1 minute read
Sarah McaliSter
Warrior Women Coaching
I am a Health Coach and Hypnotherapist

Are you a dog or cat person?
I have both, a cat called Chicken and a wee dog named Mavis. Both rescue animals.
My friends would say I am…
I’d like to think they would say that I won’t let my friends talk poorly of themselves, self-talk needs to be positive and reaffirming. I did put the question to my friends and I only got cheeky answers.
The best advice I ever received was?
There is a path up every mountain, sometimes you just have to take it slow or climb over things to get there.
What would you buy if money was no object?
I would buy a building to create a women’s wellness centre, where women can get all sorts of health care at low cost or free.
Local coffee haunt?
Hakuna Matata Cafe has great coffee and service, I’d have to say it’s my grown-up clubhouse.
Favourite takeaway?
Hot chips, with lots of salt and maybe some garlic butter.
The shop you can’t walk past is...?
An Op shop, I love the thrill of finding a bargain or a vintage piece.
What’s the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received?
When I was in my early 20s every day on the way to work I passed an antique shop and it had a beautiful china tea set in the window but it was out of my price range. One day I arrived at work to find it on my desk. My partner had brought the set, even though we struggled financially with building a business and two young kids. I still have it and use it in my office today.
Where is your happy holiday place?
I am a mad keen tramper, so anywhere in the backcountry or up a mountain, that’s where I recharge.
What favourite programme or series currently watching?
I just finished “Working Moms”. It’s funny because we all feel like that sometimes. Watch it, you will see what I mean.