Spring 2018 Block Island Times House & Garden Edition

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HOUSE & garden SPRING 2018

A special publication of The Block Island Times

Future organic farmer: Alicia Leone Carpenter bees: friend or foe?

Bucket gardening Photo by K. Curtis

Page 2 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

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Spring Calendar of Events APRIL

9-May 20 The Walking Challenge. Ritrust.com to register. 14 Cemetery Awareness Day/clean-up. Island Cemetery. 10 a.m. 22 Leo Club Earth Day pickup. Call Chamber of Commerce for more information.


Correction Policy

Our Staff

Publisher................................................................................ Michael Schroeder Editor...................................................................................................Kari Curtis

Ocean Avenue, Box 278, Block Island, RI 02807 Phone: (401) 466-2222 Fax: (401) 466-8804 e-mail: mail@blockislandtimes.com webnews: www.blockislandtimes.com

The Block Island Times was founded in 1970 by Dan Rattiner, publisher, and Margaret Cabell Self, editor. It published only summer editions until 1982, when, under the ownership of Shirley and Peter Wood, the Times became Block Island’s first year-round newspaper. In 1988 the Times began weekly publication and became the Island’s “paper of record.” Sold off-island in 1997, the paper returned home in November 1999, and was reinvigorated under the ownership of Peggy and Bruce Montgomery. In 2006, ownership of the paper transferred to Fraser and Betty Lang. Ten years later, in 2016, The Block Island Times was purchased by current publisher Michael Schroeder. The Block Island Times is a member of the New England Press Association, The National Newspaper Association, The Block Island Chamber of Commerce, and the Westerly Pawcatuck Chamber of Commerce. It is printed by The Republican in Springfield, MA.

Production............................................................................................ Chris Izzo

Contributors......................... Renée Meyer, Shannon McCabe, Jessica Veldman

Gloria Redlich, Liz Bazazi, Kari Curtis

Advertising: This newspaper does not assume any responsibility for an error in an advertisement.

Editorial: This newspaper will correct errors in reporting. Opinions expressed in columns or letters to the editor in this paper are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper. The opinions expressed by the cartoonist are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Photographers ..... K.Curtis, Shannon McCabe, Jessica Veldman, Renée Meyer

The Block Island Times is published weekly at the newsstand price of $1. Publisher is CCC Media, LLC., PO Box 278, Ocean Avenue, Block Island, RI 02807. Yearly subscription, $77.

Advertising Design ....................................................................... Adwitads.com

Periodical postage is paid at Block Island, RI 02807, and additional offices. USPS #003-204.

Cover photo by K. Curtis

POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The Block Island Times, Box 278, Block Island, RI 02807.

Advertising.....................................................Shane Howrigan, Tamzen Mazzur

The Block Island Times House & Garden insert is published twice yearly in April and October.

Photo by Shannon McCabe

4 Ballard’s and Hotel Manisses (Hotel and bar) open. 4 Block Island Lions Club 25th anniversary party. Yellow Kittens. 5 to 9 p.m. 5 Yoga Retreat. Blockislandyoga.com for details. 11 The Oar & National Hotel open. 12 Annual Shad Bloom Trail Race. Register at active.com. B.I School. 1 p.m. 12 Manisses Restaurant opens for the season. 13 Mother’s Day Brunch at Poor People’s Pub. 18 The National Tap and Grille opens. 18-20 8th Annual Knitting Retreat. Register at Northlightfibers.com. 21 Organ recital by Walter Hilse. Harbor Church. 7:30 p.m. 25 Block Island Historical Society opens for the season. 26 Island Free Library “Book, Bake and Bloom” sale. Island Free Library. 11:30 a.m. 27 BIMI Chowda’ Fest at BIMI; cost $15/ person $25/ family. Children under 10 are free. 3 to 5 p.m. 27 Voices from the Village 2018. Harbor Church. 7 p.m.

Page 4 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

In This Issue





15 fruits and veggies you can grow in buckets

By Kari Curtis


Growing a cut flower garden

By Shannon McCabe


Build a 5-gallon-bucket garden

By Kari Curtis

From early spring to fall

11. Diary of a Gardener

By Jessica Veldman

12. Gardening with Block Island’s oceanic climate in mind

By Shannon McCabe

14. Invasives to watch for

By Renee Meyer

15. Spring season at Goose & Garden 16. Farming’s future: Alicia Leone takes on organic farming

By Kari Curtis

18. Carpenter bees: friend or foe?

By Kari Curtis



22. Scenic Block Island’s Preservation Plaque Program

Does your building qualify for a historic plaque?

25. Fire safety tips from the Fire & Rescue squads 26. Hit the trails or the beach to find a Glass Float

The Glass Float Project continues

28. Safety inside the home

Safety precautions for the elderly and caregivers

29. Home safety checks 30. Advertiser Index

What’s Trending 9. Highland Farm - Get your gardens ready 13. Lawn mowers, generators, tractors and more: Pat’s Power Equipment 20. Providing professional advice and peace of mind: Butler & Messier Insurance Agency 23. South County Cabinets

19. Ideas to help rid of Carpenter bees — without harming them

24. Kitchens Direct, Inc.

27. Need a makeover? Visit the Riverhead Building Supply showroom

By Kari Curtis

21. Renting your Block Island home:

Design considerations to maximize rentability and minimize maintenance

By Liz Bazazi

28. Do you have a pool? JPS Pool Service makes weekly trips to the island


15 fruits and veggies you can grow in buckets

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Page 5

From early spring to fall

Snap beans produce well throughout the season.

Cherry tomatoes are stunning producers. Baby carrots are easy to grow. Photos by K. Curtis By Kari Curtis This is the time of year when I start dreaming about warm, sunny, summer days — my insides feel giddy at the thought of it. I feel like I can come out of my winter hibernation-mode and look for my annual clues that summer is not really that far off — 54 days until June, but who’s counting? So, once again I contemplate the idea of tilling up the garden area that is fenced in out in the yard. It’s the perfect area for a garden, and has been used for many years in the past, but the size of it is overwhelming to me, and truth-be-told — I don’t have much of a green thumb. The idea of growing veggies in the garden always sounds so glorious to me: stroll out to the garden after work and pick out what I want to include in a salad, or to cook with for supper. Yeah but, wait a minute. As I have come to find out, there is a lot of work involved with having and taking care of a garden — from preparing the area to plant, actually planting the varieties, and then keeping up with the weeding, watering and maintenance — it’s practically a full time job! And honestly, after working from morning til night seven days a week throughout the prime gardening season, I just don’t have the time to dive into gardening the way I want to — at least for now. But I have discovered a happy medium that quenches my longing for fresh crunchy cucumbers and sweet tomatoes off the vine: bucket gardening. It is manageable, not terribly time consuming, and will fill that gardening void to some extent — plus give you a small variety of fresh, home-grown produce. All you need are some five gallon buckets, rocks, peat moss, planting soil, and compost. That might sound like a lot — but it’s actually very simple. Not only is bucket gardening a great solution for limited space, it has many advantages over traditional gardening. You can have a greater variety of plants, you won’t have to do any weeding, you’ll have fewer pests to deal with, and you can keep them away from the deer. If you decide to give it a try, the first thing you need to decide is what you’re going to grow. Start with very easy plants — trust me — it will boost your confidence and give you valuable practice before you move on to more difficult plants. Here’s a list of 15 fruits and veggies you can grow in buckets — grouped by difficulty.

Easy 1. Lettuce – Lettuce is a prime choice for container gardening with plenty of varieties to choose from. Lettuce works well in shallow containers, and if you want you can inter-plant it with slower growing veggies. Lettuce is great for early spring and late fall harvesting. You can plant lettuce while there is still danger of frost, and plant again in the fall after it starts getting cool. You can even bring your lettuce pots indoors to extend the growing season into early winter. 2. Chard – Chard is a leafy green from the same family as beets. It grows similarly to lettuce, but has a slightly longer growing season. It is cold hardy, and can bolt if your summer is too hot. It is also a good double season crop for spring and fall. If you decide to grow beets, you could skip the chard since beet greens are nearly identical to chard. 3. Chinese Greens – Bok choi or sui choi are two fun cold weather greens, perfect for an early spring start or a late fall and winter garden. These two greens are awesome in stir-fry dishes, and are easy to grow. Once the weather warms up, these greens will bolt but the flower heads still taste good and can add a powerful spicy punch to salads. 4. Kale – Kale is easy since it doesn’t have to form anything other than nice fresh leaves. Kale can be grown throughout the year, but it tastes best after it has had a touch of frost. All the above greens can be used for salads when they are 2 inches or so high.

