will be a slew of new products next year. As for the show, it’s much better organised than last year; there are more stands, more participation and the quality of the crowd is amazing.’ Representatives from international manufacturers seemed on the increase this year. QSC in particular was showing a strong turnout to support its new regional office in Bangalore, with
Sushil John (centre) surrounded by his Ohm team
The team from Hi-Tech
Sunny Chhibber (centre) and representatives from Acoustic Arts’ distributed brands
Mayank Gaurav and Devasis Barkataki from Alphatec
Wyrestorm’s Rohan Tadke and Talha Abdul Wadood
118 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Atlas IED’s Dean Standing and Rivera International’s Rajesh Sadarangani
beyerdynamic’s Mohan Hamal and Deexith HM were showing new products including the Quinta TB wireless boundary mic
Pack away and set up with ease
president and CEO Joe Pham; COO Jatan Shah; vice president, Running alongside the exhibition was the InfoComm India systems strategy, Richard Zwiebel; systems applications 2017 Summit. This year, the summit featured more than 44 engineer, Asia Pacific, David Penrose; and senior director of sessions hosted by an array of industry professionals and sales operations, Mandy Spencer, all in attendance. ‘There’s covering topics from cyber security, the digital workplace and and ecosystem. The benefits are frequency extension lots of positive energy, and the Indian systems integration andand detailed auditorium design through to Smart Cities, a hot topic in India The K275 quicker set up times and the ability bass reproduction. The K175, on consultant community seem really excited about us being here,’ with many cities being primed to benefit from technology to instantly recall performer presets. theofother hand, utilises an on-ear commented Mr Spencer. ‘There’s been lots interest in our to improve energy management, security, connectivity and Additional products with embedded design with 40mm product line and it’s solidifying our presence in India. We’re transducers. The infrastructure efficiency. Although this seems to be largely in the ioSYS technology and Connected PA manufacturer also claims that all really happy with the show.’ planning stage, several companies were reporting that they are compatibility include the Soundcraft three was models are low impedance Meanwhile, in attendance on the Bose stand regional consulting with government departments on smart city projects. Ui24R mixer, JBL PRX800W theover best frequency sales manager, Christian Liebenberg, whoand haspossess just taken Despite the almost overwhelmingly positive feedback from loudspeakers, dbx Di1 direct boxes response sensitivity for their responsibility for India and the SAARC countries. Mrand Liebenberg exhibitors and visitors alike, there were some who felt the ON thefloor technology featuresquiet. a micro-bodypack an and AKGand P5i microphones. class, in a higher output was participating alongside Vishal Srivasta whoresulting is handling show was at times somewhat However, thewith show TOA’s S Raghuram International team atBUILDING QSC employed in organisers the UHF-R,claimed ULX-D and integrated antenna. before distortion even whenKyosuke playing Tanimura marketing for the region. a 25% growth overself-tuning last year, with visitor Axient wireless systems, back from lower-powered mobile As usual, the Acoustic Arts stand was well attended by numbers up Shure 16% to 8,162. Compatible with the Shure Battery has developed‘That’s AxientinDigital. Rack Charger, Wireless Workbench K275 and K175 representatives from its growing number devices. of brandsThe including Powersoft’s regional account manager, EMENA, Hakan Sjoo: terms The of both exhibitors and floor space,’ said manufacturer states Tan, that executive the and ShurePlus software, featureCloud a closed-back design forquality of the visitors is good, they know what they want, Powersoft, Renkus-Heinz, TW Audio, Televic, ‘The Richard director, InfoComm Channels Asia. ‘It stands new digital wireless microphone features Quadversity Electronics and Community. ‘Every year,live therecording exhibitionand is monitoring, theywhile know what they’re doing and they ask the right questions.’ to reason that if you have aAxient muchDigital larger area for visitors, receiver on technology, reducing the system was created in response K245 features a semi-open design getting more professional,’ commented Herman Geerinck, TOA was joined by regional sales manager, Kyosuke Tanimura, perception can differ.toFor example, the first morning, continued RFattendance spectrum pressure risk 50% of signal interference suited editing business development manager for Televic, fromfor the stand.and mixing. from Japan. ‘It’s been a good show, and we’ve mainly met was up more than overfades, last year. And on the and that it offers high-performance and dropouts. is In addition to a foldable headband ‘The big names are here and that’s important in attracting the usual suspects but we’ve also seen a few new system second day, which people perceived to beDigital busier,audio the increase RF and hardware delivered via Dante and AES3 that features a three-axis hinge, visitors, though in our industry we don’t need a huge number integrators,’ said TOA’s Indian sales and marketing manager, wasn’tscalability. so dramatic as the first day. However, a large number of with a frequency range between ‘Axient Digital offers thereturning flexibility on the the headphones of visitors; the quality is more important than the quantity. have And self-adjusting S Raghuram. ‘It’s a valuable show for us, and we have booked people were second day, and the return visitors to work in the availableto spectrum,’ and 20kHz and wide headbands and Added floating earagain cups.for next year.’ we have been seeing mainly end users and consultants.’ compared last year was 20Hz also higher. dynamic range is also offered AKG has also unveiled a new ‘Interaction this year is far superior to last year,’ stated said Nick Wood, ‘Wedirector are veryforhappy with the show; we think it’s even better FOLDABLE STUDIO headphones at Shure. along with AES-256 encryption microphone adapter for theAlphatec’s Harman Mayank Gaurav, adding that the Klark Teknikwireless products than last year.’ The from Harman AKG’s brand have and 2ms latency from the mic Connected PA system. Featuring DM8000 digital processor designed for boardrooms wassystem’s receiver is compatible Dates: – 28 September been released for on the go to the analogue with a pair of 2017 transmitter options: 26transducer embedded ioSYS technology, the attracting much attention. ‘We are a bit more mature now, musicians and audio professionals. the AD Series and ADX Series. output. Its wide tuning range of portable MDAi CPA Connected PA know us and we know them, and there’s a lot of interest people 2018 Dates: TBC The new family comprises the K275, microphone adapter is compatible Axient Digital operates as standard up to 184MHz presents options in the quality brands we represent.’ Bombay Centre,when K245 and K175 models and is said used with the AD Series for dualExhibition or quad receivers with dynamic vocal mics from both ‘The show has been good for me this year as I’ve been when meeting Venue: to combine robust build quality and transmitters. However, when used Goregaon, combinedMumbai with a common receiver AKG and other manufacturers. people I haven’t seen for the past 10 to 12 years, including comfort for long listening sessions with the ADX Series, ShowLink platform supporting AD and ADX The company states that using somethe consultants from Hong Kong,’ said Neeraj Chandra, Total exhibitors: 141 with an ‘accessible’ price point. is incorporated to supply realtransmitters. products is as easy as plugging director of distributor Sun Infonet, which was showing the The K275 and K245 models time all transmitter the adaptor into any mic, asShure it Axient and Microflex families. ‘It’s a very good show forcontrol ofAttendance: 8,162 feature 50mm transducers that The ADX Series also automatically configures itself with people we are here and showing them all the parameters. reminding new Contact: The K245 reportedly provide great lowthe Harman Connected PA products app The light fantastic at Christie we have coming through.’
Axient goes digital
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July–August 2017 ASIA 119 79 November–December 2017PRO PROAUDIO AVL ASIA
Integrate 2017
The Australian A/V industry may be compact in size, but the movers and shakers making it tick are pretty well represented over the three days
Jeremy Pollak from Pomt joins Crestron’s Craig Stuart
d&b audiotechnik present and past – Peter Tongue joins David Claringbold on the NAS booth
The Melbourne Exhibition Centre welcomed Integrate back to its modern facilities INTEGRATE REPRESENTS A GOOD ANNUAL BAROMETER for trade down under, especially for those suppliers who want to engage with the market first hand. It also provides an accurate gauge of events having taken place since the previous year’s exhibition. It’s two years since Integrate organiser Diversified Communications last made the 1,100km leap to Melbourne’s Conference and Exhibition Centre from Sydney. The positivity that characterised that show continued as soon as the doors opened to allow a swell of visitors to spill in. The landscape of booths that greeted them resembled a mature, mini InfoComm, perfectly capturing the marriage of IT and A/V technologies. ‘The bar keeps being raised at Integrate,’ enthused LG Electronics’ business development manager, John Musch. ‘We’re happy to be one of those helping to push it further. We’re displaying many new innovative displays that have drawn retailers, hospitality managers and event organisers to our booth.’ Those displays included the 65EV5C OLED videowall and numerous other waved and curved screens appealing in their nature to interior designers and architects alike.
LG Electronics displayed many innovative eye catching displays including the 65EV5C OLED videowall The packed educational forum hardly dented floor traffic as it had in the past. While Dell and Microsoft products could be viewed on some exhibition booths, Microsoft’s Ian Heard hosted a seminar on ‘The Workspaces of Tomorrow’. IT first arrived in digital signage interfaces before taking to the HDBaseT video signal paths some years ago, progressing to locate ports in all the significant audio networked consoles, speakers and amplifiers ever since. A number of savvy exhibitors drew consultants and systems integrators with the coffee aromas that characterise this great city. Towards the end of each day, however, many exhibitors poured drinks and played music to entertain their customers. Crestron welcomed its clientele by providing both coffee and then wine, while presenting its NVX digital media solutions in educational, enterprise, government and home automation scenarios. ‘It’s our way of saying thank you to our many customers here at the show,’ explained Production A/V Technology’s MD, Graeme Stevenson. Craft beers and live music welcomed increasing numbers of prominent consultants and end users as the
120 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
TAG’s Stephen Bray with the Allen & Heath dLive S5000 evening wore on. The booth was also awash with products being displayed for the first time in Australia from Audix, ClearOne, EAW, Symetrix and Televic, together with new brand AtlasIED. ‘We’ve been coming here since the very beginning,’ commented TAG’s MD, Tony Russo, standing next to a Dell server incorporating Q-Sys processing. ‘This is where we interact with and update our customers on new technologies they can benefit from, so they can fully create tomorrow’s office, theatre, venue or hotel.’ Judging by the coffees ordered via the Q-Sys touchscreen on the booth, the O-Line speaker system, QSC amplifiers, Allen & Heath dLive consoles and Audio-Technica conferencing mics played second billing to networking and demonstrations – and no doubt future sales orders. While bright control surfaces and large screens characterising the AMX, Crestron, LG and Samsung stands dominated the exhibition vista, there was plenty to view in the smaller aisles down below. LaON 5GHz digital wireless intercoms and Brobox USB recording solutions drew an assortment of interested visitors to the MTA Technical Sales booth. ‘This has been the best trade show we have ever exhibited at,’ declared MTA’s Tony Hambling. ‘We’re established in the broadcast sector and normally exhibit at SMPTE every two years. However, here at this show, we’ve met a lot of new contacts from educational facilities, theatres, local and national government departments.’ George Forster-Jones was equally enthusiastic on the Thor Technologies booth. The Australian innovator has created many patented technologies such as Smart Board and Smart Filter that protect equipment from electrical pulses and surges. ‘It’s been an interesting show as I’ve come into contact with a number of high-profile end users from corporate and event backgrounds,’ he said. ‘We’re an Australian manufacturer but we continually need to educate visitors that their assets are at risk without protection, so meeting so many new people here at the show has been great.’ Marc Allen, manager of pro A/V at Roland, enthused: ‘We’re demonstrating products such as the V-1HD portable compact HD switcher, M-5000 console, XS-1HD matrix compact and VR-4HD A/V mixer. Technicians from hire and events companies looking for portable A/V streaming devices, mixers or a small matrix have come to see us. We’ve also met a good mix of people working in corporate, houses of worship and hospitality venues.’
