Artefact Loan Boxes

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Education Resources Service Artefact Loan Boxes Enabling teachers to teach

Contents Artefact Loan Boxes Africa 4 Ancient Egypt


Ancient Greece




Australia Aborigines


Australia & Aborigines


Aztecs and Mayans


Britain Since 1900


Buddhism Collection






Chinese Dragon


Chinese New Year


Christianity 22 East Africa


Electricity Kit


Florence Nightingale


Great Fire of London




Human Body




Islam 32 Judaism 2.


Victorian Toys (KS1)

Masks 38

Victorian Toys 68 (KS1 & KS2)

Medieval History


Mexico 40 Moving Toys


Musical Instruments around the World


Native Americans


North Africa


Vikings 70 West Africa


World War 1


World War 2


Enabling teachers to teach


Kenya 36

Percussion (KS1) 46 Percussion Early Years 48


Recycling around the World



Romans 52 Saxons and Vikings


Seaside Old and New 55 Sikism 56 Southern Africa 58 Space 60 (KS2 cross-curricular) Toys through the Ages 62 Tudors 63 Victorian Household

65 3.


Africa Collection The collection would be ideal for cross-curricular work. Use the artefacts as a starting point for pupils to make their own musical instruments, toys or art work from recycled materials. Examine and discuss the significance of the masks and figures to the person who made or uses it.

Enabling teachers to teach

Explore the length and breadth of Africa and experience the diversity of its cultures using a typical collection that includes original musical instruments, masks and carvings, toys and textiles.

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Ancient Egypt Collection Bring the world of Ancient Egypt alive with one of our most extensive collec- tions of artefacts. Any one of our multiple loan boxes will feature: figures of kings, queens, mummies and sacred animals, jewellery, writing and stamp sets, hieroglyph objects and blank papyrus that can be used. Write your given name in hieroglyphs. Try ‘hot seating’ with the role play masks and either interview or be interviewed as King Tutankhamun and find out about the life and times of this famous figure.

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Who were the Ancient Greeks? Use any one of our many loan boxes to help recreate the sport, daily life and culture of Ancient Greece. Examine replica pottery vessels, coins, helmets, masks, idols and wall plaques or a personally inscribed athlete’s discus. The Greeks admired strength and physical fitness and used sport to train their soldiers for war. Contrast ancient Greek athletes with modern day Olympic athletes. The ancient Greeks were also skilled potters. Be inspired to make your own clay oil lamp or amphora and decorate them with mythical scenes or symbols of heroes and gods.

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Ancient Greece Collection

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Anglo-Saxons Collection The Anglo-Saxons ruled for over 500 years. How did they live? Find out from the replica objects including burial urns and cooking pots, jewellery, runes and coins, and Saxon outfits to try on. Re-enact life in a Saxon village in your classroom and encourage the school community to visit and engage in the experience. Plan your own ‘archaeological dig’ and research and display the objects you discover.

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Australia Aborigines Collection Aboriginal culture reflects a close relationship with the land and celebrates the power of Ancestor Spirits. The Aboriginal people believe that the spirits of their ancestors wandered over the Earth in a time known as The Dreamtime, creating the landscape and everything in it. Discover what a bullroarer is, hear chants that tell stories of their life and see how their art styles depict a Dreamtime journey. Then create your own artwork inspired by Aboriginal art styles and musical instruments.

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Australia & Aborigines Contrast current and traditional ways of life in Australia. Sing along with old and new Australian songs. Find out about its native animals and its national flag. Try on a sarong decorated with aboriginal art or try playing a didgeridoo. Show an artefact as a lesson starter. Encourage questions and extend thinking about whether the object belongs to present day or traditional Australian culture.

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Much of what we know today about these lost civilisations comes from artefacts discovered during archaeological digs. Delve into one of our boxes and see what clues you can discover about them from their musical instruments, their ceremonial masks, their clothing and pottery, or how they communicated. Masks were very important to these civilisations. Examine and research the significance of the various masks to the people who used them. Try making your own clay mask.

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Aztecs and Mayans Collection

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Britain Since 1900 Collection How did people keep warm before central heating? What were telephones like before mobile phones? Discover the answer to these questions and more from objects, posters, documents and classic tunes of the last century. Make your own 20th century timeline, then research and display the artefacts along the timeline. Interview older family members to find out about their experience or knowledge of old coins, using a washboard, coal heating, a Bakelite telephone, or a stoneware bottle.

