One of the Chosen

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Your Personal Journey to Discovering Who You Are in Christ Jesus

One Chosen of the

A Product of Blessed Magazine Ministries

Contents Beginning the Journey Settling In Making the Most of Being Chosen What in the World is Going On? Embracing Freedom Loving This New Experience

Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord

Thy Word is like a garden, Lord With flowers bright and fair And every one who seeks may pluck A lovely cluster there Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine And jewels rich and rare Are hidden in its mighty depths For every searcher there Edwin Hodder

Beginning the Journey


t’s not easy to start a new chapter in our lives as it is to turn the page of a good book we’re reading. Many of us go through life repeating the same chapter over and over without realizing it. To begin a journey, let’s look at it as if we’re planning we werea 3-week plan vacation. What items do you pack? For me it’s clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, shoes, toiletries, etc. The same way we prepare for a vacation is the same way we prepare to start a journey. Journey’s can be both exciting and scary because you really don’t know what to expect. Like going off to college. We plan it, get accepted and zoom, we’re finally there, but then what? Realization kicks in and then here comes that horrible feeling of anxiety. Many people enjoy starting new projects, while others enjoy the finished product. But in this journey of walking with the Lord Jesus Christ, we must enjoy the beginning, the middle and the ending. Know what I mean? Every step we take along this journey with Him, is such a wonderful experience because He’s right there with us. Always holding our hands, drying our tears, and cheering us on. Doesn’t that make you feel special…chosen? In the next few pages, we’re going to discuss the stages of beginning your journey with Jesus Christ. So buckle up and let’s begin….Are you ready? 5

Beginning the Journey

Before we jump right in let’s do some house cleaning. Not your actual house, but the temple you’re living in…your mind and body. To begin, we must make sure this is exactly what we want. I say this because God is not going to force Himself on anyone. We must want to answer His call by believing in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God. And, you must understand that you must repent of your sins. 1. Do you believe Jesus is the true Son of God? □ Yes □ No 2. Have you repented of your sins? □ Yes □ No 3. Do you accept God’s FREE gift of Salvation? □ Yes □ No If you answered yes to all three questions, then you can proceed to completing the ‘Declaration of Committing to a Journey with Jesus Christ’. Declaration of Committing to a Journey with Jesus Christ

I, ________________________, declare that today I hear, receive and understand I am committing myself to God. I will listen and follow His commands. I have asked for forgiveness of my sins and believe with all my heart Jesus has forgiven me and I now walk in newness of life through Him. I receive this gift of Salvation and understand I am no longer my own, but now belong to God. 6

Beginning the Journey

Wow! Wasn’t that exciting!? You are now ‘One of the Chosen’. So what does it mean to be chosen? Chosen simply means according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: one who is the object of choice or of divine favor. Do you realize our Heavenly Father chose you from among countless others!!! That’s enough to place a smile on your face.


Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus? Do you understand your importance to Him? This eBook was designed to help you and others discover the true meaning of being chosen by God. What does He expect of you because you’re chosen? What benefits come along with being chosen? And, how can being chosen be a light to others in our lives?

God Chose You was developed by Blessed Magazine Ministries as part of a series of study guides rolling out to assist individuals to understand the journey of being an heir of salvation through Christ Jesus. We hope that these eBooks will assist you in developing a deeper understanding of what it means to live according to the will of God through Christ Jesus.

Religion / Christian / Spirituality Blessed Magazine Ministries

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