Gary Vlaeminck had traversed the International Date Line from Chicago to represent Cleerline and TechLogix on the AVD booth. The technologies may not leap out like an HD screen or control surface, but for those visitors who took the time to unearth their virtues, they were quickly vindicated. ‘The simple, neatly designed TechLogix Networx HDMI interfaces together with their “share me” functionality have gone down well,’ explained Mr Vlaeminck. ‘So have the Cleerline polymerprotected fibre optic solutions. For about the same cost as Cat-6 cabling, these robust cables can now be easily added into installations. I’ve received a lot of interest from a range of attendees from all over Australia, so it was worth the long trip.’ Debuting at Integrate, Melbourne-based Group Technologies explained its rationale in taking the plunge. ‘We felt the time was right to show products from the brands we represent that are applicable to corporate and educational spaces,’ explained Anthony Touma. IP65 and IP67 weather-resistant speaker designs from Quest Technologies and RCF appealed to those specifying outdoor systems, while Camco, Hill Audio, Nexo and Xilica Neutrino products were all visibly displayed. ‘The DiGiCo S21 console has probably attracted the greatest attention as there are many facility managers from performing arts theatres coming to this show.’ The show was a far cry from the first edition in 2008, staged at the Holdern Pavilion near Moore Park in Sydney, when a few suppliers gathered in a chilly hall. Today, it attracts well-heeled patrons in the form of A/V consultants, SI companies and facility managers working on corporate and boardroom facilities to healthcare and police headquarters and everything in between. These are not just the sound and lighting engineers that constituted the bulk of early Integrate visitors. Jands continues to show there is more to its portfolio than Harman Pro products. Intellivox and JBL speakers, Soundcraft consoles, ETC and Robe lighting technologies, Clear-Com comms, Shure microphones and Ampetronic assistive listening solutions were integrated into the booth design, depicting corporate, hospitality, educational and theatre spaces. Yamaha was promoting 30 years of digital mixing with a Rivage PM10 console alongside CL, QL and TF desks, an MRX7 processor, MA amplifiers and a grand piano. Bose had plenty to demonstrate with its ShowMatch DeltaQ array, Panaray MSA12X column speaker and unique EdgeMax in-ceiling speaker system. ‘It’s been an interesting show for us,’ commented David
Quest demonstrated the IP67 weatherproof speakers on the Group Technologies, booth
Paul and Doreen Ingebrigsten from Williams Sound joined Hills Audio’s Gerry Gavros
BUSINESS: SHOW REVIEW Griffiths. ‘It’s very satisfying to be able to explain your latest solutions to high-profile visitors who never previously knew about your products.’ Audio Brands’ Jeff Shoesmith added: ‘Integrate brings increasing numbers of technicians, project managers and consultants representing corporate, educational and governmental facilities. We’ve been exhibiting Bosch, Earthworks and FBT here for several years and we now distribute Mipro in Australia. Many visitors did not realise that the 70 and 800 series are Dante-networkable or that many of the products existed, so it was good to promote the brand to them. The show is definitely worth investing in as it is moving up a level with these prominent visitors.’ ‘Who would have thought a trade show could be so much fun!’ continued TAG’s Bryan Davidson. ‘I’ve been involved in many over the past 25 years on both sides of the booth and this one beats them all. The show was well attended and the TAG booth was buzzing non-stop with many of ANZ’s leading
consultants and system integrators. Audio-Technica, Allen & Heath and Martin Audio were all very busy but the highlight had to be QSC’s Q-Sys with its A/V control capabilities.’ Taking the plunge and relocating to Melbourne on a biennial basis has proved a masterstroke for the Integrate organisers. No doubt the bar will be raised next year in Sydney, when the Darling Harbour International Convention Centre hosts Integrate for the first time since its refurbishment.
Bosch Communications’ Tom Grzelac extolling the easy install design features of the new EV Evid-S speakers
MTA Sales’ Tony Hambling demonstrating LaON 5GHz technology
The Hiils booth premiered Community’s new road tunnel loudspeaker horn
Audio Brands’ Jeff Shoesmith with a display of FBT loudspeakers
Graeme Stevenson welcomes Dean Standing and Atlas IED to the Production AV Technology booth
The Mipro team flew in from Taiwan to support new distributor Audio Brands
2017 Dates:
29–31 August, Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre
2018 Dates:
22–24 August, Darling Harbour International Convention Centre
Total exhibitors:
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LD Systems® is a brand of
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 121
IBC 2017
As IBC celebrated its 50th anniversary, the 2017 show floor provided evidence of how far the broadcast industry has come in half a century and where it might go in the future
Clockwise: A record crowd attended IBC 2017; Dejero’s Bill Nardi highlighting Gateway; Canford Audio’s ‘touch and feel’ display encouraged visitors to compare the 9.2mm SMPTE fibre cables; In addition to the new mc296 console, Lawo promoted Kick 2.0 on their booth; The calm before the crowds on the Switchcraft booth; XDCAM air; Røde Microphone’s Ryan Burke was kept busy promoting the Reporter and the latest VideoMic+ ALTHOUGH IBC’S ROOTS CAN BE TRACED TO THAT YEAR when Sergeant Pepper, the Summer of Love and the first ever Montreux Jazz Festival were born, it never remained engrossed in nostalgic sentiment. Since its inception, the broadcasting exhibition and conference has remained a visionary in its attempt to showcase and promote a future for this growing industry. 1967 was the year when IBC first opened its doors in a London hotel to promote the very latest broadcast technologies and products to the 550 visitors who were predominantly employed by the BBC or ITV. And it was with the spirit of those very first broadcasters that IBC has established itself as the forum for all broadcasters around the globe to better understand technology. Fast-forward half a century and those 30 exhibits have grown 60-fold, taking up residence each September in 15 halls of Amsterdam’s RAI Centre. While the 2016 edition of IBC saw IP become a buzzword across the RAI, in 2017 there were more practical examples of how the technology could benefit broadcasters. Building on 2016’s IP Interoperability Zone, the enlarged IP Showcase focused on interoperability by hosting real-time IP for production, playout and contribution. The partners behind the IP Showcase – AES, AIMS, AMWA, EBU, IABM, MNA, SMPTE and VSF – came together to educate broadcasters of the business, technical and creative benefits associated with IP workflows and media-over-IP network standards. IP was a source of conversation on stands right across the show floor. Stage Tec highlighted the Router Interface AES67 (RIF67) expansion board developed with DirectOut as well as the Avatus IP console. Apantec debuted its latest Si-16 series of Multiviewers, while Wohler Technologies demonstrated the iAM series, including the AMP2-16V audio monitors that can accommodate Dante and Ravenna modules. In addition to the Tallyman Virtual Panel, TSL Products highlighted its PAM-IP audio monitoring devices. Genelec, meanwhile, unveiled its GM3 software and the 7380 SAM subwoofer, which turns SAM from a simple loudspeaker setup solution to a full monitor controller. Lynx Technik’s video-over-IP technology was promoted by virtue of the greenMachine platform and IP-based infrastructure. In addition to premiering the new 72-fader Artemis Ray digital audio console, Calrec demonstrated its remote live production RP1 Remote Production engine. ClearCom promoted its technologies for use on the IP-network with the LQ Series of interfaces. ‘A lot of the IP focus at the moment is inside the installation in a LAN and WAN environment where it is all nice and neat,’ said Stephen Sandford from Clear-Com. ‘We are taking it outside of that with the LQ Links and that is where we are seeing a differentiation with the competition.’ ‘IP and networking really simplifies workflows when it comes to what people see the value of,’ added Audinate’s Lee Ellison on
122 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
a stand offering education about Dante as well as highlighting Dante Domain Manager. ‘The end customer comes to these shows somewhat to look at equipment but a lot of them want to see what’s new and be educated.’ ‘We have moved to a new premises and all our radio infrastructure is passed over IP,’ noted Laurent Seve from systems integrator, BCE, offering a practical example of the technology in use. ‘We push all the workflow from the company over IP. It’s quite complicated for a few things because you don’t think broadcast anymore, you think IT. It is a transition, but it has worked like a charm; it is very flexible and you can do whatever you want with it.’ While there was a lot of talk about what IP could deliver in terms of infrastructure, there were also voices reminding visitors that content was still king. ‘The industry is definitely going towards IP,’ said’s Mike Gilman. ‘Broadcasts still need to originate and be converted to IP signals, that’s where we are. You need something at the source to produce what we produce.’ ‘There are a lot of people in the industry now who know that IP is coming and they know that the traditional broadcast infrastructure is going to change and people will be receiving all of their broadcast television via Ethernet,’ added JoeCo’s Joe Bull, who was celebrating 10 years in business and
Anas Hantash from Imagine Communications
Sennheiser Middle East’s Mig Cardamone took residence in the Future Zone to promote VR Ambeo
Yamaha’s Andy Cooper and the Dante-enabled TF3 console
highlighting the new Blackbox interface for Waves Soundgrid. ‘Consequently, what they tend to think is “all I need to worry about is IP” as opposed to “I’ve still got to gather some acquisition stuff”.’ Tied to the proliferation of IP is the increased use of cloudbased services. The ability to deploy key services in the cloud can remove the need for costly equipment on site, and was the key theme of Sony, alongside several new camera additions. IP and cloud-based technology were two of the key areas highlighted by Avid’s customer association and, as such, the manufacturer was keen to point to how it was meeting these and other requests through the latest additions to its MediaCentral Platform. ‘The platform is built for cloud solutions, so now we can start capitalising and bringing the customers on board and bringing that community together,’ explained Avid’s Rob D’Amico. There is a vast number of talents in the Avid customer base – musicians, video editors, graphic designers – you have all these people who commonly work together with some strange way of connecting, and Avid has an opportunity to bring these people together through an artist community.’ ‘We’re seeing a lot of customers asking us about cloud-based systems for obvious reasons,’ noted Stuart Russell from Ross Video. ‘It’s the relentless march towards IP. Everyone is looking
