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Dan ish propeller spe cialis t kee ps offshore w ind far ms g o ing
Hundes t ed Propeller A/S has become a par t o f t h e c r i t i c a l i n f ra s t r u c t u re o n s eve ra l i n t e r n a t i o n a l o f f s h o r e w i n d f a r m s . T h e propeller specialis t keeps downtime minimal when the blades s t op moving.
Not much can be done when a lack of wind causes the blades attached to the enormous wind turbines at the offshore wind farms Hornsea 1 and Hywind in the Nor th Sea to stand still On the contrar y, if the standstill is caused by a mechanical error, it’s critical that the ser vice boats from the Scottish Maritime Craft Ser vices can react rapidly despite wind and weather conditions to restar t the windmills.
Mechanical errors and other damages to the windmills should be fixed as soon as possible Downtime means a great loss for all par ties, from the owners of the windfarm to the consumers who use the power For that reason, it’s crucial that we can trust our equipment and that the boats can get back in action as soon as possible, if they break down, says Ewan Manson, Operations Superintendent at Maritime Craft Ser vices, which has operated on multiple offshore wind farms in Great Britain and Nor thern Europe since 2002
The Scottish maritime ser vice company has 11 Crew Transfer Vessels in operation, two of which are driven by two controllable pitch propellers and tailshaft-solutions that are custom-made in the production facilities at Hundested Propeller in Denmark’s Nor thern Zealand region. The boat at Hornsea 1 is likewise equipped with two gearboxes also delivered by the Danish exper ts The choice of Hundested Propeller as supplier is not coincidental
– Our vessels make up a par t of the offshore farms’ critical infrastructure, and they must be operational 12 or 24 hours a day despite the weather conditions We demand extremely durable and operationally secure solutions for exactly that reason, and we know that the Danes can deliver, says Ewan Manson
Hundested Propeller is pleased with the show of trust, as durability and safety are two of the most impor tant qualities to the company with a 100-year histor y of manufacturing marine equipment
Our solutions are built on a roster of core products that we have developed based on many years of experience and exper tise. When we design and produce custom solutions for a client, the goal is that it must be able to outlive the boat itself, says Henrik Damsgaard, Chief Technology Director at Hundested Propeller
The SWATH ser vice vessels from Maritime Craft Ser vices have been operational since 2016 and 2019 respectively, and since deliver y of the first vessel, the Scots have had Hundested Propeller on speed dial in case of a sudden accident They have needed assistance twice, where the two vessels have required dr y dock repairs Both times the Danes’ swift response and deliver y times have been crucial
–Our vessels are off-hired if they aren’t operational or available for the wind farms So, when we have par ts that need ser viced or replaced, speed and ser vice level is crucial for deciding on a par tner for the job, says Ewan Manson He elaborates:
Our experiences with Hundested Propeller have been exceptional. They understood the necessity of getting the vessel back on duty as soon as possible, and they managed to deliver on the solution in less than a week – half the time we would usually expect We have also worked with them on improving the systems and as a result, we have experienced fewer issues than we did with the vessels before www hundestedpropeller com