Victory in the Valleys Bible Study

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Finding Victory in the Valleys of Life Table of Contents

Study Introduction

pages 2-3

Lesson 1 Valley of Dry Bones: New Life

pages 4-10

Lesson 2 Valley of Jezreel: Faith Pleases God

pages 11-15

Lesson 3 Valley of Achor: Blessings of Obedience

pages 16-23

Lesson 4 Valley of Beracah: Victory in Praise & Worship

pages 24-30

Closing Comments

page 31

VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Introduction & Overview

In a physical definition, a valley is a low area between two hills, which can range from a few square miles to hundreds or even thousands of square miles in area. It is typically a low-lying area of land, surrounded by higher areas such as mountains or hills. It can also be seen as a path between two mountains, or a depression in a single mountain. It is interesting to note that part of i t sphys i c all ands c apei sa“de pr e s s i on. ”Me t aphor i c al l y,we often compare the valleys of life to the more depressing times in our lives. Why do we associate valleys with dark, deep crevasses that we need to dig ourselves out of? Moreover, e ve ni ns c r i pt ur ewet e ndt oquot e“t heval l e y oft hes hadow ofde at h”asapl ac eofde at h,notapl ac eofl i f e . We tend to long for the mountaintop experiences of life. Nevertheless, even if we find them at times, we do not live there consistently. Most of us love our mountaintop experiences with God, but they are usually moments in time. We spend most of our days in the valleys. Let us face the fact that we LIVE in the valleys, day in and day out. In addition, if the greatest amount of our days is spent in the valleys, then we need to di s c ove rhow t heWor dofGodi sa“l a mpunt oour f e e tandal i ghtunt oourpat h”aswewa l kt hr ought he m hol di ngGod’ shande ve r ys t e poft he way. This Bible study is a journey through the valleys of life, learning how to live in victory and hope. We are going to journey through some of the greatest valleys in scripture that we never have considered to be significant to our lives today. This study highlights four (4) different valleys in Scripture. Each valley reflects a place of both physical and spiritual components. Each valley is described in the Old Testament and has strong applications in the New Testament. The Old Testament illustrates the principle while the New Testament instructs us how to apply the principles to our lives. We will examine the context of each valley in terms of what God was doing with His people and how they responded to His Word and His judgment. We will see amazing areas of application that are relevant to our lives today.  The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)

New life

 The Valley of Jezreel (Judges 6)

Faith pleases God

 The Valley of Achor (Joshua 7)

The blessings of obedience

 The Valley of Beracah (2 Chronicles 20)

Victory in praise & worship

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS All of these valleys could have depicted the valley of the shadow of death. Instead, we will learn that the Lord has given us illustrations of how to overcome the shadow of death to find an abundance of life. There is no greater joy than knowing that in all things God is with us. He leads us. He guides us. He watches over us. He has a greater plan for us than we can imagine. When the valleys of life seem long, dark and dry, we need to find strength in His promises to keep us going forward. This study will give us strength as we walk through these valleys of life, for we are not alone. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Lesson One The Valley of Dry Bones “New Li f e” Introduction Whati st hede s i r eofGod’ she ar t ?How doe sGodwantt or e l at et o man and what does He expect? Is God full of secrets, hiding His thoughts and intents from His creation? We, as people, have been asking questions like these throughout the generations. We have sought different religions, philosophies, people and events in hopes of settling the inner stirring of our hearts. The answers have varied according to tradition, culture, power, and even circumstances of wor l de ve nt s .Whe nt heans we r sar ebas e donman’ sopi ni ons ,wewi l lge tmanydi f f e r i ng opinions. However, when the answers are based on God, we will get wisdom. Although men want to have answers that are digestible and acceptable to their way of living, God gives answers that are based on His ways from the beginning of creation. God tells us in Isaiah 55:8, “ForMyt hought sar enotyourt hought s .Norar eyourwa ysMyways . ”Howe ve r ,God’ s thoughts and ways are best for us. Why? Because God created man and the designer of all creation gives us truth to e ve r yque s t i onmans e e kst oans we r .God’ sans we r st oman’ s questions are found in the Bible. His answers do not make sense to our flesh, but believing His words brings healing, hope and strength to our inner souls. Believing His answers and aligning our lives up with His Words require faith. Faith pleases God. This study will point us to the Word of God to find answers to our questions. By understanding the heart of God, we will find the peace and joy that He promises to those who believe. Victory in the Valleys is a study that deals with everyday life. It is here that we ask the most questions because we have to face the struggles, pain and the mundane of life in this place e ve r yday.Le t ’ spr ayf orHi swi s dom.Le t ’ spr ayt hatwel e ar nf r om Hi she ar t .Le t ’ spr ayf ort he understanding to know how to find peace in the daily regime.

