26 March Blenheim Sun

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Today 7-18

Thursday 8-20

79 Aerodrome Road, Blenheim

Blenheim Marlborough

March 26, 2014

Sun Weather

½ price for locals with ID!

Friday 10-24

Saturday 10-23

Outlook for Today Mostly sunny. Light winds.


call us on: 5777 868

‘One grape is too many’

Police crackdown on loose loads By Kristy Martin Harvest drivers are being warned to secure their loads or face a maximum $2000 fine following eight spills in Blenheim in one week. The police Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit is cracking down on operators who fail to comply with the law when it comes to grape spills, which they say is both dangerous and costly to clean up. “We have zero tolerance when it comes to load security,” said acting Senior Sergeant Mike Moloney of the South Island CVIU. “One grape falling off is too much. “ The warning comes one month after police met with truck drivers, the New Zealand Transport Agency and wine growers to outline the legislation and plead for a smooth harvest. Continued page 2 Eddie Te Boekhorst, authorised officer for the police Commercial Vehicles Investigation Unit, checks the licence and log book of a Heagney Brothers truck delivering grapes for Mud House Wines. No breaches were detected.


The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

How to reach us

Les Whiteside

Katrina Whiteside


(03) 5777-868 E-mail

news@blenheimsun.co.nz sales@blenheimsun.co.nz ads@blenheimsun.co.nz

Address 72 High St, Blenheim P.O.Box 634 Blenheim

Fax (03) 5777-863

Locals dress for the pests By Adam Poulopoulos Marlburians flocked to Picton on the weekend with pests in tow for the second annual Pestival. The Pestival was held at the Waitohi domain on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Many Pestival goers dressed as pests, brought along a dead pest or learned about pests. Several conservation speakers attended the event, along with representatives from both the Marlborough Falcon Trust and EcoWorld Picton, who bought a falcon and a tuatara. Live entertainment was provided throughout the day, and food and drink vendors were on hand to re-energise the Pestivalgoers. Aiden Gane, 13, of Spring Creek, was the winner of the ‘most pests’ category, bringing a haul of 15 including 11 rabbits, one hare, two possums and a ferret. Festival director Jo O’Connell said she was delighted with the turnout, which saw 600 people come through the gate. The festival also coincided with the first birthday of the Kaipupu Point Wildlife Sanctuary. All funds raised from the Pestival are being put towards pest eradication on the peninsula. Conservationists are anticipating a

Pestival director Jo O'Connell celebrates Kaipupu Point's first birthday.

Nev and son Aiden Gane with their pest haul.

high beech seed count this autumn, which will lead to a increase in the pest population. Ms O’Connell said the aim was to restore Kaipupu Point to the state it

was in when English naturalist Sir Joseph Banks discovered the area on-board the Endeavour. “It builds community spirit and it’s educational - these wee kids are

becoming conscious of the issues. “If we don’t do anything our kids won’t know what a fantail or bellbird is. “If we can make Kaipupu Point predator-free the birdsong will be amazing.” She said the Pestival was a celebration, but doubled as a call for assistance. “Kaipupu Point is an amazing public asset and if we all pitch in we can protect it.”



Zero tolerance for loose loads over harvest Continued from page 1 “We’ve had eight spills in the last week and that’s just unacceptable,” said Warren Newbury, officer in charge of the South Island CVIU, who spoke at the meeting in Riverlands with hundreds of wine industry representatives in attendance. A couple of spills have occurred at the Weld Pass, south of town, one on Alabama Road, one at the Bells Road roadworks and one at the Main Street and SH1 roundabout, in which 60 square metres of grapes were lost. Wayne Oldfield of Marlborough Roads said the cost of the cleanup was between $350 and $500

per spillage. “Ultimately that comes from the ratepayers,” he said. While police are taking the hard stance, one vineyard owner claims her staff received a $600 fine for two loose grapes and described the behaviour as “over the top”. John Bond, regional representative for the Road Transport Association New Zealand said he was looking into the incident. “I will challenge things I believe are unreasonable and unjust,” he said. But Snr Sgt Moloney stands by the zero tolerance

stance. “It’s not a matter of the police jumping on the poor transport operators who are just there to get the harvest in. “It’s about compliance. “The Marlborough harvest has probably been the most troublesome for us because a lot of the grapes pass through town. “We understand the operators are frustrated, but it’s in their hands to make it right by using vehicles fit for purpose.”


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The Sun 18,535 copies. The largest circulating newspaper in Marlborough.

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

Submission deadline nears

By Adam Poulopoulos The deadline for council submissions regarding the Psychoactive Substances Bill is two days away, with Councillors calling for the public to take more action. The Marlborough District Council has been formulating a plan to restrict where vendors can sell legal highs. With deadline fast approaching, 180 public submissions have been made. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday, March 28, and a hearing on the issue is scheduled for April 7. Currently two vendors in the CBD, Boots ‘n’ All and Tiger Takeaways, sell the drugs. Drug Arm’s Roy Ramsey has been on the street collecting submissions. He said he hoped the CBD outlets would be moved “into a back street somewhere” or near the sewerage settling ponds. “Let’s put all this stuff together. It’s the same sort of material. “This stuff is absolute garbage.” Councillor Jessica Bagge said it was easier to affect the process before a policy had been formed. “We need submissions. We



The Sun

Shellfish still banned

Drug Arm's Roy Ramsey.

need people to know what we’re thinking otherwise the hearing panel will just think its a storm in a teacup.” She said having stores retailing the drugs in town was “mad.” “Marlborough Girls College students get every second Thursday off, and tourists walk through the centre of town. “There’s no medical research to say these drugs are safe. Some

Shellfish taken from Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel are still unsafe to eat due to the toxin that can cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Nelson Marlborough Medical Officer of Health Dr Ed Kiddle advised people not to eat kina, mussels, pipi, tuatua, oysters and cockles harvested from affected areas. “Test results from the end of last week showed that levels of the toxinproducing algae were still elevated and this means the shellfish are likely to make people sick.” The situation was still being monitored, Dr Kiddle said. “Cooking affected shellfish does not remove the toxin.”

station bank traffic shops


road right home sit steady

people I’ve met have had such a fright. “You realise this stuff is bad for you and try something else, or you get addicted before you can change.” She said without action, four or more retailers in town could end up selling them. On the other side of the coin, Tiger Takeaways owner Jimi Henry said customers should be

allowed to have a choice. “It stops the black market side of it. It stops people paying gangsters and stuff for drugs. “Not everyone drinks alcohol, which is promoted as an acceptable substance in our community. “At least this way its taxed and tested safe. “It’s a better way.”

stay kerb


relaxA 34-year-old down forward Dutch woman was wait

leave itcome

Cyclist injured

flown to hospital with moderate danger stand head and pelvic injuries as a result

busy busy play

left crossing no car

of a fall from a mountain bike in the upper Awatere Valley last week. The cyclist fell while riding on a gravel road about 2.30pm last Thursday. The woman was assessed by the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter before being flown to Nelson Hospital for further care.

pavement Sewage spill in Havelock, Muddy Buddy cancelled By Adam Poulopoulos Effluent overflow from the Havelock sewer power station into the harbour was caused by a miscommunication between the Marlborough District Council and power company Marlborough Lines. It is estimated less than 10 cubic metres of effluent went into the estuary, at the end of Rangitane Drive, last Saturday morning. Marlborough Lines were undertaking a scheduled power outage to undertake maintenance work, but did not notify the Council. With the power off and no backup generator provided, the liquid leaked into the harbour.

