Ethiopia Sidamo grade 4 Arabica unwashed grade 4 For this Sidamo unwashed the cherries are due to late pickings initially dried on the tree. After the final pickings, they are then placed and continuously turned on wooden beds: the result is a cup with complex flavour and impressive body.
TRACEABILITY Country Location Coffee mill Average altitude Topography Soil type Temperature Humidity Particularities
Ethiopia Sidamo region Kaffa 2 1‘750 to 2‘200 meter above sea level from flatland to hilly and mountainous areas nitisol (low-activity clay, strongly structured) 10° - 32° C 1700 mm / year In Ethiopia all coffee trade is handled through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchangeb (ECX).
COFFEE Botanical species Botanical variety Harvest methode Harvest time Export Screen size Preparation Bag size
Arabica Typica and many varieties selective handpicking December to February from February 85% above 14 natural 60 kg
Degree Blends
from medium to dark roast Used in blends for berry-like acidity with awesome sweetness and striking flavour. Full body development use in dark roast.
Impressive body and sweetness with balanced berry-like acidity. The flavour shows the complexity of the carefully done dried process: fruity, floral, spicy and slightly earthy aromas.
Description: Fragrance, Aroma ○ spicy ○ floral Flavour ● earthy
● fruity
● spicy ● chocolate ● floral
● nutty ● fruity
Acidity ○ neutral
○ mild
● berry-like
Aftertaste ● caramelly ● toasty ● spicy
○ citrus-like ○ woody
Ethiopia Sidamo grade 4 Arabica unwashed grade 4
Addis Abeba
Ethiopia Sidamo Corona Arabica washed grade 2 This coffee is a special choice from the finest Sidamo grade 2 coffees. Our longstanding partner does the selection for Blaser Trading in order to guarantee the best characters from the Sidamo highlands.
TRACEABILITY Country Location Coffee mill Average altitude Topography Soil type Temperature Humidity Particularities
Ethiopia Sidamo region Kaffa 1 1‘750 to 2‘200 meter above sea level from flatland to hilly and mountainous areas nitisol (low-activity clay, strongly structured) 10° - 32° C 1700 mm / year In Ethiopia all coffee trade is handled through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchangeb (ECX).
COFFEE Botanical species Botanical variety Harvest methode Harvest time Export Screen size Preparation Bag size
Arabica Typica and varieties selective handpicking October to December from January 90% above 14 fully washed (up to 36 hour of fermentation) 60 kg
Degree Blends
from light to dark roast (keeps citrus acidity even at dark roasts) marvellous as a single origin - responsible for citurs-like acidity and significant floral notes
Intense aroma and flavour: citrus, floral, chocolate and slight earthy notes. Intense acidity with a pleasent clean sweetness.
Description: Fragrance, Aroma ○ spicy ● floral Flavour ○ earthy
● fruity
○ spicy ● chocolate ● floral
○ nutty ● fruity
Acidity ○ neutral
○ mild
○ berry-like
Aftertaste ● caramelly ● toasty ○ spicy
● citrus-like ○ woody
Ethiopia Sidamo Corona Arabica washed grade 2
Addis Abeba