Kingdom Perspectives Nov- Dec 2021

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Kingdom Principles for Kingdom' Lifestyle

Finding the Help of God

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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

President: Blasson N Mathew Chief Editor: Sherin Johnson Co-Ordinator Overseas: Betty Joseph & Blessy Joseph Subscription Co-ordinators: Roshin C Raju, Jithin Abraham and Kevin CK

Special Thanks: Jessica Coutinho

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Kingdom Perspectives has been made available to you through the help and support of friends and sponsors of Kingdom Perspectives Ministries. All the BIble references are from King James Version, New International Version, New Living Translation, Amplified Bible Classic Edition and Revised standard Version (RSV), Kingdom Perspectives is published by Kingdom Perspectives Ministries, Bangalore, India. For more information Visit our website : +91 9916782434


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


EDITORIAL Sherin Johnson 09



Blasson N Mathew

Rufus Wilson





Grace Libish



Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


Rufus Wilson Rufus Wilson is an Associate Pastor at Cross Culture AG Church, Bangalore, India. Rufus is a graduate from Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore with an M.Div degree. He hails from Kerala and currently resides in Bangalore. He is passionate about teaching and preaching God's word. Moreover, He loves to minister to the youth in different ways and focuses on contributing more to the Kingdom of God through his teaching and preaching ministry.

Grace Libish Grace Libish Kalathil, is a software engineer. She holds a Masters in Computer Applications. She, along with her husband Evg. Libish Abraham supports and upholds a vision to share the Gospel and glorify God.

Rev. Shyam Raj Rev. Shyam Raj has completed his M.Th in mission. He also holds a Master's degree in history. He lives in Bangalore and is a renowned Bible teacher and preacher in India and abroad. He is married to Riji.and blessed with twins Jordan and Joshah.


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

Editorial Sherin Johnson

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


God’ s pr ot ect i on f or Hi s peopl e i s i ndescr i babl e. No one can f at hom how God may hel p a per son l east bot her ed i n t he soci et y. I f God shows i nt er est t o pr ot ect and pr ovi de f or you no one can t ake you away f r om bei ng pr ot ect ed and bl essed. God i s a hor n of sal vat i on f or Hi s chi l dr en. I sr ael i s t he expl i ci t exampl e f or i t . They exi st ed i ndi sput abl y even t hough t hey had gone t hr ough a l ot of chal l enges and f ought wi t h most f i er y enemi es capabl e of dest r oyi ng any saf e pl aces. However , al l t hose who st ood agai nst I sr ael f ai l ed whenever God st ood wi t h t hem. A per son who i s hel ped by God i s l i ke an unshaken r ock. You may f i nd i t di f f i cul t t o r each God or har d t o get Hi s hel p. However , i f you ar e abl e t o t r ust Hi m, sur el y He wi l l meet your needs. I t i s easy t o per cei ve God’ s pr esence and hel p when ever yt hi ng goes al r i ght . However , t he God whom t he Hol y Bi bl e i nt r oduces us t o, i s t he one who comes cl oser t o us even when we ar e i n t r oubl e. God i s our r ef uge and st r engt h, a ver y pr esent hel p i n t r oubl e ( Psal m 46. 1 ) .

Chief Editor SHERIN



Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

PERSPECTIVES Gospel I Literature I Education

God helps those who really find a helpmate in God BLASSON N MATHEW

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


BE A HELPMATE AS GOD IS B L A S S O N N M A T H E W God is willing to help anybody regardless of who He or she is. Since God is so generous he has concerned about all the human beings and the creation alike. He is faithful even when His children are unfaithful to Him. God blesses the human beings with the wonders of His creation even when they are not admiring Him as their creator nor thankful to Him. God keeps His covenant to safeguard us all. God spoke His words and created everything but very few people admired it. Very few are even ready to take the help of God even when God promises His wonderful presence in times of need. More than anything God has given us His own son, Lord Jesus Christ to help humanity to come out of the issue of sin, sickness and curses of the world. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5.6). Many ask the question if there is a good God, why are there still people suffering in the world ? Few say where is the God Who helps? Jesus is the answer for these doubts. The holy Bible says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3.16). Jesus Christ, the Messiah came to the world to show us the kindness of God in reality. Jesus had great compassion for the poor and the needy. Jesus did help them and showed us a way to do as He did. God is looking forward to helping the needy through you and me who are called for it. Hence, God says “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him” (Proverb 14.31). If you don’t cooperate with God in this work of God, He will have many other ways to do His will.


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

God says “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute” (Psalm 82.3). God is a God of the fatherless and the widows “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation” (Psalm 68.5). Jesus said do not despise even a single person in the church, no matter what his or her qualification is. “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Mathew 18.10). In christian perspectives, the weak members of the family are entrusted to the strong in the family. “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5.8). Nobody can question a poor man why he is poor since God judges those who mock the poor. “Whoever mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished” (Proverb 17.5). If you are concerned as God is to help someone surely God will open ways for it. Just take the help of God in prayer. Make all possible steps to keep your vision growing. Be a channel of blessing. God will help you. God assures the Israelite that “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds” (Deuteronomy 33.26). God standing with us is the reason we don't fear anything. The Bible says “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41.10). May the good Lord help you as you fully trust in Him.

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


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Matthew 4:4 ...He answered and said, it is written, Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God.



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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021



hen does a person require help? The answer is easy: one needs help when he or she is in trouble or in need of something. We often refer to the person who helps in our predicament as a helper. The Helper could be one of our siblings, friends, or random people. In the current world, everyone requires help, everyone wants to have someone who is always there to help them, and some are available to help as well. Do we face trials and tribulations as Christians? Do we require assistance in dealing with this situation?


