11 May Blenheim Sun

Page 1


May 11, 2016

Sun Weather

Today 12-21

Thursday 12-20

Friday 10-21


Outlook for Today spots of rain from after10-20 Few noon. Strong gusty northwest.

call us on: 5777 868

Education changing Students learning with IT

Story and photo by Cathie Bell It’s school education, but not as their parents and grandparents know it. Renwick School is holding an IT Open Day next week to show school families and the wider community how students and teachers are using technology as the school moves to ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) throughout its day. Continued on page 2 Renwick School’s year seven pupils Claudia StewartCameron and Abigail Fisher work on their devices.







20 31 May 2016

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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

How to reach us

Les Whiteside

Katrina Whiteside

Technology changes schools Continued from page 1 Renwick School introduced a compulsory BYOD policy for all Years Four to Eight pupils at the beginning of this year. The policy has been controversial, and school leaders say they recognise that it is not easy for their community. Deputy principal Robyn Lyall says the school has measures in place to help parents provide devices, including negotiating cheaper deals with suppliers and waiving school fees. She says about half the students were bringing their own devices to school before then. The changes are daunting for those not involved in modern education, and Renwick School is holding an IT Open Day on Thursday next week, May 19, for school families

and others in the wider community to visit and see how the BYOD policy works in practice. With their devices, children can use educational material from all over the world, wearing headphones to watch videos and listen to lectures, sitting anywhere from their desks, on couches, or on the floor. Others may be in clusters, coding and programming, or getting specialist learning. They’re working, Robyn says, but it may not look like that to their parents who are used to seeing them in the same poses at home playing games. “They can’t access games on their devices here – unless they program the game themselves.” Principal Simon Heath says teaching in the BYOD environment is much more complex for teachers,

but it is empowering students to use technology ethically in a way that prepares them for a future society where technology underpins every transaction and communication. “In eight years, we’ve gone from 15 computers in one room where the kids came in once a week to now having their own device and utilising that to advantage their learning in every way.” The BYOD policy was a step along the way to providing a modern learning environment, and the school is changing the physical environment as well. Classrooms are being merged, with walls being taken out and children able to move between areas at their own will so they can work the way they want to. “It’s quite unbelievable how quickly

teachers and students have adopted this.” Year Seven and Eight teacher Glen Mackie says he loves the new system and wouldn’t go back to how it used to be. “As far as I can see, it’s all positives.” The two classrooms housing the 11 and 12 year-olds have been opened up and they can choose when and where they work. Glen says many have friends in the other classroom and now they can work together. “The collaboration is much more than anticipated.” Despite the BYOD policy, children are spending only a third of their day in front of screens, Simon says, and they continue to do art, physical education, reading books, and having group discussions.


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The Sun 18,535 copies. The largest circulating newspaper in Marlborough.


Glass tech enroute to Portugal with title in sight By Celeste Alexander This time next week local man Codey O’Leary will be in Lisbon, Portugal competing for an international title at the ‘Best of Belron®’ competition. The Smith&Smith® Blenheim glass technician is the sole competitor for NZ and is going up against the best from 27 other countries. This biennial competition is held by the Belron Group® which consists of leading vehicle glass repair and replacement companies from around the world. Codey spoke with the Sun prior to flying out today and says all his preparation and training has put him in good stead. “I’m feeling a lot better now that I have had the chance to work with the Audi A4 that will be at the competition. That really helped and enabled me to become more familiar with it and prepare myself. “I have also spent time with someone who has competed at the Best of Belron® in 2012 to see if I could get some extra tips from him.

“I’m feeling pretty confident and don’t really have any nerves right now, although that may change closer to the time,” he jokes. The competition takes place over two days, May 18 and 19, but it won’t be until the gala dinner on the Thursday night that Codey will find out how he has placed. “As much as I am looking forward to the competition, it’s actually been great to receive all this training and work with the company’s technical trainers who I’ve spent a lot of time with. “Smith&Smith® has been really supportive of me,” he says. Codey will be accompanied by technical training manager for Smith&Smith® Tony Kinnaird who will be coaching him through certain stages. The major prize from winning the ‘Best of Belron®’ is a year’s salary which Codey says he would use to travel and to complete the restoration Smith&Smith Blenheim glass technician Codey O’Leary of his classic car. is on his way to Portugal to represent New Zealand.

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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Roger’s wish comes true


By Cathie Bell Three weeks ago, Blenheim man Roger Collett told The Sun he’d love to have a meal with John Key, and last week it happened. Roger filled out The Sun’s ‘Five minutes with…’ quiz, and Kaikoura MP Stuart Smith saw it, along with the thousands of other people who read our twice-weekly newspaper. He knew that Prime Minister John Key was to visit Blenheim soon, and he got in touch with Roger to invite him to have lunch with John. Roger is still buzzing from meeting the prime minister, with a big grin from ear to ear. “It was just amazing...It just blew me away. I came out and I was on a high, feeling amazing. It was just so nice. “I think I might have to join the National Party now.” Roger says he couldn’t have asked for a better wish, and he was glad he had done the quiz. “Lunch was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. I can’t have asked for a better wish. It was my happiest day, second only to when I got married. “I’m on Cloud Nine.” And John seemed to enjoy meeting Roger too, telling the Sun: “It was great to visit Blenheim on such a beautiful day, and wonderful to meet Roger at lunch”. While here last Friday, the Prime Minister toured the new ASB Civic Theatre, announcing $1 million towards its build. He congratulated theatre trust chairman Kevin Moseley and his team on what they had done with the building, saying it was a ‘world-class facility’. “A society without arts and culture isn’t much of a society.” He was also the ‘mystery special guest’ at the Marlborough Cancer Society’s fundraising morning tea,

Salmon farms could be moved to new sites in the Marlborough Sounds where water flows are stronger, making it easier for them to comply with environmental rules. The Marlborough District Council has been told by NZ King Salmon it is working to get all its farms compliant with best practice, but the Ministry for Primary Industries has indicated it will not wait for this to happen. Marlborough mayor Alistair Sowman says if other more suitable locations can be identified, or there are other options to improve farm suitability, there would have to be a robust engagement process with iwi, the local community and other interested parties before any decisions were made.





Registered Master Builders is holding a ‘Heads Up’ information meeting in Blenheim for Apprentice of the Year at Chateau Marlborough at 6pm on Thursday. Entries for the competition are now open, and apprentices can be in to win a share of more than $100,000 in prizes, as well as the sought-after title of 2016 Apprentice of the Year.

Roger Collett, far right, with Prime Minister John Key and Kaikoura MP Stuart Smith, after Roger said in The Sun the person he most wanted to have lunch with was John Key, Stuart made it happen.

and then spoke to a group of senior students from both Marlborough Girls’ and Marlborough Boys’ Colleges. In the afternoon, he visited Indevin. Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Maggie Barry says the ASB Theatre in Blenheim is an important project for Marlborough which until now has not received direct central Government support. “We recognise the need to help the efforts made by the community and council to make the theatre a sustainable prospect, and I’m pleased to announce our $1 million commitment.” She says the funding will help

Picton Cinemas Daily Thurs 12 May to Wed 18 May

reduce bank loans underwritten by the Marlborough Council to support the state-of-the-art new theatre, which opened in March. As a multi-purpose building with an auditorium able to hold more than 700 people and conference facilities, the theatre represents a significant economic asset for Marlborough as well as a cultural centre capable of hosting worldclass performances, she says.

25 April (M) new 12pm 5.30pm 7.45pm Eddie the Eagle (PG) 10am 1.45pm The Jungle Book (PG) 3.30pm Hunt for the Wilderpeople (PG) 10.30am Teatro alla Scalla: Temple of Wonders (M) new 11.45am 5.15pm The Great Maiden’s Blush (M) new 1.30pm 7pm Peggy Guggenheim (E) 10am 3.30pm

“Local MP Stuart Smith has been a strong advocate for Government support of the theatre, recognising its potential and importance to the community,” Maggie says. “As a Government we are committed to regional development opportunities and I look forward to seeing the theatre become an integral part of cultural life in Blenheim and the wider Marlborough region.”

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Marlborough Civic Theatre Trust chairman Kevin Moseley talks to Prime Minister John Key about the new theatre building with Marlborough mayor Alistair Sowman.




Salmon farms to move?