Moderately Easy

5. Beets – Beets are similar to chard, but they need deeper soil and more watering. Beets are an awesome root vegetable for containers. Choose smaller beet varieties, or heritage varieties to have the most fun in your container garden. If you’d rather not eat beets because of their overpowering red effects, you could try yellow or albino beets. 6. Carrots – Easy to grow, and in a container they are very easy to space out or even transplant to make sure they grow well. Choose smaller varieties that do not grow a super long taproot

and try to match the variety to the depth of container you are using. Heritage varieties are often sweeter, and smaller than standard varieties. Try Dragon for a fun purple and brilliant orange carrot. 7. Radishes – Quick to grow and a perfect spring crop to add to your green salads. Choose small shortseason radishes so that they come to maturity before the heat hits.

Moderately Difficult 8. Beans – For container gardening, choose bush bean varieties. They have a shorter grow time than pole beans, and are compact enough for any yard. Most bush bean plants require a square foot of space, and produce well throughout the season. If you have a porch railing and narrow containers at its foot, you could try some pole bean varieties as well. 9. Peas – Another lovely spring plant, peas grow best during the cool of spring or during the cool, lightly frosted days of fall. Choose edible pod varieties to get the most food from your plants. If it is too warm for peas to come to full fruition, you can try using pea plants as a green. Pea plants are awesome fresh when the plant is just two inches high, and it’s a perfect way to enjoy peas if your spring gets too warm for them to fruit. 10. Tomatoes – Probably the container planting go-to crop, tomatoes are ubiquitous in containers. Choose smaller plant varieties if your container garden space is limited. Cherry tomatoes are stunning producers, and the tiny tomatoes are easy to dry if the plants over-produce. Cherry tomatoes usually fruit sooner than the larger tomato varieties. 11. Squash – Summer squash, bush zucchini, and other small squashes can work in container gardens. Bush zucchini and summer squash require fairly deep, nutrient rich soil, but only take up about 4 square feet. Just hav-

ing two zucchini plants can give you more than enough zucchini for a summer. Vining squash are not recommended for container gardens, unless you have a large patio or outdoor area for them to cover. 12. Cucumber – Most cucumbers are vining plants, so either choose bush varieties for your container garden or practice vertical gardening and train them up the side of the house, porch, or deck. Lemon cucumber is a great little bush cucumber, and works well if you have a short season.

Difficult 13. Lemon – Yes, lemons can be grown in containers, or indoors, in climates that are too cold for out-door growing (like Block Island). Meyer lemons are the smallest variety, more of a bush, and grow exceptionally well in pots. You can start your own lemon tree from seed. 14. Strawberries – These are a perfect container plant, particularly if you get a strawberry tower or similar contraption to help maximize space, vertically. Grow “ever-bearing” for steady harvesting from July onward, or try a mixed planter of different varieties. 15. Potatoes – These root veggies need one of two things — either a deep container or a potato bag. Potato bags enable you to grow a good amount of potatoes in a very limited space, and you don’t even need seed potatoes to start your plants. If you have potatoes that have started to sprout, you can simply plant them. As soon as the potato plant starts to flower you can start sneaking potatoes.

Page 6 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Growing a cut flower garden

By Shannon McCabe “Flowers are the music of the ground, from the earth’s lips spoken without sound” — Edwin Curran Inviting the sweet song of summer indoors with floral arrangements will brighten up your home and your wellbeing. One Texas A&M study concluded “The effect of nature in the home and in the workplace serves to stimulate both the senses and the mind, improving mental cognition and performance.” A weekly bouquet purchase is a luxurious indulgence, so home gardeners will be delighted to learn that growing your own blooms for cutting is surprisingly accessible. Growing flowers at home can be easy, inexpensive, and will provide an excellent opportunity to hone your floral arranging skills. An added benefit, many wildflowers and heirloom varieties provide highly nutritious pollen and nectar to insect pollinators. There are a few factors to keep in mind when choosing the right flowers to grow for cutting. Flowers with long, sturdy stems make for easier arranging; consider “blue boy bachelor buttons,” “queen lime orange zinnia” or tall double flowered mix Scabiosa. Long stems allow you to work with a range of containers from sprawling compotes to slender vases. Ammi is also called false “Queen Anne’s Lace,” the stems are strong and slender, the flower clusters are beloved by pollinators and Ammi does not have the invasive qualities associated with Queen Anne’s Lace. Certain varieties are appreciated for

longer vase life: the papery petals of “strawflower” are known to keep fresh and retain color indefinitely. Globosa mixed gomphrena also boasts long vase life, both are great for dried arrangements. The delicate pastel colored blooms of “love in a mist” give way to striking seed pods that have an exceptionally long vase life. “Breadseed” poppies are known as one of the most ephemeral flowers in the garden, with blooms only lasting a few days. When the petals fade, the large misty green seed pods (a color that I find similar to, but more pleasant than the inside of the Carol Jean). These pods are long lasting and their funky alien-like shape brings a unique textural element to arrangements. Try “florist pepperbox” poppy for long stems, the edible poppy seeds inside are an added bonus. Any good arrangement calls for a touch of foliage filler. This adds balance to the saturated colors in your composition and is a great way to sneak a bit of extra fragrance into arrangements. Herbs with upright foliage like oregano and sage are excellent, and scented basils like “cardinal” basil and “blue spice” basil are super fragrant as well as showy. Euphorbia ‘snow on the mountain’ has brilliant white and green variegated foliage, a nice contrasting element. Growing flowers for cutting is similar to growing them for landscaping, with a few exceptions. When growing for cutting, you will want to harvest blooms all season long, not necessarily leave them on the plant. Choosing long season blooming varieties as well as sowing small, frequent successions means more blooms

for a longer period. Rudbeckia “Rustic Colors” will produce profusions of blooms for the entire summer and late into the fall. Dahlias are one of the finest cut flowers and they produce all summer long until fall frost finally puts an end to the show. Sowing small patches more frequently means you don’t have to feel guilty about harvesting more and cutting plants back hard. Quick growing flowers like calendula, sunflowers, and zinnias can be sown every 10-12 days for multiple harvests and a longer season. When harvesting for cut arrangements, always cut out in the garden early in the morning, this reduces respiration and wilt. Bring your harvest into the shade or indoors to arrange, and consider cutting the bottom of the stem under water. This creates a seal that locks in moisture to prolong the life of the flower. Many folks choose to re-cut the very bottom stems each day to make a fresh seal and extend vase life. This article is mostly a focus on annual cut flowers, but growing flowering perennials and shrubs is a rewarding long term investment. The beloved hydrangea thrives on the island and is ideal for cutting. Be sure to scrape the sides of the last few inches of the stem to remove the woody outer skin — this allows water to better travel up the stem and to keep flowers hydrated and fresh. “Sea holly” a.k.a eryn-

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gium is a drought and salt tolerant perennial with dusky blue blooms. The star-like blossoms of globe allium are perfect for tucking into arrangements for contrasting texture and shape — these look excellent in the landscape as well. I will never forget the first globe allium that I ever saw, the large purple blooms caught my eye in the stunning perennial beds at the Sea Breeze Inn. The large showy varieties are excellent in the landscape, but usually too big for arranging — luckily there are several small varieties. Floral arranging is an incredibly rewarding and relaxing art form, and the more you practice, the more creative and unique your pieces will become. Grow a cutting garden this season and enjoy a fabulous floral season. Shannon McCabe is a gardening writer for an heirloom seed catalog called Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. She also manages a flower farm at the Farmers Daughter in South Kingstown, RI. She grew up a year round resident of Block Island and since graduating from the Block Island School has earned a degree in Horticulture and pursued a career writing about heirloom seed varieties. When she is not flower farming, she travels the globe visiting farms, markets and seed banks searching for rare vegetable, herb and flower varieties.

Page 8 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Build a 5-gallon-bucket garden Right on your own porch or patio

By Kari Curtis This project uses recycled five-gallon buckets to grow a great container garden. Five-gallon buckets make terrific containers for a huge number of vegetables. Not only do they hold just enough potting soil for roots to thrive, but they don’t take up a lot of room on a crowded patio or deck. Each bucket is home to one vegetable plant and perhaps two or three smaller herbs or annual flowers. They’re easy to move around the deck, porch, or patio to maximize sunlight exposure, and come fall, the plants can readily be protected from early frosts by simply tossing a bed sheet over them. Pick the right buckets When selecting buckets for your fivegallon-bucket garden, try to avoid any that were used to store questionable materials, such as pool chemicals, tar, asphalt, pesticides, or herbicides. Instead, look for buckets that were used for food-grade materials or clay-based kitty litter, or ones that were simply used for odd jobs around the house. Pick the right vegetables After you have your buckets, focus on selecting the vegetable varieties. Do yourself a favor and seek out smaller-statured vegetable plants — anything too large and lanky will be tricky to maintain. You can also grow a broad range of salad greens in five-gallon buckets.

