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Operations & Development
The Operations Division is responsible for maintenance, security, sanitation, capital improvements, planning, construction, and development of all City parks and natural areas, facilities, trails, and greenways. It is also responsible for beautification of parks and public areas, including landscaping, the administration and maintenance of Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries, and urban forestry. This Division is responsible for the establishment, management, and enhancement of City–owned natural resources properties including Griffy Lake Nature Preserve, Wapehani Mountain Bike Park and Leonard Springs Nature Park. Natural Resources staff offer outdoor recreational, educational, and volunteer opportunities.
• Retrofitted existing ceiling lights in Adams Street Operations Center from flourescent to energy-efficient LEDs.
• Complete replacement of all existing playground equipment at the Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park required due to the City of Bloomington Utilities Department Hidden River Pathway Project. Playground was completely replaced with new footprint, sidewalks, curbing, equipment, and poured in place rubber surfacing for a total project cost of $291,633. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the playground on Dec. 1.
• Contracted for masonry repairs to columns on the stage at the Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park.
• Completed construction of new picnic shelter at Leonard Springs Nature Park
• Removed all existing engineered wood fiber (EWF) surfacing from playground at RCA Community Park and replaced with 225 cubic yards of new EWF surfacing.
• Bicentennial Bond-funded project, streambank stabilization and Cascades Park Trail extension at Lower Cascades Park, was completed with a total project cost of $2,152,496. A grand opening celebration, “Celebrate Lower Cascades” was held Sept. 18.
• Conducted a total of eight encampment cleanups on city property.
• Resurfaced half of the interior roads at Rose Hill Cemetery and removed existing pavement and curbing to begin construction of new Scatter Garden.
• The Prospect Hill Neighborhood Association received a $4,550 grant to purchase and install four additional section markers and an interpretive sign at Rose Hill Cemetery.

• White Oak Cemetery was designated a Historic Cemetery by the Indiana Department of Natural Resource’s Indiana’s Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry. A historical marker was installed at the cemetery entrance.
• Hosted four different headstone restoration workshops to repair a total of 38 headstones at Rose Hill Cemetery.
• Planted 109 native flowering trees and shrubs at White Oak Cemetery.
• Hosted the American Legion’s placement of flags on a total of 742 veterans’ graves at Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries; hosted Wreaths Across America at Rose Hill Cemetery on Dec. 17, when volunteers placed 1,040 live evergreen wreaths on veterans’ graves.