Inside The Sun
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Season’s Greetings
The Sun’s management and staff wish all our readers and advertisers a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Thanks to everyone for your support! Our holiday issue will be delivered on December 28 and our first issue for 2012 will be January 4.
We hope the Sun shines on you all!
open boxing day 9am – 6pm
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Remember we are open over the holiday period for all your plumbing and electrical needs.
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Ready for their first Christmas are Blenheim triplets Ben, Stella and Jack Clark who became Marlborough’s third set of triplets in 16 years. It has been an exciting year for Blenheim’s Clark family after welcoming their triplets into the world on April 8. Now aged eight months, the triplets will enjoy their first Christmas at home with parents Angela, Jason and big sister Nina, surrounded by extended family.“We have bought them their own special decoration for the tree and I have made books with photos from when they were born, they will get one every Christmas,” Angela says.
Smart festive shoppers By Annabelle Latz Shoppers are buying smartly and carefully this year, and many are keeping in mind the big retail tradition of Boxing Day. But retailers predict the buzzing vibe on the streets to only increase this week. Brad Packham, General Manager at Mitre 10 Mega Marlborough, said buyers are asking questions. “People are really watching their wallets, and shopping for best deals,” said Brad.
Gift vouchers, power tools and barbeques are popular, as is camping gear, and stocking fillers. Boxing Day sales will be a big day for outdoor furniture, and people using gift cards and gift coupons. “People expect to do a Boxing Day spend up,” said Brad. Tim Thomas, director at Thomas’s in Blenheim, said Christmas turnover is on par with last year. Shirts and T-shirts for the men and jewellery
for the women have been the usual favourites. “The bad weather has had a slight impact on people shopping for themselves, but this week will be busy,” said Tim. The JETZ Urban Streetwear Store will be open on Boxing Day. “It’s by nature that a lot of people will be in town, so it makes sense to open,” said Tim. He said Boxing Day has a big tradition of sales in all shops. Continued Page 5.
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Wednesday December 21, 2011
Blenheim Marlborough
Sun Weather
Today 9-18
Thursday 8-19
Friday 9-19
Saturday 9-22
Outlook for Today Fine with light winds.