Carpentry call






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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Butterfly tagging sparks interest Mayfield Kindergarten has been tagging and releasing monarch butterflies. Spokeswoman Kathryn Richards says this is the first year in a long time that we have had a lot of caterpillars. “We have planted a lot of swan plants up the path on the way into kindergarten and families have had a lot of fun spotting the caterpillars on their way in.” Once the caterpillars have hatched, they are moved into an enclosure to protect them from wasps. “The children have done lots of learning around the life cycle. It’s a great opportunity to introduce new language like metamorphosis and chrysalis.” Kathryn says the learning has also involved the families that have been really interested in watching the butterflies emerge and see the tagging process. The tagging is organised through the

Monarch Butterfly New Zealand Trust, which sends the instructions and the tags, she says. “Then once you release them you put the sticker’s tag number on a website. “This way when someone finds a tagged butterfly, they can go online and trace back to where it has come from.” Kathryn says the tags are made from polypropylene and only weigh about 0.006g so they don’t effect the flight or balance of the butterfly. “We still have another 10 chrysalis to hatch so in total we hope to release and tag around 20.” The butterfly study is part of the kindergarten’s Enviroschools programme. Mayfield Kindergarten children, from left Honor Fyfe, Ever Pybus, and Zander Walker- Rowe look at a tagged monarch butterfly.

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Preschool’s 40th Story and photo by Cathie Bell St Mary’s Preschool is calling all former pupils and families to come to a 40th birthday party complete with cake on Saturday May 21. Principal Hazel Shapcott says the preschool was started 40 years ago by a group of St Mary’s Church parishioners who wanted to have a Catholic preschool as a link for their children between the church and the school. For the 40th birthday, the preschool is holding a party, and Hazel has been to the next-door St Mary’s School to invite former pupils and their families to attend. The party will start at 2pm on May 21 with a gathering in the church for a few songs from students and sharing memories, before moving to the preschool for a birthday cake, some games for the children, and an afternoon tea for the adults.

“It’s going to be a really fun afternoon.” One of the things about St Mary’s Preschool which is ‘lovely’, Hazel says, is that it is family-based. “One of the students says it’s like a nest amidst the parish and the school, we’re in the middle and for a lot of people, this is where the journey begins. We quite like that idea.” The preschool was started for Catholic children but is open for all to attend, and Hazel says all staff are fully qualified and registered, and it has no fees for children to attend. “It’s part of our belief system, we don’t want money to be a barrier for children to be able to come here.” Hazel says the teaching team is really stable, with one teacher, Wendy Donald, who has been at the preschool for 25 St Mary’s Preschool principal Hazel Shapcott with two years. pupils Antonius Simone and Jake Ponder. The preschool “It’s a very rewarding place to be part is celebrating its 40th birthday on May 21. of.”

The Marlborough arT SocieTy Autumn-Winter Series of Classes and Workshops Craig Bluett’s Life Drawing Classes

On Monday nights 6 June – 11 July 7-9pm. For all levels, this is a popular class for those who want to practice life drawing and incorporate new approaches to art and mark making. $120 per student

Caroline della Porta’s Illustration Workshop

‘Turning Ideas into Illustrations’ 21-22 May 9.30-4.30pm. A two day workshop for those wanting to illustrate their own text or storyline. Topics and techniques covered include developing sequential images, creating a single composite illustration, manipulating media, creative use of page layout and incorporating text. Learn about design and publishing from an experienced illustrator. $150 per student

En Plein Air Painting with Colin Wynn 14 May and 25 June Two one day workshops on Saturdays A fantastic introduction to en plein air painting for beginners and a great opportunity to learn from a local expert en plein air painter. Bring your own paint and brushes to paint on supplied boards. $80 per student per day

Kylie Fleur’s ‘Drawing on Skills’ Workshop

An Alternative Path to Realistic Drawing Thursday nights 16 June – 7 July 7-9pm For all levels, students will be given the tools to draw more realistically. Be prepared to see more deeply and profoundly and start drawing with more awareness. $120 per student

Funded by Creative Communities NZ Local Arts Funding 2015-2016

Contact Workshops Co-ordinator, Helen Ballinger Phone 021 0267 8711, workshops@marlboroughartsociety.com All Classes and Workshops will be held in the Marlborough Yealands Estate Gallery Studio, 204 High Street

Blenheim staying sunny By Cathie Bell Nelson is catching up, but Blenheim is still the sunniest town in New Zealand after a sunny, dry and warm April. Data collected at the Grovetown Business Park by Plant and Food scientist Rob Agnew shows last month was the second sunniest April in 86 years of records, second only to April 1958. Rob says 238.3 hours sunshine were recorded in April. The total sunshine hours recorded from January to April this year are 1001.9 hours, again the second sunniest first four months of the year for Blenheim. The sunniest January to April is 1994 with 1008.6 hours sunshine. However, he says, the sunniest town in New Zealand last month was Nelson with 248 hours sunshine followed by Blenheim with 238.3 hours. Whakatane recorded 200.1 hours in April, 38.2 hours less than Blenheim. After the first four months of 2016 the rankings are: • Blenheim 1001.9 hours • Nelson 984 hours (17.9 hours behind Blenheim) • Tekapo 922.6 hours (79.3 hours behind Blenheim) • Whakatane 875.1 hours (126.8 hours behind Blenheim).

While the sunshine hours were up, the rain was down, with only 25.6 mm of rain recorded last month, about half of the long term average. Rob says that while April 2016 recorded rain on four days during the month, 92 per cent of that fell on April 1. The other three days only recorded a total of 2.0 mm, he says, similar to March 2016, when 45.0mm of the 46.8 mm rain recorded during the month fell on the 23rd. “As virtually all April’s rainfall fell on the 1st of the month, it meant that April was very dry from 2nd to 30th.”

The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

ON NOW! Ends Sunday 15 May 2016



The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Sun readers have their say... with the WORD on the Street. Q: Are you a tea, coffee or hot chocolate drinker?

Alichia Kenny Blenheim

Bridget Smith Blenheim

Liarne Boyce Blenheim

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Laura-Jean Kerslake Blenheim

Coffee all the way.

I prefer wine!! But the next best thing is a good Latte!

Dilmah tea is my poison.

I like coffee and tea.

Hot chocolates, yum.

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Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold letters from publication. Email them to news@blenheimsun.co.nz or phone 577 -7868. Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails.

(03) 5777 868 WednesdaySun The


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Letters to the editor

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Cod or salmon? Dear Ed, Caught this blue cod in Tory Channel. Filleted it as usual. Found salmon feed pellets bulging in its gut. Collateral damage of our ambitious aquaculture industry I guess, but who cares? I care. I care not to eat it, I buried it. Is this the future for our native fish, overfed on pellets of questionable feed and orange dye, meant for intensively farmed fish that

have a lifespan of months not years? I caught this cod more than 800 metres away from the new NZ King Salmon farm at Ngamahau Bay. I can only begin to imagine what is happening beneath the surface to our native fish species. Add to this the high number of unexplained fish deaths at NZ King Salmon’s farms, what will our iconic cod suffer next beyond a bloated gut? This fish was possibly better off

Set nets Dear Ed, The set nets are still happening in the Diversion. Nothing illegal about them. But what are they catching? Trout? Salmon? Fish and Game do not check them that I know or have seen.

Too busy making skeleton forests in Para Swamp eh? There are Fish and Game honorary ranges. Too busy hassling kahawai fishos for trout licences (no sense?). They should check set nets. Ken The Kahawai

dead and buried. Whatever, best let it be known because more salmon and intensive fish farming is on the near

horizon for the Marlborough Sounds. Martin Pinder Blenheim

Traffic safety? Dear Ed, MDC Property & Community Facilities Manager Jamie Lyall said Council had contracted a consultant (at what price?) to complete a traffic safety audit outside the new theatre as this was a condition of the Resource Consent to construct the theatre. Why are Council (Ratepayers) doing this? Surely this is the responsibility of the theatre trust. Or is the theatre really a Council “nice-tohave” project under the guise of the theatre trust, as whenever criticism is directed at

the theatre the Mayor answers it with “We ......” meaning Council. Just how much monies has the Council spent on this theatre? Colin Geertson Response: The traffic survey is being commissioned and paid for by the Marlborough Civic Theatre Trust as part of its resource consent for the new theatre. (Jamie Lyall, Mgr Property & Community Facilities).

