7 minute read

Talk of the week


I have a dog which is smaller than a cat so why should I have to register it? Perhaps I should stop paying my dog registration fee.

Not returning

Disgusted after morning Tea at a local cafe in Renwick, grass not mown for weeks, plants growing over path, kids playground unweeded, the worst was broken panes of glass propped up against the fence. Totally not returning.


My husband is 77 yrs old I am 72. Supermarket things are so dear. Try to buy meat that lasts at least 2 or 3 days. Sometimes I will go without as long as I look after my husband. This is not right, how people on the pension should live. We worked hard all our lives and now one of us has to go without eating. What is New Zealand turning into.

Petrol and diesel

Can anyone shed light on why petrol and diesel are both considerably cheaper in Murchison, Te Anau and often Picton than in Blenheim? Are we being taken for an expensive ride?

Cyclone destruction

The damage up north from the cyclone is devastating. I genuinely feel for the people who have lost, family, homes and family. I also feel that people also have self responsibility. If it doesn’t feel safe, leave, don’t wait for an official to tell you you need to.

Also it’s a wake up call to all the councils in NZ to keep the waterways clear of weeds and debris, especially around bridges. The councils also need to make sure road gutters are clean, especially if they know rain is forecast.


Blenheim hosted RNZPBA Canterbury Centre Contest over two days last weekend. So disappointed there wasn’t one photo or mention in the local paper, even the street parade. It was hard enough finding any advertising when it was.

Great day out. Great to see the young ones learning the pipes and drumming. Come on Blenheim, there has been many great events happening and the common comment is, ‘Oh I didn’t know it was on’.

Time for a trim?

Are you a regular walker and get annoyed with foliage growing out over the footpath and trees and rosebushes hanging out hitting and scratching you in the face. Why do people plant hedges between their fence and the footpath when its such a narrow strip, maybe they don’t realise these grow out as well as up? Have you checked your frontage recently?

Paris Agreement

Given the current weather disasters, it might be time to reconsider the financial contribution NZ makes to the Paris Agreement. Could those funds be more useful in our own country?

The latest polls

Just how gullible are the people of New Zealand to see the new PM rise in the latest Polls, remember he was the Minister of Education that sees nearly half of our children can’t read or write let alone know what times tables are, and of course he was the covid minister who made a complete mess of the ballot system of letting kiwis back home.

He’s probably the best puppet that Jacinda could endorse after she couldn’t cope with what it takes to be a PM when the going gets tough.

Clubs of Marlborough

Good to see the Liquidator will investigate the actions of the Committee. Creating new debts when trading while insolvent can result in those responsible assuming personal liability for the debts and also claims by creditors.


40 plus years ago there was talk about a bypass cost back then 10millon maybe. Then we spend 30millon on the duds of Marlborough, I mean clubs then a library that do we really need.

How many million that’s costing it’s the age of electronics what’s wrong with the old one, what’s going to happen with it and they are going to have shops underneath.

Hospo is really short staffed whose going to run this my point is spend your money on something that is positive for Blenhiem not just because thank you.

Wine and Food

We didn’t attend this year as who wants to sit in a sports ground with no trees around and no atmosphere. Agree totally with the comments made by somebody else.

I think it’s such a shame that here in Marlborough the top wine district in New Zealand and we can’t even show case our wonderful Wine and Food in one of the many wonderful vineyards. Please next year can we go back to a vineyard.


How insensitive that forestry continued to run tv ads while causing such devastating damage in the north.

Re Cataract

To the person who did not agree re priorities. You really should get your cataract fixed. You managed to see things in my letter which were never written. I am not old and I don’t have a cataract!

Glad that you accept your cataract. Clearly it does not cause you problems....yet! But it will and when you do need it removed I hope Interislander is there to pay the bill!


I just want to thank the kind folk who assisted me on Monday around lunch time, on Market St, near Fashion Central shop.

It’s wonderful to see such kindness is still around. Several ladies, and also kind gents, bless you all.

I’m better now thanks so much.

Thank you

A HUGE thank you to the two members from Marlborough Roads who came to my assistance last Friday in Koromiko. You surely saved a nasty accident from occurring by kindly stopping and assisting with traffic control. I appreciate all that you did.

Great shape

Marlborough health care at hospital in great shape.

Owing to the expert patient care I am so happy, healthy and fit owing to their knowledge. Many thank you’s, you are greatly appreciated.

From 90 year old.

