July 20 The Sun

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Inside The Sun

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un S The

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Blenheim Marlborough

Arbuckle apologises Jamie Arbuckle says sorry for stress caused by council review

Page 3

Just reward Jack “Dusty” Miller receives Rotary’s highest accolade

Page 3

DISBELIEF: Mr Asian store owner Udomsak Juchange was stunned to see his shop had been broken into for the second time in three months. Right: The shop window broken by the burglars.

‘Not again’

Store owner fed up with burglaries World Cup dream Susan Witehira on Marlborough’s Rugby World Cup preparations.

Page 10

Sun Weather SunToday Weather 0-14 3-12 Today Thursday 1-12 Thursday 2-9 Friday 4-13 Friday Saturday

3-10 7-16

Outlook for Today 1-11 Saturday Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Mainly fine, partly cloudy.

Everyone gets The Sun

Total market coverage in Marlborough

By Damian George The owner of an Asian grocery store burgled on Sunday morning is thankful a broken window is the only significant damage his business sustained this time round. Udomsak Juchange, owner of Blenheim’s Mr Asian on Alfred Street, was awoken by his recently-installed alarm system while at home early on Sunday morning. He raced to his store to find the main door’s window had been broken, but that only $40-50

had been taken from the cash register. It was a much different story a few months ago, when thieves broke into Mr Juchange’s personal office and stole two safes holding nearly $9000, and a laptop. Mr Juchange says he could not believe his store was once again a target on Sunday. “When I got to the store this time, I said ‘holy crap, not again!’” Security footage showed the culprits - two men aged 17 and 18 - tried to break into the cigarette

cabinet behind the shop’s counter, but fled before they were able to do so. The break-in followed a similar incident in Blenheim early on Saturday morning, when thieves broke into takeaway and convenience store Mr Frys and stole drinks, chocolate and medicine. Mr Juchange has a simple message for the offenders who broke into his store: “Stop doing it, leave this community alone. We don’t need any more bad people in this community.”

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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

How to reach us

Les Whiteside

Katrina Whiteside


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news@blenheimsun.co.nz sales@blenheimsun.co.nz ads@blenheimsun.co.nz

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Intersection too dangerous - businesses

By Damian George news@blenheimsun.co.nz Blenheim businesses say there is “too much going on” at the Grove Road and Budge Street intersection which has been at the centre of a number of road incidents recently. The intersection has long been a point of concern for the nearby businesses, who say car brakes are often heard screeching and large trucks are sometimes forced to use the wrong side of the road due to a lack of turning space. The four-way intersection is bordered by Blenheim Super Cheap Auto, Peter Grinter Motorcycles, Wayne Lucas Glass and a Shell service station. Blenheim Super Cheap Auto employee Matt Rowe says there have been “heaps” of vehicle crashes at the intersection over the last few years, including three or four within the last six months. “There’s too much going on,” he says.

“The way I see it, the pedestrian crossing [opposite Shell] should never have been put there. What a stupid place to have it - right at a main intersection.” He says recent incidents include a car colliding with a parked truck, and a child being knocked off his bike by a car. Wayne Lucas, owner of Wayne Lucas Glass, says trucks turning right from Grove Road into Budge Street to use the service station often turn directly into the right hand lane, as it is too difficult to make a regular turn. Another problem is cars exiting the Shell station onto Grove Road colliding with the arrow sign on the road’s island, he says. “That’s frequently being replaced. “[The intersection]’s definitely a problem, but I don’t know how you fix it.” Marlborough Roads senior asset manager Steve Mur-

Shell Service Station Budge St

Accident waiting to happen: Local businesses say this intersection at Grove Road and Budge Street is a frequent site of road incidents.

rin says he is aware of the concerns, and improving the intersection is one of the safety projects on its agenda for the next 12 months. Last year, the island on Budge Street [near Shell] was reduced by 1.2 metres to

allow more room for turning traffic. Within the next 12 months, he hopes the footpath on the corner of Budge St and Grove Road outside Shell will be narrowed, further increasing road space.

Marlborough Roads’ fiveyear crash statistics from July 2005 to June 2010 show there have been just six reported crashes in the last five years, though crashes after June 2010 have not yet been added.

Brown re-elected MTA president By Celeste Lodewyk Local car dealership owner Phil Brown has been re-elected as Marlborough Motor Trade Association (MTA) president (uncontested) for his second term. Last week saw local branch members meet to discuss what plans they will make for the year ahead, but for now he says they will be concentrat-

ing on adding value to the brand for MTA members. Last year was Phil’s first term as president and included highlights such as a visit from car racing legend Greg Murphy who was the guest at a MTA charity dinner held in September last year. Donations raised from the dinner were donated to St Johns Ambulance

and SAAD Marlborough. MTA has 32 branches throughout New Zealand with each its own elected President and committee. The organisation represents every facet of the automotive industry and covers everything from general repair workshops through to vehicle sales, service stations and repairers.

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The Sun

Arbuckle offers apology

By Damian George Marlborough district councillor Jamie Arbuckle has apologised to his fellow councillors and council staff for the stress placed on them during the recent council review, but won’t apologise for instigating it. Cr Arbuckle told The Sun yesterday he has been overwhelmed by the public support he has received since the independent review was presented to the council, reaffirming his decision to raise allegations of corruption within the organisation. The independent review, carried out by Auckland lawyer Denis Sheard, was received by the council on July 8. It cleared all council representatives of any wrongdoing, prompting several councillors to call for Cr Arbuckle to resign, apologise and pay back ratepayer money used to fund the inquiry.

Cr Arbuckle told The Sun yesterday it was now time to “walk away” from the issue, and offered this statement to his council colleagues: “To all council staff and councillors, I am sorry for the extra workload and pressure that has been put onto those concerned. “In my view, the review was required to answer the many questions that the public had of the council. “We all now can stand tall and proud to those who we represent - the Marlborough community.” Cr Arbuckle endured a torrid barrage of criticism during a council meeting following the report’s findings, but reaction outside council chambers has been much more forgiving. “To the many hundreds of phone calls and emails over the past week in support of the review, I thank you for your support,” Cr Arbuckle says.

Wednesday July 20, 2011

r o u iq L r e p u S

y a d h birt bash Jamie Arbuckle

“I stood on a platform of accountability and transparency in council and I will continue to do so. “As a councillor, it is my duty to bring ratepayers’ concerns to the council table. “I will continue to raise issues and ask questions on the behalf of those who have elected me into council.” He also praised the work of Mr Sheard, who did “really well” with the review. He says his only concern is that there is a perception the allegations were raised purely on “hearsay”, when that was not the case. The review was ordered by Marlborough mayor Alistair Sowman following allegations by Cr Arbuckle that council staff could tamper with tender documents and some people believed the organisation was corrupt.

Dusty just ‘doing God’s work’ By Damian George Paul Harris Fellowship Award recipient Jack “Dusty” Miller says he was humbled to receive Rotary’s highest recognition recently, but the accolade really belongs to God. Mr Miller was one of two people, along with fellow Blenheim man John Orchard, to be presented with the prestigious medal by outgoing Rotary Club of Blenheim South president Jim Hasseldine last week. The international award was established in memory of Rotary founder Paul Harris, and rewards members’ contributions to the foundation’s charitable and educational programme. Mr Miller, who worked as a Salvation Army Corps Officer in Blenheim for 24 years before retiring in 2009, says he was merely doing God’s work. “At one stage in my life, about 40 years ago, I was in a situation where I needed some help and the ‘Sallies’ turned up and helped me, and I thought ‘that’s the kind of Christianity I can relate to,” he told The Sun yesterday. “I’ve really got to give the honour to God. He’s the one who called me into that work in the first place, I was just trying to do what I could in the calling that was mine.” Among Mr Miller’s major achievements is the role he played in establishing the Marlborough Hospice which opened in 2003, where he remained Chaplain to the staff and patients until he retired. He served on all the committees during his six years with the Blenheim South Rotary, and initiated the club’s involvement in the local Food Bank effort and Salvation Army Toy Appeal.

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JUST REWARD: Jack “Dusty” Miller was one of two Blenheim recipients of the Paul Harris Fellowship Award recently.

Mr Orchard, a born-and-bred Marlburian, received the award for his “tireless” work in helping to preserve and protect the region’s heritage for future generations. In the 1980s, the keen historian helped to set up, and ran, History of Marlborough trips through the Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP). This involved leading a bus tour around historical sites. As chairman of the Riverside Railway Inc, under the umbrella of the Marlborough Historical Society, Mr Orchard was instrumental in establishing the railway line from Blenheim to Brayshaw Park. He is now leader of the Heritage Education programme at the Marlborough Museum.

19 Grove Rd, Blenheim

Phone: 577 8615



The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Prison escapee vows change his second son Sebastian 17 days ago, the self-employed plasterer says the incident was the final straw. “I sort of used it all as a turnaround point,” he told The Sun. “I stopped smoking drugs and just tried to do, well, I did do, everything that the courts told me to do so I can move on and be a better role model for my kids.” Mr McMillan says he had been smoking cannabis intensively for the last decade, which gradually began to bring on “psychotic episodes” and induced emotions which “spiralled out of control”. However, through an alcohol and drug counselling programme he was ordered to take following his release from Christchurch Men’s Prison in March, the drug has now become a non-existent part of his life. “I haven’t smoked anything for over a month and I have no intention to smoke

By Damian George news@blenheimsun.co.nz He made headlines for kicking an escape hole through a police station wall before calling a local newspaper, but Blenheim man Leonard McMillan has vowed his name will never again be seen in the local court pages. The 26-year-old was being held at the Blenheim police station for breaching bail when the incident occurred in January this year, following an earlier arrest for domestic violence. After fashioning the escape route, through the station’s prisoner phone room plaster wall, Mr McMillan called the Marlborough Express to complain about the way he had been treated by police. It was the climax to a ten-year episode of heavy drug taking and psychological meltdowns, but Mr McMillan has turned a new page. Kicked into action by the birth of


it again,” he says. “It pretty much caused me a lot of trouble and put me in a bad head space. “I wouldn’t say it’s been easy, but it’s been rewarding.” The husband-to-be will have his community detention anklet removed tomorrow. It has been on him since he was released from prison following the break-out, and prohibits him from leaving his house between 8pm and 6am. Its removal, he says, will signal new beginnings. Since his release, he has become engaged to his partner Sydney, welcomed Sebastian as a brother to 8-year-old son Noah, and cut all ties with his cannabis-smoking circle. To other cannabis users, Mr McMillan says: “I think people should respect it. It can be overdone. “Maybe get counselling before you’re breaking out of a police cell.”

