8 minute read

Perception of Godliness In The Kingdom Of God

Evg. Blasson N. Mathew

Perception of Godliness in the KINGDOM OF GOD


“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1.27)

God desires that you may have godliness and be A means to apprehend the meaning of godliness is by blessed with a pure lifestyle and purpose knowing it as one of the major principles of the oriented living. Perception of Godliness in the Kingdom of God. Further, personally experiencing the Kingdom of God is entirely different from all parallel Lord is a means to comprehend godliness. Many may secular ideologies. Godliness is a multidimensional ask, is it practical to have godliness in life? The ideal character that motivates us to lead a purified lifestyle character of godliness is made possible by many Bible with a sincere heart for good works. God's concerns characters. Tabitha is one such character in the Bible, are far above human concerns. God of the Bible is a with godliness, by her choice. Further, we must know holy God who has much concern for the unfortunate how important it is to have zeal for purity in our and destitute. God desires that we must carry the same personal life and work at this perilous time of a pervert concern. Accordingly, the biblical perspective of generation. “religion” is all about living an unstained life by caring for the various needs of orphans and widows who Godliness is a Principle of the Kingdom of God represent the weak in the world (James 1.27). Lord Obedience to the principles of the kingdom is the Jesus is the one who really fulfilled the heart desires of means for kingdom blessings. Therefore, it is very the father and gave us a good model in godliness. important to observe the principles of the kingdom Jesus has healed and comforted many; not for the sake and its various concerns taught by the Lord Jesus of healing, rather it was His compassion for mankind. Christ. However, to be blessed with kingdom Jesus really loves you and cares for you. There are no blessings, first you must get cleansed from every sin, issues that His love and concern for you cannot deal sickness and curses of this world and be spiritually with. free by the precious blood of Jesus. The Bible says He took our pain and bore our sufferings. Further, Jesus

was pierced for our transgressions, nailed to the cross be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men for our iniquities and by His wounds we are healed (Mathew 5.13-16). Many are in the condition of being (Isaiah 53.4-5). Anyone who calls upon the name of trampled by the people. Some are trampled by their the Lord will be saved (Romans 10.13). All such people family members and others by the worldly people. We who are born again in Christ are created for the good must also note that a person who doesn't hold fast to works (Ephesians 2.10). A wise and an understanding godliness will lose meaning in life, resulting in no real person will always have his own way of godliness by purpose while living. The real purpose for which God leading a good life and doing good works with much had called us, is to do good. The Bible says we must not meekness (James 3.13). Moreover, God commends grow tired in doing good and in due season we shall that it is very important for us to stir one another up in reap what we have sown in life (Galatians 6.9). sincere love and good works in the church (Hebrews 10.24). When we engage ourselves in kingdom Jesus is a Good Example of Godliness concerns, all things shall be added to you (Mathew Whoever met Jesus never felt he is merely a religious 6.33). Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all person without godliness. He always carried the the days of my life… (Psalm 23.6). burden of the weak in society. Jesus once went into the Further, Jesus said “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven (Mathew 5.16). Lord Jesus has compared the visible light with good works. So that it is not only our messages that people observe but all the good works we do in life. On the other hand, the devil may always tell you what you don't have but rather, you think about who you are in Christ and what good you can do, trusting in the Lord. house of Zacchaeus (Luke 19.1-10). Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector in Jericho; he earnestly desired to see Jesus Christ, but when he met with Jesus, that instant meeting transformed him to be a man of generosity in giving half of all he possessed. The love of money is the root of all of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). He was a man with a lot of such sins. However; Jesus, who loved sinners, found him and transformed him in the first instance. In addition, Jesus said you are the salt of the earth; but Life Story of Tabitha - A Paradigm of Godliness if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made It is a great blessing to lead a godly life, since God is salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to involved in it. God will bring out a lot of godly

Today's world lacks people with the zeal of God for purity in personal life and good works. Even though there are some who carry the good qualities of godliness and true spirituality, on the other hand, respect and love for God and elders is deteriorating in our society as days go by. The atmosphere where our children are raised could be a reason for such fragmented relationships.

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education

God desires that you may have godliness and be blessed with a pure lifestyle and purpose oriented living. Perception of “ Godliness in the Kingdom of God is entirely different from all parallel secular ideologies. Godliness is a multidimensional character that motivates us to lead a purified lifestyle with a sincere heart for good works. God's concerns are far above human concerns. God of the Bible is a holy God who has much concern for the unfortunate and destitute.

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education purposes in your life. The Bible illustrates the life story of Tabitha, who was a woman of good works and charity (Acts 9.36). She was known for her good deeds, but she fell sick one day and later she died. Most probably she would have left behind many good dreams, purposes and visions. However, we see God intervening in her life by sending Apostle Peter and bringing her back to life so that she can live out these purposes for many more years to come. This is our God, who is the owner of life. He adds purpose to our life on earth as well as in eternity. God rewards you on earth and eternity in accordance with what we have done on earth (Galatians 6.7).

Godliness is a Choice

Jesus once said to the disciples, “whatever you have given to the poor, you have given to me and whoever of the weak you receive, in my name, you have received me” (Mathew 25. 31-40). However, helping the needy is a choice and God has given that option to us. When we do something for those who are in need, we make an opportunity for people to praise the name of the Lord. Hence, both the giver and receiver are reciprocally being blessed when it is wholeheartedly done. Moreover, we add a purpose to life, when it is done sincerely. A person's whole being is involved in fulfilling this very purpose in life. We also learn more about the generosity of our Father and we never lack anything when we choose to lose what we have for the needy. Therefore, let us strive to fulfill the wish of God to meet with the needy and help the weak in our society.

Zeal of God for Purity in Personal Life and Works

Today's world lacks people with the zeal of God for purity in personal life and good works. Even though there are some who carry the good qualities of godliness and true spirituality, on the other hand, respect and love for God and elders is deteriorating in our society as days go by. The atmosphere where our children are raised could be a reason for such fragmented relationships. It is partly due to the fact that parents find less time for their children, since they are in a hurry to make money in meeting the demands of their daily life. Thus, many have not lived to full potential. Further, many live as if they don't have any liability to parents, society and themselves. We must rather, in this century, prioritize godliness. Attitude matters a lot in this regard. Jesus, who carried the love of God, is a good model for godliness. He visited many in their homes and freely spoke to different strata of the society. We should be social beings, engaging with all sorts of people in the society and should not keep differences in the name of caste, color or creed. Let us not be like the ignorant, but rather, understand the world around us as the holy Bible never resists us. Let us engage in loving and caring for the needy without regard to his or her religion. Finally, Godliness is the gift of God. It is a character that is formed by the Holy Spirit in our lives. If you are able to trust God and yield to the Holy Spirit, you can have it in abundance (Galatians 5.22). You may not have enough time to do everything you would like to do in life. However, God has given you the power to do it within a span of time by His Spirit. Therefore, let us exercise godliness in this world of anxieties and crises with God-given grace and strength. May the good Lord strengthen you.

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education kingdomperspectives.in

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Mathew 5:7

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