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Blenheim Marlborough
The Sun
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Wednesday November 2, 2011
Back on deck Jon Perano’s restoration of an historic whale boat for the Picton Maritime and Heritage Museum is nearing completion.
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Page 4
LiquoRLAnD RAupo The Marlborough District Council has suggested removing part of Twelfth Lane to allow room for the proposed Speight’s Ale House.
Morning voice MORE FM radio announcer Jamie Liddicoat shares his road to becoming a Blenheim broadcaster.
Page 6
Ale House still possible Mayor suggests moving restaurant to keep green space
It’s mo-time The Sun’s Movember Men feature kicks off in support of men’s health.
By Damian George The option of moving a proposed Speight’s Ale House in Blenheim back from the Taylor River to enable the project to go ahead is set to be put to Marlborough district councillors tomorrow.
The council has been in talks with drinks giant Lion about developing the restaurant on the councilowned site at 2 High St. However, negotiations hit a roadblock recently when the council advised Lion the Ale House
would not fit on the site, even though the company had met the council’s specifications for the project. The council told Lion it instead wanted to preserve and develop the public green space near the river. Continued Page 2.
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OutlookSaturday for Today 6-17 Fine and frosty. Not much for wind. Outlook Today Rain clearing. Northwesterlies abating.
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