11 May Blenheim Sun

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WednesdaySun The

Blenheim Marlborough

May 11, 2022

Sun Weather

Today 1-14

Thursday 2-17

Friday 6-17

for Today Saturday 7-20 Outlook Fine, some morning cloud.

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100 years young By Glenise Dreaver

Coralie Jamieson might be 100 years old, but she still knows how to party. Last week, she attended three parties – the first on Tuesday when some forty members and leaders from Noho Pakari, her Sit and Be Fit class, gathered at the Nativity Church hall to celebrate the big day with two cakes. The celebration for the lifelong fitness enthusiast was a little early, as her birthday was on May 7. Continued on page 2. At left is leader, Pukenga Manaaki Margy Crosby, while at right is manager Anne Hobby, Tumuaki with Te Piki Oranga, who came over from Nelson for the occasion.

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