Focus January Issue #2!

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Viewpoints Benefits of Block Scheduling

A Blind Brook High School Student Publication

January 2019

By Bryan Moroch ‘20 t’s reached that time of the year when settling into school is an afterthought. We know our schedules like the back of our hands. Our daily routines have been ingrained into our minds as they stay exactly the same. For 180 days. For 180 days this year, I will wake up at 6:30, go to school, arrive in English class at 7:50 where I will spend my next 40 minutes, move on to Spanish class, and so on. What if there was a day that I really did not want to go Photo Courtesy of Blind Brook to English class to start my The proposed high school schedule includes seven blocks, a break period, and one common lunch. day? What if I had a very big night and needed some extra mits would also improve how students are able to sleep before school? Under our current scheduling learn. Next, on days when students are absent, they format, these hypothetical situations are impossible. will not miss as many classes and would not have to However, with block scheduling, there are certainly make up as much work. Finally, with less transitions a plethora of new possibilities that will make our in between classes, there is a smaller chance of disdaily routines more exciting and interesting. ciplinary problems in the hallways. I understand that this is not the most popular stance I recognize the many concerns that the student on the issue. However, there are many unseen bene- body has with the modified schedule, but I am confifits to block scheduling. For starters, with less class- dent our school can adapt accordingly. For example, es in a day, teachers will have more time to prepare many people are concerned with the idea of having elaborate lessons and more time in class to complete all the students eating lunch in one period. However, their lessons without being interrupted. Longer pe- there is an abundance of space inside the commons riods will also permit for interactive, project-based and the middle school cafeteria for students to sit. learning, rather than plain lectures. With our cur- Additionally, a large number of students would use rent 40 minute periods, classes will often only have this vast period of time to visit teachers or get work time for one activity. With an extended period, the done in the library. Lastly, seniors have the privilege class will have an opportunity to thoroughly finish of going off campus to get lunch, which should multiple activities. Furthermore, a smaller percent- decrease the density of the lunchroom. Moreage of the period will be dedicated to administrative over, many have raised concerns about the school duties such as attendance or checking homework. day ending a tad later than it does now. However, Lastly, block scheduling causes teachers to see fewer with a rotating schedule, students with free periods students each day, which allows for more individual- should get to have it last period once a week, which ized instruction if students need assistance outside would permit them to finish their days earlier. The of class. longer day caused by the proposed schedule has In addition to these structural benefits, an adjusted raised the question about when clubs and extracurschedule would be incredibly beneficial for students. riculars would take place. I would propose holding With less classes in a day, students’ workload each club meetings during the twenty minute break that night will decrease. Although some teachers would is built into the new schedule. A few clubs would then possibly assign more long-term assignments, be assigned a day in the schedules’ rotation to hold students would receive great practice in time man- their meetings, which would certainly be an effecagement skills. These skills can be especially use- tive use of time. ful for assignments in college as many institutions Overall, I am aware of the flaws and inconsistenpractice block scheduling as well. Additionally, stud- cies the implementation of block scheduling will ies have proven it beneficial for students to be focus- bring to our school. Nevertheless, I think the bening on less subjects in a day in order to retain the efits will outweigh the negatives and once adjusted, most information possible. In other words, as a stu- we will all come to love the new format. Thus, my dent takes more classes in a day, it will be harder for advice for now is not to tear apart the flaws but rathhim/her to retain what they learned in each class, as er have a positive attitude as the educational benefits they have to focus on more information. The new, are undeniable. innovative curriculum that block scheduling per-


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