kingdom Perspectives september October 2019

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Volume 1 | Issue 3




For Private Circulation Only

Comforting | Inspiring | Word of Life and Spirit




Your Faith Evg. Anu Jacob

ABOUT US God called Evg. Blasson N. Mathew for the ministry of the Lord at the age of eighteen. Realizing God's calling up on his life he committed a couple of years to study God's word. Accordingly, God enabled him to engage himself in various ministries such as preaching and teaching at different places. In order to focus more on gospel ministries Evg. Blasson registered a team ministry called 'Glorious Gospel Ministries'- GGM on 2nd May, 2016. He is married to Blessy Joseph who is also passionate for God and His people in the ministry. Presently the GGM ministry accomplishes its vision and various missions such as Glorious Global Aided School, at Rajmundry and Glorious Literature Ministry, at Bangalore under GGM -team Church. Appreciate your prayers for our present needs and future plans. During this short span of time we as a team witnessed transforming testimonials of many lives. GGM engages to progress in mission works, evangelism and social works in India and the globe at large. Since the gospel is the power of God for salvation for those who believe (Rom. 1:6), we commit to serve Him with the passion of God. Similarly, we believe God will establish and use you for the expansion of His Kingdom. +91 9916782434 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Kingdom Perspectives has been made available to you through the help and support of the friends and sponsors of GGM ministries. All Bible references are from King James Version, New International Version, New Living Translation, Amplified Bible Classic Edition and Revised Standard Version (RSV). Kingdom Perspectives is published by Glorious Gospel Ministries, Bangalore, India. For more information visit our website President: Blasson N. Mathew | Chief Editor: Sherin Johnson | Overseas Co-ordinator: Betty Joseph Design Director : Jose Valiyakalayil | Subscription Co-ordinators: Roshin C. Raju, Jithin Abraham and Kevin C.K. Thanks: Pr. Anu Jacob, Pr. Biju John, Pr. Reji B. Abraham, Jessica Coutinho, Michelle Knowles, Benson Skariachan. Special Thanks: Dr. Robert Christopher - Chairman, Chris Group, Bangalore, India.

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019

EDITORIAL Doubt limits lifestyles but faith transforms your life into a platform of opportunities. Rid yourself of such doubts and submit yourself to God

Faith is like a seed that was planted in our heart. Hence, as it is a seed, at the appointed time it will produce its fruits. A firm belief in God can give a greater harvest of what is believed for. Have you ever noticed that of those who carried greater levels of faith, it was notable in their services? How is it possible for some people to possess greater levels of faith, such as these? We have seldom noticed many of our ancestors in the Bible who lived without appreciable faith. They all grew in faith, day by day, evidenced by a peculiar lifestyle of faith demonstrating their belief in the existence of God and consequently received rewards for such belief in Him. For instance, by faith Abel offered God a more excellent offering than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous; God testifying of his gifts. There are several ways for us to grow in faith. Firstly, our faith will grow as we engage in meditation of the word of God on a daily basis. Further, simply doing what the word of God tells for us to do, will see a great spurt in our faith. The more we commit ourselves to doing God's will, the more we taste Him. The Bible says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who trusts in Him” (Psalm 34:8). Secondly, let us exercise our faith by practicing the actions that the Bible tells us to practice (James 2:22). A comprehensive faith is the result of a faith motivated by its respective actions.

SHERIN JOHNSON Chief Editor, Kingdom Perspectives

Thirdly, speak what you believe. Your boldness will increase when you speak out your faith about the things you wanted to see in your natural realm. Further, speaking will open wide many doors of opportunities for you. Fourthly, be free from doubts. Doubt limits lifestyles but faith transforms your life into a platform of opportunities. Rid yourself of such doubts and submit yourself to God; resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Lastly, share your faith with others. For instance, when we achieve success at our workplace we often take it as an opportunity to brag to others. Rather, have you ever shared with others what God has done in your life. Give thanks to God when you share the things you have received from God; 1st Chronicles 16:8 says, “give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” As Mathew Barnett said, "Faith believes that God is going to take you places, even before you get there.”

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


FAIT H moves mountains for T HOSE WHO BELIEVES until it moves Evg. Blasson N. Mathew


Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019



Your Faith Evg. Anu Jacob And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Mathew 21:22) ave you ever wondered when the Bible says

and again and get dejected and disappointed. The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters and underneath there was darkness. God saw the darkness and He didn't say what He saw, rather, He said 'let there be light' which means He spoke that which He wanted to see there. He spoke light which He believed and He saw it. Most of the time, we believe for a miracle but we don't speak it out. Unless you speak what you believe, your faith cannot sustain, as the Bible says faith comes from hearing. What you speak, speak it loud so that your ear will hear it thus developing a deeper trust in God that enables your brain to cooperate with what you believe. To speak it out, you must first start by neglecting the reality or the fact. Reality is what we see, hear, experience and report of the doctors and so on, it always appears to be like the truth but the real truth is the unchanging word of God.

