How Much Does It Cost To Own A Website | BloggersHQ

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How Much Does It Cost To Own A Website? Full Website Cost Calculation

In this article I am going to Talk About and answer the question How Much Does It Cost To Own A Website? and all aspects of expenses related to owning and running your very own website or blog. I am very sure you have asked or had the thought "How Much Does A Website Domain Cost?", "How Much Does A Website Cost Per Month?", "How Much Does A Website Cost To Build?" to name a few of the questions related to the matter and costs of owning your very own website or blog. Thankfully, these days you can almost completely ignore that last question as websites have become very easy to build and you are no longer at ransom to extortionately priced programmers and coders. No coding is involved at all these day. Not a single line of code..thankfully!. If you looking to find out how much it costs to own a website these days you have certainly come to the right place. Read on as I break down the associated costs of owning your very own website! 7 DAY FREE BLOGGING COURSE Discover All That You Need To Build An Awesome Blog! Sign up now and get started today with My FREE course! 1/12

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Website? To answer this pertaining question outright and give you the best, cheapest and lowest priced answer then I can honestly tell you that it costs you nothing! Zero, nada, zip, free... However, If you a serious about your blog or building a website of any description and want to be taken seriously (and make some good hard cash) then the free option is most certainly not one that I would recommend. Why? The reason is simple. With a Your-Site or YourWebsite or any of the many other free online blogging platforms available your potential audience simply won't take you seriously.

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How Much Does A Website Domain Cost? Thankfully a domain name is relatively inexpensive with a recommended Top Level Domain of .com, .net or .org priced in the $10 to $15 per year price range all inclusive of the regular add on's and protection. I wrote an article here regarding Where To Purchase A Domain Name for the best price. If you are unsure or unfamiliar with purchasing domain names then do read that article as I do detail some very important aspects to keep an eye out for. This one of the few things that simply is unavoidable and about a buck a month on a yearly basis is hardly going to break the bank!. Do make sure you go for a SSL certificate as an add on or special offer included in the price of your domain name - a very common occurrence and practise. How Much Does A Website Domain Cost?: $10 to $15 yearly, including WHOIS, Privacy Protections and SSL certificate usually. 2/12

Do not skimp out on the SSL certificate period!. It instils and conveys trust and looks more professional with that little green padlock

How Much Does A Website Cost Per Month? Unfortunately, there are monthly costs associated with having your own website. Principally speaking this cost is associated with your hosting package. Your hosting, is essentially where your website lives. When you have your very own funky dream and awesome domain name there are no free options in regards to where you can host your website. On the upside this, particularly when you are are starting out and building your blog does not need to cost you an arm and a leg. This is something to shop around and find out which one best suits your particular needs. Something I always look for is good customer support (24/7/365), site speed and site security, one click WordPress Install and Email included. There are regular deals going on a various companies including m ​ y top two recommended hosting companies and BlueHost. How Much Does A Website Cost Per Month? $5-$7 shared hosting and up for more dedicated specialist servers. This is in a very basic essence all that you need to get started with your own blog. 7 DAY FREE BLOGGING COURSE 3/12

Discover All That You Need To Build An Awesome Blog! Sign up now and get started today with My FREE course!

How Much Does A Website Cost To Build? As a question, this is wide, all encompassing and varied. A website can cost you nothing but your spare time to hundreds of thousands and even millions of USD...all depending on what kind of website you want to build. I'll answer this question in regards to Building WordPress Blogs with the goal of earning a full time income from them. Yes, You can legitimately build a website for free and at absolutely no cost to yourself other than the absolute essentials of your domain name and your website hosting. When I first started out my very first blog I, like anyone else went with one of the free theme options available from WordPress. These WordPress Themes are very functional and serve their purpose until you get your very first sales. I recommend And Suggest that you bookmark this guide and article (Ctrl +D) so that you can come back to it and start reading where you left off and not miss out on any of the awesome tips and techniques Better still, take a few seconds to sign up for my 7 day 100% Free Ecourse on blogging and you will get absolutely everything you need to succeed delivered via email over the next week! Once you do, it would be wise to reinvest your earnings into buying a premium theme. You can of course continue to use a free theme for as long as you wish - even forever! . But, You do want a more professional, personalised and less generic look for your website and money making blog. Besides, On the technical side of thing there is greater functionality, lighter and run faster with cleaner coding. All of which will aid your SEO efforts in a number of ways and help your to get more traffic for your blog.


