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W E D N E S D a Y , a p R I L 17, 2 0 1 3


2 012 S I LV E R C R O W N W I N N E R

A drinking game? A

mbiguity in ou’s alcohol policy may mean our “dry campus” isn’t as dry as it seems. instead of having a policy that explicitly prohibits alcohol everywhere on campus, ou administrators can determine when and where alcohol is permitted as situations arise.


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ou’s student alcohol policy prohibits alcohol in fraternity houses, sorority houses, residence halls and the grounds surrounding them.

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STATE LAW ou’s alcohol policy follows state law, which says people of legal age are prohibited from consuming intoxicating liquors (beverages containing more than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight) in “any public place.” A public place does not mean a place owned by a public agency, but rather a place the general public has access to.




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GRAY AREA? ou policy prohibits alcohol in greek houses and residence halls, and oklahoma law prohibits alcohol in “any public place,” but what about non-public places on campus? there is no explicit policy prohibiting alcohol in places on campus where the public does not always have access to, such as faculty and student organization offices.

iLLustRAtion By Austin mccRosKie/tHe dAiLy


Do you know the rules about drinking on campus? Alcohol policy not explicit, may exlude student offices, private areas on campus

by a public agency, such as a public university, but rather a place the general public has access to, said Maureen Shanta, public integrity and compliance official from the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Law Enforcement Commission. aRIanna PICkaRD It is not clear in Oklahoma law whether alcohol is proCampus editor hibited in confined areas, such as offices, where the public Instead of having a policy that explicitly prohibits alcohol might not always have access to, she said. everywhere on campus, OU administrators can determine Unlike Oklahoma State University, which clearly states in when and where alcohol is permitted as situations arise. its policy that alcohol is forbidden on campus and in uniOU’s student alcohol policy only specifically prohibits al- versity housing and then lists specific exceptions, OU Legal cohol in fraternity houses, sorority houses, residence halls Counsel vice president Anil Gollahalli said OU uses its “adand the grounds surrounding them. ministrative authority to address and remove alcohol from “The alcohol policy is very specific to residential areas,” campus as situations arise.” said Clarke Stroud, OU vice president for The Direct Administration Action section “The university student affairs and dean of students. “But of the Student Rights and Responsibilities there’s also the state law, so you can’t have it Code says OU administrators may take achas the inherent on state property.” tion when they deem necessary for the saferight to control While OU doesn’t have clear rules regardty of students, faculty, staff or guests. the workplace ing drinking legally on campus, OU strictly Gollahalli said the university can use this prohibits illegal use of alcohol on campus, right to stop actions from taking place on and learning according to the OUPD website. campus even when there’s not a specific polenvironments.” Illegal use of alcohol in Oklahoma inicy prohibiting them. cludes people of legal age consuming intoxi“The university has the inherent right to aniL GoLLahaLLi, ou LeGaL cating liquors — beverages containing more control the workplace and learning enviCounSeL ViCe PReSiDent than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight — in ronments; those found in possession of al“any public place,” according to Oklahoma cohol in non-public areas would be directed Statute 37-8. to remove it [from office space or otherwise], and failure to However, none of the sources The Daily has spoken to comply would result in disciplinary action as provided for could concretely define what a public place was. in the student code and the faculty and staff handbooks,” A public place does not necessarily mean an area owned Gollahalli said in an email.

Bedlam ensues at Hall of Fame Stadium

Sports: the no. 1 ou softball team wil face off against oklahoma state at 7 tonight in oklahoma city. (Page 7)

Thunder play final regular season game

Sports: oklahoma city hosts milwaukee at 7 tonight at chesapeake energy Arena for its last game. (Page 8)

at a GLanCe Other Big 12 university alcohol policies Oklahoma State University: it is forbidden to consume, possess or serve beer and alcoholic beverages on the campus and in university housing (to include sorority and fraternity housing). University of Texas: in response to the 1989 Amendment, the Board of Regents of the university of texas system designated the university a “drug Free university” on Aug. 1, 1990. And in compliance with the policy, the university provides online and printed information for students regarding alcohol and other drug possession, use, abuse and distribution, including standards of conduct and penalties for rule and law violations. Kansas State University: A bill passed by the 1987 legislature permits consumption of alcoholic liquor in non-classroom space on property under the control of the state Board of Regents.

Blog satirizes the best of Internet pop culture L&A: slacktory provides the perfect escape from endless days of textbook reading. (Page 6)

Greek community is treated unfairly by alcohol policy Opinion: students are subject to double standard in unclear administrative alcohol policies. (Page 4)

VOL. 98, NO. 132 © 2012 ou Publications board fRee — additional copies 25¢

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