Turning over a new leaf: Leonard McMillan, with 17-day-old son Sebastian, will have his community detention anklet removed tomorrow. He says it will signal the start of a new life without crime.

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Cla rke Constr uction of Blenheim was announced on Saturday as the winner of two Supreme Awards in the Marlborough Registered Master Builders PlaceMakers 2011 House of the Year and RMB Commercial Project Awards. Owned by Sarah and Ant Clarke, the company won the PlaceMakers Supreme Award for the House of the Year, and

the PlaceMakers Supreme Award for the renovation of the Year (pictured). The four bedroom and three bathroom renovation involved transforming an original corner villa into a double bay villa with a large extension, very much in keeping with the original house, judges said. Also honoured in the awards was Jon Haack of Haack Con-

struction Limited from Picton who won the RMB Commercial Project of the Year, and the Health Project for the Picton Ogilvie-Lee Emergency Operations Centre in Picton. The winning buildings will be judged at a national level in November and winners will be announced at the Master Builders House of the Year awards.




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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Expansion would ‘spur economy’

By Damian George The expansion of Marlborough’s airport to cater for more visitors could be the catalyst for kickstarting economic growth in the region, the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce says. The expansion of airport facilities is one of four key priorities the Chamber is looking to address in the next 12 months. Marlborough Chamber of Commerce general manager Brian Dawson says upgrading the facilities and increasing flights would make it easier to attract and retain businesses, as well as entice visitors to the region. “It is hard to convince Australian and other conference organisers to bring their 600-person

Brian Dawson

conference to Marlborough when commercial flights only bring in, on average, 19 people at a time, with the odd 50-seater from Auckland,” he says. Mr Dawson says the devel-

opment would also help to encourage a hotel chain to build another “much-needed” hotel in the region. With the $17 million Civic Theatre project having been given the go-ahead, the district will have invested $40m between that facility, the Clubs of Marlborough building [$12m], the Convention Centre [$3.9m], and the Alfred Street Car Park [$6m] in recent times, he says. “This investment must be supported by additional quality accommodation and airport capacity.” Local accountant Mark Peters, of Peters Doig Chartered Accountants, says the airport terminal is “definitely too small”, but is not convinced

Snow arrives early Last Wednesday saw the first heavy snow fall arrive this winter. The Lake Rotoiti area was covered, with Rainbow Ski Field receiving a good dumping of snow. Below: Fulton Hogan clearing the Howard Valley Road near St Arnaud. Photo courtesy randall@tekihitours.co.nz

Kids chip in for Christchurch

RED AND BLACK: Pictured showing their Canterbury colours are Jemimah O'Donnell, Elijah O'Donnell, Lucas Collins and Sophie Oswald.

Marlburians responded to a national their day, place an order with a Cantercall to “Chip in for Christchurch” on bury-based business or carry out small Friday with many wearing red and acts of kindness to the quake-hit city. black as a show of their support. In Blenheim people of all ages took This was not a fundraising venture part, in particular the Little Footsteps but a way for the country to show John Street Childcare Centre where Christchurch residents that they still the children dressed, made streamers hadCnr ourGrove support. as well as iced biscuits in Rd & Farmar St • Ph: 520 and 6030balloons • www.placemakers.co.nz PeopleHours wereMon encouraged phone Canterbury’s – red and black. - Fri 7amto - 5.30 pmaSat 8am - 4pm Suncolours 9am - noon friend or family member to brighten

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upgrading it will lead directly to an increase in business interest. “There are a lot of other things, a lot of other boxes to tick off first in setting up a business in a region before air travel in and out,” he says. “But, certainly, it will be one of the boxes, and if people are looking to establish here, airport size might well be one thing that tips it over.” The Chamber has suggested a passenger departure levy be introduced to help fund the development. It will be facilitating a meeting between tourism and business leaders and the Marlborough District Council to discuss the plans within the next two months.

WINTER FUN: Left; Plenty of Marlborough families were out at the weekend enjoying the recent snowfall at Lake Rotoiti and Rainbow Ski Field areas. Pictured is two-year-old Piper Alexander who was photographed with her snowman on Sunday.


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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

John’s kitchen receives boost

Local Stars in Your Eyes winner Clara van Wel performs at John's Kitchen on Wednesday, as kitchen staff look on.

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meal to locals every Wednesday, plays an important role in the community. “I live in a lovely place and I have lots of delicious meals and there’s lots of people in Blenheim, though we may not realise it, that don’t have as much as me and need somewhere to come to get those things,” she says. “It’s really great we have a place in Blenheim like John’s Kitchen which does just that, and I think it’s fantastic.”

By Damian George Local Stars in Your Eyes competition winner Clara van Wel says she had no hesitation in choosing to donate her $1000 prize money to Blenheim charity John’s Kitchen. The 13-year-old was awarded the money to gift to any charity organisation in the region after winning the competition recently. The Marlborough Girls’ College student says John’s Kitchen, which provides a free two-course

The Marlborough Lions Club, which organises the annual Stars in Your Eyes concert, raised just under $25,000 for local charities through this year’s event. It awarded $750 and $500 to the second and third placed getters respectively to give to a charity of their choice. T hat money went to Marlborough Boys’ College Rugby and Project K - an outdoors programme for Year 10 and Year 11 students to assist development.

Sisters win savings By Celeste Lodewyk Three prizes of $200 have been awarded to members of the same family by the National Bank Blenheim branch. The Bank was running a promotion encouraging families to open savings accounts for their children, and had staff speaking to parents at the Marlborough Parents Centre Parent and Child Expo held last month. There were three separate prizes for families who opened savings accounts, and by lucky chance the Gemmell family won them all. Samantha (18), Tori (13) and Isabella (5) were the official winners, though Isabella plans

to share her winnings with her sister Natasha. “They are all beginning to understand the importance of saving for their future, especially Samantha who now has a nine-week old baby,” says their mother Monique Gemmell. “The reality of needing to save is really starting to hit home,” she says. The $200 prizes will be deposited into their accounts to kick start their savings.

Lower power prices National MP for Kaikoura Colin King says the low electricity price rise in Marlborough over the last 12 months is a very good result for the region. The latest Ministry of Economic Development [MED] figures show prices rose by an average of just $40 during the last year, the lowest of any region in New Zealand. Mr King says it is reassuring to see the minimal effect price rises have had

on businesses. “Power prices have risen 72 percent over the last ten years, so it is satisfying to see the lastest MED figures show that power rices in Marlborough increased just 1.7 percent in the past 12 months.” Mr King is urging people to shop around for the best electricity deals to continue to encourage competition in the market.

Make a nomination and go in the draw for a $100 power voucher

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Or collect a nomination form from your local Council office or service centre.


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inbrief Express job cuts Twe n t y- s eve n Marlborough Express staff have lost their jobs after it was confirmed the newspaper’s printing operation is moving to Nelson. The Marlborough Express will print its final edition in Blenheim on November 4.

Alyssums move Alyssums and Balloons will soon be on the move into the Queen Street site previously occupied by Century 21 Blenheim. Business owner Cheryl Greer says the store will be open in its new premise at the beginning of August. Currently being refurbished, the new site will provide 20 percent more space, she says.

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Four sisters are set to receive a special savings boost from the National Bank of New Zealand after winning three prizes of $200 each. Pictured is Blenheim branch banking consultant Stephanie Burdis receiving deposit slips from Anastasia, Tori, Natasha and Isabella Gemmell.

Stylist) (Senior

Where : Kardo’s Hair Design, 89 Queen Street, 578 8044 When : Monday 18th July

i site open The newly built Blenheim I-SITE opened to the public yesterday after staff completed their shift into the Visitor Centre. The building will be officially opened by Mayor Alistair Sowman on Monday, July 25. The Blenheim i-SITE Visitor Centre phone number will remain the same - 5778821.

The Sun


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Wednesday July 20, 2011



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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Sun readers have their say... Q: What do you like most about winter?

Rebecca Friend Blenheim

Carolyn Dineen Blenheim

Peter Morice Blenheim

Jessica Westley Blenheim

Mike Ragg Blenheim

Thomas Westley-Darryl Blenheim

Sittting in front of a nice warm fire.

I like the snow, but that’s about it. I am a summer person.

The thick soups and the stews. The indoor life and a nice bottle of red wine too.

I love cuddling up on the couch in the evenings and having lots of movie nights.

Having a nice red wine by the fire at night.

I don’t like winter at all! Give me the beach and sunshine any day. I’m a summer person.

Milestone Homes Marlborough Mobile 021 844 089 • Visit: milestonehomes.co.nz email: gracie.lunn@milestonehomes.co.nz


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Theatrical satire in chambers The ‘rave’ reviews accompanied by much public comment indicate the recent ecstatic performance in the chamber must have been electric. Extracts suggest the Burgomaster screamed his lines, the Deputy Burgomaster forgot hers and read from the script, General Franco crooned for the guillotine, Bob the builder hammered out a similar virtuoso, the Scientist practised his lines re the ‘monumental fool’ standing before a mirror, the Lawyer contrary to his pre-selection claims sang out of tune from the grandstand, ‘Biddy Kate’ showed inexperience and tripped while pirouetting and when going down was thought to be heard calling for Captain Morgan.