Education on the show floor from Adobe
Aten showcased a control room environment with its 4K KVM over IP Matrix
BUSINESS: SHOW REVIEW at the cloud. Cisco has been working with some other people in this industry on cloud-based systems so they are a natural partner for us to be talking to, so it will be interesting to see what kind of feedback we get on our tech demo.’ One of the reasons for the importance of IP at IBC 2017 was the release of the final draft standards for SMPTE ST2110. ‘Everyone is focused on the draft version of ST2110 and following the same standard, so it looks more stable right now,’ explained Anthony Chan from SAM. ‘The draft version gives everyone a direction for how to do it. This year, there have been lots of people who want to see a complete IP solution. That is why we put the OB truck here to show that it is not just in a demo lab.’ ‘The industry’s been working really hard to get ST2110 established, but we’re not there yet for real-world complex networking,’ added Jan Eveleens from Axon. ‘The network management is the key. But I believe that by the time we meet again next year, a lot of progress will have been made.’ Away from IP, the other major talking point at IBC 2017 was HDR. A practical example of this kind of technology in action could be found on the Dolby stand, where the manufacturer was presenting a case study on the use of Dolby Vision for the live broadcast of the Champions League final. ‘A lot of our conversations at the show revolve around HDR,’ said Wolfgang Lempp from FilmLight. ‘How do you deal with those multiple deliverables in a meaningful way at the mastering stage? IBC gives us the opportunity to have those conversations with a lot of people. We have seen a lot of people
Argosy’s Chris Smeeton
Anthony Chan from SAM
come to us for advice and we are happy to give it to them.’ ‘I think finally this is the year,’ added Atomos’ Dan Chung. ‘I think the stars are in alignment with Apple TV and it’s now hard to buy a TV that doesn’t have HDR, but mobile is obviously the one. When the iPhone X ships, every other competing phone will have HDR (some of them already do have). We’re not going to put it back in the box. We are getting it whether we like it or not.’ ‘We’ve seen some slight twists in standards within the HDR space,’ furthered AJA’s Bryce Button. ‘The bottom line if you’re an end-user is you don’t have to think about it too hard. The sets
L to R: Stagetec showcased its Router Interface AES67 (RIF67) expansion board as well as the Avatus IP console; Telos Alliance’s Jerome Gamery highlighting interoperability from the Axia IP-Tablet to the IP Showcase using AoIP and Livewire+ AES6; Schoeps’ Florian Gundert highlighted the latest ORTF-3D ambisonics innovation
Calrec’s Anthony Harrison and DiGiCo’s Tim Shaxton demonstrate interoperability will simply accept all these standards and it is up to us in the production chain to deal with what those particular standards need, but ultimately they all look pretty much the same, and generally the issue is metadata control.’ More than ever before, an increasing number of exhibitors teamed up with partners to extend their reach and highlight what they could do together. ‘The big broadcasters really understand the whole picture and they are not just looking for a vendor, they are driving the industry,’ said Anas Hantash from Imagine Communications. ‘They understand the technology but now need to know how to get the benefit from the technology. They sit with different vendors and get them to design things together and then build it. It’s really interconnected. On our booth you will see a lot of stickers on the wall about the partnerships with Cisco, EditShare and EVS. We need to talk to each other to provide the best solution that the customer wants.’ While these are technologies for the present, the Future Zone was filled with demonstrations of the next generation coming to the broadcast market. Areas such as the Smart AV Tunnel and 8K living room were joined by demonstrations of VR technology. ‘We have a location in the Future Zone that has a lot of our newer technologies, so things such as the VR mic to show how we are developing our audio products to fit in with what video is doing when it comes to VR,’ explained Sennheiser’s Ryan Burr. ‘By having an active stand there, we are trying to educate people that they can have 3D audio as well as 3D video and, at that point, it becomes a multi-sensory experience.’ Away from the technology, one thing that was clear from many IBC stands was the impact changing content creators has had
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Operation in channel-rich 5GHz frequency l Interference-free in congested site environment l Wired-like wonderful audio quality with maximum clarity l Less than 23ms low latency l Up to 128 Beltpack connection per Base Station l Up to eleven(11) full-duplex audio channels l Up to five(5) group communication channels l Patent-base super-scalable IP based repeater solution l Hands-off like a butterfly & bee l No limitation on the number of Beltpack linkable per RBS25 l Compact Beltpack for high mobility l Compatibilities with other wired systems l AES 256bit level 3 encryption l Mobile Station in the line-up l LaON in-house solution including the wireless SoC and RF module built-in the systems l Easy wiring and installation l More with less cost-effective solution
LT750 Expert system with 7.2KHz audio frequency response The INTERCOMmunication-maker
November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 123 라온테크놀로지 (smalll-3분의1 228-112) 20170616.indd 1
2017-09-27 오후 1:20:02
BUSINESS: SHOW REVIEW on the industry. No longer are companies catering to large-scale broadcasters, many are instead preferring to highlight solutions aimed at the one-man-band broadcaster – a move not dissimilar to what the recording industry experienced with the rise of the home studio. But this brings with it additional problems that manufacturers are still seeking answers for, such as the role that open standards – which often take a lot of time to decide on – play in a market where technological advances are on overdrive. Many microphone manufacturers such as DPA Microphones with its d:vice MMA-A Digital Audio Interface realise that the growing legions of podcasters and reporters spell bigger business for their technologies. Røde was perhaps the first manufacturer to realise that microphone buyers were not a finite audience when it developed affordable products such as the VideoMic. This year, VideoMic Pro+ was launched on the HHB booth with upgraded features. ‘We are seeing the content creators here,’ stated Karl Winkler from Lectrosonics, which was highlighting the Dante Duet
AJA highlighted its HDR solutions
RTW’s Andreas Tweitmann scales up the new PD Dante
Riedel’s Cameron O’Neill was kept busy promoting the Bolero intercom platform
Panasonic allowed technicians to get a closer feel of its cameras
We’re doing conferencing centres for banks that are HD. Content creators are now literally anyone.’ ‘We get new leads here,’ said Arnaud Elnecave from Dalet. ‘Europe is a really big territory for us and most of our meetings are prescheduled, with 90% of them being existing customers that are upgrading. We have some new prospects that come at the show, people who walk the floor and come over for a chat. Even though we are big in Europe, there are still a lot of broadcasters and media operations who don’t know us.’ ‘We’re talking to everyone from universities to broadcasters to either the consolidated versions of post houses or the spin-off versions of post houses,’ said James McKenna from Facilis. ‘The industry right now is on this consolidation spin-off cycle. We’re finding new facilities that are combining and merging and need to enhance their shared storage environment and we’re finding these little spin-offs that need a good starter system. We’re seeing the visual effects guys, we’re seeing a lot of film restoration.’ ‘It would be wrong to characterise IBC as a pure broadcast show,’ stated Colin Farquhar from Exterity. ‘We have a lot of broadcast customers and they have always come along. But we’re not part of their broadcast flow, we’re part of their corporate application set. We’ve always had customers who’ve come here who have had different application needs. There are a lot of corporate end users and corporate channel guys.’ While there was certainly a change in the audience, one group that still came out in force was the international distribution community. ‘What’s been good is the spread of distributors here,’ said Bel Digital’s Craig Lovell who was based on the Canford stand. ‘Obviously, there’s the European side of things but it stretches all the way to China on one side and Brazil on the other. The show is having a very global reach.’
The Ravenna Alliance promoted its ST2110 interoperability
Dr David Hanson with his creations Sophia and Professor Einstein highlighted the role AI could have in broadcast Audio AG’s Christian Latzelsperger with the new Ferrofish lineup
Audio Limited’s Kishore Patel with the newly launched A10 wireless microphone system
digital wireless monitor (IEM) system. ‘There have been plenty of people talking about systems that are much lower cost and asking what we do that is like that, and once we start explaining what we do, we’re finding a lot of interest. There is certainly a category of people that have been doing it long enough and have come up from a prosumer beginning and are now looking for their third or fourth generation of product and they understand. The people who are really looking for quality understand that there is that next level and it begins to cost more.’ But this shift was only part of the changing demographic that made up the record crowd. Exhibitors were also seeing different types of client coming to the show looking for solutions in new areas. ‘There are now a lot of traditional audio integrators that are specing out recording studios with our cameras to turn them into video-enabled podcast rooms, or for recording their performances directly as additional content to release with the audio as well,’ noted Marshall Electronics’ Jackson Root.
‘There are some really interesting new applications.’ ‘The audience is broadening,’ added Roger Henderson from TSL Systems. ‘There are a lot of people that once upon a time wouldn’t have come here. You get that market that is not the traditional broadcasters but, because the sophistication and price point of equipment now is such, you have this bigger market that has begun to appear, consisting of people who are creating high-quality programming for advertising or training purposes but can’t manage the facilities themselves. We have met half a dozen major corporate customers who are building facilities and need support services; any one of those would justify us being here and they are ones that we hadn’t come across before.’ ‘High-quality audio and video is moving out of the high-end broadcast side and into the more mid-stream,’ added Robert Stopford from Megahertz. ‘Technology is making the quality more available across the board now and blurring the edges.
