15 minute read
Introducing Language Structures
Kim Ballard This fourth edition offers a step-by-step guide through the various levels of language, covering everything students need to know about the linguistic frameworks of English. Moving in a logical way through the morphological, lexical, grammatical and phonological frameworks of contemporary English, it provides an invaluable introduction to this area.
UK February 2022 • US March 2022 • 410 pages PB 9781352013078 • £29.99 / $40.95 • HB 9781352013092 • £89.99 / $120.00 ePub 9781352013085 • £26.99 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350933002 • £26.99 / $35.17 Red Globe Press Salvatore Attardo, Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, USA & Lucy Pickering, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA This book guides you through one of the most exciting and innovative research methods in the field of linguistics. It provides a foundational overview to the neurology and physiology of the eye and the common measurements and tools used in eye-tracking, a guide to the applications of eye-tracking most pertinent to linguists, and a step-by-step process to plan, execute, analyze and report your research project in eye-tracking. Covering topics such as reading, lexical and syntactic processing, classroom interactions, statistical tools and how to write up results, each chapter also includes applied case studies and self-study questions.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 320 pages • 50 bw illus PB 9781350117518 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781350117501 • £90.00 / $120.00 ePub 9781350117525 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350117532 • £26.09 / $35.17 Series: Research Methods in Linguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Advances in Sociolinguistics
Tommaso M. Milani, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Linguistic Landscapes Beyond the Language Classroom
Edited by Greg Niedt, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, USA & Corinne A. Seals, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand This book argues that anywhere can be a space for people to learn from displayed texts, images, and other communicated signs, and consequently a space where teachable cultural moments are created. Bridging theoretical research and practical application, chapters consider how we make sense of places by understanding how the landscape is used to express, claim and contest identities. The book highlights the unexpected potential of the informal settings for learning and for teachers to expand their students' intercultural experience.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 264 pages • 32 bw illus PB 9781350195356 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350125360 ePub 9781350125377 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350125384 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Advances in Sociolinguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
The Discursive Construction of Identity and Space Among Mobile People
Roberta Piazza, University of Sussex, UK The volume offers a close look at three marginalised groups: Irish travellers, squatters and homeless people. The study’s objectives are to understand more about these socially marginal groups and how individuals within them position themselves vis-à-vis mainstream society and to investigate the groups’ diverse and provisional relationship with space that challenges mainstream society’s spatial logic.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 216 pages PB 9781350195455 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350053502 ePub 9781350053526 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350053519 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Advances in Sociolinguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Applying Linguistics in Illness and Healthcare Contexts
Edited by Zsófia Demjén, University College London, UK This volume demonstrates how linguistic analysis can improve our understanding of a variety of international healthcare contexts. These include not only the lived experience of different illnesses, but also communications training, disease prevention, the effectiveness of public health messaging, access to appropriate care, professional mobility and professional terminology.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 400 pages PB 9781350247123 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781350057654 ePub 9781350057678 • £126.00 / $165.47 ePdf 9781350057661 • £126.00 / $165.47 Series: Contemporary Studies in Linguistics • Bloomsbury Academic Edited by Helen Ringrow, University of Portsmouth, UK & Stephen Pihlaja, Newman University, UK Media discourse is changing at an unprecedented rate. This book presents the most recent stylistic frameworks exploring different and changed forms of media. The volume draws together recent and emerging research in the expanding field of media stylistics, featuring a variety of methods, multimodal source material and a broad range of topics. From Twitter and Zooniverse to Twilight and Mommy Blogs, the volume showcases a huge scope.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 344 pages PB 9781350247147 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781350064089 ePub 9781350064102 • £126.00 / $165.47 ePdf 9781350064096 • £126.00 / $165.47 Series: Contemporary Studies in Linguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Advances in Stylistics
Dan McIntyre and Louise Nuttall, both of University of Huddersfield, UK
Pragmatic, Social and Legal Consequences
Paul Simpson, University of Liverpool, UK This book develops a comprehensive stylisticpragmatic framework for understanding the concept of irony and the way it functions in written and spoken language, across different social and cultural contexts. Paul Simpson showcases examples from the real world of language and communication to build an accessible model of irony, grounded in actual discursive events and their material outcomes. He reveals the full range of irony’s theoretical complexities and nuances, shedding light on conferred irony, ironic belief and situational irony to uncover the true pragmatic meaning of everyday ironic utterances.
Narrative Retellings
Stylistic Approaches
Edited by Marina Lambrou, Kingston University, UK Presenting pioneering work at the intersection of stylistics and narrative study, this volume explores the many ways in which narratives are retold in literary and non-literary texts. Taking an empirical stylistic approach, chapters analyse the process of retelling across a rich variety of genres and contexts, including literary classics, contemporary horror, personal traumatic experience, news stories and cosmetic advertising. The volume reconceptualises common retellings, such as translation, adaptation and modernisation, and offers fresh insights into experiences retold as autofiction, witness statements and advertorials on social media.