H “...And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so

that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:13; Mathew 21:22). God of the Bible gives us the great assurance that He will answer whenever we pray to God by faith. Hence, the Bible says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). I would like to bring your attention to some important lessons that the Bible teaches us to activate our faith realm. Firstly, faith comes by hearing. Therefore, we must know how important it is to speak what we ought to see in life. Secondly, as there are many laws of nature, faith is a law of the kingdom of God and it works on its formulas. Thirdly, understand the difference between faith in God and faith of God to activate our faith. Further, faith is to do above what we know to do. If we really believe, faith can bring the future to the present. Finally, faith finds possibilities in time of our impossibilities. Faith is in fact dealing with the invisible. Therefore, faith is an adventure. Above all, faith is the obedience to God in spite of consequences and circumstances.

In the gospel of Mark- Chapter 5, it is recorded that a woman was suffering with an issue of blood for twelve years, having suffered many things by many physicians, and having spent all she had, was not getting better rather growing worse day-by-day. Then she heard about Jesus and what she heard about Jesus brought faith which enabled her to receive what she then believed for. The Bible says she had said, “if I may

Faith is Speaking What You Want to See Our nature is to speak what we see or experience in our lives, so whatever we are saying we are seeing again

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


touch the garment of Jesus I will be healed.” What she said after hearing about Jesus is very important to learn in our lives. It is interesting to note that she didn't magnify her issues right after that, rather she neglects to believe or even think about the reality of her health' condition. It was by speaking in faith and continuously speaking about it along with her consistent confidence in Jesus is what overtook her weakness. Such a preparation responded her body for her miracle. Therefore, let us Speak Jesus and reign in life.

Abraham didn't argue or fight with God, when God demanded his son Issac as a sacrifice, whom he loved dearly and had received after a long wait. Even though he knew God is able to raise him back from ashes. Abraham believed in a promise-fulfilling God...

When Peter was walking, as Jesus walked, both were following the same law of faith. In short, when the law of life says you are likely to fail and you are close to giving up there is always another option, that of the law of faith. Law of faith says you will not drown in the sea but will be able to stand strong in Christ, the Rock.

Faith is a Law We all know Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the 'law of gravitation;' according that there is a law of earth that attracts or pulls down all the particles in the atmosphere. However, when this law prevailed the Wright brothers discovered yet another law, that of 'aerodynamics.' In turn, the invention of the aircraft emerged. What this means is that when one law disappoints there is always another solution in the same sphere. When the realities of our lives pulls us down, always trust in the word of God which elevates us in the right time. In Mathew Chapter 14, Jesus commanded Peter to walk on water. As he was walking, Peter neglected the depth of the water. Peter didn't even consider it as an ocean. He didn't fear the waves due to the fact his eyes were fixed on Jesus, who was walking on the sea and had made him to believe the spoken word. Here Peter says, 'command a word for me to walk,' it means he was ready to act on it.

Faith in God and Faith of God It is common to say that we have faith and that is why we pray and go to church. What we mean out of this is that we have faith in God but when God looks at us and says, 'yes, you have faith,' this means you have faith of God. There are incidents recorded in the Bible where Jesus admired the faith level of certain people. For instance, the Centurion's faith and that of the Canaanite woman's faith was appreciated by Jesus Christ. He even goes so far as to say, “I have not seen such faith in all of Israel,” which means he expects a higher level of faith from us and it should keep growing, always, as we grow closer to God. Many a times, we could see Jesus admiring such faith and also

“Defeat the defeat before the defeat defeat you.”

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


demonstrating to his disciples the power of faith over their little faith. It is a person of faith who makes things happens.

able to pull the miracle within reach or her own boundary, such as what she could get after many years or never ever. By believing, even we can decrease the time span of our healing or miracles because God honours faith. Jesus said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee” and please note he writes 'I am' not 'I was.' Hold on to that and move on, nothing is impossible for those who believe.