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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Letters to the editor

Text talker wrong Dear Ed, I recently saw a copy of your paper and read a comment in the Txt Talk that I found hard to believe you would publish. I realise everyone is entitled to an opinion but to kick a team in the guts when they are down is a bit rough and those comments were harsh. There also wasn’t a name attributed to the comment which is pretty gutless in my opinion. Yes they are struggling, but what club hasn’t struggled at some stage but they are certainly not an embarrassment. Behind the scenes of that Club you have a dedicated and committed team of volunteers

Opawa Bridge Replacement Building a new bridge for SH1 over the Opawa River

trying their best to hold the team together. It’s not easy. We played the Taniwha Saturday, and yes we won, but they never gave up, they showed huge heart and courage to face our boys when their team was short on numbers. But the boys who turned up and played should be commended, not criticized for playing the game they love. Why don’t you help them, do an article on the club and help them drum up numbers. That would be a much more positive thing to print. Thank you. Leanne Anderson President, Richmond Rabbits RLC

Walking in their shoes Dear Ed, Re: Friday 6th txt talk on smelly vineyard workers. It is indeed disappointing local vineyard workers are daring to use our shops! Who do they think they are? And to hear that they are smelly – uugh! People should be concerned that some of them are not using deodorant. Fancy not being able to figure out how to use an electric washing machine! It is a serious matter to worry about. I’m glad that someone is so concerned with our local community that they take time to txt in and raise the alarm bells about this issue. Next thing, they’ll expect to get paid money for their efforts helping our winegrowers, grumbling the peanuts they currently get paid are not enough! I don’t want these sort of people living next


door to me…would you? Oops, they do! They are our neighbours. And we’ll turn a blind eye to them - being crammed in by many landlords, into bunkbeds, into small rooms, with little understanding and not enough guidance and care from the contractors that employ them. It’s a wonder that they can all fit into the bathroom and laundry facilities in some of the places they have to live in. Our viticulture industry needs to be clear when they advertise wanting workers: “Only people who do not smell after sweating from hard physical work outside in the hot sun need apply”. Enough of this stinking nonsense - you with your narrow-minded attitudes. Try walking a while in their shoes! Local Lad (abridged)

Until Thursday 9 June, the NZ Transport Agency is seeking your views on the preferred proposal to replace the Opawa Bridge on State Highway 1 with a new two-lane bridge on the western side of the existing bridge. The existing bridge will be kept for pedestrians and cyclists. Last year the NZ Transport Agency launched an investigation of the Wairau and Opawa Bridges to improve travel on State Highway 1 north of Blenheim. It was identified as part of the Government’s Accelerated Regional Roading Package (ARRP), which provided funding to progress a selection of regionally important state highway projects in order to address economic efficiency, safety, and resilience issues on our regional transport networks. Following the investigation, the Wairau Bridge was found to be in serviceable condition. The Opawa Bridge, however, was identified for replacement and we know upgrading it is a high priority for Marlborough District Council and residents. In January 2016 the Government announced a preferred option to build this new bridge at an estimated cost between $14 and $17.5 million.

Have your say Now, is your chance to review the investigation findings and give feedback on the preferred proposal. Read more information on www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/opawa-bridgereplacement and fill out the survey in this brochure or online.

Feedback deadline: Thursday 9 June 2016

Come talk to us Please come to the following public information sessions and speak to a member of the project team with questions or get help with giving your feedback. Thursday 19 May. Scenic Hotel Marlborough, Marlborough Room, 4pm – 7pm Saturday 21 May. Scenic Hotel Marlborough, Chart Room, 10am – 2pm

For more information

PLEASE VISIT: www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/opawa-bridge-replacement

or Blenheim and Picton Libraries, Marlborough District Council Customer Service Centre, and the Marlborough Roads office

EMAIL: opawa-bridge@nzta.govt.nz PHONE: 03 520 8330

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The Sun

one on one with the Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

A sense of family Being at the helm of a reputable family company carries great responsibility, but it’s a role relished by Antony Clark, general manager of Simcox Construction. Antony shares with reporter Celeste Alexander what makes Simcox Construction a great place to work and where the company sees itself in another 30 years.

Smiling and cheerful, Antony Clark has a simple belief when it comes to running a successful company. “It might sound corny, but if you can look after the people who work for you then everyone succeeds. We take care of them, they take care of our clients and everyone is happy. “It costs us nothing to display how important our staff are to us, but it has more value than you could know,” he smiles. Originally from Canterbury, Antony identified Marlborough as a great place to raise a family and made the move, a decision he says he doesn’t regret. The opportunity to join Simcox Construction came 10 years ago

after founder Ian Simcox offered Antony the role of operations manager.

“Ian had built a strong foundation based on a strong work ethic and loyalty to his staff.”

One thing he says that struck him from the beginning was the strong sense of ‘family’.

“We have always been a tight knit family here but after the tragic loss of Ian last year that bond has only grown stronger,” he says. Ian’s passing was a huge blow to everyone at the company, but has since united the staff and made them even more determined to honour Ian’s legacy by taking the company forward and far into the future. “The impact wasn’t only felt by staff, but also the families, wives and partners of our staff. The depth and level of feeling among everyone really galvanised us. “At Margaret’s request we are continuing on in Ian’s memory, continuing on to be that contractor of choice in Marlborough that makes everyone involved proud.

“We have set up an excellent board of directors for our strategic planning going forward into the future, and we have absolute faith in our staff. “We are all looking forward to the company’s next 30 years,” he smiles. Asked how he would describe the company, Antony replies; “A family owned company that has a good, solid reputation for delivering a service. “And while we are all human, there may be times we don’t deliver the exact way we wish to, it’s the putting right that counts. “This is something Ian was very strong on, standing up and being accountable and doing what ever it takes to put it right,” he says.

Going forward, Simcox Construction is growing to be much more than the traditional subdivision and earthworks company. The company has expanded into more dam construction for vineyard developments and is involved in a number of high profile projects, one being the Omaka Landing subdivision. “Yes we do the large scale projects but we still cover the smaller jobs from unblocking drains at houses and businesses to fixing retaining walls and building jetties down the Sounds. “People are surprised to learn the range of services we offer. “Earthworks, drainage or infrastructure in redevelopments... we do it all.”

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The Sun


Wednesday May 11, 2016







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The Sun





Wednesday May 11, 2016







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Proud to support Main Street businesses

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Aluminium Cooling Components

Thanks to the huge support of their clients and the community they are proud to say it’s been a fantastic year and they are looking forward to what the future brings. Andrew was no stranger to cars and tyres after working 22 years in the industry. Initially he had worked at a car sales yard opposite ITS on Main Street but when a tyre fitters position came up he applied and joined the company and worked up to being the manager. ITS was a well known south island company with 13 branches at one stage, but when the owner reached retirement he wanted out. The company did not sell and many of the branches closed down, but before the Blenheim ITS closed Andrew and Robyn made the decision to purchase it. “It was a huge step for us but it’s been a great challenge and we are both thrilled to be celebrating our first birthday. While Andrew takes care of the day-to-day running of the business Robyn provides administrative support as well as working fulltime as a Pharmacy Technician. It’s a busy lifestyle but one they thoroughly enjoy, they say. “Being a Technician for 14 years it was a big transition for me but it’s been great for Andrew and I and we are proud of the changes we have made and of the services the business provides,” Robyn says. The building has undergone a few changes to ‘liven and modernise it’ including a new colour scheme and paint job. A new customer waiting area has also been built. “We rearranged the entire shop and divided it into different work stations to make it more practical and safe for our tyre technicians. “The whole idea was to make it easily accessible and tidy for when our customers drive in. We understand that many people are on their lunch breaks or don’t have a lot of time to spare so we aim to be as efficient as possible. “It’s a new look but still the same great service,” Andrew says. ABOVE RIGHT: New signage outside the building on Main Street. Inset: Owners Andrew Morton and Robyn Morrison.

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Wednesday May 11, 2016




The Sun







Locally owned & operated 24hr service

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• Tyre Repair • Fitting and Balancing • Wheel Alignment • Exide Batteries • Motor Cycle Tyres Our Specialty • All makes of Tyres- Car, 4WD, ATV Truck, Harvester, Tractor, SUV Jockey Burrow, Tuff • Vulcanising Service • 24 Hour service









Email: itsmarlborough@gmail.com 48A Main Street, Blenheim


Call Andrew Morton 03 5784512

CONGRATULATIONS TO ANDREW & ROBYN AND THE TEAM! RD BATEMAN MOTORS RICHA Andrew Morton, Robyn Morrison, Andrew Burrow, Ethan Anstice. Absent Jayden Sandoe.