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 256 pages HB 9781472579454 • £95.00 / $130.00 ePub 9781472579478 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781472579461 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Advances in Stylistics • Bloomsbury Academic
New Directions in Cognitive Grammar and Style
Edited by Marcello Giovanelli, Aston University, UK, Chloe Harrison, Coventry University, UK & Louise Nuttall, University of Huddersfield, UK This book is the first to bring together applications of cognitive grammar for a range of stylistic purposes, including the analysis of both literary and non-literary discourse. Chapters apply this framework to poetry, narrative fiction, comics, press reports, political discourse and music, as well as exploring its potential for the teaching of language and literature. Combining cutting-edge research in cognitive, critical and pedagogical stylistics, the book showcases the latest developments in this field and offers new insights into our experiences of texts by drawing on current understandings of language and cognition.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 304 pages PB 9781350196933 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350111110 ePub 9781350111134 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350111127 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Advances in Stylistics • Bloomsbury Academic UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350195363 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350120020 ePub 9781350120044 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350120037 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Advances in Stylistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Telecinematic Stylistics
Edited by Christian Hoffmann, University of Augsburg, Germany & Monika Kirner-Ludwig, University of Albany, New York, USA This volume shows how pragmatic themes and methods are adapted and applied to films. This includes speech acts, (im)politeness, implicature and context. Showing how pragmatic tropes and methods are applied and purposely adapted to filmic media, focussing on word, movement and gesture, this book presents current developments from the field from two complementary perspectives, looking stylistically at the discourse in film and the discourse of and around film. The study of discourse in film and television has become one of the most promising research avenues in stylistics and pragmatics and this book closes a long-standing gap by combining approaches.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 352 pages PB 9781350294523 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350042858 ePub 9781350042865 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350042872 • £26.09 / $35.17 Series: Advances in Stylistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Journalistic Style and the Translation of Culture
Ashley Riggs, University of Geneva, Switzerland This open access book analyses online news coverage of the 2016 terror attack in Nice, France from the UK, Spain and Switzerland, demonstrating the central role played by the stylistic features of online news in shaping cultural representations of people and places.
The open access edition of this book is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Licence on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350184022 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350114173 ePub 9781350114197 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350114180 • £85.50 / $112.04 Bloomsbury Academic
Semiotics of the Christian Imagination
Signs of the Fall and Redemption
Domenico Pietropaolo, University of Toronto, Canada This book analyses various examples of the imaginative semiotisation of the Fall of Man and the Church's semiotic perception of the Divine plan for Redemption. Based on a close reading of primary sources, it analyses the meaningmaking inherent in these ideas, which are filtered through and given material representation by the semiotic paradigms of various cultural fields, including philology, verbal arts and science.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350196926 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350064126 ePub 9781350064140 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350064133 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics • Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics
Arran Stibbe, University of Gloucestershire, UK and Mariana Roccia, Ecolinguistics Association, USA
Corpus-Assisted Ecolinguistics
Robert Poole, University of Alabama, USA Corpus-Assisted Ecolinguistics introduces key research concepts, principles and techniques in ecolinguistics and corpus-aided discourse study. Breaking new ground, the book analyses under-explored environmental discourses that have a tangible impact on ecological wellbeing and sustainability by perpetuating harmful attitudes, practices and ideologies. Chapters present in-depth case studies on disposability and consumption, the use of the word ‘water’ in national contexts and animal suffering in the meat industry. They apply the most effective tools from corpus linguistics to show in each case that ecological degradation and crisis have become normalized, and even trivialized, in popular discourse.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 208 pages HB 9781350138551 • £95.00 / $130.00 ePub 9781350138575 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350138568 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
TESOL and Sustainability
English Language Teaching in the Anthropocene Era
Edited by Jason Goulah, DePaul University, USA & John Katunich, Penn State University, USA This book begins a dialogue about the opportunities and responsibilities presented to the TESOL field to re-orient professional practice in ways that drive cultural change and engender alternate language practices. The book addresses the ways in which discourses such as ecopedagogy, the critique of neo-liberalism non-Western philosophy and post-humanist thought can inform how and what is taught in ESL and EFL.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 216 pages PB 9781350294516 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350115088 ePub 9781350115101 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350115095 • £26.09 / $35.17 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Advances in Translation
Jeremy Munday, University of Leeds, UK
Theatre Translation
Theory and Practice
Massimiliano Morini, University of Urbino, Italy Arguing that any study of theatrical translation takes either a textual or performative approach, this book explores the history of translation theory through these lenses. Combining theory with practice, the book investigates how traditional theories of translation – from Cicero to the early 20th century – have been applied to theatrical translation. Tracing how textual views of translating for theatre gave way to full-fledged performative theories in parallel to the evolution of translation science into translation studies, this book presents a view of what theatre translation means today, both in theory and in practice.
UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 176 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350195622 • £95.00 / $130.00 ePub 9781350195646 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350195639 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation • Bloomsbury Academic
Genetic Translation Studies
Conflict and Collaboration in Liminal Spaces
Edited by Ariadne Nunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Joana Moura, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal & Marta Pacheco Pinto, University of Lisbon, Portugal This book demonstrates how genetic criticism can shed light on the creative process of translation. Drawing on manuscripts, typographical proofs, personal papers, letters, testimonies and interviews, chapters examine translations of works by Vladimir Nabokov, Saint-John Perse, Nikos Kazantzakis, René Char, António Lobo Antunes and Camilo Castelo Branco.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350213005 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350146815 ePub 9781350146839 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350146822 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation • Bloomsbury Academic
Findings from Asian Languages
Jieun Kiaer, University of Oxford, UK Shedding new light on the constructive and expressive role of particles in natural language syntax and semantics, this book demonstrates that particle behaviours are neither arbitrary nor peripheral. Based on SOV agglutinative languages situated in Asia, previously overlooked in theoretical linguistics, Jieun Kiaer argues that particle behaviours are motivated sociopragmatically and play a crucial role in explaining syntactic and semantic phenomena. With data drawn from Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Tamil, Turkish and Urdu, the constructive and attitudinal natures of the particles in these languages are analysed and modelled so that fundamentally syntactic decisions are driven by socio-pragmatic needs.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350191655 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350118461 ePub 9781350118485 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350118478 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Interpersonal Meaning in Multimodal English Textbooks
Yumin Chen, Sun Yat-sen University, China Exploring multimodality in English language teaching textbooks, this book focuses on how language and image are co-deployed within these resources in order to create and convey interpersonal meaning. Yumin Chen uses systemic functional linguistics and social semiotics to investigate how different voices are introduced and aligned inter-modally in textbooks, extending the appraisal systems of engagement and graduation across language and image. She also examines how different kinds of coding orientation are deployed in various educational contexts and different constituent genres.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350074941 • £95.00 / $130.00 ePub 9781350074965 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350074958 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Systemic Functional Linguistics • Bloomsbury Academic
Identity and Ideology in Digital Food Discourse
Edited by Alla Tovares, Howard University, USA & Cynthia Gordon, Georgetown University, USA This book demonstrates how food as a discursive resource can be mobilized to accomplish actions of social, cultural, and political consequence. Drawing on various discourse analytic frameworks to digital communication, chapters examine interactions across a range of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram and from diverse linguistic and cultural contexts. Highlighting how users display sociability and aggression, create and challenge identities, draw social and cultural boundaries, and convey political and activist stances, the book illuminates the relationship between discourse, action, and ideology.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 280 pages PB 9781350189249 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350119147 ePub 9781350119161 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350119154 • £85.50 / $112.04 Bloomsbury Academic
Corpus, Discourse and Mental Health
Daniel Hunt, University of Nottingham, UK & Gavin Brookes, Lancaster University, UK This book provides insights into the linguistic practices of patients and healthcare professionals as they describe their experiences of living with and managing different mental health problems. Combining quantitative corpus linguistic methods with qualitative discourse analysis that draw upon recent theoretical insights from critical health sociology, the analysis identifies patterns and consistencies in the language used by patients and professionals and their role in realising representations of mental illness, diagnosis and treatment. Integrating corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis and health sociology, this book showcases the capacity of linguistic analysis for understanding spoken and digital mental health discourse.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 288 pages PB 9781350302006 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350059177 ePub 9781350059191 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350059184 • £85.50 / $112.04 Series: Corpus and Discourse • Bloomsbury Academic
Linguistic Inquiries into Donald Trump’s Language
From 'Fake News' to 'Tremendous Success'
Edited by Ulrike Schneider, University of Mainz, Germany & Matthias Eitelmann, University of Mainz, Germany From short paratactic sentences to frequent repetition and parallelisms, Donald Trump’s idiolect is highly distinctive from that of previous Presidents of the USA. Combining quantitative and qualitative analyses, this volume identifies the characteristic features of Trump’s language and argues that his speech style, often underestimated by the media, is strategically implemented as a persuasive device. The chapters examine Trump’s tweets, inaugural address, political speeches, interviews, presidential debates and reality TV appearances, revealing populist language traits that establish his idiolect as a direct reflection of changing social norms.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 272 pages PB 9781350186309 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350115514 ePub 9781350115538 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350115521 • £85.50 / $112.04 Bloomsbury Academic
Offensive Language
Taboo, Offence and Social Control
Jim O’Driscoll, University of Huddersfield, UK Offensive Language applies concepts from linguistic pragmatics and sociolinguistics to a wide range of examples, from TV to Twitter and from Mel Gibson to Donald Trump. Establishing a sharp distinction between potential offence and actual offence, Jim O'Driscoll then examines a series of case studies where offence has been caused, assessing the nature and degree of both the offence and the documented response to it. Through close linguistic analysis, this book explores the fine line between free speech and criminal activity, searching for a principled way to distinguish the merely embarrassing from the reprehensible and the censurable.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 216 pages PB 9781350193321 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350169678 ePub 9781350169692 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781350169685 • £85.50 / $112.04 Bloomsbury Academic