The pump station alarm was sounded at side of caution had been made. 11:30am on Saturday, and the power was “It’s not a recreational swimming area. restarted at 12:20. We’ve talked to public health groups and Marlborough District Council operations Sportsleep Tasman and the public health groups and maintenance engineer Stephen Rooney warned not to hold it this weekend. said the liquid overflow ran through two wet “Human effluent has the potential to shake wells and dissipated. contain whatever disease contained in that Council personnel were out at the sitesit on community, which is why we’ve taken the Monday checking for any residual sewage. cautious approach.” The sewage spill has led to the postponeMr Rooney said the marine environment ment of this weekend’s Muddy Buddy event would not be affected by what was a relaby organiser Sport Tasman. tively small spill. The event will now take place on Sunday, Discussions between the Council and May 11. Marlborough Lines over the communication Mr Rooney said the decision to err on the breakdown are ongoing.


fetch chase

station bank traffic shops


road right home sit steady

stay kerb


relax down forward wait

leave itcome



busy busy play

left crossing no car




shake fetch



Tender changes hands Metallic Sweeping will be taking over the management of much of Marlborough’s rubbish collection later in the year. They take over the tender from Earthcare Environmental on July 1. The contract collection covers both Blenheim and Picton. Earthcare Environmental also placed a tender offer, but lost out.

Guide dogs have a bit more going on than your average pup. That’s why Bayleys have been helping them for 10 years.

Guide dogs have ayear,bit more going For the 110 puppies that start training every becoming a Blind Foundation Guide on Dog is no walk in the park. They must pass 55 tests and take many steps before they than your pup. are ready to leave schoolaverage and provide independence for someone with impaired sight. That’s why Bayleys have been helping them for 10 years.

Bayleys is proud to have been the principal sponsor of the Blind Foundation Guide Dog

Forprogramme the 110 puppies start training year, becoming a Blind Foundation Guide Dogthan is no walk for athat decade. In that every time we have fundraised and contributed more in the They must to pass 55 with teststhe andbreeding take manyand steps beforeof they arelife ready to leavedogs. school and 2.5park. million dollars help training these changing provide independence for someone with impaired sight.

Ten years on,towe are been morethe passionate than ever supporting the Blind Bayleys is proud have principal sponsor of about the Blind Foundation Guide Dog programme for Foundation Dogs and making aand difference to the lives of 2.5 New Zealand’s blind a decade. In thatGuide time we have fundraised contributed more than million dollars to help with theand breeding and training of these life changing dogs. low vision community. Ten years on, we are more passionate than ever about supporting the Blind Foundation Guide Dogs Bayleys Team will be collecting this Fridayblind 28thand for The Guidecommunity. Dogs Appeal andThe making a difference to the lives of New Zealand’s low vision

Guide dogs have a bit more going on


The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014 W h e n o n ly t h e b e s t W i l l d o !

Mr Whippy turns 50

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it’s not just for kids. As the nights go on older people buy too. “It’s a good feeling. When you give people ice cream they’ll take a bite before giving you the change.” He said the milestone’s significance could not be underestimated. “This is a monumental moment. Fifty years is quite special” The celebrations also mark a year manning the ice cream machine for Len. He and wife Robyn bought the Marlborough franchise a year ago from Dave and Lapu Oliver a year ago. Before Dave and Lapu acquired the franchise in 2003 it was based in Tasman, and only serviced Marlborough on the odd occasion.

Flaxbourne show day a hit

71 Market St BlenheiM

o get t e r u Be s soon! one

By Adam Poulopoulos Mr Whippy is celebrating its 50th by giving away ice creams on Saturday, but you have to get in quick! Mr Whippy Marlborough will be at Pollard Park from 1pm-2:30pm, and at Oliver Park between 2:45 and 3:30. He will be giving away 250 ice creams for a gold coin donation, with proceeds going to the Child Cancer Foundation. Mr Whippy has also launched a new ice cream flavour, Mr Whippy Gold, for the celebrations. The franchise will be giving away 20,000 ice creams across the country. L e n Sh aw, a k a M r W h ip py Marlborough, said Mr Whippy bought a “feel-good factor” to the region. “When you’re going around selling

Story and photos by Celeste Lodewyk Walking through the gates to Sunday’s Flaxbourne A&P Show in Ward I was immediately greeted with a huge crowd of people enjoying what was on offer. There were children excitedly pulling their parents towards the show rides, spectators lined along the equestrian area, people shopping at the trade stalls and roars of encouragement coming from the shearing competition stage. Organisers of the annual show were pleased with crowd numbers with over 1500 tickets sold at the gate, a number up on last year. “It all seemed to run smoothly and we had a lot of trade visitors this year which really helped make the show what it was. “The new poultry display was a hit, the helicopter rides were again very popular and although our motorised couch competition didn’t run this year, everything came together and made the day successful,” said a spokesperson. The shearing event which began on

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Saturday night ended on a high note at the show with shearers from all over the world taking out top positions. Organiser Don Moore, who himself competed said 21 entries were received making the competition high and was thankful to the judges for their support. Shearing finals results: Farmers Section: 1st Don Moore, 2nd Matthew Thompson, 3rd Barry Landcaster Junior Shearing: 1st Joel Richards (Oamaru), 2nd Duncan Higgins (Havelock), 3rd Matthew Kyle (Northern Ireland), 4th Sarah Higgins (Havelock) Intermediate: 1st Joseph Stephens (Ireland), 2nd Aaran Booker (Ward), 3rd Scott Clark (Taranaki) Senior: 1st Rowan Nesbit (Rangiora), 2nd Mike Wickliffe (Seddon), 3rd Jason Chapman (Ward) Open: 1st Chris Jones (Waihopai), 2nd Shaun Burgess (Rakaia), 3rd Richard Sampey (Blenheim), 4th Frank Bint (Tapawera) More photos on page 14

The bumper cars were a huge hit judging by the smiles of those driving.

Guiding light to be tested By Adam Poulopoulos Luminous lighting designed by a Marlborough man will be tested to see if it can help illuminate the town centre. Carlin Martin, of Glowcoatings Marlborough, spent over three years creating the product, a paint, by blending local and imported products. It will be placed on a 1.7 kilometre stretch on the Taylor River path between the Hutcheson Street Bridge and Beaver Road to trial its effectiveness. He will put markings down in the next three or four weeks. Mr Martin said the lighting was “unlike anything else in New Zealand.” “Basically, it lasts forever,” he said. The product, aqua-blue in colour, can glow for up to 15 hours, and it is resistant to abrasion, fire, solvents and water. It is non-toxic, and can be charged in ten minutes. Mr Martin has discussed the idea with the Marlborough District Council and other groups for the last eighteen months, hoping to improve safety awareness. “In a major event, where back-up power systems fail, luminous lighting in stairwells and other exit areas would assist with safe evacuation by providing instant illumination.” Mr Martin said the product could be used in a variety of situations, from steps to driveways, in wineries and on the back of trucks. He is open to feedback on the product’s application. Marlborough District Council reserves and ameni-

Carlin Martin is looking forward to starting work on the Taylor River Walkway.

ties officer Robert Hutchinson said the Council would monitor the product through the year, with the view to possibly using it in the future. He said the Taylor River path provided an ideal testing ground. “On the path there is a large amount of latent light from houses, the moon and street lamps, but it has no lamps of its own. “We’ll put it in darker areas to help people find their way home.”

The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014


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By Kristy Martin Blenheim’s newest eatery, The Yard Bar and Bistro, will open its doors this Friday night. The old Secret Garden premises, on Maxwell Road, has been taken over and transformed by owners of The Depot café, Joe and Diana Johnstone. Joe says The Yard Bar will offer patrons a casual entertaining and dining experience at an affordable price. “We’re going for a very casual atmosphere. I want everyone to feel welcome,” he said. The venue features a large al fresco dining area surrounded by lush gardens. A dozen staff members have been hired for kitchen and front of house, while gardening, electrical and building work has been completed by local contractors.

