Real fit real fast

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REAL FIT REAL FAST Introduction This report is about how you can get yourself as fit as you want and need to be, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort. So it is written in a straightforward manner to get right to the important stuff, using the fewest amounts of words as possible. Before we get started I want to introduce some key concepts so you’ll know right where you stand.

Age and Current Physical Condition Neither one compromises your ability to get and stay as fit as you desire. There are many people 60 years of age and above with physical challenges, that have a much higher fitness level than some people 25 years of age and less. The Real Fit Real Fast System will easily enable anyone at any age and condition to achieve their desired level of fitness, so there is every reason for being successful.

A Real System The fitness system in this book is not like many of the preposterous advertisements that are so common today, such as; “get fit in only 15 minutes a week with no exercise”

or” lose all the weight you want for only $99”. These ads and infomercials that promote the latest fitness products which promise quick and easy results are very deceitful. The models demonstrating these products certainly didn’t acquire their rock hard abs by only using a cheap mail order product a few times per week. The worst perhaps is the $50,000,000 per year weight loss industry? Obviously if these pills, powders, packaged foods and programs worked long term, we would be a nation of lean fit people. In fact the number of overweight and obese people is increasing at an alarming rate. It is now estimated that over 60 % of Americans are overweight and 30% are obese. Wow, it would seem that people would get the message. Please do not get drawn into the web of health and fitness commercialism by the allure of the next new breakthrough exercise product, program or myo-bio-combo-jumbo-fat burning-muscle building weight loss powder. My point here is to let you emphatically know… There are no magic bullets! You have to put forth a consistent effort to achieve lasting results. Not a difficult timeconsuming effort, but a basic, easy to do, fun routine that offers immediate and lasting benefits.

The beauty of the Real Fit Real Fast System is its simplicity. It is about doing the most basic, easy to do exercises that require no special equipment and do not take a lot of time. Move your body on a daily basis and you will continually reap the rewards.

Who Will Benefit? This system is for those who have been fit, know the benefits, but for one reason or another have trouble maintaining their desired fitness level. It is for those who always wanted to be fit but have never got around to it. It is for those who think they hate exercise but know it’s good for them. It is for those who know or care nothing about fitness but their doctor has strongly recommended an exercise program to save and extend their life. This system is for all those who want and need to get and stay fit, quickly and easily, no matter what the reason. I promise you the Real Fit Real Fast System is easy to do, easy to incorporate into busy schedules and will give you the results you desire and deserve.

What is Physical Fitness Physical fitness is a primary component of good health and well-being. For the purpose of this report I am defining

individual physical fitness as having the physical strength, endurance, flexibility and balance to successfully meet the daily challenges and opportunities of work and play The Real Fit Real Fast System is not about rigorous training for competitive athletics, it is about being fit for everyday life, your whole life.

Fitness Testing I’m not a big fan of fitness testing based on some subjective guidelines; however it can be a good motivating tool. When you see improvement it can help you to stick with your program. I will offer some general, subjective, guidelines for those of you who might benefit from knowing where you currently are. My guidelines for a minimum acceptable level of fitness are: 1. Cardiovascular Fitness Goal Walk a one mile flat course in at least 15 minutes. Most high schools have tracks 2. Flexibility Goals Sit on the floor with your legs flat, bend forward and touch your toes. Lie flat on your back extending your arms back behind your head, flat to the floor. 3. Strength Goals

20 pushups. Women with knees bent

If you can’t meet these standards, keep working on them at own pace until you can. If you can now meet these standards then set higher standards that work for you. Example; If you can walk a mile in 14 minutes, set a goal of 12-13minutes. If you can do 25 pushups now, set a goal of 30 and so on. Notice these guidelines do not mention age or gender, except for strength. Why? Because it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, age 35 or 65, either you have a basic, healthy, functional level of fitness or you don’t. Everyone without a limiting physical challenge should be able to accomplish these goals. Note these guidelines are based on a basic functional fitness level, not ones that will make you a competitive athlete.

Get Started and Stay Motivated I am assuming that by purchasing this report you desire to be physically fit and to enjoy the many associated benefits such as looking better, feeling better, higher self esteem, more energy, more strength, more endurance, better flexibility, less stress and on and on. However it seems most people have a difficult time committing to regular exercise. I have spent many years considering all the excuses people use for not getting fit. Guess what? I have found there are no good reasons to support a rationale for this destructive

behavior. Let’s look at the main excuses people give for not exercising. Excuse # 1: Not enough time.

This is the excuse I hear most often and it is also the very worst. If you don’t have time for preparing yourself to do your best in such things as your job, taking care of your family, attracting the opposite sex, serving others, then you are right; you really don’t have enough time. You are definitely a candidate to live a short, stressful, unhappy, unfulfilled life. Being fit is about having the energy and the stamina to enjoy a long, productive and happy life and to succeed in whatever is important to you. Not making time for exercising is saying I don’t want to be healthy, have energy, be successful, have fun, look and feel my best. That is a choice, a very poor one I feel. Also when one honestly analyzes their daily schedule, they will find a lot of wasted time. For example, how many hours do you waste each week watching senseless TV? Regular exercise is guaranteed to produce results. Making it a major priority in your life is a very logical and beneficial decision. Excuse # 2: Exercising is Not Fun

This is almost as bad as not enough time. Where did this ever come from? What do we naturally want to do as

children? Run, jump, play and move our body. One of the great joys of having a body is to be in motion. As a matter of fact the reason we have a body is so we can experience the joy, satisfaction and fun of movement. Are dancing, swimming, horseback riding, in-line skating, walking, bicycling, gardening and having sex fun? Of course they are and they are all a form of exercising. How about breathing? Try not breathing for a few minutes and you’ll appreciate how much fun and good it feels to breathe, which of course is the most important exercise of all. So you see most things we do are a form of exercise and they are all fun. Think about how much better you will be able to do the things that you think are really fun when you are fit. The fitter you become the more fun you will have. I guarantee it! Excuse # 3: I don’t have enough energy. I’m too tired

If you are a construction worker then you probably are physically tired when you come home from work. I would recommend for you something relaxing like swimming, stretching or yoga. However if you are an office worker your fatigue is from using your brain, which requires a lot of energy without the muscular and respiratory activity to expel the waste products from your body. You need to get some physical activity and your fatigue will vanish and you will have energy to enjoy the evening. Energy is like

money; you have to spend some to make more. The fitter you get the more energy you will have. You will just have to experience it for yourself and then you will be a believer. Excuse # 4: I don’t know what to do and I’m afraid of injuring myself.

