A love of walking, no alcohol or smoking and a diet low in sugar, has been the key to a life well lived for 104-years-young Tove Jorgensen.
The Springlands Lifestyle Village resident celebrated her birthday in fine fashion recently with friends and daughter Lone with a ‘lovely morning tea’.
Tove, one of nine children, was born in the Citadel, a military college, in Copenhagen, Denmark on April 30, 1920 where she spent her childhood and youth, a place her daughter Lone says she has very fond memories of. Continued on page 2.
LOVE FOR TOVE: Tove Jorgensen, 104, is all smiles after celebrating her birthday at Springlands Lifestyle Village recently.
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No.1 for readership in Marlborough.
Continued from page 1. Her father and two of her brothers were resistance fighters during World War 2. They had to move from the Citadel to an apartment in Copenhagen because it became too dangerous.
“One of her brothers was smuggled to Sweden in a rowboat where he spent the rest of the war training resistance fighters. Her other brother was shot by the Germans on the last day of the war,” says Lone.
At the end of the war Lone had seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy something her brother who was shot, also developed.
“She was most annoyed because she spent the day of the liberation in hospital so missed most of the fun. She has been on the same medication for 80 years and it has been good at controlling her seizures. She never let that stop her. She loved school and would have liked to stay on but in those days girls had to leave school early to help earn money for the family so the boys could get an education,” says Lone.
Lone says Tove still remembers the day her mother came and picked her up from school and she was put to work as a shop assistant. She worked with fashion most of her life but also during the summer months in the Tivoli Gardens (central Copenhagen)
running one of the merry-gorounds. “
Tove met her soul mate, Henning, at the age of 33 at a dance in Copenhagen, where she had gone with friends. It was love at first sight and within a few months they were married in 1953. Henning was six years younger than her. In 1956, Tove gave birth to daughter Lone. Four years later the couple had another daughter but sadly due to a fault from the hospital the baby girl died over night.
“That was a very sad time for them but being Tove she pulled up her socks, took on extra work so they could buy a small car and later a small holiday home on the coast. This was later sold and they managed to buy a house in 1970 in a suburb of Copenhagen,” says Lone.
Tove worked until she turned 70. By then Henning had retired as a bank manager and they indulged in travelling. They bought a caravan and spent months travelling through Europe, especially Italy and France. Lone and her husband Tony moved to New Zealand to dairy farm in 1992. The arrival of second grandson Jonathan Henning saw Tove move to New Zealand in 1999 where they bought a house in Redwoodtown and quickly made some very dear friends.
“They loved their life in Blen-
Tove had a morning tea at Springlands Lifestyle Village with long-time friend Win, neighbour Marge and daughter Lone with birthday cake at centre stage.
heim. Mum kept walking and was a familiar sight in the Wither Hills and often disappeared on walks when they were on bus tours,” says Lone.
After the death of Henning in 2009 she started going out twice a week to play Rummikub (a tile based game combining elements of card game rummy) which was a love. She kept playing until a few weeks ago when it became clear that going out in the afternoon was becoming too much for her.
Tove lived in her own home until
she was 98 and decided to buy an apartment at Springlands Lifestyle Village where she moved in 2018.
“She loves her apartment and is very happy,” she says. “She kept walking and became a familiar sight on the roads around the village. She still drove her car then and kept driving until she turned 100.”
“Mum’s strengths are tenacity and never ever giving up. She would always find a way through any storm in her life. She is very independent but always loved having people around and entertaining,” she says.
A Cubitt Street resident has had a gutsful of vehicles parking across his driveway and receiving no answers or solutions from the Marlborough District Council.
The illegal parking of vehicles, belonging to Marlborough Boys’ College students and Ministry of Education staff, consistently happens a few times a week and recently occurred on five consecutive school days.
The resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he wrote to the MDC to complain about experiences dealing with both MBC and Marlborough Roads. All three institutions he says have provided no assistance in dealing with continual poor parking impeding the resident’s access and egress from the Cubitt Street address.
A senior staff member at MBC told him to call the MDC and have the offending vehicle towed away. After calling the Council he was transferred to Marlborough Roads who was ‘unwilling to call a towing company’ and instructed that they ‘have no right to do so themselves.’
Flippantly, the Marlborough Roads employee replied with ‘you don’t own the roads do you so you
can’t have them towed and you can still get out of your drive, just turn right’. What was more frustrating when the resident suggested Marlborough Roads to tow the car(s) the rhetoric was that it’s too difficult to get hold of a towing company and it’s expensive.”
“Bloody hell, it’s even in the title, Marlborough Roads,” he says.
Under the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, Part 6 Stopping and parking - 6.1 Vehicles must be parked with due care and consideration.
A driver or person in charge of a vehicle must not stop, stand, or park the vehicle on a road, whether attended or unattended, without due care or without reasonable consideration for other road users.
Under 6.9 Obstructing vehicle entrances and exits; (1)A driver or person in charge of a vehicle must not stop, stand, or park the vehicle so as to obstruct entry to or exit from any driveway.
(2) For the purposes of this clause, a vehicle alongside any part of a kerb crossing provided for, or within 1m of the prolongation of the side of, must be regarded as obstructing entry or exit.
On the last occasion, a parking warden did show up, was courteous
A Cubitt Street resident says he wrote to the MDC to complain about experiences dealing with both MBC and Marlborough Roads. All three institutions he says have provided no assistance in dealing with continual poor parking impeding the resident’s access and egress from his home.
and understanding and promptly issued a ticket to the offender, who was identified by a neighbour to be a staff member at Ministry of Health/Education.
The resident says he feels unacknowledged or listened to, and feels there has been a complete disregard for the frustrations of the homeowner.
“A homeowner who has had cause to contact Marlborough Roads on numerous occasions for the same reason and on 2 occasions had vehicles parked so badly on either side of the drive that I couldn’t exit my drive,” he says. “The point here is the law is the law. The
rules pertaining to parking apply to everyone and even form part of the driver licensing test. It would appear that Marlborough Roads would rather take the course of inactivity than respond in a manner upholding a tax payer’s rights and expectations of action.”
The resident says he has ‘aged neighbours with various serious health issues’ and unfortunately the arrival of an ambulance is not a rare occurrence.
“The poor parking that I am experiencing doesn’t only apply to me and if not remedied can cause obstructions in the future for emergency vehicles.”
Increasing numbers of rabbits on the Taylor River Reserve area are to be controlled with two specific areas being targeted both on the western side of the Taylor River.
The first 49-hectare block runs from Doctors Creek through to the boundary of the lifestyle block area on Waters Ave and the second 21-hectare block runs from the Wither Road extension through to Richardson Ave.
The targeted pest control operation is planned to start in July and reserve users are advised to avoid walking dogs in the area. Those who still want to exercise dogs are asked to ensure they are on a leash.
Change at Marlborough Chamber of Commerce
Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Mr Pete Coldwell has announced he is stepping down. Board Chair Tracey Green says Pete made the decision after careful consideration, deciding now was the right time to focus on his other business interests.
The Woody Pig & Deer Hunt
This iconic local event is on again this King’s Birthday Weekend, May 31 - June 2. Some great major spots are up for grabs plus heaps of spot prizes. Make sure you get your entries in. Entires close May 30.
Marlborough residents will lose out on easy access to more than four million records held by Archives New Zealand, unless they want to pay for costly travel.
Archives are shutting down its digitisation programme because of lack of funding. The programme has made more than one million records available online, and those will remain available. But more than four million records will now remain offline indefinitely.
About 100 people gathered at a PSAorganised protest in Wellington last Tuesday calling on the Government to reinstate funding.
Pam’s creamy pasta bake recalled
New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) is supporting Foodstuffs Own Brand in its recall of Pam’s Plant-based creamy pasta bake as the product may contain foreign matter (metal).
All batches and all dates are affected by this recall. The affected product is sold at selected Four Square, Gilmours, New World, PAK’nSAVE, Trents and Raeward Fresh stores nationwide.
The Craft Fair is on at the Havelock Town Hall June 1 - 3, from 10am. Get along and enjoy a sausage sizzle, and lots of crafts and plants. Supporting the Havelock St John Youth Group. Entry is free.
27 former ex refugees now residing in Marlborough, are getting on their bike for a cycle safety programme Rohingyan (Myanmar) and Colombian former refugees and migrants have registered for the course which will consist of skills training based on the local RideOn cycle skills education programme and delivered by trained cycle skills instructors.
The programme is divided into two three hours sessions -Grade One (off-road) and Grade Two (on-road) skills training. Other training includes New Zealand Road Rules and legal requirements for cycling – wearing helmets, when to have lights and mandatory bike requirements.
Rebekah Lowe, a Health Promoter with Nelson/Marlborough Public Health says volunteers who support the former refugee resettlement programme expressed interest in a cycle safety programme for former refugees.
“Hazel in her role as an ESOL educator noticed that some Rohingyan former refugee women don’t have any means of
transport around Blenheim. She thought providing cycle skills classes could provide women more access to the area,” says Rebekah.
Meanwhile, Red Cross has been providing former refugees with bikes and had noticed that some didn’t know how to ride the bikes and/or understand the
New Zealand road rules.
“He has also noticed that some people are riding bikes without helmets. Blenheim Menzshed, who have an excellent refurbish older bikes programme are supporting this programme by providing bikes at subsidised rates to riders.”
Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora,
Marlborough District Council, the Multi-Cultural Centre and Red Cross volunteers worked together to create the programme. ACC have supported with funding for helmets. The first lesson will be held at Horton Park, this Saturday May 25 from 12pm until 4:30pm.
Megan Blakie believes it’s not just cats that go feral in the bush; some recent behaviour of a quartet of young men in Ruakaka Bay could also qualify. She explains her experience to Chris Valli.
Megan Blakie is an offshore and coastal yachtie, who works in communications for an environmental organisation in Christchurch. Along with her yachtie husband, they anchored in the ‘delightful arc of Ratimera Bay’ (Queen Charlotte Sounds) last month. It was the Friday after Anzac Day and they enjoyed a wander on the ‘golden hued pebbly beach’. They chatted briefly to two young males who’d set up camp and say they seemed pleasant enough. “Their mates had gone out in a dingy for a bit of a fish,” says Megan.
Megan says the darker haired lad said he’d camped there before and he may be known locally in the Picton area.
“Amazingly, in all the years we’ve sailed in the Sounds, we’d never discovered Ratimera. We’d been in the neighbouring bay a few years ago, when a humpback whale and her bub put on an awe-inspiring spy-hopping show. But now we had the chance to admire Ratimera’s ambience, water clarity and the friendliest pair of
piwakawaka. We must have been a boating minority, considering the number of vessels that moseyed into the beach during the 48 hours we were there.”
However, according to Megan, firstly, the young men did not observe the Department of Conservation fire ban. Secondly, their behaviour made her feel unsafe saying the campers got more and more intoxicated as the night drew on.
“Their Lord-of-the-Flies style howling drowned out the poor ruru. Then there was a loud bang, which sounded like a firearm going off. I woke my husband (how does he sleep through these things!?). He said it might be an explosion of glass on the fire; this proved to be so when we landed at the beach the next day.”
Megan explained she remained vigilant and awake until each ‘wonderful child of God cleverly disguised as an idiot’ (to use a Maya Angelou phrase) eventually went to sleep. This was sometime after 11pm she believes.
“We could have re-anchored our boat in the dark, but we knew the mooring buoys in the next bay were occupied, and I really didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves because of the boys’ behaviour and
With the arrival of Southern Eye in Blenheim there’s a new opportunity for locals to access expert eyecare.
Dr Genevieve Oliver is undertaking a specialist clinic on Wednesday June 5th.
A highly experienced ophthalmologist and vitreoretinal surgeon working from our Christchurch facility, Dr Oliver will be offering valuable insight and providing FREE laser eye surgery assessments.
To book an appointment, call Megan at Southern Eye Blenheim on 03 578 8948
Admiring the view, alongside an inquisitive piwakawaka. Insert: a sample of some of the hazardous shards. Megan Blakie says they noticed that the ‘feral’ campers had left behind numerous sharp shards of glass.
access to a dingy. Perhaps I have an over-active imagination and have watched too many suspense-filled TV shows, but how was I to know if alcohol was the only substance they were imbibing?
With daylight, they ‘disappointingly noticed’ that the ‘feral’ campers had left behind numerous sharp shards of glass.
“To give the young men some credit, they had tried smothering the cooled remains of the fire but in doing so they’d buried the broken glass. We groomed that area of beach and distressingly found many hazardous, sharp pieces from a number of broken bottles,” she says. “Later on, at low tide, we noticed many submerged beer bottles and used a boat hook to push them to shallower water
to retrieve.”
Megan says her observation was that the young men knew what was appropriate behaviour. “I’d even given the boys a thumbs-up after they’d retrieved floating bottles from the water. The young men could have been ram-raiding, but chose instead to immerse themselves in the outdoors. Yet their wildness overshadowed the wilderness,” she says.
“When we weighed anchor on the Sunday, a family was arriving to enjoy the beach. That visit could easily have ended with cuts and injuries for someone. In my line of work, I see lots of young people volunteering and working hard to enhance our natural environment. I suggest these guys could do with some tutelage.”
Marlborough District Council and Grey Power are hosting a Why Keep It Secret Seminar on May 30th at the Nativity Centre from 10.15am. This is a free seminar open to anyone who is interested in taking the guesswork and worry out of capturing their arrangements/wishes. Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome.
Alzheimers Marlborough has great value bags of kindling wood available again this year.
Priced at just $5 per bag, you will be saving money and supporting the important work that Alzheimers Marlborough carries out in our community.
The kindling can be picked up from Alzheimers Marlborough, 8 Wither Road, 9am - 3.30pm daily. If anyone has sacks left over from last year, we would love to get them back. Alzheimers Marlborough, keeping you warm this winter.
Te Reo Māori revitalisation
Te Reo Māori revitalisation symposium returns to Wairau with an inspirational line up of speakers. Te Kaiaotanga o Te Reo will take place at the ASB Theatre in Wairau on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 May. Tickets available now via www. tekaiaotangaotereo.co.nz
Considering laser eye surgery?
Book your free assessment with Dr Oliver now.
It’s not just flat whites and cappuccinos anymore....
My order is super boring triple shot latte, standard milk.
Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication.
The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold letters from publication. Email them to news@blenheimsun.co.nz or present to our office at 72 High St.
Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails.
Scenic Hotel Marlborough has been recognized in Tripadvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards Best of the Best for 2024, ranking 20th of all hotels in New Zealand. The highest level of Tripadvisor’s awards, the Best of the Best winners are among the top 1 percent of listings around the world on Tripadvisor. This award is based on genuine feedback from anyone in the community who has visited and left an authentic, first-hand review on Tripadvisor over a 12 month period, making it a valuable and trustworthy designation of travelers’ favourites.
“Congratulations to Scenic Hotel Marlborough on its recognition in Tripadvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards Best of the Best for 2024,” Chief Growth Officer at Tripadvisor John Boris says.
“Ranking among the top percentage of businesses globally means you have made such a memorable impact on your visitors that many of them took time to go online and leave a glowing review about their experience. Travelers rely on Tripadvisor’s Best of the Best lists to help them navigate the myriad things to see, eat and do across the globe. We hope this recognition continues to drive business to you in 2024 and beyond.”
Scenic Hotel Marlborough became part of the Scenic Hotel Group in 2002 but has long been a fixture in the lives of Marlburians. Every long term local has a story: whether they have stayed at the hotel, worked behind the bar, enjoyed the famous Friday night Salad, Steak and Seafood buffet during the nineties or likely also been to a wedding or two in the function rooms. Throughout this long history, the warm and genuine “kiwi” hospitality of the team at Scenic Hotel Marlborough has endured. The excellent experiences guests have had over the past 12 months is recognised with this award.
General Manager Carmel Horsley says that locals can also be assured of a delicious and reasonably priced meal when dining at the in-house restaurant Savvy.
Head chef Prateek Rawat has worked in the region for some years now and delivers good honest food that delights.” Carmel continues to say that “it is an honour to be named in TripAdvisor’s top 20 hotels in New Zealand, and this recognition is due to a great product and a team that genuinely cares and delivers beyond expectation. The recognition is down to these team members, I am so proud of that they have achieved.”
Oat milk cappuccino from Street Wise Coffee or De Broods. I love these spots because they make me feel special every time I visit.
I’m an oat milk mocha, occasional caramel or vanilla latte kind of guy.
Driving down to South Canterbury and return recently, there were so many instances of poor driving from slow drivers holding up queues to speeding drivers doing an estimated 120-130km/hour.
Noteworthy was that the speedsters were inevitably held up by drivers driving at or slightly above 100 km/hour and one caught up to them.
Big trucks now elongated were speeding well above 90km/hour.
But the worst example of inconsiderate
I’m beginning to think I’m the only one in the world that can’t stand the taste or smell of coffee.
driving was a tractor driven by a farmer or farm hand, trundling along in the centre of the road with the driver yakking on his mobile phone.
In that journey to South Canterbury and back, only one traffic cop was observed. Sure there may have been a mufti cop or two, but no cop apprehending an inconsiderate or speeding driver was seen.
Watchful PictonIt is a good reminder to keep taking note of proposed changes and challenge the validity of science /versus cost and honest benefit to the people.
How will each proposed change be evaluated as they unfold? What are the checks and balances currently in place?
Perhaps we need a Ratepayers watch
With a proposed rate increase of over 12 percent, this puts MDC rates in the top five, whereas a few years back we barely factored into the top 20 of councils.
How things have changed.
For seniors it’s a disaster, with rates for a modest three bedroom home with say a CV of $570 000 currently rated at $3,500/ ann. Cost of living or inflation running at over 6%.
In reality food prices have gone up by around 15% and petrol similarly.
Likewise, for home insurance, whereas car insurance has gone up a whopping 30 percent.
How on earth can those of us on a fixed income, pensioners in the main, be expect-
group to assess Council’s reasonings and provide regular public feedback - along with the opportunity of empowering ratepayers to become more influential in all decision making processes.
Jill Rogers Blenheimed to keep up?
The government rebate allowance for those on a low income has failed to keep pace and whereas it equated to around a third, it’s now closer to 20 percent. I do see however, that some councils also offer senior citizens living in their own homes an additional discount up to equal that of the government allowance.