Used car selection

Police inbrief Fake fundraiser

A woman who went door knocking in Blenheim claiming to be fundraising for a sick son went on to steal from the householders when they went to get money, police say. The 31-year-old unemployed woman was arrested in Westhaven Place on Friday evening and charged with four burglaries, two thefts and obtains by deception. The burglaries related to her going to houses and claiming to be seeking sponsorship for her son and while the house holder was busy she took medication and small, easy to carry items. The woman was again arrested at 3.10pm the following day and charged with a further four burglaries and breaching her police bail conditions. She was held in custody to appear in the Blenheim District Court on Monday.

Female fight At 1.30pm on Friday, a 20-year-old unemployed female was arrested for a historic assault where she had punched another woman in the head while out in town the weekend before. She received a pre-charge warning and was released.

20/02/14 2:11 PM

Joe, former owner of Figaros and Zuppa, has had his sights on the venue for a number of years after recognising its ‘huge potential’. “We’ve just installed a new pizza oven. “We’re also hoping to do a craft beer each month and team it up with premium game, especially coming into winter. “We’ve already got six functions booked. “It’s the perfect function venue and *Offer *Offer ends ends 30th 30th April April 2014. 2014. For For full full terms terms can fit well in excess of 100 people.” and and conditions conditions visit visit our our website. website. Meals will be priced between $12-19 toyota.co.nz/greatoffers toyota.co.nz/greatoffers for lunch and $19-25 for dinner, with pizzas available for $10-24. The official opening will be held this TOY4313_Q1_TDA_VB_50x160mm_v3.indd TOY4313_Q1_TDA_VB_50x160mm_v3.indd 1 1 16/12/13 16/12/13 6:47 6:47 PM PM Friday night, with a complimentary 2013 ToyoTa Hilux 2wd 3.0Td d/C uTe 5M 2013 ToyoTa HiaCe 3.0Td Zl Van5 4a 3 2012 ToyoTa 86 Check out the value here! Hilux 2wd double cab YES it’s manual! This car is so fun to drive, SeaTeR drink on arrival between 5pm-7pm, with 17” alloys, deck liner, sports bar and towbar. NZ new 5 door (dual side sliding) Hiace ZL van, 3 motoring reviews the world over have raved about live music from 6.30pm and antipasto Great looking truck complete with bluetooth audio litre*Offer the handling and dynamics of the Toyota 86 but diesel auto 30th complete with cargo barrier, fire 2014. For full terms *Offer ends ends 30th April April 2014. fullcommercial terms with music streaming, cruise control, ABS braking all the reading in the world doesn’t compare to extinguisher, towbar, window tintsFor and plates and pizzas throughout the night. and and conditions conditions visit visit our our website. website.

Damage and assault

At 2.45am on Saturday a 22-yearold tyre retreader was arrested at a Parker St address and charged with wilful damage and assaulting a female. He was held in custody and appeared the court that morning. After being bailed from the court he returned to the address and wilfully damaged the property again. He was arrested and held in custody to re-appear in the Blenheim District Court this morning.

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Trespass warning An 18-year-old male labourer was arrested in Milton Terrace in Picton for trespass. The man was extremely intoxicated and when asked to leave a property he refused. He was arrested about 9.50pm on Saturday and released when sober with a pre-charge warning.

Work breach At 10.30pm on Saturday a 20-year-old male vineyard worker was arrested for breaching his community work. He was held in custody to appear in the Blenheim District Court.

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

Sun readers have their say... with the WORD on the Street. Q: Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?

Cheryl Gibbins Blenheim

Heather Anderson Blenheim

Faye Dorlea Sydney

Maria Martin Blenheim

Geena Nicholls Blenheim

Michael Jones while he was playing for the All Blacks. His mother’s sister lives here. I’ve seen him here a number of times.

Margot Fonteyn, the famous ballet dancer. When I was in Porto, Portugal, she and Nureyev came and danced there.

Stephen Larkham. I was living in Canberra and ran past Brumbies training. I bumped into him and said hello!

I met Prince Charles the last time he was here at Anakiwa. Two of my children and I had a walk with him.

Probably Dan Carter. I play hockey and so did his wife. The meeting was kind of accidental.

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Porkies on Possums? Dear Ed, Marlborough is to get 1080 poison top-dressed over our lands (conservation land) this year. TB-Free NZ is to drop it. DOC agrees. I believe Tb-Free and DOC reckon there are 70 million possums. They have been saying that for 30 years. But I don’t see any road kills on highways. If there are still 70 million, something is not working or has DOC counted them? If they haven’t, what a big, fat porky on possums. Frank Henry

Letters to the editor Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to

abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or e mail them to news@ blenheimsun.co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Contracting waste Dear Ed, What a lot of rubbish Mr Wheeler of council went to reply to a letter about contractors digging a hole in the Taylor River. Does he think it is going to make that much difference? I think it is a waste. Contractors are getting a good chunk of ratepayers’ money. You can see lots of extravagant work going on. I will not mention the parking

building or theatre or roundabout by Council. I know it is state highway but the pipes and diggers just past Grovetown and the road works at Bell’s Road. Oh Yeah, the taxpayer will pay. Don’t remind me of the waste at Old Renwick Road and Jackson Road with the poor old oak struggling. I suppose it does not matter. Ratepayers fork out. Contractors smile. Cynic

Robin Corbishley Napier Roger Whittaker, the singer. I bumped into him in a restaurant in Christchurch, having a meal.

automatically with your SmartFuel Card at Caltex Main Street! Free cards available instore *$40 minimum fuel purchase required

Sexual assaults Dear Ed, I would like to know why a 68 year old man only gets 23 months jail for sexually assaulting a child, while a man sexually assaulting a drunk woman gets nearly six years? Shouldn’t there be more consistancy with judges ruling? How frustrating for the families involved and for the Police who are charged with the responsibility of keeping these creeps away from our community. Where’s the justice?

Martin Kenny Appeal Dear Ed, To the wonderful people who so kindly and generously donated toward Martin Kenny’s children visiting their dad when Martin was in Auckland Hospital recovering from his double lung transplant. It was so very much appreciated. The family will share Martin’s progress through the Sun Newspaper at a later date. Thank you all you wonderful people. Erica Sprosen.

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Dear Ed, Council’s draft policy and the alternatives as published were generally felt to be clear, but the Association considers Council to have been negligent in making clear the alternative to the adoption of the draft policy, that this would mean the unregulated sale of these “legal highs.” On this basis, the Association considers that the Public have been poorly consulted under the requirements for clear, concise and full consultation required by the Local Government Act and that further advertising in the media is urgently required before closing submissions on the subject. We feel strongly that those submissions already with Council may inadvertently call for a total ban on the introduction of psychoactive substances without due consideration having been given to the alternative position Council and the communities Council serves would be placed in. Deedee Bancroft Chairperson On Behalf of the Blenheim Residents & Ratepayers Association

The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014


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Wednesday March 26, 2014

one on one with the Sun

The Sun

Living the sweet life With painstaking care and a pinch of patience, Renwick woman Jill Newman makes ‘sugar art for cakes’ and tells Kristy Martin about the process.

Jill Newman with a collection of the sugar art flowers she makes for the top of cakes.