There are so many books, videos, health clubs, multifaceted exercise studios and personal trainers available today that ignorance is a lame excuse. Nearly everyone in the fitness field today, agrees that you do not have to strain yourself to get into good shape. It is consistency not intensity that pays off in the long run. If you have been sedentary for a period of time, it is best to ease into all types of exercise, whether it be dancing, gardening, hiking or yoga. Take your time and enjoy the journey. The key is to get yourself as fit as you need to be to suit your desired lifestyle. In order to get started on a program and stick with it, we have to change our perception and attitude about exercise. Now that you are aware of the many benefits of exercising and you know there are no excuses for not getting fit, let’s see how to get started and stay on track.

The Keys to Success Key # 1: Apply a Mind, Body and Spiritual Approach

The real reason we tend to lose our enthusiasm for keeping our bodies fit is because we are focusing only on the physical aspect of our life and not on our whole being. Most of us believe that in addition to our body we have a soul and a spiritual side. I believe we are spiritual beings with a physical body having learning experiences in order to become higher conscious spiritual beings. All of our struggles in life occur when we are totally focused on the physical material world and we are not connected to our spiritual self. If we exercise just to compete with others, to acquire recognition and acceptance from others, it becomes stressful and we will have difficulty sticking with it. We have all heard the saying “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak� I interpret this to mean that when we are operating from our spiritual self we have no problem doing what is best for our body. When we get in touch with our innate intelligence, or intuition, or whatever you like to call it, we discover how to stay in harmony with the natural world and function as a whole being. We then can appreciate the wondrous gift of having a physical body to enjoy and we will be motivated to take care of it.

When we connect with our wholeness and invoke our spirit to flow through us we will realize our true nature, and all aspects of physical living, including exercising become much easier. How to connect to your spiritual self

I highly recommend attending classes in meditation and yoga. They will help you to realize that at every moment you can choose to take action that will either serve or harm your physical body and thus either speed up or slow down your spiritual progress. As you progress you will begin to know what lifestyle choices will serve you best. Take time out daily to sit quietly and allow tension to flow out of your body. Practice just being instead of doing. As your mind becomes quieter, you will begin to be in touch with your spiritual self. Daily affirmation

I am an eternal spiritual being with a wondrous physical body to enjoy my unique life experiences. I now choose to take the best possible care of my body. Key # 2: Match your fitness level with your desired lifestyle.

This means to first decide what lifestyle activities you need and want to do, then train just enough to achieve the necessary level of fitness. I can’t tell you how many times I

have gone into a gym and asked someone who seemed to be struggling with an exercise, what were their fitness goals. They either had none or the exercises they were doing were not the best suited to achieve their goals. No wonder so many people lose interest in exercising. The Real Fit Real Fast System is an all-encompassing functional fitness Program that will greatly improve everyone’s health and fitness level. You can take it to your desired level. Key #3: Consistency

This should not come as a big surprise, in order to get fit quickly, you have to exercise regularly. You do not have to beat yourself up, however you do have to follow a basic program on a daily basis. As you consistently do the exercises in your program they will soon become as natural as brushing your teeth and combing your hair. The emphasis is on going at your own pace and having fun. Now that you know how to stay on track for life you are ready to begin your Real Fit Real Fast Exercise Program

Functional Fitness Functional fitness training is a complete, well-balanced program that prepares the body to meet the challenges of daily life. It is a program that utilizes as many muscles as possible, working from the core of the body out. The goal is to not only to improve aerobic capacity, muscular strength and flexibility, but also to produce a symmetrical, aesthetic looking and pain free body. Functional Fitness energizes and recharges the body, mind and spirit. I strongly recommend having an evaluation by a qualified sports medicine doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor to assess any current or potential postural or structural problems that may limit your initial program. If any exist, they should be able to suggest appropriate exercises to correct the problem and caution you on doing certain exercises that might acerbate your condition. Also if possible consult with a qualified personal training to learn safe and effective techniques.

How to get started A comprehensive Functional Fitness Training Program should include: Written measurable goals Good posture and alignment Proper breathing techniques, Flexibility exercises Aerobic activities Muscle strengthening Rest and relaxation

These are the key components of getting and staying strong, flexible and fit for a lifetime Goals

Goals are useful in giving us a target to shoot for. In order for our goals to be effective they must be meaningful. As you determine your fitness goals, write down all the reasons why you want to achieve them. Include how they will benefit you and others and how good you will feel when you achieve them. You will need both short-term goals and long-term goals.

Short-term goals‌ One week to one year.

These should be specific, measurable and fairly easy to achieve. Make weekly and monthly goals and check them off your list as you go. This will keep you on track to complete your long-term goals. Long-term goals‌ One year, three years & five years.

One year goals are also specific, measurable and a bit more challenging but yet realistic. More complex goals obviously will take more effort and time to achieve. Your most longterm goals can be your wildest dreams. Imagine your absolute best scenario and go for it. Write down a time frame for each of your goals. List them in order of importance. Visualize and affirm your goals daily and reward yourself when you realize them. Imagine how you will feel when you have succeeded. A good example is climbing up a mountain trail to reach the summit. The higher we go the more effort it takes; however we are rewarded with a more beautiful view. We get to see more of the big picture and this motivates us to continue. So it is with all of life, as we ascend the more we understand and appreciate the possibilities that life has to offer. Life then continues to be more and more exciting and enjoyable.