What you will need: • 1 plastic, 5-gallon bucket for each plant • roll of burlap (if you’d like to cover the bucket) • jute or plastic twine • enough 50/50 potting soil/compost blend to fill all the buckets • 1 feature plant for each bucket • 2 to 3 “filler” plants for each bucket • cordless drill with 1/2-inch drill bit

Step 1 — drill holes in bucket.

• scissors • eye protection (for drilling)

Step 1 Flip over each of the buckets and use the drill with bit to create three to five drainage holes in the bottom of each bucket. Do not push too hard on the drill as it may crack the bucket. Let the bit and drill do the work.

Step 2 If you’d like to cover your buckets with decorative burlap, this is best done before the containers are filled. Or, If you want to add a splash of color to your five-gallonbucket garden, paint the buckets with funky patterns using a spray or liquid paint formulated specifically for use on plastics. Clean the exterior off the buckets with an ammonia-based cleaner before painting. To prevent damage to any plants, allow the paint to fully dry prior to planting the buckets.

Step 3 Fill the bucket with the potting soil and compost blend to within one inch of the bucket’s upper rim.

Step 4 Plant one larger, feature plant in the bucket, and then add two or three smaller plants if desired.

Step 5 Repeat the process for each of your five-gallon buckets, and then arrange the planted buckets with the plants that will grow tallest toward the back, and those with trailing or low plants toward the front to maximize sunlight exposure and air circulation.

Step 4 — add soil mixture.

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The final product wrapped in burlap, with a cucumber plant. Courtesy photos.

Step 5 — plant vegetable plants.

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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Page 9


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Page 10 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Highland Farm

If you are on the mainland, take a swing by Highland Farm on Route 1 in Wakefield — they are open for the season! With pansies, plants and evergreens, garden ornaments, trees, annuals, and perenials — there is something for everyone. They have hemlock, natural cedar, brown pine, red cedar and black pine mulch bagged and ready to go. Other bagged products include organic potting soil, complete container mix, shrimp and seaweed compost, composted manure and a vast array of fertilizers. Call Highland Farm and they will be happy to help you (401) 792-8188. As always, free delivery to the Block Island Ferry everyday! For more information you can also visit HighlandFarmRI.com.

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Get your gardens ready


House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Diary of a Gardener

By Jessica Veldman It’s cold this morning, another in a long row of deceiving days. I push my trays around at the station mumbling under my breath. The weather was supposed to be nice by now but here we are still rotating plants under two grow lights. Spring seems to try to be happening. The snow drops and snow crocuses are vainly pushing onward, March is always so iffy. At the beginning of the month, I was out pruning fruit trees and now four nor’easters later, I carefully creep out of my winter coat. Today is the first real day of moderate weather in a long time. I have moved all the tomatoes, kale, and cabbages out to the greenhouse where they sit on their heat mat. Every night I arrange a quilted blanket over their domed trays hoping for above freezing temps. The greenhouse retains about 10 degrees higher than the outside temperature. In a few weeks when it finally gets up to 40 at night, I can stop tucking all the seedlings in. Yesterday, in a sure sign of spring, I started tilling my new garden area. I have plans for a wildflower bee garden where my compost pile is currently sitting. I told my husband I was going out to clean the rabbits, yet somehow two hours later, I staggered in covered in soil and smiling. I had only planned to clean the rabbits but as I turned the fresh hay and manure into the bin, I noticed the ground was soft. The air was still and seemed warm against my face after the wind earlier in the day. That was all it took and I was off churning earth at an alarming rate. I pulled out the reaching grass rhizomes that were attempting to get into the asparagus bed; murdering with abandon all the blackberry sprouts, creeping bittersweet, and bull briar. I had to keep reminding myself that I had spin class in a couple of hours and not to get too

carried away. I assessed the blueberries — a struggling hand-off from someone else — no need to prune them at the moment, but if required it would be for every three canes, take out one of the oldest, preferably. They need new growth to help stimulate flower and berry production. Forsythia is the same and should be pruned directly after flowering to not damage next year’s buds. Mine, a leftover from the Arbor Day handout, has gotten rather large and will be getting the cut after it flowers. I already started on the roses but one climber is left. I meticulously took out all the crossing, inward facing, and thinner than a pencil canes — pruning down to an outward facing bud, 45 degree cut sloping away from the bud, at the height I wanted them to start at. The climbers I fan out over a fence and an obelisk. I leave most of the main canes and prune down the side shoots to 3 or 4 bud lengths. On the fence I form a fan shape and on the obelisk I wrap the canes around the structure and tie them off with twine. This past fall I had made a mound of coffee grounds, manure, and

banana peels over the base — this keeps them warm as it breaks down, while sheltering the base of the rose from damage, and fertilizes them in the spring. I carefully start removing this in the spring — never all at once. I have to watch for new growth and be sure that I don’t scald or shock the plant. If I get a streak of nice overcast damp weather, I will remove the pile completely and scratch it into the ground around the rose. I contemplate my afternoon plans for the next couple of days as the last few sod clumps go over. I still have to clean up a

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few perennials, finish pruning the rose on the obelisk, and train the sweet autumn clematis further up the Russian olive tree. Perhaps I could do a third every day in the bee garden and another project also? Oh, but what about the rock wall I am working on… ugh. I dust my knees off and check the time — almost 4:30 — time to quit and get ready for spin class. I shake off the last clumps of sod and run my fingers through for stray roots and head in. This morning I still have a smile on my face, digging in the dirt can do that to you.

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Page 12 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Gardening with Block Island’s oceanic climate in mind

By Shannon McCabe A gardener is always in tune with the weather; from timing a pea planting before an expected rainfall, to choosing the perfect hot sunny day for harvesting and curing winter squash. The weather always dictates one’s gardening tasks. While frost dates and USDA hardiness zone maps are helpful resources to plan your garden, these tools tend to paint with broad brush strokes, overlooking the complexities of specific regions. Understanding the features of one’s microclimate is key to becoming a better gardener. A microclimate is an area with growing conditions that differ from the overall climate of the region. Rhode Island is classified as a USDA hardiness zone six to seven depending on the specific location. This broad definition overlooks the island’s mild weather behavior. We all appreciate the fact that summertime high temperatures average in the 70s while the mainland is sizzling; our gardens also enjoy this weather bubble. Block Island’s climate is referred to as an oceanic climate, which is considered rare for the East Coast. Also known as a marine or maritime climate, oceanic climates are characterized by mild summers, relatively mild winters and consistent rainfall. Oceanic climates are much more com-

McCabe’s Farmers’ Market table with fresh produce. Photo by Shannon McCabe. mon on the West Coast, specifically the Pacific Northwest, and much of Western Europe enjoys a mild oceanic climate as well. Block Island’s oceanic climate is thanks to the fact that we are surrounded by the ocean. This makes for cooler spring and summer temperatures as the ocean is slow to warm up, keeping things mild.

Alternately, the ocean slowly cools down over the winter, which is why we experience warmer fall weather than our friends on the mainland. Embracing our special climate will make for greater yields and tastier harvests. I spent two summers grappling with the unique challenges of the island’s

weather as a market farmer, and countless more in my home garden. I learned which crops thrive in our foggy, mild summers and which need a bit more attention to soldier through. Keeping a garden journal with a weather log will help getting in tune with island patterns. A look at the island’s farming history tells us what crops work best. The Niantic people who originally settled the island were known to grow crops like corn, beans and squash in the “three sisters style.” As a market farmer, I found beans and squash to perform well, as long as I waited until well after our last frost date to plant seeds; the long harvest period in the fall makes up for our cool, late spring. My sister has grown a dwarf variety of corn called blue jade sweet corn with much success, the stocky plants are less likely to topple over in the event of strong wind. Parts of the island were once devoted to fruit farming. The land my family’s horse farm is located on was once an orchard, as evidenced by the ancient quince planted on the hills and the old cranberry bog that was planted along the ponds edge.Those aiming to grow fruit on the island will find pears, quince, and apples perform bestour cold spring does not deter their hardy blossoms.

CK10SE Series


McCabe’s Brussel sprouts. Photo by Shannon McCabe.

