11 minute read
April–August 2023 Program Guide
City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department
City Hall, 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250
Phone: 349-3700
Fax: 349-3705 parks@bloomington.in.gov
April–August 2023 Program Guide
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Closings (entire City Hall is closed):
Spring Holiday Friday, April 7
Primary Election Day Tuesday, May 2
Memorial Day
Monday, May 29
Juneteenth Monday, June 19
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4
Services offered: Program/event registration, scholarship and fee waiver applications, shelter rentals, ballfield rentals, maps, brochures, sponsorship inquiries (see pg. 39), and community relations.
Parking: Designated visitor spaces available in lot on north end of City Hall. Metered parking on Morton Street and in the Morton Street parking garage located at Seventh and Morton Streets (entrance on Morton Street).
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in North and South lots, ramp/sidewalk access from parking lots, automatic doors at south entrance, elevator located inside main entrance, restrooms available on ground and second floor level.
Mayor of Bloomington
John Hamilton
Parks and Recreation Department Administrator
Paula McDevitt
All phone numbers for Bloomington Parks and Recreation staff and facilities are in the 812 area code.
Hotline Numbers
Community Events
Movies in the Parks
Performing Arts Series
Peoples Park Concerts
Outdoor Sports (Tennis, Softball, etc.)
Aquatics—Bryan Park and Mills
Pool and Community Foundation
Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad (May–September)
Frank Southern Ice Arena (October–March)
Additional numbers
Maintenance Headquarters
Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries
Inclusive Recreation Services
Board of Park Commissioners
Kathleen Mills—President
Israel Herrera
Ellen Rodkey
Jim Whitlatch
The Board of Park Commissioners holds regular meetings the fourth Tuesday of every month, which are open to the public. Meetings begin at 4 p.m. Citizens of Bloomington are invited to visit the Board of Park Commissioners meetings either in person or online via Zoom, with questions or concerns regarding city parks and recreation programs, events, and facilities.
For more information visit bloomington.in.gov/boards/park-commissioners.
Equal Opportunity
This program receives federal funds from the National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility operated by a recipient of federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C. 20013-7127
Get Involved ... Volunteer!
Look for the volunteer symbol throughout the program guide.
To register for volunteer opportunities, visit bloomington.in.gov/parksvol.
Parks and Recreation volunteers provide valuable services to the community by assisting with events and programs in a variety of ways. There are many opportunities for individuals and groups to choose from.
For additional information regarding volunteer opportunities, email parksvol@bloomington.in.gov.
Urban Forestry
Are you on our mailing list?
To receive the program guide, or if you do not wish to receive the program guide, call 349-3700 and ask to be added to or removed from the mailing list.
Photo policy
Parks and Recreation staff may videotape or take photos of participants in programs and at special events or of people in parks or on park properties. These photos may be used in future program guides, brochures, social media, or other materials used to promote Parks and Recreation.
Refund Policy
No refunds are provided after the first day of a program. All refunds are subject to a $2 administrative fee. If the $2 charge does not cover costs incurred by the Department, the refund may be pro-rated in addition to the $2 charge. There are no refunds on season passes or punch passes. Full refunds are given for all classes cancelled by Parks and Recreation. Allow four weeks for refund requests to be processed.
For more information about how to apply for a scholarship for any Parks and Recreation program, contact the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office at 812-349-3700. Apply online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/scholarships. Applications must be received two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
Space is Limited—Register Early!
Most programs have limited space available as well as registration deadlines. After the registration deadline please call for space availability. Register online at bloomington.in.gov/parks, or by sending in the enrollment form in this guide, or in person from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.
Park Special Use Permit
A Park Special Use Permit is required to hold a large-scale event in Bloomington’s beautiful city parks. A Park Special Use Permit is also required to hold a race, walk, run, or other event on the B-Line Trail, Clear Creek Trail, Jackson Creek Trail, or any other trail managed by the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department. For more information, contact Hsiung Marler, Switchyard Park General Manager, at marlerh@bloomington.in.gov.
Mobile Stage Rental: Groups may apply to rent Bloomington Parks and Recreation’s mobile stage for performances within the City of Bloomington city limits. A refundable deposit is required. For more information, call Crystal Ritter, Community Events Coordinator at 349-3725.
Hourly Park Use Permit: Instructors of classes or personal trainers who charge clients a fee for their activities must obtain a special use permit to hold classes in City Parks. The Hourly Park Use Permit provides guidance for hourly use of parks spaces for various groups. The Hourly Park Use Permit accommodates fitness, art, and music classes, as well as sport practices/clubs or sport specialized coaching. For information on applying for a permit, contact the Health & Wellness Coordinator, at 349-3771.
Approval for Alcohol Sales: Groups may request to serve beer and/or wine at an event, once the group has successfully applied for a Park Special Use Permit. Beer and/or wine ONLY may be served in city-owned parks, trails, and facilities, and ONLY with approval.