Goals are important, however, let me offer this warning: strong attachment to the successful completion of your goals can lead to the feeling that when I accomplish my goals, then my life will be better and I'll be happier. This attachment can also distract us from being fully in the moment and from enjoying the process of achieving our goals. Keep your goals flexible, as you progress you may want and need to change them. Most of all, remember goals are just a tool, not a measure of your self worth. If you have trouble setting goals and getting started, I strongly recommend consulting with an experienced and reputable personal fitness trainer. A good trainer can design a program that suits your individual needs and goals. It is very important to match your training to your lifestyle. This can save you wasted effort, prevent injuries and produce your desired results.

Body Alignment and Posture It is essential to exercise with proper body alignment to produce injury free results. Our bodies are meant to move, however f we exercise incorrectly or with bad posture, we may very well create muscle imbalances in our body. These imbalances eventually can be seen as chronic aches and injuries.

Because gravity is always pulling us downward, creating good posture is a must. The center of gravity of our body is at the level of the sacrum, which is located at the base of the spine. The sacrum is the structural center point of the body. Forces on the body are directly transmitted through this point. Proper sacral alignment is critical for safe and efficient exercising. Many people suffer from chronic pain as a result of poor sacral alignment. Often knee pain results from improper alignment of the ankle or hip; similarly, elbow pain can be related to misalignment of the wrist, or shoulder. Start to observe your posture and alignment. Does one foot usually turn out when you're standing? Do your shoulders hunch forward habitually? Consider a chiropractic exam. Your stretching and strengthening program will help you achieve good alignment. Remember that good posture radiates youthfulness, strength, and an enthusiastic, positive outlook on life. Tips

♌ Observe other people's posture. This will remind you to adjust your own.

♌ Press your index finger to your nose and push your head straight back. This will place your head back into proper alignment.


Breathing is our most vital bodily function. Oxygen is the most essential nutrient to sustain life. Breathing is the most important thing we do. A lifetime of shallow breathing leads to low energy and a weakened immune system. Proper breathing is energizing and prepares your body for movement; it also helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The following are a few of the physical and psychological benefits from increasing oxygen in your body. ; Decreased heart rate ; Decreased muscle tension ; Decreased fatigue ; Decreased perception of pain ; Decreased perception of stressors ; Increased alpha brain wave activation ; Increased flow of lymph fluid ; Increased emotional stability

Proper breathing is the first step to reduce stress. The way we breathe has a profound affect on the way we feel. Slow, even breathing is both relaxing and energizing. The following are basic breathing techniques: Deep Abdominal Breathing

The objective is to completely fill (bottom to top) and clear your lungs in a slow controlled, rhythmic manner. Execution: Stand, sit or lie in a comfortable and balanced position. Begin with a slow inhalation and simultaneously expand your abdomen to allow air to enter the lower area of your lungs. Continue inhaling as you expand your chest. Raising your arms overhead will usually help you to further increase the expansion of your lungs. When you can no longer take in any more air hold your breath, and then slowly exhale. Lower your arms as you contract your abdominal muscles. This will help expel all the air from your lungs. Inhale for 4 counts; hold for 4 counts and for exhale for 8 counts. This exercise is very calming and energizing at the same time. Energizing and Cleansing Breath

Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose without a pause, up to 120 breaths per minute. Focus your attention two inches below your navel or center point, pulling your

abdomen in as you exhale and relaxing as you inhale. Alternate breathing for two minutes with one minute of slow breathing. Build up to four sets. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This is a meditation in itself, balancing the brain and clearing the sinuses. Close the right nostril with your finger or thumb and inhale through your left nostril for 4 counts, then close your left nostril, hold for 8 counts. Open your right nostril and exhale for 4 counts. Inhale 4 counts in your right nostril and close for 8 counts, open your left nostril and exhale 4 counts. Repeat cycle 4 to 8 times. Tips

♌ First thing in the morning take 5-10 cycles of deep breaths. Oxygen is free so be sure and get your share.

♌ Post "Breathe" signs on your bathroom mirror, at your desk, in your car, or anywhere you will see it throughout your day.

Flexibility My clients usually require more motivation when it comes to getting them to stretch on a regular basis. One way I inform them of the importance of having good flexibility is by reminding them that a corpse is sometimes referred to as a “stiff.“ The more rigid our spine becomes, the less life force flows through it. The stiffer we become the closer we are to becoming a “stiff.” A flexible spine is essential for youthful energy and vitality. Remember that our body reflects our thinking. Rigid thinking can often lead to a rigid body. Flexibility is the degree of elasticity of our muscle fibers and the range of motion of our joints. The joints of our body are held in place by connective tissue. The primary elastic tissues that are involved in stretching are tendons, which connect muscle to bone, and ligaments, which connect bone to bone. Movement of these joints is initiated by our muscles and is limited by opposing muscles and ligaments. Over time these elastic connective tissues will adapt to their amount of use or lack of use. If they are not regularly lengthened they will shorten and limit our range of motion. Stretching is a key component of an effective fitness program. Achieving and maintaining optimal flexibility is a major factor in feeling well and for preserving a pain free

and active life style. Stretching, when done correctly, is a passive, non-competitive form of exercise with the primary objective being to slowly and progressively improve the elasticity of your muscles. It is an opportunity to relax and "get in touch" with your body. It should feel good! Bouncing or taking a stretch too far can be counter-productive; the stretch reflex will be activated causing the muscles to tighten rather than stretch. This same stretch reflex causes the muscles to tighten again to a certain degree after being stretched, so we must stretch regularly to stay flexible. Proper stretching techniques are imperative. Your goal is to remain in a relaxed state and to alter your patterns of habitual tension by eliminating improper movements and programming your mind to relax your muscles.