A growing range of tyres and services for Marlborough W hen it comes to tyres, Independent Tyre Specialists Marlborough Ltd has everything you need to keep you motoring. Whether it’s a tyre for a car, motorcycle or even a baby’s pushchair, the team at ITS stocks and can source the tyres you need. The team, led by owner Andrew Morton, consists of field service technician Andrew Burrow and tyre technicians Jayden Sandoe and Ethan Anstice. Together they form a friendly,

enthusiastic team who go out of their way to provide a friendly, knowledgeable service. When ITS was first formed decades ago there were only two brands stocked, but today thanks to the evolving technology in how tyres are manufactured to perform, there is a huge range of brands and sizes available. “With me being a motocross and off-road rider it’s definitely an interest of mine so we are building on our range of products and services for motorcyles and ATVs.

Happy Birthday to Andrew and Robyn and the team!


“We have recently introduced a line of Maxima oils and lubes

“We offer Tyre Vulcanising, a process of adding new raw rubber to a damaged area of a tyre to create a repair that will last the lifetime of the tyre.” suitable for go-carts, jet ski’s and motorcycles so come in and

view the range,” he says. Not only does ITS supply, repair and fit new tyres, it also offers a unique repair service. “We offer Tyre Vulcanising, a process of adding new raw rubber to a damaged area of a tyre to create a repair that will last the lifetime of the tyre. For customers needing a wheel alignment, ITS has a working relationship with the business next door and can offer inclusive packages. “Call in and see our team at ITS on Main Street and see what we can do for you.”


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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016


Friendly faces Roze Tupe and Mel Ponikly.


14 Main St, Blenheim

BP invests in Blenheim and expands its local offer Serving up hot coffee are Heather Lucas and Cathrine MacKenzie.

Wednesday May 11, 2016


14 Main St, Blenheim

The BP in Blenheim re-opened this morning with a brand new look and a brand new offer. The grand opening at 14 Main Street in Blenheim was held at 6am, with the first customer through the doors just moments later and 800,000 more customers expected over the next 12 months. This is the second BP Connect Wild Bean Cafe to open in the Tasman region and follows the recent rerefurbishment of BP’s Richmond store. BP Head of Retail Frank van Hattum said the company had owned the site for more than 20 years and had decided to invest a bit more and convert it to a full BP Connect offer. According to van Hattum, BP invested in the area because the local community “deserves the best”. “We’re thrilled to be able to deliver an upgraded offer to the area and we hope Blenheim locals are as happy with it as we are,” he said. “We want to make the experience better and better for our customers and we’re always trying to raise the bar on quality – we take a lot of pride in our great products and our fantastic people,” he said. Mr van Hattum said BP’s expanded offer meant new employment opportunities, with roughly 15 positions available in the new store. “But it’s not just about everything that is shiny and new – it’s really fantastic to see a number of friendly faces transitioning over from the great team at the previous store as well,” van Hattum said. The new 24-hour operation has additional storefront parking, a carwash and three fuels across every pump; Unleaded 91, Ultimate 98 and Diesel. BP Connect Blenheim customers will also benefit from BP’s brand new, best ever dirt-busting BP Ultimate 98 fuel that was launched last month after five years of research and testing. BP Ultimate fuel now contains ACTIVE technology – a unique formulation that is designed to

The Sun

actively fight dirt, protect against dirt build-up and help engines run as the manufacturer intended. “But it’s not just our quality fuel that sets us apart from the rest… our famous Wild Bean Cafe has also opened here, so we’ve got quality food and coffee available for our customers too.” The store also offers updated bathrooms, free WIFI and free newspapers to read while you are waiting for your barista-made coffee. “It’s a one-stop shop for the folks of Blenheim – day or night,” he said. Wild Bean Cafe is the number one retailer of barista-made coffee in New Zealand but van Hattum insisted that their quality coffee didn’t come “just by chance”. “We spend a significant amount of time training and re-training our staff to ensure that we deliver consistently great coffee time and again…we’ve been doing this for a long time, so we think we’ve gotten pretty good at it.” To drive engagement and ensure Wild Bean Cafe baristas maintain their focus on quality, BP runs an annual barista competition which will enter its 14th year in 2016. The Barista Competition is a major highlight on the Wild Bean Cafe calendar, with keen baristas from all over the country competing for one of three titles – Rookie of the Year, Manager Barista of the Year or Supreme Barista. Baristas are judged on process (the technical elements of heating the milk, tamping and extracting the coffee), customer service and presentation (how the coffee looks and how quickly it is made). Gina Bowman from BP Connect Wild Bean Cafe Pacific (Auckland) took out the coveted Supreme Barista title and Shannon Radcliffe from BP Connect Wild Bean Cafe Dallington (Christchurch) won Manager Barista of the Year in 2015.

ENJOY 10 CENTS PER LITRE DISCOUNT! To celebrate the store opening, BP Connect Blenheim is offering a five-day discount for registered AA and AA Smartfuel cardholders of 10 cents per litre on up to 50 litres when a customer spends $40 or more on fuel^.

Not an AA Smartfuel cardholder yet? No problem!

The BP Connect Blenheim team at your service.

“Our staff are a pretty competitive bunch so hopefully we will see some Blenheim baristas up in lights this year, van Hattum said. He also said BP was committed to delivering sustainable and efficient operations every day by educating staff, making conscious supplier and partner choices and through more sustainable construction decisions. Along with quality barista-made coffee, what many people don’t know is that Wild Bean Cafe has also been using Fairtrade Certified coffee beans since 2008. “We’ve offered Fairtrade coffee for almost a decade and we are really proud of the positive impact it has had on cooperative communities overseas,” van Hattum said. “This is our 94th Wild Bean Cafe to open in New Zealand, so as we grow, the benefits for cooperative communities overseas continue to grow too.” As part of a national programme that has operated for five years, customers can also take used Fairtrade coffee grinds home to use in their gardens. BP Connect Blenheim will also be added to a national recycling programme which saves approximately 90 tonnes of waste from going to landfill every month as well as a national carwash network that recycled more than 70 million litres of carwash water in the past 12 months alone. “This is an initiative that other retailers are yet to implement to this level or scale,” van Hattum said. Sensor taps have also been installed to reduce water wastage and, to reduce BP Connect Blenheim’s power consumption BP has invested in bright energy efficient LED lighting, lighting sensors and refrigeration controls including door alarms.

Retail area co-ordinator Nathan Cooper, area manager Darren Coe, assistant site manager Aleisha Brickell and site manager Linda Anderson-Hale.

BP celebrated its 48th year as a partner of Surf Life Saving New Zealand last month – this is believed to be the longest unbroken corporate partnership in New Zealand history. Nelson Surf Life Saving Club President Marcus Gardner said the Club was involved in a lot of call-outs around the Nelson-Tasman region and was extremely grateful to have received a brand new Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) from BP this year because their old one had been “pushed to its limit”. “Our old IRB has taken quite a battering over the years, so this new one will make a huge difference,” he said.

EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR BLENHEIM SUN READERS Purchase an Ultra Carwash for HALF PRICE and receive a FREE Wild Bean Cafe coffee* To redeem this great deal, simply surrender this clipping to a friendly BP staff member by 6pm on 16 May.

You can grab your card at BP, just be sure to register it online before you refuel.

^Offer available at BP Connect Blenheim only | Offer valid from 6.00am 11 May 2016 until 11.59pm 15 May 2016 | Discount cannot be applied in conjunction with BP Fuelcard Offer can be redeemed or accumulated | See AAsmartfuel.co.nz for all terms and conditions.

*RRP of Ultra Carwash is $17 | Coffee valued at up to $4.80 | Available at BP Connect Richmond only | Offer valid from 6.00am on 11 May 2016 until 6pm on 16 May 2016 Limit of one redemption per customer during that period | Offer subject to availability.



The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016




Wairau Hospital Maternity Ward visiting hours are:

Brought to you by

DAILY at 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

KEEN: Michael Keen and Natasha Knox are excited to announce the arrival of their first baby boy, Axl Desmond Knox Keen (9lb 11oz, 56cm) on May 3, 2016 at 6.18pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to our midwife Cathy Middleton and all the maternity staff at Wairau Hospital.

CUNNIFFE: Brad and Rose are excited and over the moon to announce the quick and safe arrival of their first baby, Piper Ina Rose (7lb 3oz) on May 3, 2016 at 4.30am at Wairau Hospital. Super thanks to midwife Adrianna Yianacou and all the Wairau maternity staff.




NIKERSON: Jordan, Lucas and smitten big brother Cj are proud to announce the early and safe arrival of Cohen (7lb 9oz), born May 6, 2016. A massive thank you to Shona, Rhianne, Bron, and the theatre and maternity staff at Wairau hospital. Our family is now complete! Photo supplied.

Just married? Send us your wedding photo and announcement and we will publish it for free. Just email to: babies@blenheimsun.co.nz

Had a baby?