Some of the new artists fumbled their parts and others intelligently remained silent in the wings. Reports attribute the best performance of the night delivered with dashing swash-buckle by the rising star young Jamie who demonstrated great verve, when swinging a double edged sword he cut to the nub of the theme. On completion of his brilliant performance he stood defiantly to the front of the stage, cementing his position and was accorded much whistling, hooting, clapping and cheering from the cloisters. Who needs a new Theatre? Sword of Damocles

Good work Jessica Dear Ed, Congratulations and well done, councillor Jessica Bagge. Unlike the other councillors, who appear to be the most biased group of people ever to be elected to administer this district, your comments in The Sun [in the July 13 issue] do you proud. Jessica, are you able to also paint a

representation outline of the proposed new theatre on the area at High Street where the council officers wish to establish yet another booze barn? This site, to me, is ideal for a theatre complex when one takes into consideration the existing steps and fountain at the riverside. C Barker

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Dear Ed, Congratulations to Councillor Jamie Arbuckle, you got a hard job done. At least you had the guts to stand up and get an aggravating, outstanding matter cleared up. If council is so touchy about being investigated, what were they wanting left alone? Though the investigator should have been appointed by an independent

body, not Mayor Sowman. Re the reference made by Mayor Sowman to the “supposed” damage of Marlborough’s reputation ........ I suspect his concern is more for the council and its tight-knit members. Maybe they should remember they are representatives of the public........... not dictators. G DellaBosca

Enquiry not necessary You can only get these from us at Tangos! 8 Arthur Street, Blenheim. Phone 578 3139

Dear Ed, You report that Jamie Arbuckle is “proud that I stood up”. I don’t quite know why. The general consensus of the other council members seems to be that the whole enquiry was unnecessary and a waste of council resources.

Being responsible and accountable is the name of the game. I would expect that he would resign. I should perhaps add that I did not vote for him and am pleased that I didn’t. Jerome O’Malley

Pleased with Jamie Dear Ed, I have no knowledge of the council’s tendering processes. However, I’m very pleased to support Councillor Arbuckle’s endeavours. It’s so encouraging to have a young councillor prepared to listen to constituents’ concerns and have the courage to air them. He also showed integrity to insist that an unbiased commissioner hear them. Obviously, those accusing council failed him by lack of concrete evidence and verification of their accusations. He should have asked them for hard proof with their cases. He shouldn’t be condemned as council is doing - to their own detriment. No resignation nor payment of costs is required. Government introduced so-called “whistleblower’s legislation - for this exact purpose. An elected representative must be entitled to question policy or processes without fear of recrimination. Council accepted Mr Sheard’s ruling of no wrongdoing, therefore must accept his ruling to improve processes and communication. I’m appalled at their treatment of Councillor Arbuckle, but am not surprised. I remember, along with 60 other Picton people, watching in disbelief the former council unanimously vote to condemn Picton to ten more years of the release of methyl bromide. Yes, it is legal, but showed council to have no conscience as the power was theirs to stop it. So, sitting members from the former council, stop polishing your halos and commend a young man merely fulfilling his duty and listening to his constituents as every elected representative should do.

Shona Currie

Gun of a Sun reporter Dear Ed, Can I thank the Sun for its consistently balanced news articles, especially those written by Damian George on Council matters. He has a bright future in front of him. Leigh Maddison

Mike Walker Mortgages requiring mortgage finance for your first home or just wanting to refinance your first mortgage at the best deal in the market? Phone 577 5018 Fax: 577 5015 Mobile: 021 172 7809 Email: mike@mortgagespecialist.co.nz MEMbEr oF NZMbA

The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011


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one on one with the Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

The Sun

World Cup dream For Susan Witehira, being involved in the Rugby World Cup is a dream come true. She talks to Damian George about the task of preparing Marlborough for the big tournament.

Rugby World Cup 2011 regional project manager Susan Witehira under one of the 14 Russian street signs erected to mark the Russian side’s stay in Blenheim during the tournament.

Susan Witehira had always dreamed of murals all over the walls.” a job involved in rugby, so it is more than A “great spectator from the sidelines”, appropriate she has been entrusted with the Susan remembers fondly her days as a task of overseeing Marlborough’s contribu- ‘scarfie’ at Otago University, which involved tion to the biggest rugby event on the planet. frequent trips to the famous Carisbrook to The born-and-bred Marlburian, appointed watch the local side. regional project manager for Rugby World Later, she got a much closer look at the Cup 2011 in late 2009, has been working workings of a male rugby team. tirelessly for the last 18 months to ensure “My dream job was with the NZRU, I everything is in readiness when the much- always wanted to work with them,” she says. anticipated tournament hits our shores in “I applied for a few jobs and then Chaz September. Ferris - the ex-New Zealand Maoris coach A passionate rugby follower, and Marl- who was coach at Grammar Carlton in burian, Susan is intent on using the global Auckland - phoned and up and said ‘I need tournament as the vehicle for promoting a manager for the senior reserves side’. the region to an international “I was in the dressing rooms audience. - the whole lot. People from “Everyone “There’s two ways you the other team would shout can go: you can sit back and that lives here to our guys ‘hey hey there’s hope people will come [to a chick just walked into your Marlborough], or you can knows how changing rooms’, and our be proactive and give them team was quite proud and great it is reasons to come,” she says. they’d say ‘yeah, that’s our “Everyone that lives here manager’.” knows how great it is - that’s that’s why It is now less than two why we live here. It’s just a months until the World Cup matter of projecting that mes- we live here.” kicks off, and Susan says it is sage to everyone else.” hard to project what impact As regional project manager - a role the tournament will have on the region. established by Destination Marlborough “People often ask me: ‘are we going to - Susan has been overseeing preparations feel its impact?’, but it’s really hard to tell,” for the various events scheduled throughout she says. September and October, and will also be “There are 16,000 ticket-holders who are in charge of the hosting of the Russian going to come to the Top of the South, which national team and looking after the 43 local is no busier than our peak summer, so this is volunteers involved in the tournament. not the biggest influx all in one go.” It may all sound like a lot of hard work but, As the tournament draws closer, Susan for Susan, the role is close to her dream job. says she still has “a heap to do” but is “I thought it was an opportunity of a becoming increasingly eager to get the show lifetime,” she says of seeing the position on the road. advertised. “This is what it’s all built up to, it’s really “I still remember the first Rugby World exciting and I can’t wait till it all starts. Cup - I was in third form [year nine] at “Sometimes, I’m so wrapped up in the Marlborough Girls’ College and we all had organising and I forget how exciting it’s to choose a country and do themes for our going to be.” classrooms. We had these huge posters and


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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011



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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Purple reign Gorgeous, sophisticated eyewear solutions with a regal hue As winter unfolds there’s a whole new vista of gorgeousness opening up as tones of indigo, striking wine and inky grape claim the fashion throne. Go glam donning purple or aubergine frames from Specsavers and boast a bold, magnetic look for winter. D is p e ns i n g O p t i c i a n f r o m Specsavers Blenheim, Andrea Brown, says purple is the new black this winter. “Purple frames are just so fitting for winter. You can pair powerful purple glasses with oversized knits, slick cowboy boots and black accents for

a luxurious evening ensemble. “Or swathe yourself in rich jewel tones of plum for eye-catching city style. Team a sleek leather jacket with a daring hemline and berry-hue frames to kick-start an edgy uptown girl look,” says Mrs Brown. Opulent eggplant-toned frames steal the spotlight at work - coupled with wide leg trousers and statement charcoal jewellery for effortless city style. In keeping with the latest winter runway trends, embrace the purple haze this season in the blink of an eye with Specsavers - two pairs of stylish designer glasses for one low price.

THE EYES HAVE IT… 1. Couple rich purple specs with a beige knit scarf and pleated wide leg pants for bold winter style 2. Complement your frames with a bud covered blouse for a chic daytime look 3. Contrast your rich jeweltone frames with sharp leather accessories for a sophisticated evening look

Blenheim local Sammi McMillan models Specsavers stylish purple frames along with accessories from local fashion store ‘The Dressing Room’

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Tiny Mighty Power is a division of Bosco Connect Ltd and is proud to be owned by Mighty River Power. Tiny Mighty does not supply some rural areas. Other conditions apply.

The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011


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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011



Better insulation means less energy Winter has officially arrived so it’s high time to ensure you’ll get the maximum benefit from your heating devices over the coming months by getting your insulation sorted. Kiwi Insulation can check your existing insulation, recommend improvements, provide a quotation and have new insulation installed, all within two to three weeks. With better insulation, your heating devices won’t have to work so hard, you’ll use less energy and you’ll save on power bills – not just this year but for years to come. Fast, polite and efficient service is a Kiwi In-

Get up to $1800 off!* Insulation $1300, cleanheat $500 *conditions apply

Don’t Hibernate - Insulate - Prompt reliable service - All government subsidies available - Marlborough District Council funding assistance - Free in-home assessment call Kiwi Insulation for your heating desires!

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Ph: 03 573 5399

sulation hallmark. Kiwi Insulation is an accredited installer for the government’s Heat Smart subsidy scheme so you can be sure of integrity, a fair price and reliable service. The company also takes care of all the paperwork for the Government subsidy. “It takes no effort on the part of the customer at all,” says owner Lance Charles. Marlborough district ratepayers can even have the cost of insulation and a heat pump integrated into their rates bill. * Call Kiwi Insulation today freephone 0508 INSULATE (467852) and for Heatpumps call Mint Air (03) 5735399 * or email blenheim@kiwi-insulation.co.nz

Heat pumps provide efficiency Heat pumps are one of many heating options, and they can be an energy efficient and convenient way to heat your home. They can also be used for cooling. Compared to electric heaters, they produce about two-and-a-half to five times as much heat for each unit of electricity, making it easier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly to heat your home properly. But not all heat pumps are created equal – some are a lot more efficient than others. The right sized model for the job and a good installer are also critical for good performance. This guide will help you choose the right heat pump for your home and get the best performance from it.

