Wesley Mission Annual Report 2013

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2013 ANNUAL REPORT  Improve Clients’ Lives  Strengthen Our Foundations  Speak Out and Influence  Value Our People  Lead and Innovate

INTRODUCTION Wesley Mission Victoria was founded in 1893 in the


Christian tradition. Today it is a contemporary and practical

2 Introduction

expression of the Uniting Church’s commitment to social justice. Wesley cares about people who experience

5 Services 6

2012/2013 Highlights

disability. Through a range of programs and services, we


CEO and Chairperson Message

respond to people’s diverse needs and empower them to

10 Governance

lead full lives as equal members of our community. Wesley

11 Board

loneliness, disadvantage, vulnerability, isolation and

also helps to address the structures in our society that contribute to disadvantage through our policy, research and advocacy work.

12 Executive Team 15 Strategic Direction – Improve Clients’ Lives 19 Strategic Direction – Strengthen Our Foundations


23 Strategic Direction – Speak Out and Influence

We support people experiencing disadvantage and

27 Strategic Direction – Value Our People

vulnerability to improve their life outcomes. We advocate

31 Strategic Direction – Lead and Innovate

for a more just society.

Vision A community where all people can participate with dignity and hope.

34 Finance and Income 38 Supporters 40 Get Involved

Thank You


Wesley Mission Victoria would like to thank the

¸¸ Hope is the promise of a better future for every

clients, volunteers, staff and supporters who took

person in a fairer world.

part in this report: ¸¸ Lucy Almonte

¸¸ Ebony Greaves

¸¸ Madelyn Burley

¸¸ Callum Hann

¸¸ Ven Choppakatla

¸¸ Josh Iranious

¸¸ Andrew Cox

¸¸ Emmanuel Kelly

¸¸ Don Didsbury

¸¸ Monica Lazzari

¸¸ Adam Doyle

¸¸ Anna O’Brien

into the diversity of the services delivered by Wesley

¸¸ Janene Evans

¸¸ Wesley Mission

Mission Victoria. It provides details of program activities

¸¸ Rob Evers

¸¸ Compassion is seeking to understand the experience of others, standing alongside and being moved to respond. ¸¸ Justice is the right of all people to be treated with respect and fairness in an equitable society.

About this report This report is designed to give our stakeholders an insight

for the 2012/13 financial year. The audited 2012/213 financial reports are contained within a separate document, which is available by request. A summary of the finances is contained within this report. All the quotes obtained within this report have been sourced from Wesley supporters, unless otherwise stated.

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Victoria Board

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SERVICES Disability Services

Aged Care and Support Services

Wesley Disability Services supports people with physical,

Wesley’s Aged Care and Support Services helps older

intellectual and/or neurological disabilities, through

people through a range of services including residential

day activities, overnight and camp activities, residential

aged care, independent accommodation, respite care and

services, respite options and planning.

day group activities, and by supporting people to remain

¸¸ Residential Services

at home.

¸¸ Respite and Recreation Programs

¸¸ Residential Services

¸¸ Community Connections

¸¸ Respite Services

¸¸ Planning and Facilitation

¸¸ Community Care

¸¸ Pathways to Employment

¸¸ Social Support Services

¸¸ Fire and Clay

Children, Youth and Family Services Wesley’s Children, Youth and Family Services provides a range of services to children and young people who, as a result of their experience of neglect and abuse, can no

Crisis and Homelessness Services Wesley Crisis and Homelessness Services support people who are homeless—or are at risk of becoming homeless— by helping them access different housing options, social supports and material aid including food and transport.

longer live with their families.

¸¸ Emergency Crisis Support

¸¸ Residential Services

¸¸ Child and Youth Support Programs

¸¸ Foster Care

¸¸ Case Management and Housing Support

¸¸ Kinship Care

¸¸ Material Aid

¸¸ Case Management ¸¸ Learner to Probationer

Community Detention Wesley‘s Community Detention Program works in partnership with local community organisations to provide asylum seekers with accommodation and support services while they await a decision on their visa status. We provide a culturally sensitive service tailored to specific needs, which aims to support asylum seekers as they transition into the community.

Social Enterprises Wesley Social Enterprises operates a number of social enterprises (businesses that trade for a social purpose) that offer ongoing supported employment and training to people who face barriers entering mainstream employment. ¸¸ Retail Business Services (Trolley Collection Services) ¸¸ Catering Services (The Last Cuppa)

Wesley Employment Services Wesley Employment Services works with a range of

Lifeline Melbourne

employers to provide employment opportunities or

Predominantly staffed by volunteers, Lifeline Melbourne

jobseekers and people with a disability.

provides 24-hour crisis telephone counselling support to

¸¸ Open Employment

those in need.

¸¸ Jobs in Jeopardy ¸¸ Work-Based Personal Assistance

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2012/2013 HIGHLIGHTS Strategic Directions

Crisis and Homelessness Services

In February 2013, Wesley Mission Victoria launched its

In 2013, Wesley achieved excellent outcomes with the

Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2015. This plan provides a

people presenting at our homelessness services. These

framework for outcomes for the organisation for the

outcomes were supported by direct feedback from

years ahead, with five Strategic Directions that will guide

clients and a research report showing the importance of

all aspects of our operational performance. Content in

material aid. The report also found a significant increase

this report has been divided into these five directions.

in positive education and employment outcomes for young people.

Social Enterprises Wesley’s The Last Cuppa is a catering service that

Aged Care Services

provides supported employment and hospitality training

Wesley’s Aged Care and Social Support Services

opportunities for disadvantaged people. In the past year,

supported almost 1,500 clients in 2012/13. During the

The Last Cuppa has increased its annual revenue from

year Wesley Do Care, an aged care and social support

$420,000 to more than $700,000, thanks to a catering

program that responds to social isolation and assists

contract with Gilgunya, one of Wesley’s residential aged

people to become involved and remain in their community,

care facilities. The Last Cuppa prepares healthy, fresh

underwent a significant evolution. The program has

and nutritious meals, seven days per week.

moved from regular, one-on-one visits to include group-

Wesley Employment Services

based activities such as movie afternoons, afternoon tea outings, mens’ groups and craft groups.

In June 2013, Wesley Employment Services opened a new office in Broadmeadows. The then-Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Financial Services and Superannuation, Mr Bill Shorten MP, visited the service to officially open the new site.




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Disability Services

Community Detention

Last year, Wesley Disability Services supported 694

In 2012, Wesley’s Community Detention Program was

people through community options, respite options

given approval to expand its existing service to an

and accommodation options. Throughout the year, the

additional 23 houses. Of these properties, 12 included

service began developing its state-wide Readiness Plan,

family houses in the southern region of Melbourne, as

designed to integrate Wesley’s current service systems

well as eight family properties in the northern suburbs.

while planning for the future directions of the National

As of June 30, 2013, Wesley had 50 clients obtain

Disability Insurance Scheme.