Take one look at Jill Newman’s flowers and you’d swear they were real. On closer inspection, you might come to the conclusion they’re fake, but you would never guess they were made out of sugar. Jill is a member of the Marlborough Cake Decorators’ Guild and creates beautiful, lifelike floral arrangements for cakes. The process involves making a sugar paste, which turns out a similar texture to Play-Doh and is cut, shaped and glued to resemble the parts of a flower. It can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, but it is one that Jill has come to love. And her ability has bloomed, just like one of her edible flowers. In November, she will be one of four demonstrators at the New Zealand Cake Decorators’ Guild’s national conference held in Whangarei – the largest sugarcraft event of the year. Jill’s passion for floral cake art began back

in 2010, when a friend dragged her along to a meeting of the Marlborough Cake Decorators’ Guild. Soon after, she began working on her first sugar flowers. Within two years, Jill was showcasing her skills at a national cake decorating demonstration in Tauranga. To understand how to craft realistic flowers, the married mum of two pulls real flowers apart and puts them back together again. She then experiments with cutters and creates patterns from plastic sheets for the various pieces. Jill has also had to learn flower arrangement to ensure her creations are as realistic as possible. Once the flowers are dry, they are dusted with icing powder, which gives them further colour and depth. Although some pieces have taken “ages and ages and ages”, including her first gerberas

that made her cry with frustration, she has decided that anything in life is only hard until you’ve learned how to do it. “It’s the learning how to do it that’s the hard part,” she explains. “I don’t find it hard (now) because I love to do it.” Jill, originally from the UK, completed her chef’s qualification but never worked in the industry (she was put off by the ‘long, unsociable hours’) and has also been employed as a nursery school teacher, dental assistant and office receptionist. She moved to New Zealand with husband Barry in 2007. After constantly finding icing sugar all over the house, the couple decided to build Jill a specialised studio where she now rolls, cuts, pokes and prods her sugar paste as she sees fit. “Some weeks I don’t do any. “If I get frustrated I just go and take the dog out for a big walk and it just goes away.


“I mainly do it for wedding cakes and celebration cakes, but I also take classes.” Jill has taught classes with REAP Marlborough and helped a number of women create unique wedding cakes, as well as doing demonstrations for Garden Marlborough. “I just love seeing the look on people’s faces when they’ve done a good job,” she says. Branching out from her usual flowers and butterflies, she once created an impressive gardener’s harvest basket full of edible fruit and vegetables that was showcased at a demonstration day in Waitakere. She also sends some of her creations overseas for international weddings. Jill’s next step is establishing a Facebook page to promote her art and show her flowers to a wider audience. The Marlborough Cake Decorators’ Guild meets at the Salvation Army Rooms in Blenheim from 7pm on the second Monday of each month. Everybody is welcome.

The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014



June, July and August are our official winter months, but for Marlborough residents there are many tasks to take care of before their woodburners and heatpumps are fired up. From stocking up the woodshed through to carrying out safety checks and installing fire alarms, here is some information to help you to prepare your home for winter.

Retrofit double glazing Keep warm and dry this winter

Home insulation scheme Kiwi Insulation has partnered with the Marlborough District Council to participate in the MDC Insulation Scheme, a service offered to all ratepayers to help make their homes warmer and healthier. Home insulation has become a very important factor for Marlborough homes, and as the cost of electricity escalates it has become essential that homeowners look at ways to save energy. If you have an older home or are thinking about renovations you should consider adding quality insulation.

It might also be that the old insulation in your home is insufficient therefore you will need a reputed contractor to both remove and replace the existing insulation. This is where Kiwi Insulation and the MDC can help. The MDC has devised a nine year payment plan for ratepayers which will appear on homeowners rates bills. To find out if you are eligible and to make an application, contact the MDC on 03 520 7400.

Electrical WOF Like most things, your home’s electrics have an expiry date. Continuous usage over the years can deteriorate your electrics and cause them to become dangerous fire hazards. This is something many home occupiers fail to think of until it’s too late and a fire has started. It is a good idea to have your electrics checked at


least every 10 years by a qualified electrician. If you are renting your landlord should organise to have them checked, something which could be recorded in the tenancy agreement. Having an electrical certificate or report will also be handy when taking out rental and home insurance.

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Double glazing Double glazing your windows or doors is a great way to save energy and minimise noise. But there are some things that you need to know to ensure that your double glazing is as effective as possible. What are Double Glazed Windows? Double glazed windows are windows that have two glass panels in the same frame, separated by a small space that is filled with either air or a nontoxic gas. Benefits of Double Glazed Windows There are several benefits to using double glazed windows in your home. Perhaps the most significant is the insulation properties. Double glazed reduce the loss of heat from the home in the winter and the innermost panel of the glass is closer to room temperature. This means that anyone sitting near a window will feel much more comfortable. Also, if you have an efficient heating system in your home, double glazing is important as it will prevent heat loss. In summer, double glazing will stop heat from entering the home, as it

helps to reduce the amount of radiated heat gain. Generally, the insulation properties of double glazing are so great that you may save a significant amount on your heating or cooling bills. Double glazed windows and doors are also great for reducing the amount of ambient noise that enters your home. This is great if you live on a busy street, under a flight path, or generally just want more peace and quiet in your home. If you are replacing your old windows and are worried that you may not be able to get double glazed windows to match your old windows, don’t be. There is a huge range of double glazed windows and almost any style or type of window should be available. Talk to your local professional glass specialist for more information about your requirements.

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014



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How many smoke alarms do you have? You hear about it on television, you read about it in the newspapers but how many of you actually have the correct number of working fire alarms in your home? It’s a harsh but necessary message; “If you don’t have a working smoke alarm and there’s a fire while you and your family are sleeping - consider yourself dead!” Blenheim Chief Fire Officer Rob Dalton says it’s an issue that is talked about frequently, particularly heading into winter where heating will be used, but still there are homes with insufficient or no smoke alarms. “In a typical three bedroom home there should be at least five smoke alarms, one in each bedroom, one in the lounge/dining/kitchen area and one in the hallway. “I also recommend that people install long-life photoelectric smoke alarms and annually test them to see if they need a new battery. “These are slightly more expensive but they provide a minimum of 10 years smoke detection and pay for themselves in that time,” he says. When using a woodburner, heatpump or other form of heating, it’s important to make sure all filters are clean, all electric blankets have been tested and are safe to use, all chimneys are swept, the wood being burned is dry and heaters have at least one metre clearance around them. Rob also reminds people to have an escape plan in place with a safe meeting point that all members of the household are aware of.

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014



Woodburner regulations So you have an existing woodburner in your home, or are looking to purchase a new model and have it installed in time for winter? Did you know that all new woodburners are required to meet national environmental standards (NES), as set out by the Ministry for the Environment’s air quality regulations? The best advice would be to contact your local supplier of woodburners to find out whether yours still meets these standards. They can carry out a safety check on your woodburner and flue, repair it or advise on whether it needs to be replaced. In the case that your woodburner is no longer suitable or even safe to use in your home, they provide information on replacement options to suit your needs and the size of your home.

The New Zealand Home Heating Association has said that woodburners typically have a 15-20 year lifespan, so if you are unsure about your woodburner contact your local supplier today.

Do’s and don’ts of using a wood burner

Pre telre n i W SA PrIl

We can help you with:

Do - Place wood loosely in your woodburner with plenty of air circulating around it to keep the flame burning bright. Don’t - Don’t close off all air to the fire or let it smoulder as this produces a lot of smoke Do - Make sure your flue and cowl are in good working order, have the flue swept annually Don’t - Don’t let creosote build-up in the flue.


