kingdom perspective March- April 2020

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Volume 1 | Issue 6




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Comforting | Inspiring | Word of Life and Spirit

Life Eternal

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Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


CONTENTS Life Eternal Rev. Thomas Mullackal


Alive in Christ Testimony of Thenmozhi Aniyan


Keeping Faith, Amid Covid19 Kezia Merin Chacko


The possibilities of a Supernatural Life Evg. Blasson N Mathew


The Shepherd's Song; A Reflection on Rising Responsibilities of the Church Evg. Ditty Thomas


Poem: New Year Resolution Jijo George


Etymology-Life Rev.Shyam Raj


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Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


President: Blasson N. Mathew Chief Editor: Sherin Johnson Creative Head: Jose Valiyakalayil Co-ordinator Overseas: Betty Joseph Subscription Co-ordinators: Roshin C. Raju, Jithin Abraham and Kevin C.K. Special Thanks: Jessica Coutinho, Michelle Knowles Keziah Merin Chacko, Pr. Sunny Kuruvilla, Evg.Ditty Thomas.

EDITORIAL The ability to remain calm during times of trouble can be one of our greatest testimonies to the world.


Life; the Bible is speaking about is not temporal, rather it is eternal. Those who received the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior have passed from death to life, eternally (John 5:24). Hence, believers can remain calm in the midst of any fearful circumstances in the world. It enables us to hush a cry, calm a riot and rejoice in painful situations and trials. The Bible says “truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). We are able to bear more fruits when we are pruned through difficult circumstances in life. If we try to keep our lives only for ourselves, we are destroying it from its purposes. Therefore Jesus said; “for whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Mat 16:25). Jesus never felt His life dear to Him, rather He becomes a bread of life for the whole world. Since he died for all of us in the cross of Calvary as a bread of life He shares the promise that; "I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst (John 6:35). During this time of global uncertainty due to Covid-19; let us be bold in our hearts and neither be troubled nor afraid. Stop yourself from being agitated and disturbed; do not be fearful and intimidated. The ability to remain calm during times of trouble can be one of our greatest testimonies to the world. Moreover, we ought to sing in the midst of our temporal suffering. As you read this edition on life, may God enable us to receive the benefits of Life God has promised through Jesus Christ.

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020




BLASSON N. MATHEW President, Kingdom Perspectives

esus Christ has attested His glory by performing an enormous miracle in the wedding of Cana. The Bible says “this is the first of His signs; Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested His glory. And His disciples believed in Him� (John 2.11). Though many were blessed at the wedding, the most blessed among them were the disciples of Jesus. Since, by seeing the miracle the disciples believed in Him. Belief in Christ matters a lot. The disciples' lives were transformed to be like Jesus' when they were able to believe in Him. When you believe in Christ your life will be transformed to be like His. For instance, the disciples of Jesus have shaken the world upside and down due to the fact that they exercised the power and authority of God (Act 17.6). The Bible says one who is born of the Spirit and water is different from one who is born of the flesh. Once you are born again, consequently you are entering into God's kingdom and enjoying its power and authority. Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit (John 3.5). The world and its bad influences cannot touch anyone who is born of the spirit. Therefore, it is very important for us to believe that, 'Jesus is the Lord' and confess with our mouth that 'He is resurrected from the dead (Romans 10.9). Godly character is evident in all who are born again, in view of the fact that they cannot even sin again (1 John 3.9). Every bad habit is carried away from all who are having the spirit of Christ. Nobody understands what has been prepared for those who are born of God. God has called us to be spiritual. We overcome the world by the Spirit of Christ which is in us by whom we share the same authority and character of Christ. Let us believe in Christ, repent of our sins that we committed against God and turn back to Christ. Let us destroy the works of the evil and win every difficult circumstance by believing in JESUS CHRIST.

