How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website |BloggersHQ

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How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website

In this article I show you exactly How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website, which is something that you will need to know if, and when you find a super fast site and you just gotta know who that darn host is!. Speed Is Of Paramount Importance When It Comes To Ranking Well. #SEO #BloggingTips Despite there being many things that you can do to speed up your site something I call "On Site Page Speed Optimisation" it is also important that you get the very best hosting that you can afford to get as "off site" page speed optimisation is also important. So when you find a site that has pretty fast loading time you certainly ought who the hosting company is!. That is the very reason I created this article to help you to find out who is hosting a website.

How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website? Once you make the choice for your web hosting provider, you may wish to double check whether this service is indeed being offered according to what was promised. This is even more noteworthy if you opt for a free web hosting service. You can check who is hosting your website, or even who the web hosting provider is for any other website is, by using a host lookup service.


This checking up process is also a very good idea while you are still in the process of choosing a web hosting provider. You can use a host lookup so as to see which provider competitors’ websites are using. If you are unsure which web hosting provider to choose, you may wish to look up websites that are direct competitors with yours, and see how they run.

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2/10 The hosting checker will be checking the web server or servers, as a single site might be hosted on more than one server. The domain’s website and email servers will thus be analysed. So will nameservers and DNS records. The results can even see through shared hosting environments and content delivery networks. When there are cases where the domain registrant tries to hide away personal information, but you need to get in touch with them, a host lookup tool will be very useful. All you will need to do is enter the domain name or the URL. The web hosting search tool will divulge the required information as well as the IP address. At times even the server location of your website and DNS records will be made available. Such Tools To Try Out Include:

Types Of Web Hosting Services With many businesses basing their existence online, web hosting services have become more important than ever. If you were to have your own business, with a physical store, and then decide to open a store in another location, you would still be the same business. Likewise, with a web hosting service, you will basically be renting out space for your online store. This is where all your data and files making up your website will be.


This highlights the importance of choosing a good web hosting service that is reliable. Ultimately, a lot depends on your web host. I recommend And Suggest that you bookmark this guide and article (Ctrl +D) so that you can come back to it and start reading where you left off and not miss out on any of the awesome tips and techniques Better still, take a few seconds to sign up for my 7 day 100% Free Ecourse on blogging and you will get absolutely everything you need to succeed delivered via email over the next week!

Types Of Web Hosting Services There are different types of web hosting services, and it is important to make a well informed choice. The decision will depend on your particular needs, budget and know how. Website Builder – these are hosting services that are as simple as they can get. With a website builder, anyone can build a website. And this can be done rather easily and effortlessly too. There is no need to have any experience or technical knowledge to manage to build your website and there is nothing to worry about either. This is because the website building plus hosting will come into one package.

If you find a fast loading site you certainly certainly should and need to know how to find out who is hosting it!. In most cases this will include a free domain name and a website builder tool that is really easy to use. This will include choosing a background, a theme, adding content, images and logos, and anything that you like, often by simply dragging and dropping. 4/10

Shared Website Hosting – in this case there will be several websites that share the same server. In this manner costs are shared, making this a feasible option for those who want to save some money. This option is good enough if you are on a restricted budget and you do not expect to get heavy traffic to your website. Otherwise your website performance will not be good enough. Dedicated Web Hosting – With this option you will be the sole owner and user of the web server. You will not have to worry that other websites on the same server will affect the performance of your site. Obviously dedicated web hosting comes at a higher cost, but you will be able to have the best possible performance, and better resources for your site too. Security is better, and despite the higher costs you will have a guarantee that regardless of the disk space you need, or how big your database grows, your requirements will be well served. VPS Web Hosting – VPS is short for Virtual Private Server, and as the name implies you will have a private server that sees to your site. Despite this there will also be other websites on the same server, but unlike shared web hosting, in a VPS you will have a designated area for your site, making you less susceptible to any slowdowns or other problems. Security and reliability are also considerably better than with a shared web server. Cloud Hosting – your website will be spread out across a number of servers which are referred to as ‘the cloud’. This option is great for those who have to deal with large volumes of traffic. So if you expect your site to grow in the future, or to get traffic surges from time to time, cloud hosting is a good option.