124 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Zylight’s Charlie Collias
Lectrosonics’ Karl Winkler with the Duet system
Christie LCD panels and processing
‘All ‘Allmy mydealers dealershave havecome comeby byto tosee seethe the new newfixtures,’ fixtures,’added addedZylight’s Zylight’sCharlie Charlie Collias. Collias.‘This ‘Thisshow showisismore moredealers dealers walking walkingaround aroundthan thancameramen cameramenor or producers, producers,directors directorsand anddesigners. designers.I Idon’t don’t see seetoo toomany manyof ofthe theend endusers usershere. here.It’s It’saa good goodmeeting meetingplace placefor forall allmy mydealers dealersinin the theFar FarEast Eastand anddifferent differentregions regionsaround around Europe. Europe.Everybody Everybodyconverges convergeshere.’ here.’ ‘We ‘Weare areseeing seeingmost mostof ofour ourclients clientsfrom from Europe Europeand andthe theMiddle MiddleEast Eastand andAfrica, Africa, so sothat’s that’saagood goodthing,’ thing,’reasoned reasonedIsabelle Isabelle Sost Sostfrom fromNetia. Netia.‘It’s ‘It’sreally reallyEMEA-oriented EMEA-oriented so soititisisaagood goodopportunity opportunityfor forus usto tomeet meet with withthese thesepeople. people.We’ve We’veinvited invitedall allof ofour our radio radiocustomers customersfrom fromthe theEMEA EMEAregion region to tojoin joinus usand anddiscuss discusstheir theirvisions visionsof ofthe the future futureof ofradio.’ radio.’ Netia Netia wasn’t wasn’t the theonly onlycompany company The The Spyder Spyder X80 X80 discussing discussingradio radioat atthe theshow. show.Jutel Jutel CHRISTIE CHRISTIE HAS HAS made madearadio aradio pair pairautomation of of showed showed its itscloud-native cloud-native automation additions additionsaway awayfrom fromits itstraditional traditional projection projectionhome. home.The Themanufacturer manufacturerhas has expanded expandedits itsrange rangeof ofvideo videoprocessors processors with withthe theSpyder SpyderX80 X80and andintroduced introduced aanew newfamily familyof ofLCD LCDpanels panelswith withthe the Access AccessSeries. Series. Starting Startingwith withthe theSpyder SpyderX80, X80,Christie Christie describes describesthe theproduct productas as‘the ‘theonly onlyvideo video processor processorcapable capableof ofhandling handling4K 4Kat ataa 60Hz 60Hzrefresh refreshrate rateon onaasingle singlechannel’. channel’. The Themulti-screen multi-screenwindowing windowingprocessor processor supports supports4K 4Kat at60Hz 60Hzat at8/10/12-bit 8/10/12-bit Wheatstone Wheatstone was was kept keptcable, busy busypromoting promoting processing processingon on aasingle single cable, plus plus4K 4Kat at WheatNet-IP WheatNet-IPinteroperability interoperabilitywith withits its 120Hz 120Hz on on dual dual or or quad quad cables. cables. Blade-3 Blade-3digital digitalconsole consoleplatform platform In Interms termsof ofthe thecore corefunctionality, functionality, ititoffers offersaamodular modularconfiguration configuration supporting supportingup upto to24 24inputs inputsand and16 16 outputs, outputs,with withall allconnections connectionscapable capable of ofdisplaying displaying4K 4Kat at60/50Hz, 60/50Hz,the theability ability
platform platformwith withRadioMan RadioManAccess. Access. Digigram Digigrameducated educatedits itscustomers customerswith with Iqoya Iqoya*VIP *VIPininaddition additionto toAudioway AudiowayBridge Bridge Bluvirtual virtualmixing mixing ––Gateway Gatewayand andthe theBlu workspace. workspace.Meanwhile, Meanwhile,AVT AVTtargeted targetedDAB DAB applications applicationswith withits itsMagic MagicDABMUX DABMUXGo Go small-scale small-scaleDAB DABheadend. headend. As Asconsumer consumerexpectation expectationhas hasrocketed rocketed over over50 50years, years,disruptive disruptivetechnologies technologies have havecreated creatednew newplatforms platformsand and standards standardsinintheir theirwake. wake.IBC IBCcontinues continues to toeducate educateand andpromote promotethose thoseemployed employed and andembedded embeddedat atthe thebroadcasting broadcasting coalface coalfacewith withreal-world real-worldsolutions solutionsthat that make maketheir theirbusinesses businessesmore moreprofitable, profitable, while whilesimplifying simplifyingthe thetransmission transmissionof of content. content.For Fornow, now,IPIPinteroperability interoperabilityisisthe the current currentbuzz, buzz,but butno nodoubt doubtthis thistechnology technology will willresemble resembleaamono monovalve valvetelevision televisionset set ininthe theyears yearsto tocome. come. to torotate rotateoutputs outputsindividually individuallyand andHDMI HDMI 2.0, 2.0,DisplayPort DisplayPort1.2 1.2and and12G 12GHDSDI HDSDI connectors. connectors.The TheX80’s X80’scard-based card-based design designallows allowscustomers customersto tomatch matchinput input and andoutput outputneeds needswith withroom roomto tochange change and andupgrade upgradein inthe thefuture, future,while whilethe the scaling scalingand andformat formatconversion conversionallows allows users usersto tomix mixand andmatch matchmultiple multipleSD, SD,HD, HD, 4K 4Kand andstereoscopic stereoscopicvideo videoformats. formats. Moving Movingto tothe theend endof ofthe thesignal signal chain, chain,Christie’s Christie’sAccess AccessSeries Seriesof ofLCD LCD panels panelsfeatures featuresUHD UHDresolution resolutionand and USB USBplayback. playback.The Thefour-member four-memberfamily family includes includes5555-and and65-inch 65-inchmodels models designed designedfor for16/7 16/7operation operationand and7575and and86-inch 86-inchmodels modelsfor for24/7 24/7run runtimes. times. All Allfour fourpanels panelsfeature featurean anOPS OPSslot slotand and offer offeran anoptional optionaltouch touchoverlay. overlay.
Day Dayfive fivesunshine sunshinebroke brokeup upthe the showers showersat atthe theRAI RAI
Broaman’sMarc MarcBrunke Brunkeand andTine Tine Broaman’s Helmlewith withthe thenew newRepeat8-Nano Repeat8-Nano Helmle
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XCU XCU Universe Universe XF XF
From cradle to IP for Grass Valley TO TO HELP HELP organisations organisationsof ofall alltypes types format formatvideo videoover overIP IPor orSDI. SDI. transition transitionto toIP IPproduction, production,Grass Grass The Theadvanced advancedUXF UXFcradle, cradle, Valley Valleyhas haslaunched launchedthe theXCU XCUUniverse Universe meanwhile, meanwhile,features featuresan anadditional additional XF XFcamera camerabase basestation stationand andadvanced advanced four fourMSA MSAcompliant compliantSFP+ SFP+slots, slots, UXF UXFcradle. cradle.Supporting Supportingthe theAIMS AIMS offering offeringfully fullyredundant redundantIP IPinterfacing interfacing roadmap roadmapand andreportedly reportedlyall allIP IPvideo video and and12G 12GSDI SDIvia viaSFP. SFP. formats formatsincluding includingHDR, HDR,these thesetwo two The Theincreasing increasingpopularity popularityof of4K 4K solutions solutionsare aredesigned designedto tosupport supportthe the and andHDR HDRhas hasalso alsoled ledGrass GrassValley Valleyto to AEQshowcased showcasedaarange rangeof ofmixing, mixing,automation automationand andtalk talkshow showsolutions solutionsin in AEQ high highbandwidth bandwidth requirements requirementsof of4K 4K integrate integrateHDR HDRup-mapping up-mappingcapabilities capabilities addition tointercoms intercoms addition to video videoand andIP IPnetworks networksand andto todeliver deliver into intoits itsnew newDensité DensitéUHD-3901-UC UHD-3901-UC flexibility flexibilitywith withhybrid hybridSDI/IP SDI/IPfeatures. features. cards. cards.They Theysupport supportaacombination combinationof of 2017 2017Dates: Dates: 14 14––19 19September September The TheXCU XCUUniverse UniverseXF XFbase basestation station HDR HDRand andSDR SDRcontent, content,making makingthem them is isbuilt builtDates: for forthe theextended extendedbandwidth bandwidth 13 to tofacilities facilitiesthat thathave havechosen chosen 2018 2018 Dates: 13suited –suited –18 18September September needs needsof ofthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sLDX LDX to totransition transitionto toUHD UHDbroadcasting broadcasting Venue: Venue: RAI RAIworkflows Centre, Centre,Amsterdam Amsterdam Seriescameras, cameras, 86 86and andLDX LDX86 86NNSeries workflows gradually graduallyand andfacilitate facilitateboth both providing providing up up to to 6X 6X speed speed operation, operation, SDR SDR to to HDR HDR and andHD HDto to4K/UHD 4K/UHDup up Total Totalexhibitors: exhibitors: 1,700+ 1,700+ 4K 4Kcapability capabilityand and15 15HDR HDRF-stops F-stops conversion. conversion. Attendance: Attendance: 57,669 in in1X 1Xspeed speedoperation. operation.Flexibility Flexibilityisis 57,669 delivered deliveredwith withthe theability abilityto tooutput outputany any
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Make Make New New Connections Connections Clear-Com's E-Dante64-HX interface card delivers Clear-Com's E-Dante64-HX interface card delivers 64-channels of bi-directional Dante Audio integrated 64-channels of bi-directional Dante Audio integrated through the Eclipse HX digital matrix. through the Eclipse HX digital matrix. Connecting Dante devices with the Eclipse HX system Connecting Dante devices with the Eclipse HX system creates one resilient network allowing all operators on creates one resilient network allowing all operators on intercom devices—be it hardware panels, software intercom devices—be it hardware panels, software panels, beltpacks, or mobile apps—to be configured to panels, beltpacks, or mobile apps—to be configured to hear audio from any Dante device. hear audio from any Dante device.
September–October September–October 2017 2017 PRO PRO AVL AVL ASIA ASIA125 91 91 November–December November–December 2017 2017 PRO PRO AVL AVL ASIA ASIA 125
Prolight + Sound Shanghai 2017
With further additions to the show floor both in terms of exhibitors and attractions, could PL+S Shanghai emerge from the shadow of Music China?
WHILE THE OPENING DAY OF THE 15TH ITERATION OF THE Prolight + Sound Shanghai (PL+S) show unfortunately coincided with rain clouds above the expansive SIEC grounds, by the end of the fourth day both the weather and the general feedback definitely included glimpses of sunshine. The weather unfortunately does play a major part at this event, which prides itself on including one of the largest outdoor line array demo areas to be found at an international trade show. Hence on that first day, persistent rain deterred many bar the most hardened visitors from venturing outside to hear demos from a number of global brands including NEXT-proaudio, KV2, TW Audio and SE Audiotechnik under the ‘Sound of the World’ banner, while the ‘Sound of China’ hangs showcased local manufacturers such as ZSound and Fidek. Long-term distributor of ARX, EM Acoustics, MC2 and XTA, ST Audio has always historically favoured the Guangzhou iteration of the PL+S offering but had decided to venture to Shanghai largely due to the opportunity to showcase the EM Acoustics Halo Compact in the demo area. While the reaction following its five-minute slots had been ‘very positive’, the challenge presented by new sound crews taking the controls each day hampered its efforts at times. In addition, as ST Audio’s Yan Yew Kay elaborated, ‘the organisation has been a bit different here as they mix the international and local brands (in the Sound of the World area) so we’d probably want to see more segregation in future to make it clearer’. Facing the entrance to the main audio halls was the prominent Soundking tent. This was the second year that the Chinese manufacturer had opted to take a dedicated space in the outdoor grounds and had doubled the real estate with much success, according to general manager for Studiomaster and Carlsbro, Patrick Almond. ‘It’s been very busy and I would say we’ve been seeing the majority of visitors coming from South East Asia. It’s often those people that don’t come to NAMM and Frankfurt so they’ll come here to see us.’ With the DigiLive16 from Studiomaster, the new AG, AF and AQ series of amps from Soundking, the CDC Six, Seven and Eight consoles from Cadac plus a dedicated area for commercial cinema and a karaoke room, there was certainly something for everybody. Vida and Gravis speakers from Kling & Freitag were also on display courtesy of its local distributor MYC.
L to R: Bob Zhou of ZSound; Manuele Poli from dbTechnologies with his DMT distributor Raymond Wen
126 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
Summer Liu from Synthax China
Hannah Luo from SAE China
Richard Fleming from MC2 and Yan Yew Kay from ST Audio
Amphion’s Anssi Hyvonen and Alan Xu from HH Electronic
Back indoors, the popular Recording and Production Zone returned with a bigger footprint, including presence from manufacturers such as Audio-Technica, DPA, Focusrite, Antelope, Genelec and Klang. Alongside the zone was a series of fringe events focusing on technology training and demonstration sessions such as the VPLT International Audio Training Course, Hands on Rigging Workshop and Dante Certification Training. The expansion, as Judy Cheung, deputy GM of Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) explained, is crucial to the show’s ongoing evolution. ‘Last year, we launched the Recording and Production Zone to enrich our product variety and to provide a gateway to the flourishing recording market in China. While we continue to uphold these objectives in the coming show, strengthening the recording sector will also be a priority.’
