Medica easystat blood gas analyzer – for reliable and fast sample results

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Designed to meet the demands of modern laboratories, Medica’s EasyStat blood gas analyzer delivers accurate sample test results economically and efficiently.

Medica EasyStat Blood Gas Analyzer – For Reliable and Fast Sample Results

Modern blood gas analyzers are advanced systems that can simultaneously perform hemoglobin quantization and cooximetry, as well as measure electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, ionized calcium and magnesium), glucose, lactate, and creatinine. The Medica EasyStat is an efficient blood gas analyzer model that delivers the high level of precision and performance required in today’s competitive health care environment. The EasyStat is available at a great price in the online stores of leading laboratory equipment suppliers. The EasyStat measures key parameters such as pH, PCO2, PO2, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl- and Hc and also calculates additional parameters. Patient parameters such as FIO2, patient ID, patient temperature, %FIO2 drawing site, and other information can be entered using the digital keypad and integrated with patient results.

EasyStat Analyzer – Features and Specifications Featuring a modular design and compact format, this analyzer significantly reduces maintenance and space requirements. Disposable electrodes and reagent module ensure economical operation and low cost per sample. The lightweight design with optional handle allows this device to be used in any lab setting. Its “Universal sampler” can adapt to both syringe and capillary samples without adaptors. The sample probe’s self-wiping feature provides convenience, sample integrity and user safety. The EasyStat quality control program easily calculates and stores complete statistics for the last 31 days of quality control results at each of three levels. In addition, the maintenance-free electrode design permits fast and safe installation.

Features *

Sample Type - Whole blood


Sample Size - 120μL Syringe mode/95μL Capillary mode


CLIA Classification - Moderate complexity

* Data Storage - 64 Patient results with Operator ID, Patient ID, Date and Time QC - up to 93 results for each Level (Blood Gas/Electrolytes 1,2,3, Hct 1,2) *

Calibration - Automatic or On-Demand


Analysis Time - 120 seconds

Input Parameters *

Patient Temperature - (20-45°C) Time Drawn (00.00)


Patient ID - (14 digits)



Operator ID - (14 digits


Hemoglobin - (30-30.0 g/dL) Sample Source (arterial, mixed venous, venous)


FlO2- (10-100%) Sample Type (radial, brachial, femoral, arterial line)

Measured Parameters and Limits *

PO2 - 5-700 mmHg


pH - 6.500-8.000 pH units


PCO2 - 5.0-150.0 mmHg


Na+ - 80-200 mmol/L


K+ - 1.0-20.0 mmol/L


Hct - 10-70%


Ca++ - 0.25-5.00 mmol/L

Calculated Parameters *

THb (Total Hemoglobin) - 3.3 - 23.3 g/dL


TCO2 (Total Carbon Dioxide) - 0-50 mmol/L


SBC(Standard Bicarbonate - 0-50 mmol/L )


RI(Respiratory Index) - 0.0-70.0


HCO3− (Bicarbonate): 0-50 mmol/L


CtO2(Oxygen Content): 3.0 - 30.0 mL/dL


Ca++(7.4)(for 7.2<pH≤7.6): 0.22 - 5.58 mmol/L


BEecf(Base Excess in extra cellular fluid): −25.0-25.0 mmol/L


BEb(Base Excess in blood): −25.0-25.0 mmol/L


A-aDO2(Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient): 0-700 mmHg


%SO2c(Oxygen Saturation): 40.0-100.0%(calculated at normal P50)


Liquid calibrants are packaged in a single and convenient reagent module. The different components of this analyzer are combined into modules that can be easily accessed by users. The simple menus help the user to easily operate the device.

Ensure Purchase from a Reliable Laboratory Equipment Store Purchasing your blood gas analyzer from a reputable laboratory equipment store would offer many benefits. In addition to budget-friendly pricing, reliable dealers provide great customer support, including training and maintenance.


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