We welcome your texts on 027 242 5266.

Limit to 70 words please. We reserve the right to publish at our discretion. Please note the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Sun management.

Got an important issue to share with Marlborough? Text your thoughts to 027 242 5266

Tel: (03) 579 4430

Wanted to Buy

Ryan Lawnmowing

Developing Equanimity

A public talk with Geshe Tharchin

Saturday 11 March, 10.30am - 12 noon

Alzheimer’s Room, 8 Wither Road, Blenheim

Develop an evenness of mind, even temperedness in the face of difficulty - an important life skill we all need these days!

Retirement Villages Residents Association of New Zealand

You are cordially invited to attend a Regional Forum of the RV Residents Association

Thursday 16th of March 2023, 2pm

The Redwood Tavern, 66 Cleghorn Street, Redwoodtown, Blenheim gueST SpeAkeR:

Brian Peat - RV Residents National President

Brian will be reporting on progress to date on the upcoming review of the Retirement Villages Act (2003) along with the Code of Practice (2008) as it relates to residents of retirement villages in New Zealand. He will also discuss overall structure of the RV Residents organisation, the financial structure, national statistics, the importance of village contacts, promotions and our future focus. There will be ample time for questions.

Family and friends are most welcome to attend this forum.

There is no charge for this event but a gold coin donation would be greatly appreciated to help defray expenses.


Text your thoughts to: 027 242 5266

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Blenheim Musical Theatre Inc. is to be held at BMT Rooms. 81a Lakings Road Yelverton, Blenheim on

Tuesday, 21st March 2023 at 7.00 pm

All current members and friends of the society are welcome to attend.

(Please note that only current financial members of the Society are entitled to vote at the meeting)

We call for any General Business to be advised by 5pm on Tuesday, 7th March 2023 – email to - secretary@bmt.net.nz


All warmly welcome by donation at the door, please just come along.

Contact Phillipa 027 434 8665 www.chandrakirti.co.nz

Antique Buyers


Marlborough District Council has prepared three variations to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan and is now publicly notifying the variations for submission pursuant to Clause 5, Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA).

The variations are:

Variation 2: Ecologically Significant Marine Sites (ESMS)

Proposal to amend existing ESMS boundaries and to include new ESMS.

Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove (including Motuara Island) Heritage Resource Proposal to include Meretoto/Ship Cove and Motuara as a heritage resource.

Variation 4: Rezoning Road Stopping

Proposal to rezone small areas of land that have had the roading designation removed through the road stopping process.


The variations and reports prepared under Section 32 of the RMA, are available on the MDC website www.marlborough.govt.nz. An interactive map for the Ecologically Significant Marine Sites variation is also available on the website to assist with the spatial information. To better understand how the variations may affect you, we encourage you to go to Council’s website.

Printed copies of the variations and reports are also available for inspection at:

• The Council’s Office, Seymour Street, Blenheim

• The Marlborough Library, Arthur Street, Blenheim

• The Council’s Picton Office and the Picton Library, High Street, Picton SUBMISSIONS

Any person may make a submission on any of the variations but if a person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the proposal that -

• Adversely affects the environment; and

• Does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

Submissions must be in the form prescribed (Form 5) by the Resource Management Act (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003 and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on the submission. Council’s preferred method for receiving submissions is through the online form available on Council’s website. Alternatively, hard copy forms are available at the places listed above.

The closing date for making submissions is 5.00 pm on Friday 11 April 2023. Submissions can be lodged-

By delivery at:

Planning Technician

Marlborough District Council

Seymour Street Blenheim 7201

By mail to:

Attention: Planning Technician Marlborough District Council P O Box 443 Blenheim 7240

By email to: variations@marlborough.govt.nz

Once the closing date for lodging submissions has passed, all submissions received will be summarised, publicly notified and made available for public inspection. Any person who represents a relevant aspect of the public interest, or has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public may make a further submission in support or opposition to any submissions already made.

The Council will then hold hearings to consider submissions that have been lodged. Anyone who has made a submission and who has indicated that they wish to be heard will have the right to attend the hearing and to present their submissions.

The Council will then publicly notify a decision on the variations. On receiving notice any person may refer the decision to the Environment Court for further consideration if they are in disagreement with or are dissatisfied with the decision made by the Council.

For further information contact Louise Walker, at Marlborough District Council on Ph 03 520 7400.

Dated at Blenheim at 8:00 am on the 9 March 2023.

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