German audio device manufacturer RME took the opportunity to debut in the zone with a series of high-end interface products, including MADIface XT and Fireface UFX II. Synthax China represents RME and Ferrofish and COO Summer Liu was clearly pleased with the decision to exhibit. ‘Last year, I walked the show and the organisers came to visit us and told us about the initiatives, so this year we decided to take a booth. We’re very impressed and it’s worked because we have many customers in a variety of fields. We also wanted to be in a quiet hall so that’s worked well.’ While the concept of a truly silent hall is unlikely to ever happen at a Chinese show, the sound levels definitely did seem to be more under control this year, which created a better environment for meetings. While Audio-Technica is a regular exhibitor at the show, sales
The new M-F3A and MF3AFS from SE Audiotechnik
David Dohrmann from Adamson and Tiago Correia of NEXT-proaudio
The Amphenol team was out in force
BUSINESS: SHOW REVIEW and marketing director Freddie Wong had mixed feelings. ‘The traffic is not busy enough, but it’s better than I thought and there are a lot of people coming from overseas such as Cambodia and African countries asking for distributorship.’ Chris Zhang from Phoenix Audio was satisfied with how things had gone and felt that the organisers had worked hard to improve the entrance area to the show and the signage. The Shanghai-based distributor showcased a selection of the Van Damme cable catalogue for the first time on its booth but Fani Angelova and Elmira Kehayoff from Antelope
First-time exhibitors Pierpaolo De Minicis and Alexander Kroworz from Lavoce
vindicated. ‘We’re here to focus on developing the Chinese market but we’ve got a lot of potential new partners who are excited about the brand so we couldn’t be happier.’ Also with its own booth, transducer manufacturer Lavoce was making its debut. ‘We believe that the show is growing fast and will become more and more important, so we decided to make the investment this year,’ said account manager, Pierpaolo De Minicis. ‘This is actually a domestic show for us as our factory is just down the road. We saw a good mix of industrial customers and those interested in becoming distributors.’
Patrick Almond of Studiomaster in the Soundking tent had also once again taken a separate demo room featuring a comprehensive Funktion One range of speakers. Digital Media Technology (DMT) from Hong Kong showcased products from DPA, SSL, dbTechnologies, PMC and Universal Audio with the aim of tapping into the lucrative recording market. ‘The recording market is thriving and customers are looking for sophisticated products with more stringent requirements,’ elaborated marketing manager, Ken Chang. ‘The show has a solid reputation and it gives us good exposure to potential business in Eastern China.’ UK-based HH Electronic was among a growing number of manufacturers exhibiting in their own right on the floor. Ian Wright, director of international sales, felt the decision was fully
Antonio and Tiago Correia from NEXT-proaudio had travelled from Portugal to support the manufacturer’s distributor, Real Music, and exceptional coffee encouraged willing visitors to the stand. Both Stanley Lee and Tiago Correia had been particularly pleased with the feedback from the outdoor demo area. Taiwanese company, LaON Technology, was another first-time attendee, supporting its distributor and presenting a seminar on 5GHz Digital Wireless Intercom held as part of the Vision X talks. ‘In China, we have a lot of clients and users. We came here to meet those clients and discuss their interest and requirements. It’s the first time we’ve done a presentation like this here and it went well,’ said overseas sales and marketing manager, Miyoun Park. ‘Many clients are interested in the products so we’ve been very happy.’ Making a global debut on the Antelope Audio booth were the Discrete 4 and the Discrete 8 microphone preamp interfaces. ‘The numbers aren’t enormous but the people that are coming to the booth are the right ones; they’re interested in recording and pro audio and there is lot of potential here,’ remarked brand manager, Fani Angelova. ‘Most of them know the brand and so they stopped by to see what’s new and there’s always something new from Antelope.’ While Music China will always be the crowd-puller for this fair, the organiser is certainly working in the right direction to ensure that the PL+S offering for visitors becomes more comprehensive and pertinent to their business.
The weather did not favour the outdoor demo area
2017 Dates:
11 – 14 October
2018 Dates:
10 – 13 October
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Total exhibitors:
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11/10/17 2:00 PM
November–December PRO AVL ASIA 127
The cabinet can be floor, wall or ceiling mounted
Lead product manager, Stijn Vandebosch, with marketing manager, Tom Van de Sande
Small and smart
Audac’s newest compact subwoofer presented many unfamiliar challenges to the Belgian manufacturer, discovers Simon Luckhurst
WHEN AUDAC TOOK THE WRAPS OFF ITS LATEST SUBWOOFER development back at Prolight + Sound earlier in the year, you could’ve been forgiven for pondering just how effective such a small cabinet could be. After all, despite some clever trickery, the laws governing acoustics aren’t malleable to a designer’s whim – no matter how much they wish. In this regard, Noba certainly pushes the boundaries of what seems possible. So what was the rationale behind developing such a compact subwoofer? Audac marketing manager, Tom Van de Sande, and lead product manager, Stijn Vandebosch, explain to Pro AVL Asia, that while they feel aesthetics is the key to breaking the market Noba is destined for, the development process behind the subwoofer went far beyond that. ‘We were already building up a really nice range of compact speakers, such as models with 2-inch drivers that also had a very small housing,’ recalls Mr Van de Sande. ‘With that in mind, we wanted to develop a subwoofer that would not only be easy to hide – or at least easy to implement in any application – but that would also be a speaker that you would want to show off. Because of this, we have designed it in such a way that users can hang it from any surface. You can easily mount it to a wall or ceiling, but it’s also small enough that you’re able to just set it down on the floor, or even slip it underneath a desk or chair. It’s an incredibly versatile product.’ Achieving these aims for Noba has kept Mr Vandebosch and his team busy for the last three years and resulted in a complete return to the drawing board in terms of traditional designs and materials. ‘The size was, of course, a major obstacle,’ continues Mr Van de Sande. ‘Unfortunately, it’s not
128 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
quite as simple as just saying “I want to make a really small subwoofer” if you also don’t want to compromise on the sound experience. If this was the case, all manufacturers would be making very compact models. We had to search for a way to overcome this, which we were able to do by using a lot of new materials. Mechanically, it’s the biggest project we’ve ever built, and that’s because it is completely made from aluminium.’ ‘Typically we would use 18mm-thick wood for a wooden enclosure, and that limits the minimum size of the cabinet considerably,’ continues Mr Vandebosch. ‘Instead, Noba is constructed from 4mm-thick, high-grade, slightly curved aluminium, which means we gain a lot of extra volume inside. This gives a couple of benefits: you end up with a very elegant looking cabinet, but, on the other hand, the curvature also provides structural benefits. We packed a very powerful 8-inch driver inside that is delivering quite a bit of punch, so it’s vital
to make sure that the design is very strong and solid if what you’re essentially working with is just a sheet of tin. This was the first time we had tried to work with materials such as this.’ That in itself brings some manufacturing challenges, as the company extrudes every aluminium shell from a single piece of metal. Despite Noba’s minuscule dimensions, the Belgian manufacturer has also still impressively managed to pack the 8-inch driver, all of the necessary power components and full DSP inside the housing, all the while retaining a footprint smaller than many full-range models. ‘After working on the enclosure design, we still had a number of other challenges to overcome,’ adds the marketing manager. ‘We’ve also used many different materials on the inside. The end pieces, for example, are made of composite ABS and they need to be completely tight – not just air tight, but also air pressure tight. Furthermore, we also felt that gaining an EnergyStar rating would be very important for this market. Many retailers and businesses don’t power down their systems at the end of the day, and once turned on it could be left like that for the rest of its lifecycle. ‘We have 600W of Class-D amplification inside one end of the cabinet – which is very small and compact and it’s also covered up and just conventionally cooled, something that the aluminium construction helps with greatly. There is no forced cooling, meaning there is no ventilator and no unwanted sound, and also no maintenance because the unit is completely sealed. No dust can get inside.’
BUSINESS: R&D According to Mr Vandebosch, acoustically, the curved surface of Noba also aids effective sound distribution as well as providing rigidity. ‘This is one of the reasons that we designed it this way; it uses its surface area to emit sound. So if you’re mounting it, it’s coupling to that surface and using it to spread sound further throughout its environment.’ While the aluminium chassis offers a distinct weight saving, that isn’t by design – Noba is being aimed firmly at the fixed-installation sector. ‘Obviously you’re always trying to limit weight, but at the same time you want a full-quality experience,’ shares the product manager. ‘We have quite a few mounting accessories that will allow our customers to install Noba against the ceiling – designed in such a way that you can attach the bracket to the ceiling and just click in the subwoofer. Once
A cross-section of the 8-inch driver within Noba
A peek under the cover at Noba’s inner workings you’ve done that, it ends up mounted on one side but you can install your cables, load your preset and, once you swivel it upwards, it is properly installed with all of the cables hidden. ‘Just this bracket alone and the size of the cabinet is why we see such a huge market for the product – these days you have a lot of retail stores that basically just have concrete ceilings,’ he furthers. ‘So they just put in ventilation and then they like to keep that kind of industrial look. Noba is particularly handy in situations like this – often shops are using all of the wall space to hang clothes or mirrors or whatever, so you can’t hang anything off the walls, and you definitely can’t stick anything on the floor.’ The Belgian team feels confident in its offering to the market after three years of hard work. The theme that keeps emerging during our conversation is that they don’t consider Noba to be just another small, active subwoofer, but that the feature set they’ve included – the size, mounting options and energy efficiency – make it a complete retail solution. Add in the integration
of Audac’s WaveDynamics technology and the subwoofer turns smart, speaking to its neighbours in the system to automatically set everything up. ‘Once you have preloaded the cabinet with settings that can be downloaded from our website, Noba automatically knows which speaker you have connected to him and is optimising the sound experience to that configuration. The customer just has to plug them in,’ says Mr Van de Sande. ‘For me, this is what makes it not just an active subwoofer but a complete solution – a new solution for all of our other very compact speakers as well.’ Pro AVL Asia’s initial impression was one of awe at the size of Noba. The manufacturer has enjoyed a similarly overwhelming response from others lucky enough to have experienced it already. ‘Our slogan has always been “hearing is believing”. Since we finished our first models, we’ve been going to show off the product and give people a chance to hear it for themselves,’ shares Mr Van de Sande the marketing manager. ‘At the same time, we’re keen to show off the inside and how we’ve made it, because we are very proud of what we’ve achieved. So we’re showing the driver itself and the aluminium structure that we’ve built inside. It’s been beautifully designed, we’re using lots of really high-quality components, and once you see it and you feel it in your hand you start to realise. ‘We’ve been showing it off extensively at our annual distributor meeting, showing them the end result and the processes that we’ve gone through to get there. The application range is so huge and that seems to be really resonating a lot with our partners. In fact, the problem now is making sure we have enough availability to meet our preorders.’