The keys to a good heat pump:

Get your insulation sorted first – you’ll be able to use a smaller heat pump and your home will be easier and cheaper to heat. Choose a highly efficient model by looking for the ENERGY STAR mark. Opt for a quality brand from a reputable supplier that offers at least a five-year warranty on parts and labour. Get the right size and type of system for your home and have it installed by a suitably trained and experienced installer. Learn to use your heat pump and remote properly, you can ask your installer for a lesson. Use your heat pump wisely.

Energy efficient warmth

Call us on 572 8438 to arrange a free no obligation quote.


When buying a new home, most couples and families want one that is warm, dry, comfortable and healthy without high energy bills to cause headaches. If you are selling your home, promoting the heating and energy efficiency features will create more attraction for potential buyers. Some of the things you can promote are insulation, efficient heating systems, all day sun in winter, double glazed windows and efficient hot water systems. Insulation If your house is insulated, you should include it as a selling point, but if you don’t and you decide to do so before putting your home on the market, ENERGYWISETM has greants for getting insulation up to standard. Efficient heating systems An efficient heating system in your home means the home is much easier and cheaper to heat properly, so the prospective homeowner can benefit from lower running costs. Efficient forms of heating include some heat pumps, modern wood or wood pellet burners and good flued gas heaters.

Condensation a problem? Magicseal thermal insulation significantly reduces convective and conductive heat loss by up to 54% by trapping air between the glass and the Magicseal panel, reducing condensation.

Heating efficiency – a great benefit when selling your home

Again, if you want to improve your heating - ENERGYWISETM has grants for efficient heating systems - as long as your house is properly insulated first.


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Hi. Tiny Mighty Power wants to make power cheaper for people in Blenheim and Picton. To find out more visit Jane in our office at 15E Maxwell Road, Blenheim or just call us on 03 578 5776. We’d love to have a chat.

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Tiny Mighty Power is a division of Bosco Connect Ltd and is proud to be owned by Mighty River Power. Tiny Mighty does not supply some rural areas. Other conditions apply.

All day sun in winter If you have a home that catches the sun, especially on a winter’s day then state it in your classified. Double glazed windows Most homes don’t have double glazed windows, but it’s a real plus if you do. Double-glazing reduces heat loss and noise from the outside and also significantly reduces window condensation. Efficient hot water systems If you have a house that offers efficient hot water systems, then also make a mention of it in your classified. Some hot water systems are more efficient than others, so they’re cheaper to run and have less impact on the environment - like solar water heating, heat pump water heating and wetback (wood) water heating.

The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011



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Specials available from Wednesday, 20th July until Sunday, 24th July 2011 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Product range may vary from store to store. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.



The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Marlborough Farming with The Blenheim Sun

Lifestyle • Viticulture • Farming

NEWS FLASH! Tips for keeping Warm this Winter. Tip No. 1 - Stay inside and let King Contracting take care of the outdoor Vineyard Maintenance work. We have a team set up with a fully equipped Mule to run wire, de-staple and extract broken posts, join and strain broken wires, repair and join irrigation laterals. We lay out replacement strainer and intermediate posts, followed by the latest hydraulic side-mounted post driver with rock spike and post extractor. We can supply all new posts and remove broken posts from your property. Call the Vineyard Maintenance Team at King Contracting Ltd.

Phone David

0274 356 690

Gardeners sign up for horticultural course A variety of people keen on gardening sign up for Agriculture New Zealand’s horticultural courses. Some are enthusiastic gardeners looking to produce nutritious fruit and veges on their patch, while others are commercial growers who have to keep profits in mind. Growing kiwifruit for more than 30 years, Peter Downard, considers himself a commercial operator rather than a ‘greenie’ Peter has seen all sides of the kiwifruit industry having run a spraying operation for 20 years. The collapse of the industry in the early 1990s caused him to become interested organic production and he is now the Chairman of Organic Farming NZ.

Organic growing is about retaining natural nutrients in the soil to protect plants and promote strong, healthy growth as opposed to soluble fertiliser and pesticide use where fungi and bacteria in the soil are destroyed. Mr Downard says vines are healthier, fruit keeps well and organic produce attracts premium prices. Mr Downard also points to the health aspects as he has less worry about staff coming into contact with toxic chemicals. Most experienced gardeners would agree with Mr. Downard, that the key is to feed and protect the biology of the soil. For people keen to learn more about all aspects of organic gardening, there is

another opportunity to join the popular Go Organic course beginning in September. Learners can choose from evening (6.30 to 9pm) or daytime (9.30am to3pm) courses, running one day a week until May next year, excluding school holidays. In addition to attending tutorials, workshops and field trips learners will need to complete practical and theory assignments in their own time. All our horticulture courses are unit standard based and learners work towards NZQA approved certificates. For more information, phone Agriculture New Zealand 0800 4 SKILLS (0800 475 455) - but don’t delay as these low cost classes fill quickly.

Winter weed control in established lucerne TOXIC ECOTOXIC KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN




For selective pre-emergent weed control in LUCERNE, ORCHARDS, VINEYARDS, FORESTRY and certain HORTICULTURAL CROPS and control of barley grass. Active Ingredient: 500g/litre simazine in the form of a suspension concentrate



A water soluble, non-selective contact herbicide for the control of many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in the situations stated on this label Active Ingredient: 200g/litre paraquat, as the dichloride salt in the form of a soluble concentrate WARNING: PARAQUAT CAN KILL. NEVER PUT IN A DRINKS BOTTLE



A selective herbicide for the post-emergent control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in MAIZE, SWEETCORN and established LUCERNE Active Ingredient: 900g/kg atrazine in the form of a water dispersible granule

Treat your Lucerne this winter For recommendations and competitive prices call Stuart Miller on 027 445 1527

Lucerne is a crop and should be treated as such. The two major factors affecting Lucerne productivity and longevity are weed competition and fertility. Correct grazing and cutting management will encourage Lucerne to grow vigorously and will also limit the opportunity for weed establishment. To get the best out of a Lucerne stand it should be sprayed for weeds every winter Need an ad?

Call Jill on (03) 5777 868

56 Main Street, Blenheim

Marlborough’s Specialist Spray Shop

ecialist Spray Shop

Sales - Service - Spares 52 Main Street ‘ALL BRANDS’ HISTORICAL PARTS SUPPLIERS Blenheim Marlborough’s Specialist Spray Shop TO THE INDUSTRY Marlborough’s Specialist Spray Shop Phone 03 578 5490 Sales - Service - Spares Sales - Service - Spares

ice - Spares

Ph:03 578-5490 52 Main St Blenheim Ph:03 578-5490 52 Main St Blenheim


Main St Blenheim



using a combination of a knockdown and residual herbicide. Established Lucerne is sprayed in the winter whilst the crop is dormant. Early winter (in June after the last autumn cut or graze) is the best time to spray. Lucerne leaf area will be minimized and weeds will be small. Avoid spraying late winter due to the increased chance of damaging the basal buds resulting in decreased spring production.

Top talent at viticulture field day

By Celeste Lodewyk For the first time ever two of the region’s leading viticulture events, the Marlborough Silver Secateurs and Markham’s Marlborough Young Viticulturist Competition will be combined into one – the inaugural Wine Marlborough Viticulture Field Day which is being held this Friday. The skills and expertise of Marlborough’s vineyard professionals will be on show at the Yealands Grovetown Vineyard, and ac‘ALL BRANDS’ cording to events manager Sarah HISTORICAL Booker there will be plenty of PARTS SUPPLIERS TO THE INDUSTRY action.

Traditionally the two viticulture events have run separately but in mirroring national competitions the two have been combined to run the same day. The Markham’s Young Viticulturist of the Year Competition gathers the region’s best young viticultural talent to test their knowledge and skills and last year eight entered. Last year’s Young Viticulturist of the Year was Stuart Dudley of Delegats who went on to compete in the nationals, which he won, before going on to win the title of National Horticulturist of the Year.

Stuart is currently travelling South America with travel vouchers he won from these competitions. For the Marlborough Silver Secateurs Competition there will be five events held before the winners are announced at the prize giving at 2:30pm. Generally around 50-60 people enter Sarah says, so there will be plenty of action during the competition. “This event is open to the public, though the best time to watch would be between 12 and 1pm,” she says.

Spray store continues to grow

Up to now 1200ltrbecome 12 volt sprayersNearly three years down thevolt track respected as the Up stays operational.” Deckmount Sprayers to 1200ltr 12 sprayers Deckmount Sprayers 30 - 200L $350 Mount Marlborough “Spray Store” Linkage CONTROLLERS REELS andDeckmount MORE Up from to 1200ltr 12 volt sprayers Sprayers and and Marlborough’s only30specialist Key products - 200LLinkage from leading $350 Mount are… CONTROLLERS REELS MORE HOSE


Linkage Mount Spray

store is well in the swing of things. With well over 20 years of deal...and more S ings with all Sprayer brands that Y have been seen in NZ, Manager in store Colin Cooper is rightfully qualified to share ideas and give supportive advice. Since the ’80’s we have seen a Up to 1200ltr 12 volt sprayers Deckmount Sprayers revolution of sprayer design and 30 - 200L from $350 Linkage Mount development with much of the Up to 1200ltr 12 volt sprayers Deckmount Sprayers product in NZ now specifically 30 - 200L from $350 Linkage Mount MORE built for our harsher terrain and ‘ALL BRANDS’ of course Kiwi expectation for HISTORICAL PARTS SUPPLIERS Deckmount Sprayers Up to 1200ltr machinery to be tough. 12 volt sprayers TO THE INDUSTRY 30Shop - 200L from $350 Linkage Mount Harpers Machinery was estabE ecialist Spray lished in 2008 to provide dedicated expertise to this industry and has ice - Spares

2 Main St Blenheim

PQ200TM (paraquat) is used as the knockdown chemical for winter weed spraying. Paraquat is restricted to knockdown only, therefore the addition of a residual chemical is required. Depending on the weed spectrum and age of the stand residual chemicals such as Atragranz®/Gesaprim® (atrazine), Gesatop® (simazine) or Gardoprim® (terbuthylazine) should be considered.

also including expert advice on all styles of pumps, hoses and fittings. Our client base has increased dramatically even in this tough climate, primarily due to Harpers staff understanding that a business is not built on a “one off” sale, but a level of dedication to their customers that offers 24 hour contact and service. Colin says “The reward in business - comes from being here when our customers need, assisting them in this industry with honest, accurate advice, and enjoying the resulting success for both the customer & ourselves. Our service department is always available ensuring that customers equipment

- NZ built Bertolini Agricultural, Horticultural, Viticultural & Industrial Pumps, Sprayers and associated equipment. Including Hot & Cold Water blasters. -Top of the line Collard & Boisselet trimmers, weeders, mowers and leaf removers. - DAVEY Pumps & water treatment products - Threaded fittings, filters, camlocks, clamps and hoses - Specialised Caltex Oil products to suit any purpose So feel free to call in and have some questions answered – WITHOUT the hard word to buy today.