I wonder why MDC cannot do the same? After all, as an older person we barely use many of the council services or roading network available to us, especially when compared to a family of four.
Chris Davies WaikawaPublic submissions to Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 closed on 13 May. Three hundred and fifty eight were received in total.
Of the submissions, 166 were related to the Marlborough Sounds roading funding options for repair and reinstatement, the largest category of submission.
The rest cover a variety of items including community facilities, general roading, flood protection and infrastructure planning.
Hearings will be held from 10 to 21 June with 103 submitters
Cooler weather is here and leaves have started to change colour and drop.
Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team deals with leaves in our parks and reserves, collecting them where possible and using them for compost. Leaves on roads are dealt with by Marlborough Roads.
Leaves can be collected and spread on your garden as a weed suppressant and mulch or added to the compost heap. Mowing leaves helps them break down faster.
If you see blocked drains or leaf build up you can report it to Council through the Antenno app. Antenno is Council’s free mobile app and a great way to keep up to date with important Council alerts. Free to install it is available on Apple and Android smartphones and no personal information or login details are required.
requesting to speak. The mayor and councillors will consider all submissions on Monday 24 June.
The Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan 20242027 also closed for public submissions on 13 May. Eleven
Antenno updates link to information on Council’s website. For more information visit: www.marlborough.govt.nz/ services/apps Autumn brings falling leaves which can be used for compost
Freshwater Farm Plan start dates are on hold while the Government investigates the system further. A statement from Chris Bishop, Minister for RMA Reform, said planned changes to Freshwater Farm Plans were likely to make it more cost effective and practical.
But what those changes look like for Marlborough is still unknown, Council’s Regional Catchment Facilitator Nic Dann said.
“Are Are Creek was the first catchment to be rolled out in Marlborough and was due to start on 1 July 2024 - that date has now been paused.”
“At this stage we will be pausing all catchments’ turn on dates while we wait for more clarity on the regulatory requirements,” she said.
“Information on Freshwater Farm Plans will continue to be shared
on the Marlborough Rural Hub web pages at www.marlborough. govt.nz/environment/ marlborough-rural-hub.”
Introduced as part of the Government’s Essential Freshwater package, Freshwater Farm Plans are aimed at identifying risks to freshwater from farm activities and look at what farmers can do to manage and mitigate those risks.
A series of workshops held around Marlborough this year were related to the Freshwater Farm Plan Regulations 2023, integrated with Council’s own catchment restoration programme and focused on providing rural communities with information about the process. Resources have already been developed by Council to provide information to affected landowners.
“Our goal is to help rural landowners through support, resources and updated information,” Nic said.
Are Are Creek catchment is still part of the At Risk Catchments programme and funding is available for landowners towards freshwater improvement outcomes such as riparian fencing and planting until end of June 2025.
Assistance and funding are also available for landowners in other catchments including Te Hoiere, Tua Marina and Flaxbourne.
The Hill Country Erosion Fund provides advice and financial support to landowners wanting to plant trees and retire eroding, marginal land.
Contact Council if you are interested in accessing these subsidies.
submissions were received.
Mayor Nadine Taylor warmly thanked all submitters.
“It’s great to see such strong interest in the future of Marlborough - thank you to everyone who has taken the time to have their say. It’s now
over to councillors and myself to consider everyone’s feedback, suggestions and ideas. I look forward to the public hearings and also some robust discussions with councillors before we decide on our final recommendations.”
Innovators young and old are invited to unleash their creativity and technical skills to create combat robotics in support of NZ Youth Week.
NZ Youth week runs until May 26 – the theme this year is “we may not have it all together, but together we have it all”.
Council’s Community Partnerships Advisor Jodie Griffiths said Youth Week was a nationwide festival of events organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, passion, and success of local young people.
“Youth Week events encourage young people to take on challenges, share ideas and focus on the
positive aspects of being young and to recognise the youth workers, youth service providers and others working with and for young people. Marlborough Youth Council are excited to support MySpace in hosting Combat Robotics – this is an amazing event for youth who enjoy technology,” she said. There are only 40 spots available for each event, beginning with a corporate event on Friday night and two separate competitions for Under 16s and Over 16s on Saturday 25 May. For more information email events@myt.org,nz
For information about Youth Week 2024 go to: https:// arataiohi.org.nz/youthweek/
A masquerade ball is on at the Marlborough Events Centre June 29 to raise money for Cure Kids New Zealand. Chris Valli spoke to organisers Simon Popham and Kaycee Polkinghorne.
Cure Kids. Two words from an organisation doing a myriad of research when it comes to finding big breakthroughs in child health. And with research, comes money.
Cure Kids joined forces with the Paediatric Society of New Zealand, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service to analyse national data on hospitalisations form 2000 – 2021, aged up to 18 years. Cure Kids CEO Frances Soutter believes the ‘burden of health disease in this country is inequitable and says we need to help fund research across four key health issues, namely, respiratory conditions, rheumatic fever, skin infections and mental health.
If you ask a local what Cure Kids do, there could be a variety of answers.
According to locals Simon Popham and Kaycee Polkinghorne, ‘Cure Kids is misunderstood’.
“People might think Child Cancer. It’s broader than that. There is money fundraised which goes to a whole range of things,” says Simon. “World leading research is going on which is not known in terms of the significance of improving child health outcomes.”
To provide understanding, Cure Kids funding supports researchers across the country whose work focuses on among others, childhood cancers, inherited heart conditions, epilepsy, infectious diseases, cystic fibrosis, sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI), stillbirth, burns as well as child and adolescent mental health.
In late March, the Marlborough community proved its collective value with over $2000 raised for a Cure
Kids Quiz night held at the Woodbourne Tavern & Motels. Eleven Marlborough businesses supported the event which totalled $2201.89 for the organisation.
One example of Cure Kids research is through Professor Andrew Day of the University of Otago, Christchurch, who was appointed Cure Kids’ Chair of Paediatric Research. Professor Day heads up a comprehensive programme of research into Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
An umbrella term describing a range of chronic conditions affecting the gut, IBD affects one in every 227 people in New Zealand, with children in the South Island at substantially higher risk than their North Island counterparts. It’s thought the higher rates in South Island children are potentially due to variations in sunlight, which in turn affect people’s vitamin D levels. The research aims to understand whether increased vitamin D
“It’s going to be a wonderful night.”
leads to lower levels of inflammation.
He has been studying nearly 200 children with IBD in the South Island to pinpoint specific aspects of the disease — nutrition, biomarkers, gut bacteria and education and awareness, as well as the association between vitamin D levels and IBD.
Another research study by Professor Lesley McCowan on maternal sleep position, co-funded by Cure Kids, led to evidence which could reduce
stillbirth by 50 percent. The organisation is also well known for funding research into sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI, or cot death), with around 200 infant deaths prevented annually as a result. There has also been ground-breaking research done on premature birth, and the early diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis via the heel-prick test at birth.
On Saturday, June 29, it’s Marlborough’s turn to not only fundraise, but to get glammed up and off the couch for a worthwhile initiative.
When asked why the idea of a masquerade ball, Organiser Simon Popham suggests they ‘weren’t going to be doing 50 sausage sizzles’, he laughs. “We’re going big or we’re going home,” he says.
The night is Black-Tie, and
kicks off with canapes and bubbles from 6pm – 7pm, a two course meal and guest speaker from 7pm - 9pm, a live charity auction at 9pm, and from 9.30pm local band ‘Eclectic Fix’ will entertain till late.
“They are true to their name – they are eclectic,” says Simon with the band’s profile growing in recent times, performing at the Havelock Mussel and Food Festival, and at the Queen Charlotte College formals.
The MC for the night will be Cantabrian born actor Will Hall, better known for his role as Dr Kip Denton on Shortland Street in 1992. Cure Kids appointed Will as their Philanthropic Specialist (one who helps donors clarify values, mission and goals) for the South Island in 2021. Meanwhile, Bayleys Marlborough, who is a passionate Cure Kids supporter,
has come on board as a sponsor for the ball through their involvement as a Platinum Partner with Cure Kids.
Since Sir Bob Elliott and Dr Ron Caughey established the charity in 1971, Cure Kids has invested over $65 million into research in this country, helping to improve the diagnosis and treatment of children with serious diseases and health conditions.
Simon believes there are ‘so many upsides’ with having the fundraising event in ‘little old Blenheim’.“We don’t have enough of these kids of events,” he says. “It’s going to be a wonderful night.”
The Cure Kids Masquerade Ball is on Saturday 29 June at the Marlborough Events Centre from 6pm – 11:30pm. Tickets cost $185 with all proceeds going directly to Cure Kids.
Summerset retirement villages are designed to make sure you get the best out of your retirement and Summerset Blenheim is no exception.
Situated in the heart of Marlborough, surrounded by vineyards and mountain views, this brand-new village is close to everything Blenheim and the Marlborough Sounds have to offer.
We have a range of brand-new two and three-bedroom homes available now. These single-storey homes are thoughtfully designed, with generous bedrooms, an ensuite, a separate toilet, and an internal access garage. Each home features a bright and spacious open-plan living area with a contemporary kitchen, perfect for entertaining friends and family.*
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Summerset Blenheim
183 Old Renwick Road, Springlands 03 520 6042 | summerset.co.nz/blenheim
Marlborough Boys’ College’s vision for its learners is underpinned by its “RIPR” values of respect, involved, pride and responsibility’. If the troop of ‘Daring Droppers’ are anything to go by, there’s an abundance of all four developing at the college.
