For those who value PSHE
Issue no.3/July 2015
Safeguarding/PSHE Can you do more?
“Schools who are outstanding in PSHE are more than often outstanding overall” - Janet Palmer, PSHE Lead for Ofsted.
Learning in motion
At school children are discouraged from moving when sitting, but research has shown that movement in a natural way encourages growth in attention span and improvement in concentration. The Hokki stool has a convex base which offers the body much needed movement so it can develop in a healthy natural way. From 3 years upwards, available in 4 sizes and 5 colours with Prices from £54.40 ex vat. (RRP £64.00 ex VAT) Discounted price for schools only
Don’t hold children back from their natural urge to move
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1decision Ltd Suite 1, Niall House 24-26 Boulton Road Stevenage Herts SG2 8EY Telephone: 01438 750330 Email:
Contents Page 4
A Message from Hayley Sherwood
Page 5
An Introduction to the 1decision Keeping/ Staying Healthy module
Page 6-7 Edible NRG
Page 8-9
Page 14
Page 10
Page 15
1decision Programme Updates Alzheimer’s Society
Page 11
1decision and the Fire Service
Page 12
Babcock Education - National PSHE CPD Programme
Deedee’s Travels Butterfly Print - Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools
Page 16
Competition time!
Page 18-19
Edible Playgrounds
Page 13
Testimonials from Green Oak C of E Primary School
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A Message
from the Director of 1decision A warm welcome to all of our new and exisiting readers! The last few months have been very exciting for the 1decision team and I would like to share some of our news with you. We can now proudly say that our programme is in 15 counties across the UK and Deedee has been very busy meeting with children across the country. After weeks of preparation, our new ‘Feelings and Emotions’ module is now available and we recently visited Green Oak CoFe in Surrey to launch our new resources. More details on page 14. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who were involved in the creation of our most exciting module yet, especially our talented young actors. View more information about our newest module on page 8. We are currently working on a new project with fire service thanks to funding we have been granted by Herts Crime Commissioner. Our ‘Fire Service’ module will be available for every school in the UK in the autumn term. For more information on this exciting new project, please visit page 11. This edition of FOCUS offers an introduction to the 1decision ‘Keeping/Staying Healthy’ module and also highlights some of the fantastic organisations working hard to promote health and well-being education in schools. I hope you all enjoy the summer break. We’ll be back with our next edition of Focus in the new academic year!
Hayley Sherwood
Let’s get social!
We want to hear from you, so please share your thoughts and ideas by emailing: yourideas@ 4
An Introduction
to our Keeping/Staying Healthy Module It is important that the approach to health education for children is one designed to equip them with competencies and skills which will enable them to make their own choices and decisions, not just now but in the future. Increasingly, children need opportunities to take responsibility for aspects of their own health and to recognise choices and make decisions about health-related behaviour and activities. By using this module teachers can encourage and support healthy routines to be developed and practised at home. Our ‘Keeping/Staying Healthy’ module looks at healthy eating, brushing teeth, washing hands and medicine.
Learning outcomes for this module: All pupils will...
• know that food is needed for bodily health and growth and that some foods are better for good health than others • understand the need for and be able to practise simple personal cleanliness routines, e.g. washing hands and brushing teeth • begin to understand that some diseases are infectious and that transmission may be reduced when simple safe hand-washing routines are introduced • know, understand, and be able to practise simple safety rules about medicinal drugs
For more information on our Keeping/ Staying Healthy module visit:
www. 5
Christina Symeonides, from Munch Better, talks about the benefits of good nutrition “A balanced and nutritious diet feeds our body as well as our mind. It has the ability to keep us physically well, free from disease and injury and mentally experience a sense of well-being and happiness.” - Christina Symeonides. Encouraging the right eating habits and a healthy food culture at an early age will promote a lifetime of good habits resulting in optimum health. The immediate effects help children:
• concentrate • behave appropriately • sleep well • learn and achieve more
Good nutrition stimulates energy levels prompting an increase in physical activity. Fresh, wholesome food consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals, all necessary to nurture growth and development. Eating the correct daily requirements from these 5 main food groups is conducive of healthy eating habits. The introduction of convenience foods has altered our eating habits and desecrated our food culture. The current consumption of processed foods washed down with a sugar filled drink is sadly a daily reality of trending eating habit which is fuelling our obesity crisis. Presently 1 in 5 children commence their school life overweight, rising to 1 in 3 at secondary school. Statistics are gloomy. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predict by 2050 30% of children could die before their parents from obesity related diseases.
Nutritional education has the long term potential to eliminate future obesity and related issues Being proactive is vital otherwise we will constantly be accommodating its effects socially, physically and economically. Christina Symeonides FNTP is a qualified nutritionist and stakeholder of The National Institute of Health Care and Excellence (NICE) for the prevention of obesity in children and young people. Christina also collaborates with Healthy Schools London (HSL) to provide nutritional workshops, assemblies, staff training and recommendations to enhance dining facilities in London schools.