The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Growing healthy vegetables and fruitful orchard trees If you are a keen gardener and not sure where to start, read what others have said after attending the latest Nelson Agriculture New Zealand Gardening or Go Organic course.

“I can’t think of a topic I could honestly say was not of some relevance to my lifestyle”. “I found the course raised an awareness of how you can reorganise your garden to achieve better results”. “I would certainly recommend this course and have had fantastic discussions with my neighbours who are always asking what I have learnt”. “I hope this course continues- keep up the good work”. “Was a steep learning curve, and each topic was beneficial to my involvement in the farm”.

Another of the popular ‘Go Organic’courses begins in September.

New Evening Classes You now have the opportunity to join one of these classes in Spring when new evening (6:30pm to 9pm), or daytime (9am to 3pm) classes begin early September. Trainees meet once a week for eight months excluding school holidays. Courses are unit standard based and trainees work towards a national certificate. Some practical and theory assignments will need to be completed at home. For more information, freephone Agriculture New Zealand on 0800 475 455, but don’t delay as classes fill quickly.

Classes Starting Soon Go Organic This course is ideal for lifestyle block owners, home gardeners and/or commercial growers and will provide key knowledge and skills required for organic growing. The overall aim is to build ecosystems, promote biodiversity and increase soil and plant health, instead of relying on artificial fertilisers and poisonous sprays. We will explore the latest trends in sustainable farming both internationally and within NZ. A practical, science-based approach is used to separate myth from fact, while exploring a wide range of organic techniques and methods. On successful completion you will be awarded a Certificate in Organic Horticulture (Level 3). * Minimum numbers for course to commence.

CODE: A258

0800 475 455 www.agnz.co.nz



The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Maataa Waka K i Te Ta u I h u Tr u s t TAMARIKI ORA (Well Child)

• Well Child checks for Tamariki from Birth - 5 years • Parenting Support and Advocacy for Whanau • Home based – Free Service


• Antenatal Support, Education and Advocacy

82 Seymour St, Blenheim • Phone 577 9256

DURHAM: Kimberley is pleased to announce the safe arrival of her first baby boy, Dontae James (6lb 15oz) on July 18 2011, at 3:19am at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwife Marian and all the staff at Ward One. Both well. STEER: Richard and Sarah are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Eliza Jane (10lb 13oz) on July 13 2011, at 2:43pm at Wairau Hospital. A little sister for Jaime, Hannah and Zoe. Special thanks to Helen Crampton and all the staff at Ward One. Both well.

GIBBS: Craig and Maryellen are proud to announce the safe arrival of their second daughter, Sophie Alexis Hope (7lb 8oz) on July 14 2011, at 2:46pm at Wairau Hospital. A sister for Monica. Special thanks to midwife Ruth and Helen Crampton and all the staff at Ward One. Both well.

CLISSOLD: Gary and Angela are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their baby girl, Isabella Jane (6lb 11oz) on July 14, at 1:24pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwife Shona Wills and the staff involved, you all do an amazing job.

PLEASE NOTE Wairau Hospital Maternity Ward visiting hours are: DAILY at 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

DWYER: Andrew, Jo and big brother James are delighted to announce the arrival of Emma Elizabeth (8 lb 3oz) on July 7 2011, at 2:51pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to our fantastic midwife Gerry, Helen Crampton, theatre and maternity staff. Photo provided

Order your baby photos at the Sun office: 72 High Street, Blenheim

MuM OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Sara Steer this week’s lucky winner of the New World $25 voucher to spend at New World Blenheim. Our winner is invited to bring her ID in to claim her prize when she next visits New World Blenheim.

ROUSSEL: Lacey and William are pleased to announce the speedy arrival of their first baby boy, (2490kg) on July 16 2011, at 6am at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwife Tash and my Nana. Both well

Bride of the Year Photos Come in to the Sun Office (72 High St) to see our collection of photos from Bride of the Year All photos are available to be purchased

“Proudly 100% locally owned and operated” Tel: 03 520 9030, Fax: 03 520 9080, Email: blenheim@newworld-si.co.nz

72 High St, Blenheim

Phone: 5777 868

The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

community notices


death notices

The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $10.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office at 72 High Street, Blenheim

Housie Every Thursday 7pm Blenheim Bowling Club, Weld Street. Light meals available. Bring a friend for a good night out. Proceeds to Special Needs Children of Marlborough.

Marlborough RDA Learn to ride holiday program 10am - 12.30 $60.00 includes instruction, pony care and games. Contact Alison asouness@yahoo.co.nz Phone 578 5109

Marlborough SPCA Feeling the cold? Snuggle up in front of the fire with a new friend adopted from our Foxes Island Centre. Visit www.marlboroughspca.co.nz

Sheets ‘n’ Things Good used linen for sale! Open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 12 noon at Bread of Life, 14b Stephenson Street (opp Boys College) Phone: 577-5423.

SF Marlborough (supporting families and mental well being) For information/advocacy/support for families living with mental illness please contact Cheryl or Lyn on 577 5491 or visit us at 4 Scott Street. All Welcome

The Blue Door is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm. Saturday 9.00am - 2pm. Item surplus to your requirements we would gladly accept. We can deliver. Phone 5794353.

The Peoples Market Alabama Road, Sunday 9.00am produce, fruit, eggs, pears. Badges, souvenirs, jewellery, plants, books, paintings, crafts, jam, pumpkins, secondhand goods. Sites $5.00.


community services Marlborough After hours GP Services: at Wairau Hospital campus, after 6pm. (excluding Redwoodtown Doctors patients see below) Reception 520 6377. Office 520 9980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 579 4870. Redwoodtown Doctors: 9amnoon Saturday morning. Redwoodtown Doctors' patients requiring A/H consultations please phone 5780470. After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy 9am-6pm 7 days Ph 5782271. Diabetes NZ Marlborough: 5775549, Office hrs Tues,Wed,Thurs 9am-3pm. Lifeline Marlborough: 5778668, 24hr helpline. Marlb Women's Refuge, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre: Crisis line, phone Wairau Hospital (5209999) and ask for Women's Refuge contact numbers. Overeaters Anonymous: Red Cross Rooms, 33 Redwood Street. Every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846) Alcoholics Anonymous: Rose 5777651, Harvey 5788125 Al-Anon: Help for families & friends of alcoholics. Ph Margaret 578 4690 or Ross 578 5896. Alzheimers Society Marlb: 577 6172, 8 Wither Rd, Mon,Wed,Fri

9am-4pm / Tue, Thrus 9.30-3pm. Hospital Visiting Hours Wairau Hospital: Daily 11.30am7.30pm, children under 12 may visit parents only. Maternity Ward: 10am-Noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. Marlb Family Budgeting Free,confidential budgeting advice. Monday -Friday. Phone 578 2006. Citizens Advice Bureau Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm. Phone 578 4272. Picton Doctor: Phone weekend doctor 573 6092 or Marlborough After Hours GP Service 520 6377. Office 5209980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Nonurgent 579 4870. Chemist:Pic ton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 9-6pm, Sat-Sun 9-3pm, Queen Charlotte Pharmacy 573 7927 Sat 9-1pm. Seddon Health Clinic Monday 10am-1pm; Wednesday 3pm-7pm; Friday 10am-1pm. After hours: Marlborough GP Services: Reception: 520 6377. Office: 520 9980. For an appointment phone 578 1665 or Seddon Plunket Rms 575 7194 during clinic hours.

Trusted for generations


Acknowledgements The Sun Newspaper now offers an acknowledgement service to its readers. You can submit acknowledgements following family bereavements. The deadline will be on Mondays at 5.00pm, with a limit of 50 words for $10.00. You can submit acknowledgements by bringing them to the Sun office at 72 High Street, or posting them to PO Box 634 Blenheim 7240. You can also email them to sales@blenheimsun.co.nz Please include your contact details: Name, address, email and phone numbers, including your mobile number if possible.