55 Grove Road, Blenheim • Phone: 578 5950







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Do - Check your woodburner complies with the Ministry for the Environment standards Don’t - Don’t use old heaters that are inefficient Do - Burn only dry seasoned and untreated wood Don’t - Don’t burn green, moist or treated wood or rubbish as it produces more smoke and more air pollution



The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

For all your plumbing requirements Specialists in solar hot water and heat pump hot water Underfloor heating systems Radiator Systems Installer


PH: 577 9278 or visit www.mph.co.nz

VENROOY: Scott Venrooy, Tracey McKenzie, Scarlett and Arabella are very proud to welcome Max (6lb 1oz) into our family. He was born on March 17, 2014 at Wairau Hospital. Thanks to Janine, Carmen and the awesome theatre staff. HAYMES: Ange, Trav and big sister Holly are proud to announce the safe arrival of Chelsea Cherie (9lb 3oz) born March 17, 2014 at 7:39pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to Angela White and all the lovely maternity staff at Ward One.

ROBASTI: Maria and Lucas are proud to announce the safe arrival of their first baby, Margarita (3.750kg) born March 24, 2014 at 4am at Wairau Hospital. Big thanks to the whole team of midwives in Maternity, you were all great!

BUTT: Michelle, Alister and big brother Jack are proud to announce the safe arrival of William James Butt (8lb 2oz) born March 17, 2014 at 10:11pm at Wairau Hospital. A big thank you to Cathy Middleton, the theatre team and all the wonderful midwives and staff at Maternity.

RICE: Raewyn and Darrel are thrilled to announce the arrival of Alexia (Lexi) Paige (9lb 4oz) on March 21, 2014 at 12:52pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to Shona Wills and all the amazing staff in Ward One. Mum and bub doing well.

MuM OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Michelle Butt this week’s lucky winner of the New World $25 voucher to spend at New World Blenheim. Our winner is invited to bring her ID in to claim her prize when she next visits New World Blenheim.

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Scott Price & Vicki Schroder were married by Carol Taylor on the February 22, 2014 in Laurelles beautiful garden at Tuamarina. Scott is the second son of Mike and Laurelle and Vicki is the only daughter of Roger & Debbie. PLEASE NOTE Wairau Hospital Maternity Ward visiting hours are: DAILY at 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014


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Total Live in Care Local woman Jacqui Mitchell has always been a naturally caring person, a virtue that launched her into an early career in the health sector as a carer. Her first paid job was serving afternoon tea in a resthome after school at age 13, and now years later she owns and operates her business Total Live in Care. "Having worked in health for 35 years including in the UK as a private live in personal carer, I set about to provide this service within Marlborough. "I have always found it very satisfying and rewarding and for me personally it's an inner gift, something that's just there and isn't forced. I truly love my work," she smiles. Total Live in Care was set up five years ago providing private comprehensive respite and palliative care within the familiar environment of a person's own home. It is Jacqui's belief that it's important for the main carer to take a regular break to replenish their own physical and mental strength to enable them to continue caring in a loving and effective way. "Taking that first step to do this is often quite daunting, so it's my goal to make the process as comfortable and relaxing for all involved," she says.

Total Live In Care was designed to complement existing care agencies and support services in Marlborough while offering the unique service of having Jacqui stay hours, days, weeks or even months in the home providing care. "Taking a person out of their home to be cared for while their main carer has a break can be challenging and overwhelming, not only for the person needing care but for their main support person also. "This is where I come in. I go into their home as a friend and care for their loved one as they would themselves, with the same concern and compassion so there is as little change as possible to the daily routine," she says. Jacqui will meet with those requiring assistance in their home to discuss their needs and spend a few hours getting to know them and the home structure. "I have never met a family I haven't got along with, it's very rewarding work and I've formed some great relationships with clients and their families. "It's such a blessing and so rewarding to be able to care so totally for people in their own homes. I love every minute of what I do."

Clients who are assessed as eligible for MOH funded Respite care are able to use that subsidy with Total Live in Care. Jacqui works with or around any agency carers already in place to cover clients needs, and in the case of palliative care, she works in with Hospice support and other health care professionals as necessary. Total Live in Care receives support and referrals from all the health providers in Marlborough. For more information or to talk to Jacqui, she welcomes people to phone her anytime. 198104



• Support services for people diagnosed with cancer • Information & support for partners, families & friends • Education to promote prevention and early detection of cancer Email: marlcaso@xtra.co.nz Website: www.cancersoc.org.nz Forum Building, Market Street, Blenheim, or Ph: 03 579 4379 Fax: 03 579 4381 Hours 9am - 4:30pm Mon to Fri

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Wednesday March 26, 2014

The Sun

out & about

Flaxbourne A&P Show The Flaxbourne A&P Show was held in Ward on Sunday.

 Rochelle Clark (8) enjoying show entertainment.

 Rose Harper and Claire Smith on the bumper cars.

 Connor Jobe (3) on the Merry Go Round.

Picton Pestival

 Mitchell Sigmund enjoyed the tractor and mower display.

Locals dressed as pests and even brought their own to the annual Pestival in Picton on Saturday.

 Lily Coker, 5, Jamie Cunningham, 8, and Sophie Coker, 7.

s to  Oriana Edwards, 9, trie cket. bu a o int t pes throw a toy

Eastern States Speedway

finch, 2, Charli  Cousins and siblings: Jackson Gold Goldfinch, 5, and am Willi Gibbs, 4, George Goldfinch, 6, g. alon aby wall a ght Jed Gibbs, 2, brou

 The tigers, Emma Anderson, 3, and Georgie Fissender, 3

There was a strong turnout for the latest round of Speedway at Eastern States on Saturday night.

8, tty, 7, and Emma Watty,  Cousins Charlotte Wa . dressed for the occasion

Eva Johnson, 7, and  Riley Brophy, 6, Luca Johnson, 4, s and enjoy the action. sign r Imogen Brophy, 8, display thei

 Trey Kelling, 14, and Sha wn Pomeroy, 14, drove ministocks later in the nig ht.

Any of our “out & about” photos can be purchased at the Sun Newspaper office. NILE STREET WEST Rutherford Hotel


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The Sun

community notices Blenheim Healing Rooms - open on Saturday 29 March 11am to 1pm (instead of April 5) Stonewood Homes Office, 68 High St. Free Christian healing prayers available to anyone. Phone 578 9704. Family/Whanau - for information/advocacy/support for families living with mental illness/addictions please contact– Supporting Families in Mental Wellbeing - Cheryl or Lyn on 577 5491 or visit us at 4 Scott Street.

Havelock Lions - Market Day 29 March at Havelock Domain, Neal Street 9am - 1pm Sites available ring Ian 574 2558. Housie - Thursday 7pm Blenheim Bowling

Wednesday March 26, 2014 The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $10.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office at 72 High Street, Blenheim

take up your cause to ensure your rights are respected, listen to your concerns and support you in the actions you want to take to gain resolution. Ph: 5795304 or call at Level 2, Aorere House, 54 Scott St.

Molesworth & Rainbow Station - 2 day trip. March 29th/30th. Bookings essential. Ph Marlborough Museum 578 1712 for details. Cost $10 per member $15 non members. Other costs for road toll and accommodation.

The Blue Door is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm. Saturday 9.00am - 2pm. Item surplus to your requirements we would gladly accept. We can deliver. Phone 579 4353.

Sheets ‘n’ Things good used linen for sale! Open Monday to Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm at Bread of Life, 14b Stephenson Street (opp Boys College) Phone: 577-5423.

The Hospice Shop, Redwoodtown. With the change of seasons we have a good range of autumn and winter clothing in both our shops. 78 Cleghorn Street, Redwoodtown.

community services

Al-Anon: Help for families & friends of alcoholics.

Wairau Hospital campus, after 6pm. Reception 520 6377. Office 520 9980.

Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 579 4870. After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy 9am-6pm, 7 days. Ph 5782271. Diabetes Marlborough Inc: 5775549, Office hours 9am-3pm, Monday - Friday Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543354, 24hr helpline.