Lord, thank You for loving us so much that You have revealed Your desires for us within Your Word. Open our hearts to understand, open our eyes to see Your truths, and open our ears to hear Your voice. Allow the seeds of Your Word to go down deep into our hearts with roots that strengthen us so that we might bear fruit that remains. In Jesus Christ name, we pray. Amen.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS The Valley of Dry Bones Read Ezekiel Chapter 37 Where are you today? Think about it for a moment. Are you tired? Are you frustrated? Are you discontent? Do you feel like there are never ending tasks before you that continually remind you how alone you feel at times? Regardless of where you are and how you are feeling, God wants your attention. He does not want your attention to ask you to do one more thing but He wants you to know that He can breathe fresh air into your lungs and strengthen your spirit. He wants you to know that He is the God of the impossible and He can bring life to any dead circumstance in your life. How do we know that? Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. The first valley we are studying together is called the Valley of Dry Bones. Ez e ki e li sGod’ spr ophe twhoi s writing this experience with the Lord. 1. From Ezekiel 37:1-3, answer the following questions: a. Describe what happened to Ezekiel and what did he see?

b. What question did God ask Ezekiel?

c. What did Ezekiel answer?

The Lord led him to a valley where he saw multitudes of dry bones. He was not sure why God t ookhi mt os e et hi sval l e yandhedi dnothavet hef or e s i ghtt oknow whatGod’ spl answe r e for these bones. Ezekiel was taken to a place that represented hopelessness, darkness and death. This valley was worse than a cemetery because the bones were exposed on top of the ground. To believe that God would want to restore life to death took more than having a relationship with Him; it took an abundance of faith. Ezekiel was honest. Although he had a relationship with God, Ezekiel was unsure if God wanted to make these bones live. Ezekiel was as unsure of God’ swi l lbac kt he naswear euns ur eofGod’ swi l lt oday.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 2. From Ezekiel 37:4-14, answer the following questions: a. What did God tell Ezekiel to do?

b. What did God tell Ezekiel to say?

c. Whatwast heLor d’ sgoa lf ort he s ebone s ?

Prophesying means, “t omakei ns pi r e dde c l ar at i onsoft hi ngst oc ome . ”Eze ki e lwasas ke dt o s pe akasame di at orf orGod,andt of or e t e l lGod’ sde s i r e sf ort he s edr ybone s. Ezekiel had no power in himself to change the bones present situation. He admitted that he did not know what God’ swi l lwoul dbe .Thef ul f i l l me ntoft he s ebone sr e c e i vi ngne wl i f ewasbas e dont heLor d alone. There was nothing that these bones could offer. They were beyond the ability of resuscitation. 3. Verse 10 tells us that breath came into them and they lived. What does verse 14 say that God did to cause them to live?

God is still breathing life into us today. Both our physical life and our spiritual life are based on the breath of God. 4. From Genesis 2:7, answer the following questions: a. What element makes up man?

b. How did man become a living being?

I nt hebe gi nni ng,i twasGod’ sde s i r et oc r e at emanandgi vemanHi sownbr e at h.Br e at he me ans“t opuf fort oi nf l at e . ”J ob33: 4says, “t heSpi r i tofGodhasmademe ,andt hebr e at hof t heAl mi ght ygi ve smel i f e . ”Godhasbr e at he dl i f ei nt oe ac hofus .Hei st hel i f egi ve rand sustainer. Our physical life begins on our birthday and ends when our heart stops beating. Spiritual life is separate from physical life. Adam and Eve were two people that had their

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS physical life in union with their spiritual life. God created them to be in continual fellowship with Him. On the day that they chose to disobey His one and only rule, Adam and Eve spiritually died. A direct consequence of that choice has been passed down to all people. Each ofushaveGod’ sbr e at hgi ve nt ousf orphys i c all i f ebute ac hofusar ebor ns pi r i t ual l yde ador separated from God. (Romans 3:23) From the point that Adam and Eve sinned, God chose very few individuals to commune with on earth (like Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Moses). Why? Because a Holy God cannot commune with sinful man. Not many people found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8) until the death of Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:23) God sent Jesus to earth because He desires to have a relationship with Him again. We receive His Holy Spirit when we come to know Jesus, thus, reconciling us back to God. 5. Summar i zeGod’ sde s i r e sf r om the following verses: a. John 3:1-8

b. John 3:16-17

c. John 14:17

d. How did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit? Write out John 20:22