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


“Do not give-up on what God has asked for; He is capable to do what He has promised” Blasson N. Mathew


PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


Life Eternal Rev. Thomas Mullackal hinking of the fullness and duration of this wonderful life, W. B. Hinson, a great preacher of the last generation, just before his death spoke from his own experience that "I remember a year ago when a doctor told me, 'You have an illness from which you won't recover.' I walked out to where I live five miles from Portland, Oregon, and I looked across at that mountain that I love. I looked at the river in which I rejoice, and I looked at the stately trees that are always God's own poetry to my soul. Then in the evening I looked up into the great sky where God was lighting His lamps, and I said, 'I may not see you many more times, but Mountain, I shall be alive when you are gone; and River, I shall be alive when you cease running toward the sea; and Stars, I shall be alive when you have fallen from your sockets in the great down pulling of the material universe!'"

writer of the fourth gospel – John summarizes his purpose in writing it that “all his readers may have the benefit of life in abundance.” Hence, he says “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31).


God –Yahweh, is the source and sustainer of Life. According to Genesis 2:7, "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." The holy Bible portrayed God as the giver of life and distinguishes living organisms from inanimate things. Abraham believed in God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not (Romans 4:17). We come across uncertain living experiences in varying qualities of life by the length of our days. However, the Bible says God is the creator who even has authority over one's each day. The one who could not comprehend this fact choked in life between sins, worries, worldly pleasures, hunger, sickness and sorrows (Mark 4:19; Luke 12:15). Life in this world is fleeting and uncertain. People are discontent and lacking something in life. Abundant life is the need of the hour and is found in the Bible. The theme of the Bible is the eternal life and the

The origin of life is a mystery that even science can't yet explain fully. However, a combined study of the Gospel of John and the book of Genesis' first chapter establishes the importance of eternal life and the origin of life. The book of Genesis, talks about the origin of life and the gospel of John speaks of Christ who became our light- the life of man. Though the idea of life is the central motif of all the four gospels; the

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


abundant life in Christ. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus Christ offers an everlasting life for all who can believe in the Father who sent Jesus to the world (John 5:24). “Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live” (John 5:25). Eternal life begins when we are born anew in water baptism. In Baptism we are buried with Christ into His death and raised from the dead to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4). Hence, we become born of the water and Spirit (John 3:3-5). As we are raised with Christ, we are made alive together with Christ (Colo. 2:12-13). Thus we are clothed in Christ and become sons and daughters of God through faith in Christ (Galatians 3:26-27). A blessed life begins since we initiate to walk with Christ. Moreover, His Spirit is offered to those who believe in Him. Jesus says “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37-39). How do we experience the joy of eternal life at present? If we study the 15th chapter of the Gospel of

John, we can understand it better. 1. The secret of living is bearing fruit - John 15:8 2. The secret of bearing fruit is abiding - John 15:5 3. The secret of abiding is obeying - John 15:10 4. The secret of obeying is loving - John 14:15 5. The secret of loving is knowing – 1 John 4:8 By knowing God, we approach to love Him. By loving Him, we will obey Him. By obeying Him, we will abide in Him. By abiding in Him, we will bear fruit. By bearing fruit, we will experience the joys of abundant living. Let us be controlled by the spirit of Christ to live in peace full of life. Our wonderful teacher and guide, the Holy Spirit will help us to know more about Christ by guiding us on the right path. The Bible says “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). St. Patrick, 'Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus' reads “I was freeborn according to the flesh. I am the son of a decurion. But I sold my noble rank - I am neither ashamed nor sorry - for the good of others. Thus I am a servant in Christ to a foreign nation for the unspeakable glory of life everlasting which is in Christ “Jesus our Lord.

Rev. Thomas Mullackal is currently holding the responsibilities such as Pastor at Hebron Fellowship, Dallas and Academic Dean in Dallas School of Theology. Rev. Thomas Mullackal is married to Blessy. They have two daughters named Feba and Sneha

By knowing God, we approach to love Him. By loving Him, we will obey Him. By obeying Him, we will abide in Him. By abiding in Him, we will bear fruit. By bearing fruit, we will experience the joys of abundant living. Let us be controlled by the spirit of Christ to live in peace full of life.