Two Basic Types of Stretching: Warm-up Stretching

Use slow, smooth, continuous movements and hold briefly for a few seconds with a minimum of tension. These are to

be done first thing in the morning and before beginning your movement program. Semi-Static Stretching

These movements are performed after your muscles are warm following your exercise program or at the end of the day's activities. The stretch should be eased into with slow, rhythmical breathing and taken to a point of mild tension. If tension does not diminish, back off slightly until it does. I have found that the best results are achieved by slowly moving in and out of the stretch without holding one position more than a few seconds. Then move further into the stretch, and allow the muscles to relax. The stretch should be performed for a minimum of 30-60 seconds. This technique improves the elasticity of the muscles, prevents muscle spasm and post exercise soreness and stiffness. Proper, regular stretching and relaxation will allow you to enjoy movement and exercise more effectively. It will facilitate new body awareness, enabling you to further develop your personal fitness potential.

Benefits of a Consistent, Properly Executed Stretching Program

♦ Increases range of motion ♦ Reduces muscular tension and relaxes the joints ♦ Prepares muscles for movements ♦ Helps prevent injuries such as muscle strain ♦ Improves coordination ♦ Improves circulation and releases synovial fluid, (the joint lubricant)

♦ Prepares the body for a variety of sports ♦ Promotes overall feeling of well-being ♦ Improves posture ♦ Promotes body awareness It is very beneficial to properly stretch your body as often as possible throughout your day. Not only does it feel good to be flexible, it allows you to easily move your body in whatever way is necessary. Take a stretch or yoga class, you will greatly benefit from it. Tips

♦ Put a stretch sign at your desk or wherever you spent a lot of time. Move and stretch your body briefly throughout the day, either in your chair or standing up.

Every little bit helps. Do not stay in one position or continue a repetitive motion for too long.

♌ Before going to bed, get down on the floor, relax and do a few of the stretches shown in the 30 Minute Workout Routine, or ones you already know and like. 10-15 minutes is all it takes to keep adequate flexibility. The more flexible you become the more you enjoy stretching.

♌ The mind affects the body so stay flexible in your thinking. Cardio-Respiratory Conditioning

All muscles need oxygen to function. It is the duty of the heart and blood vessels to carry oxygen to the muscle cells and carry off the resultant waste products. Oxygen combines with other nutrients to produce the energy we need to perform all muscular activity. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability to persist in large muscle activities for a sustained period of time without undue fatigue. Aerobic exercise is an activity that demands lots of oxygen. Increasing the intensity of the activity will increase the demand for oxygen. In order to meet the increased need, the heart, our strongest muscle, pumps more blood per minute by beating faster. One way to

measure our rate of incoming oxygen by measuring our heart rate. Aerobic exercise is an excellent exercise for the heart and the working muscles. These muscles learn to become more efficient in extracting oxygen from the blood. The heart becomes stronger and can pump more blood per heartbeat, thus fewer beats per minute are needed to deliver the same amount of blood. As your heart becomes more efficient your heart rate is lowered. By lowering your heart rate 10 beats per minute your heart will beat approximately 15,000 fewer times per day and 5 million fewer times per year! In addition, your recovery rate from stress or exercise will be greatly improved. Aerobic exercise also decreases body fat, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and improves your physiological responses to stress. Cardiovascular Assessment

If you have any heart problems check with your doctor for the appropriate tests. However, anyone can you perform the following step test for an evaluation of your current cardiovascular fitness level. Step up and down on a 12" high block or bench rhythmically at a rate of 24 steps per minute for 3 minutes. One step

cycle is right foot up, left foot up, right foot down, and left foot down. Immediately following the 3-minute period, the participant should sit down and, within 5 seconds, measure the heart rate for 60 seconds. Heart Rate

Excellent 78-85 Good








Resting Heart Rate

Upon rising in the morning, your resting heart rate should be taken on the wrist approximately 1" below the thumb. Below 80 b.p.m. is desirable. As your aerobic training progresses, your resting heart rate will come down. Many endurance athletes have heart rates in the 30's and 40's. Aerobic Training

Activities such as walking, bicycling, jogging, bouncing on a mini trampoline, dancing, swimming, rowing and skating can be enjoyed everyday or at least every other day. Start slowly and build up to 20-30 minutes per session. The key word here is enjoyed. Make sure you have fun doing it and

you will stick with it. Enjoying your activities with a partner or a group is another good way to stay motivated. For most people, exercising at the level of 65% - 85% of their target heart rate is very effective and safe. To find your target heart rate range, subtract your age from 220 and multiply the answer by 65%. This is the low end of your target heart rate. To find the high end, multiply by 85%. This is merely an estimate to keep you in a safe, but effective heart rate range for exercising. Signs of overexercising are profuse sweating, feeling out of breath, or becoming dizzy. You should be able to talk comfortably while exercising and not be gasping for breath. Start exercising gradually. You cannot get in shape overnight. You have the rest of your life to become fit. Slowly increase intensity, frequency and duration of exercise, letting your body determine how much. Always warm up and cool down. Cross training (exercising in a variety of modes, such as biking, jogging and swimming) has shown excellent results. You will reduce the chances of experiencing overuse injuries and are not as apt to burnout due to boredom. Whatever activity you choose, it's important that you enjoy it so that you will be consistent.