A record ten MBC students are involved in the Drop for Youth fundraiser and taking on the responsibility of ensuring future students can benefit from the Graeme Dingle Foundation’s five youth development programmes and reach their full potential. And what better week to mark the occasion, as New Zealand celebrates Youth Week.
MBC are well underway with fundraising to have six droppers representing the MBC Leos group (with 15 involved in the fundraising efforts), as well as a team of four representing the wider MBC prefect team. It’s not just current students rolling up their sleeves and getting involved. A number of MBC alumni are also involved including Mark Davis, Simon Olliver, Mike Healy, Filimoe’ulie Fotu-Moala, and Tāne Anderson – to name a few.
MBC ‘Old Boy’ Mark Davis says getting behind Drop for Youth is a no brainer.
“At Harcourts, we’re big supporters of Graeme Dingle Foundation. We love seeing them help our local young people to set and reach their goals, develop resilience and confidence, and push outside their comfort zone. It’s all the things that will set them up as great humans and great citizens,” he says.
William Baker says initially the entire prefect team wanted to make the Drop.
“Everyone was super keen to support Drop for Youth, but we decided to set some
realistic fundraising goals, and have just the four of us prefects represent the wider team. But everyone’s got right behind our efforts which has been great. We’re so excited now the finish line is in sight, and can’t wait to be involved this weekend. It should be epic.”
Kobi Ireland says the boys are now rallying to try and help their last few members
meet their targets so they too can don a parachute come Saturday.
“We want ‘no man left behind’, so we’re pushing hard to make sure we can all make that drop this weekend,” he says.
“Everyone’s been working so hard, but we do have a couple of boys who could use a helping hand to make the final push over the line. We’ve been lucky enough to have
been donated some amazing kiln-dried pinecones which are perfect for winter fires – and available in large sacks for just $10.” To buy pinecones to support the MBC crew, pop into Graeme Dingle Foundation (19 George Street, Blenheim) between 9am-4.30pm with cash or a credit card. Or to donate online, visit www./bit.ly/DropForYouth2024 and find the MBC teams.
Thinking about our latter years is always a difficult concept.
Thankfully, Marlborough District Council and Grey Power Marlborough have teamed up to host a Seminar to help with this.
The ‘Why Keep it Secret?’ seminar is on at the Nativity Centre on Thursday May 30th from 10.15am, and is free to attend.
There will be guest speakers giving informative presentations on a range of topics, some of which you may not have even considered.
It’s all designed to help you make your wishes known and provide some peace of mind for you and your family. And there will be a light lunch at the conclusion of the seminar, kindly provided by Geoffrey T Sowman Funeral Directors.
How important is to record your wishes, how do I do that?
A detailed statement of wishes will help remove the stress of decision making placed on your family at the time of your passing by providing them with clear instructions and detailed preferences.
Cloudy Bay Funeral Services has very kindly sponsored a copy of the book ‘Why Keep it Secret’ for everyone who attends the seminar. This book, also available from Grey Power Marlborough, provides a place for you to record all your preferences and
important information, and there’s a lot that you need to record - more than most people realise. This will give you peace of mind and allow your loved ones to know exactly what your wishes are.
Guest Speakers and Presentations
Advance Care Planning
Anne Mercer from Marlborough PHO will be on hand to give a presentation on advance care planning - the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care and end-of-life care. Advance care planning gives everyone a chance to say what treatment they would and would not want. A plan makes it much easier for families and healthcare providers to know
what a person wants if they can no longer speak for themselves.
Navigating the Health System
Dallace Lilley from Cancer Society Marlborough will give a presentation on how to access the services you may require to maintain your wellbeing. Dallace will also give advice on navigating the Health System, where and who to turn to in order to manage any ongoing health issues you may have.
Funeral Arrangements
Ethan Williams from Geoffrey T Sowman Funeral Directors, and David Buckley from Cloudy Bay Funeral Services will be giving a presentation on funeral arrangements. Some of the things they will cover include
preplanning your farewell, recording your choices, and navigating the myriad decisions to be made.
Capturing Your Memories
Emily Ritchie from Presbyterian Support Services Marlborough will give a presentation on how to capture your memories. This will cover ways in which you can share your experiences, and tell the story of you. Emily will discuss the technology options for recording your story, and where you can learn more about this process. Capturing your memories and telling your story is a great way to remain connected with others, and can be a wonderful process for yourself.
Offering Rest Home and Hospital level care.
Set amongst a picturesque landscape and flourishing gardens, you’ll find Redwood Village. Offering Rest Home and Hospital level care with sweeping views of Wither Hills.
Discover the range of spacious Care Suites, each with their own kitchenette and ensuite. You’ll feel right at home with the freedom to decorate your room with personal touches.
With easy access to the nearby Blenheim shops, beautiful parks and the local farmers market, it is easy for friends and family to pop by or for you to enjoy the local area.
You can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won’t have to move again, even if your needs increase. Enjoy the comfort of knowing you’re truly taken care of.
Chances are that most homes around Marlborough which rely on woodburners, already have their firewood seasoned, stacked and ready to burn.
But if you have found yourself caught out and on the lookout for firewood to burn this winter, be aware that you will need dry wood, and not wet or ‘green’.
Generally most firewood merchants sell dry firewood, but if it has recently been cut you will need to stack it to dry it out.
When firewood is not dried properly, many problems arise including more smoke which affects air quality, blocked chimneys which create a fire hazard and of course inefficient heating.
Most importantly though, wet wood is hard to light and keep lit, so try to source dry wood if it’s for this year’s winter.
Tips for drying wood
It’s best to cut your firewood trees at least a year in advance. If you are trying to burn wood
four months after cutting it, you’re being a little unrealistic.
A good rule of thumb is to always be a year ahead. If you can’t be a full year ahead, you should at least cut your trees in the spring or early summer to give them a good six to eight months to season.
Process the wood as soon as possible
Cut the wood into firewood lengths and split it as soon as possible. This will accelerate the drying process significantly.
As soon as the wood is processed, it is important to stack it to ensure that it dries in a timely manner.
Just add air and sunlight
Allow air circulation and sunlight to reach the firewood. Covering your firewood with a tarp is not the best idea when trying to season firewood. Let the sun shine down and the air circulate around the firewood. The best way to do this is to stack the firewood in an area where the sun will shine.
Want to make sure your home is fire safe? Here’s a quick and easy checklist created by Fire and Emergency NZ that you can use to spot any risks or hazards that might cause a fire.
Walk through your house and check off each point as you go. If a point doesn’t apply to you (for example, if you don’t have a fireplace), give it a tick.
This checklist is for people who own a house or apartment in the city or suburbs.
• The stovetop is clean and free of any spilled fats or burnt foods.
• The rangehood filters have been cleaned recently.
• There’s a fire extinguisher near the kitchen and I know how to use it.
Living room and bedrooms
• There are smoke alarms installed in every bedroom, living area and hallway in the house — ideally, long-life photoelectric ones.
• Matches, lighters or other fire starting tools are stored out of reach of children.
lot of power, like heaters.
• Lights are fitted with the correct bulb size and rating (in watts).
• Electric blankets are in good condition, and not more than 5 years old.
• There’s a torch near every bed (in case of emergencies).
• The fireplace has a screen with a proper fireguard, and the chimney has been checked and/or swept in the last year. Outdoors
test to make sure there are no leaks.
• Flammable liquids in sheds or garages are stored in appropriate containers. Laundry
• There’s no lint built up in the clothes dryer filter (you should check this after every use).
• Powerpoints or multi-boards are not overloaded with appliances that use a
• BBQ fittings are tight and secure, and there’s at least 1 metre of clear space around the BBQ. Use the soap bubble
• The clothes dryer has been checked recently by a professional to ensure there’s no dust built up in the back (don’t open up the dryer yourself, as this will breach the warranty).
• There’s plenty of ventilation and air space around the clothes dryer.
When you’re asleep, you lose your sense of smell. Don’t assume your smoke alarms are working. Press the button to check.
When you are buying smoke alarms, Fire and Emergency NZ recommends hard-wired and interconnected smoke alarms are installed.
If your alarms cannot be hard-wired, it’s recommended you use long-life photoelectric smoke alarms that rely on 10-year lithium batteries.
Inbuilt 10-year lithium batteries last as long as the smoke alarm so you don’t need to worry about replacing them every year – you simply replace the entire smoke alarm unit once every 10 years.
There are several specialised smoke alarms available for people who are deaf or hearing impaired.
Smoke alarms for deaf and hearing-impaired people
There are a number of specialised smoke alarm systems available for people who are deaf or have hearing impairment. These alarms have extra features such as extra loud and/or lower pitch alarm sounds, flashing strobe lights, or vibrating devices.
Ideally, you will have hard-wired, interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms fitted with bed-shakers, strobe lights, pagers or a combination of these. However, this may be too expensive.
Contact one of the four organisations below for advice as to the most appropriate options available for you to consider.
• Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand
• Life Unlimited
• Blind Foundation
• Housing New Zealand
Photoelectric vs. Ionisation?