Protection Visas and progress successfully through to

Children, Youth and Family Services In 2012/13, Wesley expanded its Children, Youth and Family Services in Gippsland, opening a second residential care unit and consolidating its programs in the area. The residential care program in Gippsland has a therapeutic focus and is supported by funding from the RM Ansett Trust.

settlement in the community. Wesley also successfully bid for the Refugee Minor Program in Gippsland, to support vulnerable refugees to live in the community. The program continues to expand, providing accommodation and support to a greater number of asylum seekers.

Despite significant challenges in the recruitment of foster

Reviewing our programs

carers, Children, Youth and Family Services in both the

Children and Youth Residential Services, Community

southern and eastern regions have steadily increased

Detention and Disability Residential Services have all

the numbers of carers supporting vulnerable children and

undergone Program and Practice Reviews this year.

young people.

Findings from the completed reviews have informed fundamental recommendations for improving quality

Lifeline Melbourne

of service and in most cases, action plans have been

In 2012, Lifeline Melbourne received 33,156 calls from

developed to address the recommendations made in

people in crisis. This is up from approximately 28,000

the reports.

the previous year.


50+ 135 PROGRAMS


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CEO AND CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE This year marks Wesley Mission Victoria’s 120th year of providing care and support to the marginalised and disadvantaged within our community, as well as being an outspoken advocate on social issues and for those whom we serve.

Strategic Plan 2013-2015 In February, we were excited to launch the Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2015 after an extensive consultative and planning process. Thank you to the many people who contributed to the development of our Strategic Plan: staff and volunteers, the people who are supported by our services and their family members and carers, government representatives, the Uniting Church and

In addition, we reflected on our identity and developed a statement, titled ‘We Are Wesley’, that reflects our heritage; our connection with the Uniting Church and our commitment to its ethos; as well as how we see ourselves as a contemporary and practical expression of the Uniting Church’s commitment to social justice.

National Disability Insurance Scheme One of the most significant impacts upon Wesley as an organisation is the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Wesley campaigned strongly with many other like-minded organisations to help bring about the introduction of the NDIS, and we are delighted that all state governments have now committed to its full implementation.

many other people from the services sector as well as

We strongly support the concept of people with disability

our Management, Executive and Board. It was a positive,

having greater choice and control over their lives through

listening experience that helped bond the organisation

self-management of their funding. The impact upon

with passion and purpose. The Strategic Plan is a

Wesley is that we are re-shaping our service delivery

comprehensive road map that defines the goals and the

model so that we are well prepared to continue providing

outcomes for the organisation for the years ahead, with

services in a competitive market environment. This

five Strategic Directions that will guide all aspects of our

presents us with exciting challenges as we adapt to

operational performance:

a world of competing with other service providers on

¸¸ Improve Clients’ Lives

quality, price and commitment to excellent support.

¸¸ Strengthen Our Foundations

In keeping with the introduction of the NDIS, Wesley

¸¸ Speak Out and Influence

was one of 74 recipients across Australia of funding from

¸¸ Value Our People ¸¸ Lead and Innovate

the Department of Social Services (formerly known as the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, or FaHCSIA). Funding

We also took the opportunity to reflect on our Vision, our

provided was to create a tool for people with disability

Purpose and our Values. We’re delighted that we have

and their carers to help them choose who might deliver

been able to strengthen and more clearly articulate what

their supports.

these mean to us and to all who interact with us.

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Staffing Wesley’s inaugural Minister to Mission, Reverend Barbara Gayler, retired in December 2012 after 10 years’ faithful service. Her contribution to the personal welfare of Wesley’s staff and to the people who are supported by our services was highly regarded and deeply valued. Barbara’s retirement enabled the appointment of a Director of Mission, Reverend (Deacon) Gavin Blakemore.

Risk Management Committee. This year also saw the retirement of Ms Fiona MacDonald, who served Wesley for six years during which time she chaired the Client Services and Social Policy Committee. We thank Randall and Fiona for their invaluable contributions to the development and growth of Wesley. We also welcomed two new Directors, Hon Bronwyn Pike and Ms Raelene Thompson, to the Board in November 2012.

The Director of Mission will implement a comprehensive

Today Wesley is well positioned with a highly committed

pastoral care program throughout all of Wesley’s

Board and Executive, along with enthusiastic staff and

services in Victoria.

volunteers, to embrace the challenges of the future as

The year in review was saddened by the passing of Reverend Douglas Miller, the Minister of the Wesley

we face the many reviews and structural changes taking place in many of the services in which we operate.

Melbourne congregation. Douglas served the Wesley Church with distinction and did much to ensure the ongoing strength of relationship between the church and Wesley Mission Victoria.

Dr Sherene Devanesen Chairperson of the Board

We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Directors who have retired from the Board of Wesley. Mr Randall Kent, who was an inaugural Director, appointed upon the organisation’s incorporation in 2001, retired at the Annual General Meeting in October

Mr Rob Evers

2012. Randall served as both Deputy Chairperson

Chief Executive Officer

of the Board as well as Chairperson of the Audit and

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Codes of Conduct

Wesley’s Board is made up of nine independent Directors

Codes of Conduct have been developed to establish the

appointed by the Company Members: six from nominees

professional standards of behaviour required of Directors,

of the Uniting Church Synod and three from nominees of

management and staff in the conduct of Wesley’s affairs.

Wesley Church Melbourne. The Board consists of these Directors and the Chief Executive Officer.

Corporate Governance The Board of Directors of Wesley Mission Victoria is responsible for corporate governance of the organisation. The Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of Wesley to ensure that it achieves its objective as set out in the Constitution and acts on behalf of its members by whom it is elected and to whom it is accountable.

Corporate Governance Statement It is a requirement that all Directors be independent, with the exception of the CEO, who is a non-voting member. Wesley maintains a register of Directors’ interests, which

In particular, the staff code seeks to provide guidance to staff to assist them to act with confidence and integrity in their interpersonal relationships with consumers, consumers’ family members, carers and advocates. The codes are periodically reviewed and updated as required.

Risk Management Framework The Board ensures that a risk assessment process is regularly undertaken and that control and monitoring processes are both in place and reviewed on a regular basis. The Board is supported in this responsibility through its sub-committees and by the development and formalisation of policies and procedures at the organisational and divisional level.

is reviewed on a periodic basis.

Board Committees

The Board has updated its Governance Charter in

To maximise its efficiency and effectiveness, the Board

accordance with the ASX Principles of Good Governance

has formed a number of sub-committees that consider

and Best Practice Recommendations (March 2007).

specific areas of Wesley’s activities and report back to the

The Charter outlines the roles, responsibilities and terms

Board. Each Committee operates under its own Board-

of reference of the Board and each of its Committees.

approved Charter.