Fitness Walking is probably the best overall aerobic exercise for most people. You can easily walk all of your life and it seldom results in injury. The basics of proper walking are as follows: have your head up with good posture, shoulders relaxed, arms bent and moving forwards to back, pull from your hips, land on your heels and roll forward on to the balls of your feet and breathe. Stationary Bicycling is one of the safest and most convenient methods to strengthen the cardio-respiratory system and to trim and tone the hips and thighs. Begin by adjusting the seat height so the leg has a slight bend in the knee when the ball of your foot touches the pedal at its lowest point. The leg should extend as much as possible without locking the knee. Hips should not rock from side. Begin pedaling, keeping shoulders relaxed with your knees in line with your feet and hip joints. Warm up for 2 minutes at low tension and low rpm's. Gradually increase the speed and, if needed, the tension. The emphasis is on speed. The tension should be just light enough to achieve target heart rate while maintaining a minimum of 80 rpm. The key is to find the speed and tension combination that can be maintained at your target heart rate. After 3 minutes take your pulse. Your pulse rate

should be increasing but you should never be out of breath for any length of time. After approximately 4 more minutes (a total of 7 minutes after warm up) you should be close to or at your target heart rate. If not adjust the tension and speed accordingly until you are at your target heart rate. Maintain this rate for the duration of your ride. Fitness level and cardiovascular endurance determine the duration. This duration should gradually increase, 1 minute each workout up to 30 - 60 minutes depending on heart rate recovery, which is defined below. After maintaining target heart rate for the designated time, reduce tension and speed to gradually bring heart rate back down again. This cool down period should last a minimum of 2 minutes. Take your pulse while still slowly pedaling; your heart rate should be lower than 120 if under 50 years of age and lower than 100 if over 50 before you stop pedaling. This is an important safety precaution. Pedaling until the heart rate drops sufficiently assures that the blood will not pool in the legs but will circulate evenly to keep blood supplied to the brain. Take your pulse 2 minutes after your 2-minute cool down. This is your recovery pulse rate. You want to be less than 100 bpm. If your pulse is over 100, consider this to be a signal that you have exercised too hard for your level of conditioning at this time. Recovery rate is

an important indicator and with consistent workouts, should improve with time. If recovery rate is too long, decrease the intensity and duration for the next workout session. If your desire is to reduce body fat and trim inches, you can increase your capacity to ride for 45-60 minutes at low tension and high rpm's (over 80). If you want to build muscle and strength, as well as increase aerobic capacity, ride at higher tension for a period of 20-30 minutes. One minute wind sprints at maximum rpm’s are excellent for those who have achieved an advanced level of cardiovascular fitness.

Muscle Strengthening Muscular strength can be defined as the maximum force a person can apply to an object, whereas muscular endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to sustain or repeat a contraction for a given time or until exhaustion. It is important to know the difference between these two as well as how closely related they are. At one end of the scale would be absolute strength, such as the maximum weight lifted on one bench press. At the other end would be muscular endurance, such as the maximum number of pushups performed. Of course jogging,

swimming, etc. can also be considered as muscular endurance activities, but they require cardiovascular and respiratory endurance as well. Your goals for muscle strengthening may be to increase the size and strength of your muscles or to tone and define them. Whatever the case, how you exercise them will have a great effect on realizing your goals. Training for muscular strength means doing fewer repetitions with maximum resistance. Training for muscular endurance and tone means doing higher repetitions with less resistance. Beginners should build endurance before attempting to lift heavy weights for maximum strength. Training Principles

Resistance training is a specific form of exercise and requires proper breathing to enable one to do more work with less fatigue. The general rule is to exhale when the muscles are contracting or under the maximum stress. This is especially important when exercising the muscles of the chest, legs and abdominals. Smaller muscle groups, such as the arms and shoulders, don't require as much oxygen for the demand placed upon them; it isn't quite as critical when you breathe, as long as you breathe.

There are many choices in both equipment and the type of exercise to improve your strength and endurance. Your personal program depends on your individual requirements, limitations, and goals. For sport specific training professional instruction should be sought to minimize injury, maximize results and assure efficient use of your time.

Basis Guidelines for Safe Effective Exercise

Never Hold Your Breath. Exhale when contracting a muscle group. This is especially important for those with high blood pressure. Holding one's breath increases blood pressure; contracting a muscle also increases blood pressure Concentrate on isolating the muscle group being exercised. Maintain relaxation of uninvolved muscle groups. Concentrate on proper technique and body alignment throughout the exercise, especially when becoming fatigued. Generally, the workout is divided into 3 main areas: the lower body, the upper body, and abdominals. When working in one area, such as the lower body, start with the largest muscle groups and work down to the smaller ones.

For maximum benefit you must exercise a muscle group to fatigue. Ideally your last repetition of a set is the last one you can complete. After fatiguing a muscle group, stretch that area to help reduce lactic acid build up. This may also help to reduce the feeling of tired or sore muscles. In order to increase size and strength your muscles must be continuously overloaded. Do more today than you did yesterday is the overload principle. The overload principle can be applied to any activity by increasing: The resistance, i.e. more weight, more tension. The intensity or speed. The number of repetitions or sets. Duration of the activity. Basic Exercise Format Summary

Warm Up

(5 to 10 minutes) Calisthenics or slow aerobic movements to elevate core body temperature and increase enzyme

action and synovial fluid at the joints. Prepares muscle groups for movement. Aerobic Exercise

Frequency - Every other day, more if working towards fat loss. Intensity - Depends on individual needs and fitness level, should be in target heart range. (See chart) Duration - 15-30 minutes, at target heart rate with minimum 5 minute warm up and cool down. Modes - Stationary bike, trampoline, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dance-exercise. Muscle Strengthening

Frequency - 2-3 times/week. Intensity - Alternate approximately every 3-6 weeks between high intensity training and maintenance phases (advanced levels) Duration - 20 to 45 minutes max

Static Stretching

Frequency - 10 to 15 minutes daily Injury Prevention

The best way to avoid injuries whether in training or in daily activities and sports is with a Functional Fitness Training Program, as previously discussed. According to sports medicine specialists, the most common factor associated with injury is a sudden increase in exercise frequency, intensity, or duration. Exercise progression is a primary concern in injury prevention. In order to understand the risk, it is necessary to consider the mechanical structure of the body, which is supported by the skeleton. The bones are separated by joints that permit the body to perform many different kinds of movements; each joint is designed to move in a specific way. Supporting structures called ligaments prevent undesirable movements. When you begin an aerobic conditioning program you normally experience a fairly rapid improvement in the ability of your heart and lungs to cope with strenuous exercise. Within a few weeks, the newfound strength and endurance often tempt you to increase the level of exercise too rapidly.

