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Talk of the week
Thanks everyone
Huge thanks to the Nelson & Marlborough Car Clubs for a massive turnout of cars at the Waterlea Race Course on Sunday. Perfect weather, shady trees and pretty much anything on 4 wheels you could wish for. Fantastic day for a wonderful causeMarlborough Hospice. Thanks everyone!
Is it an offence?
Is it an offence to park on the wrong side of the road?
Driving down Maxwell Road a few days ago and an oncoming vehicle crossed over onto my side of the road only to pull up and park just as I passed by. I had slowed right down. Very dangerous situation!!
Wage rises or reductions?
As the quality of teaching provided to N Z Students in recent years has clearly deteriorated dramatically, shouldn’t the teaching fraternity be asking for wage reductions? Not increases! Pay on performance?
Get rid of the water
We were lucky Hawkes Bay copped it, next time we may not be. The river banks in Blenheim are like swamps, you could lose the new library, the Clubs of Marlborough and the theater in one swoop. We need a dredger to get rid of the silt on the river beds. Something needs to be done.
Gates across walkways are there to deter people from using them. Not certain elite members of Pictons lesser brained individuals tho, they just open them and carry on their merry way. Dolts , I say.
We are a town that’s based largely on the wine industry, can you not be tolerant for the short time the harvest is on. Spillage will happen just like crashes happen . For goodness sake don’t be so self absorbed and have a little give n take. You’ll be better for it. Enjoy life it’s for us all.
Mobility parking
Mobility Parking. The lady driving the black vehicle. One day you might genuinely need a mobility park, until then please leave them free for those who genuinely need them.
When I asked my boss for a rise he said if I give you more money what more are you going to give me in return so I ask the council the same question. At the moment I mow your grass with my mower my petrol and pay the dump fees with my money, I presume council are going to take over that task for every household in Blenheim as they are taking more money off every one.
Falling trees
I can’t believe that some people are pushing past barriers placed across the Snout walking track to prevent access to that section of Track where logging ops are being carried out. Hello!! They are there for a reason. Falling trees can KILL. How clear is that?
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Life’s too short not to have fun!