bilge saÄ&#x;lam
içerik özgeçmiş.......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Referans Mektubu - Lisans Mezuniyet Belgesi........................................................................................................................................... 5
projeler Mersin Metro Girişi - Prota.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Bubble Tea Branding ve İç Mimari Tasarım - Freelance................................................................................................................... 9 - 11
lisans projeleri Global Production Centre.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 - 13 Journey in Time - Yozgat Roman Bath................................................................................................................................................... 14 - 18 Industrial Theatre............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 - 25 Improv(i)station................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 - 31 Mrzezyno Fishermen’s Settlement................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Pod Street - Tobb Etü..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 - 37
çalıştay projeleri Backyard Platform - Workshop................................................................................................................................................................. 38 - 39
diğer işler....................................................................................................................................................................................................
40 - 43
ben kimim? 12.03.1996
Bilge Sağlam
2002-2010 2010-2014
Beytepe İlköğretım Okulu Milli Piyango Anadolu Lisesi
blgsglm@gmail.com +90 507 666 69 99
ilgi alanlarım
TOBB ETÜ Mimarlık - Ankara GPA: 3.39/4
2014-2015 2017 2018
TOBB ETÜ Eskrim TOBB ETU Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kulübü Koordinatörü Tedx METU Ankara ‘‘X’e Deger Ver’’ Tasarım Koordinatörü / ODTÜ
2017 2019 -
Erasmus+ West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin/Polonya AÖF Web Tasarımı ve Kodlama
2018 Materiart - the Figure - Ankara ‘‘BIM and Beyond’’ Digital Transition in Construction Symposium e-FIADE Seminar I: Thresholds in Architectural Education - Istanbul 2019 Nesin Sanat Köyü - Görsel Mekansal Yerleşmeler
2016 Size Gelenler Var ! - TSMD yoga
dijital çizim
2017 Schindler Global Architecture Competition Inspiration Hostel Competition
dil yeterlilikleri dijital / analog fotoğraf
gönüllülük projeleri
English - Toe ITP 530 - yökdil 90 German - B1 Html - Orta
deneyimler 2017 Azaksu Mimarlık- Ankara - Staj (4 Ay) Çeşitli ölçeklerdeki proje ve yarışmaların detay çizimleri, animasyon ve görselleştirme gibi aşamalarında yer aldım. Kullandığım programlar: Revit, Lumion, Photoshop, Indesign, 3D Studio Max.
2018 PROTA Mühendislik - Ankara - Staj (4 Ay) BIM ile çalışarak mühendislerle interdisipliner yürütülen büyük ölçekteki projelerde yer alarak, Revit ve Dynamo ile tasarıma katıldım. Prota Yazılım’ın verdiği eğitimle Revit sertikası aldım.
2019 goebl architecture - Viyana / Avusturya - Staj (3 Ay) Konut ve Üniversite tasarımı projelerinin modelleme, görselleştirme, maket, fotoğraama ve grak tasarım aşamalarında yer aldım. Kullandığım programlar: Archicad, Rhino, Photoshop, Lightroom.
2019- freelancer tasarımcı
tasarım yazılımları Autocad
Adobe Premiere Pro
3D Studio Max
Ipad Digital Drawing
Rhinoceros 3D
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe XD
VRAY Rendering
Adobe After Effects
Autodesk Dynamo
sertikalar 2014 2014 2018 2017
Diksiyon ve Beden Dili - Başkent İletişim Bilimleri Akademisi 3D Studio Max Autodesk Revit Procient User Fotoğraf Atölyesi - Ka Atölye Ankara
Mersin Metro Girişleri 2018 Prota Mühendislik Mersin Metro Girişleri tasarımı Kullanılan yazılım: Revit, Lumion
Ürün Tasarımı, Branding, İç Mimari Tasarım ve Görselleştirme 2019 Bubble Moon Tea Cafe Kadıköy, Istanbul. Kullanılan Yazılım: SketchUp, Lumion, Illustrator, Ipad Digital Drawing, Photoshop
Küresel Üretim Merkezi 2019 Atatürk Havalimanı’nın taşınan TAV Binası’nın bulunduğu konum için bir evrensel tasarım ve üretim merkezi tasarımı. Kullanılan Yazılımlar: SketchUp, Photoshop
Sarıkaya Roma Hamamı - Journey in Time 2018 Bu proje, Yozgat sarıkaya Roma Hamamı kalıntılarının izini süreren bir ziyaretçi merkezidir. Kazının ilerlemesiyle, kalıntıların etrafında genişleyerek şehri saracaktır. Böylece Sarıkaya’nın da kazıyla beraber dönüşmesi öngörülür. Kullanılan Yazılımlar: Revit, Photoshop, Lumion
Industrial Theatre, Sao Paulo, CEAGESP Market Hall 2017 Schindler Global Architecture Competition Kullanılan Yazılımlar: SketchUp, Revit, Photoshop, Autocad, Lumion
This design tries to focus on an architectural design problem of the identity loss of Sao Paulo’s CEAGESP market hall area which can be dened through an industrial identity in the past. Over time, with the developing technology and the increasing population, the concept of shopping started to change. This change is required to equip CEAGESP to meet the needs of the times and beyond. This can only be done with an action that deeply affects the shopping culture in that area. Pipelines. It is intended to be a system that responds to shopping speed by providing pipelines’ cycle continuity, which is transformed into a bench at the upper level where the programs are dened, by means of moving bands passing through these 1x1 m wide pipes. Developed design tools and interventions are foreseen to build an industrial identity in CEAGESP and to create a new publicity approach. This approach is to combine the programs and sizes of the eld of intervention. This design action is resulted in the demolition of buildings containing existing programs and the denition of a public size of the buildings that are rebuilt and placed on the walls of the area.