Bones and ligaments respond to exercise by becoming stronger and more able to withstand greater mechanical stresses without damage. Thus, one of the benefits of a strenuous exercise program is that your bones and ligaments will eventually gain an increased capacity to withstand the forces exerted upon them during vigorous activity. However, the process of strengthening the bones and ligaments takes much longer than the process of strengthening muscles and improving the ability of your heart and lungs to cope with exercise. Proper form and technique along with an adequate warm up and cool down are also necessary to help prevent injuries. Knowing your own limitations and progressing at your own rate is critical. Overuse of certain muscles, by doing the same exercises over and over, greatly increases your chance for an injury. It is beneficial to change your routine every 3-6 weeks. This means changing your specific exercise as well as the intensity and frequency. Cross training, which means to alternate between different types of exercise on different days, is also a good way to avoid injuries. An example would be to run one day, weight train the next, bicycle the next, martial arts workout the next and then back to weight

training. There are many possibilities, limited only by your imagination. If possible consult with a qualified fitness trainer; it will greatly enhance your results and your enjoyment of your program. Other effective exercises you can easily do anytime.


Isometric exercises are when a muscle attempts to contract or shorten against a stationery opposing force. An example is pushing your hand or foot against a wall, or the well known chest strengthener of pushing your right and left palms against each other. The point here is that any time you contract your muscles anywhere in your body you will receive some benefit. So whenever you think of it while waiting or just sitting and watching TV you can work your muscles by contracting them. A very beneficial exercise for your knee and the surrounding muscles is to just contract your thigh muscles 100 times by pulling the kneecap up as tight as you can and then release. This is very effective to help rehab any knee injury. Does anyone have a spare two minutes?


These are exercises that build explosive power. Primarily used by athletes but also important in every day life. They develop the ability to move forcefully in a split second. It is the ability to move out of the way of danger such as avoiding a fall or a speeding car. You should have a good allaround fitness level before attempting Plyometrics exercises. They may look easy but are very taxing to the body. Twice a week for 10-15 minutes is plenty for most non - competitive athletes. Examples are jumping over objects, jumping up on a bench, jumping straight up, side hopping, and any movement that requires a quick explosive force. Plyometrics will improve your brain to muscle reaction time and possibly help you to avoid an accident. Recommended Exercise Equipment

Previously I said you do not need any equipment to get as fit as you need to be and this is true. However there are some basic pieces that can be very helpful. In addition to a stationery bike I highly recommend using fit balls, rebounders and ankle weights. Please check for product recommendations.

Nutrition Good nutrition is an essential part of your Real Fit Real Fast Program. Exercising imparts a measure of stress to the body and actually creates small tears in the muscle fibers. The repair of these fibers is what makes the muscles grow stronger and have more endurance. The body needs good quality raw materials in order to do a good repair job. Therefore if you are not feeding your body good nutritious food you will not build a strong resilient body. Exercise also creates free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the unstable molecules that cause your body to age rapidly by damaging your arteries and creating an environment of disease. If you are exercising intensely and are not replacing the necessary nutrients that your body requires on a daily basis such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and essential fatty acids, your exercise is causing more harm than good. Proper nutrition is a whole complex subject in its self; however, a simple but very effective nutritional guideline is as follows: • Eat real, whole, organic, food grown in nature.

• Real food is vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and hormone, chemical free animals raised naturally. • Eat real, whole, organic, food grown in nature. • Vegetables and lean protein should make up the majority of your diet. • Eat as much raw uncooked food as possible, ideally 50% or more. • Supplement your diet with whole food concentrates.

How to stay motivated Motivation should not be confused with enthusiasm, which produces only a short-term response. Motivation energizes you to take continuous action. The two key emotions that dominate human motivation are fear and desire. In this case it is fear of poor health, becoming weak and unfit or perhaps dying from a heart attack. Your desire is to live a long, healthy and energetic life. Write down what you want most to avoid and what you most desire to achieve. Post these statements where you can see them every day. This will help you to stay focused on your goals. Spend some time each day working on the recommended exercises. If you are just beginning a movement program always remember, you can't fail if you just do it. Stick with regular exercise for at least 90 days and you will see and feel the many improvements and benefits. This will keep you motivated to continue on. Tips

♦ Set your fitness goals small and increase them as you succeed

♦ Keep your goals in mind ♦ Keep visualizing how much better you will look and feel ♦ Start slowly and keep your program fun

♦ Do not compare yourself with others, the progress you are making is just right for you

♦ Workout with a friend and support each other ♦ Reward your successes ♦ Believe that you deserve the highest quality of life that comes with being fit

My own experience I know many examples of people of all ages who have turned their lives around and achieved great things by taking responsibility for the physical health of their body. I will tell you about my personal experience and a great story about a friend. I was a sprinter and football player as a young athlete. I injured my knee playing football and had an operation. Unfortunately in those days, particularly in New Mexico, where I grew up, not much was known about rehabilitation. Without a good physical therapy program, my knee did not recover well and would consistently pop out of joint even without being stressed. Needless to say I was no longer a sprinter and became discouraged at my loss of running ability. I had always counted on my speed in all sports, so I began progressively limiting my participation. After college I gave up all sports and activities that required hard running and jumping. This was difficult to do, but I

wasn't aware of an alternative. At age forty-two, I began bicycling in earnest and acquired a high level of aerobic fitness. To my amazement my knee became much stronger and more stable. As my knowledge of fitness grew I was able to greatly improve the function of my knee with weight training, jogging and stretching. At age 50 a friend who was competing in master’s track and field encouraged me come out to the track and train with him. I soon found I could actually run fairly fast and the excitement of competition took over. I continued training for a few years and won many gold and silver medals competing in the Senior Olympics. A much more dramatic story is Noel Johnson's. Noel Johnson wrote a book, "A Dud at 70, A Stud at 80. Noel was a typical pot bellied, out of shape, 70 year old when his wife died. In order to help him adjust to the loss, his son encouraged him to start running. Well, he never looked back. By age 80 Noel held several world records for his age group, in many long distance categories, including the marathon. He ran marathons well into his nineties.

