Twenty Six

a year retrospective
Happy birthday!
Halo sayang! I’m sorry I can’t give a physical copy of this (or anything for that matter) at the time you read this, but I hope you enjoy this little thing I made commemorating your 26th!
love, your husband :)

Passing a quarter century is a big deal, and I am so glad I got to spend it with you, through the highs and lows.
I figured it would be fun to have a little recap of how you grew throughout the 27th of May to the 27th of May, so here is a trip down memory lane with some of my favourite pictures of you.
disclaimer: some of these photos aren’t flattering by your standards, but I feel like they captured the moment well and is funny :)
disclaimer 2: the contents aren’t in chronological order fyi

bday girl
Starting off we have our engagement!!! Wowie you look incredible here hehe
such a cute intimate event that i remember was super emotional for both of us. watching you walk down the stairs was CRAZY AAAAAAAAAA i love you

Ira’s seal of approval

This was when the house was still fresh..and we made it super packed wkwkwk
Still, this marked a new beginning not only for us but also for you. One small step for Ira, one giant leap for Ira x Rio.
Looking back, the year was so packed with rollercoaster moments that sometimes even our engagement gets lost in my mind!

now let’s move somewhere a bit far from home.. I seriously cannot get over the fact that we got to enjoy this sunset together, with this view!
Everything was so calm and beautiful, and seeing you with a smile on your face really was the cherry on top :)
Look at these cute pics of you enjoying the beaches :D
Without your planning skills we wouldn’t have such a good time! Sorry for the shitty toilet in the beach tho :( All of this was thanks to you! Incredible sceneries and nothing but good times here made this one hell of a vacation.

also shout out to your hijab

more vacation pics! remember these from our prewedding sessions? I remember when I was so excited to not go to work and instead spend a vacation with you hehehe the theme in this spread is motion. forward moving along the passage of time, wherever life takes us next.

As we age, so does the world around us. So what can we do to make it worthwhile?
It’s up to you to decide, sayang.
Smile if you
..are happy with everything you’ve accomplished ...have been the best version of yourself ...gave everything you got to get where you are ..and if you drool while you sleep.

What is a year without sickness?
It was rough, scary, and smelly..but my strong queen was able to endure it all. From beef allergies to asthma attacks, nothing can bring you down (for too long)!
but let’s try to not be sick the next year yeah :)

Leg up! Man down!
Despite the crazy things happening in the last year, you toughed it out and came out on top, with your usual brash and unrelenting style.
But when the going gets crazy, we bust out our weird dance moves!
Look at you go! My lil dancer and her bizarre body movements never fail to make me laugh.

Here’s another show of progession you’ve made this year! I honestly was concerened about this attempt because it looked dangerous..
I think this was before you wanted to take the yoga certification? Humble beginnings from this..

To looking like this???

Certified instructor, community figure and an all-around sexy fit woman??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???
Along the way, and you became MY WIFE.
4eva stuck with you.
The start of a new womanhood. Signaling a new chapter.
Stand proud, Ira Dani Asalia

No ring? let me fix that for you!

“Get you a woman who looks at you like that even though you keep pissing her off”
-me to my homies

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.
- Audrey Hepbburn

Congratulations on passing another year in life, sayang. I have watched you grow in many ways that I could not predict, and completely exceeding what I thought could be a better version of yourself. I honestly cannot express how much more I am in love with the kind of person you are now.
You’ve carried yourself very well in navigating through the previous year’s trials and tribulations. Blossoming into this incredible human being while striving for your own personal ambitions is another level of admiration that I have exclusively for you. In these recently difficult time for us you held your held high and stayed strong, even though it is the hardest challenge in our life so far. Thousands of kilometers apart yet you still have the same love and care you have to your loved ones as if you’re here next to us.
Every single day I look through my phone screen to your texts saying you’re going to work on something that day while exerting the same amount of hard work and dedication to be the best version of yourslef so far. Sayang, you truly are a special person.
So here I would like to offer my congratulations and celebrate the number one person in my life, for everything you’ve worked hard for and a beacon of love. Another checkpoint in life, on to the next one!
Brave, brilliant, breathtaking, name it all, because you’ve got it all.

Keep running forward

and happy birthday!