Godi ss t i l lbr e at hi ngne wl i f et odayasHedi dbe f or eEze ki e l .God’ sbr e at hke eps your heart beating and God breathes the Holy Spirit i nt oyou.Webe l i e vebyf ai t ht hatt heLor d’ sHol y Spirit lives within each of us. This faith is not blind though. There are definite signs that the Spirit of God is living within you. 6. List some of the changes that occurred in you when you became born again.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS To become born again, you confess to God that you are a sinner and you believe Jesus died in your place, granting you forgiveness and eternal life. Then, the Holy Spirit seals you as He teaches, instructs, counsels and comforts you through the Bible, prayer and fellowship of others. I ns ummar y,God’ sbr e at hf i r s tc aus e sphys i c all i f eandt he nGod’ sbr e at hbi r t hs spiritual life. Paul describes the born again Christian as a new creation; the old things have passed and the new things have come. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Why is this important for us to know? Because God wants to continue to breathe life into your “Chr i s t i an”dr ybone sandt hec i r c ums t anc e si nyourpr e s e ntl i f et hat seem hopeless. (Ezekiel 37:11) By becoming familiar with t hewhol ec ouns e lofGod,wege tagl i mps eofGod’ sde s i r e s for man as He worked in and through the people and events written in the Bible. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, so we can better understand His desires for us today. We cannot become confident in our prayers if we are unsure of what the heart of God is for us. If the Lord desires for me to be physically and spiritually alive, then His promises are also His desires for me. 7. What areas of your life are dry and lifeless?

You may feel dry and hopeless. You may feel that you have made such poor choices that the Lord does not even want to get involved. You may feel like you have passed the point of ever finding hope again. We need to be as honest to God as Ezekiel was. We all have struggles and we fall short of our own standards. Each of us has gone our own way and we have made terrible mistakes. However, there is hope because you serve a God who loves you. God plans to spend eternity with you and He went to great lengths to bring you to Himself. If you have come to know Jesus, God has breathed His very life into you. You have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling with you and in you. He does not cast you off because He chose you. No more shame, no more humiliation, no more defeat. Because you have Him, you need to get His perspective. Pray for renewal, hope, revival and joy. Pray to not back down or back out or go backward. The Lord Jesus Christ saved you for Himself and has determined to keep you in His care for eternity. Nothing is impossible for Him. Do not settle for second best. Ask Him to fill you afresh and then allow His Spirit to revive you. He has so much more for you and it starts right here. Eternity starts here so pray that you can start believing it now.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 8. Write out the following verses: a. Matthew 22:32

b. John 8:12

God is not into death but into life. We will each die physically some day but we do not need to live representing the dead instead of the living today. As God brought life to dead bones, God is able to bring life to any hopeless and helpless person. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Include Him in those things that represent the Valley of Dry Bones in your life. Ask Him to breathe His life into those situations. It will take some time, because you are on His eternal time clock so be patient. Romans 8:2 says,“Fort hel aw oft heSpi r i tofl i f ei nChr i s tJ e s ushas mademef r e ef r om t hel aw ofs i nandde at h. ” 9. Meditate on Romans 8:2. What does this verse mean to you?

10. Write out a prayer that expresses your need for the Lord to breathe into your life today.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS DEVOTIONAL Rivers of Living Water On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." John 7:37-38 As I stare at thewor ds“ r i ve r sofl i vi ngwat e r ”Iwonde ri ft he r ei ss uc hat hi ngasr i ve r sofde a d water. I love going to rivers. I love the fishing and the boating activities. I love the wildlife that i nhabi t st hewat e r s ’e dge .Ri ve r sc omei na l ls i ze sands hape sandIhaveal waysmar ve l e dat how they seem to have a personality, or life, of their own. What a wonderful depiction of power and grace that Jesus uses to describe His Spirit flowing though us. The river of living water represents life, but the river that has no flow or movement can represent the opposite, a body of water that is lifeless and dead. Which one represents your life today? J e s usc r i e soutt ot hepe opl ei nJ ohn7: 37t hati fanyone“t hi r s t s ”t he yc anc omet oJ e s usand drink of His water. Jesus is the only One who has the living, life-giving water. His love is the force behind the waters that give them power and strength. His love is the reason we can drink of Him and never thirst again. His love is evidenced through His Holy Spirit who fills us to overflowing, like a river overflowing its banks. Because of the living water, we bring life to everything around us. Just as a river supports an enormous amount of animal and plant life, we will also give support to others in our lives. Where we go, Jesus goes and His Spirit goes with us too. Sometimes a kind word or gesture can taste as sweet as water to a thirsty soul. We should think about these things more often in our relationships with others. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? Do you sense His Holy Spirit living in you and flowing through you? Are you a fountain of living water gushing like a river? Or is your life better characterized as a stagnant, lifeless existence where a river once flowed? If you are not experiencing the living water that Jesus gives, then all you need to do is ask for Him to give it to you. If you have wa l ke daway,c omebac k.I fyouhavebl oc ke dt her i ve r ’ sf l ow,as k Jesus to fill you to overflowing once again. Know today that He wants to give you life in abundance, a life of grace and power, just like a river.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Lesson 2 The Valley of Jezreel “Faith Pleases God” Introduction Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11: 1NKJ V)He br e ws11: 6goe sont os ay,“wi t houtf ai t hi ti si mpos s i bl et opl e as eHi m. ”So, how important is our faith to God? More than we can begin to understand. Our salvation depends upon our faith. (Ephesians 2:8) Our victory over the world depends upon our faith. (1 John 5:4) Our everyday lives reflect the depths of our faith, to some degree or another. The deeper our faith grows, the more we will see the Lord do mighty works through us, not because of who we are but because of our faith in Him. Although faith sounds great in theory, it can be a very difficult thing to apply to our daily lives. It is hard to walk without sight. It is difficult to trust in things not seen. It is even harder to know what to do when we are not hearing God in His Word. We grow in our faith through being in the Word, persevering through trials, praising God in the storms, and stepping out in obedience to act on our faith. The Valley of Jezreel gives us a glimpse of a man who stepped out in faith. Gideon was no mighty man. He had no credentials of bravery, honor or family heritage. By his own admission, he was from the least of the tribes of Israel. What did Gideon have that God rewarded? He had a level of faith to believe in all that God told him and he took the steps to act on what he had heard. He had his challenges and he needed reassurance, but God was there to help him in every step. God will do the same for us, if we are willing to commit to a life of faith, trusting Him in every step we take. Those daily steps of faith lead to victory in the valley. Do you want to truly please God? Ask Him to increase your faith. Ask Him to help you in areas of fear or doubt that keep you from stepping out. Set aside time to be in His Word, in study and meditation. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Le t ’ spr a y:De a rLo r d,a sIb e gi nt or e a da b o utGi de o ni nJ udge sc ha pt e r6,pl e a s ehe l p me to understand the message You are putting on my heart. Help me to grow in my faith. Help me to please You because I am willing to trust and obey Your Word. I praise for Your faithfulness to me and Your continued patience to help me take each step with You.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS The Valley of Jezreel Read Judges Chapter 6 through Chapter 7:22 God is kind and patient. He will gently lead you and He will encourage you to live in a place of f ai t h.TheVal l e yofJ e zr e e li sas t or yaboutoneman’ sf ai t h,Gi de on.Aswer e adhi ss t or y, we may not think that he has any faith. But, remember that a mustard seed of faith in any valley can level any mountain full of mighty enemies. Seven applications start with the letter “A. ”As you read the story of Gideon, answer the questions under each application. 1. Ask bold questions (Judges 6:11-16): When the Lord appeared, Gideon immediately asked bold questions. What were the Lor d’ sr e s pons e sto his questions, doubts and excuses?

