11 January Blenheim Sun

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Farewell Zoe Zoe Feast puts her carving knife away and retires from Blenheim New World delicatessen after 23 years.

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Hot to trot Local trainer and horse owner Mike O’Brien looks forward to a ‘good race season ahead’.

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New ambition Blenheim teenager Delacy Walsh is hoping dance will take him to university.

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Sun Weather SunToday Weather

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Blenheim Marlborough

Wednesday January 11, 2012

New Year baby Story and photo by Celeste Lodewyk Ten day old baby boy Mason Brosnan-Stevenson is too young to understand the importance of his birth date, but for parents Stacey Stevenson and Luke Brosnan it will be a day that will never be forgotten. Mason was Marlborough’s first baby born for 2012, and despite being scheduled for a caesarean on January 2, he made his entrance ‘naturally’ on New Year’s Day. “If I hadn’t had him by January 1, I was supposed to phone to arrange a caesarean for the next day, but he obviously had other ideas. “My first son was an emergency caesarean and I was told Mason would be delivered the same way as well, so it was a surprise when my waters broke,” Stacey laughed. Mason’s actual due date was December 27, 2011 but instead he made his entrance at 1:58am, New Year’s Day at the weight of 8lb 2oz. A little brother for Levi and Sol, Mason is adored by the whole family and receives plenty of hugs from his protective brothers. For Stacey and Luke, Mason’s unique title as Marlborough’s first 2012 baby is ‘neat’, but no more special than being their precious baby boy. “When we were told he was the first New Year baby we thought wow, that’s pretty cool but at the end of the day he is our beautiful boy and we were so excited when he arrived,” Stacey says. Renwick baby Mason BrosnanSteve ns on , p ic ture d w ith two-year-old brother Levi, was Marlborough’s first baby born for 2012.

0-14 15-25 Today Thursday 1-12 Thursday 17-24 Friday 4-13 Friday Saturday 13-24 7-16

OutlookSaturday for Today 14-23 Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Morning cloud, then fine. Light winds.

Everyone gets The Sun Total market coverage in Marlborough

83 Market Street Blenheim 03 579 1571

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