Marlborough Women's Refuge, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre: Crisis line, phone Wairau Hospital 520 9999, for Women's Refuge contact numbers. Overeaters Anonymous: For more information. Ph 570 5137 Alcoholics Anonymous: Rose 5777651, Harvey 5788125 Citizens Advice Bureau - Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm. Phone 578 4272. Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846)

Bereavement Support

Mental Health Consumer Advocacy Service. Our Advocates will

Club, 40 houses, 2 supers, raffles and meals from 5.30pm. Proceeds to Te Rerenga o Te Ra.

Marlborough After Hours GP Services:


Ph Margaret 021 0260 7468 or Cilla 570 5335. Alzheimers Society Marlborough: 577 6172, 8 Wither Rd. Open Monday - Friday, 8.30 - 4.30pm Hospital Visiting Hours: Wairau Hospital: Daily 11.30am-7.30pm, children under 12 may visit parents only. Maternity Ward: 10am-Noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. Marlborough Family Budgeting: - Free confidential budgeting advice. Monday-Friday. Phone 578 2006. Marlborough Lupus Support: For more infomation phone Katrina 572 4333 or 021 502 451

Picton Doctor: Phone weekend doctor 573 6092 or Marlborough After Hours GP Service 520 6377. Office 520 9980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870. Chemist:Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 9-6pm, Sat-Sun 9-3pm, Queen Charlotte Pharmacy 573 7927 Sat 9-1pm.

• 150 Seat Mayfield Chapel • Sowman Catering Lounge • Free bereavement care • Grey Power discount • FDANZ Pre-pay and pre-planning funeral options


death notices BOTHAM, Suzanne Kay (Kay): Unexpectedly, on Monday March 24 2014 at Wellington Hospital (ICU), with family at her side. Dearly loved wife and best friend of Bill for over 50 years, treasured mother and mother-in-law of Julie and Larnce Weedon, Sonya and Kenny Simmons, Donna Botham, and Nigel and Gina Botham; cherished Nana of Heidi, Lydia, Denver, Cassidy, and Wesley; Madison, Jackson, and Jefferson; Archie, and Charlie. Loved great Nana of Emelia. Loved daughter of the late Sam and Ida Landon-Lane, loved sister of Jill McKerrow and Wayne Landon-Lane. Messages to 8 Glover Crescent, Blenheim 7201. In lieu of flowers, donations would be appreciated to the National Heart Foundation PO Box 535 Nelson 7040 or Nelson/Marlborough Rescue Helicopter PO Box 2227 Stoke Nelson 7041, and can be made at the service. A funeral service for Kay will be held at the Mayfield Chapel, cnr Hutcheson and Parker Streets, at 11am Friday March 28, followed by interment at Fairhall Cemetery. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE 578 4719 Cnr Hutcheson & Parker Sts www.sowmans.co.nz

acknowledgement The Sun Newspaper offers an acknowledgement service to its readers. You can submit acknowledgements following family bereavements. The deadline will be on Mondays at 5.00pm, with a limit of 50 words for $15.00. You can submit acknowledgements by bringing them to the Sun office at 72 High Street, or posting them to PO Box 634 Blenheim 7240. You can also email them to sales@blenheimsun. co.nz Please include your contact details: Name, address, email and phone numbers, including your mobile number if possible.


CAMBRIDGE, Michael John: On Sunday 23 March 2014, as a result of an accident. Dearly loved husband of Sue, loved father and father-inlaw of Caroline and Anthony Bowron, Oliver and Catherine, Annabel and Warren Jones and Guy and Carolina and loved grandpa of Elizabeth, Ned and Matilda and Lavinia and Cordelia. Loved brother of Christopher, David and Anne. Messages to 81 Parker Street, Blenheim 7201. The service for Michael will be held at the Church of the Nativity, Alfred Street Blenheim, at 11.30am Thursday March 27. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

SPARK, Gloria Joan: On March 19 2014, at home. Loved partner of Hugh, loved mother and motherin-law of Dion and Sasha (Nelson), Denise and Simon, and Leon and Berenice McDowell (NSW); much loved grandma of Tegan, Conrad, Kurtis, Tua, Aaliyah and Missy. Messages to PO Box 645 Blenheim 7240. At Gloria’s request, a private service has been held. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

By Russell McQuarters ACROSS 1. Remedial (11) 7. Competent (7) 11. Bring to bear (5) 12. Imprecise (7) 13. Bucketed water-wheel (5) 14. Chemist shop(U.S.) (9) 15. Stress (9) 16. Asian deer (6) 18. Fascinate (7) 21. Carry weapons, bear ... (4) 23. Sister (3) 25. Small flap (3) 27. Wrench apart (4) 28. Dupe (7) 30. Sharp scolding (6) 32. Two year-old sheep (3) 33. Seaman(inf) (3) 34. Haggle (6) 35. Relating to origin (7) 36. W. Samoan capital (4) 37. Finish (3) 39. Exclamation of surprise (3) 41. Loosen (4) 43. Learned (7) 45. Unborn offspring (6) 48. Can speak two languages (9) 49. N.Z. naval base (9)

51. Relinquishment(by plantiff) of a suit(Lat) ... prosequi (5) 52. Pet rodent (7) 53. Bold (5) 54. Maintains (7) 55. Exploit (11) DOWN 1. General tendency (5) 2. Contract killer (11) 3. Deep waterhole, ... well (8) 4. Newspaper boss (6) 5. Topic (5) 6. French manor house (7) 7. Ballista (8) 8. The number five (6) 9. Fence (7) 10. Raise the spirits of (5) 16. N. American deer (7) 17. Alfalfa (7) 19. Follow (5) 20. Aural pain (7) 22. Giant cactus (7) 24. Termagant (3) 26. Barristers(collectively) (3) 29. Skilful (5) 31. Assume the character of (11) 32. Golf peg (3)

33. Liqueur, ... Maria (3) 38. Board game (8) 40. Susceptible to suggestion (8) 42. Sampsons mistress (7) 44. Quandary (7) 46. Remove shroud from (6) 47. Loath (6) 48. Official name for black S.Africans (5) 49. Drainage channel (5) 50. Act of stealing (5)

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

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like new again and as it repels dirt FREE If and oils – no more scrubbing!!!” you are building a new TESwith UOhome Q tiled areas, Coloursealing the grout as part of the build finish is high recommended.

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54 YEAR OLD male teacher, on a working holiday in Blenheim, requires private board/ lodging from early May 2014 to the end of the year. Please contact Alan 021 0255 1701.

2 0 11 C A N A M 500 OUTLANDER p / steering $ 8,490 Marlborough Trials Centre, 53 grove Road Blenheim, ph 5792500 or 0272 303 151. 2 0 12 C A N A M 500 OUTLANDER p /steering $ 8,990 Marlborough Trials Centre, 53 Grove Road Blenheim, ph 5792500 or 0272 303 151. PUPPIES 10 weeks old mixed breed. Ph 027 752 4282. R E D S HAVE R HENS (12) $60 the lot or $5 each. Ph 575 7701.

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Contact Rod Thompson Ph. 578 8410 or 027 201 6447

6 OPAWA ST marlbtvservices@xtra.co.nz

WO RKIN G COU PLE and one retired dog moving to Blenheim. Looking to rent 2+ b/room house with garage. Prefer rural or near beach/bush. Phone/Txt Hedley 027 733 4323.