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A long, mild season can make growing things like greens and cabbage relatives much easier. While the mainland summer peaks and the lettuce crop begins to bolt, islanders are more worried about their tomatoes ripening. Crops like lettuce, spinach and arugula can be secession sown multiple times throughout the spring and summer and into fall. This is not to be taken for granted, most mainland growers have to employ shade cloth and other means to prevent cool-loving greens from bolting in summer’s heat. Growing crops like broccoli, cauliflower, rutabaga and Brussels sprouts is easier when your summer stays cool. These crops taste best when harvested in Fall, so be sure to sow seeds in late Spring/ early Summer to harvest late. My two favorite crops to grow as a market farmer are beets and watermelon radish, both thrive in cool, steady weather and take on an impeccable flavor when grown in the ideal conditions. Watermelon radish is typically considered a fall radish, but given our summers, the roots perform well from spring ‘til fall. Beets are known to take on a sweeter flavor when grown in cool conditions. I sow multiple secessions of beets. The final harvest, which takes place after a fall frost is the tastiest! This season, be sure to embrace the oceanic climate, sow multiple secessions of greens and beets and other cool-loving crops. Don’t forget to always keep a journal and take note of the weather, this helps to better plan for next season! Happy Gardening!

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Lawnmowers, generators, tractors and more

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Page 14 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Invasives to watch for

By Renée Meyer It’s not one of the most pleasant aspects of gardening or yard work, but tackling invasive plants has unfortunately become a top priority in recent years on Block Island. While there have been, for years, many non-native and invasive species on Block Island, such as Oriental bittersweet, Japanese knotweed, and Japanese honeysuckle competing for terrain with native species, there are some relative newcomers. These include mile-a-minute vine and black swallow-wort. Both the mile-a-minute and black swallow-wort have spread widely over the island in the past five years or so. Both were introduced to the United States years ago, and with no natural predators around to keep them in check, they have the ability to outcompete other species. Black swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum nigrum) is a member of the milkweed family, and like other milkweeds, the plant forms pods chock full of winged seeds that, unchecked, will fly freely over fields on a Block Island breeze. Our locally native milkweeds, the common milkweed, and the swamp milkweed, play an important role as host plants for the monarch butterfly, which lays its eggs on the plants. When the butterfly larvae hatch, the leaves provide the larvae with their first meals. What makes black swallow-wort particularly evil is that while monarchs will lay their eggs on it, when those eggs hatch and try to eat the leaves, they will be poisoned. Getting rid of black swallow-wort, a perennial, is not a pleasant or easy task. Pulling it up in the normal course of weeding is not likely to get rid of the entire plant. It needs to be thoroughly dug up, or new plants can form from the roots left behind. How one disposes of the dug up plants is also tricky. You don’t want to put it in your compost pile, where it may spring back to life. If you have an infestation and can’t dig it all up, it is imperative that you don’t let it go to seed. The plant flowers in late summer and then forms brown seed pods. Mowing, while it actually can make for a more vigorous plant, is necessary to prevent blooming. There may be help on the way in the future. Rhode Island University entomologist Richard Casagrande has been researching finding a biological control for the plant for many years now. Finding a biological control involves going back to the countries

Bayberry. Photos by Renée Meyer.


Black swallow-wort. of original for the species and finding natural predators that eat it. Whatever natural predators are found must then be rigorously tested in quarantined labs to make sure they don’t harm native species, and don’t become a problem in and of themselves. Casagrande’s team identified five possible predators and focused on two types of leaf-eating moths. One, Hypena opulenta is now undergoing field trials on the island of Naushon, one of the Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts. Larvae of the moth were released on the island in September, 2017 with approval from the U.S. Department of

Agriculture. There were previous releases in Canada in 2013. If the field testing is effective, it still may be years before it can become a viable solution, as there is the not-so-small business of rearing enough of the moths for widespread release. So, keep digging… Mile-a-minute vine (Persicaria perfoliata) was introduced into the northeastern United States in the 1930s. It was first observed on Block Island, around Fresh Pond in 2008. By 2014 it was pervasive all over the west side of the island. This is an annual vine, with unfortunately, quite beautiful blue berries. The seeds are spread by both birds and deer. It gets its common name for its ability to grow six meters in a single season. While the vines might be easily pulled or dug up, when small, the berries can persist in the soil for many years – able and willing to sprout at

any time over the next seven years. Mile-a-minute also sent researchers on a scramble to find a biological control, and one was found and eventually approved in 2004. While most of the research was conducted at the University of Delaware, the URI Biological Control Lab later became active in the breeding of the control agent Rhinoncomimus latipes, a weevil. Evidently a few homeowners on Block Island released R. latipes they obtained from URI. Was it successful? It’s hard to tell, as there was undoubtedly too much of the plant around for the amount of biocontrol agent released. Still, there are certain patches that appear to be diminishing. Another invasive plant – this time it’s a shrub, is Japanese barberry (Berberis thungerii). It’s still being sold by nurseries, despite its invasive tendencies. It’s attractive to gardeners for its colorful foliage and elongated red berries. It’s drought tolerant, and thorny, making it deer resistant. Barberry might not be at the top of one’s list of things to get rid of, but consider this: scientists have found that it has a role in the spread of Lyme disease. Researchers from the University of Connecticut found that the ultra-humid environment formed under the shrub allowed the Lyme-spreading deer ticks to remain active for longer periods of time than normal. In addition, mice, also a vector in the spread of Lyme, also find the plant hospitable. One of the researchers, Scott Williams, was quoted in a 2012 article in UConn Today as saying: “When we measure the presence of ticks carrying the Lyme spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) we find 120 infected ticks where barberry is not contained, 40 ticks per acre where barberry is contained, and only 10 infected ticks where there is no barberry.” One recommended way to remove barberry is first to cut off all the stems/branches so that all is left is a stump. Then get rid of the stump. The safest and most environmentally correct way to do this is probably to dig it up.



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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Spring season at Goose & Garden

By Kari Curtis At long last— it’s the time of year to start planning your outside garden and landscaping projects! Heather and Turtle Hatfield, along with sons Chase and Blaze, are excited going into their sixth year at Goose & Garden. Whether your projects are big or small, Goose & Garden is a great place to get what you need here on the island. You can get topsoil, potting soil, fertilizer, manure, and peat moss, and there is a large selection of annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs. You can get a jump-start on the spring veggies in the greenhouse now — lettuces and kale, a huge variety of tomato plants and herbs, along with pansies and petunias.  Along with a selection of hanging baskets, they also have containers for potted plants. Heather suggests that people can

bring their own containers or window boxes to have made up with whatever you wish. Japanese beetle traps, deer repellent spray, a variety of rakes and small gardening tools, as well as a selection of seeds from the Hudson Valley Seed Library are available, as well. If there is something you want that you don’t see, just ask Heather; she can order it for you.  Located off Beacon Hill Road, opening day is on April 21 (Earth Day weekend) with weekend hours on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you need something during the week, call Heather and she can arrange to meet you. Lastly, don’t forget that Goose & Garden takes cash and checks only — so plan accordingly.  You can reach Heather at Goose & Garden at (401) 464-1632.

Page 15

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Page 16 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Farming’s future:

Alicia Leone takes on organic farming

Alicia is learning how to use the (big) farm equipment. Photos by K. Curtis

A field trip to Hershberger Heritage Breed Farm in PA to learn about raising chickens. Courtesy photo.

Tractor training — Alicia plows and discs the land before the deer fencing is installed.