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Buddhism is based on the teaching and example of one man, the Buddha, an Indian prince named Siddharta Gautama, who lived about 2,500 years ago. See a replica of Buddha and explore the signs and symbols of Buddhism and the Buddhist way of life. A typical box includes prayer flags, mandalas, a prayer wheel, ghanta, incense, offering bowls, images and prayer beads. Religious artefacts are special objects to the people who use them. Their value is symbolic, not monetary. Discuss familiar things that are precious but have no monetary value, such as an old teddy bear. Invite pupils to bring their own special object into school to make a display alongside the objects special to Buddhists.

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Buddhism Collection

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Chembakolli Collection Chembakolli is a small village in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The Advasi are one of the many different groups of people who live in this area. Discover everyday objects used in Advasi homes, many made by local people, in this unique collection. Compare and contrast everyday objects in this collection with objects pupils find at home. Put some one of the more robust objects in a bag and just by feeling answer the questions: What does it feel like? What do you think the object is? What use might it have? From what do you think it is made? Then take the object out of the bag and try to answer the questions: How might the object be used? Who might use it? When might it be used? Why might it be used?

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China is a country where ancient ways survive, as you will discover, in this varied collection of fans and puppets, writing implements, signs and symbols, abacus and bank notes, fabric and footwear. In China, calligraphy paper is made from bamboo, paper mulberry, or rice, which gives a fine soft texture. Use ordinary paper to try your hand at calligraphy. Glove puppets originated in China during the 17th century. Research and make your own puppets and even stage a performance.

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China Collection

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Chinese Dragon Collection Celebrate Chinese New Year with this four foot length Chinese dragon. It is sure to lend colour and drama to a school display or performance.

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Recreate a Chinese New Year celebration with a Chinese dragon, chop sticks and traditional tea mug, lanterns and Chinese coins. Be inspired to make your own greetings cards and discover the signs and symbols of the Chinese zodiac.

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Chinense New Year Collection

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Christianity Collection Discover the significance of religious objects used in worship, ceremony, rites of passage and family life. The collection includes ceremonial stoles, music, a chalice and paten, baptismal items, a crucifix and various crosses used by Christians of many denominations. What better way to gain a deeper understanding of Christian symbols than to see and handle artefacts. Or research the life of Jesus, make up a timeline of his life and showcase the artefacts that correspond to the different stages of his life.

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East Africa Collection Hear the music of the Kamba from Kenya, see the traditional dress of the Buganda from Uganda, unfurl the Kenyan flag and discover the significance of its Maasai warrior shield. These are just a few of the items representing East Africa’s rich diversity of traditions and cultures. Compare and contrast the cultural diversity of East Africa with any of our other African loan collections. Explore in more detail Kenyan life and culture with the Kenya loan collection.

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See how electrical circuits work in this practical kit that invites hands on investigation. Block units featuring buzzers, LEDs, traffic lights, a motor and pulley, lamps, and a simple switch are attached to a base board. A booklet and activity cards are included.

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Electricity Kit Collection

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Florence Nightingale Collection She is regarded as the founder of modern nursing. Discover the events and achievements of Florence Nightingale’s life through objects she would have used to help nurse British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War. Injured men called her the ‘Lady with the Lamp’. Included in the collection is the replica of one of five Turkish lanterns to have survived. Use the facemasks to role play her life and that of the soldiers she treated.

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Recreate life in a Stuart household with pewter tableware. Role play eyewitness accounts of the Great Fire of London with face masks and a leather bucket and helmet. Use documents and illustrations to find out more about what life was like in London during this period.

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Great Fire of London Collection

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Hinduism Collection Discover the significance of religious objects used in worship, ceremony, rites of passage and family life. The collection includes Divali and wedding items, figures of deities, prayer beads, a Puja set, and a child-size sari. Religious artefacts are special objects to the people who use them. Their value is symbolic, not monetary. Discuss familiar things that are precious but have no monetary value, such as a favourite childhood toy. Invite pupils to bring their own special object into school to make a display alongside the objects special to Hindus.

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Explore the inner workings of the human body with a variety of models, examine X-ray prints of the human skeleton, measure air flow from the lungs and pulse rates, demonstrate good oral hygiene using a teeth model, or use a stethoscope to listen to lung and heart sounds.

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Human Body Collection

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Its landscape includes mountains, deserts and tropical beaches; its religion extends beyond Hinduism to include Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists and Jains; its arts and handicrafts are world famous. This collection is as diverse as the country itself. There are instruments and decorations for festive gatherings, puppets to act out folk stories, household utensils and cooking pots, games, clothing, silk paintings and printing blocks.

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India Collection

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Islam Collection Discover the significance of religious objects used in worship, ceremony, rites of passage and family life. This collection reflects aspects of Islamic religious practice and includes headwear, Eid cards, a prayer carpet with compass, prayer beads and a Qur’an rack. Religious artefacts are special objects to the people who use them. Their value is symbolic, not monetary. Discuss familiar things that are precious but have no monetary value, such as a favourite childhood toy. Invite pupils to bring their own special object into school to make a display alongside the objects special to Muslims.