Faith is to do Above What We Know to Do This is not thinking different things, but to think about things differently. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” In Mathew 6:25 Jesus says “Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment?” While the people of the world think for their body, the spiritual man should feed the inner man with the word of God. Nourish ourselves with the Logos (written) word everyday and walk in the Rhema (revealed) word

Faith is Finding Possibility in the Impossibility Abraham believed with hope against all unbelief and through this he found possibility with God even though naturally what he hoped for was seemingly impossible. Therefore, the Bible says “Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be” (Romans 4:18). Faith is trusting in God for supernatural provision within the natural realm. He held onto the promises of God against all human thinking and distractions. In the gospel of Mathew Chapter 15, whilst the Canaanite woman was still pleading for mercy, Jesus said, 'How can you expect the children's bread to be given to these little dogs.' She responds, 'I don't demand what belongs to children but Lord, in your words I found you are quite concerned about the dogs who wait near their master's table.' Here, she is waiting for that very word which is powerful enough to heal her demon possessed daughter. Jesus said, 'Wow! Great is thy faith, let it be done as you desire.'

Faith is Bringing the Future to the Present In the gospel of Mathew, Chapter 15 tells us about the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus, pleading divine healing for her daughter who was demon possessed. Jesus did not say any word at first instance to her and his disciples besought him to send her away after she directed her cries at them. The attitude of Jesus towards her was revealed when Jesus said, “I have come for the lost sheep of Israel not to the Gentiles.” This strong statement from Jesus caused the disciples to tear off the recommendation letter. It was then that the strong faith of the Canaanite woman was displayed before the disciples. Through faith she was

Evg. Anu Jacob is a graduate of Karunya Institute of Technology and Science. After his MBA, esteeming God's calling on his life; he has committed his life for evangelism ministry. Today he is known as 'The missionary on Wheels.' Many received the Lord through their “Love and Compassion Ministries” which travels as a team to different villages in both India and Africa with the commission of the Lord. Bro. Anu is married to Sis. Lincy Anu who is passionate for God and is supporting Bro. Anu in the ministry. They are blessed with two children Rachel and Jeshua. God has been using them to reach many lives with many signs, wonders and diverse miracles and confirms the word of the Lord.

Kingdom Perspectives | September July - August 2019 2019 - October

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Dealing with Faith is Dealing with the Invisible

admires such faith-life and teaches His disciples the power of faith over their little faith, because it is the person of faith who makes things happens. Men of faith must nourish themselves with the Logo (written) Word everyday and walk in the Rhema (revealed) Word. Faith is obedience to God in spite of our consequences and circumstances. Reality is what we see, hear, experience and the report of the doctors and so on, it always appears to be like truth but the real truth is the unchanging word of God. When Jesus was trying to dedicate himself for the Israelites, a gentile Canaanite woman, by faith, pulled her miracle inside her boundary and within reach. Similarly, a nobleman firmly believed and placed trust in the word of the Lord regarding his family. Even though he didn't see any evidence of change, he believed that which was spoken by the Lord and he expected to see the result, therefore it happened in favour of him. Further,

It is recorded in the gospel of John, Chapter 4 about a noble man's faith in Jesus. He comes from a far off place to take Jesus to his home to heal his only son who was on the death bed. He wanted Jesus to come in person, but Jesus says, 'Go your way, your son lives.' He believed and went back following the spoken word without complaining, murmuring or grumbling. He didn't see anything to believe but he believed to see what he expected. On the way back he was greeted by his servants saying, 'your son is alive.' He enquired about the time when they witnessed the miracle and they said, 'last evening at 7 o'clock.' He was assured of this miracle that the family were able to witness in his absence as he was dealing with faith. Faith is Obedience to God in spite of Consequence and Circumstances In Genesis Chapter 22 we find Abraham, the father of faith, demonstrates faith as obedience to God. Abraham didn't argue or fight with God when God demanded his son Issac as a sacrifice, whom he loved dearly and had received after a long wait. Even though he knew God is able to raise him back from ashes. Abraham believed in a promise-fulfilling God since he knew for sure he had received a child after twenty-five years in which God didn't change His words. God's plan still being fulfilled despite Abraham's backsliding by bringing Hagar in to his life. Abraham was assured that his descendants would be from Issac. Despite not knowing how it would turn out, he still trusted in his God over the consequences and circumstances and it was counted him righteous.

Since faith deals with the invisible we must know the kingdom principles. Biblical faith is a law of the Lord and it works on certain Biblical formulas. We learn from Peter's walking on the water that both Jesus and Peter had walking on the same law of faith. Do not give up when the law of life brings failures and dejections, instead stand strong in Christ, our rock.