2. Allow the Lord to speak (Judges 6:17-22): Gideon was not sure what to think. He continued to test the relationship and challenge the Lord. What miracle did the Lord perform for him?

3. Acknowledge the presence of God (Judges 6:23-24): Why do you think Gideon built an altar and why was this altar important to his faith?

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 4. Act in obedience (Judges 6:25-32): How did the Israelites react to what Gideon had done?

The Lord gave Gideon specific instructions on what to do next. This task was not easy as he was going against his own family as well as the community and their way of worship. God did not hold it against Gideon that he did this at night. The Lord protected his act of obedience. Gideon was afraid. He did it afraid. We must understand that we too will be afraid but that should not prevent us from being obedient. 5. Accept His anointing (Judges 6:33-40): God is so patient and loving. What did Gideon ask God to do in order for him to believe the anointing?

6. Answer the call (Judges 7:1-14): It is amazing that Gideon would get confirmation from the faith of the enemy. They seemed t oe xhi bi tmor ef a i t hi nGi de on’ sc al lt hanGi de onhadi nhe ar i ngt heLor d. Why do you think Gideon needed so much assurance to obey God and to answer His call?

7. Arise in the confidence of the Lord (Judges 7:15-22): In what specific ways do you need to believe in faith that the Lord will lead you?

How did Gideon lead his men into battle?

Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 8. In what areas of your life are you battling fear, doubt or insecurities?

9. How are they quenching your faith?

10. Write your own personal prayer asking the Lord to help you overcome your fears with faith.

The valley of Jezreel is about faith. We feel so insignificant, unsure and insecure when the mountains appear so large. However, we know that God resides in the highest of heavens and the humblest of hearts. (Isaiah 57:15) A humble heart of faith is mightier than any mountain. Sometimes we see better with our eyes closed as our hearts receive the sight of faith. Take your thoughts captive and inquire of the Lord in every step. Then, the valley will not seem so low as your prayers will reach the heights of heaven. Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means e nt e ri t . ”Ma r k10 : 15 I spoke to my oldest sister today who told me about a conversation she had with her granddaughter. A few days ago, there was a minor problem with her car engine and my sister reached in the glove compartment f ort heowne r ’ smanual .Ass hewas looking over certain pages, her granddaughter said,“ Mamaw,whyar eyoul ooki ngi nt hatbook? ”Towhi c hmy s i s t e rr e pl i e d,“ Be c aus eIwantt of i xt hi spr obl e m wi t hmyc a r . ”Att hatpoint, little 4 year-old Emma ran i nt ot hehous eandc omeoutwi t hhe rownbook.“He r e ,Mamaw,t hi sbookwi l lt e l l you how t of i xyourc ar . ”Mys i s t e rl ooke datt hebooka nds ai d,“I ti syourbi bl e ,Emma . ”“Ye s , Mamaw,e ve r yt hi ngyoune e dt oknow i si nt hi sbook,e ve nhow t of i xyourc a r . ”Whatgr e at faith! I wonder how much more would get fixed in our lives if we truly lived out what the Bible t aughtus .Li t t l eEmmai sr i ghtwhe ns hes ayst hathe rbookhasal loft heans we r s .God’ sWor d has the answer for every question we have and for every turn we need to make. The only thing we need to do is to have the faith to believe it and obey.