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Discover the significance of religious objects used in worship, ceremony, rites of passage and family life. Included in this collection are many items used to celebrate the Jewish faith at home and in the synagogue. Discover the symbolism and use of the menorah and seder plate, make your own festival greeting cards, smell the sweet fragrance of the Havdalah spice box or play dreidel, a game played during Hanukkah.

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Judaism Collection

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Kenya Collection School and home life, textiles and tea, Kenyan currency, and a music CD with musical instruments to accompany all feature in this diverse collection. Pupils can compare so many aspects of their everyday life with the everyday lives of school age Kenyans.

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Masks Collection Today, masks play an important practical role in protecting people in daily life. The masks you will discover in this collection serve a different purpose; the wearer feels they have become another person, an animal, a spirit, or whatever the mask represents. Imagine yourself as a theatrical storyteller in Indonesia with a Barong mask, an Aztec warrior trying to intimidate an opponent, or a young member of the African Fang tribe.

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What was life like in the middle Ages? All the objects in this collection have a story to tell about medieval people, their lives and beliefs. Compare monastic life with that of an ordinary peasant, examine facsimiles of the Magna Carta and the Bayeaux Tapestry, and listen to music of the 14th century.

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Medieval History Collection

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Mexico Collection The country is home to some of the world’s most impressive ancient civilisations, including the Mayas, Aztecs and Olmecs. Discover Mexico’s heritage and long-standing traditions in the figures, masks, vases, plaques, bark paintings and codice stamp that make up this collection. Pupils can imagine sharing their culture with school children in Mexico and make up a collection that represents their local, national and school culture.

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See how toys work in a variety of motions, from twirling to bobbing to hopping, in this practical collection that invites hands-on investigation. A teacher’s booklet is included.

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Moving Toys Collection

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A steel pan from the Caribbean, a talking drum from Nigeria, a rainstick from Mexico, a metal gong from Burma, a samba tambourine (pandeiro) from Brazil, a double reeded oboe (shehnai) from India, a thumb piano (kalimba) from Tanzania, a xylophone (balafon) from Mali, and Tibetan bells; these are only some of the many instruments in this collection that will inspire young musicians and artists alike.

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Musical Instruments around the World Collection

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Native Americans Collection Explore the traditional cultures of the Navaho, Hopi, Sioux and others through their textiles, masks, paintings, carvings and chants. Discover how identity can be expressed through pattern, animals and colours. Pupils could bring in objects that form an important part of their family identity and design an animal pattern representing their own family or school identity.

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Go fossil hunting in Morocco, try on traditional clothing from Tunisia and discover how Ancient Egyptian life is still reflected in modern day Egypt. The collection also features traditional pottery and copper plate decorations, a music CD and a variety of musical instruments to accompany.

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North Africa Collection

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Percussion (KS1) Collection Inspire budding musicians to play along to music using some of these percussion instruments from around the world that are suitable for KS1. Sing along using cane rattles, castanets, cymbals, fish tambourines, Indian cowbells, steel pans and a wooden agogo. Remember your ear plugs!

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Percussion Early Years


Bring more music into your school. Enhance your drama and music lessons using this collection of instruments from around the world suitable for younger children. Instruments include lollipop drums, headless tambourines, a buffalo drum and a castanet on a handle.

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Who were our prehistoric ancestors? How do we discover our distant past, before written records, from fossils to Iron Age man? We can only find out by looking at what was left behind. Bring the past to life with this diverse range of replica tools, decorative art and pottery, including a timeline and explanatory notes.

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Prehistory Collection

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Recycling around the World


Add an extra dimension to your recycling topic by examining some ingenious uses of recycled material. Step out onto the catwalk with a bag made from Coca-cola cans, try making a drinks coaster with rolled up newspaper, play with toys such as a chicken made from plastic bags and a coat hanger aeroplane then put up a mobile made with rubbish collected from the beaches such as flip flops and bottle tops. To find more ideas of uses for recycled material you will need to borrow this box!

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The Romans built a powerful empire that lasted nearly 500 years from 27 BCE to 476 CE. At the height of their power the empire spread across North Africa right through Europe to far away Britain. Find out about life in Roman times using everyday objects such as a clay duck oil lamp, make a meal using a mortaria, test your skills at Roman games such as catch quoit and knucklebones, examine coin replicas, wear roman military sandals, write using a wax tablet and styli, listen to CD’s of sounds from a Roman villa and test your research skills to find out what a strigil was used for. The opportunities are endless!

