Basicsof Islam
The Islamic faith dates back to the 7th century during the life of the Prophet Muhammad, whose name Muslims often follow with ‘Peace be upon him’ as a mark of respect. In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered the final prophet of God. Muslims believe in a single God, Allah (Arabic word for God). This is the same God of Christians, Jews, and other Abrahamic faiths, and Islam sees itself as the continuation of the message that was originally given to the Jewish people, the Christians, and then finally received by the Muslims.
The Qur’an, which is the holy book in Islam, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PHUB) and is considered the direct word of Allah. Muslims get their religious guidance and instruction from the Qur’an as well as Hadith. Hadith are recorded sayings, words, and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They are compiled and recorded in books through chains of narration dating back to contemporaries of the Prophet who directly witnessed the events. Narrators include his community.
Women are important contributors to hadith literature, and many aspects of the faith would be lost without their stories. Different Muslim communities and sects follow different books of hadith, and some do not follow hadith at all. Instead, these Muslims receive their religious guidance from the Qur’an only. These differences and sects are discussed in more detail in our presentation titled ‘Diversity in Muslim Communities’.
In Islam, there are five pillars, which are considered central components of the faith. These include:
This is the declaration of faith and the belief that there is a single God, and that Muhammad is His final prophet.
This is prayer. Muslims pray in the direction of Mecca. Traditionally, there are five prayers throughout the day
This is the giving of alms in the form of money or material goods to those who need them.
Salat Zakat ShahadaFasting during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset.
Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and signifies the month that the Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
Pilgrimage to Mecca. This is something that all Muslims should do once in their lifetime, if they’re physically and financially able to.
SawmIslam does not have hierarchy or clergy that act as intermediaries between Allah and people, as in some other faiths. This means that Muslims are able to directly interpret religious text for themselves. However, many Muslims also look to religious scholars, leaders, and Imams for religious guidance and knowledge.
An Imam is a person who leads the congregation in prayer. There is no ordination of Imams, but usually they are a respected person with strong religious knowledge and the trust of the community. Imams may be called upon to act as community counsellors, mediators, and to answer religious questions that community members may have.
Islam provides guidance on many aspects of people’s lives. This includes guidance on significant traditions such as wedding practices and days of religious celebration and commemoration. What this looks like in practice varies depending on a person ’ s cultural background, religious sect, and individual interpretation of the faith.
Islam is a religion that places strong emphasis on family, community, equality, and social justice. It is a global faith with a rich history and diversity of practice. There is no one single way to be Muslim.
If you would like to know more about diversity in Islam, you can visit the
‘ resources ’ section of our website, where we have lots of information about this topic –