WednesdaySun The
Blenheim Marlborough
September 22, 2021
Sun Weather
Today 8-15
Thursday 8-17
Friday 6-21
for Today Saturday 9-20 Outlook Periods of rain.
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Tough going By Jacob Page
Blenheim restaurant owner John Derry has cautiously welcomed the Government’s decision to increase capacity in eateries from 50 to 100 people but says many challenges remain for the industry in the short to mid-term. John owns both the Speights Ale House and The Goodhome Marlborough and says while the increase is a plus, there are still plenty of unknown factors while running a business at Level 2. Continued on page 2. John Derry, owner of The Goodhome and The Alehouse Springlands would like to see the Lockdown rules relaxed even more in the South Island. The hospitality industry is finding it tough.
Daylight saving! Don’t forget to wind your clock FORWARD one hour this Sunday morning. Jump forward to Spring.
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