WARNING! Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Very Well Result In You Winning Back Your Financial Freedom, Causing Tremendous Personal Satisfaction & Living Out The Life Of Your Dreams. To choose the best web hosting option for you, you first need to consider your specific needs. You will need to: Consider the type of website that you will have Determine the e-commerce features needed, if any Establish the kind of traffic you expect Determine the possibility of growth in the future Set a budget Based on these considerations, you will be better able to choose the best web hosting service for you. 5/10

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The Importance Of Finding A Good Host You want your blog to be the best possible front for your business. Just as you make sure that your physical shop is cleaned regularly and nicely decorated, your blog needs to be up and running without any problems. So whenever a prospective customer arrives on your blog, he or she needs to feel inclined to browse through it, and enjoy the time spent there, possibly finishing up with joining your email list, following you on social media or buying something that you have recommended.. Web hosting matters a great deal in this. You need to choose a web hosting service that guarantees a proper uptime, and that ensures that your website loads quickly and without problems. Otherwise a visitor will simply give up after a few seconds of waiting for the site to load. Thus, Regardless of the amount of traffic you may experience at any given time, you need an assurance that loading time will be fast. The web server you choose will need to offer good quality hardware and see that even if the same server is being used by several websites, there won’t be performance problems for your blog. You also need to ensure that you manage to get proper support from the web hosting provider of your choice.

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT! Fear Of Missing Out On Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Lead To You A Melancholic State Of Infinite Sadness Due To Missing Out On The Opportunity To Change Your Life For Ever And For The Better, Leaving You With The Eternal State Of Mind Thinking "What If I Actually Built That Darn Blog!" If you have any problems, you need to get proper support and assistance. Otherwise your website will suffer, and this will have a negative impact on your visitors and prospective customers, and ultimately, on your reputation and possible sales. The choice of your web hosting provider will also have an impact on your search engine rankings. You want to get as much traffic as possible to your site and to do so you need to make sure that it ranks well. 6/10

Thus, you cannot risk having a website that goes down a lot. Otherwise it will be overcome by similar websites when an online search is carried out, and search engines will end up penalizing it too. A reliable web hosting service is also important when it comes to security and peace of mind. you cannot risk losing files, or data.

Getting the right hosting for your blog can, and will, save you a whole lot of stress and strain!.

What Should You Look For In A Hosting Company? There are many web hosting options, and to make things even more complicated, there are thousands of web hosting companies to choose from out there. How are you going to make sure you are making the right choice? I have analysed the importance of choosing a reliable web hosting service already, but to do this, we also need to ensure that the web hosting company is also trustworthy. You might be tempted to consider the costs only, but there is much more to it than that. Here are some of the things you should look out for when looking for a web hosting company: Do they offer secure site certification? Do they offer malware and spam protection? Do they offer unlimited hosting? Is the site builder easy to use? Do they offer a money back guarantee? Is the service scalable? 7/10

Is this a company that seems reputable? How many years have they been offering web hosting services? Can you find positive, credible reviews by customers? Do they offer technical support? Any features and add-ons to consider? What kind of hardware do they have? Will they offer you different web hosting packages? Will there be room for site growth in the future? Based on these factors, we have shortlisted two very reliable hosts; Bluehost and

Bluehost Bluehost is the web hosting service of choice of over two million websites from all over the world. This provider is mostly popular for the shared hosting services which are very affordable. Some of the advantages of Bluehost: Bluehost scores well when it comes to uptime. Page loading is pretty fast. Introductory prices are very low Security options are quite good with several layers of security, blacklisting, digital certificates and much more. They offer several apps and ecommerce features Easy to use interface Offer a free trial as well as a money back guarantee Recommended by WordPress is one the world’s largest providers, not only for domain names, as one may be tempted to think from the name, but also for web hosting services. The company offers different kinds of web hosting plans, such as shared hosting on Windows and Linux, and VPS hosting. Some pros of this provider include: Good customer support available around the clock, as well as live chat Several positive reviews and testimonials can be found Offers backups Various features are made available Reasonable prices Unlimited bandwidth and disk space Uptime guarantee Offers a money back guarantee WordPress hosting is available 8/10

Get more information about the pricing and details in regards to Hosting with Bluehost and Here.

How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website - The Conclusion Getting a quality web host is something that is very important for the success both short and long term of your blog and business. There are a few things that are important to consider such as speed and security as well as cost. When you find a fast loading site, perhaps a rival or competitor you can very easily find out who is hosting their website by using a hosting checker - something that will take only a few seconds of your time to find out. Now that you know all that, and know that I highly recommend the use of Bluehost and as hosting provider should you need one. (Click here for more info!). But, there is a third option that I highly recommend that you give some serious consideration to, and that is Wealthy Affiliate. This third option is absolutely perfect if you are in need of affiliate marketing training, training on how to set up and make money from blogging and are in need of hosting and all the tools needed to set up and run a successful business online. If you are curious as to what Wealthy Affiliate Training entails, go right ahead and check out my thoughts here!.

Take Action! Sitting around doing nothing gets you nothing!. If you are genuinely interested in starting your own blog or getting started making money online bang you email in the box below and get your hands on my free ebook and take part in my free 7 day blogging ecourse and get yourself started on the right foot and take the best step forward in your online education. I hope that you enjoyed reading this article How To Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website. If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I will get right back to you. To Your Success And Blogging Best! Derek.



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