By Russell Russell McQuarters McQuarters By

54. Stormlaypeople (7) ACROSS ACROSS 52.54. Church (5) Storm (7) ACROSS 1.Quoted Quoted(7)(7) (7) Quoted 1.1. 53. Shop assistants (11) DOWN 5.Play Play down(4,5,2) (4,5,2) Play down (4,5,2) 5.5. down 54.DOWN Storm (7) 1. Clefts Clefts (5) (5) 11. Fall heavily (5) 1. 11. Fall heavily (5) 11. Fall heavily (5) DOWN 2. Vital Vital (7) 12. Breastbone Breastbone (7) 2. 12. 12. Breastbone (7)(7) 1. Clefts (5)(7) 3. && 42 42 ACROSS. Headline 13. Strain Strain (5) (5) 3. 13. 13. (5) 2. Vital (7)ACROSS. Headline (3,3,4) 14.Strain Most trivial trivial (9) (9) (3,3,4) 14. Most 14. trivial (9) (9) 3. & ACROSS. 4.42 Deal out (8) (8) Headline 15.Most Proclaims (9) 4. Deal out 15. Proclaims 15. Proclaims (9) (3,3,4) 5. Great musician (7) 16. Long river (4) 5. Great musician (7) 16. Long river (4) 16. river 4. Deal out (8) 6.African African country (5) (5) 17.Long Amaze (7)(4) 6. country 17. Amaze (7) 17. (7) 5. Great musician 7. Regret Regret (6) (7) 19.Amaze Erase (6) (6) 7. (6) 19. Erase 8. Motioned Motioned (8) (5) 23.Erase Capital of Massachusetts Massachusetts (6) (6) 6. African 19. (6)of country 8. (8) 23. Capital 9. Disloyal Disloyal (11) 26.Capital Able to toof be maintained (7) (7) 9. 26. Able be maintained 23. Massachusetts (6) 7. Regret (6) (11) 10. Worries Worries (5) 29.Able Stylish(inf) (4) 29. Stylish(inf) (4) 26. to be maintained (7) 8. 10. Motioned (8)(5) 16. Disables Disables racehorse 30.Stylish(inf) Write (3) (3) (4) 16. 30. Write 29. 9. Disloyal (11) racehorse (with drugs)(7) drugs)(7) 32. America(Abbr) America(Abbr) (3) (3) (with 32. 30. Write (3) 10.18. Worries (5) Gets closer closer (5) (5) 34. Heather Heather (4) (4) 18. Gets 34. 32. America(Abbr) (3) 16. Disables racehorse 20. Of Of morals morals (7) 35. Stain Stain (7) (7) 20. (7) 35. 34. (4) profession 21.drugs)(7) Skip (3) (3) 36.Heather The medical medical profession (6) (6) (with 21. Skip 36. The 35. Stain (7) 18. Gets closer (5) virus(abbr) 22. Contagious virus(abbr) (3) (3) 39. Motionless Motionless (6) (6) 22. Contagious 39. 36. medical profession (6) 20.24. OfAstounding morals (7) (11) 24. Astounding (11) 40.The Called on (7) (7) 40. Called on 39. (6) 21.25. Skip (3) (3) 25. Mesh (3) 42.Motionless SEE 33 DOWN. DOWN. Mesh 42. SEE 27. Boredomvirus(abbr) (5) 46.Called Unmarried women (9) (9) 40. on (7)women 22.27. Contagious (3) Boredom (5) 46. Unmarried 28. Extrasensory 48.SEE Beach (9) Extrasensory 48. Beach (9) 42. 3 DOWN. 24.28. Astounding (11) perception(abbr) (3) 50.Unmarried Mould(pl) (5) (5) perception(abbr) (3) 50. Mould(pl) 46. women (9) 25. Mesh (3) 31. Catch (3) 51. Place apart (7) 31. Catch (3) 51. Place apart (7) 48. Beach (9) 27. Boredom (5) 33. Exclamation Exclamation of of surprise surprise (3) (3) 52. Church Church laypeople laypeople (5) (5) 52. 28.33. Extrasensory perception(abbr) (3) 50. Mould(pl) (5) 37. Dirigibles Dirigibles (8) (8) 53. Shop Shop assistants assistants (11) (11) 37. 53. 31. Catch (3) 51. Place apart (7)

38.Exclamation Most tired tired (8) (8) 33. of surprise (3) 38. Most 41.Dirigibles Enrage (7) (7) 41. Enrage 37. (8) 43.Most Glorify (7)(8) 43. Glorify (7) 38. tired 44. Purify (6) 44. Purify (6) 41. Enrage (7) 45. Refuge Refuge (6) (6) 45. 43. Glorify (7) 46. Upholstered Upholstered seats seats (5) (5) 46. 44. (6) oneself (5) 47.Purify Degrade 47. Degrade oneself (5) 45. (6) 49.Refuge The pyramids pyramids are here here (5) (5) 49. The are 46. Upholstered seats (5) 47. Degrade oneself (5) 49. The pyramids are here (5)


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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

Trades and Services AUTOMOTIVE



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The Sun


health & beauty

to let

for sale

ADRIENNE'S Beauty Den. For all your beauty treatment. 85 Lakings Road. Ph 578 8862

2 Bedroom flat. Carport. Unsuitable for children. No Dogs. Redwoodtown. $190 per week. Phone 572 5117

'82 XR 200. No Engine. $130.00. TWIN shock 185 running but smokey $230.00. CRF150 Fitted with Honda 200cc Engine $2600.00 Offers considered TXT 021 02760582.

DENTURES Advanced Prosthetic Treatment. Premium Dentures. Natural looks thanks to digital precision at Blenheim Denture Studio. 71 Alfred Street. Ph 578 4344 EAR H E A LT H Removal of Ear Wax using microscope & suction. Ph for an appointment 578 8310 at Physiotherapy Centre, 11 Francis St. WINTER service your lawn mower, only $35.00 at Picton Equipment Centre 7 Devon Street Phone 573 8150 MOLE checks - for a thorough skin check using dermoscopy. Call the Skin Clinic 578 1665. SYSTEM : Slim lose weight the easy way, food designed for NZ'ers by NZer 's. Ph J ean Rooney 577 8686.

BE YU Well-Being

Bars Facilitating Energy Bodywork & Coaching Massage Therapies Meditations Oneness Blessings Reiki Teacher Workshops OPEN DAILY & EVENINGS


Ph 579 3203 Mobile: 021 056 4300 Email:trilby@beyuwellbeing.com www.beyuwellbeing.com

L ARGE Room in Renwick for rent. $80pw Phone 578 0639 or 027 3024867 SPRINGLANDS modern bedsit with private courtyard. $180.00 per week includes power. Ph after 6pm 027 2952902.

wanted to buy R E C O R D S, CD's, DVD's and turntables wanted. Any amount considered.Please phone: 578 8508 DONT get the skip in yet! Some of the more valuable items come out of old sheds. Free quotes given. JUST BROWSING 577 5402 N.Z BOOKS, or collections, old postcards, fountain pens, bayonets, swords etc. Anything old or interesting. JUST BROWSIN G, B at t ys Road 577 5402 OLD whaling and early NZ / Maori items wanted. Private registered collector. Phone Phill on 577 5402 or A/H 578 8551 POOL table with folding legs, also balls, cues, etc. Must be in good condition Phone: 579 1284

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Advertise your property in our Public Notices for $20.00 + gst. Just supply a photo and wording. Phone 577 7868 OR email:classifieds@ blenheimsun.co.nz

for sale

WINTER service your lawn mower, only $35.00 at Picton Equipment Centre 7 Devon Street Phone 573 8150 CANAM 400 Std NEW $12,200. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove AEON Crossland 2WD Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 A u t o H / L B o x N e w 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 $ 4995. Marlborough HONDA XL250 Engine. Trials Centre Ltd. 53 About '86 $100.00 TXT Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 021 02760582. 579 2500. Mobile 027 HOUSE lot of blue car230 3151 pet. VG condition and other items. Phone 577 A R T N Z o r i g i n a l 5151 paintings. Also english and overseas artists. WINTER service your Open Mon-Sat 10am- lawn mower, only $35.00 5pm. Phone 579 6046 at Picton Equipment Souchebys Antiques, Centre 7 Devon Street 50 Grove Rd, Blenheim. Phone 573 8150 WINTER service your lawn mower, only $35.00 at Picton Equipment Centre 7 Devon Street Phone 573 8150 CANAM 400 2 Seater 2005. Good condition. $5500. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 F U R N I T U R E arr i ve d. L ar g e Tot ar a dining table, 3 piece bergere lounge suite, desks, chairs, wardrobes, chest of drawers, bookcases, hall stand, wash stand, baltic pine dresser, g/father clocks, 18th cent oak furniture, rugs, etc. Free delivery. Open Mon-Sat 10am5pm. Phone 579 6046 Souchebys Antiques, 50 Grove Rd Blenheim. GAS GAS EC125 Racing NEW 2010 $10,500. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 G A S G A S EC20 0 N E W 2 0 0 9 $ 9,4 0 0 . Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 GAS GAS EC250 Racing NEW 2009 $10,500. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 G A S G A S EC3 0 0 NEW 2010 $11,3 0 0. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 WINTER service your lawn mower, only $35.00 at Picton Equipment Centre 7 Devon Street Phone 573 8150 PEASTRAW $9. Delivered. 572 2701. Please leave a message. SLIMLINE F&P Fridge Freezer. New condition $300.00 TXT 021 02760582 S T E A M B OAT 16 ' Clinker on good trailer. Previously advertised at $8000.00. Must sell make an offer. TXT 021 02760582 SUZUKI Vins o n LTF5 0 0 V i n s o n 2007 2 /4WD $ 660 0. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 WHITE CHIP & white rocks. Ideal for pebble gardens, paths, driveways.Phone Thomson 575 6885 YAMAHA YFM450 Grizzly 2/4WD 2008. $6900 Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151 YAMAHA AG100 2006 $1500 Good Condition. Marlborough Trials Centre Ltd. 53 Grove Rd Blenheim. Ph 579 2500. Mobile 027 230 3151

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Wednesday July 20, 2011 for lease

Commercial Leases

Mariners Mall Picton 1. PRIME POSITION opposite Fresh Choice check outs. 178m² at $32,000pa GST exclusive plus outgoings. 2. HIGH STREET with 13m frontage. 207m2 between NZ Post and QC Pharmacy. Rent Negotiable. 3. SHOP or OFFICE(s) of 45m2. Rent $6000pa exclusive of GST plus outgoings Contact Barry Mills 573 6515 or email marinersmall@xtra.co.nz