Daily Tips Deep breathing exercises morning, noon and night Basic warm up stretches in the morning or before

walking Take short walks daily Jump on a mini trampoline Begin working on the No Excuse Daily Workout.

Start with a few exercises and progressively add more. Remember it is the journey that counts not the destination. Everything important happens along the way.

The 30-Minute Daily Routine The following is an all-encompassing routine, combining breathing, stretching, muscle toning and strengthening. This very effective, time efficient routine can be done without any equipment, at any place at any anytime. If done on a regular basis (3x per week minimum) it will provide most of us the essential overall muscular fitness and flexibility we need to enjoy an energetic life! For those who desire more muscular development, flexibility and athletic skills, there are numerous possibilities such as martial arts, yoga, chi kung and resistance training programs that will produce excellent results. Contact a qualified instructor for proper techniques.

Illustrations - 30-Minute Daily Routine Silent Scream

Open mouth as wide as possible, stick out tongue and scream without making any sound, unless you’d like to. It’s a chance to get rid of any anger, frustrations, or resentments that you might be harboring and tone the muscles of the face.

Neck Lay head back slowly as far it will easily go. Relax and allow gravity to help restore the reverse curve in your cervical spine. Hold 10 seconds.

Keeping your shoulders relaxed, try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Hold 10 seconds and slowly move head side to other side.

Keep shoulders relaxed and square to the front, gently look over your shoulder as far as possible, hold 10 seconds, and then slowly move side to side.

Shoulders and upper back Lift shoulders up as high as possible, hold and drop them down. 5-10 times

Squeeze shoulder blades tightly together, hold and release. 5-10 times

Rotate shoulders through full range of motion. 5-10 times in both directions.

Side Stretch Raise arms up while opening and closing hands, then over in a side bend hold 4 counts, back to center, over to other side 5-10 times, in both directions.

Trunk Rotation Keep a vertical axis and rotate side-to-side, gently swinging arms 5-10 times.

Pelvic Tilt and Hip Rolls Rotate pelvis forward and let it go 1020 times Rotate hips in a 360-degree circle in both directions 5-10 times.

Balance and Leg Stretches


Balance is all in shifting your weight from hip to hip. Shift all your weight to one hip and the down leg. Stretch the ankle, shin and knee by flexing and pointing your foot 1020 times.


Bow forward at your hip. This gives your shoulders, back, hips, back of legs (hamstrings), and neck a good slow stretch. Move very slowly 30 counts down and 30 counts back up. Try and keep your hips from moving backward and your legs straight. Do at least once and more if time permits.

Standing Movements

These exercises help develop good balance, coordination and strength. Keep your hips and legs strong and flexible and you will always be able to go wherever you desire.


The primary muscle group strengthened is the front of your legs (quadriceps). This can be done either free standing or holding on to a ballet bar, railing, heavy chair, etc.

Execution: Head up, back straight, hands on bar or at a balanced position, feet spread shoulder width apart, facing forward. Legs are slightly bent. Keep lower legs perpendicular to ground, squat down slowly until upper legs are parallel to ground. Do not allow knees to move forward. Return to starting position keeping knees stationary. Do as many reps as possible.

Calf Raises Execution: Hold on to a bar or solid object, or stand freely with good posture. Contract calf muscles, pulling heels up as far as possible and hold, lower slowly; (do not rest) pull up immediately. Can be done both legs simultaneously or one leg at a time. Continue until you feel a slight burn. Stretch: Move one leg back, pressing heel flat

Lunges Primary muscles used are front and back of legs and hips (gluteals). Always move slowly and focus on good alignment. Execution: Standing aligned and balanced, stride forward into lunge, with lower leg perpendicular to the ground, heel is flat and knee is directly inline with your foot, arms are held out to sides for balance. Pause and then strongly push off the ball or the heel of your foot to return to starting position. Pushing off ball of foot works more quads and off the heel works the glutes. Alternate legs for as many reps as you can keep your form and balance. Beginner can hold on to a bar or solid object.

On the ground or floor movements Hamstring Stretch

Execution: Lying flat on your back, one knee bent, one leg up, hands in back of your leg, keep head and shoulders relaxed and on the ground. Ease your leg into a mild stretch and move back out, continue moving in and out while increasing the stretch if possible. Hold for 30 seconds. Using an old necktie around foot is helpful to gently pull leg into stretch.

Quad Stretch Execution: Lying on back or side, bend knees, keep head down. Reach back and grab your ankles and pull legs in and out of stretch. You can also use a necktie if needed. Hold for 30 seconds.

Groin Stretch Execution: Place soles of feet together, sit up straight on your tailbone. Bend slightly forward from the hips, place hands on feet and move legs in and out of stretch. Use hands or forearms to help stretch legs down for 30 seconds.

Push Ups Push-ups are a great all around upper body exercise. They work the chest (pectorals), shoulders (deltoids) and back of arms (triceps). If you are unable to do either a full or knee push up, as shown, they can be done standing, hands on a wall or stationary object at the appropriate angle that allows you do perform 10-20 reps. As you grow stronger decrease your angle until you are able to go to the ground. Execution: Body is straight, pelvis tucked under, head is in alignment with spine, arms approximately 90 degrees to body, palms facing forward at shoulder width. Inhale and lower chest to ground, exhale and push up to starting position keeping your body in a straight line. Do as many as possible while maintaining correct form. As you increase strength, add more reps and sets.