Tell the rest of Blenheim

NEWTON: Trina, Mike, big brothers Kodi and Olly and big sister Tylah are so proud to welcome Mason William (9lb 5oz) to the family at 11.51am at Wairau Hospital on May 4, 2016. Special thanks to our midwife Rhianne Lamb.

SUGGATE: Rachel and Andrew would like to announce the birth of their first child, Samuel Michael Suggate (8lbs 1oz), born 10.43am on April 29, 2016, at Auckland City Hospital. Special thanks to our midwife Linda Wolting and the hospital staff that helped with the delivery. Photo supplied.



Mum of The Week

Gane-Brass: Sam and Jacob would like to announce the safe and early arrival of their first baby boy, Ezra Cash Brass (7 lbs 5 1/2 oz), born April 4, 2016 at 10.10pm. Special thanks to Rhianne, Bronwyn and the pediatric staff at Wairau Hospital. Photo supplied.

FOR FREE Just email your message to babies@blenheimsun.co.nz

Tel: 03 520 9030 | Fax: 03 520 9080 email: blenheim@newworld-si.co.nz

Congratulations to RoSe CUNNIFFe this

week’s lucky winner of the New World $25 voucher to spend at New World Blenheim. our winner is invited to bring her ID in to claim her prize when she next visits New World Blenheim.

Your locally owned and operated Supermarket

The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Fundraising gala well supported

Story and photo by Celeste Alexander Families flocked to the Omaka Marae on Sunday for a mini gala organised by Blenheim Early Childhood Centres. The event was fundraising for the family of fouryear-old local boy Tyler Walker who is currently in Christchurch undergoing treatment for a brain tumour. There was everything from bouncy castles, crazy

hair and balloon animals, through to live dancing which kept the large crowds entertained. A mini digger and pony rides also proved a huge hit with children. The $7000 raised from Sunday’s gala will go towards supporting Tyler’s parents, Trina and Phil, who are staying by their son’s side during his six-month treatment. A Givealittle page has already raised over $27,500.

Update on Tyler’s treatment: Family members say Tyler has completed his third round of chemo and is doing exceptionally well. He has also just finished up his seventh round of radiation which is going very well and he has ‘bounced back better than expected’. “We just hope it keeps going this way. “During his last three days in hospital for treatment Tyler has been dancing in the hallways and chatting up all the nurses. “Again Thank you all for your kind words and support throughout this hard time.”

ABOVE: Studio HQ dancers entertain the crowd. INSET: Paula Sadd and daughter Isadora Pinheiro.

Running for hospice a marathon effort By Cathie Bell What started as a get fit measure for a Renwick man has turned into a marathon effort to raise money for the Marlborough Hospice. Bohally Intermediate School teacher Phillip Johnson says he started running as a way of getting fit. He got into running events and got hooked. “So now, I quite enjoy it. It sounds nuts but it’s the only sport I do at the moment. It’s a good way to relax and get fit. You can do short runs or long runs, it doesn’t matter.” Running fits around his work and family commitments, and after doing a few half-marathons and 20 to 30 kilometre races, he decided to run a full marathon of 42 kilometres as a New Year’s

resolution. He’ll be running the Christchurch marathon on the Sunday morning of Queen’s Birthday weekend next month. As an extra incentive, he is using the marathon to fundraise for the Marlborough Hospice, in recognition of the work it has done with some family friends. He has set up a Give-a-little page, and is thrilled to have raised $850 already, just with a few FaceBook posts. Probably the hardest thing about marathon running was finding time for the training, Phillip says. https://www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/bertha4hospice RIGHT: Phillip Johnson training in Queenstown.


prices are asleep in the bedroom department Do you feel as tired as your bedroom furniture looks? Then now’s the perfect time for a chat with our expert bedroom consultants. They’ll guide you on choosing the best Sealy bed for you and help transform your bedroom with furniture from our large range. There’s a style and price for every home and budget!

Offer valid Saturday 14th - Sunday 22nd May 2016.

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm



Wednesday May 11, 2016

Cancer Society Fundraiser

The Sun

out & about

Cancer Society Marlborough held a fundraising morning tea on Friday, with ‘special guest’ Prime Minister John Key.

 Hilary Gill and Janet Steggle were instrumental in

 Larry McFadden, Phil Kennard, and Gail McFadden were at the Cancer

organising the Cancer Society’s morning tea.

Society morning tea.

 Roberta Marshall and Julia Dawkins .

Gala for Tyler Walker Blenheim Early Childhood Centres banded together to run a Mini Gala to raise money for Tyler Walker.

 Amanda Preece with Pippa Minhinnick at the crazy hair stall.

 Ben Craw with his children Ben and Amelia. Emma and Georgie Hickin with their balloon animals.

International Sauvignon Blanc Day All around the world, sauvignon blanc was celebrated on Friday. Wine Marlborough organised a lunchtime event to celebrate the variety that has made Marlborough famous.

 Hannah Burns from Accolade Wines’ London office and Marcus Pickens from Wine Marlborough.

 Claudia Yanez from Nautilus, Stephanie MacIntyre from Churton, and

Patricia Miranda-Taylor from Wither Hills enjoy a glass of sauvignon blanc.

 Heather Stewart and Stewart MacLennan from Saint Clair

Family Estate and Annabelle Latz from Accolade Wines are part of International Sauvignon Blanc Day celebrations in Marlborough.

Any of our “out & about” photos can be purchased at the Sun Newspaper office.



Get your pool sorted for winter with WINTER BOX for just $42 and get this limited edition rugby ball. FOR FREE! PLUS we are auctioning a rugby ball signed by the mighty Tasman Makos! Visit Think Water to bid - all funds raised go to the highest bidder’s chosen charity. Cnr Hutcheson & Auckland Streets, Mayfield, Blenheim P : 03 578 3802 www.thinkwater.co.nz

The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

On the Road Marlborough Motoring


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2c sutherland terrace Blenheim

Ph 03 577 6800


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• Stone Chips & Cracks while you wait • Windscreen Replacement • Rear Vision Mirrors • Headlamps • All Work Guaranteed • Locally Owned and Operated Prompt and Friendly Service 44 MAIN STREET, BLENHEIM

PH 03 578 5373 027 578 5374

Rikstay Auto • Exhaust • Lubes • Budget Priced Tyres • Batteries

One Stop Brake & Auto

Daniel Flood.

Quality workmanship, approachable staff and a friendly smile on arrival is what you can expect from the team at One Stop Brake & Auto in Blenheim. The business is owned by Daniel and Kathryn Flood, a local couple committed to providing the best service possible to the community. It’s no surprise to see Daniel working in the automotive industry after growing up around cars and leaving school at 16 to begin his apprenticeship. “I have always wanted to be working with cars and I guess it was predestined with my family,” he jokes. Daniel and Kathryn purchased One Stop Brake & Auto in June 2015 from previous owner Dick Mol, someone Daniel says he had known a long time. In fact Daniel nearly began his career working for Dick, but instead started an apprenticeship at Blenheim Toyota. After a number of years Daniel operated his own workshop from Riverlands as well as going out commercial paua diving.

It all got a bit much after he and Kathryn started a family. “It was hard not knowing where I would be on a daily basis so when the opportunity came to take over from Dick it made sense. “Since taking over it’s been really busy and the support of the community has been great,” he says. In the workshop Daniel has two qualified mechanics with expertise in the area of auto electrics. “Bryan and Jake both specialise in the diagnostic and electronics side of things which compliments everything else we do here,” Daniel says. Supporting the workshop team is Kathryn who takes care of the administration. “We have a great team in place who are qualified and experienced technicians who will pay attention to every details to ensure your car meets the highest possible standards of performance and safety. “At One Stop Brake & Auto we are committed to personalised service, so call in and find out what we can do for you,” Daniel says.

Experts in motor repair and servicing Ph 03 578 7074 36 Grove Road, Blenheim


One Stop Brake & Auto in Blenheim provides the following services: • Regular servicing • Motor repair • Brakes and muffler work • Expert advice • Quality parts and components

Daniel and his team can also service air conditioning and with the addition of an automotive transmission flushing machine they can provide an excellent preventative maintenance procedure for the good health of your car. You will always be given personal service and the right advice at One Stop Brake & Auto in Blenheim, so come in and see Daniel and his team today.