It also includes Wesley’s Code of Conduct, which all new Directors are required to sign. The Charter requires that the performance of the Board be reviewed on a regular basis.

All Directors are members of one or more of the Committees, which are also attended by the CEO and external co-optees, as appropriate. These committees

The Audit and Risk Management Committee has


engaged an independent firm, Pitcher Partners, to

¸¸ Audit and Risk Management Committee

provide an internal audit function.

¸¸ Finance and Property Committee

In recognising the need for the highest standards of

¸¸ Quality Governance and Social Policy Committee

corporate behaviour and accountability, the Directors

¸¸ Remuneration and Nomination Committee

of Wesley Mission Victoria support and have adhered to the principles of corporate governance.

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Directors’ benefits No Director of Wesley has received or been entitled to receive a benefit by reason of a contract made with a firm of which a Director is a member, or with a company in which a Director has a substantial financial interest.

Board Left to right, top to bottom Dr Sherene Devanesen Chairperson MBBS, Dip Obst RACOG, FRACMA, FCHSM, FAIM, FHKCCM Mr David Stannard FCA , FCPA Ms Jill Linklater RN RM BScN MHA GDipHlth and MedLaw FRCNA AFCHSM MAICD Hon Bronwyn Pike BA, DipT, GAICD Rev (Deacon) Andy Calder BBSc, Dip Rec, BTheol, MA Ms Sue Norman Deputy Chairperson BBus, BA, Dip Ed, FAICD, CPA Mr Robert Ewing LLB Ms Gladys Hu BA, LLB. LLM. FAICD Ms Raelene Thompson MBA, GradDip Mgt, GradCert Bus

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Executive Team Left to right Mr Andrew Hilson General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services Ms Rebecca Hodges General Manager, People and Culture Mr Rob Evers Chief Executive Officer Ms Kelly Stanton General Manager, Youth and Community Services Rev (Deacon) Gavin Blakemore Director of Mission

The Carers Recognition Act 2012 The Carers Recognition Act 2012 promotes and values the role of people in care relationships and formally recognises the contribution that carers and people in care relationships make to the social and economic fabric of the Victorian community. Wesley Mission Victoria has taken all practicable measures to comply with its obligations under the Act.

Ms Meigan Lefebure General Manager, Disability and Aged Care Services

Funding bodies Disability Services

Aged Care and Social Support Services

¸¸ Home and Community Care (HACC)*

¸¸ Home and Community Care (HACC)*

¸¸ Department of Human Services

¸¸ Department of Health and Ageing

¸¸ Southern Health

¸¸ Department of Human Services

¸¸ Transport Accident Commission

¸¸ National Respite for Carers

¸¸ Department of Social Services (formerly known as

¸¸ United Aged Care

the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, or FaHCSIA)

¸¸ Uniting Community Care Options Crisis and Homelessness ¸¸ Department of Social Services (formerly known as the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, or FaHCSIA)

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Director of Mission Report I want to start with a word of thanks to my predecessor

of inclusive community and values of hope, compassion

Rev Barbara Gayler, who worked as what was previously

and justice. These Christian values are readily extracted

known as the ‘Minister to the Mission’. She faithfully

from the biblical stories in the old and new testaments,

served in that role for 10 years during an unheralded

from Abraham and the prophets, to the life, death and

time of change since the incorporation of Wesley Mission

resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Victoria, concluding in December 2012.

A significant part of my role is to develop and provide

The steps I now walk in go back 120 years, to the

oversight of pastoral care for staff and clients of Wesley.

establishment of the Central Methodist Mission by the

This spiritual care is part of the holistic, person-centred

superintendent Rev Alexander Edgar in 1893. On Friday,

care that Wesley strives to achieve and I will be working

3 May we celebrated this 120-year milestone with a

on in the year ahead.

special occasion at Wesley Church in Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. On this occasion the main speaker was Professor Shurlee Swain, one of the co-authors of the

May we go about the work we do influenced by some words from John Wesley:

100-year anniversary book The Challenge of the City:

Do All the Good You Can, By All the Means You Can,

The Centenary History of the Wesley Central Mission

In All the Ways You Can, In All the Places You Can,

1893-1993. A good number of staff, volunteers,

At All the Times You Can, To All the People You Can,

clients and supporters from the broader Uniting

As Long as Ever You Can.

Church and community attended to make this an important celebration. As Director of Mission my role includes educating staff and volunteers about the history and Gospel imperatives

Rev (Deacon) Gavin Blakemore

that Wesley was founded on, in service to the needs of

Director of Mission

the world. These are concretely shared within our vision

Social Enterprises

Children, Youth and Family Services (including

¸¸ Department of Education, Employment and Workplace

Community Detention Program)


¸¸ Department of Immigration and Border Protection (formerly known as Department of Immigration

¸¸ Department of Social Services (formerly known as the

and Citizenship)

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, or FaHCSIA) Wesley Employment Services ¸¸ Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Lifeline Melbourne

¸¸ Red Cross ¸¸ Department of Human Services ¸¸ VicRoads *

esley Disability Services and Aged Care and Support Services W are supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program.

¸¸ Department of Health

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Improve Clients’ Lives

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Improve Clients’ Lives

IMPROVE CLIENTS’ LIVES Provide quality, safe, person centred services to improve the lived experience and outcomes for clients ÊÊ Enable clients to have a greater voice in informing our actions ÊÊ Build knowledge and practice excellence that supports quality service delivery ÊÊ Strengthen our understanding and responsiveness to diversity ÊÊ Bring an outcomes focus to our work ÊÊ Integrate and realign services to better respond to client needs This Strategic Direction exists to ensure Wesley clients are consistently provided with services of a high quality that tangibly improve their lives and their experiences. At the core is a client-centred approach, whereby we strive to ensure clients are well informed, and able to exercise choice and make decisions about the services we deliver – and how we deliver them. Across the organisation, we are committed to consistently delivering services that are of exceptional quality, respond to the needs of our clients and empower them to improve their life outcomes

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Improve Clients’ Lives


Josh registered with Wesley Employment Services to help him transition successfully from school to work. In the past 12 months, Wesley has helped Josh in a number of ways, securing him a part-time job at Subway, and supporting him through various training pathways. Josh recently graduated from the Citi New Recruits program which helps participants build their confidence in the workplace through industry visits. With high recommendations from his trainers, Josh is now aiming for a traineeship.

