14 September Blenheim Sun

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Inside The Sun

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Blenheim Marlborough

Wednesday September 14, 2011

Building success Thomas Peter has won third place in the 2011 Apprentice of the Year competition.

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Special effort Special Olympian Christopher Rae has won a further three gold medals at the New Zealand Winter Games.

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In the spotlIght: helen and Ron harris with their District Commander’s Awards recognising more than 60 years of combined service to Marlborough police. Photo by Celeste Lodewyk

Couple honoured Couple’s long service to community recognised

Blitzing the field Callum Saunders has produced an event first at the Cuddon two-day cycling tour of Marlborough.

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Sun Weather SunToday Weather

By Damian George Awatere Valley woman Helen Harris’ first involvement with emergency services was running messages between Marlborough Boys’ College and Redwoodtown School for Civil Defence as a 14-year-old. Today, she and husband Ron are celebrating being awarded a District Commander’s Commendation by the Tasman Police District

recognising more than 60 years combined service to Marlborough’s support services. Ron and Helen, who have been heavily involved in leadership roles supporting Marlborough police, Search and Rescue and Rural Fire Authority, were presented with the accolade by Marlborough area police commander Inspector Steve Caldwell last week. Helen says she and Ron were humbled to

0-14 5-16 Today Thursday 1-12 Thursday 2-15 Friday 4-13 Friday Saturday

4-16 7-16

Outlook for Today Saturday Fine and frosty. Not much wind. Outlook for Today Fine, light winds.


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receive the awards, having worked behind the scenes for such a long time. “We all have to play our part [in the community], and we’re just playing a part in the background that people aren’t aware of,” she says. “It does make you realise that somebody appreciates the hours of volunteer work you have put in over the years.” Continued Page 3.

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