Getting a premium theme or using a website builder can give your site an SEO boost. That, is a very good reason to step up and buy a premium theme. If you can afford to go a little bit further, you skip ahead from premium theme and jump in and use a website builder. A website builder is not difficult to use nor complicated at all. I use Thrive Themes as my website builder and just for clarification purposes I know absolutely zero in regards to coding - I don't even know how to make a link "no follow" or the code associated with that!.

WARNING! Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Very Well Result In You Winning Back Your Financial Freedom, Causing Tremendous Personal Satisfaction & Living Out The Life Of Your Dreams. Thankfully, and thanks to Thrive Membership - I don't actually need to know!. It is very slick, intuitive and with the membership package you get all the tools under one roof to really explode the growth of your WordPress Blog. Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because You Have The Determination That It Takes To Build A Website About Something You Are Passionate About! The Question is: Do You Have The "Balls" Turn That Passion Into A Profitable Business?!?

Website Cost Calculation 5/12

Lets now run through a quick cost analysis of what it costs to own and run a website. Keep mind mind I am talking about bare minimum cost of starting a brand new blog. Domain Name: $10-$15 Yearly Hosting: $5/month. And that is it! A grand total of something like $6/month. Optional Extras. Premium Theme Or Website Builder: $60-$100 one time fee. So, for around $6 per month and $60-$100 one time fee you can be up and running with your very own Affiliate marketing blog. That brings us to another question!.

How Much Does It Cost To Run And Manage An Affiliate Marketing Blog? Naturally speaking the associated base costs of running and operating an affiliate marketing website is just the same as a regular website. Domain Hosting Optional Premium Theme Or Website Builder Are all that is needed and the costs are the same.

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT!


Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT! Fear Of Missing Out On Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Lead To You A Melancholic State Of Infinite Sadness Due To Missing Out On The Opportunity To Change Your Life For Ever And For The Better, Leaving You With The Eternal State Of Mind Thinking "What If I Actually Built That Darn Blog!" However, For a more effective and professional approach a specific tool, called a Keyword Research tool is most certainly needed. Needed like you need air to breath kind of needed!. Keyword research tools like Jaaxy will set you back in the region of $50 per month. They are needed because you absolutely need to know what to write about, what to create content around and know what internet users are searching for on the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Aim for No of competing sites (QSR) to be 50-60 range, No of searches at least 60, "Green Great" and SEO score of 90+. Basic supply and demand and providing internet users with what they are searching for. A good keyword research tool will provide all the data regarding how many competing sites are using that search term (AKA Keyword Phrase) and how many searches it gets per month on average. This helps us to find low competition keywords (less than 50 competing sites) and ones with reasonable amount of traffic (at least 60 searches). The number of competing sites is shown as QSR in Jaaxy. 7/12

Jaaxy, the one I use, also has a very useful keyword quality indicator or KQI for short that functions on a traffic light colour system: Green - Good To Go! Amber - Meh! so-so you can go for it but your ability to rank will depend on your ability with SEO and your sites authority. Red - No go. Stop. You will find it difficult to rank for this keyword. Your time and effort is best spend creating content that is more likely to rank. Another handy and valuable piece of information given to us by Jaaxy is the SEO rating, ideally you are aiming for this to be as high as possible, for new sites that I am trying to rank I aim for 95+, generally Speaking Never below 90!. 7 DAY FREE BLOGGING COURSE Discover All That You Need To Build An Awesome Blog! Sign up now and get started today with My FREE course! The minimum cost of running a niche site marketing blog is slightly more expensive that running a regular site as the use of a keyword research tool is absolutely and completely required - at least for proper and professional functionality of your site and winning those hard earned commissions. Domain/Website Name: $10-$15 Yearly Hosting Provider: $5/month. Keyword Research Tool: $50/month Bringing us to a grand total of something in the region of $56/month as an absolute minimum for running a niche marketing site. Naturally, there are the usual optional extras of a website builder or premium theme $60-$100 one off fee. The question begs now, how much does it cost to learn affiliate marketing? (keep reading as the answer will surprise you!).