Smoke alarms use either photoelectric or ionisation sensors to detect smoke. Some have both types of sensor (“dual” models).
Ionisation smoke alarms are typically more effective at detecting fast flaming fires, which burn and spread quickly. Photoelectric smoke alarms are typically more effective at detecting slow smouldering fires, which burn for hours before bursting into flame.
Unsure which type you have? Ionisation models require a tiny amount of radioactive material to make them work. You can identify one by the radiation symbol found on the plastic body.
How many do I need?
Smoke alarms cannot detect smoke through a closed door. Therefore, we recommend installing a smoke alarm in every bedroom, hallway and living area.
Please note: The New Zealand Building Code requires an approved smoke alarm to be fitted in every escape route (hallway) and within three metres of every sleeping space (bedroom) door.
Smoke alarms are available for purchase at most major supermarkets and hardware stores across New Zealand. Prices range from $6 - $75.
Don’t put your life in the hands of an old electric blanket. Any blanket older than five years should be checked by a qualified electrician or replaced.
Until then, here are some good safety practice tips for electric bedding.
Do not use warming bedding with infants or very small children, people with disabilities, anyone who is immobile or cannot operate the controls properly, anyone insensitive to heat or anyone who cannot understand these directions.
Never run the control cords between the mattress and the box springs. (This advice is similar to the advice about never running an appliance or lamp cord under a rug.) The cord could become damaged by friction or the heat from the electricity in the cord could be trapped there with no place to escape eventually becoming a fire hazard.
Never pinch any of the heating wires or the control cords in any way. Therefore do not use automatic bedding with adjustable beds, pull-out sofas, or reclining chairs where any electrical cords or heater wires could become pinched in the mechanisms.
Do not use a heated blanket and a heated mattress pad at the same
time. Overheating could result.
Wrapping the cord around the controls may damage the cord. Loop loosely when storing. The heated area of any warming bedding should always lie flat. That is, it should never be bunched up, folded or balled up (e.g. between the mattress and the footboard) such that the heat generated in the middle of that ball has no place to escape.
Do not allow pets to be around your warming bedding. A sharp claw or a tooth may puncture the wire insulation or damage the wiring itself.
Do not use pins around warming bedding. They can puncture the heater wire insulation.
Turn off the bedding appliance when not in use.
Never iron your electric blanket or electric mattress pad. Ironing may melt the heating wire insulation.
Never dry clean or use cleaning fluid on your product. Dry cleaning solvents may damage the heater wire insulation.
Finally if you observe your electric blanket or electric mattress pad operating unusually or improperly (e.g. seems too hot in one area or you see a scorch mark) call the manufacturer and stop using it right away.
Asbestos Removals Marlborough, a renowned entity in the Marlborough region, is dedicated to delivering exceptional asbestos removal services.
Backed by their vast experience and profound knowledge, they have built a solid reputation as a trustworthy and esteemed business in the local community.
Regrettably, many homeowners are oblivious to the potential hazards of asbestos, particularly when undertaking routine DIY tasks or home improvements.
It’s of utmost importance to understand that structures constructed or renovated before 2000 are likely to contain asbestos, a fact that cannot be ignored.
The expert team at Asbestos Removals Marlborough is passionately dedicated to community outreach and collaboration with regulatory bodies to ensure adherence to proper removal protocols.
Their mission extends to preventing contamination that could cause grave health ramifications within the community.
In the face of numerous unsuspecting homeowners attempting asbestos removal themselves or uninformed contractors dealing with asbestos-affected properties, Asbestos Removals Marlborough steps in with timely advice to protect the health and safety of homeowners, their families, and
“It’s not uncommon to hear reports from homeowners stumbling upon asbestos while engaging in DIY projects,” remarks Clayton Cowan, Director of Asbestos Removals
“New Zealand law mandates that homeowners enlist qualified asbestos removal specialists for all friable asbestos (Class A) or any asbestos-containing material exceeding 10m² (Class B). However, the regulations can prove confusing for many who are attempting self-remediation. With asbestos removal, expertise is paramount.”
Many people underestimate the risks and extent of asbestos contamination, potentially exposing themselves to significant health hazards and financial burdens.
It’s important to understand that the 10m² threshold for asbestos-containing material doesn’t allow for partial removal; work must stop immediately.
“Remediating a contaminated residence or workplace could entail expenditures in the tens of thousands, and the affected area, possibly a person’s home, to remain off-limits until deemed safe,” cautions Clayton.
“The release of asbestos dust poses a grave health hazard to you and your loved ones.” If suspected asbestos is present, it is strongly advised that a professional be engaged for a thorough site assessment before commencing renovations.
“At Asbestos Removals Marlborough, we are tradespeople, so we know the pressures homeowners face to execute seamless renovation endeavours. Overlooking asbestos can lead to budget overruns and homeowner headaches,” underscores Clayton.
“Our blend of expertise in construction alongside a keen awareness of asbestos risks ensures the safety of our clients and their families.”
Local businessman and owner of Imagine Signs, David Forman, is passionate about supporting local business. So much so, he dreamt up a ‘Support Local’ marketing campaign as we emerged from the first COVID lock-down, and made it available to locally-owned businesses for free.
That was in 2020.
Fast forward to 2024, and David is doing the same again. This time though he has teamed up with the Blenheim Sun newspaper who caught up with him recently to talk about this initiative to support local business.
So, what inspired the “You’re supporting a locally owned business” stickers?
We came up with the idea for this, during Covid 2020, which was the biggest single thing to affect businesses that has happened in recent times, one day we were open, next day we were forced to shut. When businesses were finally able to open again, we wanted to produce something that wasn’t a cost to businesses and showed people that these are locals, living locally who are not only offering services, but supporting our local community.
How was that received by businesses?
We had huge support, and it went even bigger than we expected. Local businesses were so pleased to have someone helping them to get the message out there that they were open and needing the support of local customers. That despite it all, these businesses were willing to keep going and try and continue to offer the services and products they had always done.
Why is ‘locals supporting local business’ so important?
Because it is locally-owned businesses who are supporting the local schools, sport teams and charities. They can only do that when people are supporting them. We may not be the cheapest, but we do sow back into the local community. Internet-based businesses are less likely to do that. They take that money out of the community and country. These are businesses who have the owners living here, in Marlborough. They employ local people and spend their money locally as well.
So what is happening now?
With the help of the Blenheim Sun, we are running a 6-week promotion to encourage people to support
those locally-owned businesses. Businesses who come on board will have the locally-owned sticker on their business or vehicle, and people who spend $20 or more will receive an entry to win awesome local prizes. The Blenheim Sun will have weekly full-page ads that will include photos of winners receiving their prizes as well as a list of businesses who have donated prizes.
David and his team have been around a lot of businesses in Marlborough but may have missed getting to some. If you’re a locally-owned business and would like to be part of this, please contact David from Imagine Signs on 027 517 7707 or call into Imagine Signs at 18 Timandra Place, Blenheim and have a chat with him.
Any businesses who are donating prizes are urged to drop these off promptly to either Images Signs in Timandra Place, or the Sun Newspaper on High Street, Blenheim. The Support Local promotion is running Marlborough wide: Havelock, Renwick, Picton, Seddon and everywhere in between. The promotion runs from June 1 to July 14.
Ever feel short of breath during exercise? It’s fair to say Blenheim’s Paul Knight and his heart are becoming more efficient at getting oxygen into the bloodstream.
It seems Paul likes running.
The 65-year-old has completed 118 full marathons. 23 were overseas in eleven countries on seven Continents including
Antarctica no less.
From a community lens, 2024 has seen him coordinate three Blenheim charity appeals including Big Heart Foundation collection in February, The Blind Low Vision Guide Dog in March and the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride last week (motorcycle rally to raise funds for prostate cancer).
Paul says when the Heart Foundation introduced the
MyMarathon fundraiserwhere one chooses whether to run, walk either one, two or more Marathons in the month of May - it appealed to his competitive nature.
“I decided to run a marathon every week and fundraise as much as I can,” he says.
To date he has run 120 kilometres, over two marathons and raised nearly $400.
The shocking statistics of
a New Zealander dying of heart disease every 90 minutes equating to 16 -18 people every day is, he says, the motivation to achieve his goals. The funds raised are invested in vital Heart research and cardiologist training.
If Sun readers would like to support Paul by donating his fundraising page is mymarathon.co.nz/fundraisers/ paulknight
do you want to get on board with this 6 week promotion encouraging locals to shop locally?
Some of the local businesses on board so far...
• Beyond the Fringe
• The Choice Gallery
• Every Little Thing
• Spotlight on NZ
• Picton Village Bakery
• Portal Jewellery & Design
• Norimaki
• The Diversion Gallery
• Picton Vet Clinic
• Creek Pottery
• Picton Pharmacy
• The Picton Bookshop
• Raukawa Art Gallery
• Sweet Treats
• Freebe’s
• Pinch of Spice
• Giddy Aunts
• Hammer Hardware
• Picton 4 Square
• Oddies Marine
• Seatech Marine
• Havelock 4 Square
• The Sneaky Beach Café renwick
• Woodbourne Tavern
• Te Pari Wines Blenheim
• Mitchell Sports
• Revival Café
• Bikes and Scooters
• Furniture Gallery
• Ultraquip Hire
• Mayflower Studio
• Henderson’s
• The Sewing Store
• Marlborough Pools and Spas
• Aqualine
• Floorpride
• Automotive Solutions
• BBQ Hub/Marlborough Heating
• Solutions 93 Hair Salon
• Raupo
• Michelle Rosthorn Jewellery
• XPotential Gym
• GWM Jewellery
• Mag n Turbo
• CDB Café
• Chantilly Café
• Cinnamon House
• Thomas’s
(Remix Coaching and Consulting)
Are you a dog or cat person?