Pray for that child-like faith today and ask the Lord to plant His Word on your heart and mind. “St udyt hi sBo o ko ft heLa wc o nt i nua l l y.Me di t a t eo ni tda ya ndni ghts oyo uma yb es ur et oo b e ya l lt h a t is written in it. Only then will you succ e e d. ”(Joshua 1:8)

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Lesson Three The Valley of Achor “Blessings of Obedience” Introduction TheBi bl ei sve r yc l e arandde mons t r at i vei ne xpl ai ni ngf r om God’ spe r s pe c t i vet hei mportance of obedience. The fall of mankind began from an act of disobedience. God said not to eat of one particular tree in the Garden. Adam and Eve ate of that tree. They disobeyed God and we have paid the price ever since. Would we have done it any diffe r e nt l y?Theans we ri s“no. ”Wewi l l struggle with our obedience to God until we see Him face to face. At that point, we will all wish that we had obeyed His every Word. In the Old Testament, the word obedience means "to hear”or "to listen." More than that, however, it means, “t ohe ar ”wi t hr e ve r e nc eandwi t hr e s pe c t . In the New Testament, a different meaning signifies "hearing under" or being subordinate to someone, to obey them. The most important meaning, however, lies in the relation of man to God. Obedience is the highest test of faith in God and reverence for Him. The Old Testament concept of obedience was critical. It was the one thing required of God by His people. It was not always about emotions or f e e l i ngs ;i twaspur eobe di e nc et oGod’ sc ommands . There was no room for debate. God knew what was best for His people and they needed to listen. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." (1 Samuel 15:22) Obedience was the key, not just their acts of sacrifice or right e ous ne s s .Obe di e nc ewasal s or e wa r de di nGod’ spr omi s e s ."In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." (Genesis 22:18) Whe n God’ spe opl ee nt e r e dt hepr omi s e d land, obedience was even more critical to their success. But, as with so many situations in our lives, temptations t odi s obe yGod’ sdi r e c t i ons lead to serious consequences. The valley of Achor represented great consequences t ooneman’ s disobedience. The val l e yna me dAc horme ant“t r oubl i ng”andAc han’ spuni s hme ntt r oubl e dal l who witnessed his downfall. The victory, however, came after the sin was dealt with and the people won the next battle. Obedience was clearly understood from that day forward. There is victory in the valley by following the Lord in obedience. He will lead you, guide you and direct your steps when you remain in the Bible, pray about all things and seek wise counsel in fellowship. Each day may seem long and frustrating. It might make perfect sense to follow your own thoughts over theLor d’ swi l l .Buthol donandke e pt r us t i ngf orweknow t hatyouwi l l reap a harvest of righteousness in enduring to the end. (Hebrews 12:11)

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS The Valley of Achor Read Joshua Chapter 7

In this chapter, we are going to look closely at the character of God and how He acts toward defiant disobedience. Every story written in the Bible is for our instruction and admonishment. Byunde r s t andi ngGod’ sways ,wec omet ounde r s t andHi m be t t e r .Thes t or yofAc hans houl d place a godly fear in each of our hearts. Because ofoneman’ ss i n,al lwe r epuni s he dands ome were killed. God sees us as one body and knows the motives of each of our hearts. If one member sins, all members share in the consequences. If one member suffers, all members will hurt. God has made His perspective very clear in the scriptures. We need to get a revelation of the importance of living according to His truths so we can better know Him and serve Him as we live and work together for Him on earth. 1. From Joshua 6:17-19, what commands did God give the Israelites before attacking Jericho?

The Israelites were successful in the battle against Jericho, but the story does not end there. J os hua7: 1s ays“Butt hec hi l dr e nofI s r ae lc ommi t t e dat r e s pas sr e gar di ngt he accursed things, for Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed things; so the anger of the LORD bur ne dagai ns tt hec hi l dr e nofI s r ae l . ”Thi sve r s e narrates this entire chapter. Achan trespassedagai ns tGod’ sr ul e s .Het ookt het hi ngst hatwe r e f or bi dde n.The r ewe r emi l l i onsofI s r ae l i t e satt hi st i me ,butoneman’ sdi s obe di e nc ec aus e dt he Lor d’ sange rt obur nagai ns tal loft heI s r ae l i t e s ,e ve nt hought heot he r swe r eobe di e nt .God would not bless these people until their ways were made right. We are held accountable at times for the actions of other believers. We do not need to rush in and accuse people. God has His ways of showing us and giving us the wisdom to deal with the problem.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 2. Answer the following questions from verses 2-5: a. What land did Joshua send men to spy out?

b. What was their assessment?

c. Joshua agreed with their counsel but what happened in the battle?

d. How did the people respond?