This backdrop, that makes an exhibition of industrial production, involves a circulation scenario through new technological pursuits by using pipelines and drones distributing fruits and vegetable bands to the walls of the area. The transport of vegetable and fruits on the tapes in the service pipelines over the activity ground in a green area is aimed at bringing the opposition of nature and industry together in public and production relations. Thus, both a public space for the city is produced and production bands that give the identity of the whole area become an exhibition object. Thus, it is proposed to transform this circulation into a theater that can be seen and included in. In this scenario, industrial identity is revived.
Inspiration Hostel 2017 Competition 2017 Fransa’nın Verdon Gorge Kanyonu’nda tasarımcılar için ilham hosteli. Kullanılan Yazılımlar: 3D Studio Max, Vray, Photoshop, Ipad Digital Drawing
IMPROV(I)STATION Design is an adventure; inspiration is a main factor that a person needs while designing. When analyzing inspiration and design, there is one point in common which is process. The experiences an individual has had often provide inspiration for their work. The variability of space and making it personal for users is a manner that is similiar to the variability of ideas which also plays a big role during the search for inspiration. Improvisation is the conceptual idea of this project. When doing creative work, a change of scenery can reinvigorate the senses and serve as a conduit for inspiration. Having the ability to create one’s personal space can be a new way of tapping into the general creative process.
The project takes place in Verdon Gorge and is spread throughout 8 kilometers of the river. The main modules that compose the hostel are the studios which oat on the water. In most circumstances, when people create, they are in stationary surroundings. However, these studios in this project are kinetic, like the surrounding owing water, and can be converted into different functions by hostel users. As a result of each surface that breaks down into different shapes, the activities and functions of the space can easily morph into something new and thus can easily create a change of perception for the users. Additionally, it gives the user control of not only their art, but allows them artisitic capablities to create their private working space. Simultaneously, users are given the opportunity to collarborate with others as they journey down the river and visit the other modules. The designer nds himself/herself in an adventure that has no starting or an ending point. The capability to move along the river and be among the constant ow of water helps to add further substance and a deeper experience to the overall journey. The routes were created with natural circulation. The indent of the coastline is used a temporary stopping place. Ultimately, the existing hostel description has been reinterpreted and approached as a whole that is separated into different components in order to provide users with the opportunity to create their own journey.
Fishermens Settlement / Mrzezyno, Poland Software: Revit, Autocad
Pod-Street, Tobb Etü 2019 TOBB ETÜ’de farklı atölyelerden oluşan alternatif bir eğitim ve paylaşım ortamı. Bu projenin interaktif websitesini de projeyle beraber tasarladım. Kullanılan Yazılımlar: Revit, Lumion, Photoshop, Illustrator,After Effects, Indesign, Adobe XD, Wixwebsite
In October 2018 ‘‘E-FIADE: Thresholds in Architectural Education’’ Erasmus+ workshop took place in İstanbul, Turkey. As TOBB ETU team, we came out with a proposal for an alternative architecture education. For this project we’ve created an app demo, website, a board game and an instagram page. ‘‘Backyard’’ is a place that provides interactions between interested participants from all elds and all over the world for a same valuable interest. Aim of this platform is provide skill and knowledge sharing, and spark new experiences. In ‘‘Backyard’’ there are no classes/lecturers/students/ grades, instead of those, we used sessions/participants/experienced ones. Engaging multi-generational, multidisciplinary participants, can bring together old and new knowledge, be it amateur or academic, professional or personal, focusing on the process as much as on the outcomes. The topics/sessions are separated in two main groups: Conver-Sessions and Acti-Sessions. Conver-Sessions are the meetings that can be seminars or discussions before act. Acti-Sessions are the part that invites participants play an active role for the selective case. Instead of changing our institutions or system, we thought of a different approach, plug in or independent way of learning. By our plug in system we propose a platform which will allow students to listen the society, work on society’s problems, and form a multi-disciplinary community which will make the process more than architectural education. With Conver-Sessions and Acti-Sessions our platform will lead the participants to become effective individuals.
https://efiade2016.wixsite.com/backyard https://www.instagram.com/backyard.backyard/