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Improve Clients’ Lives

Fostering growth and self-esteem

Exploring new horizons

A 14 year old living in one of Wesley’s residential care

Originally from Afghanistan, Azar* came to Australia

units presented as high risk due to frequent chroming,

as a refugee with his family several years ago. Settled

disengagement from school, suicidal ideation and sexual

in Dandenong, Azar, who has a physical disability and

exploitation. Through dedicated work from Wesley staff,

uses a wheelchair, attends one of Wesley’s Disability

including consistently following through with the promise

Day programs. A talented artist in his hometown, he

to get her back to the unit where she is safe, she began

has recently become an ‘Artist in Residence’ at Wesley’s

to develop a sense of safety, and her self-esteem began

Connect South. The program has enabled Azar to

to grow. Gradually, staff began introducing her to age

continue his passion for art here in Australia. Azar is one

appropriate alternative activities and encouraged her to

of 78 clients Wesley supported through Connect South

participate in exercise to build her self-esteem and self-

in the past year.

confidence. Staff and the client started their own back yard ‘boot camp’, which led to her having the confidence

Learning new skills

to join a local gym which she now attends daily. As a

Oscar* has been in supported employment with The

result of the efforts of staff, there has been a dramatic

Last Cuppa since its inception. Despite his personal

reduction in the client’s self-destructive behaviours and

challenges, constant support from The Last Cuppa

a significant increase to her self-esteem and confidence.

has transformed Oscar into one of the program’s most

Wesley has supported 300 children and young people in the past 12 months, through the provision of foster, residential, and kinship care, and case management.

Building independence In the last year, Wesley’s Community Detention Program has placed a greater emphasis on developing ‘living skills’ with our unaccompanied minors and families currently living in community detention. The program actively works to foster an increased level of independence in young people and families, to better equip them as they leave the program.

Creating security Estelle* is a single lady in her mid-50s who became homeless as a result of domestic violence. After sleeping in her car for two months, sometimes under a carport at a friend’s place and sometimes in car parks, Estelle came to Wesley for help. Estelle met with a crisis worker, who worked with her to tackle the issues in her life that were affecting her ability to find stable housing. In the last 12 months, Wesley staff supported Estelle by connecting her with health services and financial counselling, and managed to find a secure and

valuable and productive staff members.

Forging pathways Melinda* came to Wesley when an injury left her unable to continue her horticulture work. Wesley assisted her to re-skill to increase her employment opportunities. Now her main focus is to re-enter the workforce, where she can rebuild her career. To assist her in achieving this goal, in 2013 Melinda did work experience in administration at Wesley.

Helping those in need Stephanie* became a volunteer telephone counsellor with Lifeline after her daughter called the service, needing support for a chronic health condition. After experiencing the positive impact of the service first-hand, Stephanie decided to get involved. “I really enjoy the conversations I have with people who call Lifeline. Most callers just need someone to listen as they talk through their issues. If the caller feels that they are being listened to, then you’re on the right track.” Client names have been changed to protect privacy.


safe place for her to call home.

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Strengthen Our Foundations

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Strengthen Our Foundations



FOUNDATIONS Ensure we meet our organisational responsibilities and have effective structures, systems and resources to do our work well ÊÊ Understand and respond to the needs of the First Australians ÊÊ Be a socially and environmentally responsible organisation ÊÊ Strengthen our relationship with Uniting Church bodies ÊÊ Ensure our policies, processes, systems and structures meet organisational needs ÊÊ Build the awareness and reputation of Wesley ÊÊ Maximise the value and security for the organisation through strategic management of assets and finances Efficient, effective, responsible operations are at the core of this Strategic Direction, underpinned by a need to ensure we meet our organisational responsibilities and have effective structures, systems and resources to do our work well. This direction also focuses on our commitment to becoming a more socially and environmentally responsible organisation, and one that ensures fiscal responsibility through the strategic management of all of our assets and finances. In addition, we will continue to grow in our understanding of, and response to, the needs of the First Australians, as well as strengthening our relationship with Uniting Church bodies.

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Strengthen Our Foundations

UNITING WITH THE CHURCH Anna O’Brien, coordinator of Wesley’s Community Detention Program, won the Uniting Church Together in Service Award. The award is presented to the staff member or team, who, in the course of working with Wesley, has done the most to promote a positive relationship between Wesley and the Uniting Church. Anna’s colleagues confirm that she actively demonstrates Wesley’s values of hope, compassion and justice each and every day in her support of Wesley’s 312 Community Detention clients, and other staff.

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Strengthen Our Foundations

Expanding services

Embedding policies and procedures

In January 2013, Wesley was approached by the

The Quality department supports the development of

Department of Health to incorporate the former St John

policies and procedures, manages client complaints and

Ambulance Friendly Visiting Program into its Do Care

feedback mechanisms, conducts service audits, identifies

Program. The Friendly Visiting Program was renamed

opportunities for improvement, and assists programs

Do Care Metro and will provide 12,000 hours per year of

to implement improvements to service delivery and

volunteer support to socially isolated people residing in

clinical practice.

low-income Supported Residential Services throughout metropolitan Melbourne. Do Care Metro is an important addition to Wesley’s existing Do Care programs located throughout Melbourne.

Building relationships Over the last year, Wesley’s Research and Social Policy Unit has fostered stronger relationships with key higher educational institutions including Melbourne, Monash, La Trobe and Deakin Universities, which has helped advance Wesley’s knowledge in pursuit of delivering quality service to our clients.

In 2012/13, the following Wesley programs and services underwent accreditation: Food Safety, National Respite Carers Program against the Common Community Care Standards; St Marks’ Respite and Home and Community Care against the Common Community Care Standards for all Aged Care Community Service.

Risk and Compliance Risk and Compliance helps programs identify and implement controls that minimise risks and meet legislative compliance and reporting obligations, including Wesley’s governance and probity requirements.

First Australians

In 2012/13, Risk and Compliance systematically rolled out

In August 2012, Wesley Homelessness and Support

a new incident reporting, quality and risk management

Service received funding from Maroondah City Council

system called RiskMan. This included testing and data

and the William Angliss Charitable Fund to work on an

collection, as well as populating the incident module with

art therapy project in collaboration with Mullum Mullum

more than 4500 incidents. Wesley now has the ability

Indigenous Gathering Place. The project aims to improve

to track and analyse data and to identify opportunities

collaboration with Indigenous groups to better understand

for improvement and training needs, and to monitor and

and respond to the needs of the First Australians.

review our staff and client incidents.

Corporate Services and Facilities Management

Wesley turns 120

Our Corporate Services and Facilities Management

3 May, 2013. Wesley commemorated the milestone with an

teams serve all of Wesley with support in information

event held at Wesley Church. Almost 100 guests, including

technology and communications, fleet management,

members of the Uniting Church, the Wesley Board, staff,

centralised procurement, project management, records

volunteers and clients attended. Professor Shurlee

management and property and facilities management.