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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Art and wine greet cellar door visitors Story and photo by Celeste Alexander People visiting Wither Hills Cellar Door will be greeted by a pop of colour from a new art wall put up this week by Bonnie Coad. Bonnie is Wither Hills’ resident artist as well as a viticulture hand for the company. The art wall features pieces from her ‘Pattern Animal’ series and will hopefully evoke intrigue and plenty of interest, Bonnie says. “It’s such a unique and wonderful venue here, a great place to have the art on display. “I plan to change the art every six or so weeks to keep it fresh and interesting,” she says.

Bonnie’s Pattern Animal art is based on coloured animals collaged with lettering and shapes from sewing patterns. Fish, butterflies, birds and cats are just some of the featured works, each handlayered with shapes and lettering from sewing patterns. Aside from the art wall, Bonnie is also preparing for the New Zealand Art Show in Wellington on Queen’s Birthday weekend. RIGHT: Local artist Bonnie Coad has put up an ‘art wall’ at Wither Hills Cellar Door this week, featuring her ‘Pattern Animals’ series.


Come and be informed and inspired by the top of the South’s wedding professionals. $5 entry with proceeds to Child Cancer

Sunday May 29, 2016 10am - 3pm Marlborough Convention Centre 42a alfred Street, blenheim


Marlborough Floral Art Group past presidents, Lorraine Sutherland, Aileen Douglas, Jill Abernethy, Cheryl Greer, Moira Parry, Anne Norton and Shirley Roughan (current president). Front: Bev Lyford, Coralie Jamieson and Phyllis McFarlane.

Floral group celebrates contributions There were a number of surprised faces at last week’s Marlborough Floral Art Group meeting when some of the members received special awards. Phyllis McFarlane, Aileen Douglas, Barbara Walsh and Dulcie Ohlson received Life Membership Awards

for their services to the group. Further presentations were also made to the past presidents to celebrate their contributions. The awards follow on from the group’s recent 50th anniversary celebrations.

Bringing you the best of Marlborough twice a week

Wednesday The largest circulating newspaper in Marlborough To advertise your business call 5777-868 Send your news stories to news@blenheimsun.co.nz

The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016 19

w community notices The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $10.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office at 72 High Street, Blenheim

Depression Support Group You are not alone! Spend time with others who understand. Meets Bread of Life, 14B Stephenson St, Thurs 1pm-2.30pm. Ph Barb: 0277372403.

Family/Whanau for information/ advocacy support For families living with mental illness/addictions please contact Supporting Families Marlborough - Lyn, Karina or Nikki ph 577 5491 or visit us at 4 Scott Street.

For Keeping U Moving Free indoor walking circuit 50+ St Christopher’s Church Hall 11.30-12.30. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Coin donation. More info 579 4446 or 0212230160 leave name and number.

community services Marlborough After Hours GP Services: Wairau Hospital campus, after 6pm. Reception 520 6377. Office 520 9980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 579 4870. After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy 9am-6pm, 7 days. Ph 5782271. Community Care Pharmacy: Within the Blenheim Warehouse, open 7 days 9am-8pm. Only closed Christmas Day. Diabetes Marlborough Inc: Office hours 9am3pm Mon-Thu 5775549. Reg. Nurse 1pm-5pm Wed, 8.30am-5pm Thu & Fri 5206200 (Mary). Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543354, 24hr helpline. Marlborough Women's Refuge, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre: Crisis line, phone Wairau Hospital 520 9999, for Women's Refuge contact numbers. Overeaters Anonymous: For more information. Ph 570 5137 Alcoholics Anonymous: Rose 5777651, Harvey 578 8125. Citizens Advice Bureau - Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm. Phone 578 4272.

death notices PALMER, Desmond Albert (Des): Peacefully, on Sunday May 8 2016, with his family beside him. Aged 83 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Thel. Much loved father and father-in-law of Noel, Arnie and Jen, Sue and Ian, Dave, Mark and Tiana, Grant and Lisa. Loved grandad of Aysia; Shane, and Aaron; Jessica, Monika, Ryan, and Dylan; Hayley, Sam, Lucas, and Brooke; loved Great Grandad of Axel; and Riley. Messages may be sent to 6 Lynley Crescent, Blenheim 7201. In lieu of flowers, a donation to Hospice Marlborough would be appreciated and may be made at the service or sent to P O Box 411, Blenheim 7240. A funeral service for Des will be held at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Henry Street, at 1pm on Wednesday May 11, followed by private cremation at the Sowman Crematorium. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

Housie Thursday 7pm, Blenheim Bowling Club, 40 housies, 2 supers, raffles and meals available. Proceeds to Te Rerenga O Te Ra.

Mental Health Consumer Advocacy Service Our Advocates will take up your cause to ensure your rights are respected, listen to your concerns and support you in the actions you want to take to gain resolution. Ph 579 5304 or call at Level 2, Aorere House, 54 Scott St.

Sheets’n’Things Bedding linen urgently needed at Sheets’n’Things, between The Warehouse carpark building & Johns Kitchen. Ph: 578 1356 Ext 5 or 021 178 8337.


St John Community Shop Springlands. We are overstocked with Lounge Suites, Couches, Single Bed and Desks. Come in and make us an offer. Phone 5781754.

Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846) Al-Anon: Help for families & friends of alcoholics. Ph Margaret 578 4690 or Cilla 570 5335. Alzheimers Society Marlborough: 577 6172, 8 Wither Rd. Open Monday - Friday, 8.30 - 4.30pm Hospital Visiting Hours: Wairau Hospital: Daily 11.30am-7.30pm, children under 12 may visit parents only. Maternity Ward: 10am-Noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. Marlborough Family Budgeting: - Free confidential budgeting advice. Monday-Friday. Phone 578 2006. Marlborough Lupus Support: For more information phone Katrina 572 4333 or 021 502 451 Picton Doctor: Phone weekend doctor 573 6092 or Marlborough After Hours GP Service 520 6377. Office 520 9980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870. Chemist:Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 9-6pm, Sat 9-2pm, Queen Charlotte Pharmacy 573 7927 Sat 9-1pm.

acknowledgement The Sun Newspaper offers an acknowledgement service to its readers. You can submit acknowledgements following family bereavements. The deadline will be on Mondays at 5.00pm, with a limit of 50 words for $15.00. You can submit acknowledgements by bringing them to the Sun office at 72 High Street, or posting them to PO Box 634 Blenheim 7240. You can also email them to frontdesk@blenheimsun.co.nz Please include your contact details: Name, address, email and phone numbers, including your mobile number if possible.

TURNER, Garry Edward Roworth: Dinah, Michelle, Phillip, Wendy and families wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the support received; the loving personal messages, sympathy cards, phone calls, baking, visits, flowers and other acts of kindness have been very much appreciated. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement.

in memoiram RAYNEL, Paula - Jane: Passed away 20 years ago. 9-5-1996. Always loved by Dad xxx

In Memoriam Remember your lost loved one on their anniversary. The deadline is Monday 5.00pm. Please contact the Sun for further details. 72 High Street, Blenheim, email frontdesk@blenheimsun.co.nz or phone 577 7868.

C R O S S W O R D Puzzle CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Result (5-6) 7. Scoundrel (7) 11. Pulls (5) 12. Deviousness (7) 13. Excellent (5) 14. Alert (9) 15. So (9) 16. Directs (6) 18. Skull (7) 21. Disorder (4) 23. Racket (3) 25. Take by sips (3) 27. Stake (4) 28. Artlessness (7) 30. Low chair; Chaise ... (6) 32. Expert; ... hand (3) 33. Strange (3) 34. Zealous (6) 35. In brisk time(music) (7) 36. U.S. state (4) 37. Biblical vessel (3) 39. Curve (3) 41. Cupid (4) 43. Exposed to air (7) 45. Female relatives (6) 48. An endless time(Lat) (9) 49. Left handed people(inf) (9)

By Russell McQuarters 51. Angry (5) 52. Solidify by cooling (7) 53. Anaesthetic (5) 54. Humbleness (7) 55. Friendship (11) DOWN 1. Sound (5) 2. Sent (11) 3. Shy (8) 4. Of public revenue (6) 5. Turn outwards (5) 6. Constrict (7) 7. Has high morals (8) 8. Reduce (6) 9. Sanction (7) 10. Audacity (5) 16. Arrange in steps (7) 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank ...(7) 19. Competitor (5) 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 1975-84 Sir Robert ... (7) 22. Boils (7) 24. Catch (3) 26. Group of whales (3) 29. Topic (5) 31. Uninvited guest (4-7) 32. Deoxyribonucleic acid

(abbr) (3) 33. Sphere (3) 38. U.S. horse race; ... Derby (8) 40. Restrained (8) 42. Casual (7) 44. Annual calendar (7) 46. Scoffs (6) 47. Manservant (6) 48. Form of expression (5) 49. Water vapour (5) 50. Gambol (5)

SOLUTION Friday’s solutions For For July April28, 9, 2003 2004


The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Trades and Services Appliances

YOUR OLD TOP LOaDIng washIng machIne If it is still working, you could recycle it with us.