Joshua learned from Moses to turn to the Lord for everything. Joshua tore his clothes and humbled himself before God as he fell on his face before the ark of the Lord. We need to learn to turn to God for everything. We are His people and He has placed His Spirit in our hearts. Whatever we go through, God knows and will answer us if we seek Him. 3.Wec anl e ar nal otabouts ome one ’ sr e l a t i ons hi pwi t hGodbyhow t he ypr ay.Fr om verses 6-9,whatdoyounot i c eaboutJ os hua’ sr e l at i ons hi pwi t hGod?

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Joshua assumed that God was at fault. He questioned God, instead of the people. Many times, we assume the same thing. We know that the Lord has all power and authority to do whatever He wants and when something does not go as we had expected, we blame God. This tends to be our typical reaction when we find ourselves in the valleys of life. 4. When circumstances continue to frustrate us after we have been praying about them, we sometimes act in haste, anger and rebellion. Have you ever found yourself responding in any of these ways? Explain.

Go to the Lord, open up and read His Word. Ask Him to help you hear His heart about a specific circumstance in your life today. He might tell you to be still, or to not worry, or to accept it for now. He might tell you to confess your sin or do not j udgeanot he r ’ ss i n.Le tHi m work with you and be as honest as Joshua. By allowing yourself to be honest with the Lord, you also allow Him to be honest with you. 5. From verses 10-15, answer the following questions conc e r ni ngGod’ sans we rt o J os hua’ spr aye r : a .Whydoyout hi nkt hatt heLor df i r s tt ol dJ os huat o“ Ge tup! ”

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS b.Li s tal lt heways“t he s epe opl e ”hads i nne daga i ns tGod.

c. What were the consequences of sinning against the Lord?

d. What did they have to do to appease the anger of the Lord?

e. Why do you think about the whole community suffered for the sins of one man?

Read verses 16 through 19. God clearly told Joshua every detail involving the sin but God did not tell Joshua any detail about who had sinned. So, God explained why He was angry toward t hes i nbutHedi dn’ tme nt i ont henameoft hes i nne r .Thes i t uat i onwass os e r i oust hatGod wanted each person to understand that individual choices impact the entire community. Joshua wasl e dbyGodt oc al lf or war de ve r yt r i beunt i lt heLor dhad“t ake n”t hemant hatc aus e dt he problem. Can you imagine the intensity of this meeting as each tribe and then certain individuals were brought before God to be held accountable for their actions? 6.Fr om ve r s e19 ,how doe sAc han’ sc onf e s s i on“gi vegl or yt ot heLor d” ?

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 7. What happens when we confess our sins... a. to God? (see 1 John 1:9)

b. to others? (see James 5:16)

c. How has confessing your sins to God and others made a difference in your life?

8.Summar i zeAc han’ swor dsf r om ve r s e s2 0-21.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS The messengers ran to the tent and found the stolen, accursed things just like Achan said. Because of this sin, thirty-six men died (Joshua 7:5), the Israelites lost their courage (Joshua 7:5) and their reputation was weakened by losing the battle (Joshua 7:9). 9. How was Achan punished and to what extent?

According to the Law of Moses, the children were not to be held responsible for the sin of the parents. In this case, however, the whole family was affected. Achan sinned by stealing, deceiving and hiding the goods in the middle of his tent. His whole family must have been aware of the extent of the sin but none confessed to his wrongdoings. As a result, they too were guilty of aiding and abetting. The stoning and burning of Achan, his family and his possessions we r eat e s t i monyt ot hepe opl et hatGod’ sc ommandsc ar r yc ons e que nc e swhe ndi s obe ye d. 10. Allow the Lord to search your heart and mind. Ask Him to reveal your thoughts and motives as you are still before Him. Ask forgiveness and mercy. Pray for His cleansing so you can be wholly devoted to Him. Write out a prayer of confession and devotion for the things that God has placed on your heart.

Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS This story of the valley of Achor should bring a godly fear to each of our hearts. God wants us to take His words seriously and to desire pure hearts. Our actions may not always align up with our hearts, but the Lord knows our hearts and tests our thoughts and motives. (Jeremiah 17:10) Jesus gave us a covenant of grace. Because His shed blood covers us from all our sins, we can enter boldly into the throne room of grace and mercy to find help in time of need. However, we will miss the blessings of God if we cherish sin, thus quenching the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. Be willing and be obedient. Having a desire to want more of God gives you more love, joy and peace. Having a desire to want more things of this world steals the love, joy and peace that God has for you. We need to be working for those treasures in heaven where our things count for eternity!