Swain, guest speaker at the event and co-author of a

The team managed and supported more than 600 computers, 450 mobile devices, almost 200 vehicles and 135 properties across Victoria last year. During the year, Wesley’s Facilities department implemented a help desk system to record, monitor and report on the development of capital works. The department also completed the

Wesley Mission Victoria celebrated its 120th birthday on

history of the Wesley Central Mission, said, “The principles which guided the mission in its early years continue to be apparent in the organisation today, even if they are expressed in different language and a different form. Wesley quietly seeks constantly to transform faith into action in meeting the needs of those whom it serves.”

fast-track fit out of the new Wesley Employment Services office at Broadmeadows.

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Speak Out and Influence

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Speak Out and Influence

SPEAK OUT AND INFLUENCE Speak with a clear voice and undertake effective advocacy to build better lives and a more just society ÊÊ Advocate for change informed by our core values, expertise and clear policy positions ÊÊ Position Wesley as a key player in government policy development, in our sectors and in the wider community ÊÊ Increase our visibility in the arena of public policy through strategic partnerships ÊÊ Facilitate the engagement of our staff, clients and supporters in public debate and advocacy A voice for the disadvantaged for more than 120 years, Wesley regularly advocates to build better lives and a more just society, guided by our core values of hope, compassion and justice. Under this Strategic Direction, we are committed to continuing and enhancing our tradition of advocacy, of speaking out and challenging social systems and policies which negatively affect vulnerable people and those experiencing disadvantage.

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Speak Out and Influence

WESLEY AMBASSADORS Wesley Mission Victoria engaged the services of two ambassadors to advocate for our work to the public, on our behalf. Callum Hann (pictured), the winner of MasterChef AllStars, is the ambassador for Wesley’s Food for Families appeal, while Emmanuel Kelly (pictured on page 22), joined Wesley as the ambassador for our Partner of Hope regular giving program. Both ambassadors bring their own unique skills, perspective and enthusiasm to the organisation.

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Speak Out and Influence

Making a difference In June 2013, two clients from Wesley’s Homelessness and Support Service were invited to share their own stories in a philanthropic publication, The Difference. The Difference is an annual report card on the indicators of poverty and exclusion in Australia and a guide to social investment.

Addressing violence, abuse or neglect

AS OF JUNE 30, 2013


In May 2013, Wesley Mission Victoria supported the Office of the Public Advocate’s new guidelines for the reporting of any violence, abuse or neglect directed towards adults with disability, mental illness or cognitive impairment. Wesley was involved in the development of the guideline, known as Interagency Guideline for Addressing Violence, Neglect and Abuse (IGUANA), along with other agencies and advocates from Victoria’s

Sector activity In the past year staff from Wesley’s Aged Care Services participated in a range of forums and working parties. They also worked extensively with peak bodies within the sector to ensure the voice of our clients was heard in the design and delivery of services.

disability and mental health sectors.

Growing our reach

Letting the world know

Wesley Employment Services expanded its operations

In 2012/13, Wesley’s Community Relations team worked across multiple projects designed to generate awareness of, and raise funds for, services across the organisation. These included the Food for Families appeal, which generated record donations, as well as the launch of Wesley’s new regular giving program, Partner of Hope. The team also established a social media framework, which will provide Wesley with new channels through which to be a vocal advocate on social justice issues.

to a new site in Broadmeadows in June 2013. The building was officially opened by the Federal Member for Maribyrnong and Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Financial Services and Superannuation, Mr Bill Shorten MP. Mr Shorten was joined by the State Member for Broadmeadows, Mr Frank McGuire MP. The visit gave Mr Shorten and Mr McGuire the opportunity to meet staff and clients and to hear about the work of Wesley Employment Services.

Making our voice heard

AS OF JUNE 30, 2013



In the past 12 months, Lifeline Melbourne staff have become more actively involved in the mental health sector, chairing a range of committees including the Lifeline Victoria Centres Cluster and the Steering Committee for accreditation of the Graduate Certificate in Bereavement Counselling and Intervention. Staff also participated in reference groups, including Lifeline Australia Training Reference Groups, the State Emergency Relief and Recovery Plan Group, NDIS project Stakeholder Reference Group and the DV Alert Training Review Group.

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Value Our People

26 - Annual Report 2013

Value Our People

VALUE OUR PEOPLE Build a culture where people are supported and developed to deliver quality work in a safe and healthy organisation ÊÊ Build the capacity of our people ÊÊ Create a sustainable and healthy culture across the organisation ÊÊ Ensure we have the workforce to meet current and future needs ÊÊ Lead a culture of shared responsibility for a safe organisation Wesley boasts a passionate, committed and creative workforce and, through this Strategic Direction, we are building a culture where people are supported and developed to deliver quality work in a safe and healthy environment. In addition to our paid workforce, Wesley engages the invaluable support of more than 1,500 volunteers throughout Victoria, who, in 2012/13 contributed almost 500,000 hours of support across our Aged Care, Disability, Homelessness, Crisis Support and Youth programs.

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Value Our People

SUPPORTING OUR PEOPLE The People and Culture team is an integral part of our

People and Culture was a driving force behind the launch

corporate services support function and exists to ensure

of the organisation’s Strategic Direction framework

that our workforce is safe and productive and that all

in February 2013. And, since that time, the team has

staff and volunteers live the Wesley values of hope,

embedded the Strategic Direction of Value Our People

compassion and justice.

into everything they do. This has seen them take on

At Wesley, we value every person who represents our organisation. People and Culture wants to attract, develop and retain the skills and knowledge of our workforce. Within a culture of hope, compassion and justice, we will reward and recognise our staff and strive to ensure every individual working for Wesley can achieve their potential and contribute effectively to meeting our objectives.

the significant responsibility of an organisation-wide capability needs assessment. This will be the platform on which we will develop our people to perform at their best and deliver service excellence to our clients and their families.

Improve Clients’ Lives The People and Culture team is endeavouring to improve professional practices across all programs, to better

As an organisation, we believe that successful service

support staff and volunteers to be able to provide quality

delivery is all about ensuring that we have the right

services and experiences for our clients. This endeavour

people with the right behaviours, attitudes and skills, in

included the introduction of both an outcomes framework

the right jobs at the right time. It is an essential element

and a client charter in 2012/13.

of our improvement planning for the future. We will identify where we are now in terms of service delivery

Speak Out and Influence

and support, where we want to be in the future and how

While Wesley has been a voice for the disadvantaged for

the workforce needs to change to ensure that we can

more than 120 years, under this direction we are also

deliver consistent and high quality services for the people

striving to embed a culture of advocacy and collaboration

we serve.

within our own organisation, through the development

One of the key priorities of the People and Culture team is to ensure that staff and volunteers operate in an environment where they feel safe and well supported to undertake the work they are required to do. For Wesley, this includes the development of robust reporting framework, streamlining of policies and procedures so they are consistent across the organisation, and developing a framework that makes everyone accountable for safety.

of strategies specifically designed to create a community where all people can participate with dignity and hope. We are working hard to unite our 968 employees and 1537 volunteers across 135 sites as ‘One Wesley’.