By Kari Curtis “Through organic leadership we improve the health and well-being of people and the planet.” J.I. Rodale Alicia Leone grew up on her great grandparent’s small farm on the West Side of Block Island — her deep family roots date back to the 1700s — and farming was an essential part of everyday life. Owned by her great-great uncle Leroy Dunn and his relations before that, her great-grandparents Everett and Barbara (Wescott) Brown lived on the farm raising chickens and rabbits. They also had a vegetable garden with lots of corn and potatoes, and a small herb garden. Alicia loved raising the fluffy little chicks into hens — her favorite chore was collecting the eggs in the coop. Looking back on that time, her favorite memories include summer days and time spent with her greatgrandmother Barbara in the gardens where she helped, and learned about growing fresh garden-to-table vegetables and herbs. Alicia attributes this upbringing to her love and intrigue of horticulture, organic agri-

culture and integrative nutrition. Scratching the surface Alicia first heard about the Organic Farming Certificate Program in early 2015, in Rodale’s Organic Gardening magazine and after reading about J.I. Rodale, the Organic Farming Certificate Program (OFCP) and The Rodale Institute, she knew she had to be a part of the program. The Rodale Institute is located in Kutztown, PA and was founded in 1947 by organic pioneer J.I. Rodale to study the link between healthy soil, healthy food, and healthy people. The Rodale Institute pursues a sustainable “Greener Revolution” — defined as meeting universal needs of proper nutrition, famine prevention, and biologically sustainable solutions to climate change. Alicia applied and was accepted to start in the Fall of 2015, but then found out she was pregnant — she put her education on hold until she would be able to fully commit to the program. While she was pregnant, she began noticing organic food that was geared towards babies and moms was readily available. This made choosing to eat organic food and to feed her child only organic food, the first two years of his life, a top priority. This only validated what she already believed and her reason for wanting to attend the O.F.C.P. After high school, most of Alicia’s education revolved around food. Starting out in culinary school, she became fascinated with nutrition and nutrients. This evolved into studying integrative nutrition — where she first heard that food grown organically may be nutritionally denser than conventionally grown food. “It was from that point I knew I wanted to be a part of growing and raising organic food,” Alicia points out. “Ultimately, I was grasping at becoming a part of “the food movement” in any way possible.” Alicia started the O.F.C.P in the 2017 summer semester — commuting between Pennsylvania and Rhode Island — from her short-term apartment, her son Axel’s daycare, The Rodale Institute and back to her home on Block Island to work on the weekends. She is a full-time mom and student, juggling her time between an active two-year-old and organic farming

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Page 17

Learning how to do a tomato vine weave on the farm at Rodale Institute. Courtesy photo. study. To say her life is busy, is an understatement, but she still considers all of the sacrifices worth it. “Now I know what I’m really capable of,” says Alicia, and when taking up farming as your career, that’s a good thing to know. This past fall, she jumped into the university side of organic agriculture at Delaware Valley University in Doylestown, PA, where she will be until early May, finishing the spring semester of the certificate program. Rolling up her sleeves Part of Alicia’s studies include working on the farms associated with The Rodale Institute and DVU — this teaches the students hands-on skills while giving them real life experience. Last summer on Rodale Institute’s 333-acre organic farm, Alicia worked cultivating fields, harvesting and packaging vegetables for their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture co-op), livestock chores, inoculating beds and logs with mushroom spores, building compost piles, pruning in the apple orchard, and working in the apiary. At DVU’s Roth Farm Center for Sustainable Agriculture, a 100-acre farm, Alicia is working with layer hens and dairy cattle. Chores include moving the animals to fresh pasture or feeding them in their over-wintering pens, while keeping their stalls and pens clean. This past fall Leone helped tag, band, dehorn and vaccinate the new bull calves on the farm. Right now, Alicia is working on creating an organic turkey production plan, some plantings in the organic high tunnel greenhouse, plus soil testing the fields prior to this year’s planting. In addition, Alicia just recently started working on a 10-acre botanical and herb farm in Doylestown, PA, called Barefoot Botanicals — a certified organic farm that mainly grows herbs, medicinal herbs, and edible flowers. At this job she is seeding trays, cleaning out the greenhouses, and learning tree propagation. This “farmer training” has taught Alicia how to produce food in a way that restores, maintains and enhances the natural world. Students who complete the Organic Farming Certificate Program leave with the knowledge and experience

necessary to start a small-scale organic farm or work for an organic operation. Digging Deeper Alicia is married to Abel Sprague and together with their son Axel, they live year-round on the West Side on Sprague Farm, owned by her father-in-law, Joe Sprague. This multi-generational farmland has a total of 44 acres — part of which was the original family farm — and part of which Sprague purchased from his neighbor, Otto Mitchell. Alicia will use an acre of the land for vegetable production. Learning about the key role the soil plays in all agriculture — especially in organic agriculture — was vital to helping her assess the land she plans to farm. She plans to start small-scale this season, due to getting a late start after finishing school, and sees this summer as a “test” year. Alicia and Axel drove home for Easter weekend so that she (with help from Joe and Abel) could plow and disc the area where she plans to plant a cover crop — commonly used to suppress weeds, manage soil erosion, help build and improve soil fertility and quality, and control diseases and pests for the protection and enrichment of the soil. “There’s a lot that needs to be done; we need to finish plowing, put the deer fencing up, make the beds to plant into — I’m going to start with just half an acre for now for vegetable production, and see where I want to go from there,” reports Alicia. After spending last summer on the farm at The Rodale Institute, Alicia has even more ideas for her farm that she would like to incorporate here on the island. Eventually, she would like to add layer hens, some small livestock, and a high tunnel greenhouse to harvest more and extend her growing season. “I like the idea of using agriculture to regenerate the land and soil. I’m very interested in growing a more nutrient-dense crop that tastes better — and even raising livestock that are happier and healthier,” she explained. Alicia sees the importance of learning the full breadth of organic agriculture — to fully educate and embrace being an organic farmer. Being able to learn about the business of organic agriculture — and turn it into a lifestyle that she can raise her family

Alicia learned how to trim the hooves of the llamas at Roth Farm. Courtesy photo.

Moving steers to the pasture on Roth Farm at Delaware Valley. Courtesy photo. in — is the ultimate goal. “In the big picture, I want to be a part in the change we need to see with our food system,” she explains, and believes that industrialized agriculture is a broken system. “People should go back to growing some of their own food — or at least have the option to eat fresh, locally.” With the knowledge, resources and technical training Alicia has received in the Organic Farming Certificate Program, she feels ready to step into her next role of organic farmer.

Alicia and Axel look over the lot before she plows it.

Page 18 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Carpenter bees: friend or foe?

By Kari Curtis During the cold winter months, carpenter bees are rarely found. This is because during winter carpenter bees morph from larvae into adults. As the short days and harsh temperatures freeze the world around you, baby carpenter bees stay safe and warm in the wooden tunnels they’ve created. However, once winter gives way to spring, carpenter bees emerge from their nests. This typically occurs during April and May— and usually it’s the males who appear first. You can easily distinguish male and female carpenter bees by their appearance. Male carpenter bees generally feature a white-colored spot on the front of their face — females do not. While these bees can be intimidating due to their size, they rarely pose a threat to humans. In fact, males don’t even feature stingers — and the females will rarely sting you, unless terribly provoked. The primary reason why you should want to eliminate these creatures from your home is not because they’re harmful to you — but rather to your home and property buildings. Hovering and dive-bombing in the name of love It’s what carpenter bees do — second to springtime pollination. Shiny, black in color and resembling a large bumblebee, the adult male carpenter bee “hovers” while he patrols an area seeking a suitable female mate. Curious in nature, it’s not unusual for the male carpenter bee (upon discovering you within his territory) to fly in and hover only inches from your face. But remember — male carpenter bees don’t sting. Still can’t get out of the way fast enough? Try tossing a small object away from you — interestingly enough, the carpenter bee has a foolish eye for almost anything that moves.

The environmental importance of carpenter bees Although it’s difficult to imagine carpenter bees hold a job outside of annoying you during a warm spring day, these insects hold an important job within the environment. Before you take harsh measures to eliminate these bees from your property, it’s important to understand why they’re there in the first place. The greatest benefit of carpenter bees is their ability to pollinate. With a serious decline of bee pollinators due to pesticides, diseases and malnutrition, the carpenter bee population is absolutely necessary to ensure the health and vitality of countless plants. As pollinators, carpenter bees are generalists in our gardens and landscapes. They may be found rummaging through a number of different species. Like their close cousins, the bumblebees, carpenter bees are early morning foragers. Carpenter bees are excellent pollinators of eggplant, tomato and other vegetables and many types of flowers. Therefore, instead of using pesticides to kill carpenter bees, the most environmentally friendly way to ward off these insects is through prevention methods. However, it may be necessary to kill smaller nests. If this is the case, try to keep the casualties at a minimum to help prevent damage to your local environment. Damage caused by carpenter bees The female carpenter bee tunnels into a wood structure, usually choosing untreated wood, and burrows about a half-inch hole


into the wood, going back a short distance, then making a sharp 90° turn. There can be many branching tunnels through the wood, eventually weakening its structural integrity. These bee moms deposit an egg and enough food for the developing larva and then seals up that cell with a partition of cement-like wood chips, and then continues on and on making six or more cells. That egg develops into a larvae which eats the food as it grows and then emerges in August or September from that hole in the wood. Its adult life continues for approximately one year. It will live in the tunnel through the winter and, if it survives, emerge again in the spring to mate and repeat the whole process via another generation. The carpenter bees do re-use tunnels from year to year and can become

the pest we don’t want to see around our homes, our fences, decks, or out-buildings. You can prevent some infestation by using treated wood, but sometimes they will tunnel into it anyway. They prefer unpainted wood over painted. If you provide wood and tree stumps in a location in your yard, the carpenter may choose that wood over your other wood structures — that way you still have the pollinator but not as much the pest — but there is no guarantee they will choose that wood. Carpenter bees prefer to re-use the old tunnels, so if you block those old tunnels that will just encourage them to make new tunnels. So make up your own mind, friend or foe? I will say friend since they are pollinators, but I may change my mind if or when the deck collapses.


