Ancient egypt santi & facu

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The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pyramids were different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old kingdom to the end of the middle kingdom.

There ARE A LOTS OF TREASURES HIDdEn AND LOTS OF TRAMPS IN THE PyRAMIDs because THE EGIPTIANS Did Not want robbers to STEEL their treasures. People Thought THat PHARAOHS HAd TWO LIves AND That they needed JEWLERY ,GOLD BLOCKS, GAME AND THRONES for their next life.

There are abouT eighTy pyramids known Today from ancienT egypT. The Three largesT and besTpreserved of These were builT aTÂ giza aT The beginning of The old kingdom. The mosT wellknown of These pyramids was builT for The pharaoh khufu. iT is known as The 'greaT pyramid'.

large blocks of sTone were cuT from quarries nearby. They were dragged by groups of men across The deserT To The siTe of The pyramid and seT in place. mosT of The workers were farmers who worked on building The pyramid during The flood season when Their fields were under waTer. afTer The firsT level of blocks was in place, The workers builT ramps of mudbrick, limesTone chips and clay. The workers dragged The large sTones up The ramps To build The nexT level of The pyramid.

for abouT 20 years, hundreds of men worked on building The pyramid. as They builT each level, They also builT up The ramps around The pyramid.

when The pyramid was almosT finished, a special block covered in shining meTal (eiTher gold or elecTrumd was placed on The Top of The pyramid. Then, blocks of whiTe limesTone from quarries across The nile were used To cover The pyramid. The blocks were Trimmed To make The ouTside of The pyramid smooTh. finally, The pyramid was finished.

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