Faith is an Adventure In Genesis Chapter 12, it is recorded about Abraham starting a journey of faith .When God asked him to leave his father's house, his inheritance and nation, for the land that God will show him. In reality, God wanted him to walk out from his limited plan to the unlimited plan of God. He willingly opted to venture unto his unique promise. Let us activate higher realms of faith in this way. You can activate your faith. However, how are you going to activate it? Since faith deals with the invisible we must know the kingdom principles. Biblical faith is a law of the Lord and it works on certain Biblical formulas. We learn from Peter's walking on the water that both Jesus and Peter had walking on the same law of faith. Do not give up when the law of life brings failures and dejections, instead stand strong in Christ, our rock. God expects some degree of faith from us and it should grow as we grow closer to God. Jesus

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019

Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son and he not only proved his faith, but in doing so he got approved by God. Do not compromise on your faith realm when God allows you to go through the test of faith. Speak Jesus and reign in life. Take the adventure of walking with God and submit to His unlimited plans, just like Abraham. Nothing is impossible for those who believe. Let us activate higher realms of faith in this way. May God bless you with a life full of blessed faith. 8

ALIVE IN CHRIST VIJAYAKUMAR VELUTHAKKAL I understood in my heart that Jesus can forgive all my sins and deliver me from all kinds of curses. By the end of the week of that particular retreat, I moved forward at the time of altar call and I repented and acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Savior.

My name is Vijayakumar Veluthakkal and I was born on the 26th March 1958, in Rourkela, Orissa. I was born in a Hindu Menon family. My father was from a village called Kannadi, in the Palakkadu district of Kerala. However, later we have moved to Vandazhy in the Palakkadu district of Kerala and I spent my childhood with my parents there in Kerala. I had the privilege of marrying my late wife Shobhana from Karur, Trichy district, Tamil Nadu on August 4, 1986. On October 4, 1987 we were blessed with a baby girl and we named her Sharon Vijayakumar.

call and I repented and acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Savior. On the spot, I removed the talisman and turned to the Living God who made heaven and earth. I understood the fact that the God of the Bible is the maker of heaven and earth. The Bible says that all other names that take the position of God will perish (Jeremiah 10.11). Right after the retreat I bought a R.S.V- Bible. I had a lot of blessed experience of hearing God while reading that Bible hence I was all the more eager to read it. A few days later I met Daniel Manoharan, a friend of mine, who suggested me to attend an AG Church for spiritual fellowship. That following Sunday onwards I started attending a fellowship at an AG Church named First AG Church with Pr. Rev. Benjamin Shindae. Even though I was attending the church I was a very shy man, particularly for the first few months. I was hesitant to go inside the Church in the first instance. However Pr. Benjamin tapped my shoulder and told me to go in. Then I went inside the church and start enjoying the Sunday services. After a while when I looked back at what happened to me, I understood that even though I was raised up in a secure financial status; it was my spiritual vacuum that enabled me to know about Jesus Christ. Further, I understood and acknowledged Jesus Christ as the sovereign God and Lord of our family and I was so eager to share about my Lord Jesus to my parents and everyone I met.

I had a lot of dreams and plans regarding my life. On one blessed day, I took a decision to go to Bangalore to find a good job. Hence, in the year 1979I came to Bangalore and after a few days of enquiring around the city, finally I got a job in an Engineering firm called NGEF-AEG (New Government Electrical Factory) for one year (1979-1980). After working there for one year, I joined another company named Madura Coat and worked there for six years. I had an opportunity with Wold Vision India during the 1986-1992 as an Internal Auditor. From 1993 I worked with Global Security Company and I resigned as a regional manager. My life came to a turning point when a Catholic friend of mine observed in me a spiritual vacuum and suggested to me that a spiritual awakening will induce the change. He encouraged me to attend a Catholic Charismatic Seminar in Good Shepherded Hall at Museum Road, Bangalore in the year 1980. Though he did not force me to go to the camp, I decided to attend for a week. At that time I had a talisman in my right hand which I thought was directing my future and giving me magical protection against all kinds of evil or disease. During that week of seminar the Holy Spirit convicted me that Jesus is the only way for salvation. Moreover, I understood in my heart that Jesus can forgive all my sins and deliver me from all kinds of curses. By the end of the week of that particular retreat, I moved forward at the time of altar