Place your ad here, phone 577 7868 for details public notice

POM POM the magic clown

Big Fun Entertainment

Ph 577 7393

ENTER YOUR TEAM IN THE WINTER LEAGUES AT BLENHEIM INDOOR SPORTS Starting First week of May Netball 6 & 7 aside - Senior and Junior grades Cricket - Seniors and Junior grades Soccer - Senior and Junior grades Phone 5784851 or go to the web site to enter Blenheim Indoor Sports and Ten Pin Bowling Simcox Stadium 50 Battys Rd BLENHEIM www.blenheimindoorsports.co.nz

All Workmanship Guaranteed

PH 578 5720 6 Dodson St, Blenheim

Service agents for all the major brands. Repairers & Installers of TV’s, Home Theatres, DVD’s, Stereos and small appliances. Suppliers & Installers for Freeview, Motorhome portable dish kits, Sky Commercial Qualified Technicians


wanted to rent

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u tired of scrubbing your dirty tiles and grout with no success?

y porous material and d when new so it starts and bacteria from day me it starts to looks dirty y, no matter how long your knees trying to . To make it worse, the f cleaners could cause e!

2 010 CA N A M 500 OUTLANDER p / s t e e r i n g $ 7, 8 9 0 Marlborough Trials Centre, 53 Grove Road Blenheim, ph 5792500 or 0272 303 151.

Ideal for pebble gardens, paths, driveways. Phone Thomson 575 6885


Ph/Fax 578 0374 a/h 021 838 550



 Conventional fencing  Deer fencing  Sheep and cattle yards  Electric fencing  Vineyard replacement and repairs.


public notice

GARAGE DOORS garage doors

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Fencing fencing

for sale


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Marlborough Boys’ College


is on Wednesday 2 April. Money raised on workday helps the College to fund items not provided for in the Government Grant. The School Council help determine what the funds will be spent on, based on suggestions from the students Students need jobs such as: car cleaning, gardening, lawn mowing, stacking wood, helping around the house, vineyard clean ups etc. If you have a job for 3-4 hours for one (or more) of our students to reach their commitment of $30.00 please phone the school on 578 0119.


Wednesday 2 April

Lloyd Yorke

Marlborough Boys’ College

A/Hrs 578 7889


0274 327 949

The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014 public notice

public notice

DRIVEWAYS • Gravel Drives • Maintenance & Repairs

• Chip seal • Concrete • Lime stone chip

Truck, Digger & Bobcat Hire

RichaRdsoN bRotheRs


027 618 8654 FOXY LADY CRUISES Havelock Marlborough 60ft of FUN. Work Xmas Parties, Overnight Cruise, Kayak Cruise, Fishing Trips, BBQ Cruise Catered or Self Catered, BYO. Phone Susanne 03 574 2151 www.pelorussoundwatertaxis.co.nz

public notice

New to RoselaNds

‘Hobby Corner’

Radio control Supplies Cars-on & off road Planes & Helicopters Nitro fuel & accessories Roselands, 67 High street Phone 578 3596. open 7 days.

Thursday March 27: In Blenheim.

• Removals • Storage • Marlborough-wide freight

Wednesday April 2: In Renwick area meeting community groups by prior arrangement.

FREE packaging with house moves

Thursday April 3: In Kaikōura.


577 2080 or 027 510 6770

PAINTING & DECORATING Need paintingwallpapering-spraying or just some water blasting to tidy things up, call Merv Scott for your free quote.

Friday April 4: In Blenheim meeting with constituents and community groups. Talk to Marlborough Boy’s College year 11 boys about trade training opportunities. Saturday April 5: Attend the ‘Worldwide Peaceful Protest Against Child Abuse’, at the Forum, Blenheim. Sunday April 6: Farewell to the Hutton Shearwaters at Kaikōura. Monday April 7: In Blenheim meeting with constituents and community groups by arrangement.

STOP WORRYING ABOUT HEARING AID COSTS... ... High prices of $3,500 - $4,500 per Aid then follow up appointment costs. We can provide excellent Hearing Aids from one of the worlds largest manufacturers for much less.

Cost of our Hearing Aids from $1500 after discount

Tuesday April 1: In Blenheim meeting with constituents and community groups by arrangement. Lunch at St Mark’s addiction residential centre.

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We help people to hear better... It’s what we do!!

Friday March 28 - 31: Walking the Heaphy Track.

CC Express


NEVER pay for follow up appointments NEVER pay for Hearing Aid adjustments HOUSEBOUND? we can come to you FREE appointments FREE hearing tests Colin Calcott - Hearing Aid consultant can discuss the best Hearing Aid options for you and will be visiting at:

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$500 DiScOUNt on eACH HeAring Aid for gold CArd

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situations vacant

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Positions available in Blenheim Service Technician Norwood Farm Machinery Centre is one of 17 company owned retail outlets throughout New Zealand. As part of the C B Norwood Group we represent world leading brands such as New Holland, Kubota, Vaderstad, Lemken and Horsch. Due to the recent acquisition and subsequent rebranding of Williams Service Centre we are seeking an additional experienced Service Technician to join our busy team. We are committed to growing our presence in the Marlborough / Tasman market and are seeking additional team members to be part of the growth. Ideally you will have extensive experience in agricultural diesel equipment or a related field, have excellent organisational skills, be a great communicator and have a genuine willingness to provide solutions to our customers. This position is field and workshop based, you will be provided with a modern well equipped service vehicle and full on-going product and personal growth training will also be provided. Position Requirements To be considered for this role you will need to have: • Qualifications or extensive experience in agricultural diesel equipment or a related field • Minimum three years as an agricultural mechanic preferred, but not essential • Excellent customer service, organisational and communication skills • Experience working with farm equipment is desirable i.e. tractors, harvesting equipment • Ability to work unsupervised • Experience with Combine harvesters, Forage Harvesters, round / square balers, agricultural equipment would be an advantageous.

Sales Representative If you are seeking a position with a well-established company, then this could be the role for you. Norwood Farm Machinery Centre Blenheim is one of 17 company owned retail outlets throughout New Zealand. As part of the C B Norwood Group we represent world leading brands such as New Holland, Kubota, Vaderstad, Lemken and Horsch. Due to expansion we are seeking an enthusiastic self-starter preferably with an agricultural sales background who is looking to join a strong sales team. You will have the chance to work alongside the service / parts and warranty department which guarantees you the best in sales and after sales service in all our brands. You will manage your territory including sales, customer service and relationship management, and maintain a high and visible profile in each regional market, proactively marketing both the company and its product lines within your territory. We also welcome applications from the Tasman area. Position Requirements To be considered for this role you will need to have: • Experience implementing sales plans • Experience in implementing annual marketing plans in conjunction with the Regional Manager • Evidence of successful relationships and alliances • Experience with agricultural equipment and knowledge of modern farming practices and trends are essential • The ability to set, pursue and attain achievable goals The successful applicant will be provided with very competitive remuneration, ongoing product training, a modern sales vehicle and all the support needed to excel in this position. The opportunity for overseas travel and training also exists.

C B Norwood Distributors Limited is a leading tractor and machinery distribution group and represents a portfolio of global brands through separate operating divisions. Norwood showcases three national dealer networks which include 17 company owned retail farm machinery centres. Established in 1948, we have grown to be one of the best known names in New Zealand agriculture and today we supply one in every three tractors sold in New Zealand.

For additional information please visit our website at http://www.norwood.co.nz/blenheim/.

All Applicants

Please send your covering letter and CV to: prendergastj@norwood.co.nz. Applications close Friday 11 April 2014


The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014 situation vacant

Duty Manager Full Time

1. Experience with Asian Cuisine 2. Must be able to work weekends and split shift Please send CV to nga_kratai@yahoo.com

Window Cleaner & Experienced Cleaner Required Window Cleaner – full-time Experienced Cleaner – various hours (includes evenings and weekends) Must have a mature attitude, able to work un-supervised and be well presented. Previous applicants need not apply. If you would like to join a vibrant, hardworking and professional team. Call Christian or Linda on 572 8897

Vintage Water and Waste Water Manager Yealands Estate Wines are looking for a hands-on, can-do proactive person to manage the winery water and waste water discharge over the vintage period.

