3 minute read
Different Means to Godliness
Pr. Bijoy Varghese
KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education G odliness means Piety by virtue of being a godly person. It is an important subject in the Bible. Piousness is the best character that the Bible apprises to have in life for every Christian. Godliness is a means for fruitfulness in daily life without which it is difficult to please God. Moreover, without obedience to the commandments of God's word, it is not possible to have a devoted life. In 2 Peter 1:7, Apostle Peter says, it is one of the Christian characters that we should cherish once we become children of God. Therefore, it is important to know what godliness is from the word of God. Godliness is God-likeness that directs us to seek the perfect will of God. Once we become the children of God, it is very important to understand the will of God. We know the will of God only through His word. Further, Praying to God and fellowship with cobelievers are the ways to achieve the will of God in our lives. It is God's desire to save the entire world in Jesus C h r i s t . H o w e v e r , G o d n e e d s H i s c h i l d r e n ' s participation in this great work, which He has been doing all through the ages. Further, God intends for all who are saved by Him to be partakers of divine nature in sharing the gospel. The Bible clearly says in Rom 8:29, "For whom he foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son."
Source of Godliness
The spirit of God, who is the spirit of truth, is the source of godliness. As we read in Revelation 22:1, may the good Lord help us to meet with Him and enable us to receive the living water from the Heavenly throne so that we may grow in godliness.
Challenges to Godliness
It is not too easy to follow Jesus in His footsteps. As we are living in the last minutes of the last hour of the end of the ages, there is an increase of sin and iniquities in the world. Even sin has crept into the church. However, God is doing incomprehensible things in the world today. There is a remnant who never bows down before sinful pleasures of this world similar to the days of Elijah where God has kept seven thousand people who did not bow before Baal. We shall not allow our lives to float as water flows rather we should stand against worldliness and stand strong for God. We must believe that God is preparing a glorious church for the rapture of the Church. Godliness is nothing but God likeness in perfect accomplishment in life. If we live with the father in our personal life, God will enable us to live for the father in our public life. We should follow Jesus in every step of our life. It is the heart of God that we should have godliness. Hence, when Jesus was preaching on the mount, said, “Therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in Heaven is perfect. May the good Lord help you to grow more in godliness.