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November–December 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 129
Augmented audio Higher-order ambisonics can offer sound designers converging workflows for future immersive audio applications, argues Dennis Baxter AUDIO IS AT A MOMENT IN TIME WHEN MANY IDEAS AND thoughts about producing next-generation sound are converging. As with countless advancements in entertainment, film led the way with immersive sound, and clearly 3D audio/ immersive sound is critical to the authenticity of virtual reality. However, in the last few years, broadcast and broadband industries have gained momentum in their use of immersive and interactive sound, assisted with the introduction of MPEG-H and the continued adoption of ambisonics as a production platform and tool. The fact is that multichannel, multi-format audio production is not going away and it should be the commitment of all audio producers and practitioners to advance the quality of audio to the consumer using every tool and practice available. Audio producers and practitioners have begun to realise the benefits from the use of ambisonics because of its unique approach to capturing, processing and reproducing the soundfield. The concept is simple: ambisonics captures the entire soundfield then renders and reproduces as much of it as possible. Ambisonic audio production was introduced in the early 1970s but didn’t realise its potential until practitioners and scientists moved beyond simple first-order ambisonics to higher-order ambisonics (HOA). Quite simply, the higher the order of ambisonics, the greater the resolution of the audio and the greater the control and flexibility over the reproduction of the soundfield. The principle is amazing in that you do not need to fully capture in ambisonics, but you can optimise individual microphones in the soundfield into an ambisonic soundfield. However, when you capture an ambisonic foundation, it will deliver desirable and predictable results for you to build your detailed and specific sound element on top of this foundation. Since ambisonics is based on the entire soundfield in all dimensions, a particularly significant benefit with this audio spatial coding is the ability to create dimensional sound mixes with spatial proximity, horizontal and vertical localisation, and headtracking capabilities, and to deliver the heightened mix to the listener. The sonic advantages of ambisonics reside with the capture and/or creation of HOA. Ambisonics works on a principle of sampling and reproducing the entire soundfield. Intuitively, as you
Ambeo Smart Surround is the first consumer product with Sennheiser’s 3D technology
130 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
A virtual Dennis Baxter increase the ambisonic order, the results will be higher spatial resolution and greater detail in the capture and reproduction of the soundfield. Consider a concept where the audio elements reside in the audio stream and the consumer reproduction format renders the appropriate sound for everything from stereo to immersive. This completely different approach is to capture the entire sound pressure field, convert it to ambisonics and send the ambisonic signals to the playback device to be rendered out to the listener. With the audio rendered at the playback device, the playback renderer matches the ambisonic soundfield to the number of speakers and their location in such a way that the soundfield created in playback closely resembles that of the original sound pressure field. Significantly, with ambisonic audio reproduction, the rendering of the ambisonic signals solves the problem of producing multiple accurate mix formats. By simply rendering the underlying soundfield representation, ambisonics ensures a consistent and accurate playback of the soundfield across virtually all speaker configurations. If the rendering is done in the consumer device, it inherently means that there is a need to deliver more channels/data to the device. However, data compression has significantly advanced to the point that twice as much audio can be delivered over the same bitstream as previous codecs. However, nothing comes without a cost. Greater resolution requires more soundfield coefficients to map more of the soundfield with greater detail. Some quick and easy maths: fourth-order ambisonics requires 25 coefficients, fifth-order requires 36, sixth-order requires 49, and so on. Clearly the benefits are in the use of HOA but raw ambisonics is channel and data intensive. Qualcomm, a technology giant, has been researching the benefits of HOA and has developed a ‘mezzanine coding’ that reduces the channels up to 29th-order HOA (900 channels) to six channels plus control track. However, I suspect that there are points of diminishing returns. Now consider a sound designer’s production options. HOA provides the foundation for stereo, 5.1, 7.1, 7.1+4, 10.2, 11.1, up to 22.2 and higher using only seven channels in the data stream.
This process seems to work well across many playback formats and could possibly eliminate the need to downmix or upmix to achieve anything from stereo to 22.2 or more. This concept could be a significant solution to a problem that has burdened sound mixers who have to produce in both stereo and surround sound. The convergence of production practices and technology for next-generation audio is in the use of ambisonic audio production, because ambisonic audio is applicable to immersive audio production for broadcast and broadband as well as VR audio production. Additionally, ambisonic audio production works particularly well to produce binaural audio, which is critical to the production of virtual reality (VR) audio. The audio industry is buzzing about VR audio because it clearly represents new opportunities for sound practitioners and studios, but I wrestle with adopting the principles of VR audio for programming such as sports. While VR is absolutely dependent on headtracking, I wonder about the benefits of rotating the sound when there is a definite end of the screen. VR audio production presents tremendous opportunities for the creative sound designer. Just as a director or producer uses visual elements to tell the story, audio in a 3D world steers the attention of the consumer to various elements the sound producers want to highlight. A benefit for the sound designer is that immersive audio for VR and speaker-based reproduction is produced similarly using ambisonic production techniques that should represent a growth opportunity for the audio industry in both studio production and live capture. What I do believe has tremendous potential for sports and entertainment is a form of augmented reality. This is simply adding something to the reality that you are already experiencing as opposed to the cocoon-like VR experience.
The ambisonics extention in Nugen Audio’s Halo Upmix
S6L targets theatre Venues
track digital What I am suggesting machines for is that Michael you put Jackson, down Ithe knew goggles I had and to get Module control withaudio custom configuration, a Pro Tools Not only does surface ambisonic production offer unlimited enjoyfor‘augmented one radio and commercials,’ audio’. he says. ‘I also used to attend HDX3 system possibilities, with two MADI interfaces andalso a Sync HD unique master reproduction but ambisonics offers workshops Augmented and reality panel is discussions currently widely withperceived producerstoand be engineers a clock for playback, and Pro Tools Native system spatialisation characteristics withHD the abilityThunderbolt to easily and goggle like George experience, Massenburg, but, after Alanlittle Parsons thought, andI Al can Schmitt. see how I read it all with MADI interface and Sync HD for dubbing dynamically image sound completely around and and recording. above the THE LATEST Venueand software actually the trade offers magazines, interesting entertainment I still keep a bigpotential library completely A similar setup has been installed into the second and auxtoday, sendswith (upall to 96) can also another. Customers with a valid listener. forlatest Avid’swriting S6L live sound system complementary the toonthe audio.’ live or screen experience. Justtoasthe personal multipurpose studio, though the S6 isofa3D smaller, be added snapshot Scope. Avid support plan can There are similarities in thehere application audio16-fader and introduces newand workflows second Over the screens years, this event knowledge screens allowed are powerful Mr Soodtools to raise in the his version. This is joined by a Genelec 5.1 for system with three Events updates are stated to offer download Avid Venue the sound design of immersive sound VR/AR headphone and capabilities based onthe theaugmented entertainment game, moving through experience, Akai Adam digital 12-track audio experience recording is 8260A SAM three-way coaxial studiousing monitors formingproduction the engineers greater flexibility to 5.4 software from their reproduction and speaker listening ambisonic manufacturer’s MediaCentral perfect and ontofora consumers, 24-track Studer producers with Dolby and marketers. SR trigger when that technology L-C-R channels, with two 8351 SAM coaxials surround and a events via external MIDI Avid Account. practices. The ambisonic sound design usesfor natural capture, platform that are intended to as arrived Augmented on the audio subcontinent. is as simple With theear rising buds channel and a count came timecode 7271A subwoofer, all supplied by Sound Team. Adjacent to this commands, LTC/MTC Avid has also processing and mixing of the audio components to create an aid the console’s use in theatre smartphone, more opportunities and the to work potential on bigger for augmented films, and to audio break spans into colour and studio is a dubbing booth complete with Manley microphone and values, the channel launched a new free ambisonic sound foundation. applications. 5.4 includes every advertising aspect work. ofVenue entertainment because X&Y of this handheld Chandler TG EMI mic channelhigh-density strip. switches on the control version of Media For example, a well-placed, array microphone can updates the Avidwere Venue portability. By 2003, to changes Augmented reality afoot audio at Western benefits Outdoor, from and the use Mr Sood of Hitendra aGhosh another industry veteran, surface. Composer called goHouse a longengineer way to providing stableisimmersive sonic foundation Snapshot and Events ambisonic decided to leave audio tobecause plan architecture hisof next headtracking move. Western and Outdoor high-quality closed having Mumbai’s renowned Rajkamal foran 35 The software also allows users Media Composer First. to buildworked on, butatambisonics is so powerful it canStudios generate asdoors well as functionality to enable sonic its rendering eight months of binaural later. sound. years. ‘It’s very good tofrom see new studios coming I’ve to freely assign outputs between Much like Pro Tools First, it’s ambisonic soundfield microphones within up, theand soundfield. programming and workflows Broadcast entertainment hasthat traditionally sufferedS6L from poor that are learned a lot already working here,’ says. ‘The Avid S6 networked systems fully-featured but limited in the It is amazing to me by that you can alsohe use individual the Source/Record and Timeline were reproduction, previously timeparticularly intensive. with surround sound This for example is veryand easy use; the control surface is better than a regular sharingsound. I/O, enabling number of audio and video tracks microphones at spatially separated arbitrary locations and project bintosharing and directly there are only The updated Snapshots system argument supports why many producersengineers conclude to that thereStage is 64 mixer, whatever into Pro10 Tools. assign that can be used – four video use theand capture fromyou’re all windows, of doing thesegoes microphones to derive the The via Avid Nexis. settings to navigate and configure. includes new momentary (nonlittle point of up-scaled audio productionoutputs and theper inference will instead of the new studio arecontent very good output card tracks and eight audio tracks. HOA coefficients. Additionally, nottoo.’ created with an HOA Furthermore, acoustics the Media Composer sequential) snapshots, snapshot certainly be heard again with the implementation of assign immersive As for MraSood, can and definitely some for of having to a StageA64 can also ambisonic have up to five foundation usinghe mono stereoshare stems cancredit be processed First UI is simplified with single prototype Projects Audio-Technica microphone groups. snapshots Speakers sound for Parent/child the home environment. and to acoustics progressing scene3D tocoefficients where it is today. entirely one S6Lwill system or bins but are not supported for withinformation an HOAIndia’s encoder to generate producing a row of buttons and in recording ‘Engineers of sound our generation paved the way for over today’s engineers,’ The audience is armed with a Wi-Fi-enabled streaming device never be perfect, but audio augmentation over ear receptors dimensional scene when played back speakers. heMixing muses. And looking at S&V Studios, he’s not is wrong. and earbuds. could solve many problems – including speech clarity. Dubbing booth mono, stereo and array microphones a familiar Augmented audio streams can be interactive, allowing Not only can augmented audio reality deliver better clarity and similar production workflow. This same workflow would the to select coaches and detail to the live sound experience, but it also delivers sentlisteners him a plane ticketalternative to come tocommentators, India.’ be used for an immersive sound production, truly making and inside the first stadium or on theonfield, and have it enhancements such as commentary and translations as well Thisathletes, was Mr Pilchner’s time working the subcontinent. immersive and HOA production seamless for the mixer and delivered their handheld audioheinsaw, the as personal sound from athletes and coaches. Augmented He showedtohis portfolio to Mrdevice. ChopraAugmented who liked what audio producer. BOLERO HAS designed to connected.feature When aofsmartphone is real world can heighten experience enhanced audio audio reality is abeen beneficial sensory dimension for virtually any being efficient with audio is an interesting and green-lit the design. the Construction of with the Yash Rajwhilst six-studio Immersive next-generation connected, the beltpack acts like a be an expandable, delivered in the super-near-field live production as afull-roaming, supplement to in-venue presentations. processing power, providing complex was completed in 2007,experience. and it remains one of the audio production but people want options for consumption free setup so that calls can DECT-based in VR is headphone-based, AR uses some Augmented intercom audio cansystem be creatively used in a variety of enhanced beltpack battery life that leading studios on the subcontinent to thissort day.of closeand the challenge is howhands to produce and manage a wide range the licence-free 1.9GHzlive frequency received the phone via theas eared deliverywas – earbuds – however, neither possibilities, including music, drama and theatre, not only reduces DSP processing power for andbe Mr Pilchner again at or theheadphones top of Mr Sood’s list when it of audio experiences formats as on quickly and cheaply JBL AC115S subwoofer Fully integrated into Riedel’s headset. Calls can also be made to methods are interrupted by roomBut acoustics. The opening challenge torange. supplement the PA audio but also to customise the mix. otheron functions. came to designing a new studio. with studios a possible. Cheaply also means minimising the amount of data connect a person into the intercom Artist digital matrix intercom for audio producers always been speaker reproduction features Advanced DECT seemingly daily basishas in Mumbai, why did he decide to Bolero go down being transferred. matrix,along thus with eliminating need platform, Boleroturned offersout a rich setaofbig one. In 2004 he joined His next move to be and significantly Receiver (ADR) technology, this road again? higher-order ambisonics – HOA is particularly Ambisonic which audio production MPEG-Hthe audio features connectivity can Schoustal Associates a telephone hybrid.for producing all forces withand Martin Pilchnerthat of Pilchner useful for rendering realistic, high-quality to virtually any specifically designed to reduceextremefor ‘The one thing everyone needs that they audio can’t do atishome or coding provides flexibility and power hardheadphone-based wearing and ergonomic applied asbuild a wireless tobedesign and a newbeltpack, studio complex for film director and speaker reflections in a smallformat. studio is to mix,’ explains Mr Sood. ‘Many sensitivity Bollywoodto multipath forms ofRF immersive audioThe – both VR and beltpacksallcombine a wirelessYash keypanel or a walkieproducer, Chopra. Ambisonic is nothing isroom a the speaker and system toplayback be used for essentially films are nowaudio beingproduction mixed in Dolby Atmos,new andbut so clearly our mixallows formats,high-impact from 2.0 to 9.1 plastics and rubber over-moulds, talkie radio thanks theabout integrated ‘Mr Chopra used tototalk the dream of creating his own paradigm shift in the and productioninofchallenging audio RF environments. has been approved bycontemplation Dolby in the UK.’ to 22.2. the display can be inverted mic and speaker. A point-to-point studio, and asked me to find someone to help him,’ he recalls. for themain future. reason ambisonics in acceptance Theseries incorporation of Nearcan Fieldtransport whilst The mixOne studio has been installedlagged with JBL’s M2 MPEG-H 16 channels of audio with intercom ecosystem created that it can be read in any to six ‘I’ve designed aroundis100 studios myself, including 50–60 here was the fact thatL-C-R its true benefitswith were until the Communication (NFC) technology speakers for the channels, 28not JBLrealised SCS8 coaxial Qualcomm’s ‘mezzanineso coding’, reducing ambisonics orientation. The beltpack features operation over standard inbyMumbai, and heathought I would design it, but I told him he expansion of the original concept higher-order ambisonics intoand both the beltpack and thea control track surround speakers, two JBL 4642Atocinema subwoofers channels plus and leaving the audio producer six for each of content. the six AES67 an IP network, for which thestudio designed an acoustician. along needed international–quality with the development of powerful productionactive tools. antennanine lets users touchchannels the two AC115S subs. additional forbuttons alternative audio intercom channelstotogether with a decentralised antennas high-clarity voice There needed to be good connect isolationtobetweenThe theBolero studios. I was Audio production tools have typically number of features beltpacks per been antenna beltpack to the antenna in clearly order tosignificant The main room, which curved wallscompressors, and ceiling clouds There are advantages ambisonic AES67 switches Artistand frames separate reply buttonaudio for promoting enhanced speech wondering who toand contact, I talked tocodec some provides acousticians, dynamic controllers and equalisation, but spatialisation for the same audio bandwidth complete the registration process.over current concealing diaphragmatic absorbers, has been designed toofoffer audio production multichannel workflows a reply fulfils to thethe lastneed channel called. equipped with AES67 intelligibility together with an then my son Shiv Sood client saw acards. feature about Angel Mountain audio has continued develop past reverberation and asscreening other to DECT-based systems. Theroom beltpacksand support Bluetooth a comfortable area for clients. practices. This technology to produce A diffusive wood surface thealso boundary is The beltpacks take appearance use of RF spectrum to studios in the US thatthe had been designedefficient by Martin Pilchner. simulation. Riedel says around the codec offersof the room 4.1 allowing forimmersive either a Bluetooth content, distribute it in an efficient bitstream and highlighted the use of multi-colour LED strips. Prideheadset of the placeor a smartphone of Riedel panels, are“Fantastic! wireless. Let’sreportedly support twice the When we saw thatbut I said get in touch with him, Ambisonicby audio production is powerful and unique in exceptional latency characteristics, to be have it played out on a wide variety of speaker configurations Multiple-spaced microphones create an ambisonic Hitendra Ghosh and Daman Sood and consumer-friendly. is a 32-fader Avidand S6reproduce digital console with M40 Master Touch he’s the right guy.” I started communicating with himsoundfield and we ability to create a dimensional soundfield. and formats – creatively, efficiently
Riedel advances the intercom platform with Bolero
A game-changer!
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Discover more: 84 PRO AUDIO ASIA July–August 2017
September–October 2017 PRO AVL ASIA 131 115 November–December
The right blend Dejero’s Bill Nardi discusses blending cellular and satellite networks for confident ‘on-the-go’ broadcasting REPORTERS COVERING A BREAKING NEWS STORY IN very remote or heavily populated parts of the world face an increasing variety of challenges when trying to send video content back to the studio ahead of the competition. Mobile reporting teams need to feel confident about the connections available to them, yet congestion and location are the two biggest obstacles to bandwidth availability and to the ability of mobile news crews to do their job efficiently. SNG trucks remain a critical component for large news events and mission critical shots. At one time, satellite was the only way for broadcasters to confidently achieve live broadcasts from remote locations. Once the truck had a view of the right part of the sky, a high-quality signal could be sent securely. But this is changing, with broadcasters now regularly using cellular technology to send video signals over the same wireless networks used for voice and data communications. Ease of use and minimal equipment requirements mean that cellular networks have enabled local TV stations to cover news events that they might have otherwise not been able to cover. Mobile teams must therefore make crucial decisions about which video transport asset to deploy to achieve the best result ahead of time, and must also find ways to guarantee bandwidth availability, working around the limitations of the assets they have chosen. The choice between satellite- or microwaveequipped vehicles and cellular technology can be a difficult one, and can present as a trade-off between transmission reliability, on-location flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Occasionally, due to congestion or location, there isn’t quite enough bandwidth on the local cellular network to transmit high-quality video. In breaking news scenarios, everyone using a mobile phone is consuming much of the data available from the closest cell towers, especially with the advent of services like Facebook Live. The news crews then arrive and tie up more of
CellSat explained
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Dejero Gateway in-vehicle the precious remaining cellular bandwidth. Cell networks can get congested, satellite vans face physical and environmental restrictions on-location, and sending content over the networks sometimes doesn’t go to plan. So, what if there was a way to deliver the required bandwidth, no matter what the external environment? A tool that offered multiple
Bill Nardi flexible and automatic solutions to various scenarios, allowing teams to be responsive to external factors and to confidently go live from any location? A tool that overcomes the limitations of typical internet access from single cellular connections such as Mi-Fi or smartphone hotspots? In these scenarios, the answer lies in the adoption of technology that leverages ultra-broadband connectivity, created by blending multiple transmission paths including cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi, Ethernet and so on. Dejero’s patented CellSat technology uses network blending to overcome these challenges. It provides broadcasters with a connectivity solution that automatically blends cellular and Ku-band IP satellite from Intelsat for live coverage from remote locations. Taking this approach means that mobile news crews can broadcast live from virtually anywhere. If cellular connections were to deteriorate, it will automatically blend in satellite connectivity as a back-up to the cellular network, boosting bandwidth for the live shot. By analysing the characteristics of up to six cellular connections and the Intelsat Ku-band IP satellite connection in real-time, the Dejero algorithm dynamically and intelligently manages the fluctuating bandwidth and latency, choosing the optimal path for delivering the IP packets to the playout destination. If we look beyond the single connection to distribute live video, this kind of technology allows content to be streamed live from the location across all available IP network connections. That might be Wi-Fi or Ethernet if available, or multiple cellular links as well as Ku-band IP satellite connections. The packetised video and audio is sent out over whatever IP transport path is available, analysing the characteristics of all the available connections and blending the networks to provide the best path for delivering the IP packets to the playout destination.
