5 minute read
Cattery 122

Cattery122 provides a unique purpose built cattery which is fully insulated with a ventilated ducting system, continuously introducing fresh air and for the removal of stale air.
Cattery122 provides individually housed units (no communal living) set in a peaceful, rural location surrounded by farm animals brings many rewards and is a holistic, reciprocal relationship in all shapes and forms. such as calcium, collagen and cartilage. Chewing on bones (chicken necks and brisket) will also improve dental health. Weight management, if overweight, and careful exercise, by avoiding excessive ball chasing, are important in managing arthritis. For further information visit the website www.greatandsmall.co.nz or contact veterinarian Dr Chris Piper. Email chris@ greatandsmall.co.nz, ph 0274985404 and an everchanging landscape. Without a doubt, your cat will have a secure, warm, dry and cosy stay with us.
“From our experience we have so many positives to having pets in our family. For us they are part of our family and life wouldn’t be the same without having them around,” she says.
Indeed losing a pet and the grieving process happens only gradually and can’t be forced or hurried. Whatever one’s grief experience, it’s important to be patient and allow the process to naturally unfold.
So what’s the best thing about what Furever Friends do?
“Returning peoples beloved pets ashes back to them and easing the distress that comes after losing a loved fur baby,” Gemma says. Contact Walter and Gemma at Furever Friends https://www.fureverfriendsmarlborough.com, email fureverfriendsmarlborough@hotmail.com or on 027 824 7383.

We are committed to caring for the welfare of your furry family member.
Your cat can relax here during their stay, it will become their “home away from home”. We look forward to seeing you!
Specifically formulated for small dogs, the kibble size suits small teeth. Delicious and high quality pasture-raised venison. High-protein and grain free. $3395

New Library
I support Errol Gardiner’s letter regarding the library move. Makes me wonder if the person that chose an out of town business had personal ties to the owner. Disgusting that a local wasn’t chosen.
Renwick Cafe
As a regular supporter of local business’s I was appalled last Monday when I met with some friends for coffee and on arrival was confronted by 3 very large dogs who wandered around the patio sniffing people and the tables, barking very loudly and then relieving themselves on the grass lawn. My friends and I will now drive into cafes towards town to have coffee etc . It was disgusting.
What is wrong with the ferries this week?! Yes they are running but they are so loud all night long! My house is double glazed windows with no windows open at night at this time of year yet I am still being woken up and kept up three times a night. Not good enough!
Priorities please!
Many tens of thousands low income Families & Superannuitants are struggling to put food on the table, pay rent, rates, mortgages & power bills.
Yet, our ‘lovely’ Parliamentarians are absurdly prioritising spending taxpayers money on unnecessary bi-lingual signage. A very, very sad state of affairs.
Re: Winston
The old cunning fox. Sorry, not to be trusted he continues to live off his Gold Card for seniors, but he only really brought it in for his own elected good, not ours. And he hasn’t done anything since. Broke many of his promises to Jacinda when he partnered with Labour and played off the Nats which he never intended joining as he was intent on suing them. Sorry Winston you’ve lost my trust. Time to lie down.
Get out more
I’ve noticed in Blenheim there are a couple of drinking establishments which are at opposite ends of town with a section of hard-core regulars who dare you to join their table with their looks. I’ve been trying to infiltrate one particular table since moving to Blenheim , no joy so far, my wife tells me there’s always hope .
Turned on radio and couldn’t believe what I was hearing, a well known parliamentary reporter was telling the interviewer that the PM has a staff of 85 and that former PM Robert Muldoon had a staff of 6, I just wonder what they all do, must be part of the 14000 extra govt employees.
Re: Marley music
Gee whizz really New Zealand is still New Zealand regardless of pronunciation.
Bridge Eyesore
Does anyone else think the High Street Bridge is an eyesore?
I know it is old and in need of replacing, but surely the council can keep up the maintenance and replace the rickety wood barrier and give it a bit of paint. I’ve contacted the council three times only to be told it’s in the long term plan. Maintenance please council.
What’s going on?
What’s going on with the Rubbish truck’s we are asked to separate rubbish and recycle then it all goes into one truck. If the contractor hasn’t got the right machines to do the job then get rid of them they are mocking the council.
Roundabouts v traffic lights
Roundabouts win. Roundabouts keep traffic flowing, if used properly! Traffic lights slow down traffic. Regarding indicating at Roundabouts. When I approach a roundabout, I look to my right to check for vehicles. If a vehicle has, or is about to enter the roundabout, I wait. If a vehicle is approaching and I know I have time to proceed, I will. If I am going straight through, I put my right hand indicator on to let the vehicle on my left know my intention. When I am parallel to the vehicle on my left, I flick my indicator to the left to let the vehicle on my right know my intention to go straight ahead so they can enter the roundabout, thus keeping the traffic flowing. If everyone used their indicators correctly, or at all, the traffic flow would be a lot smoother. Replies will be interesting!
Hearing impaired
As there are more hearing impaired people in the world than Maori in New Zealand why is sign language not compulsory in our schools. I believe it should be our second language. Just saying.
I Site
A new I Site where EcoWorld once stood on the Picton foreshore? Nonsense. Nelson and Kaikoura have closed theirs as they cost ratepayers hundreds of thousands $$$’s to operate. Get into 2023. Tourists use phones and save 15% Commission to a destination Marlborough! They are a costly relic of yesterday!!!
Do motorized scooters need a warrant? Was just passed by one on Maxwell Road doing way over the speed limit!!!!
Re: Boiling water
This costs, service costs, utensils cost, cleaning costs! Shouldn’t you pay for you?
We tend to feel guilty when only buying a coffee and a sit down. Contrast in attitude? We’re in our seventh decade.
Heritage Education
MDC, MP, please do all you can to secure funds for Heritage Education. Have had 4 children benefit from it. Recent ANZAC class - excellent local content. Next gen. won’t care & no interest in museums without Heritage Education Marlborough.
Road signs
Too right the emphasis being placed on having bilingual road signs around the country is way out of whack. Waka Kotahi just focus on upgrading roads! The English language is and should continue to be the most prominent while those that want to use te reo can do so. Unnecessary waste of $ changing signs at this stage.
Popocateptl volcano erupts in time with the government’s Budget announcements of millions on emissions spending. Perhaps the gods are laughing.
Talk of the week
Re the texter complaining about English subtitles on an English spoken Flu advert. Not all of us are blessed with good hearing. The subtitles are for the hearing impaired.
Thank you Clock
Thanks to a lovely lady ‘Joyce’ who rang in and told us we have the best paper going. Much appreciated.
OMG, $65,000 for the clock project & it hasn’t worked for a year! Surely there must be a more cost effective (& modern) solution going forward? Good intentions, wasted money.
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