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019

I cannot forget the day before my salvation; I had a vivid dream in that day. In the dream I saw myself caught by an Anaconda kind of snake, black in color, twisted around my body from my leg up to my neck with only my hands free from its clutches. As my hands were free I was just able to squeeze its neck and kill the snake. I got liberated from the snake. That day I sensed in my spirit that I'm fully delivered from the devil's influences in my life. Again, I had yet another dream. During a holiday I went to a place named KGF in Karnataka. As I was sleeping in my sister's house, I saw a dream. In the 9

dream a Sadhu (Hindu Ascetic) man came to me and did few magic to entice me back to my old religion. In the dream I saw a man approaching me and made an A4 sheet out of tamarind seed and draw a god's face on it and gave it to me, saying 'keep it with you always.' I knew inside of me that I am a believer so I used the name of Jesus and escape from that issue as well. Then I understood just how powerful is the name of Jesus Christ and Jesus' name is above every other names. Once Jesus appeared to me, face to face in a dream at our native home in Kerala. In the dream Jesus told me “I am coming soon dear boy.” I replied, 'thank you Jesus,' and then He disappeared.

After one year of my salvation I took water Baptism in my native land and witnessed my Lord Jesus Christ publically to my parents, siblings and neighborhood. Before taking Baptism I wrote to my parents a detailed description about my faith and told them on my 60th birthday that “I decided to worship God in truth and spirit. So I told them I will never visit any other worship places other than church of the living God.” Pr. Jacob an AG church Pastor in Palakkadu town gave me water baptism on my personal desire. During my baptism I saw a vision that Jesus is on the cross for the salvation of many lives. After coming to faith the Holy Lord Jesus Christ helped me to overcome my challenges one by one. It was impressive for me to read the history of Daniel who experienced fire and was put in a lion's den. A scripture verse from the book of Daniel “Even if you kill me I will not worship the king's idols” challenged me to stay strong in faith in every challenge. In this manner Daniel's book helped me to survive in my faith.

Since I got the new Bible, I didn't know from where to read. One day as I was turning the Bible pages I came upon Isaiah 44 and the Holy Spirit guided me to read from there and it was addressing image worship. Then I was convinced that God had chosen and delivered me from all kinds of devilish worship patterns. Today I am brought to the marvelous light of the Son of God. I became stronger in faith with each day. A few specific Bible verses have been used to encourage me to stand firm in the faith while I am challenged. One such verse from the Bible is Luke 6:40-46, it gives me confidence that I must put a foundation in my spiritual life. In the day-to-day affairs it is more important to obey God than simply calling him Lord and Lord. Christian life is not so smooth there have been many ups and downs. However, the one who has called us is faithful and He will enable us to walk to the destiny he has for us. Even though I have gone through water and fire kind of situations God has sustained me from falling and it is all because of His great faithfulness. While God is faithful we must also be steadfast in our affection and relationship with God our father.

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019

There was so much grief in my life after the death of my wife at the age of fifty. Due to grief I sensed in my body that my blood vessels were broken and I had lost most of my memory. Due to the brokenness of blood vessels I used to have lots of petechiae in my skull. A few days later Pastor Daniel from the Gateway of Heaven Church invited me as a guest. On that particular day the Holy Spirit clothed me and took me to a higher realm in the Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord told me, “I am the Lord who created the heavens and the earth and I know that you are having much grief and dismayed in your spirit. However, I want to tell you that your wife is already with me,” and He also told me, “I will take care of you and your daughter.”Further, He said “I will use you as a sharp sword in the land of India for my glory.” Then with a


little bit of doubt I asked Him; “are you really speaking to me?”Then God said to me, “I am the Lord who is speaking to you. Whatever I say I shall do it then you will know that I am the Lord God Almighty who has spoken to you.” After this intervention of God the grief that was in our family for the last six months left us forever. Moreover, I got healed and I recovered my memory. Then God started fulfilling all the promises He had promised to our family. At present I am working as a field officer in church relation for Gideons International Ministry. For the last seven years starting from 2012 I have been working with Gideons and God has been so faithful. God is enabling me to give my best performance in my work even during the last year and I succeeded in reaching my targets. God has been faithful and never forsaken me even in times of my deepest troubles. God has helped me by opening up all the resources that I was in need of. At present I attend the worship service at F.G.A.G church in Indira Nagar, Bangalore, under the spiritual leadership and mentorship of Pastor Paul Thangiah who has been a great support and blessing to our family. My daughter Sharon is also so happy, worshiping the Lord in the F.G.A.G Church as one of the choir team. I am so glad that Sharon is a growing in the Lord spiritually as a fervent woman of God. She

has been a great support to me in my ministerial works at Gideons International Ministry. We are so thankful to God for all His faithfulness in our Life. Jesus is the ultimate God, by whose image we are made. It is our responsibilities to honor and glorify Him as He is God almighty, who has loved us and given His life for us. He can wash you from every wretched sin just as He did to me. May His everlasting name be glorified. God bless you.

