WednesdaySun The
Blenheim Marlborough
April 27, 2022
Sun Weather
Today 7-17
Thursday 6-17
Friday 3-17
for Today Saturday 4-18 Outlook Partly cloudy.
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Lest we forget
ABOVE: John Capill (middle) Vice President of Marlborough's RSA leads the veterans in the Blenheim commemorations. By Chris Valli and Glenise Dreaver
Wing Commander Paul Drysdale from the RNZAF Base Woodbourne and Major Dan Waterston, REME British High commission at the laying of the wreaths.
Blenheim’s Anzac Day commemorations saw several hundred people gathered in the sunshine at Seymour Square on Sunday. After the bells tolled at the eleventh hour, those in attendance were treated to a flyover by a pair of historic military planes, before Mayor John Leggett began proceedings. Leggett spoke of the sacrifices Marlburians had made over the years, and how the challenges the young Kiwi soldiers experienced on the battlefields a world away from home had invigorated the country’s sense of nationhood. Continued on Page 2.
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