Lead and Innovate Under this direction, Wesley will foster a culture of progress and of innovation, through being proactive in responding to changes within the community services sector and through engaging staff and other stakeholders who are committed to creating a culture that is forward-thinking and exhibits best practice.

28 - Annual Report 2013

Value Our People

People and Culture is committed to looking after and building the capability of our people. At Wesley, this means creating the right learning and development opportunities, tailored to meet their needs. We will recruit and develop the best people in each service area, to help create an environment where everybody is able to develop their potential and feel motivated to deliver excellent performance for clients they serve. We will build a culture where people are supported and developed to deliver quality work in a safe and healthy organisation. We will; ¸¸ Build the capacity of our people ¸¸ Create a sustainable and healthy culture across the organisation ¸¸ Ensure we have the workforce to meet current and future needs ¸¸ Lead a culture of shared responsibility for a safe organisation

Each year, Wesley recognises and rewards staff and volunteers who live the values

Our People Strategy articulates how we value our people.

of hope, compassion and justice and who

It sets the context and provides the focus for our service

make a significant contribution to helping

and individual performance. We will work together

the organisation achieve its objectives.

to ensure that the experience of working to serve a community where all people can participate with dignity

Last year, the following people received

and hope will be personally satisfying and enjoyable. By

the organisation’s highest awards.

celebrating our successes and learning from each other to improve our work practices and personal performance,

Staff Recognition Awards

we will secure our reputation as an employer of choice

Wesley’s payroll manager, Ven Choppakatla

for those wishing to work in the not for profit sector.

(pictured on page 26), won the John

We recognise that with a flexible, highly talented and high-performing workforce, working together with collective purpose and energy, our value will not be compromised. Investing time, energy and resources into how we manage our people makes sound business sense.

Wesley Award, the overall award given to an individual employee or team who has displayed exceptional commitment and dedication to their work within Wesley. Volunteer Recognition Awards Foster carer Andrew Cox (pictured above) was the overall winner of the Kevin Green Award, for his work in providing a number of high-risk, complex young people with a safe and supportive home environment.

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Lead and Innovate

30 - Annual Report 2013

Lead and Innovate

LEAD AND INNOVATE Identify and develop new responses to better meet the needs of our clients ÊÊ Develop new ways of responding using our knowledge and evidence ÊÊ Invest in our knowledge and research capability ÊÊ Lead thinking and action on partnerships for greater impact ÊÊ Pursue opportunities consistent with our mission, strategy and capability Since our establishment in 1893, Wesley has a proud history of leading the way in our commitment to caring for those who experience loneliness, vulnerability, isolation, disadvantage, vulnerability or disability. We are continuously finding new and better ways to meet the needs of all of our clients, as well as investing in knowledge, research and partnerships designed to drive best practice. As a large community service organisation, Wesley has a critical role to play in identifying and developing new responses both for ourselves and in partnership with others. Both now and in the future, we are committed to being a leader in a world of major reforms, such as increased client choice and client-directed funding.

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Lead and Innovate

CHILDHOOD THERAPY In October 2012, Wesley’s Children, Youth and Family Services received $140,000 from the RM Ansett Trust to implement a Therapeutic Residential Care project across our Gippsland residential units. Wesley partnered with The Australian Childhood Trauma Group to review and support our therapeutic practices and processes. This has resulted in specialised training for all staff and fortnightly reflective supervision with a clinician, which provides an added dimension to the program.

32 - Annual Report 2013

Lead and Innovate

A new way of living


Wesley’s Homeshare program matches householders who


are older or have a disability with volunteers who provide companionship and help around the home in return for free accommodation. For 52-year-old Charlie*, living with


journalism student Mohammed* has enabled him to live independently, while providing Mohammed with the opportunity give back to society. Charlie was referred to the Homeshare program in 2012 by his sister following the death of their mother, Charlie’s primary carer. Charlie has a mild disability and needs practical assistance with meal preparation and grocery shopping. He was matched with Mohammed, who was seeking a quiet environment in which to focus on his studies. Charlie’s sister refers to them as ‘the odd couple’, saying that Mohammed has been wonderful for her brother’s sense of independence and confidence.

Measuring client outcomes Children, Youth and Family Services have been able to take part in a number of research projects including the Viewpoint pilot with the Department of Human Services. Viewpoint gives children and young people greater opportunities to have a voice on the delivery of service, by using a technological interface that many of them feel more comfortable using. The system allows Wesley to collect a more comprehensive data set which will enable us to provide better outcomes for children and young people in residential care.

Providing access points to clients Led by Manager Janene Evans (pictured, page 30), Wesley’s Homelessness and Support Services is fast becoming a hub for local services in the community. By bringing housing, tenancy, financial management, therapeutic programs and healthcare professionals under one roof, Wesley is integrating community services in a way that provides a collaborative and holistic response to people’s needs.

Advocating for our clients Wesley’s Research and Social Policy unit’s advocacy activities in 2012/13 included responses to government consultations, development of policy snapshots and endorsement of sector activities. In 2012, we submitted responses to the government’s Pathways to a fair and sustainable social housing system and Practical Lessons, Fair Consequences: Improving diversion for young people in Victoria public consultation discussion papers. We also contributed to the development of the Office of the Public Advocate’s Interagency Guide for Addressing Violence, Neglect and Abuse.

Committing to youth development Wesley Employment Services was one of just four organisations to receive an Industry Ambassador Award at the inaugural Darebin Youth Commitment Ceremony in 2012. The award recognised Wesley’s School to Work Transition program, which works with local schools and education providers to assist young people with an ongoing medical or mental health condition, learning difficulty, injury or disability to successfully transition from school to work.

Adapting to suit client needs In July 2012, Wesley’s Community Detention Program was selected by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (formerly known as Department of Immigration and Citizenship) ahead of all other community detention providers to have early, provisional access to the Department’s portal due to the program’s outstanding professionalism, reputation and collaboration with the department. Client names have been changed to protect privacy.


Wesley Mission Victoria - 33

FINANCE AND INCOME Corporate Structure

Volunteers and donations in kind

Wesley Mission Victoria is a company limited by guarantee

Wesley has 1,537 volunteers who make an invaluable

that is incorporated and domiciled in Australia. The

contribution to the work of Wesley. During the financial

members acting as guarantors of the company represent

year under review, the volunteers provided 444,997

the Uniting Church in Australia - Synod of Victoria and

hours of service. If these service hours are converted

Tasmania. Wesley Mission Victoria Limited operates two

at $23.56 per hour, their contribution would equate

100% owned subsidiaries, Wesley Gilgunya Village Pty

to $10.48 million. Wesley also received donations

Ltd and Wesley Alton Court Pty Ltd.

in kind valued at around $0.375 million (2012: $0.48

Nature of operations and principal activities

million), which have not been recognised in the financial statements.

