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Inside The Sun
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Kronic crackdown
un S The
Blenheim Marlborough
Wednesday June 22, 2011
Bride of The Year
Teenagers like Harry Davenport support synthetic cannabis restrictions.
Page 3
A star was born
Lana Woolley, Jessica Francis, Melissa Cowdrey and Amie Murphy were the top four place-getters from Saturday’s Beavertown Blenheim Lions Bride of The Year show for 2011.
Clara van Wel is a young musician on her way to the top.
Page 10
Sealed with a kiss Daniel and Jessica Francis celebrate Jess winning Bride of the Year 2011.
Photos page 22
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4-14 4-13
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3-14 7-16
Outlook Saturday for Today 2-13 Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Mainly fine, northeasterlies developing.
Everyone gets The Sun Total market coverage in Marlborough
2011 Bride oF The YeAr Winner JeSSiCA FrAnCiS
By Celeste Lodewyk It was not until her sister screamed from the audience that Jessica Francis realised that she had won the title of the Beavertown Blenheim Lions Bride of the Year for 2011 on Saturday night. In first place was Jessica, second was Lana Woolley, third was Melissa Cowdrey and audience choice was Amie Murphy. When The Sun spoke again to Jessica on Monday morning, she was still coming to terms with the win and was proudly wearing her diamond necklace from her first place prize package. Continued Page 2.