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24


PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020

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Alive In Christ Testimony of

Thenmozhi Aniyan the middle of the night, I woke up from the bed with fear, trembling, shivering, sweating and looking around while others were sleeping peacefully. Yes, that was the night I heard the voice of The Living God three times, hearing “your faith will save you.” It happened sixteen years ago, in 2003, and it was the turning point in my life. I knew nothing about Jesus except knowing that he is a god of the Christians sinceI was born and brought up in an Orthodox Hindu family. The place where I grew up is a village, where only Hindus live and we had no access to Christianity and Christianity had no access to our village. My forefathers only built the temples in our village. We were very spiritual and worshipped our gods faithfully. I was brought up well. I had never felt that I was a sinner and I needed a Saviour. I never realized the importance of knowing Jesus Christ.But God has his own way to reveal Himself to his chosen ones. In His time, He brought me out of my village with a divine purpose.While I was searching for a job after my graduation, my cousin who married a Christian and got converted to the Christian faith invited me to stay with them and search for a job. So my parents sent me there but my relatives and friends warned me not to go there as Christians would convert others to their faith. So I was very careful and strong in my faith. I used to be alone and chant mantras and offer prayers when they had family prayer. As time passed, they slowly started talking about Jesus Christ and some students from the nearby Bible Collegeused to visit me and share the gospel with me. I didn't like it. I used to argue with them and defend my faith. It was our practice that every morning after having a shower, I used to chant mantras and offer prayers to our god. Butone morning as usual, when I sat to chant mantras I could not do it and I was verydisturbed.I became disappointed in my religious life as something was troubling me and for the first time I felt unsatisfied. One midnight while I was in deep sleep, as I stated in


Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


the beginning, I heard a voice saying, “your faith will save you” and the voice was very clear and I heard it three times. I never had such an experience and had no idea what was happening. The next morning, I shared it with my cousin and she told me that it was the voice of God and she suggested me to read the Bible.I never heard that our gods speak to people through dreams or visions but when I realized that the god of Christians speak to people through dreams and visions, I became so curious to know about him and started to read the Bible. I started reading the Gospels and there I encountered Jesus who came to the world to save the people from sin. I started to make sense of what my cousin and the Bible college students were sharing with me about Jesus.I got convinced that I was a sinner and only through faith I would be saved by His grace.The Gospels introduced Jesus not as the god of Christians but as the Saviour of the world. I felt delivered from a system which kept us blind towards the reality of sin and eternal death. My eyes were opened to see the sinfulness of the human heart and the need to be saved. I sensed that I was lost but was found by Jesus and experienced the peace of God Which I cannot explain in words but started enjoying the inexpressible joy of being found by Jesus. As I have found a new identity in Christ and felt belonging to a new family of God, my heart grieved for my parents and siblings who continued to follow the worthless system which offered nothing more than a sense of fear, hopelessness, and disappointment. But they were content with their age old religious system and were dead against my newly found faith in Jesus. My mother was upset that I stopped doing pujas and renounced all the systems we were following for generations. What they had feared has happened that I became a follower of Jesus Christ. My relatives suggested to get me out of the Christian environment, but by that time I got a job in the Bible college which they did not want me to lose. The options before me