The principal activities during the year were charitable

Operating results for the period

activities in the human services sector.

Wesley reported a surplus of $0.14 million (2012: $1.58 million). The total revenue of Wesley for the year was


$63.63 million (2012: $56.57 million).

Employed 968 employees as at 30 June 2013 (2012: 920 employees).

Registered Office




148 Lonsdale Street,

Hunt & Hunt Lawyers

Westpac Banking

Ernst & Young

Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Level 26,


8 Exhibition Street,

360 Collins Street,

360 Collins Street,

Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Melbourne, Victoria 3000

2012-2013 Revenue by source Government Funding - 77% Commercial Activities - 2% Fees - 13% Fundraising - 5% Investment Income - 1% Other - 2%

2012-2013 Expenditure by service Children, Youth and Family Services - 36% Employment Services - 5% Aged Care and Support Services - 16% Crisis and Homelessness Services - 8% Disability Services - 35%

34 - Annual Report 2013

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2013 2013




Individual/Corporate Donations



Grants from Trusts



Bequests Received



Rent Received



Interest Income



Sale of Merchandise



Federal Government Grants



State Government Grants



Residents Fees



Service Fees











Repairs and Maintenance Expenses



Food and Provisions Expenses



Energy Costs Expenses



Cleaning Expenses



Client Service Costs Expenses



Travel and Accommodation Expenses



Amortisation and Depreciation Expenses



Rents, Rates and Taxes Expenses







Materials Ingredients Used



Fundraising/ Public Relations/ Marketing Expenses













Net Fair Value (Losses)/Gains on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets



Total Comprehensive Surplus for the Period



Revenue from Continuing Activities

Profit/Loss on Sale of Fixed and Intangible Assets Sundry Income Total Revenue from Continuing Activities Expenditure from Continuing Activities Salaries and Employee Benefit Expenses

Borrowing Cost Expenses Administration Expenses

Donations to Other Organisations

Net Surplus from Continuing Activities Capital Grant Income Net Surplus for the Period Other Comprehensive Income

Wesley Mission Victoria - 35

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2013 2013




Cash and Cash Equivalents



Trade and Other Receivables











Investment Properties



Intangible Assets



Total Non-Current Assets



Total Assets



















Total Liabilities



Net Assets








Accumulated Surplus





Current Assets

Prepayments Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Available for Sale Financial Assets Property Plant and Equipment

Current Liabilities Payables Interest Bearing Liabilities Provisions Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Payables Interest Bearing Liabilities Provisions Total Non-Current Liabilities

Equity Contributed Equity

Total Equity

36 - Annual Report 2013

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows As at 30 June 2013 2013














Interest Received



Interest and Cost of Finance Paid











Acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment



Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities



Net Finance Lease Repayments



Net Repayment of Accommodation Bonds



Net Cash Flow applied to Financing Activities



Net Increase in Cash Held



Add Opening Cash Brought Forward



Closing Cash Carried Forward



Cash Flows From Operating Activities Receipts from Donors Receipts from Rent Receipts from Customers Receipts from Government Receipts from Residents

GST Paid Payments to Suppliers and Employees Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment

Cash Flows From Financing Activities

Wesley Mission Victoria - 37

SUPPORTERS Bequests Alison M Clark Estate ANZ Trustees - Joseph Hill Trust Fund DTM & Ethel Davies Memorial Fund Estate - Phoebe Florence Carew Estate of Arthur H Brown Estate of Beatrice Louise Glascodine Estate of Francis Ian Jordan Deceased

Comdain Management Pty Ltd

Wild Pumpkin Licensing International Pty Ltd

Employment and Workplace Relations

Convent Bakery

Woolworths Limited

Cross Country Ski Hire Marysville


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Dinky-Di Holiday Houseboats

Benalla UCAF Afternoon Group

Coles Dandenong Plaza

Dinron Pty Ltd ITF The Goldschlanger Family Charitable Foundation Direct Connect Australia Doquile Perrett Meade Financial Services

Benalla Uniting Church Fellowship Evening Group Brighton Bentleigh Uniting Church Chelsea UC Opportunity Shop

Fleet Partners

Dromana Uniting Church

Estate of Harry Halliwell

Flexitech Group Pty Ltd

Forest Hill Uniting Church

Estate of L I Roach

Freemasons Victoria

Hastings Uniting Church

Estate of Noel Dixie Rees

Galwiji Homestead

Estate of S J Warnock

Greenfields Financial Services Lawyers

High Street Road Uniting Church

Etude Mudry Iglehart & Associates


George Warman Estate

GS1 Australia Limited

Henry Brough Smith Charitable Trust

Haydon Films

Horton Grace Charitable Fund

Hollybank Treetops Adventure

J R G & E McKenzie Bequest


Joe White Bequest


Lillian Bessie Hewitt Trust State Trustees


Ivanhoe Uniting Church Melbourne Welsh Church Foundation Ocean Grove Uniting Church Outreach Centre Ringwood Uniting Church

Department of Social Services (formerly known as Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs) Department of Human Services Greater Dandenong City Council Knox City Council Magistrate’s Court of Victoria Manningham City Council Maroondah City Council Monash City Council Moreland City Council Nillumbik City Council VicRoads Whittlesea City Council

St John’s Uniting Church


St Mark’s Uniting Church

Mrs R Andre

The Brighton/Bentleigh Uniting Church

Mr Baker

Light FM Lovell Chen Pty Ltd

State Trustees - Estate of Marjory Jean Bryant Paice

Uniting Church East Preston

Philip Battye

Mums Supporting Families in Need

Mr Blair

State Trustees Australia Foundation - Alfred John Hutton

Uniting Church of Australia Respite House

P & M Harbig Holdings

Wesley Uniting Church

Peter Schreurs & Sons Vegetable Farm

Dr M H Boykett


Mr Chestney

State Trustees Australia Foundation - The Francis Family

PrYme Over 50s Group SMART Club

The A & D Clayton Fund

Start for Secondary Consult

The Grant Bequest


Corporate Amcor Ashton Raggatt McDougal Austin 7 Club

The Mariott Hotel Melbourne The Wrapping Paper Co P/L Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Vital Signs Pty Ltd

Blick Creative

Vival Chemicals

Capital Building Contractors Pty Ltd

WHK Australia

Wellcom Group Ltd

Bayside Council Boorondara City Council Centrelink Children’s Protection Society City of Banyule City of Casey City of Greater Dandenong City of Melbourne City of Whitehorse Commonwealth Carers Respite Program Department of Education ,