The Lord is intimately acquainted with all our ways. No matter where you may be at this mome nt ,youar enotoutofGod’ ss ight or His favor. Sometimes we need to be reminded and encouraged that the Lord promises to work all things together for good. He can use trials and hard times in our lives to bring about amazingly wonderful changes. Faith, trust and obedience are required on our part. We must have faith to get through the tough times. Faith with obedience sends fear running and quenches the fiery darts of the enemy. If you are having some t oughs t r uggl e si nl i f e ,di gi nt oGod’ sWord, cry out to the Lord, and put your faith in action. Who knows what plans God has for you in His sovereign will? Rest assured that you have His grace, favor and blessing. Mountaintops can be emotionally charged. We love the goose bump feeling of experiencing miracles and of course, we all love it when the break-throughs come. But walking in obedience is a Monday through Friday commitment. God will bless your obedience. Victories in the Valleys are walked out daily by staying consistently in His Word, praying honestly from your heart and believing that what He has promised will come to pass. We serve agr e atGod.Le t ’ sl i vel i kewebe l i e veHi m!

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS Lesson Four Valley of Beracah “Worship and Praise” Introduction Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, "A vast army is coming against you from Edom, from the other side of the Sea. It is already in Hazazon Tamar" (that is, En Gedi). Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him. 2 Chronicles 20:2-4 Think about one difficulty you are facing right now. It might have to do with your family, your finances, conflicts at work or even an accident you recently had. All these things can be considered as armies coming against you. Any circumstance that has overpowered us is an enemy. We might come up with schemes and plans, but nothing is going to fix it. In desperation and anxiety, we cry out to the Lord. Crying out to the Lord as a last resort is a lot different from "resolving to inquire of the Lord" from the start (as Jehoshaphat did). God honored Jehoshaphat's prayer and then Jehoshaphat honored the Lord by singing praises to God before the battle even begun. Circumstances are difficult in life. Many times, we wonder what is really going on and why is the Lord allowing this to happen? All the Lord wants is for you to include Him. Circumstances are hard but His answers to your prayers are not. Go to God today first. Tell Him, "Lord, I don't know what to do but I am looking to You." He not only hears, sees and answers, but He assures the victory. Le t ’ spr ay:Dear Lord, help me to learn how to look to You for everything in my life. When my circumstances are hard, help me to keep my focus on You and not on myself. I need Your answers and I need Your guidance. Help me to discern Your voice and understand Your message to me personally. Most of all, Lord, help me to have a heart of praise and worship for You and for all that You are doing. You are truly an awesome God. Thank You for always being with me and for always taking care of me. Help me to learn from this study all that I need to learn from Your Word and how to apply it to my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS The Valley of Beracah Read Second Chronicles Chapter 20 Second Chronicles chapter 20 tells the story of King Jehoshaphat, the threats of his enemies and t hemi r ac ul ousde l i ve r anc eofGod’ shand. When Jehoshaphat was told of t hee ne my’ s intentions to invade them, Jehoshaphat sought help of the Lord, while he proclaimed a fast in the land and in the temple before the people. He prayed to God for His help, and was told by the prophet Jahaziel that God would fight for Judah t hene xtday.Whe nJ e hos haphat ’ sar myc ame into the wilderness of Jeruel the next day, their enemies had destroyed each other. Jehoshaphat and his people found the battlefield full of dead bodies, and gathered spoil for three days, and then on the fourth day, in the Valley of Blessing, they praised the Lord for His faithfulness. After returning to Jerusalem with great joy, they praised the Lord in the house of God for His help. Read through the chapter to answer the following questions: 1. What problem is King Jehoshaphat facing?

2. How did Jehoshaphat respond to such overwhelming bad news?

3. Fill in the blanks from the NKJV: Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for ________ Judah. [4] The people of Judah came _______________ to seek help from the Lord; indeed, they came from ____________ town in Judah to seek him. How would you have reacted to such news?

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 4. Write out the following verses and briefly describe how it applies to this story: a. 2 Chronicles 7:14

b. John 17:22-23

c. Romans 12:5

d. 1 Corinthians 1:10

e. Ephesians 4:3-6

Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS When we find ourselves in a dilemma, we need to seek the Lord first and then bring the problem to the assembly of believers. There is victory in coming together with one heart and one mind to seek the Lord in prayer. He hears the prayers of His people and delights to see us unified, even in the most terrible of circumstances. We worship a God who loves to rescue His people and whos ee ari snotdul li nhe ar i ngourc r i e s . Wene e dt oac tt oge t he rasonebe c aus eGod’ s intervention becomes a testimony to all the people involved as well as to the neighbors looking on. 5. Le t ’ se xami neJ e hos haphat ’ spr aye rt oge t he r : Second Chronicles 20:5-12 Then Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the temple of the Lord in the front of the new courtyard [6] and said: "O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. [7] O our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? [8] They have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your Name, saying, [9] 'If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us.' [10] "But now here are men from Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, whose territory you would not allow Israel to invade when they came from Egypt; so they turned away from them and did not destroy them. [11] See how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession you gave us as an inheritance. [12] O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." a. What does Jehoshaphat remind the Lord that He has done?