Etymology of the Word


The Greek word for faith is 'pistis' which means absolute trust or belief. In Hebrew the term for faith is 'Hephil' and is used in the sense 'to believe' and could also mean 'hold God' (Gerald F. Hawthrone Ralph P. Martin ed., Dictionary of Paul and His letters). Faith means abandoning all trust in one's own resources. Faith implies casting oneself unreservedly on the mercy of God. Faith signifies laying hold on the promises of God in Christ. Faith demands complete reliance and full obedience to God. The Biblical definition of faith is, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1) (NIV). Let us lay down our complete faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12.2).

Shyam Raj Professor in Theological Studies, Bangalore

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


The Perfect Father Dilu Babu

I have seen the warmth of hands That always holds my shoulders I have heard the tender voice That tells me more further Yes it was Him I never knew Him ‌before Who poured His unconditional love When no one else could You have seen me when my sins run deep And you washed me with Holy Blood Poured out your unending grace My Father, in the heavens above Yes it was Him I never knew Him‌before. When everyone else surrounds me Fails Father you never In my trials and temptations Father you hold me firmly And guide me with your wisdom Yes you are the most perfect Father I have ever Know

Dilu Babu is completing her final year of a B.Sc -Speech and Hearing at Dr. S. R Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing, Bangalore. She is the granddaughter of the late Pastor Asari Upadeshi. Dilu is passionate to work among the youngsters and pray for them.

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


Win Every TRIALS Mini M. Thomas “…Who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?” (Daniel 3:15 KJV)


ne question is being asked to three unique men in a country. The interrogation was "who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?"This question was asked to three young Israeli men; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and by a powerful King Nebuchadnezzar who belonged to the Chaldea kingdom who captured and destroyed Jerusalem and exiled the Israelites to Babylonia (was in power during 630-562 BC). Whilst the rest of the people in the kingdom fell down and worshipped the idol made by the king these three men said, 'No' to the verdict of the king since they believed in Yahweh; the one true God of Israel. They were not ready to compromise their customary worship of Yahweh to an idol. Everyone around them might have advised them to worship the image for a time being, in order to escape from the fire. However, they had only one answer in that regard and it was 'No.'

negative observation about the living God that prompted the young men to demonstrate their belief and trust in the living God. Their fiery faith made it a reality for them to remain alive, in the midst of the fire. This is exactly what happened when they operated faith in their lives and their faith witnessed before the King and the public. It was an angel from heaven sent to protect and rescue these men. God was ready to send an angel for those who trusted in Him beyond their life. They were saved from the fire without any degree of burn to their body or hair. That fire was not to burn them, but it was needed at that moment to show the reality of the true living God. The king witnessed the result of faith. Every person who lives by faith has to face these kinds of questions in various circumstances. The whole world may stand against you and will ask "where is your God? Do you still have faith in God? Our response to these questions should be the outcome of our strong faith. If we are doubtful about our God's power in our circumstances, we can't respond to the crazy questions directed at our faith. Do not compromise the level of your faith with such doubts or according to the situations you face. Here, the king's question challenged the three men's faith. The response of the three men reveals the fact that they had true love and belief in God. There was lot of reasons for them to say "Yes" to the King. But they stood firm in God's commandments. Their faith and

Such a response of the three men challenged the entire country and especially the King. These three men had a strong determination and they said in one voice that "If it is so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand" (Daniel 3:17). Their faith in God didn't waiver even when the fire level in furnace intensified to burn them alive. Prompted by anger, the King left them into the burning furnace. To their great surprise, the King saw one more person in the midst of the fire and all four unharmed. It was the king's

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


lovely bond with God was even higher than that of the burning fire. Their responses were not borne out from the fear of fire, but from the burning faith inside their hearts.

the armies of the aliens"(Hebrews 11:33,34). You may have nothing even now but through faith in such a God who is ready to come down for his children who trust in Him can give you everything you are in need of if you can believe in Him. Though, do not think if you have faith, everything will be ready right away; rather, God works in His way at His time. Be strong to stand firm just like these three men. Even if our situation becomes worse, our faith will not change and it is for

Fire; is it for burning us to ashes?? Never! It is to test our faith. If it is so, take all such trials as an opportunity to reveal the greatness of the living God among the people who question your faith. At times we may be faced with illness, doubts and many other issues relating to our job and relationships. The circumstances we go through may seem like fire threatening to destroy our lives. But we should stand strong in God and we have to remain faithful. As James 1:3 says, "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience." Through the testing of faith, we will be stronger in life. If we have faith, we should face the testing of our faith. Therefore don't compromise on your faith in God in the face of challenging or lifethreatening situations. Since, Jesus never compromised on the crisis at the cross for us, how much more we must have patience in our life when we face trials in life. If we make any negotiation of our faith, the world cannot see the miracle that God kept for us.

