Evg. Blasson N. Mathew
Perception of Godliness in the
KINGDOM OF GOD “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1.27) od desires that you may have godliness and be blessed with a pure lifestyle and purpose oriented living. Perception of Godliness in the Kingdom of God is entirely different from all parallel secular ideologies. Godliness is a multidimensional character that motivates us to lead a purified lifestyle with a sincere heart for good works. God's concerns are far above human concerns. God of the Bible is a holy God who has much concern for the unfortunate and destitute. God desires that we must carry the same concern. Accordingly, the biblical perspective of “religion” is all about living an unstained life by caring for the various needs of orphans and widows who represent the weak in the world (James 1.27). Lord Jesus is the one who really fulfilled the heart desires of the father and gave us a good model in godliness. Jesus has healed and comforted many; not for the sake of healing, rather it was His compassion for mankind. Jesus really loves you and cares for you. There are no issues that His love and concern for you cannot deal with.
Kingdom Perspectives | Sep-Oct 2020
A means to apprehend the meaning of godliness is by knowing it as one of the major principles of the Kingdom of God. Further, personally experiencing the Lord is a means to comprehend godliness. Many may ask, is it practical to have godliness in life? The ideal character of godliness is made possible by many Bible characters. Tabitha is one such character in the Bible, with godliness, by her choice. Further, we must know how important it is to have zeal for purity in our personal life and work at this perilous time of a pervert generation. Godliness is a Principle of the Kingdom of God Obedience to the principles of the kingdom is the means for kingdom blessings. Therefore, it is very important to observe the principles of the kingdom and its various concerns taught by the Lord Jesus Christ. However, to be blessed with kingdom blessings, first you must get cleansed from every sin, sickness and curses of this world and be spiritually free by the precious blood of Jesus. The Bible says He took our pain and bore our sufferings. Further, Jesus