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Blenheim Marlborough
Friends mourned By Annabelle Latz Laughs and coffees during lunchtime breaks at university won’t be the same for Emily Elliott when she heads back to Wellington this month. Two of Emily’s best friends Alexis Still, 19, and Chrisjan Jordaan, 21, were victims of the fatal hot air balloon crash just north of Carterton on January 7. But the 19 year-old Blenheim-based Communications student at Massey University believes that remembering the good times, and being thankful for knowing such wonderful people helps to ease the grief. “It was a huge shock, they were so young, they were not supposed to die,” she said, adding that Chrisjan had been saving for weeks to buy his girlfriend Alexis the ride together. “You never know what day will be your last, but when we are young we assume we will have every day.” Emily spent last weekend back up in Wellington with university friends; grieving, celebrating, and remembering their two friends. “They are not here to bring the joy to people’s lives anymore, so it has become our job,” said Emily. She said grief takes on a process, and must be worked through. “You do feel lost and confused, and your world is turned upside down,” said Emily. Emily met the couple in Wellington at university last year. “For me it was a short time I knew them, but it felt like such a long time,” said Emily. It was the first 21st party Emily had been to when she celebrated Chrisjan’s last year. The wedding he was planning with Alexis was going to be Emily’s first too. Instead, she attended her first ever two funerals last weekend. “The most important thing to remember is that we got the opportunity to know them for the time that we did. Because they were always so happy and bright, and changed everybody’s lives who they met, they truly did,” said Emily.
Shaky shift Christchurch couple Jenny Goss and Jim Fox hastened their plans to leave Christchurch for Blenheim.
Page 3
Lion heart
Wednesday January 18, 2012
The road to recovery continues for Heart Child and Blenheim boy Liam Barrett.
Page 6
Education 2012 The Sun looks at preparing to go back to school and your education choices.
From Page 9
Sun Weather SunToday Weather 0-14 13-25 Today Thursday 1-12 Thursday 12-25 Friday 4-13 Friday Saturday 12-25 7-16 OutlookSaturday for Today Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Fine. Northwesterlies freshening.
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Emily Elliott believes remembering the happy times with her good friends and being thankful to have known them, is helping her work through the grief after they lost their lives in the hot air balloon accident in the North Island earlier this month.
Inset: Chrisjan Jordaan, 21, (left) and Alexis Still, 19.
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