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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Page 19

Ideas to help get rid of carpenter bees — without harming them

By Kari Curtis Instead of reaching for a can of pesticide, how about trying a natural, bee friendly way? While it may be necessary to kill a small number of carpenter bees, there are many ways of controlling populations throughout your property without using harmful or toxic compounds that can seriously damage the environment, pets and people. Method 1: Vacuum cleaner This may seem strange, but it’s an effective method for getting rid of carpenter bees, as the bees hate vibration and loud noises. Simply take a vacuum cleaner and place it over the tunnel holes. The bees will often evacuate the hole and fly off. While they are out, block their hole. It’s best to do this in the evening, which is when carpenter bees return to their nest for the night. Method 2: Block existing carpenter bee tunnel holes Why not stop the bees from entering or exiting their home? This is an effective remedy. Simply close up the tunnel holes by pushing steel wool into the them. Make sure that you use steel wool, or another material in which the bees can’t dig through, such as putty or caulk. This can be an effective way to control a large carpenter bee infestation without the use of insecticides or other more invasive methods. Be sure that any bees are out of the hole before blocking up (see method 1!). Method 3: Repel carpenter bees with citrus oil spray There are certain scents that carpenter bees can’t stand. If you’re looking for an effective way to eliminate these insects

You can find “traps” for carpenter bees online, like the one in the photo to the right. Courtesy photos.

from your home, but you wish to avoid using toxic chemicals, then a citrus spray may be your ideal choice. To do this, simply pour lemon, orange, or lime essential oils into a spray bottle. Add 20 to 30 drops of oil with eight ounces of water. Spray the tunnel holes with a liberal amount. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this gets rid of the carpenter bees. Method 4: Repel carpenter bees with eucalyptus oil spray Essential oils are some of the most powerful methods of natural pest control. Instead of actually killing the insects, these oils work to repel them away from wherever it’s applied. Eucalyptus oil has an incredibly strong scent, which carpenter bees dislike. In fact, many homeowners find that after applying this oil directly to their home carpenter bees disappear.

The best part? You didn’t have to kill off an entire colony to eliminate these pests, which is excellent for the environment. To create this solution, pour eight ounces of water into a spray bottle. And add 20 to 30 drops of pure eucalyptus oil. Close the lid and shake well. Liberally spray around the tunnel holes. For added protection, spray the solution along all wooden surfaces each day. While this takes a little time, it’s an environmentally-friendly way to control carpenter bee populations. Method 5: Repel carpenter bees with tea tree oil spray Much like eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil features a strong scent that repels carpenter bees. Not only are these bees turned off by its scent, but many other insects dislike its scent as well. Therefore, if you have a general insect problem, then you should

consider utilizing tea tree oil throughout the interior and exterior of your home. For maximum effectiveness, pour one tablespoon of pure tea tree oil into eight ounces of water. Combine these ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray liberally around the carpenter bee tunnel holes. Due to the intense nature of tea tree oil, avoid contact on your skin as this solution is not incredibly diluted.


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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Renting your Block Island home:

Page 21

Design considerations to maximize rentability and minimize maintenance By Liz Bazazi Opening homes to vacationers is a Block Island tradition, starting from as early as1840 with the first influx of tourists and growing ever since to meet demand. Many find renting their home for a portion of the season a helpful way to offset the cost of buying or building on Block Island. If you are considering renting your island home, bear in mind that, first and foremost, renters want ease, comfort, and cleanliness. Internet, Wi-Fi and TV are essential to them; aesthetics and luxury are not. This allows you the freedom to express your own stylistic preference. The two most common renter groups are: A) two couples with children and, B) grandparents with children and grandchildren. Either can be accommodated with one bedroom for four kids and two master suites. The latter may have a queen bed or two twins that can be combined to form a king using a converter belt and foam bed bridge. It’s popular for one master bedroom to have a bathroom en suite and the other a hall bathroom in close proximity. Attic space can offer a master suite a terrific view but, if you take that route, provide a second master bedroom on the main living level so it’s more accessible to grandparents. Nightstands and reading lamps are important; large closets are not. At least one bathroom should have a tub but no one expects jets. Attractive shower curtains show better than glass doors, which become cloudy from frequent, overzealous cleaning. Fiberglass showers show better than tiled ones, as mildew eventually stains grout. Low-maintenance tile alternatives include full width slabs of stone or solid surface materials like those offered by Re-Bath and Syn-Mar. If you’re determined to use tile, opt for large sizes and mildew resistant grout. Consider creating a compartmentalized bathroom that can be used by more than one person at a time. Equip bathrooms with abundant towel bars, hooks, and a place to set travel cases. Kitchens should have room for group cooking and be visually connected to adjacent spaces. A small pantry is helpful in accommodating a week’s worth of groceries. Stained cabinets hide nicks, scratches, and grime better than painted ones. Consider color stains—black is trending and looks great with Carrera marble—or mixing painted upper cabinets, which take less abuse, with stained base cabinets. Simpler appliances outlast expensive brands. The lives of refrigerators are shortened from running continuously when arriving renters load endless coolers of groceries or drawer freezers aren’t closed tightly. Facilitate their replacement by providing a standard sized cabinet opening. Renters expect dishwashers and prefer gas stoves. Stainless steel appliances can dent and are easily scratched by rough cleaning. Instead choose a stylish matte ‘graphite’ or ‘slate’ finish with stainless steel accents. Living rooms, dining rooms, and decks should seat as many people as beds are provided for. Create a comfortable place where an individual can escape the group to read or watch sports. This might be a space-withina-space (such as an inglenook), a sitting area in bedrooms, or a separate ‘away room’. Have places where you can lock away what you don’t want used—liquor, fine housewares, clothing, jackets. Since tenants bring their own towels, sheets and toiletries, you could lock yours in a closet and medicine cabinet. Lock bulk paper goods and cleaning supplies in a basement storage room. You may want a shed or lean-to to secure your kayaks, floats, and fishing rods. To prevent mildew, air conditioning is essential; at the very least for finished basements and ground floors. You may decide to control your tenants’ use of it since minds in vacation mode may run it with windows

An outside shower can be nice to use, and help keep sand out of your home. Courtesy photo.

open. Worse, windows forgotten open in a rain storm can damage flooring. Minimize that risk by constructing shingled window caps.

Your site should allow parking where three SUVs, arriving chock full of clothes, toys and food, can conveniently unload. Patios and decks are great attractions,

especially if they offer a view. Offering seating areas on different sides of the house assures a wind-sheltered or shady place can always be found. Avoid plantings near them that attract bees and, in mosquitoprone areas, consider a screened porch. Fire pits are a liability but, by all means, build a delightful outdoor shower. They are a pleasure to use and help keep sand out of the house. Give it non-slip footing and privacy from windows above. It’s a great convenience if it opens directly to an indoor bathroom and has a clothesline nearby. A well-located clothesline may also discourage people from putting sandy towels in your dryer and a well-placed spigot will make it easy to rinse sand from equipment and feet before entering. Renters bring their own beach chairs, bikes and kayaks. Provide the convenience of a spigot and hose to rinse sand and corrosive salt water from them. While your prime consideration should be to create a home that satisfies your lifestyle and taste, implementing these guidelines could make your property more attractive to renters. Even those with no intention of renting may find that these commonsense strategies help them to maximize the enjoyment of their Block Island home and minimize maintenance headaches.

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Page 22 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Scenic Block Island’s Preservation Plaque Program

Does your building qualify for a historic plaque?

The quality decks your customers deserve. Railing Systems

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DuraLife Composite, Siberian Larch, Garappa, Ipé, Meranti, Western Red Cedar Liberty Cedar – more than simply Cedar! This is what the preservation plaques look like. Photo courtesy of Scenic Block Island.

