3 minute read
Sun The txt talk with
Marlborough Lines award a scholarship for Maoris only. Is it even legal to advertise an opening based on race ?
Speed limits
80kph Old Renwick Rd, Middle Renwick Rd and Raupara Rd. 100kph past houses on adjoining roads. 80 or 90 Kph all the way to Nelson but 100kph from Blenheim to Ward and further south. 100kph Tuamarina to Picton. Bit like playing lotto?
Election winners
Bring in EV RUC’s without a 4th deferral. As Europe,increase the retirement age, we can’t afford it. Revoke the ‘Preservation M.O.U.’ & rorts of 150+ years ago; defunding coat-tailing lawyers & accountants; -businesses stand alone; those squandered billions go to all KIWI’s. It starts at home, get our country sorted now!. Logical, not political-that’s why it’s too hard darlings!
Looters up north are scum hitting people at their lowest times. Come on police you know who’s doing it, listen to people phoning talkback, they’re telling us what’s going on up there. Certainly the media don’t print everything.
What a brilliant idea of Government Statistics to send two papers per household before 7th March to remind people to reply. It would be more economical to send one paper form to fill in with free return postage and include details of how to fill in Census if you are “savvy” by computer.
I can muddle my way through, but on the streets I wonder how some older people deal with this. Guess they just ignore it. Not everyone has family to help.
I cannot not wait for the next elections, hopefully a new party will get in and have the guts to tell TV1 and TV3 to call our country New Zealand again and leave the English names that are all ready there alone instead of trying to put a Maori name in front.
As I have said before there is already thousands of Maori places, towns, streets in NZ, just look at a map.
I’m sick and tired of noisy cars racing up and down Burden St. It’s not a racetrack.
Less aggressive
Blenheim Boys’ Brigade Programme 2023. Was disappointed to see that part of the programme would be about Guns, Bows and Arrows.
Surely in this day and age when there is so much violence in the world, and in the past, there must be something less aggressive we can teach our boys!
How about a First Aid course, a game of mini golf, skateboarding/ roller blading, cooking, computer basics or some other Life Skills? Some teaching on Anti-bullying would go a long way.
I read in the Sun March 1st, Jane Tito telling people to take care on the Wither hills tracks. To put it politely, I find this sort of thing very irritating. These people can’t help themselves, they have to whip up fear about anything and everything.
Wise use of taxpayers monies?
Was somewhat perplexed to see a recent situations vacant advertisement for 3 attendance officers for one of our local secondary schools. Involving a total of 100hrs employment per week.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the parents’ responsibility to not only provide their children food, clothing, a roof over their heads, but also an education ie. ensure they attend school?
Town Centre?
Disappointed. Took some overseas visitors into town to look around , I was embarrassed that the town centre looks so tired and unkempt.
Workers bus
Is the workers bus being re-established? Why do I ask? When originally started a bus stop was created on Maxwell Road between Alabama and Hospital Roads. Buses don’t travel down this part of Maxwell Road and the lines faded but just lately new lines have appeared. Does this mean the service is being started again?
6, Not 3 Waters?
With 3 Waters dead in the water, or will be after the General Election this year, why not a commonsense 6 Region Waters?
1 = Northland/Auckland
2 = Waikato/BOP/King C./Taranaki
3 = The rest if the N.Is.
4 = Nelson/Marlborough/Kaikoura
5 = Sth,Central & Nth Canterbury + The West Coast
6 = Sthland, Otago & Nth Otago.
And no unnecessary (very divisive) separatist/ racist entity!
Would beat the appalling 3 Waters concept totally.
Tim Middleton Director of Boarding
Kia ora, I’m Tim Middleton, new Director of Boarding at Nelson College. I’ve recently relocated to the beautiful Nelson region with my wife and two young children.
What we offer
I am extremely impressed by the world class boarding programme we are delivering here at Nelson College and excited to be part of this dynamic community. Please get in touch, or come along to our open day in May if you’d like to learn more about what Nelson College has to offer your son. Over
Two fully renovaed on-campus heritage boarding houses
Tutor Support for academic studies throughout the year
Strong emphasis on whānau within the boarding and broader school community
Located in one of New Zealand’s most beautiful regions, with a range of outdoor activities, including mountain biking, kayaking, skiing and tramping
High-level academic, sporting and leadership programmes
A robust character education influenced by the values of manaaki (care), pono (integrity), and kairangi (success)