were either to remain as a secret Christian and follow our parent's system or to sever the family ties and come out. Both these options were not viable as I could no longer remain silent because I found a great treasure in Jesus as well as my family relations were too strong that I had no strength to cut off. So I found a third option which was to pray earnestly to God for opening the eyes of my family members to see the light of the Gospel. My first prayer was for the salvation of my parents and siblings because I could not think of them missing the joy of knowing Jesus the true God. I knew very well that the God who spoke to me in the midnight and convinced me that our salvation comes from Jesus through faith in him, alone can convince my family members. So I was relentless in my prayer and I pleaded with God to save my family. I slowly introduced Jesus to my mother and two siblings and gave them a Bible to read, but had no courage to tell anything to my father. I had serious discussions and we prayed together. God generated interest in their lives and He gradually convinced them that Jesus only is true God. I could see the work of God in their lives and they started growing in their faith in Jesus Christ. We four of us prayed for our father with burden for three long years because as I said, I had no audacity to tell my father that I have found a saviour in Jesus Christ. In fact, my father was a numerologist and people in the village consulted him for predicting the future and solving the problems in their families. But he was a restless and broken person who never experienced true peace or joy in his life. I knew very well that only Jesus could give him peace and convince him of who He is. God is gracious and compassionate who listens to our prayers and honours our desires. One night my father also had a vision of Jesus holding a crown in his hand and he too sensed the call of God to renounce his ways and follow Jesus. I strongly believe that God answered our prayers and convicted him of his sins and the salvation through Jesus Christ. It was

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020

a turning point in his life. He too received the salvation God offered him in Jesus Christ.God honoured my desire of getting baptized together and five of us got baptized on27thMay2007. It was a bit challenging to live in the village as the only Christian family in the entire village. But God has given the boldness to my parents to stay in the village and share the faith with others. Now my father goes around the village to pray for others and to share the Good News with our neighbours. We believe that God will deliver many in our villages to experience the love of Jesus. Praise and thanks be to our God who delivers us from the darkness and gives us the joy of Salvation. Who can resist when God transforms the hearts? Who can stop God when he converts people from falsehood to truth, from death to life? In the meantime, as God was working in us to bring us out of the darkness, my close relatives who were very staunch practitioners of their faith thought of getting me married with a Hindu boy to get me out of the Christian circles I became part of. They brought several proposals and were forcing me to get married. However, I decided to marry only a Christian believer and also wanted to be in the service of this God who saved me though I had no idea of what Christian service was all about. So while I was praying for my family's salvation, I sincerely prayed for a life partner with whom I can serve God because I deeply desired to be employed by God for his great cause. God was gracious in answering that prayer as well. In his sovereign provision, God brought a godly man from Kerala into my life through a leader of the church and we got married in 2008.God blessed us with two lovely children and we had the honour of serving God in different places in different capacities. The greatest joy in my life is knowing Christ and the greatest honour in my life is serving Him. I thank God for His divine plan and purpose for us. No one can thwart it. Praise be to Him alone!


Keeping Faith, amid COVID-19

Keziah Merin Chacko rom the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are living with much fear and anxiety all over the globe. Many of us are being affected by the financial crisis as well. In the midst of all the chaos, it has become crucial for us to stay steadfast in faith and prayer. At this moment, let us be assured that nothing happens without the knowledge of the Almighty God, and everything happens according to divine will.

Our God answers the prayers of His righteous servants and heals our land. Let His name be proclaimed among all the people.


In the book of James 1:2-4, believers are urged to consider the worst experiences as joyful, because trials and troubles help us to put more trust in God and makes our faith greater than our fears. As the Scripture says (Hebrews 11:6), it is impossible to please God without faith, hence let us live our lives as warriors of faith. Let us abide by the word of God and assert ourselves, as in Psalm 23:4, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord says, “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. The present situation around the world shows it is high time; we need to return from all our sinful ways and turn back to God, so that He will forgive us and heal our world.

While we are now free from our hectic schedules, take this time as an opportunity given to us by God to dwell in His presence and to build a stronger relationship with Him. Let us also intercede for each other in prayer and may our Lord strengthen us to fight against the struggles which bring us down.

This serious outbreak around the world also reveals that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is drawing near. Therefore, we need to turn away from all our worldly thoughts and pleasures, and submit ourselves and all that we have, for the glory of God. With endurance, let us run the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1).

At the end, when we look back at our lives, we should be able to declare confidently like Apostle Paul did, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). We can't do this alone, so let us surrender our lives to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and may the Holy Spirit guide us through this journey of life. In the coming days let God's purpose prevail in our life. May God bless us all.