Since, Jesus never compromised on the crisis at the cross for us, how much more we must have patience in our life when we face trials in life. If we make any negotiation of our faith, the world cannot see the miracle that God kept for us.

such people that God works. Now, if our Faith is being challenged, maintain belief in the miracles of God. Our God is still faithful in His words and He can do amazing things for us. Still, He can make a way where there is no way. Still, He can divide the sea. Still, He can raise the dead. Still, He can heal the sick. But the stipulation is whether we have an absolute faith in Him. Let our faith grant us with lives that are meaningful and full of testimonies. Let others see many miracles in our life. May God grant you faith that quenches every fiery trail.

The apostle Paul says in the book of Hebrews 11:38 regarding Old Testament people of faith, “… the world was not worthy of them,” indeed, they did great things that many others can't. Explaining further, Paul writes, “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight

Mini M. Thomas is from Pathanamthitta, Kerala. Mini completed her MBA in Information Systems at School of distant education, Bharathiar University and she is currently working as a Software Test Engineer in Techno Park, Trivandrum.

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


Jesus said “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9.23 (NIV)


Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


FAITH THAT GLORIFIES GOD Evg. Blasson N. Mathew Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. Romans 4:20 (NIV)


aith is a choice; we can choose to believe and glorify God or live in unbelief and condemn Him. Whenever we believe in God we are actually glorifying Him and He will be more real in our day today life. Abraham who had a notable personality chose to glorify God, after hearing a theophany, revealing promises and plans regarding his future descendent (Romans 4:20). Abraham could have rejected the word of God and pursued his own way of life. However, God approved him when he was ready to dedicate his life to God's way, even when it was adventuresome. His faith in God built him a pious life that made him a righteous person in the Old Testament period. Only the faith in our life can benefit us as a Christian.

most blessed benefits of life oriented by faith. The most important fact about faith is that we need to believe that God is alive and He is rewarding. The antonym of faith is unbelief which makes a person wicked of heart. On the contrary a person of faith glorifies and appeases God in every moment of his or her life. Obedience and reverence for God are a few prerequisites of faith. For Abraham's faith was all about his obedience to the call of God. We must be joyful about every test of faith since we get approved by that. Let us observe how we can orient a life full of faith. An Unbelieving Heart is Wicked God's word describes the unbelieving heart as a wicked heart; “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God� (Heb 3:12). The Bible encourages us to

The Bible teaches us many lessons so that we can be acquainted with faith. It is interesting to observe the

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019


win every battle in our life by faith and God is not pleased if we shrink back in faith; “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him” (Heb 10:38). The Bible says regarding unbelieving generations, “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Romans 1:21). Glorifying and thanking God are the two main requirements of a believer. God cannot tolerate unbelieving generation. The Bible says “…Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe (Jude 1:5). Let us monitor ourselves so that we can lead a life without doubts.

pleased God by their lifestyle. Father Abraham was a person of an exemplary life and God was so friendly with him. Faith pleases God whilst unbelief displeases God. We lose sorely when we allow unbelief to enter into our life, however, we become greatly blessed when we allow belief to govern our life. The Bible describes the unbelieving heart as a wicked heart. Moreover, unbelief gives us a weak personality because it makes us waver in our determination towards life. Whatever we do in life must be done out of faith. Abraham could have trusted in himself alone and trusted in his own strength, but instead his trust was entirely in God. Remembering that with the help of Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith, we too can glorify God through our belief and trust in him, giving thanks to Him irrespective of our present circumstances and believing in that which is unseen.

Faith Says God is Alive and Rewarding We would all like to have more of God's presence. How might we grow in the presence of God? The Bible says, without faith it is impossible to please God. Enoch walked with God throughout his life span and he was well pleasing to God in everything that He had been entrusted with. Hence, God took him to where He is. If God is not pleased in our lives, we are unable to walk with Him. (Heb 11:5-6). There are two things the Bible required of a believing generation and they really are rather simple. Firstly, we must believe that He is the living God or that God is alive; and we must continue in our belief even when things become worse or situations seem to be difficult. Our circumstances are never too great for our God and he is a stable God, who lives forever. (James 1:17). Secondly, we need to believe that our God is a God of rewards. The Bible says He is a God who rewards our faith. (Lamentations 3:22-23, Heb 11.5-6). When the promise of God came to Abraham, irrespective of his family inheritance and eldership in the home, he confirmed God as his great reward and left everything else for the sake of God. Hence, we can observe that Abraham strongly believed that God is his great reward. The Bible says, “After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward" (Genesis 15:1). We also have to believe in God's resources and the resources of the Word of the Lord, which brought forth everything in the earth and also brings things in our own lives (Heb 11:3). Even at present, the same Word can bring forth new creations in our lives and circumstances. Jesus once said, “…It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). We must live by dominating the things of the world by the power of the Word of the Lord.

