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Inside The Sun
un S The
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Titles for six locals
Hero honoured Darren Smith recognised for Iroquois crash efforts.
Page 2
Martial artist Kurt Graham on living a martial arts lifestyle.
Page 10 Beavertown Blenheim Lions
Bride of the Year Saturday 18th June 2011 Ticket sales at The Sun office
Bride of The Year Check out this year’s bridal entrants in our liftout feature.
Pages 11-14 Marlborough Parents Centre
Parent & Child Expo 2011
Marlborough Convention Centre Sunday 12 June 10am - 4pm
Sun Weather Today
Thursday 5-13 Friday
Outlook for Today Mainly fine, light winds.
Everyone gets The Sun Total market coverage in Marlborough
Wednesday June 8, 2011
Blenheim Marlborough
Tua Marina-born country music artist Brendon Ham was one of two local men to receive recognition at last week’s Country Music Awards in Gore. More on Page 24. Photo supplied.
Mid Season
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By Damian George Ma rlborough viticulturist Allan Scott says he was “a little bit embarrassed” to be named in the 2011 Queen’s Birthday Honours List on Monday. The founder of Allan Scott Family Winemakers was Allan Scott named a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to viticulture, one of five Marlburians honoured in this year’s list. The others to be recognised were John Roadley, for services to the dairy industry, Ivan Sutherland, for services to rowing and viticulture, Yvonne Dasler, for services to the community, Paul Ellis for services to the entertainment industry and Dr John Hellstrom, for services to biosecurity, and Paul Ellis, for services to the entertainment industry. “It’s one of those funny things, I didn’t really have the option of accepting or not,” Allan says. “I was a little bit embarrassed, but I took it more as an industry thing, rather than a personal thing.” The Allan Scott winery was set up in 1973, and, along with his other industry and community involvements, has kept him pretty busy over the last 38 years. Continued Page 3.
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