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

In John's Gospel, Jesus personally announced the introduction of the Helper to his companions. John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of truth.” Who is the Helper? Jesus announced the coming of the helper, the Holy Spirit. In John 14:7, 26; 15:6; 16:7b the word used for Helper is Parakletos in Greek, which means “Para” means “side by side” and “kletos” means “one who he is called”. Thus, the word Parakletos means: “One who is called to stand alongside another” – to be beside another person and to help him or her in every need. The word Parakletos has different translations such as Helper, Comforter, Advocate. God gives us the assurance that the Paraclete, the Holy spirit walks with the children of God as a companion and helps us as we confront any trouble. The Helper reminds us what is right and wrong. We live in a sinful world where sin rules. However, in order to live in this world, someone must be there to lead and help us in overcoming the sin on a daily basis. Hence the Bible says in John 16:8 “When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.” Moreover, the Holy Spirit helps us to know what is right and wrong in the world to live a worthy life. Genesis 4:7b “...But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

... the word Parakletos means: “One who is called to stand alongside another” – to be beside another person and to help him or her in every need…God gives us the assurance that the Paraclete, the Holy spirit walks with the children of God as a companion and helps us as we confront any trouble.

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


As humans, we will frequently fail to do what is right, and sin is waiting for us. The Bible says to "rule over it," something mere people cannot do with their own power or ability, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can. The Holy Spirit reminds us about sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). Paul exhorts the Colossian Christians to " a life worthy of the Lord and please him in all ways" (Col 1:10a). He writes to them that they will only be able to obtain it through the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that the Spirit gives. It is obvious that only with the help of the Holy Spirit can a person live a noble life and satisfy God in every manner (Col 1:9, 10). The Helper helps us to see Jesus. When Jesus was comforting His followers, He promised that the Holy Spirit would enable them to see Him. They could see Jesus with their own eyes when He was physically present with them. But Jesus assured them that He would depart from them for a while, and that in the meanwhile, they would be unable to see Him with their own eyes.

But Jesus promised them that they would see Him with the help of the Helper, the Holy Spirit (John 14:19). This confidence is for those who follow Jesus and His commandments, not for the world. The true significance of seeing Jesus is all about realizing who Jesus is. Who exactly is Jesus? When Jesus explained to the disciples, they could not understand what He was saying. However, we can see in the book of Acts that when the Holy Spirit poured on them, they recognized what Jesus had told them, their eyes were opened, and they realized the ultimate figure of Jesus, who is He? Why did He come to the world? John 15:26, 27 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.” The Holy Spirit will intercede in the hearts of the people in order for them to see Jesus, and He will witness.


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

Not only does He speak, but He also enables us to testify to others about Jesus, as the disciples did once they received the Holy Spirit. Paul writes to the Ephesians in his epistle, Eph 1:1717 “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Paul's prayer for the Ephesians is that they will get the Holy Spirit so that they might get to know Jesus better over time; in other words, the Holy Spirit will help them get to know Jesus better. Conclusion As a Kingdom citizen, we have a purpose even though we are living in a world which is so perverted. Once we were unaware of that purpose but through Jesus Christ it is unveiled to us. Moreover, Jesus has guaranteed us a companion to remind us about what is right and wrong. Our companion the Holy Spirit helps us to see Jesus explicitly and instructs us about what Jesus has taught. He enables us to live a worthy life in the world. As a Christian we have the biggest assurance than anyone else can get. Let us be assured that the Holy Spirit, our companion, will always be beside us to help us in every time of our need and much closer in times of trouble. “Search the Truth, Listen to God, live a purposeful life."

He writes to them that they will only be able to obtain it through the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that the Spirit gives. It is obvious that only with the help of the Holy Spirit can a person live a noble life and satisfy God in all manner

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


Rev. Shyam Raj ETYMOLOGY

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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

EBENEZERTHE LORD WHO HELPS The Hebrew word Ezer is used for God who gives help to a person. God assisted the people of Israel in the battle and Samuel called the place Eben-Ezer - Hitherto the Lord helped us (2sam 8:5). Our help is in the name of the Lord. Many of the Psalms convey the message that God of Help is our fortress and refuge. Another important Hebrew word is Yasa, which means, the one who gives assistance to another person, but often the term is used to describe God's gracious assistance to His people. Quite a number of times in the Hebrew Bible we see the passage the Lord is our Help in times of need. The Greek word for help is antilempsis, which is found 484 times in the New Testament. The meaning of the term is a laying hold of exchange. The epistle to the Hebrews encourages the Christian to rely on Jesus, for Jesus is the one who is able to help those who are being tempted. He is the high priest in whom the Christian can find help in times of need. Therefore, in times of opposition, distressing dilemmas, emerging persecutions, challenging life situations, in times of financial assistance and life threatening questions, let us all put our trust in the Lord-EbenEzer, who is the maker of heavens and the earth, the sole stone of our help.

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Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, the shield of your help, and the sword of your triumph! Your enemies shall come fawning to you, and you shall tread upon their backs.”

Deuteronomy 33.29


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021



elp! This word signifies a cry, a need, an intervention, an


Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

We have a God who beats every Superhero the world has ever seen. So with that assurance, let's call out to our ever present God at all times as there is no one like Him.

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Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021

Kingdom Perspectives I Nov -Dec 2021


PSALM 121: 1-8


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For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 10.45

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We acknowledge the fact that thousands of people in India and abroad heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through our ministry and it was possible only with the help and support of friends like you. We are very much thankful to all our dear friends and families for being a blessing to build the kingdom of God with all KPM Ministry initiatives.

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GALATIANS 6:2 "Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."

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