By Kari Curtis Block Island’s undeniable charm lies within its historic homes, hotels, outbuildings, and lighthouses. These buildings are what make this island so uniquely special. Scenic Block Island is launching the Preservation Plaque Program. The aim is to highlight historic structures within the community and therefore increase public awareness by placing historic plaques on them. The Preservation Plaque Program is a two-fold project; first is to identify our historic structures and create awareness and the second is to supply owners with up to date information on how to best take care of their historic buildings. All purchasers of preservation plaques are now eligible to receive ongoing online information that would be useful in preserving their homes and buildings. If your home or building is listed in one of two of the resources below, and you would like a plaque for your historic home or building, please visit SBI’s website at scenicblockisland.org for links to the following:



1. Historic and Architectural Resources of Block Island, Rhode Island. 2. Historic House Survey. If you believe your home/business should be designated historic and your home/building is not listed in the above two locations, please contact SBI. Your home or building must meet two criteria; 1. Your home or building survived the Hurricane of 1938 2. Your home or building must be over 50 percent original All potential buildings to be given a plaque will be researched with the help of Bob Downie. The sign painter, Bob Leonard, is very knowledgeable about period handwriting, and each plaque will be hand-drawn with the popular lettering for the time period.The oval plaque measures 16 inches by 11½ inches, and the cost for a historic plaque is $125. Having a plaque does not restrict you from making any changes to your building, unless you are in the Historic District. For more information on the Plaque Preservation Program, please visit scenicblockisland. org.




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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Page 23

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See the difference that personally designed cabinets can make. Bath and kitchen designs, countertops and remodeling are South County Cabinets specialties. Brookhaven and Woodmode designs are featured. Visit southcountycabinets.com or call (401)-596-7070.



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Page 24 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

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House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Fire safety tips from the Fire & Rescue Squad

The Block Island Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad offers the following tips to homeowners. Springtime is a perfect time to review fire prevention systems after the long winter has ended. Fire extinguishers: It is best to have an extinguisher on each floor. At a minimum, have one in your kitchen and one near your furnace or boiler. It is wise to have one in each of your major outbuildings, one convenient to your barbecue area and one in your garage. Fire extinguishers must be in good working order. If the chemicals inside stand for years, they may settle to the point they will not work. To see if an extinguisher is in working order, turn it upside down and put your ear directly on the extinguisher. If you hear the chemicals moving inside, the extinguisher works. Throw out an extinguisher if: 1. You use it. 2. The indicator shows “recharge.” 3. You cannot hear the chemicals flowing inside when you turn the extinguisher upside down. Extinguishers are inexpensive and it does not pay to recharge old ones. Using extinguishers: Most fire extinguishers have instructions and sketches as to proper use. Each family member should be familiar with their use. Make sure all family members know where extinguishers are located. Renters: If you rent your house, post these tips in plain view and ensure renters know the locations of fire extinguishers. If you use a realtor, insist that she show these tips to renters. Put a sticker on your phones with the house’s fire number. The fire number will be the first thing the dispatcher asks someone who reports a fire or calls

for medical help. Smoke detectors: There should be a minimum of one smoke detector on each floor. They should be located on the ceilings of hallways adjacent to the bedrooms. Detectors in the basement should be located at the top of the stairwell. If you have questions concerning the placement of smoke detectors, contact the fire department at 466-2211. Testing alarms: Test alarms on the first day of each month. Post a reminder on your calendar. The test takes a few minutes. Have a supply of batteries on hand in the event of battery failure. Fire number: Make sure your fire number is plainly visible from the street, including during the night. You may need to display it near the street where fire vehicles will arrive. If your road forks again off the main street, post another sign. Brush piles and grass: Take brush to the Transfer Station. Do not let it accumulate. Mow untended fields at the end of each summer to prevent brush buildup. Fire truck access: Make sure brush on either side of your drive is cut back enough to permit a long, wide fire truck to enter your yard. At a minimum, fire trucks need 12-foot-wide roads and 13-feet height clearance.  If a fire occurs: • Call 911. If there is time, alert all people in the building and call 911. If no time, leave the building and call from a neighbor’s house or a cell phone. • Make sure all people in the house are accounted for. • Know where the furnace/boiler switch is and, if time, turn it off. • Close windows and doors if you can. • Stand by the road to direct fire vehicles.

Page 25

Check your smoke detectors in the spring and fall.

Clear out brush piles in your yard.

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Page 26 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018


Hit the trails or the beach to find a Glass Float The Glass Float Project continues



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A Glass Float hidden in a tree. Photo by Glass Station.

HOMETOWN STORE Sears Hometown Store is here for you with delivery to Block Island! Locally Owned and Operated By Tom Iacobucci

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The Glass Float Project will be back! The first 2018 floats will drop in early June but there are still 2017 floats out there to be found — a few were spotted recently! About the Glass Float Project Eben Horton creates "one of a kind" pieces on an individual basis out of his studio that he calls ‘The Glass Station’ located in downtown Wakefield, R.I. This project is funded by the Block Island Tourism Council and a Kickstarter funding campaign.   550 Glass Floats (glass orbs about the size of a grapefruit) will be hidden on Block Island. Floats will be dated, numbered, and stamped with the shape of Block Island. All floats are clear glass except for 18 (because it is 2018), which are special colored orbs. One super special

float is covered entirely in gold leaf. The hunt continues indefinitely....it only ends when all the floats have been found. Floats will be hidden on the beaches and on the Greenway Trails. They will be above the high tide mark but never in the dunes or up the side of the bluffs. They will be within one foot of either side of any Greenway trail they are placed on. This is "finder's keepers" but you are asked to only keep one per seeker, please. To register a float that you found, go to www.blockislandinfo.com/glass-floatproject/register-floats. To see the list of globes that have already been found, visit www.blockislandinfo.com/glass-float-project/foundfloats.

Block Island Chimneys Cleaned, Lined, Repaired 401-739-0284 • www.classic-chimneyri.com

Booking appointments for early June

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Need a makeover?

Page 27

Opening day April 21st

Visit the Riverhead Building Supply showroom

A healthy summer starts small. Plant your garden today. Weekends 9am - 3pm Call 401-464-1632 for weekday availability Vegetables, Perennials, Annuals, Shrubs and Mulch First right on Beacon Hill Rd. off West Side Rd. and follow the signs.

Discover everything you are looking for at the Riverhead Building Supply showroom. Their full-sized showroom displays will project how your new kitchen will look — and their cabinetry expertise extends beyond the kitchen to bathrooms, bedrooms, home office, media rooms and more. Consultants will work closely with you incorporating your vision into the final plan. In addition to fine kitchen cabinet designs, Riverhead also offers windows and doors, custom molding, flooring and hardware that will complement your entire home. Visit rbscorp.com for more information.



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Page 28 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

Do you have a pool?

JPS Pool Service makes weekly trips to the island

Safety inside the home Safety precautions for the elderly and caregivers

Older adults need to take extra safety precautions due to physical changes that occur during the aging process, such as declining vision, hearing, sense of touch and smell, and bone density loss. These factors increase the risk of injury inside the home. Typical safety recommendations range from general to room-specific with a focus on reducing the number of accidents that occur within the home. Here are the top 10 home safety tips every senior and caregiver should know: 1. Remove all scatter rugs, repair frayed carpet, tape or tack down loose carpet edges. 2. Arrange furniture to allow adequate space for safe walking between and within all rooms. 3. When using oxygen, do not smoke or

use an open flame. 4. Do not overload circuits – unplug appliances when not in use. 5. Wear close-fitting sleeves to prevent spills and burns that could happen with loose, long sleeves. 6. Clean up spills immediately. 7. Use a step stool or reacher to reach high shelves – do not stand on chairs or stools. 8. Place safety strips or a non-skid mat in bathtub/shower and install grab bars – do not use soap dishes or towel racks for support when sitting or standing. 9. Keep closet doors and drawers closed to prevent bruises or tripping. 10. Keep walking aids within reach and keep a nightlight on or flashlight within reach of your bed.


Family owned and operated, JPS Pool Services strives to provide a high level of pool service from start to finish. Joshua Mattey, founder, is sure to spend extra time with each customer to better serve them and wants you to love your pool by having it cleaned and properly maintained on a regular basis. With a staff that is on the island three days a week (April thorough October) JPS is who you need to call for all of your pool needs. From seasonal openings, closings and weekly cleanings to equipment maintenance and upgrades. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Call JPS Pool Service at (401)230-3493 or visit poolguyri.com.