How Much Does It Cost To Learn Affiliate Marketing? It's free!. Yep, go back read that again if you did n't quite catch it F-R-E-E!. To learn affiliate marketing, and from, in my opinion, the very best place to learn affiliate marketing by my own vast experience online it is of no extra cost than you would expect or as I have stated to run an affiliate marketing or niche site marketing website. 8/12

In fact, it is a little bit cheaper... Seriously!.

#FACT I Absolutely LOVE Helping People, I Reply To All Emails, By Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course You Get My Personal Attention And Coaching. All Your Questions Will Be Answered As Quickly As I Can. I Really Do Want You To Succeed And Win Back Your Freedom And To Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of. It Is Time Now To Take Action And Stop Procrastinating!. Give that this company and training platform has an all inclusive hosting, and Keyword research tool (namely Jaaxy!) SSL certificate, step by step training videos, live chat, live weekly webinars and a thriving active community of almost 2 million like minded WebPreneurs of all levels. For only $49/month which is a money saving $7 monthly on all the tools that you would need other wise (hosting, Keyword research tool, SSL Certificate). Which is money that you would need to spend anyway...and still have no affiliate marketing training should you chose to "go it alone" ....And as mentioned you have all the Affiliate Marketing training you need in the Online Entrepreneur Certification course and the Affiliate Bootcamp and the live weekly webinars all included in the $49/monthly fee. Thus I like to think that you pay for the tools and get the training for free!. Better still, there exists multiple savings options including free trail membership (no credit card required!) and First month for a sweet $19 to give you a bit more time to see if the training is the right fit for you and what you are looking for. It is important (for you) that you try it out and find out if it the Marketing Training that you are looking for. Further savings, exist should you wish to become a long term member and effectively reduce the cost of running your site as yearly membership is $359 a year - a little under $30/month. Now compare that to going it alone $56/month minimum cost of running an affiliate marketing blog (and with no training, no active thriving community to help you and cheer you on). Resulting in a saving of $26/month or just over $300/ year.


By Trying my recommended affiliate marketing training you will end up saving money!. Now, you can clearly understand why I say the training is free!. To be more accurate - end up saving a lot of money and get world class internet marketing training included!. Curious to find out where to learn? Who or what this training platform is? Pop your email in the box below and Participate in my free 7 day Blogging e course and I will reveal all and give you access to my free blogging course. 7 DAY FREE BLOGGING COURSE Discover All That You Need To Build An Awesome Blog! Sign up now and get started today with My FREE course!

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Website? - The Conclusion The cost of owning a website, just the name is barely $10 per year for the domain name only, and then there is the cost of running your website which can range from $5/month for basic shared hosting. If you are an affiliate marketer that price can rise to over $55 if you don't take advantage of the recommended money saving training program that I very much suggest that you join - even if you are an experienced marketer and don't need the training as the price can drop to $30/month with full use of all the needed tools to run your affiliate site successfully. So what are you going to do? 10/12

Take advantage of that offer if you are an inexperienced marketer and get some world class training and get yourself on the right track to and pathway to sustainable success online - and save a ton of money while doing so. If you an experienced marketer? Jump on the opportunity to join save money and make a whole bunch of new connections in your industry and potentially a whole lot of new contacts in your industry that you can collaborate with and leverage to propel yourself and your site forwards...all the while saving a bit of cash on your hosting and much needed tools. Definitely a win-win for both groups! which ever you find yourself in - pop your name in the box below or go smash that red button!!


Are You SERIOUS About Making Money Online? Grab My 100% FREE Guide For Beginners And Learn How To Build A Sustainable Business On The Internet By Doing It The Right Way! Get My FREE Guide "How To Make Money With A Blog" Here!

Because You Are More Than Ready To Start Making Money Online With A Blog!. The Question Is: Would You Rather Work For Someone Else Or Work For Yourself?!? I hope that you know how much it costs to own a website and to run it on a monthly basis and are more than ready to get started and get your self building that dream site of yours. If you have any questions about this article, leave a comment below and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. To Your Success And Blogging Best. Derek.


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