Look out - the Beaver Belles are faring better than ever! The group are the Blenheim branch of the Red Hat Society, an organisation that encourages women to get together and enjoy themselves. The group of about 20 met at Pataka foodstore for Devonshire Tea on Saturday afternoon. The rules are few and simple you must wear purple and a red hat. Group member Margaret, aka 'Dame Margarita,' said the group was great for women whose kids have left home. "It (Red Hat Society) is a worldwide organisation for women to meet, have fun and grow old disgracefully." The Beaver Belles meet about once a month, and the group was formed nearly 10 years ago. The Beaver Belles at Devonshire Tea

Vintage Corolla restored to former glory Every teenager loves their first car, but Jayden Sandoe's (pictured) story is a little different. The 17-year-old, who works for Independent Tyre Specialists, has spent the last five months restoring a 1976 Toyota Corolla ke30, with help from two friends. A original Marlborough car, he said the time fixing it up was time well spent. "It's quite a big thing for me. It's pretty special, especially for a first car. "You think it's not worth it when you're halfway through but now it looks good." The car has the same motor, but has been repainted, given tinted windows, a new exhaust and new rims, amongst other things. Jayden said it was a far cry from what the car looked like

sitting on a friend's back lawn. "There were holes everywhere. We had to put floor mats down to cover the holes. "I tried to keep it as original as

possible and the same colour." He said there was one drawback though. "It's pretty loud. "I get pulled over heaps by the

cops for disturbing the peace." The car is currently out of action as it undergoes minor repairs, but will be back on the road soon.

One month to new station

This is an important and demanding roll requiring up to 12 hours per day, 7 days per week for approximately 6 weeks, full training will be provided. If you are hard- working, practical and enjoy a challenge then we would love to hear from you. We can provide transport to work each day and a hot meal over the vintage period. Please send your CV and cover letter to simon.stock@yealands.co.nz or call 027 441 4311 for further information.

Need Staff?

Advertise in Marlborough’s largest circulating newspapers!

WednesdaySun The


Blenheim Marlborough


Blenheim Marlborough

Phone 577 7868

Blenheim Volunteer Fire Brigade chief Rob Dalton, with some of the new lockers installed as part of the station’s upgrade.

By Kristy Martin Work is progressing on the upgrade of the Blenheim Fire Station. Volunteer brigade chief, Rob Dalton, said the work was expected to be finished by the end of next month. At the completion of construction, the firefighters will have a new communications room, lockers, laundry area, a meeting/training room and social hall, as well as a new reception area, with the front door now

located on the north side of the Symons Street building. This was to combat inclement weather, including strong winds, on the western side. Mr Dalton said the building will also include a new sprinkler system in the ceiling. The cost of the project is unknown, but is thought to be more than $1 million.

Owner Mark Elkington and the Pak’n Save Stickman dropped in to the Sun offices last week as part of the supermarket’s first birthday celebrations. They left cupcakes at several businesses on Friday.

The Sun

Sun sport

Wednesday March 26, 2014


Last kart meet Weekend speedway Sport before Easter inbrief This Saturday is the third and final round of Kartsport Marlborough’s twilight meeting. This will be the final meeting before the Cresswell Electrical New Zealand Sprint Championships kick off over Easter where to date, over 160 NZ karters have already entered. Saturday’s racing is set to be hot with members of the Marlborough Club competing for top positions. In the cadet class Sam Buglar and William Exton are having a good battle for second place, and as they are both driving so

well most of the pressure this Saturday will be on their fathers to get their kart setups right. Up in the lead are Cooper Forbes in the JR class and Leighton Stanton in Rotax Junior who have both driven consistantly thorughout the Twilight Series. In the seniors Daniel Buglar is pushing for a podium place after a better second round performance in the 125cc Rotax Class. Racing this Saturday starts at 3pm at the Cresswell Electrical Raceway on Wither Road.

Turnout was high for the latest speedway meet at Eastern States on Saturday. The meet featured rally cars, youth and adult ministocks, streetstocks, saloons and production cars.

Volleyball The Subway Junior Spikers & Premiers Volleyball Competition continued last Friday at Stadium 2000. Premier Grade Division 1 leaders Bohally Unknown were tipped over in three sets by Fairhall Phoenix. Fellow Division 1 team Bohally Pandas were awarded the Subway Fair Play Team of the Week Award for great sportsmanship. The competition continues this Friday.

Right: Richard Watty, 11, Brayden Giles, 9, and Harry Osgood, 9. Below: Scott Alexander was unaware his rally car had caught fire on the track. Scott was not injured by the fire. Photo: Eduard Ets.

Rugby Defending champions Central got off to a winning start in this year’s Wadsco Trophy rugby competition, beating Harlequins 19-10 at Lansdowne Park. Moutere and Waitohi also began with wins, over Renwick and Awatere respectively. Central and Waitohi will look to make it two-from-two at Lansdowne in the pick of next weekend’s draw.

Marlborough Kart Club members Cooper Forbes, Leighton Stanton and William Exton, photographed prior to a national event last year, will be among those battling for a podium finish on Saturday.


Skaters look to build interest By Adam Poulopoulos The Blenheim Rollerskating Club invited skaters from Nelson to their weekly meet on Sunday to try and grow the sport in the region. The nine skaters aged from 5-12 met up for some time trials and races at the Stephenson Street rink. The Blenheim contingent hopes to return the favour and head to Nelson in six weeks’ time. Blenheim Rollerskating Club secretary Kathy Perkinson said the group was trying to develop interest, having been “dormant” for the past three or four years. She said skating had always had a good following in Blenheim. “There are a lot of kids on roller blades. You see them on the streets all the time.” The club also meets at 4:30 on Tuesday afternoons.

The Marlborough Harriers are holding a training run tomorrow, leaving from the clubrooms at 6pm. The clubrooms are located at Oliver Park, and everyone is welcome to participate. A second pack run will be held at the Riverlands Loop at 2pm on Saturday. Please bring a plate for afternoon tea. Volunteers are also needed on Saturday for a short (1-2) hour working bee at the Taylor Dam course at 9.00 am, to prepare the track that they’ll be using for the upcoming cross-country events. For more information visit the Marlborough Harriers website.

Riley Beldham, 8, and Olivia Beldham, 10 made up the Blenheim contingent for the meet. Right: Erin Green , 8, finishes her time trial lap.

Ma Be y p at t ric he er ise

Juniors to the forefront in mountain bike ride By Kevin Wilson Ground conditions were hard and fast for the first of the Marlborough Mountain Bike Club winter Soup and Bun series for 2014 at Chris and Julia Dawkin’s farm, Waihopai Valley on Sunday. Seven juniors and nine adults turned out to ride either the 2.5 k Novice or the 5k Experienced course. Sarnim Dean blitzed the longer course completing four laps. But look out Sarnim! Three juniors also rode the challenging course with its variations in terrain and changing gradients. Josh Black, Mitchell and Haliegh Blake completed the long course in good times of 40 to 44 minutes. Tyler Black also did the long course with a bit of Cheryl Black with son Tyler. in tow. help from his mother Cheryl Black. Andrew Benger, Eugan Stark, Craig and Kathryn and Owen Bradley rode the shorter course,each Richards put in honest efforts to complete three accompanied by a parent. laps. Peter Webster, Alana McLuckie and Noel The next in the series is on Sunday 12 April at Graham settled for two. Juniors Jaymie Blake Graham Cooper’s, Holmebrook, Maxwell Pass Rd.

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The Sun

Wednesday March 26, 2014

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