Ph 578 3601



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property for sale


IDEAL FIRST HOME Central Blenheim 3 Bdrm, permanent material house bordering the Taylor River. Private rear 993m2 section. Close to School & Play Centre. Large Kitchen + storage, new oven & dishwasher. Wetback water heating, heat pump & insulation. Sunny aspect with roses & fruit trees. Large storage shed. $259,000 private sale. No agents please. PH: 027 7867657.

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B lack H u n ta way Pups. 8 weeks old, 1 male, 2 females. $100. Ph: 5757328.

W O R S H I P WEDNESDAY. Every Wednesday at 7.30pm, St Peter’s, 30 Lawrence St, Havelock. One hour of uplifting praise & worship in music and song. Join us!

DRESS MAKING, alterations, will pick up & deliver. Ph Robyn 5737257 or 022-173-6140

2 / 3 B edroom co t tage . 5mins from Market Street and Blenheim School. Furniture avaliable. New heat pump. Small garden and carport.$240 per week. Ph 579 5171.

work wanted

Blenheim Marlborough

public notice

public notice


INTRODUCTION TO BALLROOM DANCING An invitation to learn to Foxtrot, Waltz and ChaChaCha will be held on Sunday 15th May, 2016 commencing at 2pm

for details

VEnuE Wairau Hospital Nurses’ Hall (entrance off Maxwell Road) BlEnHEim SOcial DancE cluB Colin 579 3101

Veronica 577 5539

Two Strong Men & A Truck

Have some junk that could be treasure?



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Windows • Doors • Vanities • Wall Units • Kitchens • Stairs • Shop Fittings • Fit-out of boats and motorhomes • Repair work

Phone: 579 5266 Rachel Proof read by:_______________________________ Cell: 027 6710 133 Email: walklins@xtra.co.nz 13 Sutherland Terrace, Blenheim

We have a vacancy for a trainee Bagging Machine Operator to run our bagging machines in our Frozen Vegetable Department. While some mechanical ability would be an advantage, you will need to be people oriented and have good numerical skills. Full training will be provided.

577 7868 for details

You should be experienced in electronic stock management systems, physically fit and able to work with minimal supervision. Available shift times are 6am to 6pm and 6pm to 6am. Overtime rates paid after 40 hours.

You will also need a current full licence and pass a police check. This job will include working Saturday mornings and every second Monday off. Applications close 20 May, 2016 Contact 577 9942 or email CV to blenheimtesting@clear.net.nz

Dispatch Person Forklift Driver We have vacancies at our Old Renwick Road processing plant for suitable people to assist with the dispatch of our product. The position includes container loading, picking of orders and forklift driving pertaining to dispatch and packing operations. Available shift times are 6am to 6pm and 6pm to 6am. Suitable applicants should be experienced in electronic stock management systems, physically fit and able to work with minimal supervision. Forklift experience preferred but full training is available. Overtime rates paid after 40 hours. All applicants must have the right to work in NZ. Please apply in person on weekdays between 8.30am and 4.00pm to: Talleys Group Limited, 742 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim.

All applicants must have the right to work in NZ. Please apply in person on weekdays between 8.30am and 4.00pm to: Talleys Group Limited, 742 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim.

Rachel Proof read by:_______________________________ www.talleys.co.nz


Are you looking for a new With: _______________________________ Date:______________________________ challenge... .

advertising proof

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who is positive,1 friendly not 2 3 4 and 5 $0 $0 $25 $50 $75 afraid to meet people. We are also looking for Packers. If this sounds like you, come in job: C54942 PLEASE NOTE: All applicants must have the right to work and to prepared us about thattalk we have this this role. Expert in Pain Relief in NZ. advertisement proofhourly based onrate our will be size: 10 x 2 format: b&w A competitive understanding of the instructions Please apply in person on weekdays received. In approving the publication run datebetween position sortto: cost (excl gst) offered. 8.30am and 4.00pm it is or client’s responsibility Oradvertisement, phone Les Katrina to make Talleys Group Limited, to check the accuracy of both the Dr GRANT Midweek JOHNSTON Express Wed 4 May Sit Vacant $158.20 a time. Phone 5777-868. 742 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim. advertisement, the media and the Specialist in Wed 11 May $158.20

PAIN BUSTERS Acupuncture, Musculoskeletal Medicine, Acute and Chronic Pain

Blenheim Sun Springlands Health Ltd 139 Middle Renwick Road, Blenheim

The Fresh Name in the Freezer

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The successful applicant will ideally be a qualified Vehicle Inspector or have at least 5 years’ experience in the automotive repair trade, and be able to sit and pass a NZTA inspectors test.

Machine Operator

advertising proof

Advertise on the Sun’s Trades & Services page

Blenheim Testing Station is looking for a full time vehicle inspector to join the team.

situations vacant

Don’t throw it out! Advertise a garage sale today and turn trash into cash

Vehicle Warrant of Fitness Inspector Wanted

Tradesman with 40 years experience Ph 027-859-7074 • A/H 03-579-3368 email: samkar@xtra.co.nz

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situations vacant

Interiors - Exteriors - Wall papering Gib stopping - Roofs EQC

Any cars, vans, trucks, 4x4's. In any condition.



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church notice


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Wednesday May 11, 2016

The Fresh Name in the Freezer

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Classifieds Advertising Ph 03 577 7868

Wed 4 May Sit Vacant Wed 11 May

$145.00 $145.00

position nominated. Cancellation of adverts booked with The media will incur a media cancellation fee of $50. Blenheim Marlborough


Phone: 03 578 0979 for an appointment

Sun The

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Blenheim Marlborough


The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016 public notice

Entries Now Open EIM LIONS


Bride 2016

of the year

Saturday 30th July 16 We invite all brides married or residing in Marlborough between 12th July 2015 and 20th July 2016 to enter the Bride of the Year Show held at Clubs of Marlborough. All enquiries please email bblbrideoftheyear@gmail.com Entries close 20th July 2016 Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit St John Ambulance & Marlborough Stroke Club Bride of the Year Blenheim

situations vacant

Accounts ReceivAble AdministRAtoR In a short space of time the Yealands Wine Group has established itself as a global leader in sustainable wine production. Inspired to “think boldly, tread lightly and never say it can’t be done”, the Yealands Wine Group has achieved rapid international growth, exporting to over 80 countries. This is great role where you will manage the collection of the Company’s global accounts receivable. Responsibilities include: • Ensuring all debtor accounts are reconciled • Data entry of customer discount claims • Supplying information to the Company’s credit insurer for new and existing customers • Setting up new customer accounts • Internal customer service Your other skills may present additional finance team responsibilities that could broaden the scope of this role. To apply send us your CV and a cover letter. Include bit about yourself, why you want to work for Yealands and why you’d be a good fit for this role and our company. http://yealandswinegroup.qjumpers.co.nz/jobs/ad/Accounts-Receivable-Administrator-/23091/

PAyRoll AdministRAtoR PARt time 20 houRs minimum PeR week In a short space of time the Yealands Wine Group has established itself as a global leader in sustainable wine production. Inspired to “think boldly, tread lightly and never say it can’t be done”, the Yealands Wine Group has achieved rapid international growth, exporting to over 80 countries. Everyone likes to get paid correctly and on-time so this is a critical role where integrity and attention to detail is essential. We can offer some flexibility in hours for the right person, however you must be available fortnightly on a Monday and Tuesday to run the pays and fit around the needs of the business. Responsibilities include: • Processing payrolls for the business • Maintaining data integrity • Managing all payroll queries • Managing the Company’s IR filings • Assisting with the implementation of enhancements to the payroll system • Assisting with the administration of the company’s Health and Safety management system • Leave administration and reporting • Internal customer service You must have a sound knowledge of payroll legislation and the Holidays Act. Your other skills may present additional finance team responsibilities that could broaden the scope of this role. To apply send us your CV and a cover letter. Include bit about yourself, why you want to work for Yealands and why you’d be a good fit for this role and our company. http://yealandswinegroup.qjumpers.co.nz/jobs/ad/Payroll-Administrator---Part-TIme/23090/