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public notice BIG-FUN Entertainment Pom Pom the magic clown etc. Ph 577 7393

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public notice

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Colin’s Diary Colin’s Colin King Diary Colin’s Diary Colin King M P FOR K AIKOU R A M P FOR K AIKOU R A

Colin King

Wednesday March M P FOR Tuesday March 22-24 K AIKOU R A Wednesday July 20: Parliament, meeting 16-17 Wednesday March Friday April 8 Wednesday March30 InTuesday March In Blenheim meeting with constituents byMarch arrangement. Wednesday March Tuesday 22-24 In Parliament. Speaker’s with Minister’s David Meet with Okiwi Bay In Blenheim meeting 16-17 22-24 16-17 Forum. Science Carter and Kate InIn Parliament, meeting Wednesday March Friday April 8 Wednesday March Tuesday March Wednesday March 30 Tuesday March 22-24 residents - postponed. with constituents by In Parliament. Speaker’s Parliament, meeting Thursday July 21: Wilkinson. In Parliament. Speaker’s with Minister’s meeting David Primary Production Meet with Okiwi Bay InParliament, Blenheim 16-17 22-24 16-17 appointment. Science Forum. with Minister’s David InTuesday meeting Wednesday March 30 Friday April 8 Wednesday March March Science Forum. Carter and Kate Education Workshop Select Committee –31 in Wellington. Education and Science residents -Policy postponed. with constituents by In Parliament. Speaker’s In Parliament, meeting Thursday March In Parliament. Speaker’s with Minister’s David Briefing with Dame Primary Production Carter and Kate Meet with Okiwi Bay In Blenheim meeting 16-17 22-24 Wilkinson. Sitting inForum. Auckland to Select Committee. Primary Production appointment. Science with Minister’s David Forum. Carter and Kate InScience Blenheim meeting Margaret Bazley & Select Committee – Wilkinson. residents postponed. with constituents by In Parliament. Speaker’s In Parliament, meeting hear evidence Selectthe Committee –31 Education and Science Primary Production Friday July 22:on Thursday March Wilkinson. Briefing with Dame Primary Production Carter and Kate Primary Production with constituents ECAN Commissioners Sitting ininForum. Auckland to Education and Science appointment. Science with Minister’s David Aquaculture Bill. by Sitting Auckland to Select Committee. Blenheim meeting with constituents by arrangement. InIn Blenheim meeting Select Committee –on Education and Science Margaret Bazley & Select Committee – Wilkinson. arrangement. in Christchurch. hear the evidence Select Committee. Thursday March 31 BriefingMarch with Dame Primary Carter and Kate hear theProduction evidence on Friday March 18 Primary Production Friday 25 Sitting inAuckland Auckland to Select with constituents by Attend FYD fundraiser KCommittee. (Maximising Youth ECAN Commissioners Sitting inthe to for Project Education and Science Aquaculture Bill. Primary Production In Blenheim meeting Aquaculture Bill. Margaret Bazley & Select Committee – Wilkinson. Select Committee. Meeting with ECAN InSelect Blenheim meeting hearthe the evidence on Primary Production arrangement. Potential) with 1guest speaker Billy Graham, Blenheim. Friday April in Christchurch. hear evidence on Committee. Saturday April 9 Select Committee. with constituents by Friday March 18 ECAN Commissioners Sitting in Auckland to Education and Science Friday March 18 commissioners and Friday March 25 with constituents by Bill. Select Committee. InAquaculture Blenheim and Aquaculture Primary Production Picton School 150th arrangement. Cheviot Community in Christchurch. hear theApril evidence on Committee. Meeting withBill. ECAN Meeting with ECAN Friday March 25 appointment. InSelect Blenheim meeting Friday March 1825: Friday 1water Friday March 25 9 Saturday April Picton. Project K Select Committee. Monday July Anniversary. with regard to Friday March 18 commissioners and Aquaculture Bill. Primary Production with constituents by26 commissioners and In Blenheim meeting Saturday March Meeting withand ECAN InOfficial Blenheim In Blenheim meeting Picton School 150th Trust celebration opening of the Blenheim i-SITE Visitor Centre. management at the Friday April 1 Cheviot Community Meeting with ECAN Friday March 25 Saturday April 9by appointment. Select Committee. Cheviot Community with constituents Friday March 18 Party fundraiser, trip commissioners and with constituents by Picton. Project K Anniversary. at the regard Marlborough Monday April 11 Cheviot Trust Hotel with to water In Blenheim and commissioners and In Blenheim meeting Picton School 150th Saturday March 26 with regard to water appointment. down Opawa River Cheviot Community Meeting with ECAN Friday March 25 appointment. Trust celebration 7.30pm. management at the Convention Centre. In North Canterbury Tuesday July 26: Picton. Project Kthe Cheviot Community with constituents by Anniversary. with Historian Barry with regard toatwater Party fundraiser, trip management commissioners and19 In Blenheim meeting Monday March 28 Saturday March 26 at thetocelebration Marlborough April 11 Cheviot Saturday Project KTrust isMarch aatHotel meeting with Trust Visit New Plymouth, by MP Jonathan Young. with regard to water appointment. on the River management the l hostedHoldaway down Opawa River Trust Hote Cheviot Community with constituents by In Kaikoura meeting 7.30pm. Agricultural Party fundraiser, Convention Centre. North Canterbury Foundation for Youth constituents bytrip Hawarden at the Marlborough Monday April 11 Queen. Cheviot Trust with Historian Barry management atHotel the & down 7.30pm. Monday March with regard to water appointment. Opawa River 28 with constituents by Saturday 19 Project KShow. isMarch aCentre. meeting with Pastoral Development prog. arrangement. 7.30pm. Holdaway on the River Convention In North Canterbury Monday March 28 Wednesday July 27: Cheviot Trust Hote l In Kaikoura meeting Historian Barry management at the Saturday March 19 & with appointment. Foundation for constituents by 28 Monday March Hawarden Sunday 2019 Queen. Saturday March Project K March isAgricultural a Youth meeting with 7.30pm. In Kaikoura meeting In Amberley meeting with constituents by arrangement. Holdaway on the River with constituents by Cheviot Trust Hote Hawarden AgriculPastoral Show. Development prog. arrangement. In Kaikoura meeting Monday April 4 l & Queen. April 12-14 Tuesday March Flaxbourne Agricultural Monday March 28 Foundation for Youth constituents byby with constituents Hawarden Agricultural Saturday March appointment. 7.30pm. tural & Show. Sunday March 2019 with constituents & Pastoral Show. InPastoral Blenheim meeting Meeting with Honby 29-30 appointment. In Kaikoura meeting Development prog. arrangement. Thursday July 28-29: Monday March 28 Hawarden AgriculPastoral Show. Monday April 420 April 12-14 Tuesday March Flaxbourne Agricultural Saturday March 19 appointment. with constituents by David Carter &by Hon In Blenheim meeting Monday March 21 with constituents Tuesday 29-30 Sunday March In Blenheim meeting with constituents byMarch arrangement. In Kaikoura meeting tural & March & Pastoral Show. In Blenheim meeting Meeting with Hon 29-30 Hawarden Agriculappointment. arrangement. Kate Wilkinson. Sunday 20 with constituents by In Blenheim meeting Monday April 4 April 12-14 Tuesday March In Blenheim meeting Flaxbourne Agricultural with constituents by Pastoral Show. with constituents by David Carter &by Hon In Blenheim meeting Monday March 21 tural &constituents with by Education & Science Flaxbourne Agricultural appointment. Tuesday March 29-30 with constituents & Pastoral Show. In Blenheim meeting Meeting with Hon 29-30 appointment. Saturday July 30: Tuesday April 5-7 arrangement. Kate Wilkinson. Sunday March 20 with constituents by 30 appointment. InPastoral Blenheim meeting Pastoral Show. Primary Production & Show. appointment. In& Blenheim meeting with constituents by David Carter & 29-30 Hon In Blenheim meeting Monday March 21 Wednesday March Tuesday March Rugby game inScience Wellington. InParliamentary Parliament. Education with constituents by Club - warm-up Education & Flaxbourne Agricultural appointment. NZNP Kaikoura with constituents by Select Committee Wednesday March 30 arrangement. Kate Wilkinson. Sunday March 20 with constituents by Monday March 21 with meeting Okiwi Bay In Blenheim meeting InMeet Blenheim Tuesday April 5-7 appointment. Science Select Electorate AGM & Primary Production & Pastoral Show. appointment. meetings. Wednesday March 30 Meet with Okiwi Bay with constituents by Education & Science Flaxbourne Agricultural appointment. In Blenheim meeting residents. with constituents by InMonday Parliament. Education August 1: Wednesday NZNP Kaikoura Committee. Primary Select Committee 7:30pm atApril the MarchBay 30 Tuesday 5-7 residents. appointment. Monday March 21 Meet with Okiwi & Primary Production & Pastoral Show. appointment. with constituents by Wednesday March 30 &In Science Select Electorate AGM Blenheim meeting byOkiwi arrangement. Marlborough Club, with constituents Production Select meetings. Meet with Bay 30 Parliament. Education In Blenheim meeting residents. NZNP Kaikoura Select Committee Wednesday March appointment. www.colinking.co.nz Monday 21 Meet with Okiwi Bay Committee. Primary Russell Terrace, 7:30pm atMarch the Committee meetings. residents. & Science Select Electorate AGM www.colinking.co.nz with constituents by meetings. www.colinking.co.nz Meet with Okiwi Bay In Blenheim meeting residents. Blenheim. Marlborough Club, Production Select Tuesday August 2: residents. Committee. Primary 7:30pm at the appointment. www.colinking.co.nz with constituents bycommittee Russell Terrace, Committee meetings. In Parliament, Caucus meetings. www.colinking.co.nz Marlborough Club, Production Select www.colinking.co.nz Blenheim. appointment. www.colinking.co.nz BL E N H E I M O F F I C E C O NTAC T Russell Terrace, Committee meetings. www.colinking.co.nz www.colinking.co.nz Blenheim. P.O. Box 130, The Forum, Market Street, Blenheim BL H E10am IM O FFIC E C O(03) NTAC MonE N - Fri, - 3pm PHONE 577 T6930 or 0800 COLIN MP (03) 577 6934 P.O.EBox Forum, Street, BL N H130, E I MThe O(265 F F I C466) EMarket CFAX O NTAC TBlenheim EMAIL colin.kingmp@parliament.govt.nz Mon - Fri, 10am - 3pm PHONE (03) 577 6930 or P.O. Box 130, The Forum, Market Street, Blenheim Contact us forMP Colin’s 0800 COLIN (265email 466) newsletter. FAX (03) 577 6934 Mon - Fri, 10am - 3pm PHONE (03) 577 6930 or EMAIL colin.kingmp@parliament.govt.nz 0800 COLIN MP (265 466) FAX (03) 577 6934 Contact us for Colin’s email newsletter. EMAIL colin.kingmp@parliament.govt.nz Contact us for Colin’s email newsletter. www.colinking.co.nz www.national.org.nz www.national.org.nz www.national.org.nz