As the world authorities feel powerless at this juncture of Covid-19; let us pray together for the entire world. As we pray; may these current issues lead whole mankind to turn towards the one and only living God.

Keziah Merin Chacko is from Kerala. At present Keziah works in Bangalore as a SpeechLanguage Pathologist She is an active member of Carmel Sharon Fellowship Church, Madiwala, Bangalore.

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


Evg. Blasson N. Mathew

The Possibilities of A SUPERNATURAL LIFE Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?� John 11:25, 26

he Bible points to the possibility of the supernatural in the midst of chaos, failure and rejection in life. The gospel of John chapter eleven observes a few biblical perspectives about the supernatural realms. The possibility of the supernatural life is not something that is difficult for a child of God. Jesus had selected Judea to resurrect Lazarus supernaturally from the dead, although a few days ago the Jewish leaders sought to kill him in Judea. He once again deliberately went over there to perform the power of the kingdom of God. Our adverse situations, critical places, things or times are not a hindrance to Jesus. It seems Jesus had selected Judea just to teach his disciples a lesson. The disciples were not happy to go with Jesus to Judea. The people of Judea hated their master; however, Jesus kept no fear or anger in his heart against them. He is a God who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1.17). God moves beyond all natural restrictions and human limitations to prove His presence via miracles, wonders and mighty things. Therefore, it is God's favor that bestows the possibility of the supernatural for us (Romans 8.28, Psalm 5.12, Psalm 84.11, Act 7.910, and Proverb 3.1-4; 33-35).

consistent we are in believing and following Christ since God expects a regularity in faith to work in our life. The supernatural is meant for the one who is assured of God's perspectives and timings for His works. We must be sensitive enough to understand God's ways and discern what to believe and how to personalize His word in our lives to operate in the supernatural realm. Moreover, there is urgency for us to modify all our innate traditional belief systems to receive God's blessings for your present necessities. Supernatural is entailed for those who perceive it by comprehending God through revelation-knowledge. The Supernatural realm is a requisite for the present physical and spiritual challenges.


Be Consistent in Faith Jesus carried people in His heart. He had a few close friends in the city of Bethany at Judea particularly, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Jesus selected the house of Lazarus to operate in the supernatural since He was often welcomed by Lazarus and his siblings. Lazarus's family had constant love and consistent faith in Christ. If you follow Jesus wholeheartedly, He will make sure of your wellbeing. The supernatural from God is meant for all who follow Him consistently in faith. In today's world many seek God for their immediate needs for a time being and lose their hope in God, if

Appraise your consistency of faith to determine God's interventions for a supernatural life. Let us assert how

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


nothing befalls over a time. Many are not able to see God and not capable to receive His blessings in life since they are not constantly following Him and making Him their abode.

the truth and the life; this truth will set us free from all hindrances in life (1 John 5:13). Perceive Supernatural by Comprehending Him in Revelation

Assured of God's Perspectives and Timings It is important to know God's perspectives and timings or seasons to operate in the supernatural. Jesus was seeking God's timing above human determination. Thus, Jesus waited for three more days and sought His Father's will in regard to Lazarus' resurrection. Hence, we read that “he stayed where he was for two more days, and then he said to his disciples, 'Let us go back to Judea'” (John 11.5-7). The disciples were blindly following Christ without much belief about a possibility of a miracle. Check yourself what is prompting you to follow Jesus Christ; if it is a firm faith in Christ then you will find yourself in an atmosphere of the supernatural.