Noise Permits: Bloomington Municipal Code 14.09.140 provides specific information about the city’s Noise Ordinance. Depending on the nature of an event, a Noise Permit may be required. The Parks and Recreation Department is authorized to review and approve Noise Permits for events that take place on Parks properties. For more information about applying for a Noise Permit, contact Hsiung Marler, Switchyard Park General Manager, at marlerh@bloomington.in.gov.
Permits for Filming: For more information about obtaining a free permit for commercial filming in city parks, contact Julie Ramey, Community Relations Manager, at 349-3719. Detailed information and forms are available online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/rentals/mobile-stages.
Substitution Policy
Parks and Recreation reserves the right to use substitute instructors and alternate facilities when necessary.
For more information, contact Amy Shrake, a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, at 349-3747 or shrakea@bloomington.in.gov.
Bloomington Parks and Recreation is committed to an inclusive approach to recreation. Inclusion is individuals with and without disabilities participating in recreation activities together. Reasonable accommodations are individualized techniques and resources used to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering a program.
How to request reasonable accommodation:
1. When you register, mark “yes” in the inclusive service request section. At least two weeks notification prior to the registration deadline for each program is required. In some cases reasonable accommodation may take longer.
2. Request and complete an inclusion questionnaire.
3. Inclusive Recreation Coordinator will contact participant to establish an individualized inclusion plan. bloomington.in.gov/parks/inclusion
The Leisure Companion Program
The Leisure Companion Program is a service in which participants with disabilities are partnered with a volunteer companion who provides additional support during participation in inclusive activities. The level of support varies according to the specific needs of each individual. Leisure Companions are also needed to assist participants in Inclusive Recreation programs.
For more information on The Leisure Companion Program, contact the Inclusive Recreation Specialist at 349-3747. To be partnered with a Leisure Companion, register for activities of interest and request a reasonable accommodation. Leisure Companion volunteer hours are supervised by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
Employment with Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department
For more information about full-time positions, visit bloomington.in.gov/departments/hr/jobs
For seasonal opportunities, visit bloomington.in.gov/parks/employment
Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs for all ages and interests. If you are trying to reach youth, families, young adults, or adults over age 50 yrs., we have the medium to promote your product or service. If your business believes in supporting the community, quality of life, and environment, we have many sponsorship options to choose from. For more information, see pg. 39.
Allison-Jukebox Community Center
351 S. Washington St. • 349-3731
Hours: Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for facility hours and times for scheduled programs.
Coordinator: Amy Shrake, CTRS
Bus Line: #1 South
Facility information: Two large activity rooms, restrooms, and a full kitchen are available for rent. Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for reservation and availability.
Closings: May 22–Aug. 6 (reserved for Kid City Summer Camp)
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in rear/southeast side of building, accessible restrooms.
Endwright East Active Living Community Center
2894 E. Third Street at the College Mall
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday • 11 a.m.–3 p.m. For more information, call 812-272-4808.
Endwright East Active Living Community Center is a pilot program supported by the City of Bloomington’s Jack Hopkins Social Service Fund. Membership is free throughout the pilot period, however certain classes have a nominal fee. Programming focuses on health, wellness, and social well-being. Fee waivers are available to those who qualify.
Party and Meeting Rooms
Ten tables and 50 chairs are available for use. Twenty-two free parking spaces, and three free accessible parking spaces, are available behind the building. Available for rent daily between 8 a.m.–11 p.m. Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for reservation and availability. All room rentals require a 50% deposit.
Tech Help
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
11 a.m.–2 p.m. • By appointment only. Need help with Zoom? Having trouble sharing photos you’ve taken on your phone? Have a new iPad that you never set up? Have some other technology concern? Make an appointment to get some help. Thanks to Smithville Charitable Foundation and the City of Bloomington’s Digital Equity Grant for making this program possible.
Area 10 Nutrition Program Lunch Site
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Socialize with friends while enjoying a meal and participate in games or other programs. A $2.50 donation for each meal is requested, but not required, of participants over 60 years of age. Donations go directly back into the meal program and help us provide meals for more people.
Endwright East is a partnership with: Area 10 Agency on Aging, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, Commission on Aging, and IU Health Bloomington Alzheimer’s Resource Services.

Buskirk-Chumley Theater
Summer Camps
See pgs. 26–27.
BCT Management, Inc. 114 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408 812-323-3020 • boxoffice@buskirkchumley.org buskirkchumley.org
A 600-seat, historic theater in downtown Bloomington, the theater is managed by a private non-profit organization, BCT Management, Inc. The theater is a valued community resource, available for public or private events. For more information, contact the theater at 812-323-3020 or email director@buskirkchumley.org.
Banneker Community Center
930 W. Seventh St. • 349-3735
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
Closings: May 29 (Memorial Day)
June 19 (Juneteenth)
July 4 (Independence Day)
Coordinator: Kevin Terrell
Email: banneker@bloomington.in.gov
Bus Line: #3 drops at Fifth and Elm Streets
Ages: All ages are welcome. Children under age 10 yrs. must be accompanied when in the facility by a responsible caregiver age 18 yrs. and up.