Both! I love all kinds of animals and their unique personalities.
My friends would say I am…
Crazy for thinking that 4am is the best time of the day!
The best advice I ever received was?
Thoughts aren’t facts. You can’t stop the waves (of life), but you can learn to surf.
What would you buy if money was no object?
A house with a beautiful garden and lots of space for hosting personal development retreats where people can feel connected, cared for and empowered to live their best life.
Local coffee haunt?
Streetwise Coffee.
Favourite takeaway?
Anything that includes a chocolate-flavoured-something for dessert.
The shop you can’t walk past is...?
Streetwise Coffee.
What’s the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received?
The gift of spontaneous hugs and “I love you, Mummy” shared with me by my 4.5 yr old son, Hunter.
Where is your happy holiday place?
Thailand. I visited Koh Samui once and spent the whole holiday visiting different gyms, doing Muay Thai, eating beautiful food, being in the sun, and whizzing around on a scooter. It was absolute heaven!
Favourite programme or series currently watching?
My top 3 are: Dexter, Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy (can you tell my background is in forensic psychology?!)
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
I try to live my bucket list everyday because you just never know what’s around the corner. For me, that looks like working hard, living my values, and leaving people and the world better off than I found them.
May is the traditional month when new seasons strawberry plants become available in garden centres.
The nurseries that grow the plants lift them after the autumn rains have moistened the soil sufficiently, then they are distributed to garden centres.
Last year around this time because of the floods there were few strawberry plants available.
I see this year there are fair offerings but at a price.
I find that the sooner you can get your new strawberry plants into their new beds the better results you have in the first season. Like all things planted, it is root establishment that is so important.
When planting place about a teaspoon of Wallys Unlocking your Soil in the planting hole with a pinch of BioPhos for each strawberry plant. If you have Gypsum add a pinch of that too.
Gardeners with existing beds of strawberries will likely have a number of runners that have rooted in nicely, these can be used for new season plants.
In saying that I have not seen any runners from my strawberry beds this season and a few other gardeners have said similar, I and dont know why.
If the existing strawberry bed is not congested with old and new plants and there is ample room still for all the plants to grow and produce, then you can get away with not lifting the runners or only lifting those that are too close to existing plants.
Strawberries are easy to grow and can be grown in open ground or containers.
In open ground the most practical way is to make a bed with wood surrounds 16 - 20cm tall and have a hinged frame over the bed that has either plastic bird netting or wire netting over the lid.
The whole frame needs to only sit on the soil so it can be moved if required.
If using tanalised timber for the surround then after cutting to size, paint all the wood with a couple of coats of acrylic paint to prevent chemicals leeching into the soil.
Strawberries can be grown in troughs about 16 - 20cm wide and similar depth then as long as required. I like to hang these off the
top rail of a fence.
Special strawberry planters made from clay or plastic are not very good and your results are likely to be poor.
That’s the types where plants are placed in holes around the container as well as on top.
Polystyrene boxes with holes in the sides near the bottom for drainage are also ideal containers for good crops if they have a rooting depth of 15cm or more.
The growing medium should be a good compost such as Daltons or Oderings to which you can add untreated sawdust and a little clean top soil or vermicast - worm casts from a worm farm.
A mix of about 75 percent compost, 20 percent sawdust and 5 percent vermicast is good value.
Mix the above in a wheelbarrow then place a layer of the mix 5cm deep in the base of the trough or container. Now sprinkle a layer of chicken manure, some Wallys Secret Strawberry food, BioPhos, Unlocking your soil and Ocean Solids.
Horse manure is also very good if you know some horses.
If you do not have chicken manure available use sheep manure pellets and blood & bone.
Cover with more compost mix to a depth suitable for planting your new strawberry plants.
A similar process can be applied to an open bed with a frame, though the frame height may need to be taller than previously suggested.
Ensure that the soil at the base of the frame is free of most weeds and then place a layer or two of cardboard over the soil.
This will help prevent weeds from coming up in the bed, then fill as suggested.
There are a number of different varieties of strawberry plants available to the home gardener, sometimes the older varieties such as Tioga and Redgaunlet both are hard to come by, now replaced with the newer varieties such as Chandler, Pajaro and Seascape.
Different varieties will do better or worse in different climates so choose the ones most suited to your area of the country.
The most important aspect of growing great strawberries is a product called Wallys Mycorrcin.
You will discover that a regular spray of Mycorrcin diluted in water over the foliage of old and new plants will increase your harvested fruit by about 400 percent.
Your plants will fruit sooner, the fruit will be bigger and tastier, plus it will extend the fruiting season for even more fruit.
Once you have tidied up existing beds then side dress the plants with a little of Wallys Secret Strawberry Food and lightly water to settle. Make up the Mycorrcin in a trigger sprayer which you can also add your Magic Botanic Liquid to and spray the strawberry plants.
The spray keeps nicely in the trigger sprayer and so you can leave it sitting next to the strawberry bed shaded from direct sunlight, ready to use when passing.
Ideally, spray plants once a week. Within a day or two you will see that the plants have responded to the spray and are looking even better. There is a story I was told that a Commercial Strawberry grower heard about Mycorrcin and decided to try it on his commercial crop. Not taking notice of the spray rates he apparently increased to double the amount per litre of water and sprayed the crop regularly.
What happened was that the ripe strawberries grew too big for the strawberry packs he used to sell them in and he had to go and find bigger packs to be able to sell the fruit.
Several gardeners who have used Mycorrcin for their strawberries have told me that they have never had such big delicious strawberries and they only complained that it cost them a fortune for all the cream to go with them, when eating as a desert.
Loved the show Joseph’s Technicolour Dream coat. Everyone involved should be very proud of themselves.
Banks and supermarkets posting massive profits.
Am I the only one who feels like they don’t give a stuff about the plight of most kiwis. Why can’t they take a hit like everyone else is?
What a shame to see the axing of Fair Go and Sunday and yet we have to put up with a so called comedy program like Seven Days. I can’t see what’s funny about a jockey falling off a horse getting injured so instead of getting medical help gets shot.
These people call themselves comedians, well I disagree and don’t think we have seen a decent comedian since the late Billy James.
From the early days of Brian Edward’s right up to the final programme (or will it be?), a superbly professional & popular programme. Here’s hoping for a come back, generated by very, very popular Customer/Viewer demand? But why axe a programme with such a strong following in the first place?
Surely the low (or non) rating, way past it’s use by/viewing by date, Shortland Street should have been first on the chopping block or cutting floor.
Hurry back Fair Go & A Big Thank You again for the tremendous services & memories.
Why does the Blenheim theatre miss out on acts that go to Nelson but not us.
In reply to the write up in Marlborough Express saying once waste management takes over no more recycling will go to landfill, I find this hard to believe considering they only just had trouble in Christchurch for dumping it. Why would Marlborough be any different, they will just hide it better than current contractors! Wake up.
It’s mid May and the Taylor River is still an unsightly mess from most vantage points. The area by Raupo looks just plain disgusting. I seem to recall it was to be tidied up?
Perhaps that is after the 12.5% rate increase?
A huge thank you and congratulations to FAT TONY’S restaurant.
We wish you every success.
We went last Saturday to the most awesome setting, ambience, service and most of all FOOD.
We chose steak with garlic cream prawns, best ever!
Worth 3 mins drive from town, (everyone knew it as Annie’s fruit leather place).
154 million lives saved by immunisation since 1974. Given that most of them would have gone on to breed, say 250 million extra souls on this earth to contribute to global warming. May I suggest this program (immunisation) is a bigger contributor to global warming than all the ices ever built.
To the older lady who cut approx 12 fresh roses for herself to take from Pollard park Thursday night - I hope you are ashamed of yourself- the sense of entitlement runs deep in this town I notice.
Glad to see they were a pretty variety of colours, however I prefer looking at them attached to the rose bush rather than in your hands.
Shame on you and others that think they own the place. Very unwelcoming place for newcomers.
Agree with texter last week about Te Whatu Ora not the name I’ll be using either. Health NZ as it should be.
Tailgaters are drivers who have to be ahead of everyone else! No matter what speed you are doing they are always there.
Trouble is they are a very high percentage of road users, making NZ roads some of the worst for safety in the world.
I like the sound of Hard Work Pays, someone with sense who can see the benefits. As opposed to the whingers.
Those in business create jobs and it isn’t a 9-5 job.
U can find them in Grove Road.
What another amazing job u guys did on my car. I have no words. U guys are amazing. Keep up the good work u do.
Wow...Kainga Ora Housing NZ hemorrhaging billions of dollars in debt with no plan to try and staunch the flow.
And quite a number of their properties are unoccupied.
Further evidence that the previous government completely failed taxpayers. What else will we find as we delve into the nation’s books?