Visit us online
For some great healthy tips and pics follow us on Twitter, Instagram and like us on Facebook.
Programme Updates Feelings and Emotions module now available!
Being able to recognise and manage emotions is important to children – now and as they grow up – for their mental health and for maintaining good relationships with others. Education should provide planned curriculum opportunities for children to develop emotionally by offering them a language which enables them to express their feelings; skills which will help them to form respectful relationships; and the self-knowledge, strategies and beliefs to cope with difficult situations and life events. Tree of Trus t
Who can we talk to abou t our feeling s? Draw or w answers in t rite your he space pro vided.
Learning outcomes for this module: All pupils will...
• • • • 8
be able to recognise and name a range of emotions and their physical effects and distinguish between those that feel pleasant and those that feel unpleasant or uncomfortable understand that feelings can be communicated with and without words know that we can choose how we act on our emotions and understand that our choices and actions can affect ourselves and other people know a range of strategies for managing unpleasant/uncomfortable emotions and be able to apply these
New - 5 Minute Relaxation Techniques Our new module also contains four relaxation recordings. These can be used when required and are designed to help children manage their reactions to stress, anxiety and worry. The exercises include controlled breathing, muscle relaxation, and guided imagination.
View all of our modules at:
New Student Workbooks Previously, schools received an Activity Workbook and Student Learning Journal for each pupil. You will be pleased to know we have now combined both books into one, easy to manage Student Workbook. Our new Student Workbook can be viewed on our website, please visit
g Oath
i-Bullyin Deedee’s Ant
I promise: By signing this oath, others • I will not bully bullied by whilst others are • I will not stand it g whenever I see • I will report bullyin
Deedee’s Anti-Bullying Oath ‘Deedee’s Anti-Bullying Oath’ now appears within our ‘Relationships’ module. Download our classroom poster and encourage your students to stand up against bullying. Children can sign Deedee’s Oath to help create a happier school environment.
k together! Let’s all wor
Alzheimers Society With over two million people developing dementia in the next ten years, it’s likely most young people will know someone affected by the condition in their lifetime. We’re committed to doing all we can to help educate young people about dementia. That’s why we’ve produced an easy to use, PSHE accredited, Key Stage 2 dementia resource pack for schools. The pack includes three lesson plans, an assembly presentation plus many more simple and interactive activity ideas. Teaching about dementia supports a number of areas of the PSHE curriculum for all Key Stages, and also has relevance in Science, Health and Social Care, Citizenship and many other subjects.
A third of young people know someone living with dementia. By educating young people about dementia, we can create the first ever dementia-friendly generation - giving young people the confidence and understanding when communicating with people living with dementia and helping to reduce social isolation and stigma for those affected.
“The resources are extremely well thought through and will be very accessible to busy teachers!” - PSHE Association Get your free, PSHE accredited, Key Stage 2 and 3 resource packs today at:
or by emailing:
1decision and the Fire Service Herts Crime Commissioner has recently provided funding to support the creation of our ‘Fire Service’ module. We are currently filming a series of videos which will look at hoax calling, petty arson, texting whilst driving and keeping our home safe. Our new module will be available in the Autumn term. We look forward to introducing you to fire-fighter Deedee in the next few weeks! “The 1decision programme is a fantastic platform which provides children with essential information to encourage positive choices. I look forward to seeing the resources produced from this partnership” Stephen McPartland, MP.
“Stevenage Fire-fighters look forward to working in partnership with the 1decision team, this is a great opportunity to educate and make our children safer” Peter Hatherly, Station Commander.
Available n in Autum term
The children of Almond Hill Primary School, Stevenage, the 1decision team and Stephen McPartland MP visit local fire-fighters to discuss the project.
Effective Training to Support Leaders and Deliverers of PSHE Education Effective leadership, management and delivery of PSHE requires confident and trained teachers and professionals. The National PSHE CPD Programme, established by the DfE in 2002, has been built upon established PSHE, health and education expertise. The National PSHE CPD Programme team, based within Babcock 4S, have been managing and delivering the programme, in association with the University of Roehampton since 2006. In this time the programme has supported teachers, HLTAs, Police, SRE professionals, Youth Support Service and School Nursing teams nationally in the development of their subject knowledge, understanding, proficiency and confidence in PSHE education.
Ofsted have reported that, “PSHE subject knowledge had been improved by teachers and school nurses achieving the National PSHE CPD Certificate.” Participants are overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic about the programme and the way in which it enables them to develop needs based, high quality PSHE, whilst making necessary links to whole school approaches to safeguarding, SMSC, British values, mental health, emotional literacy and behaviour. “The course has made a huge difference to my practice and my confidence leading it. I have been asked to support two other schools in the local area with their PSHE. Amazing!!! All this has happened since I handed in my essay! It really has opened so many doors for us.” PSHE Lead Currently recruiting for courses in London, Surrey and Leeds beginning academic year 2015/2016. Courses also available nationwide.