Ken and Christine Barnes

Mr Bower

Ms Clements Mr Mike & Mrs Lynne Clements Miss Janet A Cliff Mr Conroy Mr Cook Mrs Cracknell Dr Currie Miss Davies Ms De Beer Dr Ding Dr Dobson Mr Duncan Mr Eger Mr Ellson

38 - Annual Report 2013

Mr & Mrs L & P Enderby

Mr Oldfield

Gray Family Charitable Fund

Grandparents Support Victoria

Miriam Faine

Miss M O’Sullevan

IOOF Foundation


Rita Ferguson

Miss Peggie

Kokoda Gym

Greg Fordham

Mrs Pennuto

JBWere Brian M Davis Charitable Foundation John and Betty Laidlaw Legacy

Mackillop Family Services

Joy Smith Family Foundation Pty Ltd

Migrant Information Centre

Mr Forrester

Mrs Plant

Dr Fryday

Mr Graham Pottenger

Lorna Fryday

Mrs Pugh

Gaye Gaylard

Mr Raco

Mr George

Mrs Randell

Mr & Mrs Gilbertson

Dr Dinah S Reddihough

Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation

Mr & Mrs Gjergja

Mr Rogers

Pierce Armstrong Trust

Mr Glenning

Catherine Rose

Mr Rex N Gotch

Mr Ian C Ross

RM Ansett Trust - Equity Trustees Limited

Mrs Joy B Guerin

Mr Scalzo

SHARE Community Appeal

Mr Hales

John Shalit

Therapon Foundation

Mrs Hedstrom

Mr Greg Shalit

Ms Hosie

Mr & Mrs Sinderberry

William Angliss (Vic) Charitable Fund

Mr John Houghton

Miss B M Smith

Ms Gladys Hu

Mr Stewart

Keith Irvine

Mr Strickland

Mr Koumarianos

Mrs Summers

Mr Kunek

Mr Syme

Ms Penny Lane

Mr Tozer

Mr Last

Jennie Trezise

Ms Lawry

Robert Trott

Mr Lees

Ms Turnely

Mr William P Lewis

Mrs Uren

Ms Carolyn Lidgerwood

Dr Wall

Mr & Mrs Lloyd

Mr JC Warburton

Mr & Mrs Loder

Miss Ward

Margaret MacDonald

Mrs Watson

Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre

Ms Mackenzie

Rev Trevor & France Williams

Care Connect

Mr Mahoney

Mrs Williamson

Ms Malmgren

Mr Xu

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Mr Keith & Mrs Patricia May Dr Bruce A McGregor

Trusts and Foundations

Mr McGuigan

Bagot Gjergja Foundation

Mrs McKenzie

Bell Charitable Fund

Dr McKinnon

Bendigo Bank

Mr McLeod-Dryden

Campbell Edwards Trust

Anne Miller Sam Miller

Charities Aid Foundation Australia

Mr Morris

Collier Charitable Foundation

Mrs B Morrison

CREATE Foundation

Miss Mover

Douglas & Phillip Young Charitable Trust

Mrs McGeary

Mr Nassau Mrs Nixon

Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust

Lazarovits Foundation

Organisations Ambulance Victoria AMES Anglicare Annecto Austin Health Australian Childhood Trauma Group Baptcare Bayside Community Health Centre Berry Street

Commission for Children and Young People

Lions Club of Healesville Manningham Centre Mission Australia Monash Volunteer Resource Centre National Respite for Carers Program Outdoor Education Group Camp Jungai OzChild Peninsula, Youth and Family Services Peter James Centre Red Cross Rotary Club of Healesville Royal District Nursing Services Royal Freemasons RSL Greensborough RSL Ringwood RSPCA Victoria United Care Community Options United Trolley Collectors Uniting Aged Care Uniting Care Community Options Upper Yarra Community Enterprise Victoria University Footscary Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Villa Maria

Connections - Uniting Care

Vision Australia

Cummins Community Involvement Team

Volunteering in Manningham

Doncare EastCare Network Eastern Health Eastern Volunteers Forest Hill Uniting Church Op Shop Fostern Carer Assocation Victoria

Warburton and District Community Enterprise Community Bank WAYSS Women of the University Fund Yarra Community Housing Youth Support and Advocacy Services

Glen Waverley Secondary College

Wesley Mission Victoria - 39

GET INVOLVED There are many ways you can get involved and support Wesley Mission Victoria’s work, ensuring we can continue to assist people who are disadvantaged to live fulfilling lives.

Bequest Each year the demands on Wesley’s services increase. Leaving a bequest to Wesley in your will is an opportunity to make a lasting and positive impact that will benefit people most in need. For more information about leaving

Donate One of the best ways to make a difference for some of

a bequest to Wesley please contact us on 03 9662 2355.

the most disadvantaged people in our community is by


making a donation. Your gift will help Wesley continue

Our volunteers are the life blood of our organisation.

to provide essential services that are not covered

For more information about volunteering opportunities,

by government funding. You can donate online at

visit www.wesley.org.au or contact our People and

www.wesley.org.au or by phoning the Community

Culture Team on 03 9662 2355.

Relations team on 03 9662 2355.

Foster Carer

Donate goods in-kind

To become a foster carer, please contact Wesley’s Foster

Our programs helping families in crisis or facing

Care Recruitment program in the South on 03 9794 3000

homelessness are always in need of items such as non-

or in the East on 03 9871 5333.

perishable food and toiletries. Please contact Wesley Mission Victoria on 03 9662 2355 and ask about our

Work for Wesley

current needs.

For more information about current jobs available at Wesley please visit our website, www.wesley.org.au. Follow us on Twitter @WesleyVic Like us on Facebook /WesleyMissionVictoria

40 - Annual Report 2013

Ambulance Victoria Last year, Ambulance Victoria was devastated by the suicide of four paramedics. In an attempt to make a difference to those affected by suicide, staff decided to raise funds for Wesley Mission Victoria’s Lifeline Melbourne program. “Fundraising doesn’t have to be difficult. At Ambulance Victoria we encourage the administrative staff to wear casual clothes one day a week for a small donation. Last year, we raised $1,000 in one day, just from doing that,” said Membership Scheme Manager Adam Doyle, pictured.

Wesley Mission Victoria - 41

42 - Annual Report 2013

“I’ve been a volunteer at Lifeline Melbourne for 34 years. It’s important to give something back. I enjoy being able to help people.” Don Didsbury Volunteer, Wesley Crisis and Homelessness Services

Central Office 148 Lonsdale Street Locked Bag 8, A’Beckett Street PO Melbourne, Victoria 8006 Phone: 03 9662 2355 Email: corporate@wesley.org.au www.wesley.org.au ABN 81 098 317 125 Report Design and Photography by Blick Creative

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