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www.washt r ust .com *Or better depending on line amount. Properties must be located in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or Connecticut. Property insurance is required. All loans subject to credit approval. 1.99% Annual Percentage Rate home equity line is for the initial 12 months. After the initial 12 months, the rate becomes Prime -.50% on lines of $100,000 or more; Prime - .25% on lines of of $25,000 - $99,999. Rates shown in effect as of 3/22/18. Your APR will vary monthly if the Prime Rate changes, but will not exceed 18.00% or be less than 3.00%. Check The Wall Street Journal for current rates. Wall Street Journal Prime Rate as of 3/22/18 is 4.75%. Account closure fee of $350 for lines up to $500,000 or $500 for lines over $500,000 will apply if line is paid off and the account closed within first three years. Best rate featured above requires line to be in first lien position; other rates apply to second lien position; Freedom Plus Checking account required. $25,000 minimum initial draw to third party required. Annual fee of $50 waived for the first year. Some home improvement projects may be subject to inspection fees and a satisfactory completion certificate. Subject to recording fees of approximately $74 in RI, and $93-$177 in MA and CT. Trust review fees of $250 may apply if property is held in a trust. Not intended for homes currently for sale or intended to be sold within 12 months of closing. Offer available for new lines only. Other restrictions may apply. Flood insurance where required by law. Single-family, owner-occupied primary residences or second homes only. Maximum loan-to-value of 80%. Offer available for a limited time only and may be withdrawn at any time. NMLS #414726, MEMBER FDIC


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Home safety checks

By Gloria S. Redlich The Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) launched its first Home Safety Evaluations on Feb. 10, conducted by Human Services Coordinator Maryann Seebeck at the invitation of four senior island families. As part of her assessment, Seebeck followed a checklist identifying a number of potential safety issues, such as efficacy and placement of fire extinguishers, the need for grab bars, non-stick stair treads, non-slip stepladders or stools, shower seats and other equipment to ensure safety. Other issues discussed included making a home exit plan, identifying exits in the event of an emergency and preparing a backpack with medications and other items that might be needed in such an event. In a follow-up of the home visits, Seebeck sent a report with her recommendations to

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES

Since 1984

Connelli Land Improvement Service 466-2549

PROFESSIONAL TREE & BRUSHCUTTING SERVICES each family she visited. Earlier this year, the Division of Elderly Affairs awarded the Senior Advisory Committee a small grant intended to reimburse families’ expenditures on moderatelypriced equipment and their installations. The Committee will offer several more free home safety assessments in the spring, with dates to be announced. Those interested should contact Senior Coordinator Gloria Redlich at (401) 486-9278 or gloryb311@ gmail.com.


Custom Site Prep • View Shed Improvement Vegetation Management • Field Mowing Brushcutting • Chipping William F. Connelli Box 205 • Block Island, RI 02807 References Available License #453

Window Fashions


Page 29


Page 30 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

advertiser index A A&B Family Appliance 466 Main St., Wakefield, RI 02879 (401) 284-4108 abfamilyappliances.com A. Transue Corp. P.O. Box 1558, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5907 Antonio’s Home Services PO Box 1554, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 480-5270 Arnold Lumber 297 Main St., Wakefield, RI 02879 (401) 783-3311 | arnoldlumber.com

B Ballard’s Oil Company Box 689, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2977 Bartlett Tree Experts 240 Highland Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771 (401) 466-2818 | bartlett.com Block Island Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 1787, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5930 Butler & Messier Inc. 1401 Newport Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02861 (401) 728-3200 | butlerandmessier.com

C Classic Chimney PO Box 9190, Warwick, RI 02889 (401) 739-0284 | classic-chimneyri.com Connelli Land Improvement P.O. Box 205, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2549 Cormack-Routhier Agency, Inc. One Harry St., Cranston, RI 02907 (401) 944-9400 | cormackrouthier.com

Coutu Movers 2 Greco Lane, Warwick, R.I. 02886 (401) 739-7788 | coutumovers.com Coventry Lumber 2030 Nooseneck Hill Rd. Coventry, RI 02816 (401) 821-2800 | coventrylumber.com

D D. Brown Appliance Repair P.O. Box 386, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 497-2628 Debbie’s Eco Friendly House Cleaning P.O. Box 104, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 218-8713 | (401) 466-8827 Design \\’ Care New York / Block Island (929) 920-8093 | designwcare.com Dime Bank 131 Franklin St. Westerly, RI 02891 (401) 596-4744 | dime-bank.com DVL Landscaping P.O. Box 1208. Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466- 2081

E East Coast Design 306 Main St., East Greenwich, RI 02818 (401) 885-8585 | ecoastdesign.net

F Fagan Door 390 Tioque Ave., Coventry, R.I. 02816 (401) 821-2729 | fagandoor.com

G Geoffrey Rigby-Leather P.O. Box 897, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2391 | islandresdesign.com Goose & Garden Beacon Hill, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 464-1632




Highland Farm 4235 Tower Hill Rd./Rte. 1 Wakefield, RI 02879 (401) 792-8188 | highlandfarmri.com

McLaughlin & Buie HouseWrights llc. 363 Cedar Ave. East Greenwich, RI 02818 (401)378-2916 | the-housewrights.com

Howard Johnson Inc. 1978 Kingstown Rd. Peacedale, RI 02883 (401) 789-9375 howardjohnsoninc.com

Moriarty’s Fence Company P.O. Box 647, Portsmouth, RI 02871 (800) 225-0808 | moriartysfence.com

I Interstate Navigation P.O. Box 3333, Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 783-4613 | blockislandferry.com Island Shading Systems Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2352 | islandshading.com

J JPS Pool Service N. Scituate, RI 02857 (401) 230-3493 | poolguyri.com

K Karen Beckwith Creative PO Box 737, Lenox, MA 01240 (413) 637-4479 | karenbeckwith.com Karin Sprague Stone Carvers Inc. 904 Tourtellot Hill Rd. Scituate. RI 02857 (401) 934-3105 | karinsprague.com Kitchens Direct, Inc. 1 Pier Marketplace Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 783-3100 | kitchensdirectne.com

L Liberty Cedar 325 Liberty Lane West Kingston, RI 02892 (401) 789-6626 | libertycedar.com

S Sears Hometown Store 6555 Post Rd. North Kingstown, RI 02852 (401) 885-1120 | sears.com

Mr. Lusterklean PO Box 625, Wakefield, RI 02883 (401) 295 -0505

Simmons Masonry P.O. Box 88, Charlestown, RI 02813 (401) 364-1620 | (401) 741-6389 simmonsmasonryri.com

N New England Airlines P.O. Box A2, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5882 | (401) 596-2460 block-island.com/nea Nicholas J. Battey Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1305, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 749-0053

O Offshore Property Ocean Avenue, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5446 offshorepropertyllc.com Overhead Door One Overhead Way, Warwick, R.I. 02808 (877) 624-2724 | ohd.com

P Pat’s Power Equipment 3992 Old Post Rd. Charlestown, R.I. 02813 (401) 364-6114 | patspower.com Pennington Sprague Company, Inc. PO Box 370, Block Island, R.I. 02807 (401) 466-2378

Riverhead Supply 6000 Post Rd. North Kingstown, RI 02852 (401) 541-7480 | rbscorp.com

South County Cabinets 137 Franklin St., Westerly, R.I. 02891 (401) 596-7070 southcountycabinets.com

T Tile Craft Design Center 1305 Kingstown Rd. Peace Dale, RI 02879 (401) 783-7770 tilecraftdesigncenter.com Tiny’s Old Town Lumber, Inc. Old Town Road, Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2124

W Washington Trust Company Ocean Ave., Block Island R.I. 02891 (800) 475-2265 | washtrust.com Westerly Glass 2 Industrial Highway, Westerly, RI 02891 (401) 596-4733 | westerlyglassco.com

Priscilla Anderson Design PO Box 363, Block Island, RI 02807 (617) 947-4044 priscillaandersondesign.com

Island Time!

Photo by Kari Curtis, Block Island Times

House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018 • BLOCK ISLAND TIMES


All of your Flooring Needs Serving RI Since March 1985


Page 31


General Manager


On site, customized binding, squaring and installation

Happy Customers, Caroline and Alexandra Ellwell of Coast Guard Road Hardwood Floor Washing and Protection

Jane Emsbo, Corn Neck Road VCT tile stripping, sealing and waxing

Professional Installer - Joseph Brochu Luxury Vinyl Plank Installation

Searles Ball Apartments in all corridors


Surf, 1661, Oar, Kimberly’s, Neptune House, Sonny and Carol Kern, St. Andrew, St. Ann’s-by-the-Sea are just a few of our happy customers!



Pick up and return to home or business of Oriental, wool or standard area carpets

Child Safe Products

One Call Does it All!


mr.lusterkleanllc@gmail.com • Richard Parent, Proprietor, Owner Operated

Page 32 BLOCK ISLAND TIMES • House & Garden Edition • Spring 2018

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