Bridge Execution: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side. Flatten abs, tuck pelvis under and lift. Squeeze buttocks and shoulder blade tight and hold 4-8 counts and relax down for 5-10 reps.


Dips are excellent for exercising the triceps and entire upper body. Execution: Back straight, arms extended, hands on sides or edge of stationary chair or bench, legs straight out, feet on the ground. Legs can be bent for beginner, or put up on a chair for advanced position. Lower and raise body through full range of movement. Do as many reps as possible.

Breathing Exercises Twist

This stretch energizes the spine, stretches the back, hips and improves trunk rotation. Execution: Sit up as straight as possible, one leg flat, other leg bent. Pull knee to chest with opposite arm and slowly twist around and look over shoulder. Do not put weight on back arm, it is only for balance. Hold 30 seconds.

Reverse Crunch

Strong abdominal muscles are a must for good breathing, balance, posture and spinal alignment. The reverse crunch is the most important ab exercise. It works the neglected lower transverse abdominal muscles that will give you that sought after flat stomach look. Execution: Lie on back, knees bent, feet on ground, back relaxed. Contract lower abdominal muscles and bring knees towards chest, lifting hips off the ground flattening back to floor. Slowly lower feet to ground. Without rest, repeat for as many reps as possible. When you can easily do more than 20, add reps, sets and/or ankle weights.

Forward Bend

Stretches the hamstrings, knees and lower back. Execution: Sitting with legs straight, inhale and stretch arms overhead, elongating your body. Press forward in the hips and slowly reach out towards toes while exhaling. Repeat 5-10 times. A necktie around your feet is helpful to increase your stretch.


Strengthens mid and upper abdominals and hip flexors. Execution: Lie on back. Knees up ankles crossed, hands on temples, and elbows pointing towards knees. Keeping your head aligned with spine, contract abs and curl up elbows to knees, slowly lower to ground and without resting repeat 10-30 reps. To make easier, fold arms on chest. To make more difficult, add reps/sets or extend upper legs out while keeping lower legs parallel to ground.


Stretches abdominals, strengthens back muscles, increases spinal flexibility.

Execution: Lie face down, arms bent at sides, hands at shoulder level. Slowly lift upper body up, leading with chin, chest extended, hips on ground, buttocks relaxed. Do not lift with your arms they are just for balance, hold 4 counts, lower and repeat 5-10 times.

Spinal Lift Strengthens all the spinal muscles. Execution: Lying face down, arms at sides, forehead on ground. Lift upper body up, without using arms, keeping lower body still, hold 4 counts and lower. 10-20 reps.

Cat Stretch

Stretches spine and mid back. Execution: Hands and knees position with head hanging down, neck relaxed. Suck in abdominals, arch back up and exhale, hold 4 counts inhale and relax down. Repeat 5-10 times.

Leg Lifts Exercises the hips (gluteus maximus) and lower back. Execution: Lie face down, arms at your side, keeping legs straight, lift legs as high as possible, hold 4 counts and lower. Repeat 5-10 times.

Relaxation Stretch

This is a good stretch for the back, hips, knees and ankles. It is also a relaxing position to end your workout. Execution: From hands and knees position, sit back on your heels and stretch arms forward resting on ground, rest forehead on ground if possible. If unable to reach this position, you can place a rolled up towel or blanket under your forehead and behind your knees. Relax for 60 seconds minimum. Enjoy your efforts. Your body will be warm, flexible and vibrating with energy. You can adjust the amount of repetitions or sets, or add ankle weights for each exercise to fit your level of fitness, your time schedule or how you feel on a particular day. The important thing is to stay consistent, do something everyday if possible. Whenever my clients have felt low energy or unmotivated, I convince them to just get started. Once they get going they always feel better physically and mentally.

Back Care Exercises This stretches and relaxes the entire spine and it’s fun.

Keep upper body flat and relaxed and draw each knee to chest and then both together and hold. Breathe and relax. Stretches hip flexors.

Pull in your abs, flatten your back to floor and hold.

Hold knees together, rotate side-toside, and slowly stretching as far as you can.

This is very comfortable. Gravity allows pelvis to realign itself. Minimum 15 minutes.

Summary Its time to wash your brain. I know brain washing has a negative connotation but it can also be a positive experience. We wash our bodies so we also need to wash out all of the negative thoughts, advertising hype, and untruths that are keeping us from enjoying a long, healthy and energetic life. Think about this, at every moment you have a choice about what to think and what to do. You are creating your reality at every moment. You can choose to take good care of your body throughout your day by choosing to have empowering positive thoughts, to exercise your muscles, to eat real food instead of processed junk food, to get enough rest and sleep instead of staying up late watching mindless TV programs. You can choose to create a strong healthy body/mind or you can choose to create what too many people are today; a deteriorating weak out of shape dis-eased body and die an early death. You can choose to have high energy and enjoy wonderful experiences such as hiking in the mountains, swimming in the oceans or traveling the world to exotic places. You can choose to look, feel and be your best through out your entire life. You can choose to take care of your body/mind and enjoy an exciting high energy fulfilling long life. It is a simple process, just follow the guidelines in this book to the best of your ability and you can’t fail. The choice is yours. Make the following your daily affirmation: I CHOOSE TO HAVE A STRONG, HEALTHY, ENERGETIC, VITAL BODY/MIND.

Conclusion The only conclusion to draw from all this is that getting and staying fit is an ongoing lifetime process. The better you care for your body/mind the more you can experience and enjoy. Remember to enjoy the journey, everything important happens along the way. All your power is in the present. So stay focused in the present and forget about the results, they will continue to come.

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