Possums not a pest? By Tony Orman NZ First’s Primary Industries and Outdoor spokesman Richard Prosser told a small meeting of 20 people at Woodboune last Friday that he does not regard the possum as a pest. He arrived at this conclusion after considering several avenues of information over recent years, he says. Recently in Parliament where in response to his questions to the Government’s Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy, it was disclosed possums are not significant carriers of bovine tuberculosis. “Of 9830 possums autopsied last year, none had TB,” he says. Other information came from some scientists and possum trappers, the latter telling of killing 20,000 or more possums over decades and finding none visibly diseased. Richard questions the TB testing regime used by OSPRI (formerly Animal Health Board) and says it is “cheap and inaccurate with a 20 percent or more error rate”. “OSPRI are taking levy money off farmers and in return giving a substandard inaccurate test,” he says. Richard disputes the Department of Conservation’s claim that possums preyed on bird’s nests and instead points to research that showed bird material in autopsied possums was just 0.02 percent of diet. The contention possums browsed forest thus causing “damage” is spurious too, he says. “New Zealand’s vegetation was

browsed over millions of years by the several species of moa and other birds such as pigeon and takahe. The bush needs browsing. “The deer is the best browser to replace the extinct moa,” he says. Richard says possums are a resource to be harvested for both fur and protein. The possum fur industry is worth $125 million a year. He says evidence is for government in the neighbouring Town Belt adjacent to Parliament where rats, stoats and possums lived with bird life thriving. “The difference from wilderness public lands is they don’t dare drop

1080 poison over Wellington,” he says. The use of poisons like 1080 and brodifacoum was a potential threat to exports. Several years ago, exports of wild venison to Germany were suspended because of European concerns about New Zealand’s indiscriminate and widespread use of 1080. Lloyd Hanson told of a Bay Of Plenty manufacturer of pet food utilising possum meat who had export orders instantly cancelled when Japanese TV screened a programme on New Zealand’s aerial 1080 programme.

Federated Farmers focus on ten year council plan By Tony Orman Marlborough Federated Farmers is to focus on Marlborough district plans in an endeavour to find the implications for farmers. This objective was singled out by Marlborough Federated Farmers president Sharon Parkes in her annual report to the annual general meeting of the organisation. “The major issue is the 10 year Environment Plan which combines the Awatere, Wairau and Sounds plans which have been quite different in the past.” Marlborough Federated Farmers unsuccessfully sought the contents of the plan from council but to no avail. “We still do not know what is in this plan and wanted to help sort out problems before they arose but this is not to be,” Sharon says. When the plan will be finally disclosed probably in June, Marlborough Federated Farmers will hold a series of rural meetings throughout Marlborough so farmers can understand the implications for farming and livelihoods, she says. The council’s draft annual plan predicts rates will rise by 2.2 per cent, with Renwick and Havelock to get new water supplies. As well, council is reviewing its regional pest management strategy. Some farmers were critical of

The Marlborough Federated Farmers’ executive, during the annual meeting last week, from left Gary Barnett (treasurer), Sharon Parkes (president) and Evan White (dairy section chairman).

council’s attitude. Former Marlborough District Councillor and former Marlborough Federated Farmers president Pat O’Sullivan says there is a “culture problem” between council staff and the people. Federated Farmers NZ vicepresident Anders Crofoot spoke on a variety of topics. Discussing climate change, he describes the Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme as a failure. “New Zealand did itself a real disservice with the ETS,” he says.

He said there were some spurious claims around climate change. “Currently we’re at a cool point in geological history.” Marlborough beekeeper Will Trollope says population is the key. “While population increases, emissions increase,” he says. “That’s the real crux of the problem.” Elections resulted in Sharon Parkes of Linkwater re-elected unopposed as president with Scott Adams from Northbank and Phillip Neal from Rapaura elected as vice-presidents.

The Sun


Wednesday May 11, 2016

Friends spur Peter on to victory Story and photo by Cathie Bell Twice a week a group of retired people get on their bikes and go cycling, and it’s this group that veteran cyclist Peter Preddy credits with his remarkable fitness. He’ll be lining up with 2500 others to do the Saint Clair vineyard half marathon this weekend, but he’ll ‘just be walking’, he says. Peter took up cycling 11 years ago when he was 72, being ‘a late bloomer’, he laughs. He joined a group of ‘ex-trampers’ known as ‘the old boys’ who were finding tramping a bit hard on their bodies and who have taken up cycling instead. Now with women members as well, the mixed group meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings, cycles 45 kilometres before stopping for morning tea at Saint Clair Family Estate’s cellar door in Selmes Road, and then cycling another 10km home. He may be 84 now, but he is ‘extremely’ competitive, others in the group laugh. Fellow cyclist Lynne Haines says Peter smiles as he goes past, ‘he says eat my dust’. Peter says he enjoys going out with the group and likes the challenge. “I owe everything to this group, if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be doing this. They are a wonderful supportive group of people.” He agrees he is competitive. “I don’t like others getting past me,” he says. “Cycling is good for me, it keeps me going. I don’t know what I’d do without the cycling.” He doesn’t keep his competitive nature

Sport inbrief

Mt Vernon Traverse Marlborough Harriers is holding the Mt Vernon Traverse race on June 12, with the main 18km run on Wither Hills Farm Park tracks, ascending to 420m, starting at 10am. The 11km walk-run starts at 10.15am, and the 2 km children’s challenge at 10.30am. Registrations are on the day from 9am, with all races starting at Wither Hills Farm car park at the top of Redwood Street. Enter online: www.harriers. net.nz

Pigeon racing With near perfect weather on Saturday, the racing pigeons of the Blenheim club were released at 8.22 am from a distance of 235 km. Their eighth race of the season. The flock cleared the liberation point quickly to begin their journey homewards and in spite of virtually no wind assistance good average speeds were expected. The winning birds recorded 77 km/hr to the Renwick loft of Alister Cooper, a close second went to Chris Bensley whose birds recorded 76 km/hr followed by the ever consistent Two Fishers loft with 75.4 km/hr. Rob of Nearo lofts again edged out Neil with a speed of 75.1 km/hr but nonetheless Neil wasn’t far behind on 74.6 km/hr.

Peter Preddy, member of the “old boys” cycling club, is still cycling at 84. to the social group either. He’s competed at many masters games, collecting 25 gold medals, three silver, and three bronze for his cycling. And there is the World Masters Games in Auckland in April next year, so he may not have finished winning the medals yet.

He plays that down though, saying he often doesn’t have people to compete with in his age group. Peter would like to see more older people out and about. “You’ve just got to keep doing what you can do,” he says.

Football star on tour By Cathie Bell Former All White football star Ben Sigmund is coming to speak in his hometown next week. Marlborough Football manager Andrea Smith-Scott says Marlborough Football are hosting an evening with Ben Sigmund, for his book launch, “Fully Committed”, on Wednesday next week. The book launch will be at 7pm at the Marlborough Football clubrooms at A&P Park Pavilion, on Maxwell Road. The $10 ticket price includes a light supper of Dodson’s pizza, and Ben’s book will be available to buy on the night for $39.95. There will also be an auction of various items on the night to raise money for The Neonatal Trust New Zealand, Ben’s charity of choice. Andrea says tickets can be purchased through Marlborough Football.

“We are limited to 100, so get in quick if you are keen to come along.” Born in Blenheim, Sigmund spent his early career with Football Kingz, Canterbury United, Fawkner Blues and Auckland City. He played A-League football, signing for the Wellington Phoenix in 2008 and stayed with the club until the end of the 2015 season. He was the Wellington Phoenix Member’s Player of the Year in 2008-2009. He has represented New Zealand at under-17, under-20 and senior men’s level, and was one of the squad that represented New Zealand at the 2010 FIFA World Cup. When: Wednesday 18th May Where: A&P Park Pavilion, Maxwell Rd (Marlborough Football Club Rooms) Time: 7pm email marlborough@mainlandfootball. co.nz

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Blenheim Valley United surge to the top Some recent fine form has seen the sudden rise of Blenheim Valley United in the 1st division men’s Football competition as they beat the other form team Central 4-1 in the weekend. Alex Conner-McClean, who has been scoring at will, led the charge and thanks to a solid defense with the likes of Alick Damelip playing well has meant they are ahead on the table by goal difference. Rangers City had their first win of the season and in doing so kept a clean sheet. Their 3-0 win also meant Central Pirates are at the bottom of pile. Ben Clarke’s goal was not enough for the Blenheim Valley Masters who went down 2-1 to club mates Blenheim Valley Cobras, while Woodbourne sat out with a bye. Rangers Masters still dominate the 2nd


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The Sun

Wednesday May 11, 2016



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