Being an avid Crusader supporter two things stand out for this season’s debacle, 1st one is what qualifications did Rob Penny have apart from coaching second grade teams and playing for Canterbury and 2nd why was last years back up to Richi Mounga let go to an opposing franchise, I think the ones that appointed these people need replacing.
To Health NZ / free speech advocate. I’m glad we agree! You can call it Health New Zealand and I will call it Te Whatu Ora. I have no idea why you even wasted time getting publicly worked up about this.
Thank you so much to the AWESOME person/s that handed my lost keys in to police, you restore my faith in the 99% of our wonderful community!
What an outstanding production of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.’ To everyone of you involved, a huge Thank You! The talent in our beautiful Marlborough is something very special. Very proud to be a Marlburian.
Well done to Gill Construction on the great job they are doing cleaning up and maintaining our waterways. They inherited such a mess but seem to have taken on the challenge with great enthusiasm and expertise. Finally some value for money for the long suffering rate payers of Marlborough.
Across: 1. Outlaw, 4. Allied, 9. Bale, 10. Relentless, 11. Tissue, 12. Creation, 13. Incessant, 15. Cage, 16. Cube, 17. Discredit, 21. Reprieve, 22. Deaden, 24. Get a move on, 25. Away, 26. Tasted, 27. Fettle. Down: 1. Ovation, 2. Tress, 3. Airless, 5. Lancet, 6. Ill at ease, 7. Disrobe, 8. Illconsidered, 14. Embarrass, 16. Clement, 18. Cadence, 19. Iterate, 20. Repose, 23. Adapt.
veil, vet, veto, vie, vile, viol, VIOLET, voile, vole, volt, vote.
tie, tile, toe, toil, toile, tole,
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Punawai, meaning ‘spring waters’, is the name of the new hockey stadium which was opened by Mayor Nadine taylor last Wednesday morning. Local Iwi, Marlborough Hockey, and staff and students from Marlborough Girls’ College were in attendance.
AIM’s founding chairman Richard Coon receives a life membership from AIM board member tracy Atkin at his retirement event last week.
Angel Investors Marlborough farewelled founding chairman
Richard Coon with a standing ovation and life membership at its meeting this week.
Richard Coon set up the organisation almost seven years ago, and has built it to one of the most successful angel investor groups in the country, with an international reputation.
Speakers at the meeting praised Richard’s active engagement in assessing potential investments and then his significant support for founders and start-ups, often as board chair. They also praised his backing for local businesses and community groups.
Mayor Nadine Taylor says Marlborough is lucky that Richard had set up AIM. Not only has he built a supportive culture in AIM where founders receive funding, knowledge, and expertise, but Richard has also given back to many groups in the community.
“You’re enabling… Tech in Marlborough is taking off as part of our identity. You’re opening
our eyes to that.”
Investors Rick Osborne and Mark Unwin say Richard has done huge amounts of work to set AIM up so well, and now investors are enjoying the fruits of his labour in one of the most successful angel investor groups in the country.
Rick says belonging to AIM has brought great pride and pleasure to members – it has been fantastic and an absolute honour to work with start-ups and founders.
Mark says Richard has been the backbone of the group, and a champion for founders. He has brought “magic” to the group, making it a beacon of success, not just across Marlborough, but across New Zealand.
Endorsements of Richard’s huge role in the angel investing community were read out, including from the immediate past chair of the New Zealand Angel Investors Association Suse Reynolds. “Richard Coon is just the bomb.” The association awarded Richard the Puawaitanga Award in 2022, an award rec-
ognising founders and investor directors who exemplify what can be achieved when committed people draw on their collective skills and experience.
On behalf of the AIM Board, Tracy Atkin says Richard’s vision and leadership has driven AIM’s success. In its seven years, it has grown membership by 25 per cent year on year. The organisation has a portfolio of 67 investments valued at $27 million.
She praised the impact he has had, not just on the group and its investments, but on the Marlborough region as a whole.
After a highly successful business career founding and exiting his own companies, Richard says he finds angel investing incredibly exciting and it enabled him to ‘live your dreams vicariously through others’.
“Part of our philosophy at AIM is about being very active investors. We really do make a difference.”
Small companies are job creators, Richard says. Angel inves-
tors play a big part in helping small companies get started and create jobs.
“I think the pattern of work will change. Getting a job will become much harder. People will transition
to doing their own thing, starting their own business, having more of a portfolio career.
“It’s great to be part of that and the future, through angel investing.”
The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is bringing an ‘exciting selection’ of concerts and whānau-friendly events to Blenheim next month.
Jubilation: Strauss & Shostakovich, will feature masterpieces by the two music giants alongside two stunning contemporary New Zealand works on June 6.
As part of the NZSO’s Setting Up Camp tour, the Orchestra also is doing a selection of daytime events for the Marlborough community and schools.
A Relaxed Concert on June 6, presented with support from Autism NZ, is an opportunity for neurodivergent children and adults to enjoy the NZSO in a sensory-friendly environment. With a more relaxed approach to movement and noise during the performance, the aim is to minimise patrons’ anxiety and ensure they have a calm, enjoyable and safe concert experience.
A ‘Side-by-Side’ session on June 5 gives Blenheim musicians a chance to play alongside NZSO players. Marlborough schools on June 6 are treated to a daytime NZSO concert, which includes Stravinsky’s captivating The Firebird Suite.
NZSO Music Director Emeritus James Judd, who conducts Jubilation, says the Orchestra is elated to include music by two outstanding young New Zealand composers, both Todd Corporation Young Composer Awards winners, in the Blenheim concert.
“Our programme begins with the exuberant Fanfare by Henry Weng
A relaxed concert on June 6, presented with support from Autism NZ, is an opportunity for neurodivergent children and adults to enjoy the NZSO in a sensory-friendly environment.
whilst the second half of the concert kicks off with the whimsical fantasy world of Sai Natarajan in We Long for an Adventure,” he says.
Jubilation is a rare opportunity to enjoy Richard Strauss’ Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme which Judd hails as a theatrical feast of lively music and moods. Originally written for a revival of the comic masterpiece of the same name by French playwright Molière, this exquisite work captures the spirit of the play while also expressing Strauss’ genius.
Dimitri Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 9, written to celebrate the Soviet victory at the end of the Second World War, was a significant departure from the big statements of his 7th and 8th symphonies. Jubilant, light and bursting with melodies, Judd
says critics at the time misinterpreted it as support for Stalin’s regime.
“Conductor Leonard Bernstein saw through the ruse and recognised that beneath the surface this music could be seen as ‘a great nose thumb against Stalin.’ Underneath lurks complexity, irony and sorrow.”
The NZSO Relaxed Concert and The Firebird schools concert are presented by award-winning British music educator, composer and musician presenter Rachel Leach.
Rachel has worked within the education departments of most of the UK’s orchestras and opera companies. Much of her work is for the London Symphony and the London Philharmonic orchestras, including more than 20 pieces for LSO Discovery and 15 community operas.
By Chris ValliPeople who reside in the Marlborough Sounds are being asked to keep an eye out for a poisonous pest plant that will bloom in June.
Native to South Africa, Cape Tulip - which has distinctive salmon pink flowers with a yellow centre - is toxic to both humans and livestock.
It has been in Aotearoa since the 1940s and was recognised as a noxious plant in 1978, banned from sale, propagation and distribution.
Since then, the more than 500 sites infected with the flower have been whittled down to 29 that Biosecurity New Zealand was aware of.
Three plants were recently found in a Canterbury garden, while it was found at 10 sites in the Marlborough Sounds.
Biosecurity New Zealand spokesperson John Sanson says cape tulips produce both corms, which can rapidly multiply and spread, and between 3000 and 6000 seeds per plant.
“Like most of the invasive species we deal with, it can be tricky to control and get
every last plant. With the corms and seeds it can be hard to get every last bit - it can take several years to treat a site.
“Plants and flowers appear between June and December, so it’s a perfect time for people to familiarise themselves with what it looks like.”
Symptoms of Cape Tulip poisoning for humans include gastroenteritis, thirst, paralysis, blindness, and heart and kidney failure.
John says it was in farmers’ best interests to report findings as the plant was toxic to livestock.
“At the extreme end it can cause some quite significant problems and cause heart and kidney failure, blindness but we’re not aware of any recent reports of mortality or anything like that.”
Anyone who spots Cape Tulip should report it to
Biosecurity New Zealand’s exotic pest and disease Freephone 0800 80 99 66. Staff will come and take care of it.
“We don’t want people digging it up or, you know, trying to spray or remove these plants themselves, given the nature of it.”
Urgent Care Centre: Wairau Hospital Grounds. Entry off Hospital Rd, Blenheim, 8am-8pm daily. Phone (03) 520 6377. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 578 0797.
After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy: Monday - Friday 8.30am6pm. Saturday 9m - 5pm. Sunday 10am - 4pm. We will be closed on the following days: Kings Birthday 3 June, Matariki 28
Community Care Pharmacy: Within the Blenheim Warehouse, open 7 days 9am8pm. Only closed Christmas Day.
Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543354, 24hr helpline.
Women’s Refuge and Sexual Violence Support Centre Marlborough: Crisis line number phone 0800 refuge or 03 5779939.
Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846)
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 AA WORKS - 0800 229 6757.
