Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D: Coach, Author, Expansive Thinker Practices15 to Kick-Start Your Destruggle Machine OPEN to greater possibilities. EXPAND your mind. REALIZE you are extraordinary. Plus 6 Super Bonus Practices

LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION: If you are aware and open to insight, you can create an amazing life. There is a knowing inside that is always available to guide you to a better way of living. Your intuition is waiting to be utilized.
FIND YOUR HIGHER SELF: You have a Higher Self that is not bound by ego and personality and that understands what is best for you. This Self is you as a spiritual being, and is your direct link to the Source of all creation. Following your Higher Self moves your life towards more freedom and joy.
HAVE AN OPEN HEART: The best place to begin is with an open heart. Open-hearted people are ahead of the game because they run at a higher vibration level than fear and struggle.
BECOME A LIFE-LONG LEARNER: Are you willing to grow? If so, all of life becomes an opportunity for learning. All struggle becomes a playground for new growth. Being a life-long learner empowers you to keep becoming a richer expression of who you are.
© 2018 Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.
We all struggle at times. That is the nature of being human in the 21st century. Inside we have many resources that can help us move from struggle to a more relaxed and enjoyable life. Use the following 15 practices – including 6 bonus ideas – to kick-start your destruggle machine.
• Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D 2

• Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D 3
GROW LOVING FRIENDSHIPS: Having compassionate friends is a great resource because you can reach out for help and be encouraged beyond your own self-imposed limits. Sometimes what we need the most is support and compassion. Be a friend and nuture friendships.
FIND YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH SOURCE: Your channel to a Higher Power, to Spirit, the Creative Force of the Universe will look differently than anyone else’s. This relationship is worth giving great attention to. Sit and listen in the silence of the moment.
DEVELOP COURAGE WITH INTENTION: Often what is needed is the courage to live with intention, and to commit to moving towards the life you want. The courage of your heart is essential.
BE THE WATCHER: You have an inner capacity to be an observer. You can watch your life as seperate from the drama. This gives you the necessary impartiality to shed light on who you are and what you need to do. This watcher is beyond the mind where it can see what’s true.
CULTIVATE A POSITIVE MIND: When the positive mind runs your life there are many happy moments. A positive mind is supportive, encouraging and free to do what is necessary for the best possible results. Being positive simply works better.
© 2018 Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.
A clear intention sets the course of action and commitment assures results will be created.

BE YOU: Self-acceptance is what you want to have. Anything less is a loss for all humanity. There never was nor will there ever be a better you by just being who you are. The world needs you at your greatess to bring out the best in everyone.
© 2018 Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Taking full responsibility for your life will set you free to be the creator of your own reality. Stop all blame because you have the ability to respond to the world around you, and that makes you an empowered human being.
LIVE YOUR PURPOSE: You have a purpose that is unique to you. Living it will bring you great joy and satisfaction, and leave the world a better place. What purpose are you living by and how have you been exploring and expressing your life in meaningful ways?
PRACTICE MINDFULNESS: The practice of mindfulness is about taking back your mind from the chaos of thoughts that too often run you. Mindfulness is both liberation from destructive self-talk and an opening to the stillness of your deeper knowing.
• Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D 4
COME INTO YOUR FULL EXPRESSION: Do you realize that your potential is unlimited? It is. What are you sensing inside that wants to blossom? Tap into your vast reserves of possibility and bless the world with you coming into your full expression.

• Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D 5
GO EXPLORING: Look at your life. See where you are run by your habits, fears, critical self-talk and family traditions. Stop being run by your past. Do things that are fresh and new for you. Say “no” to the old ways and “yes” to new adventures in living. Bonus Practices 3.2.1.
15.Six Super
ACKNOWELDGE YOUR EMOTIONS: Emotional well-being means you accept and acknowledge all that you feel. There are no good or bad feelings, instead there is simply a feedback system that tells you if you are “on” course (positive feelings) or “off” course (negative feelings). Well-being is the realization and healthy flow of energy in motion – emotion.
FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH: Figure out what beliefs you have about God/Heaven/Hell, about humanity; concerning politics and religion, and toss them all into a huge heap of useless information. Then take the time to go searching for your own truth, not someone else’s idea of what truth is.
SEEK SILENCE: If you want to stir your life into a whirlwind of excitement and experience, take time to hang out with yourself in silence. Turn off the television and the internet, and listen inward. There is an endless supply of interesting things going on inside you if you just take the time to listen.
© 2018 Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.

LIVE IN THE FLOW: Slow down. Stop rushing around and acting like your house is on fire. Let go of worry. Instead relax, be patient and let things come to you. No more fighting upstream, instead learn to flow with the wisdom of nature and flow downstream effortlessly.
• Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D 6
© 2018 Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.
IF YOU ARE FEELING STUCK OR ARE READY TO BECOME EXTRAORDINARY, I CAN HELP. I offer coaching for the purpose of empowering you to create the life you want. This is dynamic work that takes you beyond where you have yet been able to go. Contact me at:
OPEN UP AND HAVE FUN: Whatever else you do from this list, make this one a priority. Stop being so serious about things; lighten up, have fun and enjoy life. Seriousness is terminal. Having fun is a much more alive way of living. Especially watch out for your ego’s pride and the need to be right. These can make you really stuck on yourself. NO MORE APPROVAL SEEKING: Make a commitment today to stop seeking the approval of others. You are not here on this planet to live up to anyone’s expectations. Stop saying “yes” when you want to say “no”. If you really want to feel okay about yourself, you must live according to what you know is right for you.