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Romans Collection

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Saxons and Vikings Collection Many schools study “invaders and settlers� so we have compiled this box bringing together items used by both periods of history. Objects range from household items such as clay cooking pots and wooden bowls, weapons such as shields, chainmail hoods and bone needles, to samples of clothes and a shoe kit.

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This cross-curricular collection of historical and modern artefacts can be used to demonstrate how the seaside has evolved. For generations of people, young and old, a seaside holiday was an escape from what for many was a dreary and hard life. During the Victorian period the railways made many seaside resorts affordable to the masses. The popular holiday destinations were colourful, bustling places crammed with entertainment and amusements of all kinds, including the seashore with its sandy beaches, rock pools, bathing, donkey rides and Punch and Judy.

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Seaside Old and New Collection

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Sikhism Collection Discover the significance of religious objects used in Sikh ceremonies, worship and family life. This collection contains a range of items that Sikh’s use and wear in celebrations and daily life such as an Amrit bowl, a Chauri fan, some of the five “Ks” or external articles of Sikh faith, a Nishan flag and a Varmala wedding garland.

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Use this as inspiration to study an area of the vast continent that is Africa. Discover how natural materials are used to make household objects such as grass brooms from Malawi and straw baskets from South Africa, listen to music from Zimbabwe and design masks used in tribal ceremonies there. African children are ingenuous at making their own toys from recycled materials. Challenge your pupils to make a toy made from a coat hanger, a shoe polish tin and fabric scraps.

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Southern Africa Collection

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Space (KS2 cross-curricular)


This is a box that can be used across the curriculum. Learn about the position of planets in the solar system with the moving planetarium, try dried ice-cream, look at a 3D model of the earth and its layers, play with the moon hopper, design NASA space badges and listen to a recording by Holst, “The Planets�.

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Toys through the Ages


Play with toys that children have used in the past. Start with Roman knuckebones and toy horses, go onto Greek spinning tops, Tudor Lenten rattles and five stones, then have fun with Victorian marbles and whizzers. You will find favourites from the last century as well; games such as Beetle Drive and the Amazing Magic Robot game, Rubik’s Cube, Etch a Sketch, and a Tobar Stylophone.

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Learn what life was like for the rich and poor in Tudor times by examining objects they used daily. Examine coins, listen to music, learn how buildings were built and sit down to dinner with Tudor tableware. Find the answer to questions such as why does a “tyg� have multiple handles and what did children play with in Tudor times?

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Tudors Collection

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Inspire your class to compare and contrast life in Victorian homes with that of today. Get pupils to research the history of household items such as carpet beaters to vacuum cleaners, or chamber pots to space age toilets.

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Victorian Household Collection

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Victorian Toys (KS1) Collection Learn what children played with in Victorian times. Challenge yourself with dextrous and skilful toys such as “diablo�, pick up sticks and whip and top. Have fun with mechanical clowns, spinning tops and jumping monkeys, or play old favourite board games that many will recognise today such as dominoes and happy families.

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Enter into the fun world of toys and play with Victorian ones suitable for younger children. The variety is endless such as board games, marbles, skipping ropes, pecking chickens, soldier skittles, wooden building blocks and rattles.

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Victorian Toys (KS1 & KS2) Collection

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Vikings Collection One primary school staged an exhibition called “Vikings: Fighters or Farmers? The pupils organised the exhibit themselves which was open on several days after school to parents and guests. The exhibition included sections on Viking fashion with copies of the shoes and chainmail, individually designed Viking shields and a home with walls built using a wattle and daub kit. The school enacted the Battle of Maldon and had it showing on a slideshow, they made a Viking PowerPoint game based on true/false questions and match the name competition using our alphabet and the Viking runes. Visitors also had the chance to be photographed in “costume”. Truly inspirational!

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Find out about West African people and their art. Use this box to add a new dimension to your arts and crafts sessions; produce sample Ashanti cloths, play shakers with pebbles, dress up in boys clothing from Ghana and take part in a celebratory tribal dance using animal masks.

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West Africa Collection

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World War I Collection What was it like to be a ‘Tommy’ in the trenches? Try on a tunic, cap and puttees, and imagine peering over the top of the trenches with a working periscope. Listen to the music and poetry that is still remembered and much loved today.

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Bring your Second World War topic to life in a totally new way. Experience what life was like on the “home front” for everyone in the Second World War using our exciting range of resources. Be an ARP warden and wear one of our ARP helmets and armbands. Black out windows to the tune of “Put that light out Nelly!” Sound the alarm with a gas attack rattle, practice first aid with an authentic bandage, or listen to the sound of bombs dropping on London.

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World War II Collection

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