Citizens Advice Bureau: Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am4pm. Phone 578 4272.
Wairau Hospital: Hospital Visiting Hours: Daily 2.30pm - 8pm, children under 12 may visit parents only.
Maternity Ward: 10am-noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward.
Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870.
Chemist: Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 8.30-5.30pm, Sat 9-2pm. Medical Centre Pharmacy, Ph 928 4265, Mon-Fri 8am-5.30pm
ARNOLD-JOHNSON, Beth. 10 May 2024, aged 84. Loving wife of Ian and the late Johnny. Loved sister of Joe and Joy Frisken, Ron and Barbara Frisken, Ngaire Devantier and the late Bill and Margaret and the late John Frisken. Loved by all her nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews. Funeral has been held on 15 May.
CRESSwELL: Maurice Douglas 11.8.1942 - 18.5.2024. Passed away peacefully on Saturday 18 May 2024 aged 81. Beloved husband and soulmate of Gwenda. A much loved dad and father in law of Philip, Rachael and Rahman, Jane and Nick. A treasured Poppa to Isra, Saif, Amirah, Hamish, Archie and Alice. The eldest son of Doug and Muriel (deceased) and son in law to Iris and Clarry Gifford (deceased). Messages to The Cresswell family c/- PO Box 9 Blenheim 7240. A service for Maurice will be held at the Springlands Chapel, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, 15 Boyce Street, Blenheim on Thursday 23 May at 2.00pm. Followed by a private cremation service. Thank you to the staff at Marlborough Hospice.
PIESSE, Kenneth. Lynda and family would like to thank all those who showed their love and support at the passing of Ken. Thank you for the cards, flowers, baking, phone calls and attendance at his service. Your kindness and support has been a comfort to us all. Please accept this as a personal thank you.
The Marriage Course 7 sessions to strengthen your relationship. Nativity Hall, Wednesday 12 June @ 7pm. Contact Nicci 02102572940 or onexy4xx@xtra. co.nz
week The Longdan tiger (Panthera zdanskyi) is the oldest known tiger ancestor, dating back 2.15 million to 2.55 million years. This tiger’s remains were discovered in China’s Gansu Province.
MCGIRR: Annette Mary. On Thursday 16 May 2024, peacefully at Springlands Lifestyle Village in her 84th year. Annette was a dearly loved wife of John. A muchloved mother and mother-in-law of Geoffrey (dec), Philippa, Kelvin and Jo, Angus and Trish, Catherine and Scott. A treasured granny of Jaimee, Toby, Cooper and Callum. Messages to c/- PO Box 9, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services Blenheim 7240 or www.cloudybayfunerals.co.nz. Thanks to Dr Helen Pike and the caring staff at Springlands Lifestyle Village. In lieu of flowers, donations to Alzheimers Marlborough or The Salvation Army Blenheim would be appreciated or can be made at the service. A memorial service for Annette will be held at the Springlands Chapel, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, 15 Boyce Street, Blenheim on Wednesday 22 May at 2pm.
ZIMMERMAN: Harold James (Harry). On May 20th, 2024, peacefully at Bethsaida Rest Home, in his 89th year. Loved father and father-in-law of Michael and Shirley, and the late Christine Dredge. Loved grandad and great grandad to all of his grandchildren. At Harry’s request, a private cremation will be held.
Applications are now open for the 2024 Blue Door Grants. Closing date for all applications is 2pm, 1 June 2024. Application forms are available from the Blue Door website www.thebluedoor.nz
Held recently with the course set in the stunning Wither Hills Farm Park. Runners completed a three hour loop over the trails and tracks of the Wither Hills Park. Walkers took the Gentle Annie track to the ‘Witches Hut’ lookout, then down the side to complete a satisfying walk.
House competition and colour was competitive with Wairau were the victorious house obtaining the most house points on the day.
After a dominant performance against Shirley Boys’ High School (3-1) in their recent interschool exchange, the Marlborough Boys’ College 1st XI Hockey team played their first game at Punawai Stadium. The team played in their new 2024 playing kit.
Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Rārua—MOE, Marlborough District Council, and the Marlborough Hockey Association, have brought the international standard facility to Blenheim, and the wider community.
Disappointing not to see television coverage of the 2024 Para Athletics World Championships in Japan this week. A New Zealand team brimming with medal potential started their quest on Saturday (May 18) in Kobe, ahead of the Paris Paralympic Games later this year.
Having said that, in the modern age of online streaming, action of the world championships featured on the Para Athletics Facebook page and the IPC You Tube channel. Athletics New Zealand also provides coverage when the Kiwis compete.
Te Reo Tātaki (TVNZ) translates to ‘the leading voice’. Their purpose is to ‘inspire the conversations of Aotearoa, and enrich the lives of New Zealanders by sharing the moments that matter
to (their) communities, regions and people.’ It’s a pity then, the country’s state-owned, commercially funded broadcaster wasn’t able to find the opportunity for the athletes to share their voice – and success – on the world stage.
The five-strong Kiwi line-up, all of whom claimed medals at the 2023 Para Athletics World Championships in Paris are currently on the world stage in the 11th edition of the event and the first ever to be held in East Asia. Two of them hit the headlines in recent days including Dunedin Paralympian Anna Grimaldi and Christchurch runner Will Stedman.
Grimaldi won back to back bronze medals taking bronze in the women’s T47 100m (movement affected at a low to moderate degree in one arm or the absence of limbs) with a time of 12.72sec in wet conditions in Kobe. She says her immediate thought is she ‘knows she can run faster’, adding
she is content with where she is at now, but excited by where she can get to.
It capped off a memorable day for New Zealand after Will Stedman was crowned the world champion in the men’s T36 400m.
The Christchurch-based 24-year-old claimed the top spot for the first time in his career and set a national record of 53.36sec.
World record holder and Paralympic champion James Turner, of Australia, settled for silver finishing 0.16sec behind Stedman and Fakhr Eddine Thelaidjia, of Algeria, claimed bronze in 54.53sec.
All his life Will has had ataxic cerebral palsy (CP), which impairs his motor skills. Though he admits he’s lucky – some people with CP can’t walk, have regular seizures, and struggle with cognitive tasks – his movement is still significantly affected. When he runs, his arms and legs tense
Sat 11 May S/F- Ant Booker 37; Jock Mannington 35; Ian Aldridge 34; Maria McConway 33, Harry Schat 33, Tim McCaffrey 33; Jeff Pascoe 32, Jellie Keizer 32,Phil Hawhe 32, Mark Ivamy 32; Thurs 16 May S/F-Tim McCaffrey 37, Jelle Keizer 37; Nick Wright 36, Jeff Pascoe 36; Gary Aldridge 35; Trevor Gullery 34, Jock Mannington 34, Mike Ashworth 34; Iain Berrie 33. Fri 17 May 9H- Scambled Eggs- Helen McIsaac 28; Margaret Frisken 24; Anita McCaffrey 22; Mary Butler 20.
May 13th 9 Holes Stableford Graeme Parker 19 Les Boniface 19 Allen Knght19 Arnold Newman 19 Leo McKendry 19Dan Crawford 17 Bob Tapp 17 Brian Brown 16 Levi Mano 16 David Dyer 16 Justin Taipana 16 Ladies Ann Walker 23 Jane Abbott 22 Christine Burns 21 Dawn Walker 20 Anne Newman 19 Bernice Arnold 19 Colleen McLeod 19 Maureen McKenzie 18 May 19th Irish Stableford Don Lamond 77 Colin Pitkethley 76 Morgan Bowe 76 Eara Kahaki 74 Grant Flynn 72 John Cootes 72 Graeme Parker 71 Blue Arthur 71 Don March 71 Desz Campbell 70 9 Holes Stableford Glen Hurcomb 20 Dean Ormsby 18 Allen Knight 17 Mike McConnell 15 May 18th LGU Medal Jane Abbott 64 Sue Greenstreet 70 Top Dog Qualifying Pairs Combined Net Sam Rainbird + Jesse Miller 138 Tere Poa+ Don March 138 Graeme Parker + Clive Drummond 138 Ross Agnew + Andrew Stowell 140 Doug Shaw + Blue Arthur 143 NTP Fairweathers 9/18 Mike Gardiner Sowmans 3/12 Sam Rainbird.
netball nZ/Sky confirm 2025 partnership
Marlborough netball fans will continue to get their fix of the code following confirmation last Tuesday that Netball New Zealand and Sky have agreed a one-year extension to their existing broadcasting partnership. In addition, Netball NZ have entered into a further 12-month partnership with TVNZ, for freeto-air coverage of the ANZ Premiership Saturday matches. Further partnership conversations for 2026 and beyond are due to begin later this year.
Will Stedman stumbles at the finish line after surging past James Turner in the 400m at the Para Athletics World Champs in Kobe, Japan. Photo: Augusto Bizzi up. Remarkable given the result in Kobe. Stedman will also be in action in the men’s long jump T36 final later in the championship programme. Originally taking place in 2021, the event in Kobe has twice been postponed because of Covid, however, the rescheduled
competition represents a great opportunity for the quintet of athletes in the Black Singlet to compete at a major global event. Attracting 1073 athletes from around 104 nations the nine-day event guarantees top quality competition and indeed puts the athletes on the world stage.