BUSINESS: R&D BUSINESS: TECHNOLOGY One of the advantages of network blending is an immediacy for broadcasters. This kind of technology has the ability to communicate with the broadcaster’s auto-acquire system to simplify the satellite connection process. As such, news crews do not have to schedule satellite time, which saves them valuable set-up time and removes the constraint of broadcasting within a set period. Network blending delivers the required bandwidth to its users no matter what the external environment presents, taking the best attributes of both transmission paths – cellular and satellite IP – and fusing them into one. There should be no loss of connectivity when itstagebox switches between and satellite and The Dante enabled allows forcellular two separate networks the operator in the field doesn’t have to worry about which they with a Dante-based option itforhappens networked audio, the so Netthey I/O can SB are connected to, because automatically, 32.24. ‘SSLtheir has primary actually job been making network I/O for some get on with of capturing the action. Crews can time,’ reasons ‘Traditionally focus on settingMr upFerriday. quickly and sending the live shot back to the this has been a broadcast product, it’s not broadcast facility. something we’ve sold into live market in or Ku-band Most satellite vehicles withthe existing Ka-band the However, the Dante stagebox satellite cannew be upgraded for compatibility with has beenblending. designedAsspecifically foralive sound. network an example, Newtec Dialog IP modem, We’re still using same is super analogue mic configured for thethe service, provided as part of the CellSat pres as we do on the broadcast device, but we solution, which includes Dejero transmission and receiving now have a software, different form factor which is more equipment, connectivity services to the CellSat appropriate for management live.’ network, cloud and support. Satellite time The unit freely includes 32 mic/line inputs, 16 when needed. To becomes available to boost bandwidth analogue outs, four AES/EBU and with four Newtec’s Mx-DMA achieve this, CellSat has been inputs integrated AES/EBU it is on the back technologyoutputs. as part However, of the Newtec Dialog platform. Mx-DMA panel where theand newTDMA stagebox offersmanage something unique.on Here combines SCPC to flexibly bandwidth there are while two pairs of redundant Danteofnetwork ports. demand, avoiding fragmentation the space segment. ‘InToaddition the Network A redundant pair, there is a can set up atonetwork blending solution, the broadcaster second on athe backtransmitter of the box which equip a redundant vehicle withpair either mobile or a rackprovides gain compensated split,’ furthers MrIP satellite mounted aencoder – compatibleDante cellular antennas and Ferriday. channel includes gain differential modems ‘This – while satellite terminalthe equipment can be added audio. The audiofacility comingand outaof here will be at the broadcast receiver cannot reconstruct the changed by video anything thatorhappens on the input transmitted for SDI IP playout. gains from the control console.’ If a broadcaster chooses to go with CellSat for their network This means the is box can operate two discrete blending, the that solution managed from as a browser through
Dante youtothen splitas that off into the Dante network US companies tendbridge, to drive market networks. ‘These two networks aredifferent invisible approach. to each other,’ where thatlater. is then the FOH console, the fast as to they can and they’ll issues Thatshared is not between the explains Mr Ferriday. ‘If one is connected a broadcast truck,fix the recording the broadcast console, the OB truck and way Yamahatruck sellsand new products to itsconsole, customers.’ the live audio network is invisible to thethat broadcast all ofdeeply that audio is Yamaha available to all the desks. It’s bi-directional While this first product has drawn on the whatever they are doing in there is completely invisible to the too, sofuture if you want to take audio back from the broadcast truck, quality process, Mr Reid believes that collaborations live network. This is the digital equivalent of a transformer as the audience mics or the ambience, we can ask the willinteraction see other between elementsthe come tosuch the fore. ‘We are getting isolated switch. There is no possible to send us an ambient feed back into the the best out of both companies.broadcast We have atruck Yamaha quality two networks.’ network and we can and pick that up where ever we want. It gives control processoffers that fits the broader Yamaha brand While the ability to have two separate networks some you to a tremendous amount we’re convinced working outthat how we use that be competitive in theof flexibility about where the audio clear advantages, Mr Ferriday is equally goes toyou andneed it allows ever-growing UC market. to doyou forto build up very large complex audio Dante networking in the live environment is a positive thing Is everything networks quite to simply a high-end of equipment what you need do forand a very inexpensively because it is for engineers to do. He offers the example of apiece conventional using standard switches and Cat-5 cable.’ US$150 speakerphone? Probably not. That’s what we’re live show setup with an FOH console and a USB monitor console, Expanding the Live family investigating now go forward. We’re discussing whatinto different markets was always a truck to record the show on a separate console andasa we feed going to be the sensible sense Madi from a go-to-market perspective andoption for SSL. But by embracing for the house broadcast. ‘We havereally somemakes conventional the potential establishing what to customer expectations are.of audio networking for the concert market, the I/O and some Dante I/O which is connected directly the manufacturer shown that all that time in development has ‘This will be Madi the first many products on the has collaborative network,’ he begins. ‘The I/Oofgoes well spent. from theconsole two companies,’ hebeen continues. ‘We’re looking to directly into side the monitor to run leverage ourbetween products. We have wireless microphones the absolutefurther minimum latency andmonitor Yamaha-built and other systems for mixing in very the I/O and the board.DSPs Via the
high-end audio applications. For high imagine us combining our wireless a technologies with some of their DSP boardrooms of the world.’ But he is equally quick to point out could tackle conferencing products o Blending cellular and satelite signals can assist remote news teams can go down and up. They have powe reinforcement and all kinds Anything that offers greater capacity provides opportunities for of high-e a cloud-based management system, which allows users to we can leverage as we go up. And go improved video quality and performance. remotely control equipment, monitor live feeds, route content to phones and they Network blending offers a new level of reliability by have USB phones s the desired broadcast facility and view performance data and we can go from together. USB phones, VoI automatically combining cellular connectivity multiple billing reports. peripherals that do everything – aud mobile network carriers with on-demand satellite connectivity, A network blended architecture should be designed so that cover video the full spectrum in of collaborati allowing broadcasters to get high-quality transmitted live pictures and sound are sent over whatever data bandwidth While that is for the future, Mr Reid challenging network conditions. is available and delivered to whichever location or locations business case for the CS-700 now. ‘W the broadcaster requires. As such, the system Phil should be as and Michael Fitch demonstrating Revolabs’ Marechal the CS-700 InfoComm market for these smaller rooms wher The desk has been designed allow theasconnection of various peripherals applicable for live links betweentocontinents itat is across town.
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How will AES@NAMM benefit me?
AES@NAMM represents a new alliance to enhance the educational opportunities open to audio professionals. But what can NAMM Show visitors expect from this partnership?
TRADE SHOW EDUCATION CAN BE A DIFFICULT subject. On the one hand, it can actively attract visitors to travel great distances to attend a show. But on the other, it can then pull them off the show floor and away from the exhibitors who have paid a large amount of money to put their products in front of them. It seems like an impossible situation, yet for many of the world’s most successful events, a balance has been struck that does its utmost to offer the best of both worlds. ‘While new technology and products drive any industry, continuing education and training, and getting better at practising one’s craft, is essential for growth,’ states NAMM CEO, Joe Lamond. ‘We have always believed this to be true, and it seems to me that we’re in a very natural cycle of expanding education at the NAMM show to reflect the changing needs of industry members. The vast ecosystem of music and sound depends on a growing number of industry professionals to make it all work and, with that, the opportunity to learn.’ With long-running educational initiatives such as NAMM U and TEC Tracks pulling in visitors from right around the world, the NAMM show has proven that it can strike the right balance. Yet for the 2018 edition of the Anaheim show, it is looking to enhance these educational offerings further by forming an alliance with one of the industry’s other venerable educators, the Audio Engineering Society (AES). The result of this partnership is a new educational offering for visitors to the show – AES@NAMM.
NAMM CEO Joe Lamond
134 PRO AVL ASIA November–December 2017
‘AES@NAMM was a natural evolution of a long relationship with a similar desire: to continue to enhance our industries for generations to come,’ explains Mr Lamond. ‘As there is a larger trend of audio and MI convergence, the concept of “crossroads” as a means to complete the signal chain, so to speak, made sense to our groups. With the integration of AES@ NAMM, the organisation will bring nearly 300 sessions and its expertise to the NAMM U Education Centre, located inside the Hilton and next door to a robust trade show floor with audio’s top brands making new product announcements, demoing their gear and gathering the tribe.’ For the AES too, this was a natural partnership. ‘NAMM has proven itself to be an ideal “gathering of the tribes” for a broad range of individuals interested in music, and how musical instruments and performers relate to audiences through the medium of sound,’ notes David Scheirman, AES presidentelect. ‘The Audio Engineering Society’s focus is all about the boundary interface between professional audio applications and the professional user communities (for both live and recorded sound) who apply audio science and technology to help support and advance how audio is used in our daily lives. This effort creates a natural synergy to help those communities share with each other, and communicate best practices.’ While the organisations are agreed that their purposes align, can the same be said for the membership each group attracts? Mr Lamond certainly thinks so. ‘It seems to me that the connections are very deep. Taking my own work history as an example, I’ve worked in music retail stores, did commercial installs, toured and recorded both as a rock drummer and later as a production manager, and attended both the NAMM and AES gatherings in the process. I suspect there are many like me who have worn many hats on their industry journey. The thread that tied it all together was music, and that common bond is what makes the NAMM show so unique. We see great opportunity in further cross pollination of ideas between NAMM and AES members.’ While the partnership itself certainly grabs the headlines, for Mr Lamond it is clear that the educational benefits it will offer visitors to the show is the most important factor. ‘AES brings a rich legacy in audio education to NAMM U’s offerings,’ he reasons. ‘In particular, AES@NAMM will get deep into hands-on and technical education for audio professionals, and in an incredibly broad range of topics. That’s exciting.’ ‘As NAMM embarks on a new initiative to serve the interests of the professional audio community, and increasingly sees value in providing content and learning opportunities for those
working in the pro audio field, it is a natural fit for the AES to provide a gathering place and a programme that is relevant and of interest to our members,’ agrees Mr Scheirman. ‘This is especially true for those of our members located in the Western USA, and internationally as well.’ So what can visitors expect from the programme itself? ‘While AES@NAMM will include a number of stimulating and informative presentations, ranging from traditional AES technical paper presentations to current-event-based panel sessions, the programme is built around much more than that,’ furthers Mr Scheirman. ‘A unique series of hands-on learning and training sessions will enable attendees to gain first-hand exposure to the latest operating techniques for digital mixing consoles, line array loudspeaker systems, wireless technology platforms and system optimisation principles. No existing tradeshow, conference, convention or other gathering has ever brought this type of learning opportunity under one roof, in real-time, at a major industry gathering. It’s a new format that will appeal to working studio and sound reinforcement professionals, aspiring audio industry technicians and system operators and sound system enthusiasts of all types.’ Of course, this raises that familiar challenge again of ensuring that the people who are attracted to the event because of the education also spend time on the show floor. ‘We believe that many of our attendees are hungry to learn and grow, and providing these educational opportunities, most of them for free, is one of the most important things any association can do for its members,’ says Mr Lamond. ‘It is an investment of time for our attendees that perhaps pays the greatest dividend in all of their futures. It is a challenge but we believe our attendees can have their cake and eat it too. Advance planning and careful prioritisation is essential, and the NAMM Show app is a wonderful tool for this, but I’m not going to lie, our guests do not get much sleep the week of NAMM.’ ‘A typical trade show is exciting, but it can also be crowded and chaotic,’ adds Mr Scheirman. ‘The challenge at such events has always been to integrate formal, value-based education sessions in the same time and place as a commercial exhibition. Various tradeshows in this and related industries have come to see the value of expert content, but they have struggled to find a balance between the needs of a learning-oriented show attendee with a booth-visiting tradeshow visitor. AES@NAMM will leverage an industry gathering represented by the NAMM show, while simultaneously creating a more focused, learning-appropriate environment away from the crowds and distractions typically found on an exhibition floor.’ NAMM has been an important event for the international pro audio community for years and, in truth, many people make the pilgrimage to Anaheim from Asia, Africa and the Middle East every January. It would seem this partnership will add to the list of benefits that keep these international visitors returning. As Mr Lamond concludes: ‘The opportunity is to connect with peers and engage in high-level educational opportunities set against a trade show floor with industry-leading brands.’