Faith is Obedience to God We must be people of obedience, simple, humble and pure in spirit. Abraham's faith was all about his obedience to God who called him. “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later received as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Heb 11.8). Faith is Generated out of Reverence The Centurion in the Bible had a humble heart. Moreover, he had a great reverence for God so that Jesus Christ has appreciated his faith and highlighted his faith above everyone' in the whole Israel. But the centurion said, "Lord, I am not worthy for you to come under my roof, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Mathew 8.8). Similarly, when God asked Noah to make an ark; he had done it out of fear of God. “By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith” (Heb. 11.7). Faith Makes Us Righteous The Bible says my righteous shall live by faith. “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all of them that believe: for there is no difference” (Rom 3.22). For therein is revealed a righteousness of God from faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith. Test of Faith for Approval In our Christian life we ought to live by faith and not by sight. The more trials and tests we face the more pure we become and as a result for sure we will have a crown of life. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him.”

Faith Glorifies and Appeases God Abraham glorified God by his faith in God, rather than wavering through unbelief. He became known as the Father of Faith. Abraham's faith was generated out of his obedience to the plan of God (Heb. 11.8). It is interesting to note that few believing people of God in the Old Testament have understood the revelation of faith by which they pleased God and lived in the blessings of the Lord. When they lived by faith they

Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019

Before God approve Abraham He said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love Isaac and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Genesis 22.2). When Abraham was tested by God, he humbled himself and believed in God the more. Abraham 17

believed a God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing. Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping-believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, "That's how many descendants you will have!" (Romans 4.17). Abraham's faith glorified God and His great name in the earth.

unbelieving heart is wicked. Always believe that our God can come alive when we are in distress and trouble as the Bible illustrates Him as a God who is alive and rewarding. Let us do everything out of faith by which we may glorify God. Without faith it is difficult to obey God since the plans of God are greater. The more we live in the fear of God, it will bring forth a higher level of faith in our lives. Faith makes us righteous and the test of faith produces approval from God to live the best for Him.

Let us build a believing heart as the Bible says an

Our Belief and Practice There is one God, existing eternally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. John 10:30; John 14:26; Philippians 2:5-7 The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains every answer to man's problems. (2 Peter 1:20, 21; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) God is Love and He loves all people. It is His desire to reach out to those who are poor, oppressed, widowed or orphaned, and to heal the brokenhearted. (1 John 4:16, Psalm 68:5, 6)

Water baptism is necessary, it is taught and demonstrated by Jesus, as the way for believers to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:4, Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 28:19) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God and it is necessary for our spiritual growth. God develops in us the character of Christ and to live every day in God's will. (Acts 2:4, Matthew 3:11) Spiritual gifts are the blessings of the Lord. It is intended for the edification of God's people (the Church) and an evidence of God's existence and power to unbelievers. The gifts of the Spirit are active and relevant today. (1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11) It is necessary to allow the ongoing process of God's character in us for our Sanctification. (Galatians 5:22-25, Romans 6:19) Divine healing is a fact and it is an active work of Jesus in lives. The Bible says God is the Healer. Healing includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual restitution. (Matthew 10:1, Luke 9:11, Matthew 9:35, Acts 10:38) Hell is a real place and the Bible says so. It is a place of permanent separation from God where there is a lot of suffering and it is meant for those who die without accepting Christ. However God desires that no one be separated from Him for eternity, which is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth. (Revelation 20:12-15, Hebrews 9:27, John 3:16-18) Jesus will come back and take all those who have accepted Him as Savior to be with Him for eternity. (Acts 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Hebrews 9:28)

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Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019



A personal relationship with God through salvation is the plan of God. Nobody can change anyone unless through God's unearned favor for transformation. By admitting we have sinned and believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and accepting Him as Lord, we can have eternal life with God. (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 2:8, 9, Romans 5:1)


Man is created in the image of God but separated from God by sin. Without Jesus we cannot have a relationship with God. (1Timothy 2:5, Genesis 1:26)


Kingdom Perspectives | September - October 2019



Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.� Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

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