July 20 The Sun

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Inside The Sun

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Wednesday July 20, 2011

Blenheim Marlborough

Arbuckle apologises Jamie Arbuckle says sorry for stress caused by council review

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Just reward Jack “Dusty” Miller receives Rotary’s highest accolade

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DISBELIEF: Mr Asian store owner Udomsak Juchange was stunned to see his shop had been broken into for the second time in three months. Right: The shop window broken by the burglars.

‘Not again’

Store owner fed up with burglaries World Cup dream Susan Witehira on Marlborough’s Rugby World Cup preparations.

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Sun Weather SunToday Weather 0-14 3-12 Today Thursday 1-12 Thursday 2-9 Friday 4-13 Friday Saturday

3-10 7-16

Outlook for Today 1-11 Saturday Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Mainly fine, partly cloudy.

Everyone gets The Sun

Total market coverage in Marlborough

By Damian George The owner of an Asian grocery store burgled on Sunday morning is thankful a broken window is the only significant damage his business sustained this time round. Udomsak Juchange, owner of Blenheim’s Mr Asian on Alfred Street, was awoken by his recently-installed alarm system while at home early on Sunday morning. He raced to his store to find the main door’s window had been broken, but that only $40-50

had been taken from the cash register. It was a much different story a few months ago, when thieves broke into Mr Juchange’s personal office and stole two safes holding nearly $9000, and a laptop. Mr Juchange says he could not believe his store was once again a target on Sunday. “When I got to the store this time, I said ‘holy crap, not again!’” Security footage showed the culprits - two men aged 17 and 18 - tried to break into the cigarette

cabinet behind the shop’s counter, but fled before they were able to do so. The break-in followed a similar incident in Blenheim early on Saturday morning, when thieves broke into takeaway and convenience store Mr Frys and stole drinks, chocolate and medicine. Mr Juchange has a simple message for the offenders who broke into his store: “Stop doing it, leave this community alone. We don’t need any more bad people in this community.”

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