Since Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, there is possibility of resurrection in our life (John 14:6). Death is a reality of life but only Jesus can give us a life beyond death (Romans 6:23). The Bible says “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36). Supernaturally Meet the Physical and Spiritual Needs Whoever says 'the situation seems dismal and there is no hope' Jesus says, “if you believe, you will see the glory of God” (John 11.40). When Jesus called the dead; the deceased had heard the creator – God's voice and came back to life (John 11.43). Jesus knew the fact that even if the decayed body and the situation of the house were not favorable for a miracle; He was able to do it since the resurrection power was in Him. The God whom you trust is able as well as willing to do anything for you if you are able to believe in Him. God has given us His beloved son that we may have life eternal from the wages of sin, sickness and curses of this world (Romans 6:23). Jesus is the bread of life who is able to take away every physical and spiritual hunger of the human race (John 6:35). Commit yourself to Christ and live the rest of your life meaningfully. May you have eternity while receiving Jesus - the light of life (John 11:25, 26, John 8:12).

Believe and Personalize Every Word of God A promise of God precedes every supernatural act; this is indeed a fact throughout the Bible. However, activating the supernatural realm depends on how we receive each word of God in our daily life. God is able to prove what He has promised to us in His word. The Bible is full of God's promises; it is our part to believe and personalize every word of God, behave accordingly and get it in our favour. Before performing every miracle Jesus had asked them a question, “do you believe?” All those who were able to believe in Him received miracles in their life. Even here Jesus is stating to Martha that “Your brother will be rise again.” At the first instance she couldn't comprehend the idea that her brother would soon come back to life. Mary and Martha thought resurrection would occur at the end of the day. However, Jesus has made a possibility of a miracle for them in a revelation about himself. The revelation is “Jesus is the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Him will live, even though they die” (John 11.5 I). Although Martha believed in the resurrection at the end of the day, Jesus demanded Martha to modify her belief to a present day supernatural resurrection. When we know Jesus we know the way,

Let us be consistent in faith. Look for the best of God's perspectives and timings to expect the supernatural. Believe and personalize every word of God for the supernatural. Modify every traditional belief systems favorable for all your immediate miracles. Perceive supernatural by comprehending more of His presence in our daily life through more of His revelation. Let us meet all our physical and spiritual needs through the supernatural realm which is open for all who believe in the God of the Bible.

Let us be consistent in faith. Look for the best of God's perspectives and timings to expect the supernatural. Believe and personalize every word of God for the supernatural.

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020



Evg. Ditty Thomas

A Reflection on Rising Responsibilities of the Church

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and village, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:35-36). Today, we need Jesus more than ever before since many are losing their heart and plunging into spiritual and mental distress as they worry about the Covid-19 and the damage it can do to their lives. We usually are hopeful about who we are and what we can do. The question is, how do we find hope in these difficult times? The Bible points to certain solutions for all dilemmas in this regard. Jesus is a compassionate God who moved with sympathy when he saw the people without a shepherd (Matthew 9:35-36). Accordingly, we the church, being the light and lamp to the world, must be a source of hope and life to the world. Amidst the present scenario; the church has increased its responsibility to serve God even more and reach our pain stricken society. Though we learn and practice the ideas of isolation, social distancing and lockdowns from the government. As far as the spiritual warfare is concerned we need to hear from God. Let us seek God's face to fight every issue in life including the virus. We must see God as the essential spiritual emotional and physical healer in times like these.

fellowship etc. It speaks about a journey that starts with hope, goes into darkness and comes back to life. The singer begins with joy. The song is all about our God, the divine Shepherd-King, who leads His people to nourishment and safety. However, the scene in the song quickly turns to darkness. The path which he travels becomes a valley of the shadow of death. But the shepherd's 'rod' and 'staff, becomes the divine guidance implemented to protect and guide the sheep. Thus, the sheep gets comfort.


The Shepherd's song is all about real life and not an idealised picture. It speaks of suffering akin to facing enemies. We have a stronghold and refuge; we do not depend on ourselves but in a God who keeps us. Hence, we read in the end of the Shepherd's song that: “surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life.” Great to see the people doing all they can to help folks in our communities and to meet their physical and emotional needs; but the church should be taking a lead role in helping and providing spiritual bread and drink to the needy. Remember the example of the Good Samaritan, the story in the Bible, which speaks about the need to take care of others. Similarly, let us ensure we have noticed those who are in distress, even if they are often invisible to us. We are capable of bearing the truth. Honesty strengthens our hopes. Finally, there is one more thing that everyone can do. “Prayer!” Let us pray for all. Stay blessed.