For more information please visit or contact (National PSHE CPD Programme Team – Lead Trainer)
Testimonials As an introduction to Surrey, over the past few months, we have trialled 1decision in Green Oak C of E Primary School. Here is what they had to say about the 1decision PSHE programme so far...
Reception I was not expecting the children to be as engaged to this programme as they are. All of the children listen quietly and are focused and can suggest an argument for picking a side. It has been an effective way into talking about these important issues. Please can Deedee visit us!
Year 1
As part of the school PSHE programme, I have been using This has had a fantastic impact on the children. I have noticed that out of the PSHE lessons, they regularly reference lessons and repeat the phrases learnt. By constantly reinforcing this the children are now creating their own safe environment.
Year 2
The children have really enjoyed the videos and they have prompted a lot of discussion in the class, they really look forward to their PSHE lessons!
Year 3-4
Children have loved the videos and have been the starting point of some excellent discussion, both for the right decision and the wrong one.
Deedee’s Travels Destination: Green Oak C of E Primary School in Surrey. Deedee had a wonderful time visiting the pupils of Green Oak C of E Primary School in Surrey. The topic of the day was ‘Feelings and Emotions’ and the pupils looked at managing anger in a healthy way, which included using Deedee’s relaxation techniques. After the session, Deputy Headteacher, Amanda Burrows was invited on air by BBC Surrey to talk about the benefits of PSHE.
Would you like a visit from Deedee? Email:
Competition Time! Previous competition winners...
• • •
Weeting VC Primary School, Norfolk. Helsby Hillside Primary School, Cheshire. Perry Wood Primary School, Worcestershire.
Guess where Deedee is visiting and you could win a 1decision subscription! Closing date 31st August 2015 What famous landmark is Deedee visiting?
To enter, please send your answer, name and school name to
The winner will be announced on the 15th September 2015. Good luck!
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Discount Code: NEWTERM15 Contact us for a quote today! Email: Tel: 01438 750330 Packages starting from £135 a year
Cyrus Todiwala launches Edible Playground in Tower Hamlets St Paul’s Whitechapel Primary - Inspiring children to grow and eat good food. Edible Playgrounds (EP), a project led by Trees for Cities (TfC), to provide schools in urban areas the opportunity to grow food in their playgrounds, yesterday launched an edible playground in St Paul’s Whitechapel, CE Primary School. Chef, restaurateur, author and media personality Cyrus Todiwala OBE, whose flagship restaurant, Café Spice Namaste, is located on Prescot Street, within the borough of Tower hamlets, officially opens the edible playground today. The local chef will be buying produce harvested in the EP to use in his restaurant. The children at St Paul’s Whitechapel, CE Primary School have been growing lettuce, spinach, lalshak, chard, peas, beans, tomatoes and potatoes in their edible playground. The EP has a lovely herb garden with lots of sensory plants and a pollinator garden to attract bees, butterflies and other insects to help the plants grow.
There is also a rhubarb patch, edible flowers, willow teepees and a wormery to create compost for healthy soil. Noelle age 9, Year 4 pupil said: “Our edible playground creates a healthy environment, which makes the world a better place”.
EP benefits children’s health and education by offering those living in urban areas the opportunity to grow, harvest and eat good food, and integrate outdoor learning into the school curriculum. By transforming school grounds into fully functional food growing spaces, EP provides children the opportunity to be active outside – getting them excited about food growing and understanding where food comes from. Cyrus Todiwala said: “I was delighted to open the Edible Garden at St Paul’s Primary School. I personally believe that children will appreciate food most if they know where it comes from. Being in the middle of the city we do not always have the opportunity to understand what farmers and producers can, so edible playgrounds, like this are an excellent way to expose children to the nature and its provenance.” Sharon Johnson, Chief Executive of Trees for Cities said: “Edible Playgrounds engage children with nature and show them how rewarding it is to spend time outdoors. Absence of natural green spaces in inner cities creates a lack of knowledge about food, its origins and how to make healthy choices about what to eat, which is an especially important issue for today’s youngest generations, many of whom are not able to see food growing. We are delighted that the school community at St Paul’s Whitechapel, CE Primary School has come together to support the launch of an edible playground.”
Trees for Cities has been working in schools to plant fruit and nut trees since 2000. With this track record and experience, TfC’ technical expertise in the delivery of Edible Playgrounds and operations is well established and highly regarded. The first Edible Playground was created in 2003. There are currently over 25 Edible Playgrounds in the UK with a further 50 to be rolled out over the next three years. The project has also been supported by Marsh and Bloomberg.
Watch out for our next edition! To subscribe, see page 3.
For Headteachers and Governors
Issue no.2/Feb 2015
Safeguarding/PSHe fOCuS MagaZine
Issue no.4
Safeguarding/PSHE Should we prioritise safety education? Discover the leading student focused safeguarding tool kit for KS1.
Out soon!
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