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS b. What reason does he give to the Lord for including Him in this situation?

c. He ends his prayer totally and completely honestly as he tells the Lord that they are totally and completely dependent on Him. What situation are you facing today that s e e msi ns ur mount abl e ?Wr i t eapr aye rt ot heLor dus i ngJ e hos haphat ’ spr aye rasa template. Bes ur et oe ndyourpr aye rwi t ht hes amewor ds ,“Wedonotknow what t odo,butoure ye sar euponyou. ”

There are situations that overwhelm us daily. Many times, we find ourselves so deep in the valley that we can no longer see mountaintops. The valley truly becomes a place of depression and desperation. We tend to make the problem larger by thinking that we have to use our own reasoning and strength to rescue ourselves from the problem. There is no place in scripture that s ays ,“ Godhe l pst hos ewhohe l pt he ms e l ve s . ”Godhe l ps those who ask for His help. This is evident from verses 13-17.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 6. Read verses 13-17. Think of the battles that you are fighting right now. Write the words or verses that encourage you in this section of scripture and then write out verse 17.

7. Receiving a promise like this one brings great peace and assurance---if you really have the faith to believe it. How does Jehoshaphat demonstrate that he believes the words of the prophet in the following verses (18-21)?

Vi c t or yc amewhe nt hepe opl ebe gant os i ngandpr ai s e .Theke ywor di s“began.”The Lord intervened when the people acted in a place of faith as they arose early in the morning heading for battle but worshiping in song and praise on the way. 8. Describe what happened because of their singing and praising from verses 23-25.

Beracah means Praise. The Israelites named this valley, the Valley of Blessings. In other words, when the people began blessing the Lord with praise, He blessed them in abundance. We receive blessings when we praise the Lord. Sometimes the blessings are an abundance of joy and peace. Other times, the blessings can be more physically tangible (like in this story). God is so willing to reward the praises of His people, especially when there is an act of faith associated with the praise.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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VICTORY IN THE VALLEYS 9. Can you remember a time that you praised the Lord in the midst of your panic? Describe.

When God steps in, people take notice. We become His witnesses when we allow Him to work through us in difficult circumstances. God is the judge, not us. We need to remember to thank and praise Him for His righteousness and mercy. He has a way of dealing with our enemies. We need to trust Him. 10. Read verses 29-30. What happened to the neighboring countries around Israel? How did they respond to what the Lord had done?

Sometimes we may find ourselves in valleys because we have lost our attitude of praise. If we will maintain a heart of thanksgiving and keep our eyes on the Lord, then we will see Him bless us. God can use even the deepest, darkest circumstances to bring about His miraculous intervention in our lives. Regardless of where you may find yourself today, take note of what J e hos haphatdi d.Fas t ,pr ayands e e kt heLor d’ sc ouns e l .Hewi l lpr ovi def oryou.J us t trust Him and praise Him through the journey.

Š2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23 Psalm 23 is an awesome promise from the Lord, so personal to each of us. God is our Good Shepherd and He knows all about us. He knows that by restoring us back to Him, we will be willing to be led down His path of righteousness. At times, those paths will lead us through valleys of the shadow of death. Most of us hate those paths. Even though the Lord is holding us by the hand, oh, how we resist! It is hard to acknowledge that the God of love is truly leading us through the dark, scary valley. We may even want to blame such terrible circumstances on everything and everyone else instead of submitting to God ourselves. In time, however, we will see that it was only by going through the valley of the shadow of death that the Lord could help us break hurtful habits and behaviors, so that we can receive His peace and rejoice in His love. Ask the Lord today to reveal any areas of your heart that need restoration. Do you feel dull or numb in certain areas of your life? Tell the Lord about those places in your heart where you sense frustration and barrenness. Ask Him to restore them back to Him. Restoration is not always just aboutl i f e ’ sobvi ousi s s ue s ;i tc anbeve r ymuc haboutl i f e ’ sl e s sr e c ogni ze done s . Takeyourt i met or e al l yr e adt hr oughPs al m 23( agai n)andl i s t e nt ot heLor d’ si mpr e s s i onson your heart. The Word of God is the most powerful Word you will read or hear today. God’ sWor dwi l ll e adyout hr ought heval l e ysofl i f e .Pr ayt oHi m ands e e kHi m wi t ha l lofyour heart. Ask Him to breathe new life into your bones and fill you with His Spirit. Ask Him to give you courage and strength in your obedience to Him. And, remember to praise Him in everything and thank Him for His blessings. May God bless you in the valleys and may you grow ever closer to Him all of your days.

©2007Da i l yDi s c i pl e sMi ni s t r i e s , I nc . POBox131780Ca r l s ba d, CA92013. Al l Ri g ht sRe s e r ve d.

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