Blend Presentation

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We make things you’ll love.


Interdisciplinary at heart, Blend is a fresh, fast-growing creative agency for the digital age. Outstanding branding, marketing and communication solutions. No hassles. Our studio is a full-time receptor of emerging international trends. We are a young and diversified team of creative and business minds always seeking to blend aesthetics and technology. By weaving consulting and production, Blend creates an ecosystem of services that encompasses branding, web development, digital marketing, video and photo production, graphic design, art direction, strategic consulting and new media management.










WEB DESIGN #respo n s iv e d e s ign / # fre s h & cutt i ng - ed g e d e si g n / # cre ativ e codin g /# HTML 5 / # C S S 3

# re sp o n s ive design Responsive design allows every type of device to display the website in the most suitable dimensions and layout. The programming of different stylesheets for many different ranges of resolution solves virtually any optimization problem. Different mobile operating systems or new screen sizes will not affect the proper functioning of this dynamic coding approach.

# int erac t ive a p proach We create engaging web-interfaces that entertain your clients while collecting valuable information for your marketing purposes...

# cont ex t- awa re design Blend strives to channel its creative talent within the framework of your industry’s aesthetics. We benchmark your competitors’ brand presence, align your image to the industry and ultimately give it the finish that will make you stand out among others!

VIDEO PRODUCTION # motion grap h ics / # fas h io n / # a d s / #in stitution al v id e os /# e ducat i o na l v i d e os / #info graph ics / # mus ic v ide os / # 3 D r e nd e rs

# m ot ion gra ph ics Turning static illustration into engaging video animation is the strongest way to tell your customers what you are all about.. We help you throughout the whole process, from conceptualising the storyboard to vector design and animation.

#fa sh i on vid e os

#doc ume nt a rie s

#m us i c vide os

#3 D re nde rs

BRANDING # logo de s ign / # infograp hi c s / #g rap h ic de s ign / # p rint / # p hoto g ra p hy

infog raphic s can be al so tu rned into animation

160,000 ne w jobs

# info gra p h ic s 80%

“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your granny” Albert Einstein

Make your numbers

We use infographics to simplify complex sets of data and make them understandable to your target customers!

more appealing !


# lo go de s ign Before we even start designing, the benchmarking process will involve the branding, strategy and design group leaders with the goal of creating a clear picture of the brand’s visual identity. Logo proposals will be developed following different approaches and interpretations to provide a means for discussion and brainstorming with client.

# p rint We are strongly oriented towards the digital world, but we are aware of the beautiful experience of touching and holding something in your hands. Let us decline your brand identity to a compelling catalogue! We promise you’ll get a chance to choose the paper with us...

# p h otogra ph y According to your needs, Blend will art direct or shoot your photographic campaign. Our talented photographers’s expertises range from fashion, to architecture, to product and still life photography.

WEB MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT # SEO / # we b mark etin g st rat e g y / # Social Me d ia man age m e nt

#web marketing Once Marketing and Communication goals have been determined, the process of creating specific campaigns will commence. Some of the campaigns will be more widespread and generic, with the aim of creating brand awareness within your industry. Others will be user or content specific and will reach out to very selected target ranges. This will allow to segment marketing efforts and provide (through campaign reports) detailed information on where to focus SEO and SEM in a second stage. acquired knowledge we will provide you with a tailored social media framework that will coherently serve your project’s development.

#social media management SMM contributes to your company’s growth as long as the social media strategy is correctly applied to the corporate strategy. We will initially interview you in order to gain an understanding of the project in terms of business, strategy, brand, marketing orientation and overall objectives. From the acquired knowledge we will provide you with a tailored social media framework that will coherently serve your project’s development.


w w e n di n g poi nt. com

Production Headquarters Via Marco Perennio 25/b 52100, Arezzo - ITALY Ph: +39 0575 299484

New York City Hub Blendingpoint Inc. 79 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016 Ph: +1 347 23 78 040

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