Three thousand years ago a young King from the shepherd background called David, wrote a song. It was far-famed in his time and widely renowned even today. It is the Shepherd's song, Psalm-23 “The Lord is my Shepherd.” It is quite popular; even the divas of today would consider it as a great achievement. We sing it in our corporate worship, weddings, common

Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


Close to my Lord , every moment onwards I promised and wrote in the new year diary "old wine in a new bottle ", old resolutions warned, Don't bother! "No turning back", my mind assured motivated to core, I slept tight on that cozy night I sang , Amazing grace , how sweet thy sound though my hands graze the app that browse meanwhile the preaching was echoing loud and clear Little did I know, listening was Way too different from obeying Days passed and weeks ran, time has no mood to pause but my Bible rested and dusted, kept never to be opened one day, the Sermon I heard , Lord curses a barren tree bear the fruit or be withered away, my spirit got struck prevails only the faithful, I stand convicted salvation and grace only my resort, I cried to the lord. fill my emptiness with your love I prayed commit as a lifestyle not to the resolution, I vowed that day.

New Year Resolution

Mr. Jojo George is Working as a software professional in Bangalore and active member in the Madiwala Gilgal IPC church, Jojo aspires to be a song writer for the glory of Lord. He is married to Rincy Jojo.


Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020



Shyam Raj


Professor in Theological Studies, Bangalore

Life is the central theme of the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.The Bible affirms life as a precious gift of God. God remains the source of life, sustenance and its fulfillment.The Hebrew verb Hayah means 'to live,' which cognates in most other Semitic languages, occurs two hundred and eighty four times.The noun Hay means 'life or living beings' occurs forty eight times in the biblical Hebrew.There are three words such as, bios, psyche and zoe used to explain the concept of life by the Greeks. Bios is found eleven times in the New Testament, which originally looked at one's lifestyle. Psyche found hundred and three times in the N.T, which is typically translated as soul and also life.The third word is zoe refers to the natural life- the principle that enables living things to move and to grow. Life in its simplest sense, referred to existence, as opposed to non-existence or death. Life is the nature of God hence He is the source of all life.To live is more than physical existence. The Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord (Luke 4:4.) The Bible not only affirms the value of life bestowed by God through creation, but also calls our attention to the need of transformation and renewal of life. We are the children of God brought forth to be a channel of new life. May God help us to be the channels of God for life affirming and life-transforming realities throughout our life on earth and beyond!

Volume 1 | Issue 2





Comforting | Inspiring | Word of Life and Spirit

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The distinctiveness of

ELIJAH'S PRAYER-LIFE Be Unto the Feet of

JESUS Alive in


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Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020


HINDUSTAN ASHIRWAD MAHOLSAV GOSPEL CRUSADE -2020 Evg. Blasson N Mathew with Evg. Anu Jacob, LOCO Ministries. Gospel is the power of God for salvation. God always attests His word with signs, Wonders and Mighty things. The blessed Gospel Crusade concluded with many miracles and healings in Gujarat on January-2020, God has attested His word. It was a glorious gospel meeting with Vasava tribe in Gujarat where we have seen the powerful move of God; hundreds came to the saving knowledge of Christ. The Harvest is plenty, workers are few. Let us pray for the work of God to continue and let us partner with the gospel vision. It is our prayer that our many lives in various nations be transformed to Christ likeness through the power of the gospel. May the blood of Jesus wash all from every sin; let His word be proclaimed with signs and wonders. May the blessed name of Jesus Christ be glorified!


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kingdomperspectives Kingdom Perspectives | March-April 2020



Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED. Isaiah 53:4-5

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