Facility information: Gymnasium, restrooms, commercial kitchen, library, third floor activity room
Accessibility: Designated parking space on west side of building, ramp and elevator on ground floor, gym entrance is accessible.
The variety of spaces in the Banneker Community Center fit the needs of youth, families, and adults! Drop in during our open hours and check out the new twist on our historic building. We are available for public events, and private rentals. Please call or email for details, pricing, and availability.

Benjamin Banneker Urban Farm
The newly renamed Benjamin Banneker Urban Farm continues to transform and we look forward to involving our community in the process. Be on the lookout for ways you can grow with us in 2023.
Banneker Block Party
Banneker celebrates summer camp participants and their families, and you’re invited! This spread-out affair on Elm Street features food, carnival games, and more!
F 7/21 • 5:30–8:30 p.m.
FREE • For all ages.
Pickup Basketball for Underrepresented Genders
Weekly full-court basketball games for cis women, transgender women, transgender men, non-binary people, and those who are otherwise underrepresented. All skill levels are welcome for an hour of fun and fitness.
W 5/3–8/30 • 5:30–6:30 p.m.
$5/person, cash only
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Well Check
Evans-Porter Memorial Library
The Banneker Community Center is proud to host the Evans-Porter Memorial Library. The library offers fiction and nonfiction books for adults, teens, and children. Recent encyclopedias and other reference materials are available to help with homework. A focus on Black history and culture reflects the library’s location in a historically significant building and neighborhood.
Family Resource Center
Located on the third floor, this is a place where families can gather information, network with others, build a support system, and enjoy their children in a fun, safe space.

Blood pressure, lipid panels, and hemoglobin (blood sugarA1C) screenings help determine whether levels in each area are in a healthy range. Head off a potential health condition with a free, convenient Well Check by IU Health. Flu and COVID vaccinations are also available. No appointment is needed, but you need to fast for 12 hours to get an accurate cholesterol level. For more information about the Well Check, call 812-353-3244.
Th 5/18 • 8–11 a.m.
FREE • For all ages.
3550 N. Kinser Pk. • 349-3764
Call for seasonal hours.
Visit us online to reserve a tee time! bloomington.in.gov/cascades
Cascades Golf Course @Cascadesgc
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in lot. Restrooms and main entrance all accessible.
2023 Rates
Cascades Golf Course consists of three nine-hole courses, which can be combined to create three separate 18-hole configurations. The Quarry Course is a par-35, playing a maximum of 2,995 yards. The Pine Course was constructed in 1931 and is a par-36, playing a maximum of 3,135 yards. The Ridge Course is the newest course, opened in 2000. The Ridge Course is a par-36 which plays a maximum of 3,086 yards. Individual or group golf lessons may be scheduled with our on-site golf pro by calling 349-3764. Beer and soft drinks are available for purchase from Cascades concessions. Individuals may not bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the golf course.
Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course

Senior spouse (62 yrs. and up) $250 $275
18 holes green fees $24
9 holes green fees $16
Senior green fees (ages 62+, M–Th) $22
Student green fees (with student ID, M–Th) $22
2023 City Golf Tournament
Be a part of a Bloomington tradition, and play in the longestrunning Match Play tournament in the state!
Registration Deadlines: Championship Flights: June 20
Regular, Juniors, and Women’s Divisions: July 2
Qualifying Dates: Men’s & Senior Championship and Super
Senior Championship: June 24–25
Regular, Juniors, and Women’s Divisions: May 29–July 2
Regular Divisions need one qualifying score and must use scorecard provided by Cascades Golf Course.
City Tournament Dates: Opening Weekend: July 8–9
Championship Weekend: July 15–16
Tournament will be played on Quarry & Pine courses
Entry Fees: All Championship Flights: $25
Regular and Women’s Divisions: $15
Juniors: FREE
Registration opens May 29. To register, call Cascades Golf Course at 349-3764.
The Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course boasts a towering ceiling and a 47' × 33' room surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the driving range, putting green, and rolling hills of Cascades! Overhead doors on the southeast wall can be opened onto the attached patio (47' × 19') in nice weather. A restroom and a warming kitchen are both located inside the Clubhouse. For more information about renting the Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course, or to check availability, contact Megan Stark at 349-3770 or starme@bloomington.in.gov.
Banquet Room
$500/day • $75/hour • $125/golf outing
Conference Room
$150/day • $25/hour
Couples League
Couples play other couples in a round robin, alternate-shot format in this 9-hole league. Optional weekly game fees may be paid toward Closest to Pins and Stableford points. To register, contact Jason Sims at simsja@bloomington.in.gov or 349-3764.
Th 4/20–10/5 • 5:45–7:45 p.m., shotgun start $15 + $15 cart fee/couple • For ages 18 yrs. and up.
First Tee of Bloomington
Week-long, half-day golf camps. See pg. 25.
Junior Golf Clinic
See pg. 28.