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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011


2011 Combined Colleges


Winter wonderland The Marlborough Convention Centre will soon be transformed into a winter wonderland as year 12 and 13 students from the combined Marlborough Colleges gear up for their 2011 formal on August 5. Around 430 tickets have been sold to date for what is looking to be a very exciting event for the students, says Marlborough Girls’ College head girl Lily Sullivan. “Everyone is really excited and looking forward to the formal and there has been a lot of effort put into organising it… the count down begins,” she says. The idea for a winter wonderland theme came from a formal suggestion box, of which the top four were voted on by the students. Every year the public has enjoyed watching students arrive in their various and wacky modes of transport, so organisers are asking that this year the public be mindful of the traffic. “We welcome people to come down and watch the students arrive but please steer clear of the traffic as it was a bit of a problem last year,” Lily says. Students will begin arriving around 7pm.

 Aimee O’Hagan with her prize from The Sun ABC Colouring Competition.

n, Caleb C Colouring Competitio  Winner in The Sun AB Sluys.

ABOVE: Marborough Girls' College head girl Lily Sullivan tries on her formal earings in the lead up to the combined colleges 2011 formal on August 5. Photo by Celeste Lodewyk

uring competition  Another winner in The Sun ABC Colo Joel Porter.

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Sun sport

The Sun

Big turnout expected for boar hunt competition The hills and mountains of New Zealand will be awash with hunters and dogs this weekend as the country’s largest pig hunting competition gets underway again on Friday. Hooked on Boars magazine’s publishing editor Matt Willis says; “After the amazing success of last year’s event where 532 entrants competed for three days of boar slaying action, we have had such great support from our sponsors that we just had to run this event again.” Hunting show personality Howie Morrison Jnr will again be helping to host this huge event which will be based out of the Woodbourne Tavern in Renwick. Entries have been received from as far as Tuatapere in the deep South to KeriKeri in the far North. Last year’s 78.3kg winning boar caught by local Chris Pillans was caught on the West Coast of the South Island. This year’s event features yet again some fantastic prizes in-

Blenheim Toyota CEO Craig McDermid and Editor and Publisher of Hooked on Boars magazine Matt Willis with the Toyota Hilux being given away at the weekend's Boar Slaying Super Competition.

cluding the major spot prize - a Toyota Hilux fitted with a Silverline Dog Box. A special prize being offered this year is a pig and stag hunt by professional hunting guide Brendan Matthews of Matthews Trophy Hunting, based out of Geraldine. This will be drawn from the Young Guns entries (10 – 16 year

By Damian George Former All Black and current Tasman Makos assistant coach Leon MacDonald is not reading a great deal into Sa moa’s - ADVERTISEMENT -

Bible Answers... with Pastor Jeff Williams

Do you have a Bible question for Jeff? Email us your question at pastor@mbbc.org.nz or post it to us. Full confidentiality is assured at all times. Q – “What is more important than the name Jehovah?” (Follow on from the last few weeks) A – The name of Jesus! Salvation in this age can only be had through the name of Jesus: Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:10-12) In Rom 10:9-13 Paul says that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” The context is clear that he is speaking of Jesus – the verse he is quoting however is Joel 2:32 that clearly points to the name of Jehovah. Paul is not only equating Jesus with Jehovah, but he is stating that one must recognize Jesus as Jehovah and call upon Jehovah as JESUS for salvation. This was THE stumblingblock for the Jews – to recognize that Jesus was Jehovah God in the flesh (I Tim 3:16) Someday all of mankind will bow the knee, not at the name of Jehovah, but at a name that has been elevated ABOVE the name of Jehovah! “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above EVERY name: That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil 2:9-11) What does Jehovah God think about his own name? He points out to us something he thinks is more important! “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above ALL thy name.” (Psa 138:2) Don’t be a sucker for “logical” arguments that have to undermine and subvert scripture in order to survive. II Timothy 2:14-15 says, “Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


. . . o t n w o d t Ge


these school holidays

olds) and valued at $3500.00. Entries close midnight Thursday 21st July so grab an entry form now and don’t miss out on the action. Enter at Marlborough Hunting & Fishing on Scott St in Blenheim, at The Woodbourne Tavern in Renwick or online at www.hookedonboars.com

MacDonald unphased by Samoa upset

Wed –20 July 3.45pm - Kid’s Club - Redwoodtown School 7:00pm – Prayer Meeting Thur– 21 July 1:30pm – Ladies’ Group - Renwick Sun – 24 July 3:00, 4:00 & 6:00pm – Services

Wednesday July 20, 2011


Baptist Church


PO Box 484, Blenheim. Meeting at 49 Wither Rd Ph: 578-1471

NOTE: The opinions expressed in this paid advertisement are solely the opinions of Pastor Jeff Williams of Marlborough Bible Baptist Church, and are not in any way endorsed by The Sun Newspaper.

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monumental rugby victory over Australia in Sydney on Sunday. The pacific island nation produced one of rugby’s greatest upsets to down the Wallabies 32-23 in what the Samoan team are calling the sides’s “turning point”. But MacDonald, on the receiving end of a World Cup semi-final defeat at the hands of the Wallabies in 2003, knows the result will not have a huge bearing come World Cup time. “I wouldn’t take too much out of it...the Aussies weren’t at full strength, and they got a little bit ambushed by a very powerful Samoan side,” he says. “It’s still early doors, it’s a long way to go until the World Cup.” He says the victory is a “great result” for Samoa, but retaining its top players remains a challenge. “The issue that Samoa has always had is very rarely do they get all their professional players on the park at the same time. “If that happens more often, they will become a force in world rugby.” Samoa kick off its World Cup campaign against Namibia in Rotorua on September 14. Australia kick its tournament off against Italy at North Harbour Stadium on September 11.

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The Sun

Wednesday July 20, 2011

A spirited fundraiser By Celeste Lodewyk On Saturday night, the Queen Charlotte Yacht Club held a fundraising dinner at the Marlborough Convention Centre which featured invited guest speaker Dean Lawrence, CEO for Spirit of Adventure Trust. The Spirit of Adventure Trust helps to transform the lives of 15-18-year old youths by teaching and honing skills in communication, self-discipline, self esteem, resilience, co-operation, confidence and tolerance while onboard the 47m, three masted barquentine sailing ship. “I have spent a lot of time in the Marlborough Sounds over the years so it was a pleasure to be asked to support the fundraising efforts of the yacht club,” he says. The fundraising dinner was attended

by around 100 people who turned out in support of the club’s bid to raise funds to go towards the purchase of a new coach boat and to renovate its clubrooms. Approximately $9000 was raised on the night, a promising start to the club’s fundraising. Addressing the audience, Dean shared an insight into the important work done by the Spirit of Adventure Trust, and shared positive stories from youth who have taken part in the 10day Youth Development Voyages. “The Trust’s mission is to provide a positive environment for young people to learn the value of team-work and develop leadership skills… away from cell phones and outside distractions. “On the ship they are all equal and have to interact with one another and

learn to mix with strangers. This programme is a good start to adulthood and we want this message to reach parents so they can understand the benefits and encourage their teenagers to take part,” he says. One inspirational story which has stuck with Dean came from an email sent to him by the mother of a teenage boy who took part in the programme. “She said prior to her son being on board he was often alone at school, had no friends, bullied regularly and lacked social interaction with his peers. “Since he returned from his 10-day voyage he has kept in touch with friends made on board the ship, and now realises that the school community he was in was not normal’, so has gone about making changes to his life,” he says. Guest speaker Dean Lawrence, CEO for Spirit of Adventure Trust.

Addicition centre forced to close due to funding cuts

Susan Blake at the Harambe Farm Park in Onamalutu.

Main Street Blenheim

Katherine Rock says the board had signalled for some time that health provider contracts no longer considered to deliver best value for money will be discontinued. The announcement is a cruel blow to husband-and-wife Dr Bob Blake and nurse Susan Blake, who set up and ran the centre. It celebrated its 10th birthday last year. Dr Blake was recognised for his work

with the centre by being awarded a Kiwi Bank Local Heroes medal in March this year. “A portion of today’s youth have either forgotten how to dream, or believe they are not worthy of seeking a better life for themselves,” Mrs Blake told The Sun last year. “It is up to us to fight for them and to help make a difference to their lives.” Horizon will close on Friday.

PRoPeRty FocuS

1 No.

A not-for-profit mental health centre which ran rehabilitation courses for young people with drug and alcohol addicitons has been forced to close due to funding cuts. The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board announced last week it will no longer fund the Horizon Mental Health Centre, a treatment programme for 13 to 19-year-olds stationed at Harambe Farm Park in Onamalutu. NMDHB communications advisor

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